Oh my f’kn god… that was a great post! Really shows the mind trap Scientologists are stuck in.
Scientology is definitely NOT a church – it’s a brainwashing cult that operates on fear and oppression, specifically designed to rake in billions of dollars.
It’s still hard for me to believe that people fall for this…
We don’t (didn’t) fall for THIS. We discovered some truth and people like us were very excited about helping people with it. 🙂 No disrespect intended, but you have the advantage of seeing the end of the scary movie and knowing who it was all along. We didn’t know while we were busy helping ourselves and others.
Finding out about this stuff and then believing it after 40 years of being in the movie is a gradual process because we haven’t been on the outside looking in, 40 years later. Had we known it would grow into this, of course we wouldn’t have.
I remember seeing a scary film one time and the killer always lived in the walls. One of the characters had found the secret passageway and she was climbing up the stairs inside the walls. I actually said, out loud, “Don’t go in there! Don’t you know where the killer is?” lol As if she’d been watching the movie the whole time too.
So do have a little mercy on those of us who have been in. We are all intelligent, caring people. We just got sold on something that CHANGED INTO something way more evil as time went on.
Very glad you’re here to help and to understand what we went through. It’s really fascinating for me too. WTF??? 😀
Disaffection often begins in 2D car rides. For this reason, COB’s new policy is that married couples may no longer ride together in the same car, live in the same house, and may never speak to each other or see each other. This is for the highest good of the group.
I would sell my left thetan to look through the real data on COB’s desktop, especially member numbers, course completions, and money in the bank. So much better than brainwashed members whooping success stories, that are more whooping than stories. Amazing how little we know what’s really going on.
As a long time well known Scientologist proximate to the COB I have to say this last year has been a mind blowing shocker. Getting on the Internet has blown everything open in my mind. I’ve watched the Aftermath too. I have managed to work my way almost to the point that I can get out and bring everything I know and have access to along with me.
I’ve got lots of files that I’ve managed to copy. I’m going to publish those files to Wikileaks. Their staff in fact already has several hundred files that they are working on archiving.
Also, I’m “can proof” so sec checks don’t work with me. OSA if you’re reading this you’ll never find me.
This has been a difficult journey and I have much to process and recover from. It’s going to take a long time.
What a journey Oldtimer, and so wonderful that you have been able to come to this place in your life. I wish you ever so much peace and contentment and happiness!
Wow! What a post, Oldtimer. Well, I, for one, am most definitely, positively, absolutely 100% INTRIGUED. Can’t wait to find out about your experiences, your journey, whenever you’re ready to share it. Wow!
This is wonderful news, Oldtimer! I wish you peace and joy in your newfound real freedom. I hope you’ll continue to post here and let us know how you’re doing.
Welcome Oldtimer……..cannot wait to find out who you are and to read your data. Whippeee!!!!! This is exciting……you are in a good group now. It takes such courage to do what you are doing…….
Oldtimer, your post made my day. I can’t wait to read of your coming out and of how you managed to get files out without being caught. Heck, maybe they’ll make a movie out of you. And at least I hope a full episode on Leah’s show. Welcome to the sunlight, Old timer. You have friends here!!!!
Most of those that are “in” realize they’re dealing with a lot of bullshit. Even when I was “really in”, I still wouldn’t tell anyone about Scientology, or invite them to the Org, or try to reg anyone.
I didn’t want to put anybody through what I was going through! And I was IN and very involved at the time!
Me too, Overrun. There was no one I disliked that much who I’d knowingly subject to the kind of aggravation to which I had become accustomed. I do believe that it was much easier to get people in, to invite people in and to share about Scientology before 1990. That seems (to me anyway) to be the time when the vibes started getting very – what’s the word – low toned; serious. People getting pounced on. Staff holding onto people and just never letting go, like bulldogs with a tug toy. I just couldn’t submit anyone to that, but then, from what I read, it was more fun, lighter, happier, etc., in the 70s and early 80s.
I think the fun, lighter, happier experiences depended on where you were in the 70s. During most of that time, I was involved with a mission in Denver and it really was a lot of fun. That all went away after it became an org. I think that for sea org members during that time it was just miserable and dark. It sounds like Hubbard was even more of a nut job than the current dear leader. I’m glad I never met either one of them. And really glad I got out before wasting my whole life on it!
Aqua, the late 60s were even more fun. The GO/SO was just barely beginning to get their teeth into the major entheta to come. Being on non SO staff was almost joyfun; certainly a lot of fun.
Cleckley was one of the giants who wrote a list of what he thought were characteristics of people who were psychopaths.
However, others have developed his work beyond Cleckley’s original list from forty and fifty years ago. In particular Professor Robert D. Hare of Canada developed his initial Psychopathy Checklist based on Cleckley’s work. Hare then refined and expanded the checklist, which is now known as the Psychopathy Checklist – Revised, or PCL-R for short.
It consists of a 20-item symptom rating scale that allows trained examiners to compare a subject’s degree of psychopathy with the checklist items, which represent a prototypical psychopath. The PCL-R, carried out with the help of the Manual for the PCL-R, has been a useful method of identifying psychopaths, but only in the hands of well-trained people who have access to multiple lengthy client interviews, in-depth personal and family history, family, friend, teacher, and co-worker comments, the case files for any known offenses, and more.
The PCL-R is especially helpful to advise parole boards, who need solid info about the likelihood a person will re-offend if given parole. It has been accepted by many in the field as the best method for determining the presence and extent of psychopathy in a person.
However, recent advances in fMRI brain imaging and extreme software massaging of the images have resulted in significant advances in identifying psychopaths by comparing their brain structures to the brains of known psychopaths. This was a long project led by Hare’s graduate student and eventual PhD awardee, Dr. Kent Kiehl. Today, with access to an advanced fMRI machine, powerful new software, and banks of co-processors to massage the results, researchers can look deep into a person’s brain to locate damaged or underdeveloped brain structures which are now known to be closely associated with psychopathic behavior.
Along with the brain structure advances, there have been advances in identifying at earlier and earlier ages people who are at risk for full adult psychopathy. There have even been promising treatments which so far have turned at-risk teens toward responsible activity, an amazing set of results which could apply to other so-called untreatable issues, if caught and treated early.
Sorry for the long comment, but psychopathy is a complex subject which is fascinating to me.
It is important to remember that neither Dr. Cleckley back decades ago, nor the more recent scientists who followed, ever intended the lists of psychopath traits to be used by amateurs who have never had extensive direct interview contact with the subject, or deep access to subject files. It was never intended as a parlor game for untrained but perhaps well-meaning people to pigeon-hole their bosses, relatives, or even cult leaders into what is essentially a powerful and significant medical and legal diagnosis. Even casually claiming that so-and-so is a psychopath can have consequences for the person claimed to be a psychopath, and consequences for the person making the claim. Since it is a medico-legal term that could have significant legal consequences, I would caution against making any claim of a person’s psychopathy status, especially if that person has tons of lawyers, money, power – and anger.
If you want to be picky, some scientology tech is technology, like the E-meter. It’s just overpriced junk technology like something off a home shopping channel or a lemon bought from the buy here pay here used car lot.
A new and modern e-meter was intended to be solar powered. However, after DM sent nine execs to the RPF for failing to make the sun come out at night, the project was canceled. He is now looking for the guy he once saw in a comic with a light bulb burning above his head, no wires or nuthin’. Applicants please bring money, and light bulb.
Another intended e-meter advance was the lemon-powered version, said to be good for three hours on one extra-large lemon. But DM puckered up, and canceled it.
Then there was the manual crank-powered version, intended for use when barbarism returned and only manual labor was available. DM canceled this, too, after he word-cleared “crank”, and later accidentally discovered ‘manual labor’ was *not* the president of Mexico.
Yo Dave,
Your good buddy RB is givin you a clue about what’s goin down around you and yer mORGues Mr. Downstat.
If you haven’t got it figured out yet Dave, let me toss out a couple of clues on what Your Future has in store for You.
A) Another season of bright shining light of truth is about to come flooding down on YOU.
B) More of Your flock will be having second thoughts about whether they belong to a cherch or a Cult.
C) Your ethics actions will drive more of the faithful into despair and inaction.
D) Your stats worldwide will continue to circle the drain; all will be headed DOWN Dave (except for one)
E) Number of sheeple leaving and achieving total freedom will be the only UPSTAT you will have.
So there is yer A to E Dave. Do something about it if you can. Count on one thing for sure:
And because I am the Ess Pee that I am, I’m really getting a kick out watching from my nosebleed seat on the fringes!
This cartoon really captures the reality of what it is like to live with Scientologists and living inside of the bubble of Scientology.
We are hiding under the radar but we are all looking at the internet and finding out about the truth about Scientology. We are carefully spreading the word to our friends and family who are sick of being in doubt. The truth hurts but it helps get us out of doubt.
It is very clever how they kept the truth from us – using the tech from L Ron Hubbard.
It is heart breaking to finally see the truth that the “church” our family supported for so long is nothing but a con job.
Scientology is doing nothing to help humanity and actually hurting people.
But please don’t place your hope on our government doing anything. Whatever happens to end this atrocity of a cult will be accomplished by people like you and the rest of the troops on this blog.
Mike.. need I even comment? Your best post yet. Thank you, Leah, ASL, KDLC, TC, GB, CS, MH and all of the others (spoken and unspoken) that are there to help a post like this come true.
Not “if”, but WHEN the next time we are face to face.. things will be different in all of our lives and I hope, mine, too. …and I will shake your hand in unison.
Dave F. says
I love reading Regraded Being !
Is this actually the way Scientologists speak to each other ?
For instance, “I totally duplicate that . . .”
Dave F.
tesseract says
This is very, very good!
Alecu Salamu says
Just like any other religious group. The right answer to all is to stop supporting them financially. No money, no church.
zemooo says
Their OT meeting has all the hallmarks of a stalinesque purge. Or a Maoist ‘confessional’.
Amazed says
Oh my f’kn god… that was a great post! Really shows the mind trap Scientologists are stuck in.
Scientology is definitely NOT a church – it’s a brainwashing cult that operates on fear and oppression, specifically designed to rake in billions of dollars.
It’s still hard for me to believe that people fall for this…
indie8million says
Hi Amazed,
We don’t (didn’t) fall for THIS. We discovered some truth and people like us were very excited about helping people with it. 🙂 No disrespect intended, but you have the advantage of seeing the end of the scary movie and knowing who it was all along. We didn’t know while we were busy helping ourselves and others.
Finding out about this stuff and then believing it after 40 years of being in the movie is a gradual process because we haven’t been on the outside looking in, 40 years later. Had we known it would grow into this, of course we wouldn’t have.
I remember seeing a scary film one time and the killer always lived in the walls. One of the characters had found the secret passageway and she was climbing up the stairs inside the walls. I actually said, out loud, “Don’t go in there! Don’t you know where the killer is?” lol As if she’d been watching the movie the whole time too.
So do have a little mercy on those of us who have been in. We are all intelligent, caring people. We just got sold on something that CHANGED INTO something way more evil as time went on.
Very glad you’re here to help and to understand what we went through. It’s really fascinating for me too. WTF??? 😀
WhatAreYourCrimes says
Aw, Mr. David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board.
RB just chronicled the comm cycles of scientologist couples around the world.
Instead of sending out those threatening yellow letters, why do you not just banish marriage?
Such a simple solution.
Unless simple twits like Tom Cruise (Golden Useful Idiot of Valor Award Winner) ask you to profile brides for him, then of course marriage is fine.
OTVIIIisGrrr8! says
Disaffection often begins in 2D car rides. For this reason, COB’s new policy is that married couples may no longer ride together in the same car, live in the same house, and may never speak to each other or see each other. This is for the highest good of the group.
MJM says
Makes sense.
xenu's son says
RB giving us a weekly front seat on the cherch implosion and how more and more Ronbots are waking up
is high on the list.
unelectedfloofgoofer says
I would sell my left thetan to look through the real data on COB’s desktop, especially member numbers, course completions, and money in the bank. So much better than brainwashed members whooping success stories, that are more whooping than stories. Amazing how little we know what’s really going on.
Oldtimer says
As a long time well known Scientologist proximate to the COB I have to say this last year has been a mind blowing shocker. Getting on the Internet has blown everything open in my mind. I’ve watched the Aftermath too. I have managed to work my way almost to the point that I can get out and bring everything I know and have access to along with me.
I’ve got lots of files that I’ve managed to copy. I’m going to publish those files to Wikileaks. Their staff in fact already has several hundred files that they are working on archiving.
Also, I’m “can proof” so sec checks don’t work with me. OSA if you’re reading this you’ll never find me.
This has been a difficult journey and I have much to process and recover from. It’s going to take a long time.
Peggy L says
What a journey Oldtimer, and so wonderful that you have been able to come to this place in your life. I wish you ever so much peace and contentment and happiness!
MJM says
Welcome to the club.
Aquamarine says
Wow! What a post, Oldtimer. Well, I, for one, am most definitely, positively, absolutely 100% INTRIGUED. Can’t wait to find out about your experiences, your journey, whenever you’re ready to share it. Wow!
Miss Q says
This is wonderful news, Oldtimer! I wish you peace and joy in your newfound real freedom. I hope you’ll continue to post here and let us know how you’re doing.
Lois Reisdorf (Lowie) says
Welcome Oldtimer……..cannot wait to find out who you are and to read your data. Whippeee!!!!! This is exciting……you are in a good group now. It takes such courage to do what you are doing…….
ctempster says
Oldtimer, your post made my day. I can’t wait to read of your coming out and of how you managed to get files out without being caught. Heck, maybe they’ll make a movie out of you. And at least I hope a full episode on Leah’s show. Welcome to the sunlight, Old timer. You have friends here!!!!
RobinS says
Aquamarine says
Beginning to read the internet about Scientology begins the process of which the EP is “Gone Koolaid Drinker”…START!
Overrun in California says
Most of those that are “in” realize they’re dealing with a lot of bullshit. Even when I was “really in”, I still wouldn’t tell anyone about Scientology, or invite them to the Org, or try to reg anyone.
I didn’t want to put anybody through what I was going through! And I was IN and very involved at the time!
Old Surfer Dude says
Good for you, OIC!
Aquamarine says
Me too, Overrun. There was no one I disliked that much who I’d knowingly subject to the kind of aggravation to which I had become accustomed. I do believe that it was much easier to get people in, to invite people in and to share about Scientology before 1990. That seems (to me anyway) to be the time when the vibes started getting very – what’s the word – low toned; serious. People getting pounced on. Staff holding onto people and just never letting go, like bulldogs with a tug toy. I just couldn’t submit anyone to that, but then, from what I read, it was more fun, lighter, happier, etc., in the 70s and early 80s.
bo says
I think the fun, lighter, happier experiences depended on where you were in the 70s. During most of that time, I was involved with a mission in Denver and it really was a lot of fun. That all went away after it became an org. I think that for sea org members during that time it was just miserable and dark. It sounds like Hubbard was even more of a nut job than the current dear leader. I’m glad I never met either one of them. And really glad I got out before wasting my whole life on it!
Peter says
Aqua, the late 60s were even more fun. The GO/SO was just barely beginning to get their teeth into the major entheta to come. Being on non SO staff was almost joyfun; certainly a lot of fun.
Nobly says
RB, this is one of new favorites. You should have included your regular Friday appearance here on Mike’s blog, to your list of dangerous SP’s!
MJM says
How many of these traits reflect David Miscavige’s personality?
1. Superficial Charm and Good “Intelligence”
2. Absence of Delusions and Other Signs of Irrational Thinking
3. Absence of “Nervousness” or Psychoneurotic Manifestations
4. Unreliability
5. Untruthfulness and Insincerity
6. Lack of Remorse or Shame
7. Inadequately Motivated Antisocial Behavior
8. Poor Judgment and Failure to Learn from Experience
9. Pathologic Egocentricity and Incapacity for Love
10. General Poverty in Major Affective Reactions
11. Specific Loss of Insight
12. Unresponsiveness in General Interpersonal Relations
13. Fantastic and Uninvited Behavior with Drink and Sometimes Without
14. Suicide Rarely Carried Out
15. Sex Life Impersonal, Trivial, and Poorly Integrated
16. Failure to Follow any Life Plan
The Mask of Sanity, by American psychiatrist Hervey Cleckley (1941, 1950, 1955, 1964, 1976).
Ammo Alamo says
Cleckley was one of the giants who wrote a list of what he thought were characteristics of people who were psychopaths.
However, others have developed his work beyond Cleckley’s original list from forty and fifty years ago. In particular Professor Robert D. Hare of Canada developed his initial Psychopathy Checklist based on Cleckley’s work. Hare then refined and expanded the checklist, which is now known as the Psychopathy Checklist – Revised, or PCL-R for short.
It consists of a 20-item symptom rating scale that allows trained examiners to compare a subject’s degree of psychopathy with the checklist items, which represent a prototypical psychopath. The PCL-R, carried out with the help of the Manual for the PCL-R, has been a useful method of identifying psychopaths, but only in the hands of well-trained people who have access to multiple lengthy client interviews, in-depth personal and family history, family, friend, teacher, and co-worker comments, the case files for any known offenses, and more.
The PCL-R is especially helpful to advise parole boards, who need solid info about the likelihood a person will re-offend if given parole. It has been accepted by many in the field as the best method for determining the presence and extent of psychopathy in a person.
However, recent advances in fMRI brain imaging and extreme software massaging of the images have resulted in significant advances in identifying psychopaths by comparing their brain structures to the brains of known psychopaths. This was a long project led by Hare’s graduate student and eventual PhD awardee, Dr. Kent Kiehl. Today, with access to an advanced fMRI machine, powerful new software, and banks of co-processors to massage the results, researchers can look deep into a person’s brain to locate damaged or underdeveloped brain structures which are now known to be closely associated with psychopathic behavior.
Along with the brain structure advances, there have been advances in identifying at earlier and earlier ages people who are at risk for full adult psychopathy. There have even been promising treatments which so far have turned at-risk teens toward responsible activity, an amazing set of results which could apply to other so-called untreatable issues, if caught and treated early.
Sorry for the long comment, but psychopathy is a complex subject which is fascinating to me.
It is important to remember that neither Dr. Cleckley back decades ago, nor the more recent scientists who followed, ever intended the lists of psychopath traits to be used by amateurs who have never had extensive direct interview contact with the subject, or deep access to subject files. It was never intended as a parlor game for untrained but perhaps well-meaning people to pigeon-hole their bosses, relatives, or even cult leaders into what is essentially a powerful and significant medical and legal diagnosis. Even casually claiming that so-and-so is a psychopath can have consequences for the person claimed to be a psychopath, and consequences for the person making the claim. Since it is a medico-legal term that could have significant legal consequences, I would caution against making any claim of a person’s psychopathy status, especially if that person has tons of lawyers, money, power – and anger.
Old Surfer Dude says
Just the two of them…RUN!!!
ctempster says
Great one Regraded Being! I hope this happens with many couples!
Old Surfer Dude says
You and all the rest of us, Tempster.
Peggy L says
Prophetic? Trending? I hope so too.
MJM says
Scientology technology is an oxymoron.
Old Surfer Dude says
Isn’t an Oxymoron a stupid steer?
MJM says
It’s a sheeple easily steered.
Gus Cox says
A new battle cry for freedom: Undo the Moo!
omegapaladin says
If you want to be picky, some scientology tech is technology, like the E-meter. It’s just overpriced junk technology like something off a home shopping channel or a lemon bought from the buy here pay here used car lot.
Ammo Alamo says
A new and modern e-meter was intended to be solar powered. However, after DM sent nine execs to the RPF for failing to make the sun come out at night, the project was canceled. He is now looking for the guy he once saw in a comic with a light bulb burning above his head, no wires or nuthin’. Applicants please bring money, and light bulb.
Another intended e-meter advance was the lemon-powered version, said to be good for three hours on one extra-large lemon. But DM puckered up, and canceled it.
Then there was the manual crank-powered version, intended for use when barbarism returned and only manual labor was available. DM canceled this, too, after he word-cleared “crank”, and later accidentally discovered ‘manual labor’ was *not* the president of Mexico.
jim says
I thinks we can add 2 more to the disaffected group. Ain’t the sunshine great.
Old Surfer Dude says
Yeah, baby! And Jim, more will come. And yes, ‘Ain’t the sunshine great!?
Super Mom says
You nailed it.
Been there…done that!
Me and my 2-D made a pack to NEVER turn each other in no matter what.
You are amazing RB.
Cringing big time!
TrevAnon says
If only there were more scientologists thinking like this. 😉
Briget says
I’ll bet (I hope) there are many more than we dream of. The threat of disconnection must effectively keep many under the radar.
Old Surfer Dude says
Bless their collective hearts.
Newcomer says
Yo Dave,
Your good buddy RB is givin you a clue about what’s goin down around you and yer mORGues Mr. Downstat.
If you haven’t got it figured out yet Dave, let me toss out a couple of clues on what Your Future has in store for You.
A) Another season of bright shining light of truth is about to come flooding down on YOU.
B) More of Your flock will be having second thoughts about whether they belong to a cherch or a Cult.
C) Your ethics actions will drive more of the faithful into despair and inaction.
D) Your stats worldwide will continue to circle the drain; all will be headed DOWN Dave (except for one)
E) Number of sheeple leaving and achieving total freedom will be the only UPSTAT you will have.
So there is yer A to E Dave. Do something about it if you can. Count on one thing for sure:
And because I am the Ess Pee that I am, I’m really getting a kick out watching from my nosebleed seat on the fringes!
MJM says
To: NC
From: COB
Re: Your post
Whatever sources you have, they’re incorrect as all stats are uptrending and out the roof. Avail yourself of my priceless tech before it’s too late.
PS – Tell Rinder I’m not through with him.
Loves to Dance says
This cartoon really captures the reality of what it is like to live with Scientologists and living inside of the bubble of Scientology.
We are hiding under the radar but we are all looking at the internet and finding out about the truth about Scientology. We are carefully spreading the word to our friends and family who are sick of being in doubt. The truth hurts but it helps get us out of doubt.
It is very clever how they kept the truth from us – using the tech from L Ron Hubbard.
It is heart breaking to finally see the truth that the “church” our family supported for so long is nothing but a con job.
Scientology is doing nothing to help humanity and actually hurting people.
I hope the government stops it soon.
Newcomer says
That is great news to hear Loves to Dance!
But please don’t place your hope on our government doing anything. Whatever happens to end this atrocity of a cult will be accomplished by people like you and the rest of the troops on this blog.
hgc10 says
I’m waiting for the twist ending where they get sucked back in.
Newcomer says
You mean for one last fleecing before they are blown for good?
Old Surfer Dude says
If ANYONE got sucked back in, they would be making amends for the rest of their lives.
Chris Shugart says
I just ran the word “entheta” through my Xen-O-Meter translatotron and I got “uncomfortable truths that may be difficult to confront.”
wynot says
I guess I’m old- fashioned, but I do love a happy ending!
Old Surfer Dude says
We all do. Especially when it comes to the cult.
Glen says
I always greatly appreciate your strips, RB. But I think this is the most current, topical one I have ever seen. Thanks for what you do.
Michael Creger says
Mike.. need I even comment? Your best post yet. Thank you, Leah, ASL, KDLC, TC, GB, CS, MH and all of the others (spoken and unspoken) that are there to help a post like this come true.
Not “if”, but WHEN the next time we are face to face.. things will be different in all of our lives and I hope, mine, too. …and I will shake your hand in unison.
Bless you and all you do.. for us.
MJM says
Oops Davy, you’re about to lose two more! I would strongly recommend you recruit all the remaining public into the Sea Org except for the whales.
Alcoboy says
I think we all know what happens next:
They are leaving the org and NEVER going back!