Karakahn is very clever in that he tells his followers in reference to Scn / Dn, that this is ” supplemental ” information. That Scn/Dn doesn’t change anything the NOI stands for. It is simply supplemental he says in a lecture.
I like reading snippets of Freedom magazine online from time to time. It’s remarkable.
I do think however the name of the publication is at odds with the association it reports on…. very little freedom to be had at a place where folks actually ask of each “what are your crimes”. For reals. I thought phrases like that only existed in movies. Set in Eastern Germany during the Cold War, for instance.
Better to be called “Broke” magazine. Or “Exploited” magazine. Has more of a ring to it.
Anaf, “free dumb” magazine has never been about actual freedom, only about letting Hubbard be free to do whatever he wanted to do. From the beginning, it was a hateful attack organ, trying to utterly ruin whomever were the current targets. even when “in” and in the Sea Org, I took its ‘facts’ with a large grain of salt because it was so poorly written, so obviously spinning some things as badly as possible while painting scientology as this pure-as-driven-snow benevolent organization
Got it, Jere. I was just making a joking remark on how absurd that name is.
Super interesting to read that even while in the SO you were skeptical about it so hyper it was. Thanks for the post.
“You should know that the SPs are only becoming louder because we’re Winning.”
Famous last words.
And one of the great delusional rationalizations that help the true believers maintain their bubble world. I and all of my compatriots used to use this myth constantly. And it remains in force even today because, of course, Hubbard said it.
I think it takes some intentional ignorance and some arrogance to keep believing this maxim. I can imagine a similar dialogue taking place between General Custer and one of his officers:
Officer: “It sounds like we’re surrounded, General. Sir, what the hell is really going on?”
Custer: “You should know that those Indian tribes are only getting louder because we’re winning.”
Goebbels: “Füher, how long should we plan on staying in the executive bunker? The Russians are advancing very rapidly. Shouldn’t we escape?”
Hitler: “No. We’ll stay and show them the meaning of courage! The Bolsheviks are so shrill now because we’re winning! They howl so loudly because there is nothing else they can ever do.”
I’m sure the cognitive dissonance was so large that Goebbels offed himself after his family.
Spot on. “Downfall” is a thoroughly researched movie. It’s uncomfortable to watch (I have it in my collection and have seen it many times since it was released). Disturbing look into cult mentality.
If indeed this is the current handling by the orgs then we do not have long to wait for the doors to close. If the orgs push their public members to act a propaganda ambassadors for the cherch that will force more into leaving. The dissonance will smack them in the face so hard that they either fall fully into the bubble or they walk.
I love RB’s cartoon stories and look forward to them every Friday. I’ve gotta say that as a never-in, and even having read a lot of anti-books, the jargon today was a little beyond me. “Location process?” Not-is? As-is? Comm cyle? Weird terminology.
Welcome to the world of scientology. Location process is like a guided meditation outdoors where one is suppose to become more present with his environment (location). Suppose to help one get out of their heads and thoughts. Not-is, As-is, see my comment below. Comm Cycle is communication with someone else, the back of forth of it. Close enough. Although some might send me to cramming for verbal tech – LOL.
Thanks for the clarification, Mary, including your comments below. Now I think I’ll go read something easy, like Sartre’s “Being and Nothingness.” First, I have to go out in the snowy weather and “not-is” my grocery shopping list. Hey, I’m getting the hang of it!
Locational assist is a cranky procedure by which you point to various things around a person and ask them to look at those things. You do this until the person becomes calm or gets over whatever was upsetting them… or more likely until they walk away looking at you like you’ve got two heads.
I’m with you all the way on that one. The jargon really got me. No wonder kids (or adults who’ve been in since childhood) who get out of scientology don’t really know how to communicate very well with us “Wogs.” It’s a whole other language!!
Bixtram , too bad ,you don’t get it. But from some one in Scn, for 40 years and now out for 3. All the dumb ass jargon , I have since forgot about in the real world, makes it hilarious.
Congrats on getting out, Christopher; that’s huge. I’m fine with not getting whatever “it” is. There’s much I don’t get these days, and even more I don’t want to get.
I found this particularly jargon heavy too, bixntram. It gave the post particular power in detailing the extent to which language can create an alternate reality!
I’ve got a suspicion that in the near future ‘Kelly’ will be asking, “I wonder where Alice is? Has anyone seen Alice around the org lately? What do you mean she’s blown?”
I’m missing something – as a “never in” maybe it just went over my head – the ultimate outcome is that everyone will be “clear” – and they get there by ‘going up the bridge’. So my question is – all those poor SO members who don’t even have time to take a shower – and don’t have time to get up the bridge – aren’t they at all concerned that they themselves will never reach ‘clear’??
Sue – it is confusing on purpose – mostly to Scientologists. There is no such state as Clear. Scientology puts hoops they have to jump through to create mystery and value. Make it hard to get – expensive and time consuming.
Scientologists can go Clear simply stating they “realize” they are creating or mocking up their reactive minds but can stop it and control it”.
It is a bait and switch. L Ron Hubbard promises Super Powers by obtaining the State of Clear but then he changes it once you are invested with money on account and time invested with family wrapped around it to keep you in.
Sea Org and Staff convince themselves they are already CLEAR from a past life or they train to not emote.
They are told they are elite. Egos get puffed up – that is all.
It is a Bridge to Confusion.
It is nothing but a total scam.
Scientolgist’s lose their identity by going up the Bridge and take on the personality of a cult member. It is very cold, angry and nasty.
I think the big sell is that the cult has the tech to deliver you your total freedom for eternity.
As for the See Ogres, they are convinced not to worry about making it to clear or anywhere. Because they have the confront to join the group, they are already so far above the average wog in their Ohhh Tea Ness and furthermore, since they have signed on for a billion years they have plenty of time to ‘avail themselves of the wonnerfullness of the teck’!!!!!
No problem, no worries, no food, no sleep, no fuckin nuttin except getting yer stats up!
Yo Dave,
Howd we do last weak good buddy? Ya better start slappin some of those laggard Oh Tea committee people around for good measure. There gonna think yer weak and reasonable if ya allow those stinkin downstats to go unpunished.
“the ultimate outcome is that everyone will be “clear” – and they get there by ‘going up the bridge’. So my question is – all those poor SO members who don’t even have time to take a shower – and don’t have time to get up the bridge – aren’t they at all concerned that they themselves will never reach ‘clear’??”
Sue, those things can easily get put “on hold” in the rush to get this week’s stats up. I found that persistence at getting my training done then getting into co-audits with like-minded staff worked to a point. Getting auditor training was seen as vital, (AFTER the required administrative training got done, so you were trained at your job and could have stats) so I got to do NED as one of the first to do the course, in what? ’78? That let me do the Academy Levels again AND be overrun on the lower grades (again). Got a good co-auditor for NED, so declared ‘clear’ quickly, feeling SO good that having an indifferent co-auditor for the grades spun me into the ground, HARD. Doubt he got any valid reads through the floating TA after NED, only ticks from the dirty needle I must have developed early on.
KatherineINCali, you’re right, there IS no such thing as ‘Clear’, at least not the state described by Tubby in D:MSMH, at least no one that I saw who achieved it, but there are times that can feel REALLY good, like going over the top of a humongous roller-coaster. Thrilling, but the feeling soon disappears when we’re on the ground walking away from the ride and we realize we were “taken for a ride”.
No Kelly, Tiny Boots isn’t winning.
I have anecdotal data that show Aftermath and other exposes are getting the truth out. This used to NEVER happen. A while back, I could say “scientology” out loud in a crowded room and no one would notice. But…
1. Recently, I was talking to a friend at a local coffee shop about having a relative who was in a cult and has disconnected from me. There were two people at the next table and one leaned over and said. “I don’t mean to be nosey but is that that scientology thing where people are kept like prisoners?” I had to say yes.
2. About a year ago, I was telling my mail carrier about all the junk mail I was getting. When I showed him a piece, he said, “Oh yea, I heard about those weirdos”. I have not seen another piece of mail from cos. I never have asked my helpful USPS carrier what happened.
Thanks for the tip. I’ve tried everything else but the scio mail keeps flowing in. At least the mail person can lighten his daily load by pitching that shit into the dumpster. All I need to do now its to figure out how to stop the flow from the FSMers who are still trying to recover me.
Bognition, it’s sad, but true that a mail carrier can get in DEEP trouble if he fails to deliver their spam to the addressed mailbox. I’m secretly (shh! don’t tell!) hoping he dropped it into the nearest paper recycling bin, nonetheless, NOT that that sort of glossy high-clay-content material is particularly recyclable. I found to my dismay that it doesn’t even burn well in a wood stove, so can’t warm my house, something I’d love, giving the trash SOME redeeming quality. I have to thrown in real logs to reduce the stuff to ash, sort of defeating the purpose of throwing the paper in there in the first place.
As-is: When you fully confront something, it’s like creating it exactly in the exact same space. As two things cannot exist in the same space, it disappears.
Not-Is: When you ignore something, it’s totally the opposite – it’s continues to be there and gets bigger the more you ignore it.
Scientologists are not allowed to fully confront Scientologists, Scientology, the leader and the founder. They are only allowed to read propaganda put out by Scientology and blessed by the Pope – David Miscavige.
They are lied to from the beginning. L Ron Hubbard was a criminal hiding from the law. David MIscavige is a criminal thug hiding behind the religous cloak.
It is a high crime to investigate Scientology, L Ron Hubbard, Scientologists or David Miscavige.
They get declared Suppressive’s and put in the same category as Adolph Hitler and other evil people.
So Scientologist’s can’t AS IS Scientology. They NOT IS and that is the EXPANSION they talk about.
It only gets bigger inside of their warped and shattered minds.
“As-is” is the notion that if one looks at something exactly as it is it will disappear (or no longer have a negative effect on one).
Not-is is when one doesn’t confront or look at something that is there or as it is, it will have an effect on the one who is not confronting it.
Robert Heinlein used the word GROK in his book Stranger in a Strange Land. Most definitions state that it means to understand ‘completely’, or to become one with it. However, in his book, the object of the GROK vanished. Hubbard and Heinlein knew each other and Heinlein knew something about scio. AS-IS means to completely duplicate something which would cause it to vanish. Heinlein’s character would GROK a box. Where is it? The box is not! Someone who knows little or nothing of scio terminology would never get the full impact of “the box is not”.
A kind of koan along that line is “What is isn’t, and what isn’t is”. The first part is easy. This is a pencil – No it isn’t, it’s graphite and wood – No it isn’t, it’s molecules – No it isn’t, it’s atoms . . . etc. The second part, “what isn’t is” in general means trying to define anything ABSOLUTELY leaves us at “It is they way it is just because it is”. Word games and occasionally I GROK it.
It’s bad theory, anyway, and spun in such a way as to indoctrinate people to follow Hubbard, including emulating his narcissism and blaming of others. And it’s a mish-mash from plagiarized sources like Korzybski’s
General Semantics – which, like most things, Hubbard was too lazy and sloppy to read and study himself, and so relied on second-hand knowledge from people like his second “never had” wife Sara who was interested and had actually worked through it.
Cat W – What is the difference between “AS IS” and “NOT IS”?
Scientologically – You “as is” something by “NOT ISING” it.
Scientolgist’s do this each and every day.
Scientologist’s “AS IS” the TRUTH by “NOT ISING” it.
Dear God,
It’s about time you got back to me. Since you seem to be in the area, can you please guide my son Sammy back to me and his dad and his brother and the rest of his family. It’s been five years TODAY that he hugged me goodbye and then disconnected; I haven’t seen him since. What the fuck are you waiting for?
Oh Mary, my heart goes out to you. Every time I hear you mention your son it gets to me, but this post brought tears to my eyes. As a mom of boys myself, I just can’t imagine. It’s so heart-breaking. 5 years. I hope and pray that your Sammy sees truth somehow and he and the rest of your family are reunited with you soon. One day is too long, nevermind 5 years. Hugs to you…
Levity aside, I’m so sorry for you, Mary. That’s so terrible, not to have your loved ones in your life. Let’s hope God comes through on this eventually.
I’m completely new to these boards and this fight, and I cannot imagine your anguish. I really hope that the end of your quest is nearer than you think and you will feel your son’s arms around you again really soon. Just know that you are in people’s thoughts (even people who don’t know you).
Good luck
O/T. I’m sure everyone has already seen this video since Tony Ortega posted about it yesterday. Nonetheless, I want to provide my own summary and, yes, links to my tweets.
VIDEO: Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad:
Asks “Who do you think controls pornography in Hollywood?” He and his NOI audience loudly answer “The Jews!”;
Conflates being victim of pedophilia with being gay; and
Mocks gay people by feigning stereotypical “swishy” gay behavior.
That reminds me. I had the thought that Tom moved to Clearwater at the behest of DM and that DM wants to groom him to eventually take over Scn. Do you think that is the plan? Or am I reading too much into it? After all, Tom’s career has been declining for years.
Farrakhan’s behavior is totally indefensible. Thankfully, the internet captures all, so his followers will be trying to defend his hateful ignorance for a long time. Ignorant and hateful – sounds just like his new master Hubbard.
I loved the one where he was trying to say he wasn’t under the spell of a white supremacist, Hubbard. The more he talked, the deeper the hole he dug himself into.
Karakahn is very clever in that he tells his followers in reference to Scn / Dn, that this is ” supplemental ” information. That Scn/Dn doesn’t change anything the NOI stands for. It is simply supplemental he says in a lecture.
So now Mike has “Psych handlers”??
For f**k’s sake. $cientologists are literally delusional. Unbelievable. ?
Nice one RB.
Yeah, scientologists… keep trying that impossible task of ignoring the landslide of entheta, and I am sure COB can handle it.
I like reading snippets of Freedom magazine online from time to time. It’s remarkable.
I do think however the name of the publication is at odds with the association it reports on…. very little freedom to be had at a place where folks actually ask of each “what are your crimes”. For reals. I thought phrases like that only existed in movies. Set in Eastern Germany during the Cold War, for instance.
Better to be called “Broke” magazine. Or “Exploited” magazine. Has more of a ring to it.
Anaf, “free dumb” magazine has never been about actual freedom, only about letting Hubbard be free to do whatever he wanted to do. From the beginning, it was a hateful attack organ, trying to utterly ruin whomever were the current targets. even when “in” and in the Sea Org, I took its ‘facts’ with a large grain of salt because it was so poorly written, so obviously spinning some things as badly as possible while painting scientology as this pure-as-driven-snow benevolent organization
Got it, Jere. I was just making a joking remark on how absurd that name is.
Super interesting to read that even while in the SO you were skeptical about it so hyper it was. Thanks for the post.
I’m partial to “FreeToBeDumb” myself
“You should know that the SPs are only becoming louder because we’re Winning.”
Famous last words.
And one of the great delusional rationalizations that help the true believers maintain their bubble world. I and all of my compatriots used to use this myth constantly. And it remains in force even today because, of course, Hubbard said it.
I think it takes some intentional ignorance and some arrogance to keep believing this maxim. I can imagine a similar dialogue taking place between General Custer and one of his officers:
Officer: “It sounds like we’re surrounded, General. Sir, what the hell is really going on?”
Custer: “You should know that those Indian tribes are only getting louder because we’re winning.”
Famous last words.
I can imagine this:
Goebbels: “Füher, how long should we plan on staying in the executive bunker? The Russians are advancing very rapidly. Shouldn’t we escape?”
Hitler: “No. We’ll stay and show them the meaning of courage! The Bolsheviks are so shrill now because we’re winning! They howl so loudly because there is nothing else they can ever do.”
I’m sure the cognitive dissonance was so large that Goebbels offed himself after his family.
The ” Custer ” reference . That’s funny.
An apt analogy. If you haven’t seen it, watch the movie “Downfall.” (You know, the movie where that Hitler clip is used in countless YouTube videos.)
Spot on. “Downfall” is a thoroughly researched movie. It’s uncomfortable to watch (I have it in my collection and have seen it many times since it was released). Disturbing look into cult mentality.
“And one of the great delusional rationalizations that help the true believers maintain their bubble world.”
Well said.
“You should know that the SPs are only becoming louder because we’re Winning.”
Yup!, it’s true, We, (the SPs), ARE winning. And the truth we speak gets louder as we overrun their stupidly fixed, vulnerable positions
If indeed this is the current handling by the orgs then we do not have long to wait for the doors to close. If the orgs push their public members to act a propaganda ambassadors for the cherch that will force more into leaving. The dissonance will smack them in the face so hard that they either fall fully into the bubble or they walk.
I love RB’s cartoon stories and look forward to them every Friday. I’ve gotta say that as a never-in, and even having read a lot of anti-books, the jargon today was a little beyond me. “Location process?” Not-is? As-is? Comm cyle? Weird terminology.
Welcome to the world of scientology. Location process is like a guided meditation outdoors where one is suppose to become more present with his environment (location). Suppose to help one get out of their heads and thoughts. Not-is, As-is, see my comment below. Comm Cycle is communication with someone else, the back of forth of it. Close enough. Although some might send me to cramming for verbal tech – LOL.
Thanks for the clarification, Mary, including your comments below. Now I think I’ll go read something easy, like Sartre’s “Being and Nothingness.” First, I have to go out in the snowy weather and “not-is” my grocery shopping list. Hey, I’m getting the hang of it!
Locational assist is a cranky procedure by which you point to various things around a person and ask them to look at those things. You do this until the person becomes calm or gets over whatever was upsetting them… or more likely until they walk away looking at you like you’ve got two heads.
Hi Bixntram:
I’m with you all the way on that one. The jargon really got me. No wonder kids (or adults who’ve been in since childhood) who get out of scientology don’t really know how to communicate very well with us “Wogs.” It’s a whole other language!!
Bixtram , too bad ,you don’t get it. But from some one in Scn, for 40 years and now out for 3. All the dumb ass jargon , I have since forgot about in the real world, makes it hilarious.
Congrats on getting out, Christopher; that’s huge. I’m fine with not getting whatever “it” is. There’s much I don’t get these days, and even more I don’t want to get.
I found this particularly jargon heavy too, bixntram. It gave the post particular power in detailing the extent to which language can create an alternate reality!
I felt like I completely followed it! Uh-Oh!
I’ve got a suspicion that in the near future ‘Kelly’ will be asking, “I wonder where Alice is? Has anyone seen Alice around the org lately? What do you mean she’s blown?”
I’m missing something – as a “never in” maybe it just went over my head – the ultimate outcome is that everyone will be “clear” – and they get there by ‘going up the bridge’. So my question is – all those poor SO members who don’t even have time to take a shower – and don’t have time to get up the bridge – aren’t they at all concerned that they themselves will never reach ‘clear’??
Sue – it is confusing on purpose – mostly to Scientologists. There is no such state as Clear. Scientology puts hoops they have to jump through to create mystery and value. Make it hard to get – expensive and time consuming.
Scientologists can go Clear simply stating they “realize” they are creating or mocking up their reactive minds but can stop it and control it”.
It is a bait and switch. L Ron Hubbard promises Super Powers by obtaining the State of Clear but then he changes it once you are invested with money on account and time invested with family wrapped around it to keep you in.
Sea Org and Staff convince themselves they are already CLEAR from a past life or they train to not emote.
They are told they are elite. Egos get puffed up – that is all.
It is a Bridge to Confusion.
It is nothing but a total scam.
Scientolgist’s lose their identity by going up the Bridge and take on the personality of a cult member. It is very cold, angry and nasty.
But you do get cleared!Of your own personality.
I was just mocking myself up but now I am a scientologist.
Xenu’s son! ?
Retired Auditor you summed in up perfectly!
And of course one doesn’t go “up” a bridge in the real world; one goes OVER it. A bit if deliberate confusion right there
I think hubbard had an MU! Maybe he needed to word clear “up”.
I think the big sell is that the cult has the tech to deliver you your total freedom for eternity.
As for the See Ogres, they are convinced not to worry about making it to clear or anywhere. Because they have the confront to join the group, they are already so far above the average wog in their Ohhh Tea Ness and furthermore, since they have signed on for a billion years they have plenty of time to ‘avail themselves of the wonnerfullness of the teck’!!!!!
No problem, no worries, no food, no sleep, no fuckin nuttin except getting yer stats up!
Yo Dave,
Howd we do last weak good buddy? Ya better start slappin some of those laggard Oh Tea committee people around for good measure. There gonna think yer weak and reasonable if ya allow those stinkin downstats to go unpunished.
Of course they would be right.
Sue —
Too bad there’s no such thing as “clear”.
Those $ci’s are delusional.
“the ultimate outcome is that everyone will be “clear” – and they get there by ‘going up the bridge’. So my question is – all those poor SO members who don’t even have time to take a shower – and don’t have time to get up the bridge – aren’t they at all concerned that they themselves will never reach ‘clear’??”
Sue, those things can easily get put “on hold” in the rush to get this week’s stats up. I found that persistence at getting my training done then getting into co-audits with like-minded staff worked to a point. Getting auditor training was seen as vital, (AFTER the required administrative training got done, so you were trained at your job and could have stats) so I got to do NED as one of the first to do the course, in what? ’78? That let me do the Academy Levels again AND be overrun on the lower grades (again). Got a good co-auditor for NED, so declared ‘clear’ quickly, feeling SO good that having an indifferent co-auditor for the grades spun me into the ground, HARD. Doubt he got any valid reads through the floating TA after NED, only ticks from the dirty needle I must have developed early on.
KatherineINCali, you’re right, there IS no such thing as ‘Clear’, at least not the state described by Tubby in D:MSMH, at least no one that I saw who achieved it, but there are times that can feel REALLY good, like going over the top of a humongous roller-coaster. Thrilling, but the feeling soon disappears when we’re on the ground walking away from the ride and we realize we were “taken for a ride”.
RB should do an “End Time” with DM and his last remaining sycophant.
I do remember talking like that. LOL All those thought stopping words. The reason there is so much entheta is because we are winning. doh!
Thanks RB for collecting the stuff that fell off the scientology jalopy this week.
No Kelly, Tiny Boots isn’t winning.
I have anecdotal data that show Aftermath and other exposes are getting the truth out. This used to NEVER happen. A while back, I could say “scientology” out loud in a crowded room and no one would notice. But…
1. Recently, I was talking to a friend at a local coffee shop about having a relative who was in a cult and has disconnected from me. There were two people at the next table and one leaned over and said. “I don’t mean to be nosey but is that that scientology thing where people are kept like prisoners?” I had to say yes.
2. About a year ago, I was telling my mail carrier about all the junk mail I was getting. When I showed him a piece, he said, “Oh yea, I heard about those weirdos”. I have not seen another piece of mail from cos. I never have asked my helpful USPS carrier what happened.
Thanks for the tip. I’ve tried everything else but the scio mail keeps flowing in. At least the mail person can lighten his daily load by pitching that shit into the dumpster. All I need to do now its to figure out how to stop the flow from the FSMers who are still trying to recover me.
Bognition, it’s sad, but true that a mail carrier can get in DEEP trouble if he fails to deliver their spam to the addressed mailbox. I’m secretly (shh! don’t tell!) hoping he dropped it into the nearest paper recycling bin, nonetheless, NOT that that sort of glossy high-clay-content material is particularly recyclable. I found to my dismay that it doesn’t even burn well in a wood stove, so can’t warm my house, something I’d love, giving the trash SOME redeeming quality. I have to thrown in real logs to reduce the stuff to ash, sort of defeating the purpose of throwing the paper in there in the first place.
She never got an answer to her question. She should be retrained on Student Hat and three times the Pro TRs Course with Clay Demo 10 times the TR-3…!
Sounds like the ultimate torture…
Dear God, Tell me I never talked like that…or thought like that.
What’s the difference between As-Is and Not-Is?
Cat – According to the technology:
As-is: When you fully confront something, it’s like creating it exactly in the exact same space. As two things cannot exist in the same space, it disappears.
Not-Is: When you ignore something, it’s totally the opposite – it’s continues to be there and gets bigger the more you ignore it.
Cat W –
Scientologists are not allowed to fully confront Scientologists, Scientology, the leader and the founder. They are only allowed to read propaganda put out by Scientology and blessed by the Pope – David Miscavige.
They are lied to from the beginning. L Ron Hubbard was a criminal hiding from the law. David MIscavige is a criminal thug hiding behind the religous cloak.
It is a high crime to investigate Scientology, L Ron Hubbard, Scientologists or David Miscavige.
They get declared Suppressive’s and put in the same category as Adolph Hitler and other evil people.
So Scientologist’s can’t AS IS Scientology. They NOT IS and that is the EXPANSION they talk about.
It only gets bigger inside of their warped and shattered minds.
“As-is” is the notion that if one looks at something exactly as it is it will disappear (or no longer have a negative effect on one).
Not-is is when one doesn’t confront or look at something that is there or as it is, it will have an effect on the one who is not confronting it.
Robert Heinlein used the word GROK in his book Stranger in a Strange Land. Most definitions state that it means to understand ‘completely’, or to become one with it. However, in his book, the object of the GROK vanished. Hubbard and Heinlein knew each other and Heinlein knew something about scio. AS-IS means to completely duplicate something which would cause it to vanish. Heinlein’s character would GROK a box. Where is it? The box is not! Someone who knows little or nothing of scio terminology would never get the full impact of “the box is not”.
A kind of koan along that line is “What is isn’t, and what isn’t is”. The first part is easy. This is a pencil – No it isn’t, it’s graphite and wood – No it isn’t, it’s molecules – No it isn’t, it’s atoms . . . etc. The second part, “what isn’t is” in general means trying to define anything ABSOLUTELY leaves us at “It is they way it is just because it is”. Word games and occasionally I GROK it.
Some people delve into Mr. Hubbard’s Axioms, Maxims, and Logics but I wasn’t that interested in theoretical metaphysics.
It’s bad theory, anyway, and spun in such a way as to indoctrinate people to follow Hubbard, including emulating his narcissism and blaming of others. And it’s a mish-mash from plagiarized sources like Korzybski’s
General Semantics – which, like most things, Hubbard was too lazy and sloppy to read and study himself, and so relied on second-hand knowledge from people like his second “never had” wife Sara who was interested and had actually worked through it.
Cat W – What is the difference between “AS IS” and “NOT IS”?
Scientologically – You “as is” something by “NOT ISING” it.
Scientolgist’s do this each and every day.
Scientologist’s “AS IS” the TRUTH by “NOT ISING” it.
Wow Stat! I think you nailed it.
Dear Mary,
I wish I could tell you that you Scientologists don’t speak or think like that…but they do.
Dear God,
It’s about time you got back to me. Since you seem to be in the area, can you please guide my son Sammy back to me and his dad and his brother and the rest of his family. It’s been five years TODAY that he hugged me goodbye and then disconnected; I haven’t seen him since. What the fuck are you waiting for?
Oh Mary, my heart goes out to you. Every time I hear you mention your son it gets to me, but this post brought tears to my eyes. As a mom of boys myself, I just can’t imagine. It’s so heart-breaking. 5 years. I hope and pray that your Sammy sees truth somehow and he and the rest of your family are reunited with you soon. One day is too long, nevermind 5 years. Hugs to you…
Thank you Annie. I appreciate it.
Levity aside, I’m so sorry for you, Mary. That’s so terrible, not to have your loved ones in your life. Let’s hope God comes through on this eventually.
I’m completely new to these boards and this fight, and I cannot imagine your anguish. I really hope that the end of your quest is nearer than you think and you will feel your son’s arms around you again really soon. Just know that you are in people’s thoughts (even people who don’t know you).
Good luck
So mote it be, Mary.
Don’t feel bad, Mary; I used to be a hippy and said stuff like “far out,” “groovy,” “oh, wow,” and “let’s get super-stoned.” Arghh!
Like totally…!
(thanks for the giggle)
O/T. I’m sure everyone has already seen this video since Tony Ortega posted about it yesterday. Nonetheless, I want to provide my own summary and, yes, links to my tweets.
VIDEO: Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad:
Asks “Who do you think controls pornography in Hollywood?” He and his NOI audience loudly answer “The Jews!”;
Conflates being victim of pedophilia with being gay; and
Mocks gay people by feigning stereotypical “swishy” gay behavior.
Is this for real?
I could not watch it all. I had to stop, it was so ignorant, trashy and repulsive.
And this Scientology thing actually claims association with these creatures here?!
It just dawned on me: Tony Muhammed is being groomed to be the new NOI dictator. I’ve read that Farrakhan is in poor health these days.
That reminds me. I had the thought that Tom moved to Clearwater at the behest of DM and that DM wants to groom him to eventually take over Scn. Do you think that is the plan? Or am I reading too much into it? After all, Tom’s career has been declining for years.
“I’ve read that Farrakhan is in poor health these days.”
Seems like that would give him a clue that his Dianetics and Scientology aren’t working.
That is a disgusting video.
Farrakhan’s behavior is totally indefensible. Thankfully, the internet captures all, so his followers will be trying to defend his hateful ignorance for a long time. Ignorant and hateful – sounds just like his new master Hubbard.
I loved the one where he was trying to say he wasn’t under the spell of a white supremacist, Hubbard. The more he talked, the deeper the hole he dug himself into.