Oh, the IRONY of scientology giving “prosperity” seminars! They of course don’t mention the speaker’s own prosperity, at most mentioning his “progress” up the ‘bridge’ or years of servitude at the org.
Whenever I was called for an event I would just tell the chump on the other end that I was already briefed so there was no reason to go. If they asked how I was briefed I just told them that was confidential and I couldn’t tell them. Worked every time. They couldn’t say that I needed to still come in order to be regg’ed to death.
“Every time I get divorced…” How often and how many times? It was tough to a partner to marry back when I was “in”. So many arbitrary rules suppressing dating, no time off to date, and few/no candidates unless you went after the underaged ones . I’ve never been “into” children, so to speak, so my time on staff was a long dreary one.
How MANY fell for that, I wonder? Paying for services to be delivered in a future lifetime™😜.
Did OT VIIIs ever pay for next L/T’s OT VII?🥸
OR their next life’s “clear” package? (where they could attest to “past life clear” at full cost.
Hip, I did 1 and 2 for 10 years. I had 2 cell phones. One was ONLY for Scientology calls. The other was for work and everything non-Scientology. And not just 2 separate numbers on the same phone; I had 2 separate actual PHONES. I almost never picked up the one that was for the org. I had it on vibrate mostly. It gave me great satisfaction, comfort and peace of mind to hear it vibrating in my purse while I was on the phone (almost constantly back then before email and texting became the preferred communication channels) conducting business or pursuing my personal life with friends. The extra “Scientology Only ” cell phone with its own number cost me $50 per month; $600 per year x 10 years totally $7200. When I finally quit the cult I rejoiced, and, along with saving $50 per month on my useless total scam WISE membership, I decided to give it a portion of this as a monthly donation to Mike Rinder 🙂
Yo cult!
Now you know!
Much love,
Aqua, once again you are so right! At Nashville Org we had confirm, reconfirm and rereconfirm. Yep, that’s right. We called our public three times to ensure they were coming to the event. And, I’m sure, pissed them off in the process.
I am so glad all that is behind me.
“Reconfirm” is pretty much the most minor/minorist of the nonsense words made up by and for scientologists. It sorta-kinda makes sense in the context of staff trying to hustle disinterested public into events where the main event is the registrars hard-selling them into handing in money they don’t have for things they don’t want.
I hated call-in, it felt like harassment, I didn’t realize it till one day the ED kept me around for reconfirms, this was the day of the event and it was starting in 30min, we were spam calling the confirms so we could get a better reconfirm stat. All I could think was that if they don’t want to come, they obviously lied and don’t want to come. I have a feeling that the ED was being watched by the SO fundraisers just sitting behind her and had to put on a show. Maybe, you be the judge.
Just to paint a picture in Sydney Org we had an event every weekend almost, I remember not having one was a breath of fresh air, it was either IAS, Idela Orgs or Birthdays, Freewinds Events , Briefeings and we were competing with the AO just a 20 min walk from the Org. So anyone getting this many calls from anyone would go bonkers on the subject.
Staff members are more or less indoctrinated as seeing the public as a cash cow for lack of a better term. When I finally ended up at Vancouver Org as a public the ED had no quams telling the even that it was our lot to be the piggy bank for this stuff. So it’s not even hidden from the public.
Call-in WAS harassment. Done “in a good cause” of course: benefitting the most # of Dynamics; the 3rd most of all; But then those who WERE the 3rd Dynamics never saw any benefit to THEIR dynamics, not food, nor housing, nor staff enhancement. All they could look forward to was more of the same-old, same-old. Or perhaps even worse, once “management” realized they could push staff even harder without losing many if them. It’s amazing how much they’ll endure to try to help “clear the world”. Fantastic scam Tubby! Worked like a charm even for the Tiny tyrant who has no charm otherwise.
Knowing that I would have to do Call In for all the events (and they were just non stop) was the MAIN reason I refused to join staff. I swear, MORE than the knowledge that I’d make NO money and work 40-50 hours a week, was the dread and I do mean DREAD at the mere thought of having to do Call In for Events. At best I tolerated events; at worst I LOATHED them and avoided them whenever I could. But being on staff? OMG, Just the thought of having to call people to get them to come to these things – to call them, over and over and over – to come to these things when I myself couldn’t stand them – no – no, there was no way I could have done that. I knew I’d never be able to handle that. It would have made me sick – actually physically sick, and I’m not being funny. I am not a sickly person, I’m never ill. BUT I’m totally NOT capable of pretending, of living in a way, ongoingly, that is “false” – for lack of a better term right now – to myself. I would have fallen ill. I have a theory that ex staff members with serious health issues after leaving the cult fell sick BECAUSE of this kind of stress. I can’t prove it but again, I know it would have made ME sick, and maybe I’m not that different or unusual.
That starts me thinking: HOW many non-staff attended these self-congratulatory Mcsavage-fests? Staff had to, I expect; they had nowhere else to go, but the public had to come IN to attend. how many of them “tried”😍 to attend, but suffered breakdowns/accidents of the car, bus, train, or plane they were in? I suspect it was a regular occurrence, perhaps most times they held those events. Thankfully, I didn’t have to suffer through those things as McSavage didn’t assume power until a decade or two after I was tossed out as useless.😎. I’m not sorry to have missed them, and have no interest in watching Miscavage’s self-gratification being re-broadcast to the rapt audiences for the 170th time.
In the far future, some Hubbard re-incarnation will refer to them as “Incident 3”, I guess.
Public repeatedly were REPEATEDLY and relentlessly phoned, written, buttonholed in person “invited” via nagging, begging, pleading and vaguely threatening to attend these events.
Just horrible. With all that happened to you, you can at least feel fortunate that you were “tossed out as useless” well before these frequent events became the norm.
A kind of mental torture because we not only had to attend but we had to PRETEND to love them, PRETEND that we had enjoyed ourselves. We could NEVER admit that we avoided them whenever possible.
A real, live, ongoing mindfuck. You had more than your fair share of these, no doubt. At least you escaped THIS type 🙂
Kissing ass AND making it go right by making do with the nothing you got/get. At least you’re out of the RPF, so more-or-less “free”!
The only “freedom” in scientology is the freedom to get in line to get punished again. At your own cost, no discounts for staff.
Clearly the cult is hoping that casual viewers will confuse “Inside Scientology” on FuboTV with the Remini television program. Instead of learning the truth they will be reeled in to the registrar.
Well, scratch FUBAR TV off of the list of streaming services *I* might go for. How much is Davey paying them to carry his wretched self-promotion, anyway?
Hip to the $cientologist Trained Manipulator and Scammersays
I laughed out loud RB. Good one.
Here are successful actions ( hat write up) to avoid seminars and events for Scientology:
1. Only give them one phone number ( cell phone – so you can block all numbers) and then when they call, tell them no one from the Org or Church can call you on this cell phone number because it is for work and it is against company policy to take any calls on work phone. If they call ( and they will) block their phone numbers) PROBLEM SOLVED!
2. Pay extra to keep landlines private and never give out the number to any Scientologists – EVER.
3. Tell them you moved and give them a real address to a business on the other part of town.
4. When Scientologists call – confirm you are going and tell them if you get any more calls, you won’t be attending and it will be their transgression.
Write down the person’s name and tell them it is their responsibility to inform everyone else to not call. You will turn them into ethics if you get anymore calls because it is DEV-T and “too much comm” and invalidates and nullifies my confirm.
5. I confirm all events and call to cancel 1/2 hour before it starts stating I was in a “comm cycle” disseminating Scientology to my neighbor, 2-D, friend, mechanic, librarian, grocery clerk etc… and they are BI’s and having crashing MU”s. It would be out ethics and against my own personal integrity to leave them with BI’s and crashing MU’s. I will try to make the event but then I don’t go.
Hey! I may be naive of things today, but what about “confirming” and being out of state and out of service range for cell service the day of the event? If I’m out sailing, ain’t no one disturbing my meditation time. And my phone runs out of charge at the MOST inopportune times. TBH, it’s usually off.
The unspoken Thought Bubble. RB, You’ve done it again. This is a marvel – I am mentally cruising through various hard-sell, attempt-to-cave-me-in-and-overwhelm-me encounters with Sea Org staff and org staff over the years, determined in selling me something. What would their Thought Bubbles reveal? As you show here: ideas, truths, and opinions much different than the words spoken. So darn sad.
Oh, the IRONY of scientology giving “prosperity” seminars! They of course don’t mention the speaker’s own prosperity, at most mentioning his “progress” up the ‘bridge’ or years of servitude at the org.
Whenever I was called for an event I would just tell the chump on the other end that I was already briefed so there was no reason to go. If they asked how I was briefed I just told them that was confidential and I couldn’t tell them. Worked every time. They couldn’t say that I needed to still come in order to be regg’ed to death.
“Every time I get divorced…” How often and how many times? It was tough to a partner to marry back when I was “in”. So many arbitrary rules suppressing dating, no time off to date, and few/no candidates unless you went after the underaged ones . I’ve never been “into” children, so to speak, so my time on staff was a long dreary one.
She should just put the money she paid for OT-7 on account for next lifetime.
How MANY fell for that, I wonder? Paying for services to be delivered in a future lifetime™😜.
Did OT VIIIs ever pay for next L/T’s OT VII?🥸
OR their next life’s “clear” package? (where they could attest to “past life clear” at full cost.
Hip, I did 1 and 2 for 10 years. I had 2 cell phones. One was ONLY for Scientology calls. The other was for work and everything non-Scientology. And not just 2 separate numbers on the same phone; I had 2 separate actual PHONES. I almost never picked up the one that was for the org. I had it on vibrate mostly. It gave me great satisfaction, comfort and peace of mind to hear it vibrating in my purse while I was on the phone (almost constantly back then before email and texting became the preferred communication channels) conducting business or pursuing my personal life with friends. The extra “Scientology Only ” cell phone with its own number cost me $50 per month; $600 per year x 10 years totally $7200. When I finally quit the cult I rejoiced, and, along with saving $50 per month on my useless total scam WISE membership, I decided to give it a portion of this as a monthly donation to Mike Rinder 🙂
Yo cult!
Now you know!
Much love,
Bright ideas, Aqua!
If anyone ever bothered to look up the word “confirm”, they would find out that “reconfirm” is a made-up word which has no rational meaning 🤔.
Yes! YES!
That what I used to tell them!
When someone is CONFIRMED, then, that’s IT.
There is no reason to RE (a prefix meaning “again”) confirm.
It used to drive me CRAZY!
“I am CONFIRMED”, I used to tell them. “I have been confirmed. That is ALL you need to know. STOP calling me!”
I’m telling you, my stomach used to clench at the stupidity of it. In fact, it still does.
Thank you for this, Karl!
Aqua, once again you are so right! At Nashville Org we had confirm, reconfirm and rereconfirm. Yep, that’s right. We called our public three times to ensure they were coming to the event. And, I’m sure, pissed them off in the process.
I am so glad all that is behind me.
“Reconfirm” is pretty much the most minor/minorist of the nonsense words made up by and for scientologists. It sorta-kinda makes sense in the context of staff trying to hustle disinterested public into events where the main event is the registrars hard-selling them into handing in money they don’t have for things they don’t want.
I hated call-in, it felt like harassment, I didn’t realize it till one day the ED kept me around for reconfirms, this was the day of the event and it was starting in 30min, we were spam calling the confirms so we could get a better reconfirm stat. All I could think was that if they don’t want to come, they obviously lied and don’t want to come. I have a feeling that the ED was being watched by the SO fundraisers just sitting behind her and had to put on a show. Maybe, you be the judge.
Just to paint a picture in Sydney Org we had an event every weekend almost, I remember not having one was a breath of fresh air, it was either IAS, Idela Orgs or Birthdays, Freewinds Events , Briefeings and we were competing with the AO just a 20 min walk from the Org. So anyone getting this many calls from anyone would go bonkers on the subject.
Staff members are more or less indoctrinated as seeing the public as a cash cow for lack of a better term. When I finally ended up at Vancouver Org as a public the ED had no quams telling the even that it was our lot to be the piggy bank for this stuff. So it’s not even hidden from the public.
Call-in WAS harassment. Done “in a good cause” of course: benefitting the most # of Dynamics; the 3rd most of all; But then those who WERE the 3rd Dynamics never saw any benefit to THEIR dynamics, not food, nor housing, nor staff enhancement. All they could look forward to was more of the same-old, same-old. Or perhaps even worse, once “management” realized they could push staff even harder without losing many if them. It’s amazing how much they’ll endure to try to help “clear the world”. Fantastic scam Tubby! Worked like a charm even for the Tiny tyrant who has no charm otherwise.
Knowing that I would have to do Call In for all the events (and they were just non stop) was the MAIN reason I refused to join staff. I swear, MORE than the knowledge that I’d make NO money and work 40-50 hours a week, was the dread and I do mean DREAD at the mere thought of having to do Call In for Events. At best I tolerated events; at worst I LOATHED them and avoided them whenever I could. But being on staff? OMG, Just the thought of having to call people to get them to come to these things – to call them, over and over and over – to come to these things when I myself couldn’t stand them – no – no, there was no way I could have done that. I knew I’d never be able to handle that. It would have made me sick – actually physically sick, and I’m not being funny. I am not a sickly person, I’m never ill. BUT I’m totally NOT capable of pretending, of living in a way, ongoingly, that is “false” – for lack of a better term right now – to myself. I would have fallen ill. I have a theory that ex staff members with serious health issues after leaving the cult fell sick BECAUSE of this kind of stress. I can’t prove it but again, I know it would have made ME sick, and maybe I’m not that different or unusual.
That starts me thinking: HOW many non-staff attended these self-congratulatory Mcsavage-fests? Staff had to, I expect; they had nowhere else to go, but the public had to come IN to attend. how many of them “tried”😍 to attend, but suffered breakdowns/accidents of the car, bus, train, or plane they were in? I suspect it was a regular occurrence, perhaps most times they held those events. Thankfully, I didn’t have to suffer through those things as McSavage didn’t assume power until a decade or two after I was tossed out as useless.😎. I’m not sorry to have missed them, and have no interest in watching Miscavage’s self-gratification being re-broadcast to the rapt audiences for the 170th time.
In the far future, some Hubbard re-incarnation will refer to them as “Incident 3”, I guess.
Public repeatedly were REPEATEDLY and relentlessly phoned, written, buttonholed in person “invited” via nagging, begging, pleading and vaguely threatening to attend these events.
Just horrible. With all that happened to you, you can at least feel fortunate that you were “tossed out as useless” well before these frequent events became the norm.
A kind of mental torture because we not only had to attend but we had to PRETEND to love them, PRETEND that we had enjoyed ourselves. We could NEVER admit that we avoided them whenever possible.
A real, live, ongoing mindfuck. You had more than your fair share of these, no doubt. At least you escaped THIS type 🙂
Promises in $cientology are worth nothing. After all, it up to you to make it go right. Which actually means kissing your supervisors a s s.
Kissing ass AND making it go right by making do with the nothing you got/get. At least you’re out of the RPF, so more-or-less “free”!
The only “freedom” in scientology is the freedom to get in line to get punished again. At your own cost, no discounts for staff.
O/T. The Scientology TV series “Inside Scientology” is now on FuboTV.
Tony Ortega has the story:
Scientology TV branching out, sort of (Second story).
Archived witha screenshot on ESMBR at:
Clearly the cult is hoping that casual viewers will confuse “Inside Scientology” on FuboTV with the Remini television program. Instead of learning the truth they will be reeled in to the registrar.
Is that Fubo or as my dyslexia served it: FUBAR? Either way, strike FUBO off the list of possible replacements for my current TV service.
Well, scratch FUBAR TV off of the list of streaming services *I* might go for. How much is Davey paying them to carry his wretched self-promotion, anyway?
I laughed out loud RB. Good one.
Here are successful actions ( hat write up) to avoid seminars and events for Scientology:
1. Only give them one phone number ( cell phone – so you can block all numbers) and then when they call, tell them no one from the Org or Church can call you on this cell phone number because it is for work and it is against company policy to take any calls on work phone. If they call ( and they will) block their phone numbers) PROBLEM SOLVED!
2. Pay extra to keep landlines private and never give out the number to any Scientologists – EVER.
3. Tell them you moved and give them a real address to a business on the other part of town.
4. When Scientologists call – confirm you are going and tell them if you get any more calls, you won’t be attending and it will be their transgression.
Write down the person’s name and tell them it is their responsibility to inform everyone else to not call. You will turn them into ethics if you get anymore calls because it is DEV-T and “too much comm” and invalidates and nullifies my confirm.
5. I confirm all events and call to cancel 1/2 hour before it starts stating I was in a “comm cycle” disseminating Scientology to my neighbor, 2-D, friend, mechanic, librarian, grocery clerk etc… and they are BI’s and having crashing MU”s. It would be out ethics and against my own personal integrity to leave them with BI’s and crashing MU’s. I will try to make the event but then I don’t go.
Give them an almost-valid address on the other side of the state; as far away as possible. Extra points for directing them to a “girly bar”.
Hey! I may be naive of things today, but what about “confirming” and being out of state and out of service range for cell service the day of the event? If I’m out sailing, ain’t no one disturbing my meditation time. And my phone runs out of charge at the MOST inopportune times. TBH, it’s usually off.
The unspoken Thought Bubble. RB, You’ve done it again. This is a marvel – I am mentally cruising through various hard-sell, attempt-to-cave-me-in-and-overwhelm-me encounters with Sea Org staff and org staff over the years, determined in selling me something. What would their Thought Bubbles reveal? As you show here: ideas, truths, and opinions much different than the words spoken. So darn sad.