It captures cult think very accurately. These people are trying to Clear a world they are afraid of, which world will not accept their financial conditions in any case.
Because I need to illustrate how it is done.
Because the practicing Scientologist adamantly believes he is NOT being brainwashed, I write. This would be another poem, de-codified-mm
[ Mike, perhaps I may resubmit this here, (in short, a better thesis) Hope this passes, thanks.]
Forbidden Knowledge – An Essay By mm
I believe there is such a thing, yes,
IF there exists the requisite belief-system beforehand, and those certainly do exist.
So, what might you be forbidden to believe, (know)?
And, when we were Scientologists, same question.
Yes, now you understand me. Now we are talking about a belief system that, really, can only be arrived at through hypnotism, or some sort of mind-manipulation, one that you the receiver would very likely not be the least aware of, (the trap). But, consider, if knowledge is wisdom, what knowledge can be forbidden?
-Let me offer an example of carnal knowledge, forbidden:
Metaphorically, take the scent of a woman. Once experienced that knowingness can consume the mind of a man (or, naturally a woman), wanting then to touch or even taste… until he/she can think of nothing else. That loss of control represents the trap for him; his senses all but consumed. If I’m making sense so far I do continue, but first let me jump to a moment, a reenactment of one actual scenario:
His poster-portrait hangs high in the room, his face a veritable Mona Lisa smile captured, his silent voice in your head says:
“I am Source.”
Really, as the whole story I am source.
Look into his eyes.
Pick up the ball, he says, pick up the ball. I offer you a dream…
She wished only for the pain to end, a child, as she wanders too close to the gate, quite lost.
The keeper smiles and says yes I can do that and more. He says he knows the answer. He says the answer calls your name. She, intoxicated and intrigued, steps through this gate.
His voice, again, is behind the needle.
“Watch the needle move.” he tells you.
“Watch it move and sway,” his voice never really stops.
Look for the meaning, he says.
You are dreaming… dream-eee-ming. Drift into the realm of memories.
You see the answer
Think only of the needle and dream.
Tell me what it means. Thank You.
Tell me what it means.
Definitely, end quotation. To me, we are now entering into some of the scariest shit live on internet.
From inside the bubble you cannot know any source, save for the one provided by the man with a plan (aka: The Bare-Faced Messiah”). That is the belief-system known as Scientology. In here, you cannot know when your mind is being manipulated for that, highest of all in this belief-system, is knowledge forbidden, policy enforced.
“Nine: Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology.”
[LRH, KSW, HCOPL of 7Feb65]
Come on in little girl, I see you’re hungry. I have some candy for your good and noble mind. [Lights.]
To expose the missing element of critical thought present in every cult, I join you.-mm
RB, you always hit on real life truths. Like the copious use of the F word, or talking about people right in front of them. There is lots of freedom there with that.
Once I was on course at Flag and the tech sec (I believe that was his post) came in and started started talking about me to the course supervisor. She didn’t like what he was saying (I didn’t either) and began to argue with him. They must have said my first and last name three times. Students were listening and turning to look at me as I was sitting in the back of the room. Finally I did a little wave, and said Hello! I’m right here!
I wonder how many panels it would take to fully find the 3rd Dynamic Serfac that currently drives the cos and cob? Lkin wrote that Ron’s postulate was: “Bring order.” but that was long go and does not fit their current scene. For sure KSW is a Serfac, but way way to long and multifaceted to get to the core of cos/cob insanity.
No matter what the data is about. If in some way affects Scientology or public opinion these monkey just look the other way and ack, just parakeets. No matter what it is about they only say they are lies. Imagine what happens to the datum, OBSERVE and Personal Integrity. They simple become robotic. Like the blinders on horses.
Gawd — all those idiotic “acks” or acknowledgements!
I love this series. I also like the name “Regraded Being.” It brings to mind two things for me (maybe the author has other meanings):
— “regraded” as in having do levels over and over again, and
— “degraded” being (or DB in Scientologese)
This one actually brought back to mind the actual _feeling_ and _state_ of being in and how we regarded “wogs.” It was not a good remembrance. People who are “in” truly are in a different mental state.
I’ve been working on the SRD recently but it’s getting to be more than I can take. The RB cartoons are not far from what it’s really like inside for real. Me and my gf are gonna be audi 5000. Keep up the good work RB!
Just like that creepy lady who showed up at Monique Rathbun’s door in Ingleside by the Bay. Scientology is a school for dishonest, manipulative, ham-fisted communication techniques. “I got that,” coupled with whatever follows, is the most plain and obvious way of communicating “what you say doesn’t matter” that I imagine. Scientology embraces, worships and teaches dehumanization-through-language. It starts with people, and builds them into robots.
No Fred the hardcore scientologists don’t really speak like that. I actually have to water it down some for my cartoons so that non scientologists may be able to make at least some sense of what is being said.
Off topic maybe but to settle a conversation today :
The Holy Father (Pope) has a Jeep wrangler with open sides,
David Misavige (POB) has an armored van with gun ports
Am I right ?
This wonderful Pope rode a black Fiat in the motorcade yesterday, Joe Biden a couple blocks back in a black armored limo. They both make quite the statement. But, DM behind gun turrets? Woe, I don’t know if its true, but it is believable, and if it IS true, I think that would be a statement the world should know about. (he speaks so little)
Lest there be any doubt, here is a classic example with an interview I did with “son of OSA” Jordan Laveau. It’s all there, the robot TRs, the copious over-acking with no actual communication. And finally when the truth hurts a little too much “I think this conversation is over”.
Hi Martin Padfield, Thank you so much for this post.All you said really resonated with me. So true and those now OSA can be very very intense with what and how they do comm with a target they intend to use or abuse I my case years ago.Always,Ann.
They have their own language solidly in place, the tactic to support isolation of the group.
Effectively, as they can only talk to each other, “wogs” then becoming a relative waste of time, the fact a constant reminder for the dwellers and residents of the bubble.
If I write a Scientology scene or script, the challenge is in avoiding that language, running into the same problem all the time just talking about the object of Scientology. When you think about it, you realize the whole thing, Scientology, is itself entirely a language, meant to be imagination made “real” in the mind of the perceiver.
The language is a tool of entrapment, also, in that the practitioner justifies thinking of himself as being “trained in a technology” using this language. He feels superior, more valuable as a person employing this “applied philolosophy”, the idea constantly being drilled into his brain. With the language he is able to justify, in his own mind at least, this superiority. That empowering feeling would be lost if he were to leave the group (severing himself from this attractive language), and so, again, he feels compelled to stay inside the bubble.
This technique exposes the entire organization and doctrine as a well-designed and calculated trap, especially considering the lack of actual science involved. I would hesitate to give it any other value or purpose, except for the (sad) practitioner willing to sacrifice all other social affiliation beyond the bubble in order to part of this group, (mom and dad included).
Meanwhile, you won’t catch me speaking Scientologeese.
I remember that creepy lady visiting Monique Rathbun at her home. I tried to find the video link but couldn’t right now. It’s a real gem of “Yeah,I got that” followed by ‘I will keep saying what I’m saying no matter what you have to think or say about it.’ Disassociation at its finest. Monique was very nice to that woman, and patient! One of my favorite videos with Monique is when she shames the squirrel busters sitting in the golf cart with “You should be ashamed of yourselves!” and “Look at you, you’re riding up and down the street in a golf cart!” She shut it down. The big mouthed guy on the golf cart was rendered speechless and you can see it.
Hi hgc10 and thank you for the link. That’s a precious one. Notice how Monique tells the woman that she “minds” speaking with her and the woman just goes on and on? Monique must have the patience of a saint. These people will talk your head off if you let them.
last conversation I had with an MAA the first “I got that” that came outg of her mouth got the response “don’t ack me to try and shut me up”, Her TR’s ceased to exist for the rest of the conversation. When you no longer are worried about the big bad co$ they have zero power over you.
Hi HELOSA, Good to meet you. Thank you for your post.That was great that you became resistant to cos and the MAA. I wish I could have done so.But the level of intensity in my situation in Sea Org with Guardians Office / Intelligence before OSA,was compounded by the fact they had years of my PC folders to play with and I am sure knowledge reports etc.Plus throw in physical violence and the storm becomes perfect.So happy I finally blew after months and months of it all.Always, Ann.
Well, Steph in Bow, what is YOUR ruin? You have to have a ruin! And no matter what it is, we can fix it for you! Here…just fill out this 200 question scientific Personality Test straight from Oxford University in England. The results are what you think of you, not what we think of you! I mean, how scientific can you get? We’re all about science here……
The most notable entry missing from the Scn Technical Dictionary is:
critical thinking
The practicing Scientologist is twice removed from thinking for himself.
First, he is hypnotized and doesn’t know it.
Second, he is denied access to source information, and doesn’t know it.
Add to that the wall between him and the general public, seal the wall from both sides, punishing him for trying to contact anyone outside, especially the media but notably including family, AND (until now) successfully keeping the media from prying inside,
and you have a very well-fortified trap indeed, with a leader thinking that he can say or not say whatever he feels like, himself quite deluded, too. Whether he knows it or not is open for debate.
Regraded Being is my first stop every Friday morning. It’s brilliant and hilarious and tragic all at once. And I’ve never been in, Thanks, RB and Mike. I hope this reaches the lost all over this Scientology-blighted planet.
“CoB had the OT’s put up like a force field around Flag so no entheta can get in” and other Harry Potteresque tales of sorcery from the mouths of pimple-faced youths. Little do they know of the tribulations of the greatest living OT, David Miscavige Hisself, who must drink away the entheta as there are no OT force fields to keep out what’s gunning for him.
Just to show the depth of biting sarcasm isn’t being lost:
“Il’ll bet that if it wasn’t because we’re supposed to maintain a Games Condition so it doesn’t get boring for the OTs, we’d have taken over all the governments a long time ago and just set things right.”
“Yea Dude. Talk about being at total effect!!!”
“Games Condition, 1. when you say games condition you mean that somebody’s power of choice has been subjugated against his will into a fixated activity from which he must not take his attention. 2. … There is nothing wrong with having games. There is a lot wrong with being in a games condition because it is unknown ….”” (Scn Tech Dict., LRH.)
To me, a Games Condition is a technical description of barking up the wrong tree (there’s no chance of winning, someone from the outside can see it’s wrong, but those engaged in the Games Condition cannot). Something like SO who do not know what they’re talking about, and think they are maintaining [whatever] for OTs. Keeping themselves in a box, thinking they are somehow “going free”, so unknowing they do not know they are in a Games Condition, and are cheering it. Something like a federal government growing bigger and exercising more control in individual’s lives, claiming it represents the land of the free.
The activities of Scientologist outside the Co$ are simply based on clearing the reactive mind, and these are individual actions, the goals of which involve more causality over one’s own thought, as one sees best, oneself, and also being more able to understand and inflow communications and realities of others. The Co$, in contrast, seems to favor an authoritarian regime which is very well illustrated in the lampoon today.
Panel Three…it scared the hell out of me that I totally understood Kevin’s speech without a need to pause to translate it into actual English. I’ve been in this game too long.
Never been quite happy with the term ‘brainwashing’ in use with scientology. Washing indicates something clean and washed. You know like a fresh shirt on a hot day.
Scientology is more like a computer virus imho. It gets into the base programming and adds some command stuff rather than washing anything and soon infects all aspects of operation and provides the answers to everything that’s already there. It answers everything – Cognitive infection in other words!
Cure the virus and you conquer the world – see I’ve got a virus too, the generality virus!
I met Spanky in Hollywood with the release of Going Clear. Her story is just so incredibly sad. Especially for her child. But, that’s the cult for you!
I’m trying to think of a situation where you would actually find two of these schlubs actually out in public. When they are out, they seem to travel in packs and run like hell, at least in Clearwater. In Portland or Seattle, its easier to spot a Yeti.
Bystander, you are correct. I’ve noticed the same thing. At the Pasadena Idle Morgue, the very young SO girls will not leave the front door in their quest to pass out tickets to the intro film. They’re just two blocks down from massive amounts of foot traffic and they don’t go there.
Seriously, Bystander, I think they’ve all been program to fear Wogs. Bubble dwellers do that, you know.
Hi OSD, Your post about the young SO girls made me recall,how times have changed in some aspects. My first week or so in Sea Org before the Excalbur and before my first post of letter folder( that Pitney Bowes Machine!) and I was also culling out all entheta letters for the regges there already. Before that I was told to go outside the H’wood Inn and body route bodies in for personality testing and if I sold them DMSMH or Self Analysis so much the better.The Oxford Personality Test.I was told to get on out there and wade right into,the sidewalk crowds and bring whoever in.Running away was not not an option.So off I went and got those wogs right in the shop.Probably because I did not want to do that forever after Excalibur got promoted to letter reg.Today from your post a different vibe all round it seems.XO Ann.
When I was on staff in Hawai’i, I was in Div 6 as a body router too. I brought in more people than any one had ever done. I sold more books (both hard and soft cover) than anyone had ever done. And they still held damn B of I on me! I didn’t last long on staff. Especially living in Hawai’i.
Hi OSD,Great post.Actually I ‘d be willing to bet that you were mucho better than me.That is great you were Div 6.When I was told to hit the Blvd I was not Div anything just a wide eyed big hearted hypnotized expediter who wanted to do what ever I could.Now when I got the letter reg position I was in hog heaven and when I became ASR a few years later I really got cooking.Back then my task was to send out reg packets with a letter and of course payment in advance for the SHSBC and all the other training and auditing Asho offered.It was different from letter regging in that there was a ton more pressure to make the sale and get the eta Estimated time of Arrival set for the person coming.Sometimes I had to arrange transportation and plane tickets for them too like a travel agent.If I could push people to AOLA and The Apollo that was very upstat.But like you for our troubles I got Intel and you wisely blew when that time had come.I admire you.Always Ann.
Hello Ann, hope disqus alerts you to this message. If you were aboard the old girl between ’72 and ’74 you must know me, as DPF MAA and later Bosn. If so, please read my 1st ESMB post from 1/8/13 in the New Mbr Intros. I post there under my 1st initial+last name, which you probably remember. pk
Hi civmar,My goodness Great to see your post! Please put up with me as I am at kindergarten level as to abbreviations for postings and I post on Mike’s because I know how to do that at least.I can see you but this 64 yr old brain has yet to put a name to the picture.I did Prod 0 on the Excalibur Aug 74 and then I was about to do Product 1 some years later but couldn’t because I was wanted on post as Asho F letter reg and ASR from above,then Go/ Intel rounded me up and put me on their “program ” downhill from there! The Deck Project Force yes I do remember.What is ESMB post and New Mbr Intros,I feel I should know and I am laughing at myself for not knowing! You know I loved all the Team at Asho F and I loved the early Excalibur days and if my recall serves,you were one of the good crowd.Getting old in body and mind is an adventure! pk keeps running through my brain so it is filed (laughter CF ) away in there somewhere!Love Always,Ann.
Ann, Ex-Scientologist Message Board,
On the first page that comes at top right click at the User Name field enter pkatz (OK. I’ve outed myself!) go to page 3 of my posts and scroll down to the earliest one, 6/14/11.
Disqus deleted my sentence following the web page URL and part of the sentence following: on the top right of the 1st page that comes up click Advanced Search. Next page, at user name enter pkatz, click Search Now. Then go to page 3 of my posts and scroll down, et.
Hi civmar,Boy am I messing this up.I went to,your link but then there was this yellow line that said I had to sign in because I am a first time user and now I am lost at Sea with no compass. I so appreciate you trying to explain all of this Internet links to me, but when I typed in your name and tried to scroll to your post it would not let me. you know certain “friends ” do not want me to contact certain people.Thank you for outing yourself I am trying to get that old brain to recall all.Cancer and radiation can scramble that at times.I’ll keep trying,but if you want to reach me my email is [email protected] the torpedos full speed ahead!Love,Ann.
The ESMB post I refered to sent in an email to you. Sorry for not knowing about being a member b4 doing a search.
It will be a game changer for Cee Oh Bee as he dictates His response via His pen name Karin Pouw to the world. RB may come out with a report from his his hidden mic in Hemet!
Yo Dave,
The world is waiting ……………. good buddy. Pound another scotch and tell us like it is!! Oh yes, and don’t forget to berate someone this morning to show them how powerful You are.
Will you guys pleeeeze do something about all this Do-Do and not wait around for Dave to dole out another round of Dependz before you act!
The delusional scientologist, so brainwashed they refuse to even consider the possibility that they might not be right.
What is so funny here is the belief that psychs are their opposition, I actually used to believe this line myself no doubt helped by their documentaries ‘proving’ this is the case. The vast majority of people I see who oppose scientology have been harmed by it in the past and now want to try and stop it from hurting others, they have never had anything to do with psychiatry or any branch of government what so ever.
Hi Gimpy, I liked your post. I am one who was very hurt by black doings which were never explained to me as to why.So I do not want anyone else to go through that ever.I may have had to go to a horrible Scientology deprogrammer for a year or so after I blew Sea Org, but that made me not want to be a part of all that again.Broke my heart almost broke my spirit.As for the gov.I’m not keen on all that either.So RB hits it right out of the park again.Brilliant strip. Always Ann.
Interesting and sad Ann. To say I’m glad you’re out is an understatement but the cult’s ability to ply itself into a nasty group and a savagely infected mindset is frightening. Gives me the horrors to think if miscavige ever set up shop in a 3rd world country. He’d develop more direct methods of eliminating opponents (which is everyone who doesn’t continually give money or allegiance).
What is the interesting bit for me is some of the stuff such as social personality definitions and some auditing looks really good on paper. Also, some of their social betterment goals, codes etc. but when you place that info in the hands of a cult it all turns into a bait & switch trap. Like a fly fisherman spending hours making beautiful flies from metal and feathers but to the fish – by the time they find out, it’s pure evil.
Perspective and intention is what sets the stage of their operational behaviour. There is nothing benevolent concerning scientology or any cult. But it seems add vast amounts on money to any group and sooner or later it turns into something to be careful with. I know as a soldier, I worked out at times I was actually somebody’s else’s weapon, so much was the mindset to blindly follow orders. Fools with your head a bit and deprogramming is good for all cult involvement..
Hi IYawnalot, A timely and wise post.Thank you.I agree with all you said,except the deprogrammer my late Dad made me go to was nuts! Smiling, glad I got away from him and all his “take this pill and you will forget The Sea Org.Oh by the way you will be so drugged you’ll forget your own name too !” Always like your posts.Ann.
Deprogramming is an unknown science as well. At the end of the day with anything requiring a decision, you have to have your wits about you. Drugs for mental problems…? geezers, alcohol rates as the most popular doesn’t it? You’re own your own if you want to pop pills though. I wouldn’t advise it but it’s your head.
Scientology gave so much promise but failed to deliver. There’s nuts everywhere hey? Just depends on perspective and intentions.
Hi I Yawnalot, Gosh I never wanted to,pop pills.This shrink who was the head of the shrink dept made me.The decision was out of my hands at the time along time ago.I got wise and flushed all,pills down the toilet.This was a really crazy situation where I had come home after some years in Sea Org and at that time no money no job and my very powerful Dad wanted to teach me a lesson.I was between a rock and a hard place I had no choice. Thank you for your post and viewpoint.Always Ann.
Yeah, I hear you. It’s a tough act getting the cult out of your head. There’s lots of silly things out there. I trust psyches almost as much as I do scientologists. Finding someone caring is the trick in my book. But you also must know when to pull out of something that doesn’t work or is doing harm – a lot of people fall down on that.
There’s not all that many second chances the older you get but you can handle anything if you apply yourself with an honest heart.
Good luck.
“The delusional scientologist, so brainwashed they refuse to even consider the possibility that they might not be right.”
Gimpy, that would be one of THE highest crimes in the cult. Any sort of doubt, you’re in massive trouble. THEY HAVE TO BE RIGHT. That’s the bottom line……..
Wow! Great insight to how both sides see things. I wonder who’s right. I’ve got to get one of those Way To Happiness booklets. I’m sure that will Clear-up everything
It did for me….. In fact, reading the Way to Happiness was so profound, it was JUST LIKE doing all the OT levels! Which means I don’t have to actually have to do them now! I’m already OT! But my big test is go out and confront wogs……
Funny part is that if you actually read the 21 precepts of the Way To Happiness you’ll be left wondering what the heck do any of them have to do with the church of scientology.
Any scientologist that actually tries to apply these to their daily living behaivior will quickly find themselves facing an Ethics Officer for having gone against church policy. Of course, I may be wrong so I ask you to take a look at the 21 Way to Happiness precepts and decide which of them best describes the behaivior you have observed by the church’s leaders, staff, Sea Org members, public scientologists, lawyers, private investigators and the people involved with providing information about the church and its activities to its members and to the public in general.
1. Take Care of Yourself
2. Be Temperate
3. Don’t Be Promiscuous
4. Love and Help Children
5. Honor and Help Your Parents
6. Set A Good Example
7. Seek To Live With The Truth
8. Do Not Murder
9. Don’t Do Anything Illegal
10. Support A Government Designed and Run For All The People
11. Do Not Harm A Person Of Good Will
12. Safeguard And Improve Your Environment
13. Do Not Steal
14. Be Worthy of Trust
15. Fulfill Your Obligations
16. Be Industrious
17. Be Competent
18. Respect The Religious Beliefs of Others
19. Try Not To Do Things To Others That You Would Not Like Them to Do To You
20. Try To Treat Others As You Would Want Them To Treat You
Hi Regraded Being, I loved your post and I was really amazed at how many points were absolutely not followed in Sea Org or for staff at Orgs either I surmise.You areAdear friend to me,and I will always love your work.Ann.
Than you Ann. I enjoy following your comments on all of Mike’s posts. You often make me think back to my early days as a young scientologist full of ilusions of helping mankind merely by being a part of this new and wonderous group. You are a dear friend to me. Regraded Being
Wow, RB! You not only trill us every Friday, but, you’re spot on regarding this list. So, according to this list, this is how every single scientologist acts? Ok, let me give it try:
1. Take Care of Yourself (Pretty had to do with sleep deprivation and being in the Hole (which continues to not exist)
2. Be Temperate (I believe that’s impossible that for them)
3. Don’t be promiscuous (well they do cover up for child molesters and anyone else that does something like that due to PR reasons)
4. Love & Help Children (Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Oh wait, they were serious? My bad)
5. Honor and Help Your Parents (tough to do when you’re disconnected from them and they refuse your calls & letters)
6. Set a Good Example ( Seriously, this is too funny! Let’s see, Lisa McPherson, Operation Snow White, Paulette Cooper, the RPF, the Hole (which continues to not exist).
7. Seek to Live With the Truth (Where do I begin? I’m sure they’re talking about scn truth and not Wog truth. Oh, and TR-L (training routine Lying). Yep, they’re very truthful.
8. Do Not Murder ( I know they’ve targeted people, but, not sure if they’ve offed anyone. I think they’ve murdered a judge’s dog to intimidate him in a court case.)
9. Don’t Do Anything Illegal (I will say this, they’ve got some huge balls to say something like this! Illegality is their middle name )
10. Support a Government Designed and Run For All the People (Hmmm. Didn’t fatso say only Clears should have rights? And, didn’t fatso also say that he should be a benevolent dictator?)
11. Do Not Harm a Person of Goodwill (Paulette Cooper was a person of goodwill. What happened there! “Never fear to harm another in a good cause {or something like that}. Maybe scientologists are the only ones who are people of goodwill)
12. Safe Guard and Improve Your Environment (How many trees have had to be cut down to make sets of “The Basics?” As far as I can see, they don’t shit to help the environment!)
13. Do Not Steal (Whoa! How many documents did they steal under Operation Snow White? Do they not know they’re own history?)
14. Be Worthy of Trust (Bwahahahahahahahahaha! El Con must have been laughing his ass off when he came up with this one!)
15. Fulfill Your Obligations (Oh, this an easy one! Refunds! You’re supposed to give people refunds when they haven’t use the money for services! Or, they didn’t think it was worth it!)
16. Be Industrious (Ok…they got there. I have to say that when the dwarf goes on a rampage ordering everyone to work non-stop for weeks at a time, I guess that’s pretty industrious. I guess…).
17. Be Competent (well, according to COP, he’s the ONLY ONE who’s competent. Everyone else is a CICS asshole who should be sent to the Hole (which continues to now exist).
18. Respect the Religious Beliefs of Others (Hey! Isn’t that “other practices? Besides, scientology is NOT a religion! It’s a mind bending, brainwashing, family destroying, financial ruining, public school infiltrating CULT! If it walks like a cult, and quacks like a cult, then IT’S A CULT! No ifs or ands about it)
19. Try Not to Do Things to Others That You Would Not Like Them to Do to You (Apart from the poor Engish, ummmm…let’s see…The RPF? Getting beat up by the leader? Forced to work 100 hour weeks? Forced abortions? Destroying families? Spying on each other? I could go on…)
20. Try to Treat Others as You Would Want Then To Treat You (Lord! Let’s see, working as a SOger. Not being able to contact your family. Eating scraps. Washing a trash bin with a toothbrush. The list here can go on forever)
21. Flourish & Prosper (What a great idea! Too bad if you’re staff or SO, this doesn’t really apply to you. I mean, with SO, $50 a week isn’t much. And when the dwarf is raging about something, you’re pay is complete shit!)
OSD, I always enjoy what you have to say. Even though the things you posted can be looked at as not funny in ‘real life’, you have a knack to make us laugh and are our comic relief every time. I wish I had the talent that you and others have here. Laughing is my favorite thing to do, and life would be pretty dead without it.
It’s something I used to do as a living. A very, very small living. I did acting, musical acting, music, stand-up, radio & M/C. However, unless one gets a contract, one is doing it simply because they like entertaining. My Mom was a ‘B’ movie actor and model so I kind of got this from her. I’m trying to write a book to get me back into entertainment one more time. It’s called, “Musing From the Junk Drawer of Life, by Uncle Bob, the Nicest Guy in the World and Because Everyone needs an Uncle Bob.”
Once completed, I’m going to try and get on one of the talk shows. And then, I can take it from there. I’ve been on radio and TV, but, nothing came of it.
Thanks for the kind words, Pepper! And you’re right, I’m best suited for Comic Relief. It’s what I do. It’s actually what I’ve done my entire life. I’m not much good for anything else. You should have seen me at FLOP. I was there in ’81 (I think). I did this gag on two local Hawaiian boys. One the auditor and the other the PC. The public was cracking up! The staff was staring daggers at me.
And, Pepper, we ALL need to find something to laugh about every single day. Life is far too important to take seriously…..
Yes, OSD 🙂
very good, but number 8 you forgot about Rex Fowler that stole from his employees for the IAS, then killed poor Tom, loving father. so sad.
Hi Pete2, The situation you posted was after my time I think,but sounds very sad and tragic.Isn’t it twisted that Scientology purported to be the answer for Mankind that was worth waiting for X amount of endless eons to free us from the trap,only to send us right into an even bigger trap,with titanium doors that snapped shut.To all who have been hurt or died at the hand of cos my heart goes out to you and those left behind.And to the good ones who still want to help heal broken souls with the good application of auditing tech,I thank you.Even though I am still too traumatized to pick up those juice cans now.Always,Ann.
Straight to the point regraded being. Reminds me of bunker speak about the infallible Wermacht and its Fuhrer and how he would push back the Huns and the hordes of inferior races closing in, with Berlin in flames and the Red Army already circling the city. Reality has nothing to do with agreement If you hit a brick wall, you hit a brick wall and wether you agree or not, it is going to break your bones. These guys are heading for a head on crash at full speed. Then they’ll realise what exteriorisation is all about.
Wow! “An inability to hear what they are afraid of hearing.” Now that’s a scary proposition. Forcing members to police their own thoughts. I’m surprised 1984 isn’t one of their favorite books. It’s one of mine.
Depends on your proximity to Cee Oh Bee. The further away you are the more you may need. In any case, the sheeple go walking two by two because singularly they might forget to drink their daily bread.
Yo Dave,
I was hoping you would pick up Leahs new book and give us all a fact check review good buddy.
Also, when will you be addressing the Pope. He checked in with Congress yesterday and I see the Speaker of the House promptly resigned. Perhaps they need someone of your stature to deal with these all so important religious matters.
He resigned. The Speaker’s goal, for some time now, was to get the Pope to the U.S. Now that he’s done that, he’s out. Oh, he also gets his salary for life…….
Too funny! On the floor!
It captures cult think very accurately. These people are trying to Clear a world they are afraid of, which world will not accept their financial conditions in any case.
Because I need to illustrate how it is done.
Because the practicing Scientologist adamantly believes he is NOT being brainwashed, I write. This would be another poem, de-codified-mm
[ Mike, perhaps I may resubmit this here, (in short, a better thesis) Hope this passes, thanks.]
Forbidden Knowledge – An Essay By mm
I believe there is such a thing, yes,
IF there exists the requisite belief-system beforehand, and those certainly do exist.
So, what might you be forbidden to believe, (know)?
And, when we were Scientologists, same question.
Yes, now you understand me. Now we are talking about a belief system that, really, can only be arrived at through hypnotism, or some sort of mind-manipulation, one that you the receiver would very likely not be the least aware of, (the trap). But, consider, if knowledge is wisdom, what knowledge can be forbidden?
-Let me offer an example of carnal knowledge, forbidden:
Metaphorically, take the scent of a woman. Once experienced that knowingness can consume the mind of a man (or, naturally a woman), wanting then to touch or even taste… until he/she can think of nothing else. That loss of control represents the trap for him; his senses all but consumed. If I’m making sense so far I do continue, but first let me jump to a moment, a reenactment of one actual scenario:
His poster-portrait hangs high in the room, his face a veritable Mona Lisa smile captured, his silent voice in your head says:
“I am Source.”
Really, as the whole story I am source.
Look into his eyes.
Pick up the ball, he says, pick up the ball. I offer you a dream…
She wished only for the pain to end, a child, as she wanders too close to the gate, quite lost.
The keeper smiles and says yes I can do that and more. He says he knows the answer. He says the answer calls your name. She, intoxicated and intrigued, steps through this gate.
His voice, again, is behind the needle.
“Watch the needle move.” he tells you.
“Watch it move and sway,” his voice never really stops.
Look for the meaning, he says.
You are dreaming… dream-eee-ming. Drift into the realm of memories.
You see the answer
Think only of the needle and dream.
Tell me what it means. Thank You.
Tell me what it means.
Definitely, end quotation. To me, we are now entering into some of the scariest shit live on internet.
From inside the bubble you cannot know any source, save for the one provided by the man with a plan (aka: The Bare-Faced Messiah”). That is the belief-system known as Scientology. In here, you cannot know when your mind is being manipulated for that, highest of all in this belief-system, is knowledge forbidden, policy enforced.
“Nine: Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology.”
[LRH, KSW, HCOPL of 7Feb65]
Come on in little girl, I see you’re hungry. I have some candy for your good and noble mind. [Lights.]
To expose the missing element of critical thought present in every cult, I join you.-mm
Scientologese : “I totally duplicate you”
English : “yeh, whatever “
Actually it means: “I understand exactly how dumb you are…let me pretend to like you so I can edify you”
Lol! Go RB!
RB, you always hit on real life truths. Like the copious use of the F word, or talking about people right in front of them. There is lots of freedom there with that.
Once I was on course at Flag and the tech sec (I believe that was his post) came in and started started talking about me to the course supervisor. She didn’t like what he was saying (I didn’t either) and began to argue with him. They must have said my first and last name three times. Students were listening and turning to look at me as I was sitting in the back of the room. Finally I did a little wave, and said Hello! I’m right here!
Great and Skilled RB,
I wonder how many panels it would take to fully find the 3rd Dynamic Serfac that currently drives the cos and cob? Lkin wrote that Ron’s postulate was: “Bring order.” but that was long go and does not fit their current scene. For sure KSW is a Serfac, but way way to long and multifaceted to get to the core of cos/cob insanity.
Here’s a starter: “We’re the committed ones.”
And how does one make a rank and file scientologist really happy?
Avoid them!
They live in fear of command intention (wherever it comes from).
No matter what the data is about. If in some way affects Scientology or public opinion these monkey just look the other way and ack, just parakeets. No matter what it is about they only say they are lies. Imagine what happens to the datum, OBSERVE and Personal Integrity. They simple become robotic. Like the blinders on horses.
Gawd — all those idiotic “acks” or acknowledgements!
I love this series. I also like the name “Regraded Being.” It brings to mind two things for me (maybe the author has other meanings):
— “regraded” as in having do levels over and over again, and
— “degraded” being (or DB in Scientologese)
This one actually brought back to mind the actual _feeling_ and _state_ of being in and how we regarded “wogs.” It was not a good remembrance. People who are “in” truly are in a different mental state.
I’ve been working on the SRD recently but it’s getting to be more than I can take. The RB cartoons are not far from what it’s really like inside for real. Me and my gf are gonna be audi 5000. Keep up the good work RB!
Good new to know. Thx James
“I got that.”
Just like that creepy lady who showed up at Monique Rathbun’s door in Ingleside by the Bay. Scientology is a school for dishonest, manipulative, ham-fisted communication techniques. “I got that,” coupled with whatever follows, is the most plain and obvious way of communicating “what you say doesn’t matter” that I imagine. Scientology embraces, worships and teaches dehumanization-through-language. It starts with people, and builds them into robots.
The whole Scientology jargon sounds like Orwellian Newspeak. Do these people really talk like that?
No Fred the hardcore scientologists don’t really speak like that. I actually have to water it down some for my cartoons so that non scientologists may be able to make at least some sense of what is being said.
Off topic maybe but to settle a conversation today :
The Holy Father (Pope) has a Jeep wrangler with open sides,
David Misavige (POB) has an armored van with gun ports
Am I right ?
This wonderful Pope rode a black Fiat in the motorcade yesterday, Joe Biden a couple blocks back in a black armored limo. They both make quite the statement. But, DM behind gun turrets? Woe, I don’t know if its true, but it is believable, and if it IS true, I think that would be a statement the world should know about. (he speaks so little)
Lest there be any doubt, here is a classic example with an interview I did with “son of OSA” Jordan Laveau. It’s all there, the robot TRs, the copious over-acking with no actual communication. And finally when the truth hurts a little too much “I think this conversation is over”.
Hi Martin Padfield, Thank you so much for this post.All you said really resonated with me. So true and those now OSA can be very very intense with what and how they do comm with a target they intend to use or abuse I my case years ago.Always,Ann.
Hi Mariin Padfield, Should be in my case… Sorry, Ann.
They may not speak like that but they think like that. Thanks for a great job RB.
They have their own language solidly in place, the tactic to support isolation of the group.
Effectively, as they can only talk to each other, “wogs” then becoming a relative waste of time, the fact a constant reminder for the dwellers and residents of the bubble.
If I write a Scientology scene or script, the challenge is in avoiding that language, running into the same problem all the time just talking about the object of Scientology. When you think about it, you realize the whole thing, Scientology, is itself entirely a language, meant to be imagination made “real” in the mind of the perceiver.
The language is a tool of entrapment, also, in that the practitioner justifies thinking of himself as being “trained in a technology” using this language. He feels superior, more valuable as a person employing this “applied philolosophy”, the idea constantly being drilled into his brain. With the language he is able to justify, in his own mind at least, this superiority. That empowering feeling would be lost if he were to leave the group (severing himself from this attractive language), and so, again, he feels compelled to stay inside the bubble.
This technique exposes the entire organization and doctrine as a well-designed and calculated trap, especially considering the lack of actual science involved. I would hesitate to give it any other value or purpose, except for the (sad) practitioner willing to sacrifice all other social affiliation beyond the bubble in order to part of this group, (mom and dad included).
Meanwhile, you won’t catch me speaking Scientologeese.
Hi Mark Marko., You and I know all about that that steel trabh
I remember that creepy lady visiting Monique Rathbun at her home. I tried to find the video link but couldn’t right now. It’s a real gem of “Yeah,I got that” followed by ‘I will keep saying what I’m saying no matter what you have to think or say about it.’ Disassociation at its finest. Monique was very nice to that woman, and patient! One of my favorite videos with Monique is when she shames the squirrel busters sitting in the golf cart with “You should be ashamed of yourselves!” and “Look at you, you’re riding up and down the street in a golf cart!” She shut it down. The big mouthed guy on the golf cart was rendered speechless and you can see it.
Here you go…
Hi hgc10 and thank you for the link. That’s a precious one. Notice how Monique tells the woman that she “minds” speaking with her and the woman just goes on and on? Monique must have the patience of a saint. These people will talk your head off if you let them.
last conversation I had with an MAA the first “I got that” that came outg of her mouth got the response “don’t ack me to try and shut me up”, Her TR’s ceased to exist for the rest of the conversation. When you no longer are worried about the big bad co$ they have zero power over you.
Hi HELOSA, Good to meet you. Thank you for your post.That was great that you became resistant to cos and the MAA. I wish I could have done so.But the level of intensity in my situation in Sea Org with Guardians Office / Intelligence before OSA,was compounded by the fact they had years of my PC folders to play with and I am sure knowledge reports etc.Plus throw in physical violence and the storm becomes perfect.So happy I finally blew after months and months of it all.Always, Ann.
Thanks for another great one RB! I chuckled when Frick (or was it Frack) asked her “What is your ruin”?
Keep up the awesome work. Lord knows you have tons of material to work with while they are being attacked and “winning” themselves into oblivion.
Well, Steph in Bow, what is YOUR ruin? You have to have a ruin! And no matter what it is, we can fix it for you! Here…just fill out this 200 question scientific Personality Test straight from Oxford University in England. The results are what you think of you, not what we think of you! I mean, how scientific can you get? We’re all about science here……
That “What is your ruin?” cracked me up too.
And the acks! Priceless.
Priceless, and ironic…Scientology can help you with your “understanding” problem, you know, the one we created with our esoteric inside jibberish??
The most notable entry missing from the Scn Technical Dictionary is:
critical thinking
The practicing Scientologist is twice removed from thinking for himself.
First, he is hypnotized and doesn’t know it.
Second, he is denied access to source information, and doesn’t know it.
Add to that the wall between him and the general public, seal the wall from both sides, punishing him for trying to contact anyone outside, especially the media but notably including family, AND (until now) successfully keeping the media from prying inside,
and you have a very well-fortified trap indeed, with a leader thinking that he can say or not say whatever he feels like, himself quite deluded, too. Whether he knows it or not is open for debate.
Regraded Being is my first stop every Friday morning. It’s brilliant and hilarious and tragic all at once. And I’ve never been in, Thanks, RB and Mike. I hope this reaches the lost all over this Scientology-blighted planet.
“CoB had the OT’s put up like a force field around Flag so no entheta can get in” and other Harry Potteresque tales of sorcery from the mouths of pimple-faced youths. Little do they know of the tribulations of the greatest living OT, David Miscavige Hisself, who must drink away the entheta as there are no OT force fields to keep out what’s gunning for him.
Just to show the depth of biting sarcasm isn’t being lost:
“Il’ll bet that if it wasn’t because we’re supposed to maintain a Games Condition so it doesn’t get boring for the OTs, we’d have taken over all the governments a long time ago and just set things right.”
“Yea Dude. Talk about being at total effect!!!”
“Games Condition, 1. when you say games condition you mean that somebody’s power of choice has been subjugated against his will into a fixated activity from which he must not take his attention. 2. … There is nothing wrong with having games. There is a lot wrong with being in a games condition because it is unknown ….”” (Scn Tech Dict., LRH.)
To me, a Games Condition is a technical description of barking up the wrong tree (there’s no chance of winning, someone from the outside can see it’s wrong, but those engaged in the Games Condition cannot). Something like SO who do not know what they’re talking about, and think they are maintaining [whatever] for OTs. Keeping themselves in a box, thinking they are somehow “going free”, so unknowing they do not know they are in a Games Condition, and are cheering it. Something like a federal government growing bigger and exercising more control in individual’s lives, claiming it represents the land of the free.
The activities of Scientologist outside the Co$ are simply based on clearing the reactive mind, and these are individual actions, the goals of which involve more causality over one’s own thought, as one sees best, oneself, and also being more able to understand and inflow communications and realities of others. The Co$, in contrast, seems to favor an authoritarian regime which is very well illustrated in the lampoon today.
(Hows that for short and sweet)
My favorite so far….
Panel Three…it scared the hell out of me that I totally understood Kevin’s speech without a need to pause to translate it into actual English. I’ve been in this game too long.
The above is exactly how scientologists think.
How about, “The above is exactly how scientologists are programmed to think. It’s all in the brainwashing…
Never been quite happy with the term ‘brainwashing’ in use with scientology. Washing indicates something clean and washed. You know like a fresh shirt on a hot day.
Scientology is more like a computer virus imho. It gets into the base programming and adds some command stuff rather than washing anything and soon infects all aspects of operation and provides the answers to everything that’s already there. It answers everything – Cognitive infection in other words!
Cure the virus and you conquer the world – see I’ve got a virus too, the generality virus!
Excellent point, Surfer Dude.
Correct M Greene. I’ve seen it on Indie websites.
The deck is being stacked against you: Monique Rathbun, Alex Gibney, Leah Remini. . .
If Leah Remini had the chance, I’ll bet she’d bitch slap DLHDM so hard he’d end up at Target 2
Yes. She’s taller than he is (and less afraid), so I bet she could do it too. (I met her at Spanky Taylor’s party for Tony Ortega’s book release.)
I met Spanky in Hollywood with the release of Going Clear. Her story is just so incredibly sad. Especially for her child. But, that’s the cult for you!
Imo, the deck was stacked against him long ago – he’s in his own games condition. You can’t win by suppressing, oppressing, depressing, re-pressing ….
just speeding up the process, beyond the unworkable inevitability of Hubbard’s matrix and labyrinth
I’m trying to think of a situation where you would actually find two of these schlubs actually out in public. When they are out, they seem to travel in packs and run like hell, at least in Clearwater. In Portland or Seattle, its easier to spot a Yeti.
Try the corner of Sunset Blvd and Vermont Avenue in East Hollywood.
Bystander, you are correct. I’ve noticed the same thing. At the Pasadena Idle Morgue, the very young SO girls will not leave the front door in their quest to pass out tickets to the intro film. They’re just two blocks down from massive amounts of foot traffic and they don’t go there.
Seriously, Bystander, I think they’ve all been program to fear Wogs. Bubble dwellers do that, you know.
Hi OSD, Your post about the young SO girls made me recall,how times have changed in some aspects. My first week or so in Sea Org before the Excalbur and before my first post of letter folder( that Pitney Bowes Machine!) and I was also culling out all entheta letters for the regges there already. Before that I was told to go outside the H’wood Inn and body route bodies in for personality testing and if I sold them DMSMH or Self Analysis so much the better.The Oxford Personality Test.I was told to get on out there and wade right into,the sidewalk crowds and bring whoever in.Running away was not not an option.So off I went and got those wogs right in the shop.Probably because I did not want to do that forever after Excalibur got promoted to letter reg.Today from your post a different vibe all round it seems.XO Ann.
When I was on staff in Hawai’i, I was in Div 6 as a body router too. I brought in more people than any one had ever done. I sold more books (both hard and soft cover) than anyone had ever done. And they still held damn B of I on me! I didn’t last long on staff. Especially living in Hawai’i.
Sounds like you were pretty good at it!
Hi OSD,Great post.Actually I ‘d be willing to bet that you were mucho better than me.That is great you were Div 6.When I was told to hit the Blvd I was not Div anything just a wide eyed big hearted hypnotized expediter who wanted to do what ever I could.Now when I got the letter reg position I was in hog heaven and when I became ASR a few years later I really got cooking.Back then my task was to send out reg packets with a letter and of course payment in advance for the SHSBC and all the other training and auditing Asho offered.It was different from letter regging in that there was a ton more pressure to make the sale and get the eta Estimated time of Arrival set for the person coming.Sometimes I had to arrange transportation and plane tickets for them too like a travel agent.If I could push people to AOLA and The Apollo that was very upstat.But like you for our troubles I got Intel and you wisely blew when that time had come.I admire you.Always Ann.
Hello Ann, hope disqus alerts you to this message. If you were aboard the old girl between ’72 and ’74 you must know me, as DPF MAA and later Bosn. If so, please read my 1st ESMB post from 1/8/13 in the New Mbr Intros. I post there under my 1st initial+last name, which you probably remember. pk
Hi civmar,My goodness Great to see your post! Please put up with me as I am at kindergarten level as to abbreviations for postings and I post on Mike’s because I know how to do that at least.I can see you but this 64 yr old brain has yet to put a name to the picture.I did Prod 0 on the Excalibur Aug 74 and then I was about to do Product 1 some years later but couldn’t because I was wanted on post as Asho F letter reg and ASR from above,then Go/ Intel rounded me up and put me on their “program ” downhill from there! The Deck Project Force yes I do remember.What is ESMB post and New Mbr Intros,I feel I should know and I am laughing at myself for not knowing! You know I loved all the Team at Asho F and I loved the early Excalibur days and if my recall serves,you were one of the good crowd.Getting old in body and mind is an adventure! pk keeps running through my brain so it is filed (laughter CF ) away in there somewhere!Love Always,Ann.
Ann, Ex-Scientologist Message Board,
On the first page that comes at top right click at the User Name field enter pkatz (OK. I’ve outed myself!) go to page 3 of my posts and scroll down to the earliest one, 6/14/11.
Disqus deleted my sentence following the web page URL and part of the sentence following: on the top right of the 1st page that comes up click Advanced Search. Next page, at user name enter pkatz, click Search Now. Then go to page 3 of my posts and scroll down, et.
Hi civmar,Boy am I messing this up.I went to,your link but then there was this yellow line that said I had to sign in because I am a first time user and now I am lost at Sea with no compass. I so appreciate you trying to explain all of this Internet links to me, but when I typed in your name and tried to scroll to your post it would not let me. you know certain “friends ” do not want me to contact certain people.Thank you for outing yourself I am trying to get that old brain to recall all.Cancer and radiation can scramble that at times.I’ll keep trying,but if you want to reach me my email is [email protected] the torpedos full speed ahead!Love,Ann.
The ESMB post I refered to sent in an email to you. Sorry for not knowing about being a member b4 doing a search.
That is just freaking brilliant Regraded Being, one of your best yet!
RB, it must be nice to have strategically placed cams with microphones. New material for the strip constantly pouring in. 🙂
It will be a game changer for Cee Oh Bee as he dictates His response via His pen name Karin Pouw to the world. RB may come out with a report from his his hidden mic in Hemet!
Yo Dave,
The world is waiting ……………. good buddy. Pound another scotch and tell us like it is!! Oh yes, and don’t forget to berate someone this morning to show them how powerful You are.
Will you guys pleeeeze do something about all this Do-Do and not wait around for Dave to dole out another round of Dependz before you act!
Very funny.
The delusional scientologist, so brainwashed they refuse to even consider the possibility that they might not be right.
What is so funny here is the belief that psychs are their opposition, I actually used to believe this line myself no doubt helped by their documentaries ‘proving’ this is the case. The vast majority of people I see who oppose scientology have been harmed by it in the past and now want to try and stop it from hurting others, they have never had anything to do with psychiatry or any branch of government what so ever.
Hi Gimpy, I liked your post. I am one who was very hurt by black doings which were never explained to me as to why.So I do not want anyone else to go through that ever.I may have had to go to a horrible Scientology deprogrammer for a year or so after I blew Sea Org, but that made me not want to be a part of all that again.Broke my heart almost broke my spirit.As for the gov.I’m not keen on all that either.So RB hits it right out of the park again.Brilliant strip. Always Ann.
Interesting and sad Ann. To say I’m glad you’re out is an understatement but the cult’s ability to ply itself into a nasty group and a savagely infected mindset is frightening. Gives me the horrors to think if miscavige ever set up shop in a 3rd world country. He’d develop more direct methods of eliminating opponents (which is everyone who doesn’t continually give money or allegiance).
What is the interesting bit for me is some of the stuff such as social personality definitions and some auditing looks really good on paper. Also, some of their social betterment goals, codes etc. but when you place that info in the hands of a cult it all turns into a bait & switch trap. Like a fly fisherman spending hours making beautiful flies from metal and feathers but to the fish – by the time they find out, it’s pure evil.
Perspective and intention is what sets the stage of their operational behaviour. There is nothing benevolent concerning scientology or any cult. But it seems add vast amounts on money to any group and sooner or later it turns into something to be careful with. I know as a soldier, I worked out at times I was actually somebody’s else’s weapon, so much was the mindset to blindly follow orders. Fools with your head a bit and deprogramming is good for all cult involvement..
Hi IYawnalot, A timely and wise post.Thank you.I agree with all you said,except the deprogrammer my late Dad made me go to was nuts! Smiling, glad I got away from him and all his “take this pill and you will forget The Sea Org.Oh by the way you will be so drugged you’ll forget your own name too !” Always like your posts.Ann.
Deprogramming is an unknown science as well. At the end of the day with anything requiring a decision, you have to have your wits about you. Drugs for mental problems…? geezers, alcohol rates as the most popular doesn’t it? You’re own your own if you want to pop pills though. I wouldn’t advise it but it’s your head.
Scientology gave so much promise but failed to deliver. There’s nuts everywhere hey? Just depends on perspective and intentions.
Hi I Yawnalot, Gosh I never wanted to,pop pills.This shrink who was the head of the shrink dept made me.The decision was out of my hands at the time along time ago.I got wise and flushed all,pills down the toilet.This was a really crazy situation where I had come home after some years in Sea Org and at that time no money no job and my very powerful Dad wanted to teach me a lesson.I was between a rock and a hard place I had no choice. Thank you for your post and viewpoint.Always Ann.
Yeah, I hear you. It’s a tough act getting the cult out of your head. There’s lots of silly things out there. I trust psyches almost as much as I do scientologists. Finding someone caring is the trick in my book. But you also must know when to pull out of something that doesn’t work or is doing harm – a lot of people fall down on that.
There’s not all that many second chances the older you get but you can handle anything if you apply yourself with an honest heart.
Good luck.
“The delusional scientologist, so brainwashed they refuse to even consider the possibility that they might not be right.”
Gimpy, that would be one of THE highest crimes in the cult. Any sort of doubt, you’re in massive trouble. THEY HAVE TO BE RIGHT. That’s the bottom line……..
The Pope on a Box should Patent his bubble
Society thinking. Blueprints and Engineering reports
written by Dan Sherman.
The young gladiators knocked it out of the ballpark again. She’s hooked I can tell.
You are right on the money, Ron! You’ve got some great cognitive skills. She’s absolutely hooked! In fact, I’ll be she joins the SO within a week!
Wow! Great insight to how both sides see things. I wonder who’s right. I’ve got to get one of those Way To Happiness booklets. I’m sure that will Clear-up everything
It did for me….. In fact, reading the Way to Happiness was so profound, it was JUST LIKE doing all the OT levels! Which means I don’t have to actually have to do them now! I’m already OT! But my big test is go out and confront wogs……
Funny part is that if you actually read the 21 precepts of the Way To Happiness you’ll be left wondering what the heck do any of them have to do with the church of scientology.
Any scientologist that actually tries to apply these to their daily living behaivior will quickly find themselves facing an Ethics Officer for having gone against church policy. Of course, I may be wrong so I ask you to take a look at the 21 Way to Happiness precepts and decide which of them best describes the behaivior you have observed by the church’s leaders, staff, Sea Org members, public scientologists, lawyers, private investigators and the people involved with providing information about the church and its activities to its members and to the public in general.
1. Take Care of Yourself
2. Be Temperate
3. Don’t Be Promiscuous
4. Love and Help Children
5. Honor and Help Your Parents
6. Set A Good Example
7. Seek To Live With The Truth
8. Do Not Murder
9. Don’t Do Anything Illegal
10. Support A Government Designed and Run For All The People
11. Do Not Harm A Person Of Good Will
12. Safeguard And Improve Your Environment
13. Do Not Steal
14. Be Worthy of Trust
15. Fulfill Your Obligations
16. Be Industrious
17. Be Competent
18. Respect The Religious Beliefs of Others
19. Try Not To Do Things To Others That You Would Not Like Them to Do To You
20. Try To Treat Others As You Would Want Them To Treat You
21. Flourish And Prosper
Hi Regraded Being, I loved your post and I was really amazed at how many points were absolutely not followed in Sea Org or for staff at Orgs either I surmise.You areAdear friend to me,and I will always love your work.Ann.
Than you Ann. I enjoy following your comments on all of Mike’s posts. You often make me think back to my early days as a young scientologist full of ilusions of helping mankind merely by being a part of this new and wonderous group. You are a dear friend to me. Regraded Being
Wow, RB! You not only trill us every Friday, but, you’re spot on regarding this list. So, according to this list, this is how every single scientologist acts? Ok, let me give it try:
1. Take Care of Yourself (Pretty had to do with sleep deprivation and being in the Hole (which continues to not exist)
2. Be Temperate (I believe that’s impossible that for them)
3. Don’t be promiscuous (well they do cover up for child molesters and anyone else that does something like that due to PR reasons)
4. Love & Help Children (Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Oh wait, they were serious? My bad)
5. Honor and Help Your Parents (tough to do when you’re disconnected from them and they refuse your calls & letters)
6. Set a Good Example ( Seriously, this is too funny! Let’s see, Lisa McPherson, Operation Snow White, Paulette Cooper, the RPF, the Hole (which continues to not exist).
7. Seek to Live With the Truth (Where do I begin? I’m sure they’re talking about scn truth and not Wog truth. Oh, and TR-L (training routine Lying). Yep, they’re very truthful.
8. Do Not Murder ( I know they’ve targeted people, but, not sure if they’ve offed anyone. I think they’ve murdered a judge’s dog to intimidate him in a court case.)
9. Don’t Do Anything Illegal (I will say this, they’ve got some huge balls to say something like this! Illegality is their middle name )
10. Support a Government Designed and Run For All the People (Hmmm. Didn’t fatso say only Clears should have rights? And, didn’t fatso also say that he should be a benevolent dictator?)
11. Do Not Harm a Person of Goodwill (Paulette Cooper was a person of goodwill. What happened there! “Never fear to harm another in a good cause {or something like that}. Maybe scientologists are the only ones who are people of goodwill)
12. Safe Guard and Improve Your Environment (How many trees have had to be cut down to make sets of “The Basics?” As far as I can see, they don’t shit to help the environment!)
13. Do Not Steal (Whoa! How many documents did they steal under Operation Snow White? Do they not know they’re own history?)
14. Be Worthy of Trust (Bwahahahahahahahahaha! El Con must have been laughing his ass off when he came up with this one!)
15. Fulfill Your Obligations (Oh, this an easy one! Refunds! You’re supposed to give people refunds when they haven’t use the money for services! Or, they didn’t think it was worth it!)
16. Be Industrious (Ok…they got there. I have to say that when the dwarf goes on a rampage ordering everyone to work non-stop for weeks at a time, I guess that’s pretty industrious. I guess…).
17. Be Competent (well, according to COP, he’s the ONLY ONE who’s competent. Everyone else is a CICS asshole who should be sent to the Hole (which continues to now exist).
18. Respect the Religious Beliefs of Others (Hey! Isn’t that “other practices? Besides, scientology is NOT a religion! It’s a mind bending, brainwashing, family destroying, financial ruining, public school infiltrating CULT! If it walks like a cult, and quacks like a cult, then IT’S A CULT! No ifs or ands about it)
19. Try Not to Do Things to Others That You Would Not Like Them to Do to You (Apart from the poor Engish, ummmm…let’s see…The RPF? Getting beat up by the leader? Forced to work 100 hour weeks? Forced abortions? Destroying families? Spying on each other? I could go on…)
20. Try to Treat Others as You Would Want Then To Treat You (Lord! Let’s see, working as a SOger. Not being able to contact your family. Eating scraps. Washing a trash bin with a toothbrush. The list here can go on forever)
21. Flourish & Prosper (What a great idea! Too bad if you’re staff or SO, this doesn’t really apply to you. I mean, with SO, $50 a week isn’t much. And when the dwarf is raging about something, you’re pay is complete shit!)
Well, that’s my take. So take it or leave it. OSD
Pepper, I knew YOU would enjoy it! Poking fun at the cult is now a legitimate lifestyle!
OSD, I always enjoy what you have to say. Even though the things you posted can be looked at as not funny in ‘real life’, you have a knack to make us laugh and are our comic relief every time. I wish I had the talent that you and others have here. Laughing is my favorite thing to do, and life would be pretty dead without it.
It’s something I used to do as a living. A very, very small living. I did acting, musical acting, music, stand-up, radio & M/C. However, unless one gets a contract, one is doing it simply because they like entertaining. My Mom was a ‘B’ movie actor and model so I kind of got this from her. I’m trying to write a book to get me back into entertainment one more time. It’s called, “Musing From the Junk Drawer of Life, by Uncle Bob, the Nicest Guy in the World and Because Everyone needs an Uncle Bob.”
Once completed, I’m going to try and get on one of the talk shows. And then, I can take it from there. I’ve been on radio and TV, but, nothing came of it.
Thanks for the kind words, Pepper! And you’re right, I’m best suited for Comic Relief. It’s what I do. It’s actually what I’ve done my entire life. I’m not much good for anything else. You should have seen me at FLOP. I was there in ’81 (I think). I did this gag on two local Hawaiian boys. One the auditor and the other the PC. The public was cracking up! The staff was staring daggers at me.
And, Pepper, we ALL need to find something to laugh about every single day. Life is far too important to take seriously…..
Yes, OSD 🙂
very good, but number 8 you forgot about Rex Fowler that stole from his employees for the IAS, then killed poor Tom, loving father. so sad.
“who stole”
Hi Pete2, The situation you posted was after my time I think,but sounds very sad and tragic.Isn’t it twisted that Scientology purported to be the answer for Mankind that was worth waiting for X amount of endless eons to free us from the trap,only to send us right into an even bigger trap,with titanium doors that snapped shut.To all who have been hurt or died at the hand of cos my heart goes out to you and those left behind.And to the good ones who still want to help heal broken souls with the good application of auditing tech,I thank you.Even though I am still too traumatized to pick up those juice cans now.Always,Ann.
🙂 Oh OS Dude, you have far too much free time on your hands LOL.
You know me so well! You can never have too much free time to poke fun at the cult!
Wow. Good point RB
Straight to the point regraded being. Reminds me of bunker speak about the infallible Wermacht and its Fuhrer and how he would push back the Huns and the hordes of inferior races closing in, with Berlin in flames and the Red Army already circling the city. Reality has nothing to do with agreement If you hit a brick wall, you hit a brick wall and wether you agree or not, it is going to break your bones. These guys are heading for a head on crash at full speed. Then they’ll realise what exteriorisation is all about.
Hi alexdevalera, A super post.Thank you so much.Always,Ann.
Seen the same thing in video interviews of Still In’s. It’s really, really, sad.
Dumb and dumber, convinced they are above it all. Just like their pathetic “leader”.
Mat, c’mon now! These people are Homo Novi, for God’s sake! HOMO NOVI!!! They’ll be able to track you down with their thoughts!
Ayn Rand used to call what they do “blank out”. An inability to hear what they are afraid of hearing.
Wow! “An inability to hear what they are afraid of hearing.” Now that’s a scary proposition. Forcing members to police their own thoughts. I’m surprised 1984 isn’t one of their favorite books. It’s one of mine.
Geez, Louise, how much Kool-Aid do you have to drink to think like that?
Depends on your proximity to Cee Oh Bee. The further away you are the more you may need. In any case, the sheeple go walking two by two because singularly they might forget to drink their daily bread.
Yo Dave,
I was hoping you would pick up Leahs new book and give us all a fact check review good buddy.
Also, when will you be addressing the Pope. He checked in with Congress yesterday and I see the Speaker of the House promptly resigned. Perhaps they need someone of your stature to deal with these all so important religious matters.
Whaddya say ……………………..Dave?
Did the Speaker of the House resign or re-sign?
He resigned. The Speaker’s goal, for some time now, was to get the Pope to the U.S. Now that he’s done that, he’s out. Oh, he also gets his salary for life…….
Very interesting.
Didn’t know that. Interesting.