O/T. Saturday, January 5, 2019: Event at the Church of Scientology of Dallas featuring Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad, who preaches “the Jews” control drugs, pimping, pedophilia, and pornography.
Oh, if ONLY it were posssible to put a reg into doubt like that by pointing out the O/Ws evidenced by the organization’s own messages about the brave whistleblowers risking so much by testifying on “Aftermath”. I guess we can dream, can’t we?
Happy New Year, everyone! May this year be the one wher yhe world is cleared — Of scientology (NEVER call it a church!, not even in quotes)
I got a good laugh out of today’s Regraded Being. The new guy reminded me of me when I first got sucked into the cult. I distinctly remember looking at a copy of the ‘grade chart’ that was posted in a public place. I was looking at the abilities gained for each level and wasn’t interested in most of them. I was however interested in one of the levels near the upper part of the chart but I didn’t know that one had to do each previous level to get there. That should have been my first red flag letting me know that there would be some serious money extraction ahead, but instead I was intrigued by the potential gains that were promised. What a naive dweeb I was. Funny thing was, I later found out that if I really wanted the abilities that were promised on the ‘grade chart’ then I had ‘hidden standards’ and that was a serious impediment to progressing up the ‘bridge to total freedom’. I’m sure that FOOLproof will be kind enough to come along and gently point out my ‘MUs’ but as far as I can tell it works like this in the cult.
1) Mark goes to the reg.
2) Reg sells the mark an auditing package by telling the mark of all of the glorious abilities that will be gained by completing the auditing action.
3) Mark get audited after thoroughly ‘word clearing’ each and every auditing question.
4) Mark finishes up the auditing and feels good enough about it to get an ‘f/n’ at the examiner.
5) Mark notices that there is no real change in their life and no real ability gained.
6) Mark says something about this and is sent to ‘ethics’ for having ‘hidden standards’ because they wanted the stated ability gained outlined on the ‘grade chart’.
7) Mark pays for and gets review auditing to get to the bottom of their ‘hidden standards’.
8) Somewhere along the line the mark ‘cognites’ and keeps their mouth shut about any desired abilities cuz it’s costing them a butt-load of money.
9) Mark hopes that they will get some sort of change in life by completing the next level of auditing.
10) Back the the reg.
11) Repeat the above steps until one FINALLY ‘cognites’ that scientology is a world class money extraction scam and there is no such thing as ‘clear’ or ‘OT’ (or any ability gained nonsense listed on the sacred ‘grade chart’).
12) Time to blow.
13) Show up on scientology critics blogs and post about your experiences in hopes of warning others that scientology is nothing more than a world class con and you were much better off before you got involved with the cult.
That’s my 13 step program. 13 seems pretty lucky to me. For all the lurkers out there that may have recently gotten involved with the cult and have dared to check things out on the internet, this is the short cut to freedom from the cult. I hope that you zoom to step 13 WAY FASTER than I did.
Ms. B. Haven , I’d change your #12 from ” Time to Blow”, which implies she’s doing something WRONG to “time to walk away from the lying, cheating money-grubbing machine” , which is THE RIGHT Thing to do.
I was out of Scn long before Dm created his “obstacle course to total freedom”. I thought the stated abilities gained on the lower grade chart sounded reasonable and I had a let’s see what happens attitude. As far as OT abilities I thought that astral planing around the universe (exteriorization in scn-speak) was ridiculous as far as I was concerned but maybe someone else might be able to do it. Tales of such do exist.
However, after Scn I had a couple of transcendental type experiences and more recently I had the experience of feeling like a passenger in the car I was driving. The experience only lasted ten minutes but it was fun while it lasted.
Millions or perhaps billions of people over the course of human history have experienced kensho or satori which Buddhists might describe as a temporary glimpse of “Awakening”. Why some people have such experiences and most don’t is unknown. Maybe scientology and dianetic auditing “opens the mind” to creative or imaginative thinking which is totally unscientific speculation.
A while back I watched a youtube video where a group of Ken Wilber’s Integral Life followers went off into a jungle somewhere and got smashed on psychedelic jungle juice and went on a guided meditation with a guru. Some of them were later interviewed and they were rather starry eyed with their “new perspective”. I don’t know if their new perspective stuck.
People who were never in a cult or a fundamentalist religion continually question how people can be so gullible and foolish so there’s a reason. In the cartoon Rick is obviously curious – haha
P.S. The blog required me to again fill out the Name, Email and Website.
Richard, did Hubbard himself ever deliver on the abilities listed on the grade chart? Hasn’t it been an “obstacle course” since at least the Fall of 1950, when Hubbard trotted out Sonya Bianca at the Shrine auditorium, and it was exposed he couldn’t produce a “clear”? Hubbard spent the next three and a half decades adding more and more processes and training that supposedly had to be done to achieve what had been promised in the early 1950s, creating a vast and complex system – time-consuming and inordinately expensive – that didn’t produce any better results, either.
The only real difference I see, is that Miscavige doesn’t have the same ability Hubbard did to string people along by promising that some new or modified “tech” he’s developed will finally be the thing that fulfills all the promised that have failed before. Plus he’s not as charismatic or beguiling a personality, and happened to come along at the point that Scientology was starting to collapse under the weight of its own failures combined with changes in popular interests (as I’ve repeated demonstrated, the general decline actually began in the early to mid 1970s when the baby boom turned to bust), so he makes a good scapegoat.
PM – I left Scn in 1982 and my recollection is that training and processing was streamlined back then. You learned how to operate the e-meter, take session notes, and only studied the basic “theory” behind the processes and started co-auditing if you weren’t just paying for processing.
Before all the price increases an e-meter cost $150 and the OT Package cost $3,500 which was about the cost of a new car back then. I didn’t do the OT levels so I don’t know how much of an obstacle course it was back then. There were always new rundowns coming out where you could go to the Mecca of Technical Perfection (Flag) and spend more money. I’m not saying it wasn’t always about the money, only that it’s a lot worse now than back then.
Maybe someone sitting on the fence might read this “ancient history” and realize how badly they’re getting skinned and depart the CoS.
As an aside, “process” has a King’s English definition which is applicable to scn, but
“processing” makes me think of what occurs in a meat packing factory. “Start of session. We will begin processing you.” lol
process 1. a systematic series of actions directed to some end:
to devise a process for homogenizing milk.
Miss B Haven – that was an awesome post and that is exactly how Scientology works.
Subliminal suggestions are given by L Ron Hubbard throughout his tech – to nullify and invalidate any opposing viewpoint of Scientology – so he has tons of built in justifications as to why it does not work.
He is only dangling a carrot on a stick but you can’t see it unless you get out – let some time go by and then LOOK again in a new unit of time with some education about mind control under your belt.
So – when you “expect” $cientology to deliver the promises stated on Grade Chart
There is the $cientological implant – “you have a hidden standard”
I jumped off the Bridge when they showed me that reference on “hidden standard” after going Clear and doing all L’s…..
My wins…. I got sick, needed glasses, filed bankruptcy, lost home to foreclosure and shattered my family after joining staff – thinking that would be the solution.
It was not – it only did more harm TO ME.
Scientology is a Bridge to Total Confusion and Ultimate destruction of all dynamics.
Lurkers – jump off now before you ruin your life. The Wog World is not scary or horrible. It is FREE and beautiful!
Whatever you do – do not apply Scientology to your problems. Scientology is nothing but a problem you do not want.
Come on down to Present Time – to reality where the Truth will set you free.
My post yesterday seemed to get buried and I thought it is worth repeating. It fits with RB’s fine work today.
Mike and Leah – I am a lurker that rarely posts anything anywhere.
It has taken many years to get over the betrayal of Scientology. Recovery was hard and painful.
I am watching your show and I am out of apathy. Yes – something can be done about it and you and Leah are doing just that! Thank you and Happy New Year.
You restored my hope in humanity. Because of you and your show I am getting my power back.
I wish to restore anyone lurking out there’s hope and power as well. YES! Something can be done about it.
I was contacted by a Scientologist after New Years Eve. Someone that I had not heard from for many years. I knew the person donated $100,000 to the Ideal Org and then a Staff member told me they filed bankruptcy and lost home to foreclosure. The Staff member also told me they did not pay a huge hospital bill and were bragging about how they got out of it. They left the area.
I wanted to share with you and everyone the text message exchange. I left out names and locations to protect myself and the Scientologist. I don’t think they will write it up because it causes so much HE&R, however, I don’t care if they do. Someday I will tell my horror story along with evidence of extortion.
Here is my “hat write” up on how to handle the Irresponsible Scientologist.
Lurkers – It is irresponsible to file bankruptcy after giving $100,000 to a Non Profit organization sitting on billions of dollars – for a big, empty building. We know how you justify it but you have been lied to. By not taking responsibility for your debts, you are hurting our economy.
The church of Scientology is doing nothing for anyone out here in the World. You need to stop watching propaganda films and LOOK for yourself.
To make matters worse, you choose to not look at what hundreds of thousands of people are saying about members being harmed by Scientology and that is out ethics.
The tech can’t get in until ethics is in. Remember that!
Here is the Text:
Scientologist: Hi ( ex member )xxxx, this is XXXX, the Scientologist.
Me: Hi XXXX, Scientologist, OMG! How are you? It’s been a very long time and I had no idea what happened to you and the family. Happy New Year!
Scientologist: Hi xxxx (ex member) ! How wonderful to get such an enthusiastic response from you! We moved and have been going up the Bridge. (Brags about how VGI’s everyone is from doing Scientology). I will be in your area and would love to catch up. We go back and forth and they keep bringing up getting together.
Me: XXXX (Scientologist),
I am so sorry but I won’t have anything to do with Scientologists.
I will never have anything to do with the Organization either.
There is a lot you don’t know about what the leader has been and is currently doing.
Please be responsible and look for yourself. Don’t be a robot.
It’s supposed to be the science of knowing how to know.
You need to look.
While people have wins in Scientology, many people have been harmed and it is not okay.
Leah Remini was in for over 30 years and was good friends with David and Shelly Miscavige.
She is trying to get ethics in.
You guys should too if you care about the future.
Watch her show and decide for yourself.
I wish you the best always. ML and ARC – xxxx (ex member)
Scientologist: Thank you, xxxx, best wishes to you as well.
He read it. He can never erase those words.
Now – this WILL crack that bubble of delusion, if only a hair. Scientology will do the rest.
I hope they get out. They are good people that mean well and they are caught in a very sticky trap.
“[Leah] is trying to get ethics in.” OH, SO TRUE!” “Aftermath” is basically a number of KRs on scientology, itself; submitted in the only way that has effectively gotten those outpoints considered by anyone who matters and can effect change within the criminal organizatiopn masquerading as a religion for legal and financial benefit.
O/T. Saturday, January 5, 2019: Event at the Church of Scientology of Dallas featuring Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad, who preaches “the Jews” control drugs, pimping, pedophilia, and pornography.
My tweet: https://twitter.com/IndieScieNews/status/1081113424900296705
Direct link to story: http://www.forum.exscn.net/threads/scientology-awards-freedom-medal-to-nation-of-islam-min-tony-muhammad-who-promotes-anti-semitic-book.44564/page-13#post-1193171
Has anyone caught on in fact that LRH was a conman?
RB: Glad you’ve still got family to visit with. Enjoy them to the max.
Oh, if ONLY it were posssible to put a reg into doubt like that by pointing out the O/Ws evidenced by the organization’s own messages about the brave whistleblowers risking so much by testifying on “Aftermath”. I guess we can dream, can’t we?
Happy New Year, everyone! May this year be the one wher yhe world is cleared — Of scientology (NEVER call it a church!, not even in quotes)
I got a good laugh out of today’s Regraded Being. The new guy reminded me of me when I first got sucked into the cult. I distinctly remember looking at a copy of the ‘grade chart’ that was posted in a public place. I was looking at the abilities gained for each level and wasn’t interested in most of them. I was however interested in one of the levels near the upper part of the chart but I didn’t know that one had to do each previous level to get there. That should have been my first red flag letting me know that there would be some serious money extraction ahead, but instead I was intrigued by the potential gains that were promised. What a naive dweeb I was. Funny thing was, I later found out that if I really wanted the abilities that were promised on the ‘grade chart’ then I had ‘hidden standards’ and that was a serious impediment to progressing up the ‘bridge to total freedom’. I’m sure that FOOLproof will be kind enough to come along and gently point out my ‘MUs’ but as far as I can tell it works like this in the cult.
1) Mark goes to the reg.
2) Reg sells the mark an auditing package by telling the mark of all of the glorious abilities that will be gained by completing the auditing action.
3) Mark get audited after thoroughly ‘word clearing’ each and every auditing question.
4) Mark finishes up the auditing and feels good enough about it to get an ‘f/n’ at the examiner.
5) Mark notices that there is no real change in their life and no real ability gained.
6) Mark says something about this and is sent to ‘ethics’ for having ‘hidden standards’ because they wanted the stated ability gained outlined on the ‘grade chart’.
7) Mark pays for and gets review auditing to get to the bottom of their ‘hidden standards’.
8) Somewhere along the line the mark ‘cognites’ and keeps their mouth shut about any desired abilities cuz it’s costing them a butt-load of money.
9) Mark hopes that they will get some sort of change in life by completing the next level of auditing.
10) Back the the reg.
11) Repeat the above steps until one FINALLY ‘cognites’ that scientology is a world class money extraction scam and there is no such thing as ‘clear’ or ‘OT’ (or any ability gained nonsense listed on the sacred ‘grade chart’).
12) Time to blow.
13) Show up on scientology critics blogs and post about your experiences in hopes of warning others that scientology is nothing more than a world class con and you were much better off before you got involved with the cult.
That’s my 13 step program. 13 seems pretty lucky to me. For all the lurkers out there that may have recently gotten involved with the cult and have dared to check things out on the internet, this is the short cut to freedom from the cult. I hope that you zoom to step 13 WAY FASTER than I did.
Ms. B. Haven , I’d change your #12 from ” Time to Blow”, which implies she’s doing something WRONG to “time to walk away from the lying, cheating money-grubbing machine” , which is THE RIGHT Thing to do.
Enjoy your posts, BTW.
I was out of Scn long before Dm created his “obstacle course to total freedom”. I thought the stated abilities gained on the lower grade chart sounded reasonable and I had a let’s see what happens attitude. As far as OT abilities I thought that astral planing around the universe (exteriorization in scn-speak) was ridiculous as far as I was concerned but maybe someone else might be able to do it. Tales of such do exist.
However, after Scn I had a couple of transcendental type experiences and more recently I had the experience of feeling like a passenger in the car I was driving. The experience only lasted ten minutes but it was fun while it lasted.
Millions or perhaps billions of people over the course of human history have experienced kensho or satori which Buddhists might describe as a temporary glimpse of “Awakening”. Why some people have such experiences and most don’t is unknown. Maybe scientology and dianetic auditing “opens the mind” to creative or imaginative thinking which is totally unscientific speculation.
A while back I watched a youtube video where a group of Ken Wilber’s Integral Life followers went off into a jungle somewhere and got smashed on psychedelic jungle juice and went on a guided meditation with a guru. Some of them were later interviewed and they were rather starry eyed with their “new perspective”. I don’t know if their new perspective stuck.
People who were never in a cult or a fundamentalist religion continually question how people can be so gullible and foolish so there’s a reason. In the cartoon Rick is obviously curious – haha
P.S. The blog required me to again fill out the Name, Email and Website.
Richard, did Hubbard himself ever deliver on the abilities listed on the grade chart? Hasn’t it been an “obstacle course” since at least the Fall of 1950, when Hubbard trotted out Sonya Bianca at the Shrine auditorium, and it was exposed he couldn’t produce a “clear”? Hubbard spent the next three and a half decades adding more and more processes and training that supposedly had to be done to achieve what had been promised in the early 1950s, creating a vast and complex system – time-consuming and inordinately expensive – that didn’t produce any better results, either.
The only real difference I see, is that Miscavige doesn’t have the same ability Hubbard did to string people along by promising that some new or modified “tech” he’s developed will finally be the thing that fulfills all the promised that have failed before. Plus he’s not as charismatic or beguiling a personality, and happened to come along at the point that Scientology was starting to collapse under the weight of its own failures combined with changes in popular interests (as I’ve repeated demonstrated, the general decline actually began in the early to mid 1970s when the baby boom turned to bust), so he makes a good scapegoat.
PM – I left Scn in 1982 and my recollection is that training and processing was streamlined back then. You learned how to operate the e-meter, take session notes, and only studied the basic “theory” behind the processes and started co-auditing if you weren’t just paying for processing.
Before all the price increases an e-meter cost $150 and the OT Package cost $3,500 which was about the cost of a new car back then. I didn’t do the OT levels so I don’t know how much of an obstacle course it was back then. There were always new rundowns coming out where you could go to the Mecca of Technical Perfection (Flag) and spend more money. I’m not saying it wasn’t always about the money, only that it’s a lot worse now than back then.
Maybe someone sitting on the fence might read this “ancient history” and realize how badly they’re getting skinned and depart the CoS.
As an aside, “process” has a King’s English definition which is applicable to scn, but
“processing” makes me think of what occurs in a meat packing factory. “Start of session. We will begin processing you.” lol
process 1. a systematic series of actions directed to some end:
to devise a process for homogenizing milk.
Great post!
Miss B Haven – that was an awesome post and that is exactly how Scientology works.
Subliminal suggestions are given by L Ron Hubbard throughout his tech – to nullify and invalidate any opposing viewpoint of Scientology – so he has tons of built in justifications as to why it does not work.
He is only dangling a carrot on a stick but you can’t see it unless you get out – let some time go by and then LOOK again in a new unit of time with some education about mind control under your belt.
So – when you “expect” $cientology to deliver the promises stated on Grade Chart
There is the $cientological implant – “you have a hidden standard”
I jumped off the Bridge when they showed me that reference on “hidden standard” after going Clear and doing all L’s…..
My wins…. I got sick, needed glasses, filed bankruptcy, lost home to foreclosure and shattered my family after joining staff – thinking that would be the solution.
It was not – it only did more harm TO ME.
Scientology is a Bridge to Total Confusion and Ultimate destruction of all dynamics.
Lurkers – jump off now before you ruin your life. The Wog World is not scary or horrible. It is FREE and beautiful!
Whatever you do – do not apply Scientology to your problems. Scientology is nothing but a problem you do not want.
Come on down to Present Time – to reality where the Truth will set you free.
For some reason, this RB makes me think of Johnny Cash Folsum Prison Blues.
I see the train wreck comin’
It’s right there in our path,
‘Cause they’re all seeing sunshine
Because of Aftermath.
Unfortunately most scamologists who have reached the state of Homo tardum are immune to cognitive dissidence
We need billboards plastered around all Idle Morgues everywhere
We thought so.
Watch A&E
Scientology; the Aftermath
staring Leah Remini and Mike Rinder
Finally, the TRUTH that will set you free.
I love this!
excellent suggestion!
My post yesterday seemed to get buried and I thought it is worth repeating. It fits with RB’s fine work today.
Mike and Leah – I am a lurker that rarely posts anything anywhere.
It has taken many years to get over the betrayal of Scientology. Recovery was hard and painful.
I am watching your show and I am out of apathy. Yes – something can be done about it and you and Leah are doing just that! Thank you and Happy New Year.
You restored my hope in humanity. Because of you and your show I am getting my power back.
I wish to restore anyone lurking out there’s hope and power as well. YES! Something can be done about it.
I was contacted by a Scientologist after New Years Eve. Someone that I had not heard from for many years. I knew the person donated $100,000 to the Ideal Org and then a Staff member told me they filed bankruptcy and lost home to foreclosure. The Staff member also told me they did not pay a huge hospital bill and were bragging about how they got out of it. They left the area.
I wanted to share with you and everyone the text message exchange. I left out names and locations to protect myself and the Scientologist. I don’t think they will write it up because it causes so much HE&R, however, I don’t care if they do. Someday I will tell my horror story along with evidence of extortion.
Here is my “hat write” up on how to handle the Irresponsible Scientologist.
Lurkers – It is irresponsible to file bankruptcy after giving $100,000 to a Non Profit organization sitting on billions of dollars – for a big, empty building. We know how you justify it but you have been lied to. By not taking responsibility for your debts, you are hurting our economy.
The church of Scientology is doing nothing for anyone out here in the World. You need to stop watching propaganda films and LOOK for yourself.
To make matters worse, you choose to not look at what hundreds of thousands of people are saying about members being harmed by Scientology and that is out ethics.
The tech can’t get in until ethics is in. Remember that!
Here is the Text:
Scientologist: Hi ( ex member )xxxx, this is XXXX, the Scientologist.
Me: Hi XXXX, Scientologist, OMG! How are you? It’s been a very long time and I had no idea what happened to you and the family. Happy New Year!
Scientologist: Hi xxxx (ex member) ! How wonderful to get such an enthusiastic response from you! We moved and have been going up the Bridge. (Brags about how VGI’s everyone is from doing Scientology). I will be in your area and would love to catch up. We go back and forth and they keep bringing up getting together.
Me: XXXX (Scientologist),
I am so sorry but I won’t have anything to do with Scientologists.
I will never have anything to do with the Organization either.
There is a lot you don’t know about what the leader has been and is currently doing.
Please be responsible and look for yourself. Don’t be a robot.
It’s supposed to be the science of knowing how to know.
You need to look.
While people have wins in Scientology, many people have been harmed and it is not okay.
Leah Remini was in for over 30 years and was good friends with David and Shelly Miscavige.
She is trying to get ethics in.
You guys should too if you care about the future.
Watch her show and decide for yourself.
I wish you the best always. ML and ARC – xxxx (ex member)
Scientologist: Thank you, xxxx, best wishes to you as well.
He read it. He can never erase those words.
Now – this WILL crack that bubble of delusion, if only a hair. Scientology will do the rest.
I hope they get out. They are good people that mean well and they are caught in a very sticky trap.
“[Leah] is trying to get ethics in.” OH, SO TRUE!” “Aftermath” is basically a number of KRs on scientology, itself; submitted in the only way that has effectively gotten those outpoints considered by anyone who matters and can effect change within the criminal organizatiopn masquerading as a religion for legal and financial benefit.
Gradient levels of conning and scamming.
That’s Scientology folks.
Excellent work RB.
Now it is our job to get people to look!
This week my postulate is 4 people who are in Scientology to watch A&E’s show – Scientology; the Aftermath.
I’ll Start! LOL 😉
“Don’t worry about your job or university studies….after being in for 40 years…..you’ll be as broke & under educated as the rest of us.…”
The only thing Scientology can help you exteriorize is your money!
Nice Train Wreck! Which is exactly what’s going to happen soon to Tiny Boot’s cult.