Exactly how it is. Unfortunately few SO staff members will ask such questions. They’ll be kept very busy right now with ‘COB’ is doing an inspection, Hill-10 El Nino preps, Re-writing the entire HCOB Vols by LRH’s B-day etc.
Thank you Mike for the continuing excellent reporting 🙂
Off topic but today the shit storm is picking up speed as Texas Appeals court shoots down Co$ argument that their harassment of Monique was just the cherch exercising their right to free speech. Thank you Texas!
“The 3rd Court of Appeals in Austin rejected the church’s request to throw out the lawsuit by Monique Rathbun, who alleged that Scientologists conducted a three-year harassment campaign when her husband, Marty Rathbun, began speaking out against church activities in 2010.”
What you wrote is exactly what the cult is telling the still ins is the reason for the many attacks on their church, and the still in idiots seem to be actually serenely buying it or else conveniently pretending to do so.
“All these attacks are occurring because of all the expansion going on.
The SPs are howling. They can’t stand it. They’re pulling out all the stops to obliterate Scientology and the only tech which can free mankind. Scientology has been winning big in the past 10 years, Ideal Orgs are an enormous success, the SPs can’t stand it, look, read what LRH says, they only attack when we are winning, so just ignore them, don’t let them win, don’t let them keep man from going free, keep your eye on the mountain, don’t let them keep YOU from going free…etc., etc., ad nauseum…”
The only upside I can see to this sickening deception being perpetrated on the still ins is that once they do learn the truth – and they WILL learn the truth, its only a matter of time for each of them – once they understand that Scientology has not only NOT been expanding but actually shrinking dramatically for many years – once they grasp the enormity of the hoax that was played upon them, the effect will be profound, they’ll be shocked to the very core by this Big Lie.
Off topic…(not really). I finished Leah’s book a couple of nights ago and am still mulling over a lot of images it has created in my head. Her story makes it very easy to understand how this church attracts people then takes advantage of them whether you’ve been in scientology for many years or have never been in. The church would like to have the world believe that her connection to scientology is the reason for her success but after reading her story it’s easy to see that she came out on top in spite of the church, not because of it.
The church is really big on the words “self determinism” and “personal integrity” yet everyone I’ve met that has left the church did so because they wanted to keep these two concepts intact in their own lives.
Leah has shown us, as in the cartoon above, that even a small boat can change the course of a battleship. It can in fact,sink it. The church ‘leaders’ are undoubtedly at this moment in panic mode trying to convince the public that there is nothing to worry about. The public is trying to play it’s role of being ‘above it all’ and pretending to itself that they’re not going to let themselves be at the effect of a little entheta. Meanwhile they’re wondering “What the hell are we doing about it?” Well…………… sorry to say that Leah is not the last person in the long line of people who have come to realise that the Church of Scientology is not what it pretends to be. If you’re still in the church, look don’t listen. Don’t let someone else tell you what’s going on. Find out for yourself and make your own decision. If you are really a self determined being you should be able to look at anything and decide for yourself what is true and what isn’t.
The Scientology Code of Honor states, “Be your own adviser, keep your own counsel and select your own decisions.” On the other hand, there is “Command Intention.” You choose. Leah did.
Brilliant RB! My wife and I are currently attempting to have one of our children “be their own adviser” and make a correct decision. This posting will be quite useful. Thanks very much.
David ought to add a new item to the long list of “out quals” for Scientology.
“Are you from New York”?
Leah and Monique are being New Yorkers. Leah said something in her book that is very true, there is no such thing as “minding your own business” (being oblivious) if you are from New York. Whatever happens on this planet is your business.
I was laughing this morning before leaving for work about Leah’s book and how Leah and Kristie Alley’s interviews were so different on Howard Stern.
My hubby, who has never been in and does his best to avoid any mention of scientology, had a jaw dropping look on his face.
He said “Kristie Alley is a scientologist?” I said yes, he said “well that explains why she went from hot to ugly.”
Even my hairdresser brought up scientology and how it’s been in the news so much last night while I was getting my hair done. He asked if I knew anything about it. When I told him I had been part of it years ago he said “bless you, dear, I’m so glad you escaped.”
The problem with the cos way of handling bad PR is that it is so juvenile. I believed in the “always attack, never defend tech” for years afterwards, then one day, I took a hard look at exactly what the “tech” was and realized that sane human beings leave that kind of “I know you are but what am I” behavior behind in grade school or junior high if they are raised by reasonably intelligent parents.
The insanity of attacking your enemies because you believe they may attack you in the future is just that . . . insane. Walking by a fire, grabbing a gas can and throwing fuel on it does not make the fire go away, it makes it burn brighter.
Another huge difference besides girth — is that Kirstie Alley never “struggled” to become an actress. Firstly she came from a well to do Wichita Kansas family — came to LA AS a “interior decorator/designer” and one of her girl friends got her an audition for the “Star Trek” role … which she immediately got.
She went UP UP UP from there (until she went down down down down)
Leah on the other hand … struggled HARD. Supported her family. And worked and worked and worked.
She deserves every single ounce of happiness she is achieving now. AND fame and fortune.
There is really nothing I like better than a badass woman who is at the same time deeply devoted to her family and those friends who have been there — thick or thin.
Gawd. I don’t know how the still-ins do it. When scn was what I perceived to be about the individual, it was hard enough. Now, when it’s sooo much about the Group, the church, david miscavige, it’s got to be so hard to admit you’re a scientogist.
Although I did find out once I was out about what “wogs” and never-ins REALLY thought about me being a scientologist. Rarely did any of my relatives, etc, ever say it to me.
RB, you nailed it on one particular aspect–how the staff member isn’t actually communicating. He’s stringing together “Mr. Danny Sherman” style platitudes.
I’ve seen this in real-world examples with scientologists and from a technical standpoint, it makes complete sense.
All these staff members know, from their own observations, that all is not well inside the bubble world of Scientology. Yet, to communicate about their concerns and observations is to be considered a High Crime by those running the madhouse.
The only confrontable solution for the staff member (they think) is to not be themselves, and thus have to continue living in a quagmire of cognitive dissonance. So they affect this artificial personality that doesn’t really communicate–it can only parrot pat platitudes.
Everyone still in the church has this affliction to some degree. This might explain why it feels so friggin’ good to walk away from it all, and start to feel, again, what its like to be yourself and to own your own thoughts.
This feeling of relief is common when you escape from any oppressive controlling religious or political movement. The element of “thoughtcrime” is a common thread throughout all of this. I wonder what George Orwell would think of Scientology?
“The only confrontable solution for the staff member (they think) is to not be themselves, and thus have to continue living in a quagmire of cognitive dissonance. So they affect this artificial personality….”
Perfectly said. I had another OT VIII friend ask me how we got through it – finishing VII and then being on the Ship and doing OT VIII. My attempt at an answer was not as perfectly said as this.
RB nails the current mental state of the mighty clams. Soon, only those totally insulated from general society will be remain in the clampire. Only those who work at ABLE companies will be left. And they will have to be ‘handled’ when they go to the supermarket, lest they see the tabloids in the checkout line. It is becoming impossible to keep the blinders screwed on tightly enough to avoid all the ‘entheta’.
And you know, just like RB today, more and more people inside will start looking around for themselves. They can only pretend not to see for so long. Also, I believe there are a lot of people that are UTR. And I believe that number is growing….
I think there are probably a lot of people in a state I call Unknowingly Under the Radar, this people still in their mind support Scientology but don’t do courses for a verity of reasons. I base this on seeing people I used to know suddenly around CC init. My guess is the church managed to curtail them into getting back on lines which will probably result in driving them further off lines in the future. But It’s hard for the born-in Scientologist with no pre-cult identity to fall back to fully leave Scientology behind.
Of course good old average scientologist, Joe, is feeling pestered by his wog associates. This has been the worst year in history for scientology. 2015 has been NON-STOP tsunami after tsunami of ugly revelations in the prime time media. He’s not buying the packaged and re-heated malarky his friend, Jim, is serving up either. Contrary to the assertion of LRH, life does NOT persist. It EVOLVES. It looks like Joe is going to evolve while Jim is going to persist and we all know which of the two will be getting the soggy biscuit!
RB this is good, I’ve had my Friday FIX.
now coffee and Denny’s Breakfast
to chat with the servers about
Tom Cruises SEX life as a Scientologist.
( they all would put their hands down his pants in a second)
I can learn a lot from a cartoon. What’s interesting about the responses from Scientologists in the cartoon is they never directly take on the criticisms, for instance the forced abortions and the disconnection from family and friends.
As a Never In, watching how they treat any who’ve left the church, or others who dare talk about Scientology, are with nothing but lies. Forgetting all the evil the CoS does, this alone exposes how it’s a BS cult.
“Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When thy are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted.” (more follows, attributions at the site)
IMO this blog briefly and succinctly answers many of the “how could they?” questions never ins have.
For people who seem to take great pride in being able to “confront”, the “still in” Kool-Aid drinking Scientologist sure seem to avoid, deflect, and have no real answers to Leah, Going Clear, South Park’s OT3 “Reveal” and other damning exposes — they think their answers are enough but those lame answers only lead the doubtful or confused even more ill-at-ease …
What did the poor little squirrels do to the cult that they would hate them so much? I mean, I’ve got a couple of squirrels that come into my backyard to eat the bird food. I certainly don’t hate them. Hating squirrels is just plain wrong…
Yes…yes you do. So, water the OSA plant every other day and make sure it get plenty of sunshine. As for the squirrels, why is dwarf boy sending out his goons to climb up your trees in your backyard? I think those people are way to old to be climbing tree…
The squirrels are planting iddy bitty cameras.
I believe there’s a rumour that beavers are being recruited and there’s a pilot version of the Truth Rdn to get them to admit they don’t need water any more and are so sorry to ever having gotten wet in the first place. They can now be intended to chew down selected trees and maybe tires off cars, certain ankles, front doors and that sort of thing.
A spokesperson for the church who can be named but can’t reportedly said something about the 5th Dyn being more reliable than the 3rd… whatever that means??? and humans can’t be trusted with even the most simple of tasks. A dwarf God was mentioned in the communique but details are sketchy and the photos supplied were the same as last year, only with different hair colour,bluer skies and repetitively four times as wide.
It’s not easy keeping up with the straight up and down to earth expansion on all dynamics.
Oh my, not even sure where to start with the punny replies here.
OSD I will admit, no one has ever accused me of having a boring household. I’m fairly certain the squirrels are there just to entertain the deer who come in the yard at night and graze on our plants though. Those would be non-OSA plants unless we let the OSA plant out to bark at the squirrels (are you confused yet? because I am)
I’ve been giving her food, water and sunshine every day, no wonder she’s 26″ tall and weighs 100 lbs.
And Blindersoff, I do put the dog down, every night I say lay down and she climbs on her bed and goes to sleep. I hope that is what you meant. ;-). I also beat her up almost every morning except on most weekends when she wakes up before me.
Funny how the simple act of googling something can be so terrifying to a scientologist when just about anyone in the world with internet access sees it as no big deal, just business as usual in the Information Age. Time to retread that PTS/SP course. Again.
Funny how the OSA net nannies reading these critic’s blogs can see the truth right in front of their eyes and stick around doing what they do. I guess some folks just never learn. Time to word clear cognitive dissonance. Again.
Tom Cruise can’t see cookie dough.
C/S = run Tom’s overt’s on cookies to EP of seeing cookie dough.
End of session with reach and withdraw on plate of cookies.
El Nino: Preparations are being made for the floods. Have you ordered your cadre to make sure that your insurance premiums are paid? Make sure that in covers Mt San Jacento engulfing your bunker in Building 50.
El Chapo: Guzman broke his leg and his face evading special agents in North Western Mexico. He continues to remain in your Sociopathic League with a financial base of about 3 billion and about 25,000 followers in the USA.
“Troublemaker”: While you are laying low and hanging out in Florida, pissing in the wind about BT Version 9.0 and BT Version 10.0, “Troublemaker” continues to batter the West Coast. Talk radio alone has been set ablaze with scientology snark. If “Dianetics” hit Hollywood by firestorm, then this would best be described as Dave’s (not Dante’s) INFERNO.
Leah’s book is getting coverage EVERYWHERE! Talk shows, tabloids, interviews, word-of mouth. My son just downloaded her ebook to my Kindle. I loved the beginning where she talks about all the things in life she’s done that she’s not proud of. It reminds me of the movie 8 mile with Vanilla Ice where he’s in rapping contest and raps about himself in a negative light. Once done, he tosses the mic to the guy who’s going up against and says: “Now, tell them something they don’t already know about me.” The other rapper just stands there and then leaves the stage.
Haven’t read the book yet but looks like the church doesn’t know what to do with someone who is ‘basically humble’. Nothing to fight them about when they admit to their flaws. As the church doesn’t have flaws, it just doesn’t understand. Miscavige can only view others as to the way he responds to things.
Seems like the Cof$ is in a perpetual, self generating ARCX of long, long, long duration. And you known the tech… there are no ARCXs without MWHs.
Here’s a simple handling for those still in being inundated with embarrassing questions and ‘entheta’.
Critic/SP: Wow, did you read Leah Remini’s book? I can’t believe you guys charge all that money and tolerate disconnection – not to mention pregnant women in the Sea Org having to get abortions. I thought Hubbard himself come out against abortion in Science of Survival. How do you live with yourself?
Not quite. Scientologist: GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In my family when someone gets really upset they yell that “Acknowledgement.” at people though it has slowly gotten better.
I just found Shelly in the last pane!
Exactly how it is. Unfortunately few SO staff members will ask such questions. They’ll be kept very busy right now with ‘COB’ is doing an inspection, Hill-10 El Nino preps, Re-writing the entire HCOB Vols by LRH’s B-day etc.
Thank you Mike for the continuing excellent reporting 🙂
If only that last frame would happen.
Capturing the smug arrogance that pervades the Co$ and skewering it perfectly. Another classic hit RB
Nice to see your post CD. Thx for the song. Colors are getting truer and truer 🙂
Off topic but today the shit storm is picking up speed as Texas Appeals court shoots down Co$ argument that their harassment of Monique was just the cherch exercising their right to free speech. Thank you Texas!
“The 3rd Court of Appeals in Austin rejected the church’s request to throw out the lawsuit by Monique Rathbun, who alleged that Scientologists conducted a three-year harassment campaign when her husband, Marty Rathbun, began speaking out against church activities in 2010.”
Apart from the legal fees issue–YAY!
Thanks Robert for keeping this in the loop —-
HOORAY!!! My deepest wish is that Monique’s suit wins and wins BIG —
RB, I didn’t laugh reading this.
What you wrote is exactly what the cult is telling the still ins is the reason for the many attacks on their church, and the still in idiots seem to be actually serenely buying it or else conveniently pretending to do so.
“All these attacks are occurring because of all the expansion going on.
The SPs are howling. They can’t stand it. They’re pulling out all the stops to obliterate Scientology and the only tech which can free mankind. Scientology has been winning big in the past 10 years, Ideal Orgs are an enormous success, the SPs can’t stand it, look, read what LRH says, they only attack when we are winning, so just ignore them, don’t let them win, don’t let them keep man from going free, keep your eye on the mountain, don’t let them keep YOU from going free…etc., etc., ad nauseum…”
The only upside I can see to this sickening deception being perpetrated on the still ins is that once they do learn the truth – and they WILL learn the truth, its only a matter of time for each of them – once they understand that Scientology has not only NOT been expanding but actually shrinking dramatically for many years – once they grasp the enormity of the hoax that was played upon them, the effect will be profound, they’ll be shocked to the very core by this Big Lie.
Regraded, thank you so much for this.
Off topic…(not really). I finished Leah’s book a couple of nights ago and am still mulling over a lot of images it has created in my head. Her story makes it very easy to understand how this church attracts people then takes advantage of them whether you’ve been in scientology for many years or have never been in. The church would like to have the world believe that her connection to scientology is the reason for her success but after reading her story it’s easy to see that she came out on top in spite of the church, not because of it.
The church is really big on the words “self determinism” and “personal integrity” yet everyone I’ve met that has left the church did so because they wanted to keep these two concepts intact in their own lives.
Leah has shown us, as in the cartoon above, that even a small boat can change the course of a battleship. It can in fact,sink it. The church ‘leaders’ are undoubtedly at this moment in panic mode trying to convince the public that there is nothing to worry about. The public is trying to play it’s role of being ‘above it all’ and pretending to itself that they’re not going to let themselves be at the effect of a little entheta. Meanwhile they’re wondering “What the hell are we doing about it?” Well…………… sorry to say that Leah is not the last person in the long line of people who have come to realise that the Church of Scientology is not what it pretends to be. If you’re still in the church, look don’t listen. Don’t let someone else tell you what’s going on. Find out for yourself and make your own decision. If you are really a self determined being you should be able to look at anything and decide for yourself what is true and what isn’t.
The Scientology Code of Honor states, “Be your own adviser, keep your own counsel and select your own decisions.” On the other hand, there is “Command Intention.” You choose. Leah did.
Brilliant RB! My wife and I are currently attempting to have one of our children “be their own adviser” and make a correct decision. This posting will be quite useful. Thanks very much.
David ought to add a new item to the long list of “out quals” for Scientology.
“Are you from New York”?
Leah and Monique are being New Yorkers. Leah said something in her book that is very true, there is no such thing as “minding your own business” (being oblivious) if you are from New York. Whatever happens on this planet is your business.
Everything in the Universe is everyone’s business.
Thank you, RB! Exactly right!
“but after reading her story it’s easy to see that she came out on top in spite of the church, not because of it.”
That is one of the best take downs of the clampire I have ever seen. $cienos try to sell you a piece of your own blue sky.
I was laughing this morning before leaving for work about Leah’s book and how Leah and Kristie Alley’s interviews were so different on Howard Stern.
My hubby, who has never been in and does his best to avoid any mention of scientology, had a jaw dropping look on his face.
He said “Kristie Alley is a scientologist?” I said yes, he said “well that explains why she went from hot to ugly.”
Even my hairdresser brought up scientology and how it’s been in the news so much last night while I was getting my hair done. He asked if I knew anything about it. When I told him I had been part of it years ago he said “bless you, dear, I’m so glad you escaped.”
The problem with the cos way of handling bad PR is that it is so juvenile. I believed in the “always attack, never defend tech” for years afterwards, then one day, I took a hard look at exactly what the “tech” was and realized that sane human beings leave that kind of “I know you are but what am I” behavior behind in grade school or junior high if they are raised by reasonably intelligent parents.
The insanity of attacking your enemies because you believe they may attack you in the future is just that . . . insane. Walking by a fire, grabbing a gas can and throwing fuel on it does not make the fire go away, it makes it burn brighter.
RB once again hits the nail on the head.
Another huge difference besides girth — is that Kirstie Alley never “struggled” to become an actress. Firstly she came from a well to do Wichita Kansas family — came to LA AS a “interior decorator/designer” and one of her girl friends got her an audition for the “Star Trek” role … which she immediately got.
She went UP UP UP from there (until she went down down down down)
Leah on the other hand … struggled HARD. Supported her family. And worked and worked and worked.
She deserves every single ounce of happiness she is achieving now. AND fame and fortune.
There is really nothing I like better than a badass woman who is at the same time deeply devoted to her family and those friends who have been there — thick or thin.
That was awesome RB – very funny and true!!
The whales will continue to hang around and donate, but it is going to be lonely for them at the top.
Gawd. I don’t know how the still-ins do it. When scn was what I perceived to be about the individual, it was hard enough. Now, when it’s sooo much about the Group, the church, david miscavige, it’s got to be so hard to admit you’re a scientogist.
Although I did find out once I was out about what “wogs” and never-ins REALLY thought about me being a scientologist. Rarely did any of my relatives, etc, ever say it to me.
Really good as always Regraded Being! I like the end panel.
RB, you nailed it on one particular aspect–how the staff member isn’t actually communicating. He’s stringing together “Mr. Danny Sherman” style platitudes.
I’ve seen this in real-world examples with scientologists and from a technical standpoint, it makes complete sense.
All these staff members know, from their own observations, that all is not well inside the bubble world of Scientology. Yet, to communicate about their concerns and observations is to be considered a High Crime by those running the madhouse.
The only confrontable solution for the staff member (they think) is to not be themselves, and thus have to continue living in a quagmire of cognitive dissonance. So they affect this artificial personality that doesn’t really communicate–it can only parrot pat platitudes.
Everyone still in the church has this affliction to some degree. This might explain why it feels so friggin’ good to walk away from it all, and start to feel, again, what its like to be yourself and to own your own thoughts.
Amen, brother!
This feeling of relief is common when you escape from any oppressive controlling religious or political movement. The element of “thoughtcrime” is a common thread throughout all of this. I wonder what George Orwell would think of Scientology?
Very well said, John Doe.
“The only confrontable solution for the staff member (they think) is to not be themselves, and thus have to continue living in a quagmire of cognitive dissonance. So they affect this artificial personality….”
Perfectly said. I had another OT VIII friend ask me how we got through it – finishing VII and then being on the Ship and doing OT VIII. My attempt at an answer was not as perfectly said as this.
Scientology math: Bad press/media x Freedumb Mag/Church promotional materials = Expansion.
I never knew that, BlindersOff! So that’s why they’re expanding so fast! Huh, you learn something new everyday!
Disconnect from reality or be disconnected from your family. Hell of a choice.
I’m disjointed. Does that count for anything?
How’d ya pull that in?
I thought you did joints.
Far out man… like roaches are really cool…
Well, yes, roaches are really cool! And I do joints too!
“Disconnect from reality or be disconnected from your family.” EXACTLY. THAT is their choice!
RB nails the current mental state of the mighty clams. Soon, only those totally insulated from general society will be remain in the clampire. Only those who work at ABLE companies will be left. And they will have to be ‘handled’ when they go to the supermarket, lest they see the tabloids in the checkout line. It is becoming impossible to keep the blinders screwed on tightly enough to avoid all the ‘entheta’.
The internet killed the Clam Star.
The who is Tim Berners-Lee.
zemooo, so the radio star is still ok? Oh, wait. Video killed the radio star. My bad. Never mind…
And you know, just like RB today, more and more people inside will start looking around for themselves. They can only pretend not to see for so long. Also, I believe there are a lot of people that are UTR. And I believe that number is growing….
I think there are probably a lot of people in a state I call Unknowingly Under the Radar, this people still in their mind support Scientology but don’t do courses for a verity of reasons. I base this on seeing people I used to know suddenly around CC init. My guess is the church managed to curtail them into getting back on lines which will probably result in driving them further off lines in the future. But It’s hard for the born-in Scientologist with no pre-cult identity to fall back to fully leave Scientology behind.
Of course good old average scientologist, Joe, is feeling pestered by his wog associates. This has been the worst year in history for scientology. 2015 has been NON-STOP tsunami after tsunami of ugly revelations in the prime time media. He’s not buying the packaged and re-heated malarky his friend, Jim, is serving up either. Contrary to the assertion of LRH, life does NOT persist. It EVOLVES. It looks like Joe is going to evolve while Jim is going to persist and we all know which of the two will be getting the soggy biscuit!
RB this is good, I’ve had my Friday FIX.
now coffee and Denny’s Breakfast
to chat with the servers about
Tom Cruises SEX life as a Scientologist.
( they all would put their hands down his pants in a second)
Yeah, but the prize isn’t much….
Hey Dude,a small boat can sink a Battleship.
Yes, but, his ‘boat’ is tiny and ineffective.
Guys, this is covered fully in LRH’s essay ‘Boats in the sky’ from the Philadelphia Doctorate Course.
Fantastic. Totally fantastic. And I agree with thegman77, that last panel was genius!
I can learn a lot from a cartoon. What’s interesting about the responses from Scientologists in the cartoon is they never directly take on the criticisms, for instance the forced abortions and the disconnection from family and friends.
As a Never In, watching how they treat any who’ve left the church, or others who dare talk about Scientology, are with nothing but lies. Forgetting all the evil the CoS does, this alone exposes how it’s a BS cult.
You lucky duck, mikefixac! Congrats on never being sucked into the nightmare.
mikefixac – this is from mbnest.blogspot.com
“Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When thy are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted.” (more follows, attributions at the site)
IMO this blog briefly and succinctly answers many of the “how could they?” questions never ins have.
Loved it, RB. The facial expressions are perfect.
Great one, RB, as usual!
For people who seem to take great pride in being able to “confront”, the “still in” Kool-Aid drinking Scientologist sure seem to avoid, deflect, and have no real answers to Leah, Going Clear, South Park’s OT3 “Reveal” and other damning exposes — they think their answers are enough but those lame answers only lead the doubtful or confused even more ill-at-ease …
Top shelf again RB.
You’ve got Scientology in nutshell, no wonder they hate squirrels!
What did the poor little squirrels do to the cult that they would hate them so much? I mean, I’ve got a couple of squirrels that come into my backyard to eat the bird food. I certainly don’t hate them. Hating squirrels is just plain wrong…
Hmmm, my dog goes absolutely rabid every time there are squirrels in the trees our back yard. OMG! We have an OSA plant living in our house.
Yes…yes you do. So, water the OSA plant every other day and make sure it get plenty of sunshine. As for the squirrels, why is dwarf boy sending out his goons to climb up your trees in your backyard? I think those people are way to old to be climbing tree…
You have an interesting household….
The squirrels are planting iddy bitty cameras.
I believe there’s a rumour that beavers are being recruited and there’s a pilot version of the Truth Rdn to get them to admit they don’t need water any more and are so sorry to ever having gotten wet in the first place. They can now be intended to chew down selected trees and maybe tires off cars, certain ankles, front doors and that sort of thing.
A spokesperson for the church who can be named but can’t reportedly said something about the 5th Dyn being more reliable than the 3rd… whatever that means??? and humans can’t be trusted with even the most simple of tasks. A dwarf God was mentioned in the communique but details are sketchy and the photos supplied were the same as last year, only with different hair colour,bluer skies and repetitively four times as wide.
It’s not easy keeping up with the straight up and down to earth expansion on all dynamics.
Laughing so hard I can’t breathe….
Valerie, I’m sorry to say but you’ve got to put down the dog.
Oh my, not even sure where to start with the punny replies here.
OSD I will admit, no one has ever accused me of having a boring household. I’m fairly certain the squirrels are there just to entertain the deer who come in the yard at night and graze on our plants though. Those would be non-OSA plants unless we let the OSA plant out to bark at the squirrels (are you confused yet? because I am)
I’ve been giving her food, water and sunshine every day, no wonder she’s 26″ tall and weighs 100 lbs.
And Blindersoff, I do put the dog down, every night I say lay down and she climbs on her bed and goes to sleep. I hope that is what you meant. ;-). I also beat her up almost every morning except on most weekends when she wakes up before me.
Okay Valerie – here’s hoping you have no dog day afternoons.
Awwwwwww. Valerie, give her a hug from me! You’re a good soul, Val!
Funny how the simple act of googling something can be so terrifying to a scientologist when just about anyone in the world with internet access sees it as no big deal, just business as usual in the Information Age. Time to retread that PTS/SP course. Again.
Funny how the OSA net nannies reading these critic’s blogs can see the truth right in front of their eyes and stick around doing what they do. I guess some folks just never learn. Time to word clear cognitive dissonance. Again.
Possibly cognitive ass-onance.
Tom Cruise can’t see cookie dough.
C/S = run Tom’s overt’s on cookies to EP of seeing cookie dough.
End of session with reach and withdraw on plate of cookies.
He’s got the dough and Dave’s his cookie.
The best one yet
Shitstorm UPDATES:
El Nino: Preparations are being made for the floods. Have you ordered your cadre to make sure that your insurance premiums are paid? Make sure that in covers Mt San Jacento engulfing your bunker in Building 50.
El Chapo: Guzman broke his leg and his face evading special agents in North Western Mexico. He continues to remain in your Sociopathic League with a financial base of about 3 billion and about 25,000 followers in the USA.
“Troublemaker”: While you are laying low and hanging out in Florida, pissing in the wind about BT Version 9.0 and BT Version 10.0, “Troublemaker” continues to batter the West Coast. Talk radio alone has been set ablaze with scientology snark. If “Dianetics” hit Hollywood by firestorm, then this would best be described as Dave’s (not Dante’s) INFERNO.
Have a good weekend.
Leah’s book is getting coverage EVERYWHERE! Talk shows, tabloids, interviews, word-of mouth. My son just downloaded her ebook to my Kindle. I loved the beginning where she talks about all the things in life she’s done that she’s not proud of. It reminds me of the movie 8 mile with Vanilla Ice where he’s in rapping contest and raps about himself in a negative light. Once done, he tosses the mic to the guy who’s going up against and says: “Now, tell them something they don’t already know about me.” The other rapper just stands there and then leaves the stage.
Go, Leah, go!
8 Mile is Eminem.
At my age it’s close enough. But, yes, I remember now that is is M & M. I just love those candies…
M & M
-the guys that made millions selling candy;
bums kinda ripped me off, which again reminds me of somebody…-mm
Haven’t read the book yet but looks like the church doesn’t know what to do with someone who is ‘basically humble’. Nothing to fight them about when they admit to their flaws. As the church doesn’t have flaws, it just doesn’t understand. Miscavige can only view others as to the way he responds to things.
Seems like the Cof$ is in a perpetual, self generating ARCX of long, long, long duration. And you known the tech… there are no ARCXs without MWHs.
Good one Regraded!
Here’s a simple handling for those still in being inundated with embarrassing questions and ‘entheta’.
Critic/SP: Wow, did you read Leah Remini’s book? I can’t believe you guys charge all that money and tolerate disconnection – not to mention pregnant women in the Sea Org having to get abortions. I thought Hubbard himself come out against abortion in Science of Survival. How do you live with yourself?
Scientologist: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
+1! Nice post!
Thanks OSD.
Not quite. Scientologist: GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In my family when someone gets really upset they yell that “Acknowledgement.” at people though it has slowly gotten better.
Don’t forget: FINE!!! I GOT THAT!!!!!
These cartoons are epic. Matches some of my recent conversations exactly.
Really! Now that’s bitchin’.
Wonderful, RB!!! And that last panel gave me a great laugh.