And the circle continues with no end in sight… Fifty years from now, the same scene will be repeated exactly, except the old bald guys will be on religious visas from Liberia and Bangladesh. So much misery with no way to stop it…
I feel so bad for them, walking around in their uniforms, doing nothing that amounts to anything. If you think about it, they’ve spent their whole life building a sandcastle every day, only for the tide to watch it away again. And when they are gone, everything will be as it always was.
Especially the old ones, I feel sorry for. Scientology takes everything they ever had or everything they might have had, if they’d had a real life, and only gives them a lifetime of serving up lies, swindling people for their life savings, and ignorance.
Even if they are good fundraisers, they just collect money that goes into the IAS coffers, it doesn’t do the least bit of good for anyone but COB and his cronies.
Sec checks. Fund raising. Prosperity. IAS. That’s about the current scene Ugh. Whole track is what excites them? Present time is too ugly in their eyes. That’s the brainwashing 😑
RB, that last line is a doozey. ” Unless they stop being productive and get Off Loaded.” I saw older SO members disappear overnight. If they hadn’t already disconnected from their family that is where they went, to live with a son or daughter, cuz lord knows, they didn’t have the money to get a place on their own on the meager wages in the SO. If they had disconnected from family over the years at the behest of the church, then God help them as to where they would go live. One girl who was fitness boarded out of the SO had no family to go to and so a local Scn took her in as a charity case. She lived with him and got a job flipping burgers at McDonalds in her 60’s. I heard she worked up to better jobs from there. So that is good. And when DM and his ilk tell SO they will never make it in the Wog world and how bad it is “out there” and that they’ll end up “flipping burgers” he tries to make sure that comes true because he refuses to pay them enough money that they could ever save two dimes for the future. Impoverished and sleep deprived people find it hard to escape.
Wish I could upvote yours.
” Unless they stop being productive and get Off Loaded.” – INDEED. Even Tubby essentially offloaded himself in the end. In programming terms, that’s recursive.
Today’s post is very relevant to what is going on. Hubbard really was a simple minded person. He starts by saying “What if I tell people they were alive on the whole track for trillions of years?” This is a great way to start the overall con game. He then gets people to believe in chains of past lives and dresses it all up in science fiction. Next step is that he takes the e-meter and convinces you to get reads on all of this.
Next step is to tell you that only he has the tools to get you out of the mess. He invents the L’s and people get “blown out” for a few weeks. They then fall into a depression and some die early. No big deal to Hubbard. He has convinced people that they are immortal thetans. In the meantime, Hubbard establishes himself into a “cubby hole” where he enjoys life and cannot be touched. OK, so then let’s get other people like Mary Sue to break the law and go to prison. In the meantime, Hubbard can write the massive “Battlefield Earth” series. Not bad for someone who only copied Theosophy and Blavatsky. I get a laugh when Foolproof writes in. He is normally copying Blavatsky word for word as did Hubbard. But Foolproof is unaware of it.
When you mentioned Foolproof being unaware, I immediately thought of the condition most scientologists (and really any member of any cult) are in. Unaware of being unaware. Pretty much the opposite of what is generally considered a quality of sentience: aware of being aware. Hubbard’s ‘tech’ traps and deludes people while convincing them they are free. That is until they wake up.
Very well written. I was in that condition for seventeen years. I was very fortunate to get to original OT VIII. It took one sentence for Hubbard to make the most stupid conclusion in the history of world religion. He tried to align Scientology, the criminal mind, to original Buddhism.
Hubbard was a “coffee table” philosopher. He used a substandard mind to create illusions that he could sell.
Tubby’s “cubby hole” was more a ‘spider hole’ which trapped him as much as protected him. He couldn’t see anyone or do anything BUT sit in that dark, dank hole and dream of better times on his “hole track”.
George M. White said: “He starts by saying “What if I tell people they were alive on the whole track for trillions of years?” This is a great way to start the overall con game.”
IIRC, someone (Chris Shelton, i think) said that the way the whole ‘past lives’ thing got started was suggested (or “suggested”) by scientologists themselves; and LRH, ever the opportunist, incorporated it.
You know how the auditing session goes? The auditor sees the needle jump, and asks the auditee what caused it. Then they are to try to remember earlier incidents. Well, some of them started reporting similar experiences from past lives. Ron heard about it and ran with it. That’s my understanding of where that came from.
My oh my. What an open-minded group of people. Can you imagine someone who had a job as a police officer but spent their weekends doing bank robberies?
Giving or getting a sec-check – indeed!
Actually, I think I once read about some guy in the Boston area who did that. He must have had lots of exciting lives …… on Arsycus.
I was hoping to be funny when I wrote my post above. But I think I better clarify that it just strikes me as being so bizzare that one person could both give sec checks and undergo sec checks.
If people are qualified to be auditors and Person A could sec check Person B one day and then another day, Person B could sec check Person A, ……
then why does The Scam need to be involved? Why are they the ones collecting the money for this service? Actually, I know why they are the ones collecting the money. But my point is that if someone is acting sufficiently “shady” they need to get a sec check, what kind of sense does it make to let them also conduct sec checks?
It makes perfect sense to this scam because they are the ones who get all the money and that is all they really care about. But this kind of arrangement would just never fly in the real world.
It’s really, really, STOOPID! But, then again, so is most everything else about this scam.
And the circle continues with no end in sight… Fifty years from now, the same scene will be repeated exactly, except the old bald guys will be on religious visas from Liberia and Bangladesh. So much misery with no way to stop it…
I feel sorry for these two.
They can’t even afford cigarettes.
I feel so bad for them, walking around in their uniforms, doing nothing that amounts to anything. If you think about it, they’ve spent their whole life building a sandcastle every day, only for the tide to watch it away again. And when they are gone, everything will be as it always was.
Especially the old ones, I feel sorry for. Scientology takes everything they ever had or everything they might have had, if they’d had a real life, and only gives them a lifetime of serving up lies, swindling people for their life savings, and ignorance.
Even if they are good fundraisers, they just collect money that goes into the IAS coffers, it doesn’t do the least bit of good for anyone but COB and his cronies.
It’s all very sad. May it soon be over.
Just wondering, R.B., whatever happened to ‘Tom Cruise Guy’? Last we heard, he blew. How’s he doing? I worry about him!
Don’t forget to support the Aftermath Foundation in any way you can to help free these folks from scientology’s awful grip.
I wish the blog had a way for us to upvote comments. I’d upvote yours until my Apple Pencil ran out of power.
Good one RB.
Sell the road to total freedom to end up with total enslavement.
Lol: “Fundraising is easy when [you can blackmail them].
Scientology “Ethics.”
In scientology, ‘Ethics’ is just another word for “punishment”.
Sec checks. Fund raising. Prosperity. IAS. That’s about the current scene Ugh. Whole track is what excites them? Present time is too ugly in their eyes. That’s the brainwashing 😑
RB, that last line is a doozey. ” Unless they stop being productive and get Off Loaded.” I saw older SO members disappear overnight. If they hadn’t already disconnected from their family that is where they went, to live with a son or daughter, cuz lord knows, they didn’t have the money to get a place on their own on the meager wages in the SO. If they had disconnected from family over the years at the behest of the church, then God help them as to where they would go live. One girl who was fitness boarded out of the SO had no family to go to and so a local Scn took her in as a charity case. She lived with him and got a job flipping burgers at McDonalds in her 60’s. I heard she worked up to better jobs from there. So that is good. And when DM and his ilk tell SO they will never make it in the Wog world and how bad it is “out there” and that they’ll end up “flipping burgers” he tries to make sure that comes true because he refuses to pay them enough money that they could ever save two dimes for the future. Impoverished and sleep deprived people find it hard to escape.
Wish I could upvote yours.
” Unless they stop being productive and get Off Loaded.” – INDEED. Even Tubby essentially offloaded himself in the end. In programming terms, that’s recursive.
Today’s post is very relevant to what is going on. Hubbard really was a simple minded person. He starts by saying “What if I tell people they were alive on the whole track for trillions of years?” This is a great way to start the overall con game. He then gets people to believe in chains of past lives and dresses it all up in science fiction. Next step is that he takes the e-meter and convinces you to get reads on all of this.
Next step is to tell you that only he has the tools to get you out of the mess. He invents the L’s and people get “blown out” for a few weeks. They then fall into a depression and some die early. No big deal to Hubbard. He has convinced people that they are immortal thetans. In the meantime, Hubbard establishes himself into a “cubby hole” where he enjoys life and cannot be touched. OK, so then let’s get other people like Mary Sue to break the law and go to prison. In the meantime, Hubbard can write the massive “Battlefield Earth” series. Not bad for someone who only copied Theosophy and Blavatsky. I get a laugh when Foolproof writes in. He is normally copying Blavatsky word for word as did Hubbard. But Foolproof is unaware of it.
When you mentioned Foolproof being unaware, I immediately thought of the condition most scientologists (and really any member of any cult) are in. Unaware of being unaware. Pretty much the opposite of what is generally considered a quality of sentience: aware of being aware. Hubbard’s ‘tech’ traps and deludes people while convincing them they are free. That is until they wake up.
Very well written. I was in that condition for seventeen years. I was very fortunate to get to original OT VIII. It took one sentence for Hubbard to make the most stupid conclusion in the history of world religion. He tried to align Scientology, the criminal mind, to original Buddhism.
Hubbard was a “coffee table” philosopher. He used a substandard mind to create illusions that he could sell.
Tubby’s “cubby hole” was more a ‘spider hole’ which trapped him as much as protected him. He couldn’t see anyone or do anything BUT sit in that dark, dank hole and dream of better times on his “hole track”.
George M. White said: “He starts by saying “What if I tell people they were alive on the whole track for trillions of years?” This is a great way to start the overall con game.”
IIRC, someone (Chris Shelton, i think) said that the way the whole ‘past lives’ thing got started was suggested (or “suggested”) by scientologists themselves; and LRH, ever the opportunist, incorporated it.
You know how the auditing session goes? The auditor sees the needle jump, and asks the auditee what caused it. Then they are to try to remember earlier incidents. Well, some of them started reporting similar experiences from past lives. Ron heard about it and ran with it. That’s my understanding of where that came from.
He could write up all those space opera story and become a celebrated science fiction writer. I hear they make a penny a word!
“unless I’m ever giving or getting a sec-chek.”
My oh my. What an open-minded group of people. Can you imagine someone who had a job as a police officer but spent their weekends doing bank robberies?
Giving or getting a sec-check – indeed!
Actually, I think I once read about some guy in the Boston area who did that. He must have had lots of exciting lives …… on Arsycus.
“Can you imagine someone who had a job as a police officer but spent their weekends doing bank robberies?”
And you believe they haven’t????? ROFL
I’ve been on Arsycus many times. It’s a shit load of a planet. But, every so often I go to Venus to ogle the three boobs on these gals. Fun times!
I thought the gals with three boobs are on Mars, not Venus. 🙂
(As in the movie “Total Recall” with Arnold Schwarzenegger.) 🙂
I stand corrected!
I was hoping to be funny when I wrote my post above. But I think I better clarify that it just strikes me as being so bizzare that one person could both give sec checks and undergo sec checks.
If people are qualified to be auditors and Person A could sec check Person B one day and then another day, Person B could sec check Person A, ……
then why does The Scam need to be involved? Why are they the ones collecting the money for this service? Actually, I know why they are the ones collecting the money. But my point is that if someone is acting sufficiently “shady” they need to get a sec check, what kind of sense does it make to let them also conduct sec checks?
It makes perfect sense to this scam because they are the ones who get all the money and that is all they really care about. But this kind of arrangement would just never fly in the real world.
It’s really, really, STOOPID! But, then again, so is most everything else about this scam.
Skyler, No one but the one at the top is immune to scn’s “ethics”. Even the ‘Ethics’ Officer is subject to their ‘ethics’.