Simply put, one must pay into the FICA tax system for at least ten years, making at least ten grand (gross pay) each year, to become eligible for any Social Security retirement pay.
Any less than the above, even $1 less, and an employee does not qualify for any SS retirement money.
In 2005 there were about 50 people in the Flag RPF. The average RPFer had been there for 7 years and they still hadn’t graduated. Some of the guys were there for 12/13 years. At the bottom of it were EXTREME arbitraries put there and held in place by , who else, Miscavige.
Sadly, those sentenced to the RPF are convinced by TPTB that they DESERVE the RPF, that it’s their only chance to “straighten up and fly right”, that it’s a great OPPORTUNITY for them to advance from their current degraded position. Using every scrap of dirt they have on you, they convince you that you’re lower than pond scum, lower than snake droppings, a DB who needs _extremely_ tight 8-C* before you can operate at all in the world outside of the RPF. If they didn’t convince all the inmates of that first and foremost, they would have had revolutions and whole RPFs blowing because of the irrationality of it all. *[8-C is another of the endless “objective” processes which accustoms the PC (and *auditor*) to doing exactly the same meaningless actions over and over until both are inured to their inevitable fates.
I have wondered sometimes if Heber wants to get out of the RPF but doesn’t have a way to do it… no family on the outside, (Karen doesn’t count cuz she is declared SP and he would be afraid to jeopardize his eternity by hooking up with her), no waiting getaway car to climb the fence to, no car to drive to the store to and make a wrong turn to escape, failing body because of failing health of the elderly. I don’t think he could get out if he wanted to. But what would be cool is to have the authorities raid it there and set people free. The ones who aren’t too far gone with brainwashing may just take them up on their offer of freedom.
Maybe so, Wynski, but how would he get a letter to them since all mail in and out of the compound is read and monitored? It would be great to raid the place, set the prisoners free just like the Americans did in the Nazi prison camps at the end of WW II.
Technically, Heber is not on the RPF. Last I heard he was “in the SP Hole”, one of the lost souls who are supposed to be doing A to E (steps to get out of SP status) right on the INT Base. Some have been there for decades now.
Rumor has it they are no longer in the double-wide trailers. But the chances that Dave will let them out to return to their high executive jobs again, diluting the raw, pure heady dictatorial power of Dave is small to none.
Even if he got out, rumor is that he can no longer stand up straight, may have had multiple strokes. Not quite ready to take over as President again. It has always been sort of a ceremonial position anyway, mostly someone to give interviews and represent the church at governmental functions.
Those kids rolling paint have it easier than Heber, sufficient groveling can get them out of the janitorial/construction phase and back to full time busy-work. Heber is a terminal lifer.
But I will say, I know someone who got out of the SP Hole. Dave asked them to take their shoes off, looked at their toenails, and set them free. I have no idea what it is about Dave and feet, don’t even want to know.
I suspect Dave let him go because there was a job for this guy, like setting up a $50,000 stereo system at one of Dave’s new residences. Like the time I went on the RPF for missing muster and then got out after 5 days, if the Boss needs you magic can happen.
Oh, man! They sent ‘new guy’ to the RPF! That’s the dude that joined the Sea Org then kept getting ignored by the two more senior females!
At least he’s got that other dude to guide him.
Alcoboy, there’s no way two RPFers could talk like that. “No case on post”, at a minimum, would give them additional immediate punishments. “No talking about your case” or “no verbal tech” would also obtain punishments . “No talking”, no “comparing notes” was rigidly enforced as allowing the inmates to honestly discuss their lives would have blown Tubby’s scam apart at the seams. Not discussing scn was so enforced in so many ways, it was rigidly enforced by us peons, similar to not reading any “entheta”, literally failing to see anything which MIGHT reflect badly on the cult or its leaders.
I was thinking that in reality the young guys in RPF probably have no clue who Heber is he has been disappeared so long. He is probably never mentioned even in whispers.
I was wondering the other day if he was still alive and how long it will take after he dies before we find out. He was one of the good guys before david miscavige destroyed him.
For anyone who is young enough to not know his history, Heber spent his whole life in cults. He was raised in FLDS by a polygamous father and then went from there to scientology. He knows nothing but cult behavior. He somehow managed to retain, for quite some time, a semblance of a personality even with all that working against him.
Actually I wrote to Heber about ten years ago and in his return letter he told me that he was LDS not FLDS. I was writing him to ask his opinion on my joining the Sea Org and still being an active Mormon. He advised against it.
Hmmmm. Y’know. I just might have gotten Heber sent to the hole. Not theta to advise someone not to join the Sea Org.
And, OSD, I’m sure is a broadly applied word when applied to the POS (Pope of Scn). He is small in about every way. Petty certainly applies. The Petty Pope of Scio. Has a nice ring to it.
No one has to DO anything to piss off the petite punching pope of that international criminal organization masquerading as a “church”. All you need to do is be in his line of sight at the wrong moment and you’re in deep do-do, deader than the dodo.Even his WIFE and second-in-command wasn’t immune. When he did him a FAVOR and cleaned up a couple of tasks he’d been bitching and moaning about, she got sentenced to a “Siberia” and has been sighted only a couple of times since; I expect she might languish there for the rest of his life — or hers; whichever is longer. The Dwarfenführer never forgives, never forgets his anger over any imagined slight. That’s why I don’t expect to see Heber to ever see the light of day. He’ll never be given a chance to be seen in his current condition; CERTAINLY won’t ever get a chance to escape and possibly bring a damning suit against
“the Kid”. Heber can ABSOLUTELY destroy Davey if he’s given any chance.
They’re either RPFed or otherwise “disappeared” and made toothless when Dwarfenführer takes it in his mind to punish SOMEone for some or no reason and some unfortunate soul crosses “The Kid’s” path.
Heber dead? Could be, who knows. It’s not like the “great communicators”, as the cult touts themselves, will ever make any sort of announcement when the President of the Church of Scientology dies. Nope, instead, Heber will go to his grave as yet another “disappeared” cult member who wasted his life living with blinders on, hoping beyond hope that eternal salvation would be found holding onto soup cans and answering ridiculous, repetitive, and wretched questions all the while being acknowledged by a robotic ‘auditor’. This is the case for all of the other deluded culties too. scientology is a world class scam created by a world class con man. Nothing more, nothing less. Once one realizes that it’s all about the money and only about the money AND have the courage to admit that they have been duped it’s relatively easy to find the exit and real freedom.
I knew Heber a bit back in the day. He even stayed with me while traveling once. I thought that he was a genuine good guy when you could get past the sea org persona. Too bad he made the choices he did and completely wasted his life blindly devoted to a criminal cult. Truly sad.
Whether or not he or she was collecting benefits, as soon as someone who had a Social Security Card dies, the S S administration requires to be informed immediately. I’m only speaking from my own personal experience of family members’ deaths.
Aqua offered:
“Whether or not he or she was collecting benefits, as soon as someone who had a Social Security Card dies, the S S administration requires to be informed immediately.”
Does/did Heber have a SS card? I’m Pretty sure he wouldn’t have had a chance to file for SSI benefits when he turned 65; it wouldn’t have gotten past HCO’s censorship squad at a minimum. Too, he wouldn’t have had qualifying income reported or taxed for too many years to have any amount to claim. Social Security doesn’t pay much even if you’ve paid LOTS into that particular scam over the years, and next to nothing, or exactly nothing if you’ve not.
wrong jere, he would have been receiving it and the criminal jail time is too high to have DM not report his death if it happened.. And you don’t have to pay in a penny to get retirement payments.
Right, Ms. B. Haven. Dwarfenführer® won’t willingly EVER mention Heber again. There’s nothing but downside in every possible scenario I can envision. In most of them, Davey gets charged with his crimes against Heber —as a starting point.
Funny, but I’ve seen the SS payment schedule, which was based upon reported SSI pay-ins. It’s true that non-payers can get *Disability* payments without much/any pay-in, but I’m not sure Heber or ANYone in the Hole could get the required documentation together to file for it. My wife filed for mine and almost gave up due to the red tape, and that was WITHOUT scientology throwing up roadblocks preventing the “downstat” from getting “welfare”(Payment/reward for doing nothing, a scn “no-no”). I doubt anyone in The Hole could get out for the required Doctor’s exams & other documentation, for instance.
Check the SS site to determine current minimum needed to pay in before qualifying for retirement benefits. Currently it is 40 quarters, each with $2500 income, i.e. $10k per year for 10 years.
Even a modest lifetime income can result in $1000 monthly benefits. SS will help calculate future benefits.
However, COS pay of $20 – $50 per week does not come close to qualifying for any benefits.
Wynski, there’d only be jail time if Dwarfenführer® were personally connected to some wrongdoing WRT Heber’S SS payments and that’s not gonna happen to the twit. Some innocent staff member would take the fall first, insulating Davey-Boy. And what would Heber be able to DO with SS payments, anyway? Buy yet more copies of the Basics™?
Ammo Alamo says
Simply put, one must pay into the FICA tax system for at least ten years, making at least ten grand (gross pay) each year, to become eligible for any Social Security retirement pay.
Any less than the above, even $1 less, and an employee does not qualify for any SS retirement money.
Wynski says
They changed it then. When it was created people who were already retired and had paid nothing got retirement payments. Glad they fixed that
Mat Pesch says
In 2005 there were about 50 people in the Flag RPF. The average RPFer had been there for 7 years and they still hadn’t graduated. Some of the guys were there for 12/13 years. At the bottom of it were EXTREME arbitraries put there and held in place by , who else, Miscavige.
Wynski says
Unbelievable that people would stay on the RPF for even one day. I wouldn’t go there.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
Sadly, those sentenced to the RPF are convinced by TPTB that they DESERVE the RPF, that it’s their only chance to “straighten up and fly right”, that it’s a great OPPORTUNITY for them to advance from their current degraded position. Using every scrap of dirt they have on you, they convince you that you’re lower than pond scum, lower than snake droppings, a DB who needs _extremely_ tight 8-C* before you can operate at all in the world outside of the RPF. If they didn’t convince all the inmates of that first and foremost, they would have had revolutions and whole RPFs blowing because of the irrationality of it all. *[8-C is another of the endless “objective” processes which accustoms the PC (and *auditor*) to doing exactly the same meaningless actions over and over until both are inured to their inevitable fates.
Cindy says
I have wondered sometimes if Heber wants to get out of the RPF but doesn’t have a way to do it… no family on the outside, (Karen doesn’t count cuz she is declared SP and he would be afraid to jeopardize his eternity by hooking up with her), no waiting getaway car to climb the fence to, no car to drive to the store to and make a wrong turn to escape, failing body because of failing health of the elderly. I don’t think he could get out if he wanted to. But what would be cool is to have the authorities raid it there and set people free. The ones who aren’t too far gone with brainwashing may just take them up on their offer of freedom.
Wynski says
Cindy, Heber has family that would take him and he knows this.
Cindy says
Maybe so, Wynski, but how would he get a letter to them since all mail in and out of the compound is read and monitored? It would be great to raid the place, set the prisoners free just like the Americans did in the Nazi prison camps at the end of WW II.
Bruce Ploetz says
Technically, Heber is not on the RPF. Last I heard he was “in the SP Hole”, one of the lost souls who are supposed to be doing A to E (steps to get out of SP status) right on the INT Base. Some have been there for decades now.
Rumor has it they are no longer in the double-wide trailers. But the chances that Dave will let them out to return to their high executive jobs again, diluting the raw, pure heady dictatorial power of Dave is small to none.
Even if he got out, rumor is that he can no longer stand up straight, may have had multiple strokes. Not quite ready to take over as President again. It has always been sort of a ceremonial position anyway, mostly someone to give interviews and represent the church at governmental functions.
Those kids rolling paint have it easier than Heber, sufficient groveling can get them out of the janitorial/construction phase and back to full time busy-work. Heber is a terminal lifer.
But I will say, I know someone who got out of the SP Hole. Dave asked them to take their shoes off, looked at their toenails, and set them free. I have no idea what it is about Dave and feet, don’t even want to know.
I suspect Dave let him go because there was a job for this guy, like setting up a $50,000 stereo system at one of Dave’s new residences. Like the time I went on the RPF for missing muster and then got out after 5 days, if the Boss needs you magic can happen.
Alcoboy says
Oh, man! They sent ‘new guy’ to the RPF! That’s the dude that joined the Sea Org then kept getting ignored by the two more senior females!
At least he’s got that other dude to guide him.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
Alcoboy, there’s no way two RPFers could talk like that. “No case on post”, at a minimum, would give them additional immediate punishments. “No talking about your case” or “no verbal tech” would also obtain punishments . “No talking”, no “comparing notes” was rigidly enforced as allowing the inmates to honestly discuss their lives would have blown Tubby’s scam apart at the seams. Not discussing scn was so enforced in so many ways, it was rigidly enforced by us peons, similar to not reading any “entheta”, literally failing to see anything which MIGHT reflect badly on the cult or its leaders.
Xenu's Son says
Thanks, RB,
Good one.probably what some of our kids or grandkids are chewing on right now.
ValR says
I was thinking that in reality the young guys in RPF probably have no clue who Heber is he has been disappeared so long. He is probably never mentioned even in whispers.
I was wondering the other day if he was still alive and how long it will take after he dies before we find out. He was one of the good guys before david miscavige destroyed him.
For anyone who is young enough to not know his history, Heber spent his whole life in cults. He was raised in FLDS by a polygamous father and then went from there to scientology. He knows nothing but cult behavior. He somehow managed to retain, for quite some time, a semblance of a personality even with all that working against him.
This strip was just sad.
Alcoboy says
Actually I wrote to Heber about ten years ago and in his return letter he told me that he was LDS not FLDS. I was writing him to ask his opinion on my joining the Sea Org and still being an active Mormon. He advised against it.
Hmmmm. Y’know. I just might have gotten Heber sent to the hole. Not theta to advise someone not to join the Sea Org.
otherles says
What does a NEVER-IN has to do to piss off COB?
Old Surfer Dude says
Tell him how fucking small he is. That should do it!
Peter says
And, OSD, I’m sure is a broadly applied word when applied to the POS (Pope of Scn). He is small in about every way. Petty certainly applies. The Petty Pope of Scio. Has a nice ring to it.
Old Surfer Dude says
Peter, it does have a nice ring to it! And I like: The Petty Pope of Scio! Very well done!
James Rosso says
Appear within his line of sight.
Alcoboy says
Yep!That’s exactly how you do it! I know because in 2009 I did it!
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
No one has to DO anything to piss off the petite punching pope of that international criminal organization masquerading as a “church”. All you need to do is be in his line of sight at the wrong moment and you’re in deep do-do, deader than the dodo.Even his WIFE and second-in-command wasn’t immune. When he did him a FAVOR and cleaned up a couple of tasks he’d been bitching and moaning about, she got sentenced to a “Siberia” and has been sighted only a couple of times since; I expect she might languish there for the rest of his life — or hers; whichever is longer. The Dwarfenführer never forgives, never forgets his anger over any imagined slight. That’s why I don’t expect to see Heber to ever see the light of day. He’ll never be given a chance to be seen in his current condition; CERTAINLY won’t ever get a chance to escape and possibly bring a damning suit against
“the Kid”. Heber can ABSOLUTELY destroy Davey if he’s given any chance.
Wynski says
I see they still aply El Tard’s ethics policy when a person suggests that anything could be wrong with a CoS executive…
RoseMarie says
Wow. RB really sees through the shite in scn!! Don’t piss of dm or you could end up in the rpf forever! That’s a fascist dictator! Well done RBb
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
They’re either RPFed or otherwise “disappeared” and made toothless when Dwarfenführer takes it in his mind to punish SOMEone for some or no reason and some unfortunate soul crosses “The Kid’s” path.
Ms. B. Haven says
Heber dead? Could be, who knows. It’s not like the “great communicators”, as the cult touts themselves, will ever make any sort of announcement when the President of the Church of Scientology dies. Nope, instead, Heber will go to his grave as yet another “disappeared” cult member who wasted his life living with blinders on, hoping beyond hope that eternal salvation would be found holding onto soup cans and answering ridiculous, repetitive, and wretched questions all the while being acknowledged by a robotic ‘auditor’. This is the case for all of the other deluded culties too. scientology is a world class scam created by a world class con man. Nothing more, nothing less. Once one realizes that it’s all about the money and only about the money AND have the courage to admit that they have been duped it’s relatively easy to find the exit and real freedom.
I knew Heber a bit back in the day. He even stayed with me while traveling once. I thought that he was a genuine good guy when you could get past the sea org persona. Too bad he made the choices he did and completely wasted his life blindly devoted to a criminal cult. Truly sad.
Skyler says
Ms. B. Haven,
Very well said. Excellently said, as a matter of fact.
Belynda says
‘instead, Heber will go to his grave as yet another “disappeared” cult member who wasted his life living with blinders on’ . . . . . ‘truly sad’
Ms. B., I agree
Aquamarine says
Whether or not he or she was collecting benefits, as soon as someone who had a Social Security Card dies, the S S administration requires to be informed immediately. I’m only speaking from my own personal experience of family members’ deaths.
jere Lull (39 years recovering) says
Aqua offered:
“Whether or not he or she was collecting benefits, as soon as someone who had a Social Security Card dies, the S S administration requires to be informed immediately.”
Does/did Heber have a SS card? I’m Pretty sure he wouldn’t have had a chance to file for SSI benefits when he turned 65; it wouldn’t have gotten past HCO’s censorship squad at a minimum. Too, he wouldn’t have had qualifying income reported or taxed for too many years to have any amount to claim. Social Security doesn’t pay much even if you’ve paid LOTS into that particular scam over the years, and next to nothing, or exactly nothing if you’ve not.
Wynski says
wrong jere, he would have been receiving it and the criminal jail time is too high to have DM not report his death if it happened.. And you don’t have to pay in a penny to get retirement payments.
Aquamarine says
“And you don’t have to pay in a penny to get retirement payments.”
NOW you tell me 🙂
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
Right, Ms. B. Haven. Dwarfenführer® won’t willingly EVER mention Heber again. There’s nothing but downside in every possible scenario I can envision. In most of them, Davey gets charged with his crimes against Heber —as a starting point.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
“NOW you tell me.”
Funny, but I’ve seen the SS payment schedule, which was based upon reported SSI pay-ins. It’s true that non-payers can get *Disability* payments without much/any pay-in, but I’m not sure Heber or ANYone in the Hole could get the required documentation together to file for it. My wife filed for mine and almost gave up due to the red tape, and that was WITHOUT scientology throwing up roadblocks preventing the “downstat” from getting “welfare”(Payment/reward for doing nothing, a scn “no-no”). I doubt anyone in The Hole could get out for the required Doctor’s exams & other documentation, for instance.
[email protected] says
Check the SS site to determine current minimum needed to pay in before qualifying for retirement benefits. Currently it is 40 quarters, each with $2500 income, i.e. $10k per year for 10 years.
Even a modest lifetime income can result in $1000 monthly benefits. SS will help calculate future benefits.
However, COS pay of $20 – $50 per week does not come close to qualifying for any benefits.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
Thanks for looking it up, ammoalamo:
“Currently it is 40 quarters, each with $2500 income, i.e. $10k per year for 10 years.”
I THOUGHT I’d seen something like that, but my memory ain’t what it was.
jere lull ( 39 years recovering) says
Wynski, there’d only be jail time if Dwarfenführer® were personally connected to some wrongdoing WRT Heber’S SS payments and that’s not gonna happen to the twit. Some innocent staff member would take the fall first, insulating Davey-Boy. And what would Heber be able to DO with SS payments, anyway? Buy yet more copies of the Basics™?