scientology is just a bunch of junk gibberish churned out by a chain smoking, nasty stained toothy, rubber lipped, gut sprung, lying, conning, back stabbing, narcissistic, psychopathic, satanic, whack job on steroids piece of shit masquerading as a human affixed with a life label of L. Ron Hubbard. Did I leave anything out? If Hubbard had an actual grave you could make a fortune charging people by the bus load to visit and take a dump on his carcass rotting in a casket. This bastard conned my family out of many many hundreds of thousands of dollars and robbed us of decades of our lives. Fuck him and may he burn in Hell. And I almost forgot. Fuck that little POS David Miscavige prancing around in his stupid Sea Org Sargeant People’s Lonely Hearts club band uniform along with that absolute FREAK Tom Nut Job Cruise whose into only God knows what pervertedness with DM. Sick sick sick!
Hubbard Hater, please come back here often and post even more often.
IMHO, we need more people just like you to come here and not be afraid to tell us exactly how they feel.
I usually refer to Hubbard by the worst insult I know. It is two words that I will not repeat here out of consideration for Mike. I`m certain he would not appreciate me posting these two words because this should really be a family site where children can come and not be confronted by the worst language in the world – which is of course the perfect way to describe Hubbard. By the way, those two words start with the initials “C. A.” Both words are two syllables.
I was truly saddened to hear how your family was cheated out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. I am truly saddened every time I hear of such miserable crimes – especially in consideration of what is done with all that money and what will eventually happen to it.
Seems to me it is used to buy real estate just to try and stave off the IRS so that TS (The Scam) can keep their precious tax exempt status. Eventually, when Miscavige is sent to the penitentiary or dies from some horribly painful cancer (God? Are you listening?) all that real estate will be auctioned off at basement bottom prices and will all wind up in the hands of lawyers and their families.
Another big chunk of money will wind up in the hands of Hollywood movers and shakers who will make a fortune after producing a tragic heartbreaking move about the life and times of this insanity.
God Bless you Hubbard Hater. You are not alone. Come back and visit with us often. This place is filled with your brothers and sisters.
The Condition of Doubt Formula is flawed from the ‘get-go’.
“#1. Inform oneself honestly……”
How can anyone do this exactly? Especially when people have literally bought into Hubbard’s science fiction based and delusional organization.
Scientology ……the study of science.
I mean no offense to those once in and now out but this “formula” is not scientific. It is as ridiculous as Hubbard’s science fiction book(s).
You are right on track, Brian. This is why I noticed the Luciferian trend in Hubbard. Crowley and Hubbard both had the same desire to be Lucifer or the anti-Christ. In modern days we do not make the connection. In the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, the issue was debated with more gusto. The argument was picked up by Hubbard. The outline is that how can you survive as a Christian if you are always turning the other cheek? My God you die. In the 12th Century over 100,000 Buddhist monks were beheaded in India and the main University was burned to the ground. So Hubbard and Crowley pick up on the idea that you must attack and defend and that is Lucifer. So for a brief time, Lucifer is considered the “light bearer”. He brings reason which is really survival. You cannot do anything dead. Now the only way you embrace Lucifer is that you set your policies with evil. So Hubbard develops Scientology because he is afraid that it will be wiped off the earth. Islam just kills those who do not believe. So they slaughter 100,000 monks who actually cooperate. In a way this does not follow Buddha’s teaching because in the scriptures he supports the need for a warrior class. So Hubbard’s “religion” is not really a religion. It fits into a mafia type organization. Catholics honor martyrs. Millions died in the 100 years war. Hubbard just used religion to create an organization that he could control. But what Hubbard missed was that his religion was supposed to dominate science. The occult lost its bearings under Hubbard and that is the real tragedy. As the light bearer Hubbard dropped the torch.
Well done George. I never had any idea you were so knowledgeable of History and could write in such marvellous terms. I believe your post is one of the most poignant I have ever seen and I will be paying a lot more attention to you in future.
Well done George! Keep this up and any of Brian’s lurkers reading your drivel above will steer well away from this site, whilst singing the Pink Floyd phrase “the lunatics are in the hall”! Next you will be saying that one spontaneously combusts if you run “OTVIII” wrong! As for the gushing Skyler, is he a fellow Jesuit cabalist associate or a second log-on of yours? What devils!
Foolproof, what do you think George has wrong about the things Hubbard himself said vis-a-vis Lucifer and the anti-Christ? Hubbard confirmed his close connection to such schools of occult thought with numerous references early on, such as:
“Aleister Crowley, the late Aleister Crowley, my very good friend….He signs himself “The Beast”; “The Mark of the Beast, 666.” ” – The Philadelphia Doctorate Course, L. Ron. Hubbard, Tape #18, Dec 5, 1952
L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. reported that after Aleister Crowley’s death in 1947, Hubbard decided to “take over the mantle of the Beast.” There’s obviously some basis for that, given his affinity for Crowley, expressed above, and his involvement in Jack Parsons’ Pasadena lodge of Crowley’s OTO, including his marriage to another Crowley acolyte – Sara, who also helped in the development of Dianetics (including as a corporate officer).
Besides George and a number of others who initially did OTVIII, several former Scientology officials have confirmed that this is in Hubbard’s 1980 version of the level:
“No doubt you are familiar with the Revelations (sic) section of the Bible where various events are predicted. Also mentioned is a brief period of time in which an arch-enemy of Christ, referred to as the anti-Christ, will reign and his opinions will have sway … this anti-Christ represents the forces of Lucifer (literally, the “light-bearer” or “light-bringer”), Lucifer being a mythical representation of the forces of enlightenment…. My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise represented by this brief anti-Christ period.” – L. Ron Hubbard, Student Briefing, OT VIII, Series 1
I actually became familiar with Crowley before Hubbard, and from the point of view of occult studies, it makes complete sense – and is really even expectable – that Hubbard would take such a position. It’s also consistent with Hubbard’s notions about “implants” and the various other positions he has expressed regarding traditional religion, and his and Scientology’s relation to it and their role.
Oh! I really didn’t want to get into toing and froing on this daft subject again. I’ve covered this point by point in an old posting somewhere. You say “numerous references” above, and provide 1, but I know of no others. Hubbard never actually met Crowley and his dealings with Jack Parsons is 3 years before he came out with Dianetics so it escapes you that the remark was made tongue in cheek.
For example, Wynski in an old posting, strangely enough to you, stated: “PeaceMaker. I know the Original Snr. C/S of the ship who trained on the materials with the Snr C/S Int BEFORE the ship was launched. The ORIGINAL level written by El Con is the one with the Anti-christ and Jesus, et al. It was basically just ONE process. Going over past lives ID’s from prior auditing and getting a Yes/No read. Fini.” Wynski fails to realize that he is giving the actual version of OTVIII – the Lucifer one had a series of processes but these have mysteriously disappeared or they are around somewhere (but they are too ridiculous to publish so were quietly “lost”) – so Wynski is er, well, let’s say he is being either inventive, or economical with the truth – or misinformed by the “Senior C/S”.
And no one has ever explained how a copy of the most secure document in Scientology history managed to find its way down the gangplank off the ship, if it was true that is. The document was composed by some or a few malicious swine but nowhere near the ship or any Orgs.
No, I can’t be bothered to explain all this any longer, it is so daft that if you believe it well carry on doing so. See what Tim-S states here in:
which is more or less correct. George’s Lucifer nonsense is just that – nonsense. The document is a complete and malicious hoax.
I particularly like FG’s remark in that same story:
“Now there is the “Jesus is a lover of young boy” version, which seems to never have been delivered to anyone except to George White who apparently is coming from another time continuum !!”
Ne’er a true word spoken! He’s still “there”. Hah! And of course I see my old friend Brian is involved in the link story as well – well, that’s a turn up for the book eh?
After reading the numerous comments in link story above, I am beginning to wonder now if it was George and Brian who colluded and composed this false “OTVIII” “HCOB”. With the large amount of manic comments they make they seem to have a vested interest in its promulgation. Come on George and Brian – fess up! Hah!
Just yesterday, my husband was asking me how scientology could tout itself as “the most ethical group on the planet” when they spent the majority of their day attacking others and policing their members. It got me thinking:
Most people have a moral compass. The first thing scientology does is train that out of you. They train you to be a narcissistic and a psychopath. Then they try to enforce their version of a moral compass on you, which is the fabled “greatest good for the greatest number” but in reality it means whatever will forward the goals of the people at the upper echelons of scientology.
Then they punish you for something that you do that they praised you for the day before.
Nowhere else is there an entire book and hundreds of policy letters (“Intro to scientology Ethics”, “The Justice Series”) because in the real world, the deal is: If you are harming others, turn your moral compass on and do what is right.
Nowhere else will you see “never fear to hurt another in a just cause.” Because only scientology justifies hurting others and makes up their own just causes.
Self determinism – Scientology style! Created from the works of L Ron Hubbard, then nurtured, enforced and then finally endorsed by its own members to apply to each other. It’s a never ending source of introversion & self degradation to maintain allegiance to, within & for Scientology. Money will safeguard you though as management likes that, (for as long as it lasts) – if your partner doesn’t see it that way – splat!
You don’t really have to look too hard at this to fathom why a relationship within a Scientology regime is a living nightmare – they police each other. And no sacrifice is too great to prove yourself right about Scientology.
The condition of doubt is an interesting one.
Most of it sounds reasonable enough and I used parts this formula to decide whether to remain in a job or not.
I quit!
Like so much of Hubbard’s writings it contains booby traps.
For example, Step 8 states:
8. Suffer on up through the conditions in the new group if one has changed sides, or the conditions of the group one has remained in if wavering from it has lowered one’s status.
In all my time in Scientology I never ever heard anyone say that actually my doubt was completely reasonable, I have decided to remain in the group and so I don’t need to do the Liability steps.Liability is the condition directly above Doubt in Scientology.
The first paragraph of the Liability condition states this:
Below Non-Existence there is the Condition of Liability. The being has ceased to be simply non-existent as a team member and has taken on the color of an enemy.
Recently, the company I worked for was acquired by another and all of us had doubts about what this would mean for us and whether we should move on. Of course, these doubts were absolutely reasonable and if I had suggested to anyone that this meant they we were all now a liability to the company they would have thought I was making a strange joke.
Doubt is only a low condition if you are in a fundamentalist cult..
The other point that I have heard made on several occasions is that although steps (1) and (2) of the Doubt formula are very good to do, if you try to honestly carry them out relating to the Scientology Organization you will immediately find yourself in huge ethics trouble.
I’ve recently started using the expression, “The War Against The Scam” and I decided it would be interesting to see just what that would spell as an anagram.
I hope that it won’t be terribly offensive. But Mike? You really need to have spoiler boxes on this site so people could put things inside a spoiler box and that way the rest of the people would not have to see it if they chose not to.
The War Against The Scam – OMG! – what an appropriate name for this cult!
I’m so relieved that you liked it. I was afraid that some people would make fun of me or just hate on me for trying to be funny because it really is off topic. I post a lot of off topic stuff and sometimes i worry that I may be interfering with Mike’s blog.
Thank you so much for making your feelings clear. I truly appreciate it because I want to help in the war against this scam and I want to contribute to The Aftermath Foundation. I have volunteered to help people in my city with transportation. I recently bought a new car and hope I can help people with moving or who need some basic transportation in my city.
I`d also like to help by answering Email and routing it to the proper recipient if they need someone to do that
scientology is just a bunch of junk gibberish churned out by a chain smoking, nasty stained toothy, rubber lipped, gut sprung, lying, conning, back stabbing, narcissistic, psychopathic, satanic, whack job on steroids piece of shit masquerading as a human affixed with a life label of L. Ron Hubbard. Did I leave anything out? If Hubbard had an actual grave you could make a fortune charging people by the bus load to visit and take a dump on his carcass rotting in a casket. This bastard conned my family out of many many hundreds of thousands of dollars and robbed us of decades of our lives. Fuck him and may he burn in Hell. And I almost forgot. Fuck that little POS David Miscavige prancing around in his stupid Sea Org Sargeant People’s Lonely Hearts club band uniform along with that absolute FREAK Tom Nut Job Cruise whose into only God knows what pervertedness with DM. Sick sick sick!
Applause! Applause! Applause!
Hubbard Hater, please come back here often and post even more often.
IMHO, we need more people just like you to come here and not be afraid to tell us exactly how they feel.
I usually refer to Hubbard by the worst insult I know. It is two words that I will not repeat here out of consideration for Mike. I`m certain he would not appreciate me posting these two words because this should really be a family site where children can come and not be confronted by the worst language in the world – which is of course the perfect way to describe Hubbard. By the way, those two words start with the initials “C. A.” Both words are two syllables.
I was truly saddened to hear how your family was cheated out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. I am truly saddened every time I hear of such miserable crimes – especially in consideration of what is done with all that money and what will eventually happen to it.
Seems to me it is used to buy real estate just to try and stave off the IRS so that TS (The Scam) can keep their precious tax exempt status. Eventually, when Miscavige is sent to the penitentiary or dies from some horribly painful cancer (God? Are you listening?) all that real estate will be auctioned off at basement bottom prices and will all wind up in the hands of lawyers and their families.
Another big chunk of money will wind up in the hands of Hollywood movers and shakers who will make a fortune after producing a tragic heartbreaking move about the life and times of this insanity.
God Bless you Hubbard Hater. You are not alone. Come back and visit with us often. This place is filled with your brothers and sisters.
The Condition of Doubt Formula is flawed from the ‘get-go’.
“#1. Inform oneself honestly……”
How can anyone do this exactly? Especially when people have literally bought into Hubbard’s science fiction based and delusional organization.
Scientology ……the study of science.
I mean no offense to those once in and now out but this “formula” is not scientific. It is as ridiculous as Hubbard’s science fiction book(s).
#3 of doubt is so weird!
Hubbard only gives the outcome: Attack, harm or suppress or join
What about just walking away because it is not your cup of tea?
What does attacking or harming have to do with making a decision about being in a group or not?
Does anyone else see something really wrong?
How can this be a religion if the leader advises his students to harm, suppress or attack as part of decision making?
I’d love to see a panel of expert mental health professionals deconstruct Hubbard’s mental health on Aftermath.
You are right on track, Brian. This is why I noticed the Luciferian trend in Hubbard. Crowley and Hubbard both had the same desire to be Lucifer or the anti-Christ. In modern days we do not make the connection. In the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, the issue was debated with more gusto. The argument was picked up by Hubbard. The outline is that how can you survive as a Christian if you are always turning the other cheek? My God you die. In the 12th Century over 100,000 Buddhist monks were beheaded in India and the main University was burned to the ground. So Hubbard and Crowley pick up on the idea that you must attack and defend and that is Lucifer. So for a brief time, Lucifer is considered the “light bearer”. He brings reason which is really survival. You cannot do anything dead. Now the only way you embrace Lucifer is that you set your policies with evil. So Hubbard develops Scientology because he is afraid that it will be wiped off the earth. Islam just kills those who do not believe. So they slaughter 100,000 monks who actually cooperate. In a way this does not follow Buddha’s teaching because in the scriptures he supports the need for a warrior class. So Hubbard’s “religion” is not really a religion. It fits into a mafia type organization. Catholics honor martyrs. Millions died in the 100 years war. Hubbard just used religion to create an organization that he could control. But what Hubbard missed was that his religion was supposed to dominate science. The occult lost its bearings under Hubbard and that is the real tragedy. As the light bearer Hubbard dropped the torch.
Well done George. I never had any idea you were so knowledgeable of History and could write in such marvellous terms. I believe your post is one of the most poignant I have ever seen and I will be paying a lot more attention to you in future.
Well done George! Keep this up and any of Brian’s lurkers reading your drivel above will steer well away from this site, whilst singing the Pink Floyd phrase “the lunatics are in the hall”! Next you will be saying that one spontaneously combusts if you run “OTVIII” wrong! As for the gushing Skyler, is he a fellow Jesuit cabalist associate or a second log-on of yours? What devils!
Actually FOOL, Hubtard is the one who wrote about OT VIII and spontaneous combustion.
Foolproof, what do you think George has wrong about the things Hubbard himself said vis-a-vis Lucifer and the anti-Christ? Hubbard confirmed his close connection to such schools of occult thought with numerous references early on, such as:
“Aleister Crowley, the late Aleister Crowley, my very good friend….He signs himself “The Beast”; “The Mark of the Beast, 666.” ” – The Philadelphia Doctorate Course, L. Ron. Hubbard, Tape #18, Dec 5, 1952
L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. reported that after Aleister Crowley’s death in 1947, Hubbard decided to “take over the mantle of the Beast.” There’s obviously some basis for that, given his affinity for Crowley, expressed above, and his involvement in Jack Parsons’ Pasadena lodge of Crowley’s OTO, including his marriage to another Crowley acolyte – Sara, who also helped in the development of Dianetics (including as a corporate officer).
Besides George and a number of others who initially did OTVIII, several former Scientology officials have confirmed that this is in Hubbard’s 1980 version of the level:
“No doubt you are familiar with the Revelations (sic) section of the Bible where various events are predicted. Also mentioned is a brief period of time in which an arch-enemy of Christ, referred to as the anti-Christ, will reign and his opinions will have sway … this anti-Christ represents the forces of Lucifer (literally, the “light-bearer” or “light-bringer”), Lucifer being a mythical representation of the forces of enlightenment…. My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise represented by this brief anti-Christ period.” – L. Ron Hubbard, Student Briefing, OT VIII, Series 1
I actually became familiar with Crowley before Hubbard, and from the point of view of occult studies, it makes complete sense – and is really even expectable – that Hubbard would take such a position. It’s also consistent with Hubbard’s notions about “implants” and the various other positions he has expressed regarding traditional religion, and his and Scientology’s relation to it and their role.
Oh! I really didn’t want to get into toing and froing on this daft subject again. I’ve covered this point by point in an old posting somewhere. You say “numerous references” above, and provide 1, but I know of no others. Hubbard never actually met Crowley and his dealings with Jack Parsons is 3 years before he came out with Dianetics so it escapes you that the remark was made tongue in cheek.
For example, Wynski in an old posting, strangely enough to you, stated: “PeaceMaker. I know the Original Snr. C/S of the ship who trained on the materials with the Snr C/S Int BEFORE the ship was launched. The ORIGINAL level written by El Con is the one with the Anti-christ and Jesus, et al. It was basically just ONE process. Going over past lives ID’s from prior auditing and getting a Yes/No read. Fini.” Wynski fails to realize that he is giving the actual version of OTVIII – the Lucifer one had a series of processes but these have mysteriously disappeared or they are around somewhere (but they are too ridiculous to publish so were quietly “lost”) – so Wynski is er, well, let’s say he is being either inventive, or economical with the truth – or misinformed by the “Senior C/S”.
And no one has ever explained how a copy of the most secure document in Scientology history managed to find its way down the gangplank off the ship, if it was true that is. The document was composed by some or a few malicious swine but nowhere near the ship or any Orgs.
No, I can’t be bothered to explain all this any longer, it is so daft that if you believe it well carry on doing so. See what Tim-S states here in:
which is more or less correct. George’s Lucifer nonsense is just that – nonsense. The document is a complete and malicious hoax.
I particularly like FG’s remark in that same story:
“Now there is the “Jesus is a lover of young boy” version, which seems to never have been delivered to anyone except to George White who apparently is coming from another time continuum !!”
Ne’er a true word spoken! He’s still “there”. Hah! And of course I see my old friend Brian is involved in the link story as well – well, that’s a turn up for the book eh?
After reading the numerous comments in link story above, I am beginning to wonder now if it was George and Brian who colluded and composed this false “OTVIII” “HCOB”. With the large amount of manic comments they make they seem to have a vested interest in its promulgation. Come on George and Brian – fess up! Hah!
LOL, if you could assume a sane viewpoint and then read what you write you wold faint.
Here’s a look at Lucifer, maybe from a Luciferian “Light Side of The Force” point of view, come to free mankind from a tyrannical God.
Who honestly wants to live life like that miserable couple? Scientology, what a miserable organization.
Just yesterday, my husband was asking me how scientology could tout itself as “the most ethical group on the planet” when they spent the majority of their day attacking others and policing their members. It got me thinking:
Most people have a moral compass. The first thing scientology does is train that out of you. They train you to be a narcissistic and a psychopath. Then they try to enforce their version of a moral compass on you, which is the fabled “greatest good for the greatest number” but in reality it means whatever will forward the goals of the people at the upper echelons of scientology.
Then they punish you for something that you do that they praised you for the day before.
Nowhere else is there an entire book and hundreds of policy letters (“Intro to scientology Ethics”, “The Justice Series”) because in the real world, the deal is: If you are harming others, turn your moral compass on and do what is right.
Nowhere else will you see “never fear to hurt another in a just cause.” Because only scientology justifies hurting others and makes up their own just causes.
*Phew* rant over.
Self determinism – Scientology style! Created from the works of L Ron Hubbard, then nurtured, enforced and then finally endorsed by its own members to apply to each other. It’s a never ending source of introversion & self degradation to maintain allegiance to, within & for Scientology. Money will safeguard you though as management likes that, (for as long as it lasts) – if your partner doesn’t see it that way – splat!
You don’t really have to look too hard at this to fathom why a relationship within a Scientology regime is a living nightmare – they police each other. And no sacrifice is too great to prove yourself right about Scientology.
The condition of doubt is an interesting one.
Most of it sounds reasonable enough and I used parts this formula to decide whether to remain in a job or not.
I quit!
Like so much of Hubbard’s writings it contains booby traps.
For example, Step 8 states:
8. Suffer on up through the conditions in the new group if one has changed sides, or the conditions of the group one has remained in if wavering from it has lowered one’s status.
In all my time in Scientology I never ever heard anyone say that actually my doubt was completely reasonable, I have decided to remain in the group and so I don’t need to do the Liability steps.Liability is the condition directly above Doubt in Scientology.
The first paragraph of the Liability condition states this:
Below Non-Existence there is the Condition of Liability. The being has ceased to be simply non-existent as a team member and has taken on the color of an enemy.
Recently, the company I worked for was acquired by another and all of us had doubts about what this would mean for us and whether we should move on. Of course, these doubts were absolutely reasonable and if I had suggested to anyone that this meant they we were all now a liability to the company they would have thought I was making a strange joke.
Doubt is only a low condition if you are in a fundamentalist cult..
The other point that I have heard made on several occasions is that although steps (1) and (2) of the Doubt formula are very good to do, if you try to honestly carry them out relating to the Scientology Organization you will immediately find yourself in huge ethics trouble.
This is NOT an exaggeration.
One shouldn’t drive while undergoing ‘thought stopping’.
I’ve recently started using the expression, “The War Against The Scam” and I decided it would be interesting to see just what that would spell as an anagram.
I hope that it won’t be terribly offensive. But Mike? You really need to have spoiler boxes on this site so people could put things inside a spoiler box and that way the rest of the people would not have to see it if they chose not to.
The War Against The Scam – OMG! – what an appropriate name for this cult!
Love, love, love the anagram! Perfection! Much better than STAND (Scientology Trash And Natter Department – see Tony Ortega’s blog today).
I’m so relieved that you liked it. I was afraid that some people would make fun of me or just hate on me for trying to be funny because it really is off topic. I post a lot of off topic stuff and sometimes i worry that I may be interfering with Mike’s blog.
Thank you so much for making your feelings clear. I truly appreciate it because I want to help in the war against this scam and I want to contribute to The Aftermath Foundation. I have volunteered to help people in my city with transportation. I recently bought a new car and hope I can help people with moving or who need some basic transportation in my city.
I`d also like to help by answering Email and routing it to the proper recipient if they need someone to do that
And here we have a prime example of the prison of belief.
Scary shit.