This is what a quack cult fake religion results in.
Hubbard is at fault.
Hubbard ought to have, and today “top management” of Scientology should today make it strong policy to turn over law violating Scientology staff and members to appropriate justice and police.
There is a Hubbard policy which tells how to get this omitted policy into a written “new” policy for the movement..
I quote, this is Hubbard, telling his PR personnel what their job is,
This really is a no brainer, and admittedly both when I was in, and even now out, of helping train thousands of staff and Sea Org members, I too was admittedly guilty of having no brain, so to speak, but even still, Hubbard’s above quoted LOOPHOLE policy point, is that the PR persons of Scientology do that the duty to propose to “top management” advice to set policy, when needed.
The child and staff to staff and staff to public Scientologists sexual felonies need policy set to stop it.
Other religions and high priced lawyers for these other religions have helped other religions deal with this problem in these other religions.
The no brainer solution, is Scientology follow what other recent religions have done to stop their internal sex abuse.
Adopt policy, and I’m sure the high priced lawyers who’ve helped other religions stop their sexual abuse and properly legally turn out their felony committing religion members over to policy and authorities for rightful just prosecution or dealing.
Just follow Hubbard’s above policy, and Scientology could deal with this.
My ex member no brain suggestion.
Chuck Beatty
old Assistant Admin Training Courses Supervisor, Flag, 1977-1981, 1982-3.
Expect some MAJOR staff pay and benefit cuts to pay the legal bills without crashing income stats. Replacements will have to come from the poorest parts of the Third World.
Regraded Being consistently delivers a clear picture of the core insanity and absurdity of the Clutch of Scienbollocky.
Cheers to him and his bearded Aussie buddy!😎
This just has to end. Someone has to step up, use their position within the court system to save these poor children. How can they not be prosecuted with the RICO act. There has to be someone with the chops to take on this cult.
I wish DM’s legal teams could be brought up on ethics charges that they profited from the cult’s despicable, criminal enterprise. Co-conspiritors IMO. Aiding the cult in their criminal enterprise. They have lined their pockets on the backs of abused people. I would put their tax attorney at the top of the list. She goes on TV with that smirky holier than thou attitude defending what she has to know is nothing but a money laundering, abusive organization. She’s not an idiot, just probably greedy. But, that’s just a wish, probably impossible.
Peggy, the child thing is pretty much over. It is now about bringing in people from and & 3rd world. until the US gets control of immigration it will continue
People who are being sought out from abroad because they have something to contribute, are likely to always be exempted from even strict immigration laws. Lots of third-world countries train nurses and doctors at much higher rates than we do, mostly because they socialize the cost of their education, recognizing they are a needed resource. Since we have a constant shortfall, it’s always bring more in, or more people here do without. Making it easy for whatever industry to pull in whoever they might need helps everyone but, people do abuse it, like anything. I remember seeing an article not too long back about a prominent politician who was abusing these same laws to get untrained immigrants in the country to pick grapes at his winery…
papepipopu, LMAO! the US had no shortage of medical personnel Until the gov’t started subsidizing that area heaily. If you truly wish to understand econ read Bastiat. Also the H-1B visa program was not created because of pressure from business but SOLELY because one US senator took a huge campaign donation from a wealthy Indian who wanted to hire only people from his country so he could pay them dirt wages
I agree 100%. M.Y is up to her neck in knowledge of Scientology dirty deeds. Her actions help facilitate the criminal enterprise. She’s not a Scientologist so she’s not doing it out of a fanatical following. For her it’s all about the money.
That interview on 20/20 really highlighted what a hideous cow she is. That interview was way back when Leah had left the church. When M. Y. compared child abuse to cutting ones hair well, she sort of makes your skin crawl.
These girls in the Sea Org are really on their own in every way.
No “law of the land” to protect them.
Mothers, fathers, etc., have no authority or rights, per the cult, to protect them.
In that a Sea Org marriage is a sham union – men and women legally hitched so they can have sex but with children forbidden and must be divorced if or when ordered to do so by the cult – in that a Sea Org marriage is truly a “marriage in name only”, the women’s husbands are powerless to protect them.
Aside from being trained to project the Cold Chrome Steel valence, aside from it being a Sea Org thing to have this persona, its not for nothing that these SO girls harden their hearts.
Like slaves before the Civil War, they are coupled and uncoupled like barnyard animals. Of course the slaves were encouraged to be promiscuous so that their children would also be slaves, but I’m addressing another aspect of slavery.
Like the African Americans slaves of yore, the Sea Org member’s entire lifestyle is at best non-conducive to the forming of emotional attachments and at worst extremely punishing of such.
Imagine a woman loving her husband and being loved by him, having that wonderful connection, and then, one day, poof! Its gone. Cult’s orders. The marriage is over! I’d say this would be devastating to a normal woman. I’m not a man but I’d say it would be the same for him – devastating loss.
Point is, if one is a Sea Org member, loving ANYONE is risky at best and downright self destructive at worst. One’s love will be used as a wedge for compliance to orders and if the attachment no longer pleases or serves the cult, one’s marriage is OVER.
Indeed, why love anyone, in such an environment?
Its no wonder that SO females are grim and hard even at a young age. They start off being effectively forbidden to love, and after a while, they’re incapable of it.
And the following, further speculation is based on a generalization, but because its frequently difficult for women to separate love from sex ( I know its practically impossible for me) the SO females, having to deny their authentic female nature, having to suppress their natural female emotions, they probably become sexually frigid as well.
The Branch Davidians are a weird subject, the Waco Siege happened at a strange in-between time when the internet was beginning to take off, but was not yet ubiquitous, and the 24-hour news cycle wasn’t yet a thing, so people watched a nightly news broadcast, which ramped up the production and drama of certain kinds of events… and, the climate in general made controlling the flow of information much easier, and concentrated the power to control what information was out there, to a far greater extent than today.
I bring this up because, any reasonable person can go back today and look at all the best information, even from government sources, on what the Branch Davidians were doing, what they were suspected of, what they were actually guilty of… and there is not much there. Most of it amounts to just, weirdness, and the appearance of possible child abuse, but no actual abuses.
Compare this to Scientology, and the difference is night and day- rampant abuse, just at every level, far more sexual and other just bizarre weirdness, rape, crime… you could take the grain of evil you might have been able to distill out of the Branch Davidians, and multiply it by a million, and Scientology’s evil would still be greater.
Now, compare how the government has treated the two groups… one, was completely exterminated, constitutional rights suspended and every last member literally killed, then burned, with their complex, wiped off the face of the earth. The other, much worse group… they get tax-exempt status, and then they get left alone.
I wasn’t really going anywhere with this… of course i’m not saying the feds should move on Scientology in the same manner they moved on the Branch Davidians… but doing nothing at all, sure is odd.
I’d suspect like with most things, the money and power differential is what spells extermination for one group, where the other is left to thrive.
This is exactly why I feel so sick everytime I hear (through the family grapevine, as she has disconnected from me) that my daughter is going overseas to do more ‘services’ and taking my innocent little granddaughter with her. When we were in talking terms, I begged her not to leave my granddaughter with anyone whilst she is on course, but her response was ‘I am part of the most ethical group on the planet’s.
Moving Forward –
I am SO sorry. I don’t know that I’ve seen many posts from you to have heard much of your story, but I’ve been skimming comments recently.
But wow – I can only imagine your concerns for your Granddaughter, especially reading stories here of those who were raised being shuffled around while parents did services. I can’t imagine, esp when one has the option for their child to be with a loving grandparent, why any other option would be used even if one feels they MUST be away from their child like that. It just goes by so fast and you can never get that time back. But what a treasure to have a parent who wants to be so involved (I have amazing in-laws… my side isn’t so great at being involved w/our children consistently) and I can’t imagine refusing that priceless gift. I’m so sorry! Why would she travel overseas to do services? Exchange rate making it less money?
Were you in originally and then went UTR and ultimately fully out? And that’s why she disconnected? This is why I so hope these lawsuits contribute to things becoming unglued – so families may heal!
Jeff Hawkins posted on Facebook that he feels a large majority of those still-in who aren’t complete die-hard fanatics are likely UTR due to not wanting to lose further family or because their work/business is so intimately tied. I hope your daughter is UTR and soon-to-be our!
This one hit too close to home. “Pervs with their stats up” have routinely been ignored since at least the 1970s. It’s scientology gospel. Probably the largest gospel known to scientology.
Tony Strawn (Donald Anthony Strawn, Amanda Ambrose’s son comes to mind off the top of my head). Alexander Jentzsch’s abuser is another one, but closer to home, I know. The guy who perved on me was kha khan at the time so he got off scott free and I got shuffled elsewhere.
The more things change, the more they really stay the same.
At the Scientology mission in New York when I was there, the Ethics Officer used his post for sexual favors. If a woman was in Ethics trouble, he would clean up her record for sexual intercourse or other
sexual activities. Sick religion.
Well done RB. I doubt that there will be any internal discussion about COB’s current lawsuits. Anyone caught talking about those suits will be KRed so fast their thetan will spin.
I think that either COB uses those lawsuits for fund raising (the default $cieno response) or it will be totally ignored. As there is nothing in the Scieno ‘press’ yet, I would bet on the lawsuit news going stealth.
The 2 women in this cartoon would probably be cleaning out dumpsters with toothbrushes if they were noticed having this conversation.
It’s a common perception that talking like these women are doing is a sure route to a KR and Ethics, or worse. Have any of the exes here experienced something like that personally? I think this group, for all their good and not-so-good points, are a bit too smart to get caught ‘nattering’ about COB and Wog Courts, or Danny Masterson, or even low-level pervs shuttled around like Catholic priests in the bad old days.
This brings up a curious question which Mike might be able to explore. What in hell is going on with the Masterson case? The DA has had it for (I think) a couple of years and there seems to be total silence from her office. Has she been bought off? Or has scio found dirt on her and is blackmailing her into silence? And no one on Tony’s site or even here seems to look into it, either. Most weird.
You sir, are correct. I am connected to some still in. I have seen that there is “secret regging” going on at Flag, and I would wager a defense fund is being raised. Reg excuse du jour.
And it’s amazing how many people out of the Church support the church attacking the victims. People like Rathbun and his followers. Indies like Foolproof and marildi.
Sometimes you an remove the criminal from the cult but not the criminal from the person.
I used to jokingly refer to the Oracle as The Orifice.😂
Your comment earlier in the the comment thread about Sea Org women
being cast adrift as young girls, being abused, and generally being hardened by the indoctrination and absence of love was spot-on. I remember being
at ASHO( 99-2002 ) and being constantly amazed and saddened by
how many of the young S.O. women there presented a ” tough bitch ” persona.
I saw the same phenomenon in some of the female class V org executives. Ugly, mean, brittle human beings…
So much for that “OT civilization “!
As to the tough bitches, I suppose they almost have to adopt that persona in order to survive in that hellish environment. Problem is, after a while, the mask becomes who they really are, or who they think they really are. Like actors who invent a persona and then actually BECOME that persona – these people get very screwed up, mentally. Some actors never forget who they really are. My favorite example: Archie Leach. He invented this witty, urbane, debonair, upper class persona, called it “Cary Grant” and became hugely successful. But he knew he was Archie Leach from Liverpool or some such poor area of England. He’d poke fun at himself: ” Everyone wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be Cary Grant”
RB! COB would probably get the judge to become a Scientologist is exactly how anyone stuck in this cult would likely think. TOTALLY out of touch with the real world. But of course that is the goal isn’t it.
I look forward to Fridays and your GREAT work every week. Thanks so much.
Yes, look what happened to Shelly’s mother when she tried to leave and speak out. She “committed suicide” by shooting herself with a shotgun, not one, but at least 2 shots. Then the coroner was hounded by the cult to declare the death a suicide
mark, under the “spousal testimony privilege”, a spouse may refuse to testify against the other spouse and may refuse to be called as a witness by an adverse party.
“…the WOGS might try to make COB face a judge in a WOG court… COB would show everybody that Scientology Ethics Handling is way better than any WOG justice system. He would probably get the judge to want to become a Scientologist. That would be really cool to watch.”
That would be really cool to watch. Not least because it would not go that way. Not even a little. I guess we can’t hope that he’ll claim to be a sovereign citizen.
How sickening – and how evil. That’s about all I have to say at the moment. Thanks for your comment about the mindset, Mary. I know that RB is spot on with these cartoons when someone who was “in” confirms it.
[email protected] says
This is what a quack cult fake religion results in.
Hubbard is at fault.
Hubbard ought to have, and today “top management” of Scientology should today make it strong policy to turn over law violating Scientology staff and members to appropriate justice and police.
There is a Hubbard policy which tells how to get this omitted policy into a written “new” policy for the movement..
I quote, this is Hubbard, telling his PR personnel what their job is,
This really is a no brainer, and admittedly both when I was in, and even now out, of helping train thousands of staff and Sea Org members, I too was admittedly guilty of having no brain, so to speak, but even still, Hubbard’s above quoted LOOPHOLE policy point, is that the PR persons of Scientology do that the duty to propose to “top management” advice to set policy, when needed.
The child and staff to staff and staff to public Scientologists sexual felonies need policy set to stop it.
Other religions and high priced lawyers for these other religions have helped other religions deal with this problem in these other religions.
The no brainer solution, is Scientology follow what other recent religions have done to stop their internal sex abuse.
Adopt policy, and I’m sure the high priced lawyers who’ve helped other religions stop their sexual abuse and properly legally turn out their felony committing religion members over to policy and authorities for rightful just prosecution or dealing.
Just follow Hubbard’s above policy, and Scientology could deal with this.
My ex member no brain suggestion.
Chuck Beatty
old Assistant Admin Training Courses Supervisor, Flag, 1977-1981, 1982-3.
Roger Larsson says
It’s worse to be down by the easygoingness than it is to be down by a dick or a cunt.
unelectedfloofgoofer says
Expect some MAJOR staff pay and benefit cuts to pay the legal bills without crashing income stats. Replacements will have to come from the poorest parts of the Third World.
Wynski says
unelectedfloofgoofer,, what staff pay and benefits? they don’t really exist in the “Church of scamology
Mark says
Regraded Being consistently delivers a clear picture of the core insanity and absurdity of the Clutch of Scienbollocky.
Cheers to him and his bearded Aussie buddy!😎
Peggy L says
This just has to end. Someone has to step up, use their position within the court system to save these poor children. How can they not be prosecuted with the RICO act. There has to be someone with the chops to take on this cult.
I wish DM’s legal teams could be brought up on ethics charges that they profited from the cult’s despicable, criminal enterprise. Co-conspiritors IMO. Aiding the cult in their criminal enterprise. They have lined their pockets on the backs of abused people. I would put their tax attorney at the top of the list. She goes on TV with that smirky holier than thou attitude defending what she has to know is nothing but a money laundering, abusive organization. She’s not an idiot, just probably greedy. But, that’s just a wish, probably impossible.
Wynski says
Peggy, the child thing is pretty much over. It is now about bringing in people from and & 3rd world. until the US gets control of immigration it will continue
papepipopu says
People who are being sought out from abroad because they have something to contribute, are likely to always be exempted from even strict immigration laws. Lots of third-world countries train nurses and doctors at much higher rates than we do, mostly because they socialize the cost of their education, recognizing they are a needed resource. Since we have a constant shortfall, it’s always bring more in, or more people here do without. Making it easy for whatever industry to pull in whoever they might need helps everyone but, people do abuse it, like anything. I remember seeing an article not too long back about a prominent politician who was abusing these same laws to get untrained immigrants in the country to pick grapes at his winery…
wynski says
papepipopu, LMAO! the US had no shortage of medical personnel Until the gov’t started subsidizing that area heaily. If you truly wish to understand econ read Bastiat. Also the H-1B visa program was not created because of pressure from business but SOLELY because one US senator took a huge campaign donation from a wealthy Indian who wanted to hire only people from his country so he could pay them dirt wages
Queen B says
I agree 100%. M.Y is up to her neck in knowledge of Scientology dirty deeds. Her actions help facilitate the criminal enterprise. She’s not a Scientologist so she’s not doing it out of a fanatical following. For her it’s all about the money.
Peggy L says
That interview on 20/20 really highlighted what a hideous cow she is. That interview was way back when Leah had left the church. When M. Y. compared child abuse to cutting ones hair well, she sort of makes your skin crawl.
Eh=Eh says
Wow RB. This was as spot on for back in the day as well as present time! Nothing changes…💩
Alcoboy says
All I can say about these two is:
YOU’VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aquamarine says
These girls in the Sea Org are really on their own in every way.
No “law of the land” to protect them.
Mothers, fathers, etc., have no authority or rights, per the cult, to protect them.
In that a Sea Org marriage is a sham union – men and women legally hitched so they can have sex but with children forbidden and must be divorced if or when ordered to do so by the cult – in that a Sea Org marriage is truly a “marriage in name only”, the women’s husbands are powerless to protect them.
Aside from being trained to project the Cold Chrome Steel valence, aside from it being a Sea Org thing to have this persona, its not for nothing that these SO girls harden their hearts.
Like slaves before the Civil War, they are coupled and uncoupled like barnyard animals. Of course the slaves were encouraged to be promiscuous so that their children would also be slaves, but I’m addressing another aspect of slavery.
Like the African Americans slaves of yore, the Sea Org member’s entire lifestyle is at best non-conducive to the forming of emotional attachments and at worst extremely punishing of such.
Imagine a woman loving her husband and being loved by him, having that wonderful connection, and then, one day, poof! Its gone. Cult’s orders. The marriage is over! I’d say this would be devastating to a normal woman. I’m not a man but I’d say it would be the same for him – devastating loss.
Point is, if one is a Sea Org member, loving ANYONE is risky at best and downright self destructive at worst. One’s love will be used as a wedge for compliance to orders and if the attachment no longer pleases or serves the cult, one’s marriage is OVER.
Indeed, why love anyone, in such an environment?
Its no wonder that SO females are grim and hard even at a young age. They start off being effectively forbidden to love, and after a while, they’re incapable of it.
And the following, further speculation is based on a generalization, but because its frequently difficult for women to separate love from sex ( I know its practically impossible for me) the SO females, having to deny their authentic female nature, having to suppress their natural female emotions, they probably become sexually frigid as well.
Sad for them.
papepipopu says
The Branch Davidians are a weird subject, the Waco Siege happened at a strange in-between time when the internet was beginning to take off, but was not yet ubiquitous, and the 24-hour news cycle wasn’t yet a thing, so people watched a nightly news broadcast, which ramped up the production and drama of certain kinds of events… and, the climate in general made controlling the flow of information much easier, and concentrated the power to control what information was out there, to a far greater extent than today.
This is always a strange topic to brooch too because Ruby Ridge and later, the Waco Siege had become cause célèbre for militia movement types and white supremacists, ultra-far right-wing wackjobs adopted these as “their causes” to the extent that, simply citing either, could cause one to see seen as a member of one of those groups… I think this force has effectively kept people outside of those spheres from reexamining these US Government oversteps of the early 90s.
I bring this up because, any reasonable person can go back today and look at all the best information, even from government sources, on what the Branch Davidians were doing, what they were suspected of, what they were actually guilty of… and there is not much there. Most of it amounts to just, weirdness, and the appearance of possible child abuse, but no actual abuses.
Compare this to Scientology, and the difference is night and day- rampant abuse, just at every level, far more sexual and other just bizarre weirdness, rape, crime… you could take the grain of evil you might have been able to distill out of the Branch Davidians, and multiply it by a million, and Scientology’s evil would still be greater.
Now, compare how the government has treated the two groups… one, was completely exterminated, constitutional rights suspended and every last member literally killed, then burned, with their complex, wiped off the face of the earth. The other, much worse group… they get tax-exempt status, and then they get left alone.
I wasn’t really going anywhere with this… of course i’m not saying the feds should move on Scientology in the same manner they moved on the Branch Davidians… but doing nothing at all, sure is odd.
I’d suspect like with most things, the money and power differential is what spells extermination for one group, where the other is left to thrive.
Xenu's Son says
Spot on as usual RB.
Moving Forward says
This is exactly why I feel so sick everytime I hear (through the family grapevine, as she has disconnected from me) that my daughter is going overseas to do more ‘services’ and taking my innocent little granddaughter with her. When we were in talking terms, I begged her not to leave my granddaughter with anyone whilst she is on course, but her response was ‘I am part of the most ethical group on the planet’s.
Jenyfurrr says
Moving Forward –
I am SO sorry. I don’t know that I’ve seen many posts from you to have heard much of your story, but I’ve been skimming comments recently.
But wow – I can only imagine your concerns for your Granddaughter, especially reading stories here of those who were raised being shuffled around while parents did services. I can’t imagine, esp when one has the option for their child to be with a loving grandparent, why any other option would be used even if one feels they MUST be away from their child like that. It just goes by so fast and you can never get that time back. But what a treasure to have a parent who wants to be so involved (I have amazing in-laws… my side isn’t so great at being involved w/our children consistently) and I can’t imagine refusing that priceless gift. I’m so sorry! Why would she travel overseas to do services? Exchange rate making it less money?
Were you in originally and then went UTR and ultimately fully out? And that’s why she disconnected? This is why I so hope these lawsuits contribute to things becoming unglued – so families may heal!
Jeff Hawkins posted on Facebook that he feels a large majority of those still-in who aren’t complete die-hard fanatics are likely UTR due to not wanting to lose further family or because their work/business is so intimately tied. I hope your daughter is UTR and soon-to-be our!
ValR says
This one hit too close to home. “Pervs with their stats up” have routinely been ignored since at least the 1970s. It’s scientology gospel. Probably the largest gospel known to scientology.
Tony Strawn (Donald Anthony Strawn, Amanda Ambrose’s son comes to mind off the top of my head). Alexander Jentzsch’s abuser is another one, but closer to home, I know. The guy who perved on me was kha khan at the time so he got off scott free and I got shuffled elsewhere.
The more things change, the more they really stay the same.
George M. White says
At the Scientology mission in New York when I was there, the Ethics Officer used his post for sexual favors. If a woman was in Ethics trouble, he would clean up her record for sexual intercourse or other
sexual activities. Sick religion.
Aquamarine says
Good lord!
Zee Moo says
Well done RB. I doubt that there will be any internal discussion about COB’s current lawsuits. Anyone caught talking about those suits will be KRed so fast their thetan will spin.
I think that either COB uses those lawsuits for fund raising (the default $cieno response) or it will be totally ignored. As there is nothing in the Scieno ‘press’ yet, I would bet on the lawsuit news going stealth.
The 2 women in this cartoon would probably be cleaning out dumpsters with toothbrushes if they were noticed having this conversation.
ammo alamo says
It’s a common perception that talking like these women are doing is a sure route to a KR and Ethics, or worse. Have any of the exes here experienced something like that personally? I think this group, for all their good and not-so-good points, are a bit too smart to get caught ‘nattering’ about COB and Wog Courts, or Danny Masterson, or even low-level pervs shuttled around like Catholic priests in the bad old days.
Peter says
This brings up a curious question which Mike might be able to explore. What in hell is going on with the Masterson case? The DA has had it for (I think) a couple of years and there seems to be total silence from her office. Has she been bought off? Or has scio found dirt on her and is blackmailing her into silence? And no one on Tony’s site or even here seems to look into it, either. Most weird.
Dotey OT says
You sir, are correct. I am connected to some still in. I have seen that there is “secret regging” going on at Flag, and I would wager a defense fund is being raised. Reg excuse du jour.
Wynski says
And it’s amazing how many people out of the Church support the church attacking the victims. People like Rathbun and his followers. Indies like Foolproof and marildi.
Sometimes you an remove the criminal from the cult but not the criminal from the person.
Aquamarine says
Yes, Wyn, and don’t forget Oracle! Talk about a whackjob!
Mark says
I used to jokingly refer to the Oracle as The Orifice.😂
Your comment earlier in the the comment thread about Sea Org women
being cast adrift as young girls, being abused, and generally being hardened by the indoctrination and absence of love was spot-on. I remember being
at ASHO( 99-2002 ) and being constantly amazed and saddened by
how many of the young S.O. women there presented a ” tough bitch ” persona.
I saw the same phenomenon in some of the female class V org executives. Ugly, mean, brittle human beings…
So much for that “OT civilization “!
Aquamarine says
“The Orifice”…lol! Good one, Mark.
As to the tough bitches, I suppose they almost have to adopt that persona in order to survive in that hellish environment. Problem is, after a while, the mask becomes who they really are, or who they think they really are. Like actors who invent a persona and then actually BECOME that persona – these people get very screwed up, mentally. Some actors never forget who they really are. My favorite example: Archie Leach. He invented this witty, urbane, debonair, upper class persona, called it “Cary Grant” and became hugely successful. But he knew he was Archie Leach from Liverpool or some such poor area of England. He’d poke fun at himself: ” Everyone wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be Cary Grant”
Wynski says
Right aqua. Oracle is actually likely clinically insane and should be hospitalized for his own safety
Aquamarine says
Yes, I would agree but he is a “she” from what I’ve been told.
Glenn says
RB! COB would probably get the judge to become a Scientologist is exactly how anyone stuck in this cult would likely think. TOTALLY out of touch with the real world. But of course that is the goal isn’t it.
I look forward to Fridays and your GREAT work every week. Thanks so much.
Mark says
Can’t wait to see Shelly in that “Wog Court”.
Old Surfer Dude says
I’d go to that show!
Michelle says
Me either!!!!
Alcoboy says
If she even gets that far. Do you think that Herr Dwarfenfuhrer is going to allow her to take the stand and testify against him?
Komodo Dragon says
Yes, look what happened to Shelly’s mother when she tried to leave and speak out. She “committed suicide” by shooting herself with a shotgun, not one, but at least 2 shots. Then the coroner was hounded by the cult to declare the death a suicide
Wynski says
mark, under the “spousal testimony privilege”, a spouse may refuse to testify against the other spouse and may refuse to be called as a witness by an adverse party.
Cat W. says
“…the WOGS might try to make COB face a judge in a WOG court… COB would show everybody that Scientology Ethics Handling is way better than any WOG justice system. He would probably get the judge to want to become a Scientologist. That would be really cool to watch.”
That would be really cool to watch. Not least because it would not go that way. Not even a little. I guess we can’t hope that he’ll claim to be a sovereign citizen.
Alcoboy says
A sovereign citizen of where? Teegeeack?
Cre8tivewmn says
Great read of what’s most likely going on behind the scenes, RB. Those girls have OD’d on koolaid, apparently.
Mary Kahn says
Oh My God!! RB, you have it the mindset down! It’s nauseating.
bixntram says
How sickening – and how evil. That’s about all I have to say at the moment. Thanks for your comment about the mindset, Mary. I know that RB is spot on with these cartoons when someone who was “in” confirms it.
otherles says
Yes, it is.