Did we REALLY put up with all that shit? Well, YEAH, ’cause we “had” to. Getting kicked out of Flag as incapable of handling ANY job they had, not even RPF inmate, was the BEST thing to happen to me this lifetime other than meeting my lovely wife. I, of course, wonder how things might have been if they had allowed 2Ds in the S.O. The degradation we endured on the 1st D via the 3rd was akin to 3rd-world conditions or worse. But we were young idealists, convinced that we were making the world a better place though we couldn’t dare ask for SOME of those benefits ourselves — that would have been selfish, don’cha know? Squalid quarters & work spaces, degradation and demoralization were our life. And in my case, getting depressed by actually honestly looking at the situation was a sure frogmarch to the RPF where I found it impossible to stop *thinking* and finding the whole scene ridiculous, which it was, a case of “The floggings will continue until morale improves.”
“The reason Tom Cruise’s head became swollen is because he was handling an earlier civilization in which mental images pictures could not be stored due to the very limited memory capacity of the Reactive Mind. Whereupon, mental image pictures stacked up in people’s heads and bloated them to blimp-size,” said Snr C/S Int Mr. Ken Delusion.
“LRH handled this back then by increasing the memory size of the Reactive Mind to 100 terrabytes. This is factually how many mental image pictures are stored in the Reactive Mind. This the ‘why’ for why it can take ten years or more to reach the State of Clear.”
“Of course,” Delusion noted, “When stats are down at Flag, Clear can be reached in six weeks if one pays in advance for the Accelerated Clear Package which consists of 33 intensives and a series of 47 coffee enemas administered gradiently from Decaf to Espresso shots.”
It’s tough to tell the difference between the SS and SO; One difference that comes to mind: The SS were better fed and had “comfort women” to keep them warm, obviating the need for solo sex.
Comparing the Sea Org to the SS? Well, one difference that comes to my mind, is 6 million murdered Jews alone!
“Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population.”
Besides Godwin’s law, your frequent random comparisons of the topics in the articles to Nazis and Hitler are just off. So are your frequent posted platitudes. I suspect that you are posting such to (mis)use this blog to get clicks on your link to your site and to your political interpretations and stance.
To be clear, I find the repeated comparisons of what happens in the CoS and other things to the Nazis with their violent felonies and war crimes perpetrated and their genocide of the Jewish people, disgusting.
You seem to be obsessed to compare random events βand here an excellent satirical sketch of some hypothetical conversations of some Sea Org guys β to Nazis/Hitler/SS/NSDAP.
Besides that, my reply was actually to Jere Lull, who hooked into your comment and of whom I was not expecting such utterances.
Under an inflated dome at the Marine stockade, there were three clumps of civilians. A band of Bargerites, a gaggle of people in red robes with shaved heads, and a small group in black turtleneck sweaters and black pants.
“It’s your fault that we’re in here with the raw meat,” whined the leader of the turtlenecked group.
“Why don’t you administer the personality test to them?” Ensign Juan Enleshkaadshar of the church’s Star-Org whined back.
“Oh, you think you’re SO funny,” snapped the leader. “Just for that, you get to do all your O.T.-levels all over again.”
The leader paused, and then spoke again.
“The Commodore is not going to like this.”
“Well what does the Commodore like,” said the Ensign, “apart from underage girls?”
“THAT’S IT!” screamed the leader. “You are now a suppressive person! Get away from us before I exteriorize your ass!”
The former Ensign walked away from the turtlenecked group; perhaps some of the red robed folk would talk to him. No one else in the black clad group spoke up, they were already assigned by the mission leader to the church’s Reformation Project Force as a result of their being caught by the Marines. They didn’t want to make their own personal situation any worse.
Would you think the CofS would do that to SP’s if they had they ways and means the Nazis had?
CofS have the mindset, fanatics and the blind loyalists. They would have eliminated the weak links out first, then initiated their own “Final Solution” program.
The Nazis started out with ordinary people and fed a steady stream of indoctrination until they either left or turned full metal psycho.
CofS know they could never get away with it in these times unless they had the power to. If they did, I would think they would do it. They already do and have done on a very small scale, so the potential is there.
Les asked, “Would you think the CofS would do that to SPβs if they had they ways and means the Nazis had?”
Well Les if you study history you will find that BEFORE the NAZIs had the ways and means you are talking about they were in the streets beating people they didn’t like even thought they were put in jail for it. Hitler was too and went to prison.
So, to answer your question: They wouldn’t do what the NAZIs did when they had no power… Because they didn’t.
Using nutty hyperbole doesn’t help going against Scamology
Scientology is a spent force today and will never rise to its former glory again.
It never had the support base the Nazis had. Even when the Nazis were out doing their deeds, they had a support base behind them, certainly weren’t going it alone. The SA was only the front face of the deal ((like today’s AntiFa just to name one). Without a deal of support they would never had made it.
When they got Hitler into power, the SA had outlived its usefulness and was crushed out. Then the real Nazi party came to the fore.
Scientology has a lot of similar themes. “SPs (like the Jews) must be utterly destroyed without sorrow”. Homosexuals are degraded beings, etc. etc.
If Scientology ever had gotten into a position of power, they would be preaching those mottos and isolating them from their followers, like RPF camps and hundreds of “SP Holes” everywhere. Then what to do with them? eventually every 2nd person would be declared SP and put into labour for others. Once there are too many for them to tolerate, would they then be exterminated? Possibly. Remember, no sorrow or mercy.
That was when the Nazis turned their concentration camps into extermination centres once the general public stopped being interested in it all and they could control the information flow nationally. That and making everyone they could too fearful to speak up.
This is all rather simplified, but we are also talking about an organization that was founded by a psychopath, who was succeeded by a filthier psycho and supported by a psycho group (Sea Org), who would be rather like the Gestapo was and this group both supported and orchestrated some pretty despicable acts. Kind of projects the things they were prepared to and probably would do if they thought they could get away with it.
Like I said, Scientology has passed its prime and blown its chances. I don’t see it as hyperbole, but as what the cult would become if it had the opportunities to rise like the Nazis did. They would be just as bad.
Germany had a lot of decent people there at the time who were not happy with the Nazis, but I would bet the Scn Ethics Dept would be Sec Checking everyone for their loyalties. For a fee as well, of course.
At the end of the day, it is debatable just how far they would go. They would have little benefit for everyone generally and would never be a benign group. Certainly rather harmful.
Love the Dark Helmet reference! Using Voldemort as a stand in for CoB never seemed like a good equivalence to me. Voldemort was capable, talented and focused. He used those qualities to put together an army. CoB is Dark Helmet without the humor and humanity of Rick Moranis.
“We’re lucky because we can get Sec-Checked for hundreds and hundreds of hours and it’s all for free.”
Ha, ha. Just remember the cost of all those hours of sec checking go onto your Freeloader’s debt that comes due when you leave the sea ogre. Hey? Isn’t that just one more tool used to coerce you to stay?
Hundreds of hours of unhelpful, degrading, and depressing sec checks which do nothing tagged onto an already bloated bill for “services” we didn’t want, but had to do by under orders. work-ordered courses & such are the financial responsibility of those who ordered they be done/taken.Heck, I had to do my “hat” pack 3 times — and I compiled the damn thing.
I recall back in the early 80s some policy came out saying it recognized some sea ogre members may no longer honestly wish to remain and so their Freeloaders’ Debt would be reduced by the number of years they had served. If 5 or more the debt would be reduced to nothing except for a nominal amount (I think about $5k) left owing “just because”. That “relief” was a big factor that prompted me to route/walk out.
Yes, Glenn. I remember in 1980 an HCOPL came out to that effect. For each 5 years of service your FL Bill started over.
I remained in the SO until I was sent off to die.
Later they told my wife to put me in a hospice to die.
Fortunately she took me to a doctor instead. That was 19 years ago.
A. Thanks for the good news of surviving that mess. I NEVER believed ANYTHING the MLO told me thankfully. Took myself to a hospital after an injury once during time in the S.O. Excellent care and full recovery.
B. I will bet you a million bucks the policy that forgave one’s FL debt was canceled by the Diminutive Midget once he took over. The little cocksucker was SO, SO, SO in love with money and keeping his slaves onboard
What a laugh, nice satire RB.
It is true, there were meter check festivals very often. I vividly remember the inquisition atmosphere and the dark faces of the staff. Treated like shit and surely always guilty of something.
They weren’t taking people randomly, we all went through it.
One trick was to think of a girl I had before SO, and I always had a Floating needle.
Otherwise you were invited to another festival: Overts & Withhold write-up and lower conditions.
Really crazy stuff!
I’ve gotta disagree with you here Aqua. Hobbits were nice folk in every way. They had a love of beer and food. Lots of food. And they generally minded their own business and were pleasant to be around. Miscavige would be much more comparable to an Orc in every way. Evil little bastards mutated from the fairest of folk, the Elves. No redeeming qualities whatsoever. Hubbard would be comparable to the Dark Lord.
I really didn’t know what a Hobbit was.
I never read the Trilogy.
I knew that they were these little people, etc.
And I heard Steve Bannon calling the group that Hillary Clinton called “Deplorables” Hobbits.
So I somehow thought that Hobbits were deplorable too.
Not because of their size.
The Munchkins in the Wizard of OZ were tiny people, and adorable, after all.
No it wasn’t their size it was because I had this made up definition that they were evil little ones in the Trilogy, which was ridiculous of me because I never read any of it.
So thank you, all of you, for setting me straight.
I would like to express my apologies to Hobbits everywhere.
Decent little Hobbits who, in having been linked by me to the Vile One, David Miscavige, were grossly, ignorantly and unjustifiably maligned. I am so sorry!
Well Aqua, do yourself a favor and read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. The movie versions were “ok” but you’ll miss a lot of detail. Great cinematography for sure but way too much Hollywood in the screen writing. These books just scratch the surface of the world Tolkien created so there is much more to delve into if you so desire. Some of the greatest fantasy writing ever put to the page.
I’m looking forward to this afternoon when my wife and I are going to see Dune. I hope I’m not disappointed in the same way I was with The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movies. Dune, (and the entire Dune series) is, IMHO, the greatest science fiction ever published with an absolutely mind blowing ending.
I’ll take your word for that, Briget. I’ve never read The Trilogy and (hanging head in shame) I don’t know what an Orc is, any more than I knew what a Hobbit actually was. I had an invented definition for the latter which was completely wrong.
an insult to hobbits everywhere
How dare they evaluate a Big Being like that. Guess they needed to learn their proper place is in the dumpster.
Did we REALLY put up with all that shit? Well, YEAH, ’cause we “had” to. Getting kicked out of Flag as incapable of handling ANY job they had, not even RPF inmate, was the BEST thing to happen to me this lifetime other than meeting my lovely wife. I, of course, wonder how things might have been if they had allowed 2Ds in the S.O. The degradation we endured on the 1st D via the 3rd was akin to 3rd-world conditions or worse. But we were young idealists, convinced that we were making the world a better place though we couldn’t dare ask for SOME of those benefits ourselves — that would have been selfish, don’cha know? Squalid quarters & work spaces, degradation and demoralization were our life. And in my case, getting depressed by actually honestly looking at the situation was a sure frogmarch to the RPF where I found it impossible to stop *thinking* and finding the whole scene ridiculous, which it was, a case of “The floggings will continue until morale improves.”
Sadistic bastards, punishing people in the name of “help”. Sick creeps.
Thank your lucky stars you didn’t “fit in”, Jere!
Punishment in the name of therapy. Or was that therapy in the name of punishment. It’s a dichotomy inside a dichotomy, leave it to hubbard hisself.
Hubbard, the original DJ Donkey Punch. 1930’s hypnosis; now it’s roofies.
As in?;
Run as one item to a FN
Then as a pair to an FN
You may now attest and join the SO
End off by checking for my correct havingness process : “look around here and don’t look around here.” Run three times and get a can squeeze.
“The reason Tom Cruise’s head became swollen is because he was handling an earlier civilization in which mental images pictures could not be stored due to the very limited memory capacity of the Reactive Mind. Whereupon, mental image pictures stacked up in people’s heads and bloated them to blimp-size,” said Snr C/S Int Mr. Ken Delusion.
“LRH handled this back then by increasing the memory size of the Reactive Mind to 100 terrabytes. This is factually how many mental image pictures are stored in the Reactive Mind. This the ‘why’ for why it can take ten years or more to reach the State of Clear.”
“Of course,” Delusion noted, “When stats are down at Flag, Clear can be reached in six weeks if one pays in advance for the Accelerated Clear Package which consists of 33 intensives and a series of 47 coffee enemas administered gradiently from Decaf to Espresso shots.”
π π π€£π
At least they’re not in the SS.
It’s tough to tell the difference between the SS and SO; One difference that comes to mind: The SS were better fed and had “comfort women” to keep them warm, obviating the need for solo sex.
Comparing the Sea Org to the SS? Well, one difference that comes to my mind, is 6 million murdered Jews alone!
“Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population.”
If you don’t count just the Jews the total Hitler/NSDAP death toll runs to about 17 million.
You just don’t get it, do you?
Besides Godwin’s law, your frequent random comparisons of the topics in the articles to Nazis and Hitler are just off. So are your frequent posted platitudes. I suspect that you are posting such to (mis)use this blog to get clicks on your link to your site and to your political interpretations and stance.
To be clear, I find the repeated comparisons of what happens in the CoS and other things to the Nazis with their violent felonies and war crimes perpetrated and their genocide of the Jewish people, disgusting.
You seem to be obsessed to compare random events βand here an excellent satirical sketch of some hypothetical conversations of some Sea Org guys β to Nazis/Hitler/SS/NSDAP.
Besides that, my reply was actually to Jere Lull, who hooked into your comment and of whom I was not expecting such utterances.
I was going to respond to your text, but instead I’ll just honk my own horn. I wrote piece of fanfiction that references Scientology at a future time.
Under an inflated dome at the Marine stockade, there were three clumps of civilians. A band of Bargerites, a gaggle of people in red robes with shaved heads, and a small group in black turtleneck sweaters and black pants.
“It’s your fault that we’re in here with the raw meat,” whined the leader of the turtlenecked group.
“Why don’t you administer the personality test to them?” Ensign Juan Enleshkaadshar of the church’s Star-Org whined back.
“Oh, you think you’re SO funny,” snapped the leader. “Just for that, you get to do all your O.T.-levels all over again.”
The leader paused, and then spoke again.
“The Commodore is not going to like this.”
“Well what does the Commodore like,” said the Ensign, “apart from underage girls?”
“THAT’S IT!” screamed the leader. “You are now a suppressive person! Get away from us before I exteriorize your ass!”
The former Ensign walked away from the turtlenecked group; perhaps some of the red robed folk would talk to him. No one else in the black clad group spoke up, they were already assigned by the mission leader to the church’s Reformation Project Force as a result of their being caught by the Marines. They didn’t want to make their own personal situation any worse.
Would you think the CofS would do that to SP’s if they had they ways and means the Nazis had?
CofS have the mindset, fanatics and the blind loyalists. They would have eliminated the weak links out first, then initiated their own “Final Solution” program.
The Nazis started out with ordinary people and fed a steady stream of indoctrination until they either left or turned full metal psycho.
CofS know they could never get away with it in these times unless they had the power to. If they did, I would think they would do it. They already do and have done on a very small scale, so the potential is there.
Les asked, “Would you think the CofS would do that to SPβs if they had they ways and means the Nazis had?”
Well Les if you study history you will find that BEFORE the NAZIs had the ways and means you are talking about they were in the streets beating people they didn’t like even thought they were put in jail for it. Hitler was too and went to prison.
So, to answer your question: They wouldn’t do what the NAZIs did when they had no power… Because they didn’t.
Using nutty hyperbole doesn’t help going against Scamology
Scientology is a spent force today and will never rise to its former glory again.
It never had the support base the Nazis had. Even when the Nazis were out doing their deeds, they had a support base behind them, certainly weren’t going it alone. The SA was only the front face of the deal ((like today’s AntiFa just to name one). Without a deal of support they would never had made it.
When they got Hitler into power, the SA had outlived its usefulness and was crushed out. Then the real Nazi party came to the fore.
Scientology has a lot of similar themes. “SPs (like the Jews) must be utterly destroyed without sorrow”. Homosexuals are degraded beings, etc. etc.
If Scientology ever had gotten into a position of power, they would be preaching those mottos and isolating them from their followers, like RPF camps and hundreds of “SP Holes” everywhere. Then what to do with them? eventually every 2nd person would be declared SP and put into labour for others. Once there are too many for them to tolerate, would they then be exterminated? Possibly. Remember, no sorrow or mercy.
That was when the Nazis turned their concentration camps into extermination centres once the general public stopped being interested in it all and they could control the information flow nationally. That and making everyone they could too fearful to speak up.
This is all rather simplified, but we are also talking about an organization that was founded by a psychopath, who was succeeded by a filthier psycho and supported by a psycho group (Sea Org), who would be rather like the Gestapo was and this group both supported and orchestrated some pretty despicable acts. Kind of projects the things they were prepared to and probably would do if they thought they could get away with it.
Like I said, Scientology has passed its prime and blown its chances. I don’t see it as hyperbole, but as what the cult would become if it had the opportunities to rise like the Nazis did. They would be just as bad.
Germany had a lot of decent people there at the time who were not happy with the Nazis, but I would bet the Scn Ethics Dept would be Sec Checking everyone for their loyalties. For a fee as well, of course.
At the end of the day, it is debatable just how far they would go. They would have little benefit for everyone generally and would never be a benign group. Certainly rather harmful.
If I recall correctly LRH was also obsessed about masturbation.
Yes, he was quite a wanker.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist it.
Love the Dark Helmet reference! Using Voldemort as a stand in for CoB never seemed like a good equivalence to me. Voldemort was capable, talented and focused. He used those qualities to put together an army. CoB is Dark Helmet without the humor and humanity of Rick Moranis.
“I can’t breathe in this thing!”
No joking about Tom Cruise? How can anyone get through the day without laughing at that goofball?
“We’re lucky because we can get Sec-Checked for hundreds and hundreds of hours and it’s all for free.”
Ha, ha. Just remember the cost of all those hours of sec checking go onto your Freeloader’s debt that comes due when you leave the sea ogre. Hey? Isn’t that just one more tool used to coerce you to stay?
Hundreds of hours of unhelpful, degrading, and depressing sec checks which do nothing tagged onto an already bloated bill for “services” we didn’t want, but had to do by under orders. work-ordered courses & such are the financial responsibility of those who ordered they be done/taken.Heck, I had to do my “hat” pack 3 times — and I compiled the damn thing.
I recall back in the early 80s some policy came out saying it recognized some sea ogre members may no longer honestly wish to remain and so their Freeloaders’ Debt would be reduced by the number of years they had served. If 5 or more the debt would be reduced to nothing except for a nominal amount (I think about $5k) left owing “just because”. That “relief” was a big factor that prompted me to route/walk out.
Yes, Glenn. I remember in 1980 an HCOPL came out to that effect. For each 5 years of service your FL Bill started over.
I remained in the SO until I was sent off to die.
Later they told my wife to put me in a hospice to die.
Fortunately she took me to a doctor instead. That was 19 years ago.
Wow, oh Wow Bill.
A. Thanks for the good news of surviving that mess. I NEVER believed ANYTHING the MLO told me thankfully. Took myself to a hospital after an injury once during time in the S.O. Excellent care and full recovery.
B. I will bet you a million bucks the policy that forgave one’s FL debt was canceled by the Diminutive Midget once he took over. The little cocksucker was SO, SO, SO in love with money and keeping his slaves onboard
What a laugh, nice satire RB.
It is true, there were meter check festivals very often. I vividly remember the inquisition atmosphere and the dark faces of the staff. Treated like shit and surely always guilty of something.
They weren’t taking people randomly, we all went through it.
One trick was to think of a girl I had before SO, and I always had a Floating needle.
Otherwise you were invited to another festival: Overts & Withhold write-up and lower conditions.
Really crazy stuff!
Miscavige as a Hobbit! How fitting in every way. Thank you for that delightful mental image picture, RB π
I’ve gotta disagree with you here Aqua. Hobbits were nice folk in every way. They had a love of beer and food. Lots of food. And they generally minded their own business and were pleasant to be around. Miscavige would be much more comparable to an Orc in every way. Evil little bastards mutated from the fairest of folk, the Elves. No redeeming qualities whatsoever. Hubbard would be comparable to the Dark Lord.
Ok, I must admit:
I really didn’t know what a Hobbit was.
I never read the Trilogy.
I knew that they were these little people, etc.
And I heard Steve Bannon calling the group that Hillary Clinton called “Deplorables” Hobbits.
So I somehow thought that Hobbits were deplorable too.
Not because of their size.
The Munchkins in the Wizard of OZ were tiny people, and adorable, after all.
No it wasn’t their size it was because I had this made up definition that they were evil little ones in the Trilogy, which was ridiculous of me because I never read any of it.
So thank you, all of you, for setting me straight.
I would like to express my apologies to Hobbits everywhere.
Decent little Hobbits who, in having been linked by me to the Vile One, David Miscavige, were grossly, ignorantly and unjustifiably maligned. I am so sorry!
Well Aqua, do yourself a favor and read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. The movie versions were “ok” but you’ll miss a lot of detail. Great cinematography for sure but way too much Hollywood in the screen writing. These books just scratch the surface of the world Tolkien created so there is much more to delve into if you so desire. Some of the greatest fantasy writing ever put to the page.
I’m looking forward to this afternoon when my wife and I are going to see Dune. I hope I’m not disappointed in the same way I was with The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movies. Dune, (and the entire Dune series) is, IMHO, the greatest science fiction ever published with an absolutely mind blowing ending.
Actually, I think Miscavige as an Orc would be more fitting…a very short, exceptionally bad tempered orc.
I’ll take your word for that, Briget. I’ve never read The Trilogy and (hanging head in shame) I don’t know what an Orc is, any more than I knew what a Hobbit actually was. I had an invented definition for the latter which was completely wrong.