Joking or not, the text of the “Liability Formula” gives the authorization which Sea Org enforces on the RPF members.
It is the justification for “watching” the members of the RPF at all times, as Hubbard in one of the RPF written issues, also by Hubbard, states that persons entering the RPF will remain in the “Liability” condition until they are authorized to graduate the RPF, and then the former RPF member (almost always in history you have to belong to Sea Org to be in the RPF, I heard of one or two exceptions, namely Wiebke Hansen who was ED Hamburg org, she was Class V staff, and had to join the Sea Org, in order to then be assigned to the RPF< LOL, not a joking matter, a truly high level of brainwashing occurred in her case for her to agree to join Sea Org, to be allowed to be in the RPF, I know, many many Int Base RPF members were on the RPF when Wiebke came and did it, Bruce Hines even twinned with her initially), back to the sentence I started, the Liability condition applies to all RPF members, and thus, they are justified in being "watched."
The "watch" rules essentially derive from the today text in the today joke. It's a cruel joke, and deep joke, and it truly shows the malicious nature of L. Ron Hubbard.
Per his own rules, Hubbard was in a condition lower than "Liability" at the end of his life. He really was in such a much more horrible condition to mankind for perpetrating his massive Scientology operation on thousands, tens of thousands of people's lives.
It's a disgrace, a true disgrace, L. Ron Hubbard's penalty rules.
I asked Janis Grady did LRH ever apply a lower condition, she said she never heard of him doing so. He failed to ever take his own medicine, and he squirreled his own medicine up the kazoo.
Par for the course, L. Ron Hubbard founder of the Scientology disgrace.
Just re-reading the Liability Formula is hard to take, it's such a disgrace to ever wish this on anyone.
I wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised that they’re using Mike and Leah’s work as a fundraising opportunity. Hey Dave-Boy! I know your goons are reading this. Money is a means to an end and not an end in itself. Replace the Freewinds cheaply while you still can.
The conditions from non-existence upwards follow the laws of physics and the universe, and there was no point in waiting for hubbard to outline them. Many other people got there much much earlier.
While those below non-existence do not follow any of these rules and cannot be find in physics. They are indeed an evil invention to control and trap people in a loop of guilt.
I spent 37 years in the cult of scientology, escaped in 2014, and have never heard the Conditions explained such as you did, Loosing My Religion. I hear the truth in your statement. Thank you!
Fred thank you for what you say. Really.
What I have concluded after that I left, is that Scn in large part – and deliberately – was built brick by brick around our natural sense of guilt. This is why it seems to work when one is inside. But is actually our mind that does everything.
Classic RB !
In scientology, money is “the 9th dynamic”.
Ethics, smethics; e-meter, flaccid peter! Give us more money,
you cowed, deluded, degraded, enslaved “champions of the tech”!
Davey need new shoes and more Eastern European slaves to bitch-slap.
For years I was clueless in reg cycles like this. I’d say no, and of course “no” was never an acceptable answer, so I’d get the question again – same question, just rephrased with another compelling reason why donating money I couldn’t afford was the only thing to do. OMG it would go on and on, same question, rephrased, same answer, wash, rinse, repeat.
Eventually I’d lose patience and temper. Then I ‘d get the threat of being written up for being rude.
Of course, THEY were being “rude” for hounding me, forcing me to repeat myself, over and over – THAT is rudeness. But then they were who they were and they had the RIGHT to hound me because it was for this sacred cause, i.e, “saving the planet”…you know the drill. This went on for years.
Fast forward:
Towards the end of my 25 years in Scientology, when I was UTR and on my way out, planning my way out, I was once again caught in the middle of one of these reg cycles and beginning to boil over merely IN ANTICPATION of what was going to occur.
As I recall I was being regged to flow money to Celebrity Centre Paris which was somehow being unfairly judged/wronged/suppressed etc. by the French Government, and oh this was terrible and they needed help urgently and in quantity! A real emergency, dire consequences if they didn’t get the money they needed.
I listened, and all of a sudden, an inspirational thought occurred to me.
All my training in Scientology about “personal responsiblity” kicked IN all of a sudden. I waited until this Sea Org Member was thru with pressing every button on my emotional console about helping those in need, and then took a deep breath, and responded: “Interesting. Wow. This is very serious. How did CC Paris PULL THIS IN?”
Well! WELL!!! People, I hafta tell’ya, the look on this SO guy’s face was priceless. We’re talking SHOCK. He had NO answer. I recall that he mumbled SOMETHING, but I don’t didn’t actually hear what he said, so I repeated myself (digging the knife in a little further and twisting it) – “Well, you know what LRH says about how Orgs cause their own problems and situations! Why did this HAPPEN to this org? Was it out-ethics? Out-tech? They must have done SOMETHING pretty serious to pull this kind of suppression in!” (Twisting, turning the knife a little more, buuuahahaha).
No answer. I only recall some kind of interruption from someone else and a hasty excuse to me and just as hasty a retreat!
SUCH A WIN! From that time on it was my “go-to” response to this type of regging. ” How did (he/she/they) pull this in?” It WAS effective. Because just as THEY would refuse to accept my “no”, so did I, in the highest of ARC tone levels (fake of course but I had learned to fake this shit) just so did I REFUSE to stop asking how this suppression had gotten “pulled in”. Oh, joy!!!!!!! I have to tell you it was SO satisfying to be able to annoy the shit out of them after all the years of being baited to lose MY temper and then threatened with being written up and reported to Ethics!
Thank you letting me share this win, that only took 23 years for me to think of it. 🙂
The ONLY thing the cult is “clearing in this sector of the universe” is member’s bank accounts. VWD Davey boy. The almighty dollar is the ONLY thing you value. The ONLY thing. Asshole.
Giggle, I bet conversations like that happen nearly every day to every public that goes into a mOrg or opens their door to any staff. $cientology seems to have become a country club without golf, a swimming pool or any fun things. All you do is pay your dues.
Yes, RB comics are timeless. Hubbards ethics department is akin to the gestapo. The lower conditions are designed to creat confusion and fear. Wonderful control mechanisms.
It’s all part of mental conditioning, make believe.
Never ever you will find any organization applying those to improve its working conditions ,either in Harvard Business Review or Mickenzy & Associates or BCG etc.
The ultimate objective is to create quitly consciousness to control the followers.
Infact its the first criteria to be follower of any Cult, the guilty conscious.
Fear and propitiation. We’d do ANYthing to get out of lower conditions. Legal, illegal, what’s the diff?, they’re only *wog* laws. Wipe out our retirement funds? trivial compared to not having scientology as a proactive defense against the agents of chaosâ„¢.
Ah, when cajoling doesn’t work, resort to threats.
Joking or not, the text of the “Liability Formula” gives the authorization which Sea Org enforces on the RPF members.
It is the justification for “watching” the members of the RPF at all times, as Hubbard in one of the RPF written issues, also by Hubbard, states that persons entering the RPF will remain in the “Liability” condition until they are authorized to graduate the RPF, and then the former RPF member (almost always in history you have to belong to Sea Org to be in the RPF, I heard of one or two exceptions, namely Wiebke Hansen who was ED Hamburg org, she was Class V staff, and had to join the Sea Org, in order to then be assigned to the RPF< LOL, not a joking matter, a truly high level of brainwashing occurred in her case for her to agree to join Sea Org, to be allowed to be in the RPF, I know, many many Int Base RPF members were on the RPF when Wiebke came and did it, Bruce Hines even twinned with her initially), back to the sentence I started, the Liability condition applies to all RPF members, and thus, they are justified in being "watched."
The "watch" rules essentially derive from the today text in the today joke. It's a cruel joke, and deep joke, and it truly shows the malicious nature of L. Ron Hubbard.
Per his own rules, Hubbard was in a condition lower than "Liability" at the end of his life. He really was in such a much more horrible condition to mankind for perpetrating his massive Scientology operation on thousands, tens of thousands of people's lives.
It's a disgrace, a true disgrace, L. Ron Hubbard's penalty rules.
I asked Janis Grady did LRH ever apply a lower condition, she said she never heard of him doing so. He failed to ever take his own medicine, and he squirreled his own medicine up the kazoo.
Par for the course, L. Ron Hubbard founder of the Scientology disgrace.
Just re-reading the Liability Formula is hard to take, it's such a disgrace to ever wish this on anyone.
The accent mark over the appropriate syllable is perfect:
Gu – LAX – y
It’s the final word of the entire strip and a real zinger!
I wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised that they’re using Mike and Leah’s work as a fundraising opportunity. Hey Dave-Boy! I know your goons are reading this. Money is a means to an end and not an end in itself. Replace the Freewinds cheaply while you still can.
The conditions from non-existence upwards follow the laws of physics and the universe, and there was no point in waiting for hubbard to outline them. Many other people got there much much earlier.
While those below non-existence do not follow any of these rules and cannot be find in physics. They are indeed an evil invention to control and trap people in a loop of guilt.
I spent 37 years in the cult of scientology, escaped in 2014, and have never heard the Conditions explained such as you did, Loosing My Religion. I hear the truth in your statement. Thank you!
Fred thank you for what you say. Really.
What I have concluded after that I left, is that Scn in large part – and deliberately – was built brick by brick around our natural sense of guilt. This is why it seems to work when one is inside. But is actually our mind that does everything.
I miss tiny M sitting behind his desk. Know it must infuriate him and that makes it even funnier 😂
Classic RB !
In scientology, money is “the 9th dynamic”.
Ethics, smethics; e-meter, flaccid peter! Give us more money,
you cowed, deluded, degraded, enslaved “champions of the tech”!
Davey need new shoes and more Eastern European slaves to bitch-slap.
Some people don’t realize that negative actions have negative consequences.
For years I was clueless in reg cycles like this. I’d say no, and of course “no” was never an acceptable answer, so I’d get the question again – same question, just rephrased with another compelling reason why donating money I couldn’t afford was the only thing to do. OMG it would go on and on, same question, rephrased, same answer, wash, rinse, repeat.
Eventually I’d lose patience and temper. Then I ‘d get the threat of being written up for being rude.
Of course, THEY were being “rude” for hounding me, forcing me to repeat myself, over and over – THAT is rudeness. But then they were who they were and they had the RIGHT to hound me because it was for this sacred cause, i.e, “saving the planet”…you know the drill. This went on for years.
Fast forward:
Towards the end of my 25 years in Scientology, when I was UTR and on my way out, planning my way out, I was once again caught in the middle of one of these reg cycles and beginning to boil over merely IN ANTICPATION of what was going to occur.
As I recall I was being regged to flow money to Celebrity Centre Paris which was somehow being unfairly judged/wronged/suppressed etc. by the French Government, and oh this was terrible and they needed help urgently and in quantity! A real emergency, dire consequences if they didn’t get the money they needed.
I listened, and all of a sudden, an inspirational thought occurred to me.
All my training in Scientology about “personal responsiblity” kicked IN all of a sudden. I waited until this Sea Org Member was thru with pressing every button on my emotional console about helping those in need, and then took a deep breath, and responded: “Interesting. Wow. This is very serious. How did CC Paris PULL THIS IN?”
Well! WELL!!! People, I hafta tell’ya, the look on this SO guy’s face was priceless. We’re talking SHOCK. He had NO answer. I recall that he mumbled SOMETHING, but I don’t didn’t actually hear what he said, so I repeated myself (digging the knife in a little further and twisting it) – “Well, you know what LRH says about how Orgs cause their own problems and situations! Why did this HAPPEN to this org? Was it out-ethics? Out-tech? They must have done SOMETHING pretty serious to pull this kind of suppression in!” (Twisting, turning the knife a little more, buuuahahaha).
No answer. I only recall some kind of interruption from someone else and a hasty excuse to me and just as hasty a retreat!
SUCH A WIN! From that time on it was my “go-to” response to this type of regging. ” How did (he/she/they) pull this in?” It WAS effective. Because just as THEY would refuse to accept my “no”, so did I, in the highest of ARC tone levels (fake of course but I had learned to fake this shit) just so did I REFUSE to stop asking how this suppression had gotten “pulled in”. Oh, joy!!!!!!! I have to tell you it was SO satisfying to be able to annoy the shit out of them after all the years of being baited to lose MY temper and then threatened with being written up and reported to Ethics!
Thank you letting me share this win, that only took 23 years for me to think of it. 🙂
This is marvelous…
Love these stories
I had some fun like this.. Amazing what you can get away with “uptone”, couched in policy, cognitions, or wins.
The ONLY thing the cult is “clearing in this sector of the universe” is member’s bank accounts. VWD Davey boy. The almighty dollar is the ONLY thing you value. The ONLY thing. Asshole.
Giggle, I bet conversations like that happen nearly every day to every public that goes into a mOrg or opens their door to any staff. $cientology seems to have become a country club without golf, a swimming pool or any fun things. All you do is pay your dues.
Yes, RB comics are timeless. Hubbards ethics department is akin to the gestapo. The lower conditions are designed to creat confusion and fear. Wonderful control mechanisms.
It’s all part of mental conditioning, make believe.
Never ever you will find any organization applying those to improve its working conditions ,either in Harvard Business Review or Mickenzy & Associates or BCG etc.
The ultimate objective is to create quitly consciousness to control the followers.
Infact its the first criteria to be follower of any Cult, the guilty conscious.
Yes, guilt, fear and massive control mechanisms.
Fear and propitiation. We’d do ANYthing to get out of lower conditions. Legal, illegal, what’s the diff?, they’re only *wog* laws. Wipe out our retirement funds? trivial compared to not having scientology as a proactive defense against the agents of chaosâ„¢.