Xenu never bankrupted or declared me like the CO$ did. He gave me a free ride to Earth keeping me nice and cool for the duration of the trip from stellar heat using glycol alcohol.
The total ban on Xenu in Scientology rather limits dissemination efforts. Especially since it’s the one thing every prospect wants to ask them about. Bribeable cops and corrupt local politicians only go so far.
The St Louis mission is not what one comes to expect from $si. There are no security cameras. There are no security guards riding bikes. It is on it’s last leg.
Gordon: Thanks for your detective work. Maybe take pictures and send them to Mike next time you go by the Org on Delmar and Mike can post them on his blog. It would be great to keep track of the spiraling into nothing St Louis Church of Scientology. We probably can tell you who is working on Staff with photos of the cars. Adam Heft (allegedly inherited a bunch of money) purchased 2 new vehicles in 2018 for him and his 2-D. I think the staff member told me they were Kia’s. If you see those vehicles in the parking lot, that would be Adam Heft and Susan LoGrasso Heft. Adam Heft is a Case Supervisor who evaluates the PreClear and instructs the Auditor what to do to indoctrinate the victim into believing L Ron Hubbard and Scientology works. Now with regards to the building, I guess to be fair, the building has always been a dump. They charge $28,000 for a block of 12 intensives for auditing and make the person pay before they do the routing form to get the service. During the routing form, much can go wrong and it typically does. This is where they find out of you have any connections to SP’s and then they cleverly manipulate you into disconnecting. They will most like then route you on to other courses like PTS/SP for $3,000. They cleverly manipulate you into doing what courses and actions will get you indoctrinated into the cult think. Once they obtain that money on account, they have you somewhat trapped. You have signed legal forms that prohibits and makes it a high crime to receive a refund. There is a lot of love bombing from the staff to support you in the beginning. Once 30 days after the service has passed, the staff will show their true colors and that is they don’t care. Now, during the time you are getting love bombed, the staff will ask you about your family and if they need help. You will want to get them in to experience this amazing group who is so supportive of your dreams. If they manage to get your family in, it is a trap to silence you when you notice the criminal activity of this cult. Scientology is a litany of clever traps.
So they charge these huge fees. The tiny little Org on Delmar never sees much of that money. The money gets distributed right away and most of it goes to upper management, who keeps a big thumb on the St Louis staff screaming and yelling daily. That money is funneled and laundered into the tentacles of the cult’s diverse and complicated corporate structure so they can’t make heads or tails of the accounting. The cults building in St Louis is left in disrepair on purpose. It is to get the trusting people that are unfortunate to get stuck in the trap of Scientology to take responsibility to pay for everything and do all the work. They never have money for repairs. The staff have to “reg” (manipulate) people to get the money to maintain the property. They have to fund raise that money to make repairs. The only fund raising they have done in the past 10 years is for the Ideal Org building. $16 – $20 million bucks they manipulated, extorted and bribed out of the members and their families. That money gets funneled up to the Landlords Office where it is Money laundered appropriately so the Church never has to give that back. Members sign a lot of legal contracts before they do any courses or services. No legal advice. The staff lie to public about why they have to sign the legal forms. They tell people that the psychs send crazy people into Scientology who then sue Scientology for making them crazy. The Psychs are the enemy of the cult. Much like the Devil. Scientology is a scam of epic proportions. What got you interested in the cult? Any family or friends get involved with it?
Back in the mid 60s my parents were among the first in the US to become members of the Divine Principle Unification Church. (Moonies) They were in for about 2 years while I was in Junior High School. You don’t need to guess that surprise, the “church” was after their money. I met the Reverend Moon several times. This is why I am fascinated with Scientology after having seen first hand what people can make themselves believe when looking for “the answer”.
okay. Thanks Gordon. What happened that your got your parents to wake up and see the truth about the Moonies? Did the Moonies give up easily or did they hound your parents? Did you have to get involved with the Moonies and you stayed “out” and UTR during your parents experience?
How did you trip over the subject of Scientology and hone into the scam that it is?
Did you see “Going Clear” by Alex Gibney?
Any chance you could walk into the St Louis Org and take a course? A little investigative reporting. Just see who is there and report back to us? It would be fun. I have a friend who is also going to do that in St Louis.
I did take a spin by today about 11:00AM and went through the parking lot. There were two silver KIAs parked next to each other that must be the Heft’s cars. Once again there were about 17 cars in the parking lot. One of these days I’ll drive by at 7:00AM to see how many cars are there. My parents were among the first 10-20 couples in the US to get involved so when they left it was so small there was no harassment.
Thank you, Gordon. Glad to hear your parents were not harassed. The same skeleton crew in St Louis will keep the doors open due to a few family members who have money. Two whales who keep St Louis Org’s building open are Dr William and JoAnn Kathrein, husband and wife Dentists from Omaha Nebraska. JoAnn is a long time cult member whose children were born in Scientology. JoAnn Kathrein keeps Amy Hanses going up the Bridge and working on staff. She went Clear and did L 11 and may be on her OT levels. No way she could do that with her slave labor wages. Her mother is most likely paying for everything. Amy’s husband is Matt Hanses and works as ED with Chad Lane. My friend is going to do some investigative work there in St Louis. If you can do it too, that would be great. It is fun to infiltrate an Org and report back to the world just how empty the Orgs are. Take a small course and use a hidden camera. You can film the tricks the Staff use to manipulate and trap people into Scientology. Specifically, the love bombing.
Theetie, you inspired me so I drove by this morning a little before 8:00 and the parking lot was empty other than the VM van and a van next to it that apparently is in need of repair. There were a couple of lights on in the building. Yesterday there was a car with an Iowa license plate in the parking lot. The Aftermath show really captured my interest and then getting Roku has allowed me to watch extensive programs/blogs exposing $ci. I did read Messiah or Madman.
Gordon, thanks for the recons. I’m amazed that St. Louis still has enough staff who have their own cars and day students, for there to be 17 cars in the parking lot at 11 am.
I think from reports we’ve been given the impression that orgs often only have 1 or 2 students on course except perhaps on weekends, but the situation may be a bit more complex even at a SFO (small and failing org) like St. Louis.
Do any of those with inside knowledge of the org, or similar orgs, have an explanation for how to read a car count like that?
And thanks in particular for your diligence in checking in the morning to verify that cars aren’t just left in the lot overnight.
The announced new plan for St. Louis is to renovate the existing building and add a huge new wing to bring it up to the approximately 50,000 square foot standard for “ideal orgs,” for which there’s an architectural rendering. I think that a year ago they were even going to the city for planning permission, though such steps often turn out to mean nothing in these drawn-out project debacles, just like the renovation work they did nearly a decade ago on the empty building they’re now giving up on.
That may just be smoke and mirrors to keep the local clubbed seals complacent while they unload that albatross property and leave them consigned to the old building. While it seems like we’re seeing something verging on collapse, I doubt Miscavige would ever let an actual org location like that close; it sounds like the St. Louis org is already at the sort of skeleton staff level that I’ve been expecting, and I expect Sea Org will be sent in to keep the doors open when things get too bad.
How many full-time staff does the St. Louis org even have left? And how many part timers do they use to pretend to fill out the org board?
And I wonder how things are working out for those who moved to Clearwater. It seems that many of those who go there become disillusioned about things not being any better in their “mecca,” and disaffected by the hothouse environment of heavy regging and snitching.
Anyway, thank you very much for the updates, it really helps a lot to get a sense of what’s going on in Scientology these days, to have detailed information about at least one org – I just wish we had similar information about a location in California, where they’re relatively strongest.
Thanks Peacemaker, for your contribution regarding St Louis Org. Yes, I saw the plans and heard about how exciting it all was. I wonder why St Louis Scientologists did not hire Alvah Levine, an architect who has given a lot of money for the Ideal Org. Actually, rumor has it – he is out but hiding under the radar. The few Scientologists left in St Louis grumbled under their breath. No one was allowed to discuss the epic scam played on them the past 12 years for the Ideal Org property they just had to have and is now being sold. They are keeping the sale price secret and have some sort of Real Estate Agent that is using muzzled marketing. It is a high crime to ask what the sale price is. The marketing is creepy. Did L Ron Hubbard come up with that?
Theetie, thanks for the update. There are usually about 17 cars and their VM van in the parking lot. The outward front doors look like they haven’t been painted since they moved into their building in U City. When the weather is good these outward doors are held open with rope. Their $ci sign by the street has seen better days. Are there some members that live in the building? I have never seen any “public” walking in or out of the building. They do put out their free personality and curious signs when the weather is good. I rarely see a member outside. Based on the condition of the building and parking lot and their Facebook page it confirms what you are saying.
Gordon, thanks for being another “boots on the ground” in St Louis. It helps give the lurkers an idea of what is happening for real in St Louis. That Volunteer Minister van is nothing but a propaganda prop. Church of Scientology in St Louis is drained of any funds because whatever they milk out of people goes up lines. They are kept poor on purpose. Easy to control the staff when they have no money. They take responsibility for the Org being empty so they blame themselves and have no idea the entire Organization is a con and a scam. The staff don’t license the VM van or pay for insurance because they can’t afford it. Basically, it is a nice propaganda piece. It is parked in the parking lot for prospective victims that are unfortunate to get lured in, to “believe” Scientology has a Volunteer Minister program where they go out into communities to help people. There is no such thing as real help in Scientology. All Scientologists have done in St Louis is litter parade routes in North County with Way to Happiness booklets and Truth About Drugs and harass people at baseball games with more propaganda. The Scientologists there never go into nice neighborhoods. They only go where they won’t get shut down and people don’t know the truth of who they are, which mostly is in the black and poor neighborhoods. It is small skeleton crew left in St Louis and no one goes in to that Org anymore. The staff that are there are so paranoid, I would not be surprised if a poor staffer with no money lives in the building full time to make sure no one breaks in to steal the confidential folders they use to black mail defectors. Although I do laugh about the fact my friend was able to extract and burn his pc folders before he blew the Church. My guess St Louis Scientology Church is nothing but a prop for David Miscavige and it will keep open as long as they have a few people the doors open. It does not matter that it is dead and no one goes in. There will always be a few people to keep it going because they believe Scientology is good and it works. It is nice to see St Louis Org dead and empty.
How do they even get 17 cars, unless that’s just on weekends if everyone is at the org? If they recently lost 18 adult members or staff as noted earlier (and where I also comment), that had to be something like half the remaining active membership based on what we’ve seen of other orgs (like even pictures typically showing about 25 to 40 people).
Here’s the new (bait-and-switch?) proposal for adding a wing to their present building:
They were asking for, and granted, an extension of the original permit. A letter from Scientology’s architect Gensler shows that the supposed “big beings” claiming power over MEST not only can’t get their act together, but are claiming not to have the money to start construction:
“Based on this schedule, we will require substantial time to develop drawings, secure permits,
and select contractors prior to commencement of construction. Additionally, our detailed
investigation and planning process revealed that the current budget is higher than
anticipated. We are now engaged in a value engineering process in order to reduce costs
without changing the exterior design, property use or basic floor plans. “
I’m very surprised there were that many cars. My org was so small, about 5 staff across Day and Foundation had cars. Of course, it was in the CBD and had no parking. If we’d had a car park, one staff car would be there during the day, and only a handful of public cars at any time.
Most of our public were poor, and didn’t have cars.
Imaberrated, I’m curious how your little org filled its org board. Here are the sort of things I’d like to know about a couple of orgs, so that we could gauge what’s really going on:
How many full time staff?
— How many SO
— How many actually make their living off salary/commissions
— How many make their living working another job
— How many rely on spouses, parents, etc. to support them
— How many claim welfare, food stamps, or other benefits like disabiliy
— How many are retired
How many part-time or volunteer staff hold “hats”?
How many active members are there, who are not on staff?
How many inactive members are there, who show up once or twice a year for major events?
Happy to give you some idea, without identifying myself or the city.
This data dates back to around 1999/2000, just before I left.
• Day staff was about 10, Fdn the same.
• Half the staff of both Day and Fdn orgs were SO. There had been a purge of SO staff at CLO and the AO of those couples that had children, and they were distributed among the orgs in the continent. Our org was tiny, and we got about six couples.
• Only the Reges on both orgs and Bookstore Officer on Fdn made any commissions. The BSO had debts, and in order to handle that objection to joining, they made them the BSO as a means of making money.
• The orgs rarely paid the staff. Fdn was full of people who worked a proper day job, then essentially dabbled in Scientology on nights and weekends. That was always the worse org, often having very few tech staff. Day staff were more dedicated, because they knew they weren’t going to make any money. Most of them were on welfare. I was directly ordered by the ED to go on welfare. Some Day staff did part-time work. Office cleaning was a common second job.
• I relied on my parents to support me, then my father died and mother joined the SO. Other staff were either the only Scientologist in their family, or were in a relationship with another Scientologist. I didn’t see a lot of people outside staff supporting people on staff, although the Day ED was supported by her husband, and she left early every day to pick up her kids.
• Almost all Day staff were on welfare.
• Very few staff were of retirement age. It was a young person’s game.
• No part-timers (that’s dilettante), but volunteers were welcomed. We didn’t have many. Sometimes someone would go into the course room, not on a course, but there to help drill students. Volunteers would mostly hand out promo or work on CF.
• Fdn had more students on lines, because those students had to do real jobs, and they did them during the day. I would say perhaps 10 students on weeknights and more on the weekend, which was Fdn’s busiest production time. They had a good supervisor, so they didn’t lose students often. Fdn always had a problem keeping an auditor, so they did very little auditing. Day had a small number of students, perhaps a maximum of 5. One day, near the end of my tenure, there were no students in the course room, and shit hit the fan, because that’s a High Crime. Day did more auditing, because they always seemed to be able to retain at least one auditor. Weird. Purif on both orgs had one or two per day.
• It was always a win when we could get an inactive member to come in for an event. We might get two or three. We rarely got them on another service as the result of attending an event.
The only boom time I ever saw was the KTL/LOC evolution. I did that training, and we came home and it was sold to every public we could get our hands on. It was expected of every public to get on board, and it was an easy sell for the Reges.
We had about 2-4 students, mostly on intro or minor courses. Occasionally we would have a preclear. We usually had at least one Purifee.
They had about 8-10 students, about the same number on both weeknights and weekends. They had more students because they had a good supervisor, and people work during the weekdays. It’s logical that they would study outside work hours. They didn’t always have a Purifee.
It’s interesting that as production contracted in these orgs, it always boiled down to the course room. You could guarantee there would be someone in there. As a supervisor, it was a great way to escape the mania of the rest of the org.
One fateful day, the lone student didn’t come in, and shit got real. It meant that tech was bad, and led to my declaration.
Imaberrated, that’s amazing – more staff than students then, indeed. Though from what we’ve been hearing, it seems about right when you put it all together.
Next, one wonders what all the staff do – though we get hints of all the sort of busy work and make-work, internal training and policing the membership, and so on. But still not enough to keep the central files up to date, obviously!
I’m still curious how many total active members there were in the org’s “field,” who say showed up for more than one or two big events a year. From both inside information and counting heads in photos, it seems like it was typically 50 to 60 a few years ago, and now down to 35 to 50, with about double those numbers who might come for the New Year’s event or Hubbard’s birthday.
Theta Boppedsays
Theetie Wheetie. Thank you for the info. I knew Eve, Kevin and the entire family for many years. I hope she stays in that doubt and looks at what Scientology does not want her to look at; the internet.
I am afraid she is going into a larger bubble of delusion living in Clearwater.
I can attest that it is a sad state of affairs for Scientologists in St Louis. Either they leave the area or they die. Recently, OT VIII and St Louis Staffer, Fran Turner, died according to her husband, ex auditor, Bill Newby. I heard something happened to her on her driveway but he did not want to talk about it.
I heard Senior Case Supervisor, Adam Heft, has spent a lot of money (some say over a million) on Scientology and then needed the Havingness Rundown at Flag. It just goes to prove that Scientology gives members problems they don’t want and then Scientology sells them the solution.
Rip Van Winkle: I am going to use that line too next time they call me.
Scientologist: “Hello. We have not seen you in the Org for a long time. Are you ARCX?”
Me: “Why hello Staffer. I suppose it is a type of ARCX. I am etired of Scientology giving me problems I do not want and then selling me the solution”
Scientologist: “What do you mean?”
Me: “Well, I was told I had to get rid of my reactive mind” – Scientology telling me I have a problem. This reactive mind I just have to get rid of. Getting me to agree with half truths and twisted truth about how my mind works. Me, being no expert in the mind but Scientologists claiming they are, I believe them. They have trained that certainty in. It is convincing for an unsuspecting victim of mind control I put a lot of money on account because they told me my reactive mind would not want me to get better. This will help you keep going when the RM wants to destroy you for trying. Scary. Frightening.
I am possessed.
I have signed legal documents that preclude me from getting a refund and I have agreed to do a routing form if I want a refund. The routing form manipulates me back into Scientology.
So , here I am, I try to get up the Bridge to rid myself of the reactive mind. I was given information that was not true and I am looking for something that does not happen. I am never going to get rid of it.
So I do decades of training, courses, lectures and auditing. Hundreds of thousands of dollars. Disconnecting from family and friends who know I am getting scammed because they LOOK and me, being clueless of what Scientology really is, who won’t look. And because I was convinced that anyone being critical of Scientology is an SP and hiding big crimes. The Clear Cog is I have to say is I am mocking up my reactive mind but I can stop it and control it. That is the Scientology bait and switch. The reactive mind sham.”
Scientologist: ” You seem to be disaffected” thinking to themselves….Hmmmm… I wonder what crime have YOU committed that has you nattering about Scientology and the tech.”
Scientologist writes up a KR and tattles on me so if and when I go back, I will pay for the thought crimes. I will pay and pay and pay.
“The Chaplain once told me that if I ever got hurt in any way by a member of The Scam, it was probably cuz I pulled it in.”
When someone tells you that, why not just haul off and smash him in the nose until he bleeds all over himself.
Then, when he asks you, “Hey! Why did you do that?”, you can just tell him that it was because he pulled it in and then ask him if he’d like to pull in another one.
Well, Clearly Not Clear, Xenu doesn’t happen until OTIII, so most of the people in scientology never get to find out about him because they never get to make it that far, especially if they are a sea org member.
Actually, that bit nicely illustrates that Scientologists’ actions show that they don’t believe the technology works to “make the able more able;” since if it did, the majority of Sea Org members’ time would be taken up with ‘getting up the bridge.’ A more able member can do more work, right? Anyone who’s played an economic euro-style board game will tell you that one of the most beneficial actions you can do is to get more actions.
The fact that they’re not bothering with getting Sea Org members up to OTVIII (let alone CLEAR, in many cases!) tells you everything you need to know about their faith the effectiveness of Scientology!
I agree with you, but the culture is that they’ve got to produce to get their exchange in. The work becomes so much more important that they sacrifice their own progress. We all know that old guy who was a staff member for years and wasn’t even yet Clear.
For anyone wanting to know information regarding the status of the dwindling stats in the St Louis Church of Scientology, listen up. St Louis Org is shrinking and staff are leaving. For a decade, the St Louis Scientologists were milked out of $16-$20 million dollars for an Ideal Org building and parking lot located at 2345 – 2351 Lafayette in St Louis City. The Church of Scientology Missouri still pays over $50,000 per year taxes for the empty building. In fact, St Louis Scientologists have been paying taxes on the property since 2008, It is empty and they are secretly selling it. Church of Scientology Missouri (St Louis Org) did a DEBUG and the results are they did not need the Ideal Org building after all. Last fall, Staff auditor, Eve Hanses (formerly Forney – married to Kevin Forney, son of DSA Ellen Maher-Forney) and now married to Ollie Rodriguez LEFT the building, according to a local Scientologist. It is a high crime to discuss leaving so the mole did not know why she left.
Eve was born in Scientology. Her mother was Robin Hanses, now deceased. Robin died of colon cancer at the young age of 58. She was at Flag training to be a C/S (OOT), for many years when she noticed cysts were coming out of her back. She could not take it and left her C/S training. Broken and disenchanted, members report Robin Hanses pulling weeds in the parking lot as her punishment for leaving Flag training and costing the St Louis Org a lot of money. Eve’s father, Mark Hanses, OTVIII, told Scientologists he needed to do his L’s again to find out what HE did to pull in his wife’s cancer and subsequent death. Eve was married to Kevin Forney, son of DSA and OSA in St Louis, Ellen Maher-Forney. Eve spent most of her married life at FLAG re training and re training her auditing training. Eve and Kevin divorced. Eve married Ollie Rodriguez and the couple recently moved to Flag.
So far the following people have moved to Clearwater / Tampa due to the lack of expansion and reported suppression in the St Louis Org.
Mike and Katy Jenne + 3 kids. (Staff)
Matt and Tayler D’rion and 3 kids (Tayler was on Staff. Matt was a born in & ex Sea Org)
Joelle Adney (Staff)
Donna Williams (Staff)
Barry Coziahr (Staff)
Claire Coziahr – ambassador I/C to the Way to Happiness Campaign
Rex Bales – OT (Ex Staff)
Eve Hanses Rodriguez (Staff)
Ollie Rodriguez
Myndi Eubanks Spencer + 2 kids (Staff)
Cassie Mena +2 kids
Rudy Lee
Karen Lee
Byron (Ronnie) Jones + 2 kids (Staff) (moving to Clearwater area)
Amy Jones (Staff) moving to Clearwater
Amanda Kendrick (Staff) moved
25 people left St Louis Org in the past few years
The St Louis org is selling the Ideal Org
It appears they will soon close the doors of the Scientology Church in St Louis
This is good information to know. I knew Fran Turner and am sad to hear she is dead. Most St Louis Scientologists don’t know but she was an illegal PC that should have never had Scientology because she was on Psych Drugs when she got in. She confided in me when I was told her they would not allow me to have auditing. They had me go out of town where I was alone to tell me that I could not have auditing after I secured my Bridge to OT. After they told me that, they worked on me all night and showed me videos of how bad it was out there in Wog Land and then asked that I donate all of that money I had on account to various Scientology front groups. I did it and am kicking myself for falling for that scam. I thought any year they would do that to Fran but they let her go up the Bridge. Fran Turner always gave money to them so they never pulled that illegal pc card on her. They let her stay in Scientology and go up the Bridge to OT VIII because she was married to a wealthy man, Jim Turner, and they knew they would get all of that money some day. I heard they got a big chunk of money out of her when Jim died. With regards to Fran found in the driveway or parking lot, does anyone know what happened to her?
Absolutely awful situation. It wasn’t as bad an exodus in my org, but we weren’t on the same land mass as Flag, so moving there wasn’t really an option.
I witnessed very similar events in my tiny, tiny org.
Looking at the St Louis $ci Facebook page the last event they posted was dated June 15, 2019. There is one comment and that was by a young man who posted a copy of an Aftermath flyer. It doesn’t show when he posted it but it is possible that this Aftermath flyer has been there for 7 months. Amazing. Obviously they pay little to no attention to their Facebook page.
Gordon, good catch. I’ve noticed that one of the typical signs of the worst of the small and failing orgs (SFOs) is that they don’t keep up on their social media, even though management is, or had been, pushing that. A check of their fellow SFO in New Haven shows a Facebook page with a last post of July 12, 2019, so maybe there was something like a “stat push” last summer. Some of them don’t even have a page other than the automatically generated one that they have no control over, which then attracts negative comments and bad reviews from disaffected people and critics.
Given how much everyone, apparently even Scientologists, are on social media, it probably tells us something about the state of affairs that many of the local orgs’ Facebook pages are left as derelict as their buildings. The ones that have activity post pieces that mostly look like canned PR pieces being supplied to them, but little or nothing from public members, with relatively few likes and very few check-ins to indicate actual engagement. They also rarely post actual even photos anymore, probably since those tend to show how few people actually remain involved.
Yeah, sounds like a typical day at the mOrg. ‘Dissemination’ doesn’t work thanks to all of the exposes of the CO$.
“Prosperity through donations” is the current $cieno mantra but what happens when the marks are drained and no one wants to re-re-re do their earlier ‘levels’?
All that short term planning is about to hit a brick wall. Except for the Whales, how many mOrgs would have lights and toilet paper?
This most definitely reminds me of the Kingsley Wimbush de-dinging era. What a wild-assed time that was, but now it seems to be sanctioned by the mainstream cult in the form of fundraising. Some idiots never learn.
Happily, most mainstream churches do not have religious doctrine that the amount taken in relation nations Must Go Up every week. The criminal organisation known as the church of $cientology puts its sales staff under tremendous pressure to produce more, and to “make more money, help others make more money.”
Xenu never bankrupted or declared me like the CO$ did. He gave me a free ride to Earth keeping me nice and cool for the duration of the trip from stellar heat using glycol alcohol.
The total ban on Xenu in Scientology rather limits dissemination efforts. Especially since it’s the one thing every prospect wants to ask them about. Bribeable cops and corrupt local politicians only go so far.
AND the buildings are excellent mausoleums once the cult’s death has been confirmed.
Using Knowledge reports™ to maintain a happy marriage.
“The Twit”® behind the podium gets me every time I notice it.
The St Louis mission is not what one comes to expect from $si. There are no security cameras. There are no security guards riding bikes. It is on it’s last leg.
Gordon: Thanks for your detective work. Maybe take pictures and send them to Mike next time you go by the Org on Delmar and Mike can post them on his blog. It would be great to keep track of the spiraling into nothing St Louis Church of Scientology. We probably can tell you who is working on Staff with photos of the cars. Adam Heft (allegedly inherited a bunch of money) purchased 2 new vehicles in 2018 for him and his 2-D. I think the staff member told me they were Kia’s. If you see those vehicles in the parking lot, that would be Adam Heft and Susan LoGrasso Heft. Adam Heft is a Case Supervisor who evaluates the PreClear and instructs the Auditor what to do to indoctrinate the victim into believing L Ron Hubbard and Scientology works. Now with regards to the building, I guess to be fair, the building has always been a dump. They charge $28,000 for a block of 12 intensives for auditing and make the person pay before they do the routing form to get the service. During the routing form, much can go wrong and it typically does. This is where they find out of you have any connections to SP’s and then they cleverly manipulate you into disconnecting. They will most like then route you on to other courses like PTS/SP for $3,000. They cleverly manipulate you into doing what courses and actions will get you indoctrinated into the cult think. Once they obtain that money on account, they have you somewhat trapped. You have signed legal forms that prohibits and makes it a high crime to receive a refund. There is a lot of love bombing from the staff to support you in the beginning. Once 30 days after the service has passed, the staff will show their true colors and that is they don’t care. Now, during the time you are getting love bombed, the staff will ask you about your family and if they need help. You will want to get them in to experience this amazing group who is so supportive of your dreams. If they manage to get your family in, it is a trap to silence you when you notice the criminal activity of this cult. Scientology is a litany of clever traps.
So they charge these huge fees. The tiny little Org on Delmar never sees much of that money. The money gets distributed right away and most of it goes to upper management, who keeps a big thumb on the St Louis staff screaming and yelling daily. That money is funneled and laundered into the tentacles of the cult’s diverse and complicated corporate structure so they can’t make heads or tails of the accounting. The cults building in St Louis is left in disrepair on purpose. It is to get the trusting people that are unfortunate to get stuck in the trap of Scientology to take responsibility to pay for everything and do all the work. They never have money for repairs. The staff have to “reg” (manipulate) people to get the money to maintain the property. They have to fund raise that money to make repairs. The only fund raising they have done in the past 10 years is for the Ideal Org building. $16 – $20 million bucks they manipulated, extorted and bribed out of the members and their families. That money gets funneled up to the Landlords Office where it is Money laundered appropriately so the Church never has to give that back. Members sign a lot of legal contracts before they do any courses or services. No legal advice. The staff lie to public about why they have to sign the legal forms. They tell people that the psychs send crazy people into Scientology who then sue Scientology for making them crazy. The Psychs are the enemy of the cult. Much like the Devil. Scientology is a scam of epic proportions. What got you interested in the cult? Any family or friends get involved with it?
Back in the mid 60s my parents were among the first in the US to become members of the Divine Principle Unification Church. (Moonies) They were in for about 2 years while I was in Junior High School. You don’t need to guess that surprise, the “church” was after their money. I met the Reverend Moon several times. This is why I am fascinated with Scientology after having seen first hand what people can make themselves believe when looking for “the answer”.
okay. Thanks Gordon. What happened that your got your parents to wake up and see the truth about the Moonies? Did the Moonies give up easily or did they hound your parents? Did you have to get involved with the Moonies and you stayed “out” and UTR during your parents experience?
How did you trip over the subject of Scientology and hone into the scam that it is?
Did you see “Going Clear” by Alex Gibney?
Any chance you could walk into the St Louis Org and take a course? A little investigative reporting. Just see who is there and report back to us? It would be fun. I have a friend who is also going to do that in St Louis.
It is a long story. Facebook messenger me.
I did take a spin by today about 11:00AM and went through the parking lot. There were two silver KIAs parked next to each other that must be the Heft’s cars. Once again there were about 17 cars in the parking lot. One of these days I’ll drive by at 7:00AM to see how many cars are there. My parents were among the first 10-20 couples in the US to get involved so when they left it was so small there was no harassment.
Thank you, Gordon. Glad to hear your parents were not harassed. The same skeleton crew in St Louis will keep the doors open due to a few family members who have money. Two whales who keep St Louis Org’s building open are Dr William and JoAnn Kathrein, husband and wife Dentists from Omaha Nebraska. JoAnn is a long time cult member whose children were born in Scientology. JoAnn Kathrein keeps Amy Hanses going up the Bridge and working on staff. She went Clear and did L 11 and may be on her OT levels. No way she could do that with her slave labor wages. Her mother is most likely paying for everything. Amy’s husband is Matt Hanses and works as ED with Chad Lane. My friend is going to do some investigative work there in St Louis. If you can do it too, that would be great. It is fun to infiltrate an Org and report back to the world just how empty the Orgs are. Take a small course and use a hidden camera. You can film the tricks the Staff use to manipulate and trap people into Scientology. Specifically, the love bombing.
Theetie, you inspired me so I drove by this morning a little before 8:00 and the parking lot was empty other than the VM van and a van next to it that apparently is in need of repair. There were a couple of lights on in the building. Yesterday there was a car with an Iowa license plate in the parking lot. The Aftermath show really captured my interest and then getting Roku has allowed me to watch extensive programs/blogs exposing $ci. I did read Messiah or Madman.
Gordon, thanks for the recons. I’m amazed that St. Louis still has enough staff who have their own cars and day students, for there to be 17 cars in the parking lot at 11 am.
I think from reports we’ve been given the impression that orgs often only have 1 or 2 students on course except perhaps on weekends, but the situation may be a bit more complex even at a SFO (small and failing org) like St. Louis.
Do any of those with inside knowledge of the org, or similar orgs, have an explanation for how to read a car count like that?
And thanks in particular for your diligence in checking in the morning to verify that cars aren’t just left in the lot overnight.
The statue pulled it in.
The announced new plan for St. Louis is to renovate the existing building and add a huge new wing to bring it up to the approximately 50,000 square foot standard for “ideal orgs,” for which there’s an architectural rendering. I think that a year ago they were even going to the city for planning permission, though such steps often turn out to mean nothing in these drawn-out project debacles, just like the renovation work they did nearly a decade ago on the empty building they’re now giving up on.
That may just be smoke and mirrors to keep the local clubbed seals complacent while they unload that albatross property and leave them consigned to the old building. While it seems like we’re seeing something verging on collapse, I doubt Miscavige would ever let an actual org location like that close; it sounds like the St. Louis org is already at the sort of skeleton staff level that I’ve been expecting, and I expect Sea Org will be sent in to keep the doors open when things get too bad.
How many full-time staff does the St. Louis org even have left? And how many part timers do they use to pretend to fill out the org board?
And I wonder how things are working out for those who moved to Clearwater. It seems that many of those who go there become disillusioned about things not being any better in their “mecca,” and disaffected by the hothouse environment of heavy regging and snitching.
Anyway, thank you very much for the updates, it really helps a lot to get a sense of what’s going on in Scientology these days, to have detailed information about at least one org – I just wish we had similar information about a location in California, where they’re relatively strongest.
Thanks Peacemaker, for your contribution regarding St Louis Org. Yes, I saw the plans and heard about how exciting it all was. I wonder why St Louis Scientologists did not hire Alvah Levine, an architect who has given a lot of money for the Ideal Org. Actually, rumor has it – he is out but hiding under the radar. The few Scientologists left in St Louis grumbled under their breath. No one was allowed to discuss the epic scam played on them the past 12 years for the Ideal Org property they just had to have and is now being sold. They are keeping the sale price secret and have some sort of Real Estate Agent that is using muzzled marketing. It is a high crime to ask what the sale price is. The marketing is creepy. Did L Ron Hubbard come up with that?
Theetie, thanks for the update. There are usually about 17 cars and their VM van in the parking lot. The outward front doors look like they haven’t been painted since they moved into their building in U City. When the weather is good these outward doors are held open with rope. Their $ci sign by the street has seen better days. Are there some members that live in the building? I have never seen any “public” walking in or out of the building. They do put out their free personality and curious signs when the weather is good. I rarely see a member outside. Based on the condition of the building and parking lot and their Facebook page it confirms what you are saying.
Gordon, thanks for being another “boots on the ground” in St Louis. It helps give the lurkers an idea of what is happening for real in St Louis. That Volunteer Minister van is nothing but a propaganda prop. Church of Scientology in St Louis is drained of any funds because whatever they milk out of people goes up lines. They are kept poor on purpose. Easy to control the staff when they have no money. They take responsibility for the Org being empty so they blame themselves and have no idea the entire Organization is a con and a scam. The staff don’t license the VM van or pay for insurance because they can’t afford it. Basically, it is a nice propaganda piece. It is parked in the parking lot for prospective victims that are unfortunate to get lured in, to “believe” Scientology has a Volunteer Minister program where they go out into communities to help people. There is no such thing as real help in Scientology. All Scientologists have done in St Louis is litter parade routes in North County with Way to Happiness booklets and Truth About Drugs and harass people at baseball games with more propaganda. The Scientologists there never go into nice neighborhoods. They only go where they won’t get shut down and people don’t know the truth of who they are, which mostly is in the black and poor neighborhoods. It is small skeleton crew left in St Louis and no one goes in to that Org anymore. The staff that are there are so paranoid, I would not be surprised if a poor staffer with no money lives in the building full time to make sure no one breaks in to steal the confidential folders they use to black mail defectors. Although I do laugh about the fact my friend was able to extract and burn his pc folders before he blew the Church. My guess St Louis Scientology Church is nothing but a prop for David Miscavige and it will keep open as long as they have a few people the doors open. It does not matter that it is dead and no one goes in. There will always be a few people to keep it going because they believe Scientology is good and it works. It is nice to see St Louis Org dead and empty.
How do they even get 17 cars, unless that’s just on weekends if everyone is at the org? If they recently lost 18 adult members or staff as noted earlier (and where I also comment), that had to be something like half the remaining active membership based on what we’ve seen of other orgs (like even pictures typically showing about 25 to 40 people).
Here’s the new (bait-and-switch?) proposal for adding a wing to their present building:
from https://www.mikerindersblog.org/st-louis-blues-an-epic-ideal-org-scam/
As I posted in a comment there, they applied for and received planning permission back in mid-2018:
It looks like Scientology was on the council agenda again in August and September of last year year:
They were asking for, and granted, an extension of the original permit. A letter from Scientology’s architect Gensler shows that the supposed “big beings” claiming power over MEST not only can’t get their act together, but are claiming not to have the money to start construction:
“Based on this schedule, we will require substantial time to develop drawings, secure permits,
and select contractors prior to commencement of construction. Additionally, our detailed
investigation and planning process revealed that the current budget is higher than
anticipated. We are now engaged in a value engineering process in order to reduce costs
without changing the exterior design, property use or basic floor plans. “
I’m very surprised there were that many cars. My org was so small, about 5 staff across Day and Foundation had cars. Of course, it was in the CBD and had no parking. If we’d had a car park, one staff car would be there during the day, and only a handful of public cars at any time.
Most of our public were poor, and didn’t have cars.
Imaberrated, I’m curious how your little org filled its org board. Here are the sort of things I’d like to know about a couple of orgs, so that we could gauge what’s really going on:
How many full time staff?
— How many SO
— How many actually make their living off salary/commissions
— How many make their living working another job
— How many rely on spouses, parents, etc. to support them
— How many claim welfare, food stamps, or other benefits like disabiliy
— How many are retired
How many part-time or volunteer staff hold “hats”?
How many active members are there, who are not on staff?
How many inactive members are there, who show up once or twice a year for major events?
Happy to give you some idea, without identifying myself or the city.
This data dates back to around 1999/2000, just before I left.
• Day staff was about 10, Fdn the same.
• Half the staff of both Day and Fdn orgs were SO. There had been a purge of SO staff at CLO and the AO of those couples that had children, and they were distributed among the orgs in the continent. Our org was tiny, and we got about six couples.
• Only the Reges on both orgs and Bookstore Officer on Fdn made any commissions. The BSO had debts, and in order to handle that objection to joining, they made them the BSO as a means of making money.
• The orgs rarely paid the staff. Fdn was full of people who worked a proper day job, then essentially dabbled in Scientology on nights and weekends. That was always the worse org, often having very few tech staff. Day staff were more dedicated, because they knew they weren’t going to make any money. Most of them were on welfare. I was directly ordered by the ED to go on welfare. Some Day staff did part-time work. Office cleaning was a common second job.
• I relied on my parents to support me, then my father died and mother joined the SO. Other staff were either the only Scientologist in their family, or were in a relationship with another Scientologist. I didn’t see a lot of people outside staff supporting people on staff, although the Day ED was supported by her husband, and she left early every day to pick up her kids.
• Almost all Day staff were on welfare.
• Very few staff were of retirement age. It was a young person’s game.
• No part-timers (that’s dilettante), but volunteers were welcomed. We didn’t have many. Sometimes someone would go into the course room, not on a course, but there to help drill students. Volunteers would mostly hand out promo or work on CF.
• Fdn had more students on lines, because those students had to do real jobs, and they did them during the day. I would say perhaps 10 students on weeknights and more on the weekend, which was Fdn’s busiest production time. They had a good supervisor, so they didn’t lose students often. Fdn always had a problem keeping an auditor, so they did very little auditing. Day had a small number of students, perhaps a maximum of 5. One day, near the end of my tenure, there were no students in the course room, and shit hit the fan, because that’s a High Crime. Day did more auditing, because they always seemed to be able to retain at least one auditor. Weird. Purif on both orgs had one or two per day.
• It was always a win when we could get an inactive member to come in for an event. We might get two or three. We rarely got them on another service as the result of attending an event.
The only boom time I ever saw was the KTL/LOC evolution. I did that training, and we came home and it was sold to every public we could get our hands on. It was expected of every public to get on board, and it was an easy sell for the Reges.
Imaberrated, thanks for those details. I have one more big picture, question: how many active members were there, who were served by those 20 staff?
We had about 2-4 students, mostly on intro or minor courses. Occasionally we would have a preclear. We usually had at least one Purifee.
They had about 8-10 students, about the same number on both weeknights and weekends. They had more students because they had a good supervisor, and people work during the weekdays. It’s logical that they would study outside work hours. They didn’t always have a Purifee.
It’s interesting that as production contracted in these orgs, it always boiled down to the course room. You could guarantee there would be someone in there. As a supervisor, it was a great way to escape the mania of the rest of the org.
One fateful day, the lone student didn’t come in, and shit got real. It meant that tech was bad, and led to my declaration.
Imaberrated, that’s amazing – more staff than students then, indeed. Though from what we’ve been hearing, it seems about right when you put it all together.
Next, one wonders what all the staff do – though we get hints of all the sort of busy work and make-work, internal training and policing the membership, and so on. But still not enough to keep the central files up to date, obviously!
I’m still curious how many total active members there were in the org’s “field,” who say showed up for more than one or two big events a year. From both inside information and counting heads in photos, it seems like it was typically 50 to 60 a few years ago, and now down to 35 to 50, with about double those numbers who might come for the New Year’s event or Hubbard’s birthday.
Theetie Wheetie. Thank you for the info. I knew Eve, Kevin and the entire family for many years. I hope she stays in that doubt and looks at what Scientology does not want her to look at; the internet.
I am afraid she is going into a larger bubble of delusion living in Clearwater.
I can attest that it is a sad state of affairs for Scientologists in St Louis. Either they leave the area or they die. Recently, OT VIII and St Louis Staffer, Fran Turner, died according to her husband, ex auditor, Bill Newby. I heard something happened to her on her driveway but he did not want to talk about it.
I heard Senior Case Supervisor, Adam Heft, has spent a lot of money (some say over a million) on Scientology and then needed the Havingness Rundown at Flag. It just goes to prove that Scientology gives members problems they don’t want and then Scientology sells them the solution.
“It just goes to prove that Scientology gives members problems they don’t want and then Scientology sells them the solution.”
this is absolutely the most accurate and succinct description of Scientology.
Thank you.
It’s a wicked little line to drop in conversation with a Scio. Sometimes the simplicity of truth can be piercing.
Rip Van Winkle: I am going to use that line too next time they call me.
Scientologist: “Hello. We have not seen you in the Org for a long time. Are you ARCX?”
Me: “Why hello Staffer. I suppose it is a type of ARCX. I am etired of Scientology giving me problems I do not want and then selling me the solution”
Scientologist: “What do you mean?”
Me: “Well, I was told I had to get rid of my reactive mind” – Scientology telling me I have a problem. This reactive mind I just have to get rid of. Getting me to agree with half truths and twisted truth about how my mind works. Me, being no expert in the mind but Scientologists claiming they are, I believe them. They have trained that certainty in. It is convincing for an unsuspecting victim of mind control I put a lot of money on account because they told me my reactive mind would not want me to get better. This will help you keep going when the RM wants to destroy you for trying. Scary. Frightening.
I am possessed.
I have signed legal documents that preclude me from getting a refund and I have agreed to do a routing form if I want a refund. The routing form manipulates me back into Scientology.
So , here I am, I try to get up the Bridge to rid myself of the reactive mind. I was given information that was not true and I am looking for something that does not happen. I am never going to get rid of it.
So I do decades of training, courses, lectures and auditing. Hundreds of thousands of dollars. Disconnecting from family and friends who know I am getting scammed because they LOOK and me, being clueless of what Scientology really is, who won’t look. And because I was convinced that anyone being critical of Scientology is an SP and hiding big crimes. The Clear Cog is I have to say is I am mocking up my reactive mind but I can stop it and control it. That is the Scientology bait and switch. The reactive mind sham.”
Scientologist: ” You seem to be disaffected” thinking to themselves….Hmmmm… I wonder what crime have YOU committed that has you nattering about Scientology and the tech.”
Scientologist writes up a KR and tattles on me so if and when I go back, I will pay for the thought crimes. I will pay and pay and pay.
Some of the simplest things end up being so very helpful.
Cognitions are moments in time when you suddenly believe your own bullshit thoughts… and decide it’s true forever.
The entire paper bridge was a bunch of made-up problems with made-up names and solutions.
The simplicity of this helps me shake it off a bit more.
Thanks again.
I am still pissed at Xenu too! 🤬😜
“The Chaplain once told me that if I ever got hurt in any way by a member of The Scam, it was probably cuz I pulled it in.”
When someone tells you that, why not just haul off and smash him in the nose until he bleeds all over himself.
Then, when he asks you, “Hey! Why did you do that?”, you can just tell him that it was because he pulled it in and then ask him if he’d like to pull in another one.
LOL, Skyler! That’s very funny!
Hello Aqua.
Thank you very much. You do my heart a world of good!
Well, at least I’m not raising your blood pressure 🙂
The irony of the final section and the judgement that the person’s ruin was crazy. Just wow.
Well, Clearly Not Clear, Xenu doesn’t happen until OTIII, so most of the people in scientology never get to find out about him because they never get to make it that far, especially if they are a sea org member.
Actually, that bit nicely illustrates that Scientologists’ actions show that they don’t believe the technology works to “make the able more able;” since if it did, the majority of Sea Org members’ time would be taken up with ‘getting up the bridge.’ A more able member can do more work, right? Anyone who’s played an economic euro-style board game will tell you that one of the most beneficial actions you can do is to get more actions.
The fact that they’re not bothering with getting Sea Org members up to OTVIII (let alone CLEAR, in many cases!) tells you everything you need to know about their faith the effectiveness of Scientology!
…… and they’d say: SO members are whole track OTs, and there are Flag Orders on how they’re not allowed to not know how to do anything.
Hubbard built himself escape routes all thru his BS.
I agree with you, but the culture is that they’ve got to produce to get their exchange in. The work becomes so much more important that they sacrifice their own progress. We all know that old guy who was a staff member for years and wasn’t even yet Clear.
For anyone wanting to know information regarding the status of the dwindling stats in the St Louis Church of Scientology, listen up. St Louis Org is shrinking and staff are leaving. For a decade, the St Louis Scientologists were milked out of $16-$20 million dollars for an Ideal Org building and parking lot located at 2345 – 2351 Lafayette in St Louis City. The Church of Scientology Missouri still pays over $50,000 per year taxes for the empty building. In fact, St Louis Scientologists have been paying taxes on the property since 2008, It is empty and they are secretly selling it. Church of Scientology Missouri (St Louis Org) did a DEBUG and the results are they did not need the Ideal Org building after all. Last fall, Staff auditor, Eve Hanses (formerly Forney – married to Kevin Forney, son of DSA Ellen Maher-Forney) and now married to Ollie Rodriguez LEFT the building, according to a local Scientologist. It is a high crime to discuss leaving so the mole did not know why she left.
Eve was born in Scientology. Her mother was Robin Hanses, now deceased. Robin died of colon cancer at the young age of 58. She was at Flag training to be a C/S (OOT), for many years when she noticed cysts were coming out of her back. She could not take it and left her C/S training. Broken and disenchanted, members report Robin Hanses pulling weeds in the parking lot as her punishment for leaving Flag training and costing the St Louis Org a lot of money. Eve’s father, Mark Hanses, OTVIII, told Scientologists he needed to do his L’s again to find out what HE did to pull in his wife’s cancer and subsequent death. Eve was married to Kevin Forney, son of DSA and OSA in St Louis, Ellen Maher-Forney. Eve spent most of her married life at FLAG re training and re training her auditing training. Eve and Kevin divorced. Eve married Ollie Rodriguez and the couple recently moved to Flag.
So far the following people have moved to Clearwater / Tampa due to the lack of expansion and reported suppression in the St Louis Org.
Mike and Katy Jenne + 3 kids. (Staff)
Matt and Tayler D’rion and 3 kids (Tayler was on Staff. Matt was a born in & ex Sea Org)
Joelle Adney (Staff)
Donna Williams (Staff)
Barry Coziahr (Staff)
Claire Coziahr – ambassador I/C to the Way to Happiness Campaign
Rex Bales – OT (Ex Staff)
Eve Hanses Rodriguez (Staff)
Ollie Rodriguez
Myndi Eubanks Spencer + 2 kids (Staff)
Cassie Mena +2 kids
Rudy Lee
Karen Lee
Byron (Ronnie) Jones + 2 kids (Staff) (moving to Clearwater area)
Amy Jones (Staff) moving to Clearwater
Amanda Kendrick (Staff) moved
25 people left St Louis Org in the past few years
The St Louis org is selling the Ideal Org
It appears they will soon close the doors of the Scientology Church in St Louis
Great report!
This is good information to know. I knew Fran Turner and am sad to hear she is dead. Most St Louis Scientologists don’t know but she was an illegal PC that should have never had Scientology because she was on Psych Drugs when she got in. She confided in me when I was told her they would not allow me to have auditing. They had me go out of town where I was alone to tell me that I could not have auditing after I secured my Bridge to OT. After they told me that, they worked on me all night and showed me videos of how bad it was out there in Wog Land and then asked that I donate all of that money I had on account to various Scientology front groups. I did it and am kicking myself for falling for that scam. I thought any year they would do that to Fran but they let her go up the Bridge. Fran Turner always gave money to them so they never pulled that illegal pc card on her. They let her stay in Scientology and go up the Bridge to OT VIII because she was married to a wealthy man, Jim Turner, and they knew they would get all of that money some day. I heard they got a big chunk of money out of her when Jim died. With regards to Fran found in the driveway or parking lot, does anyone know what happened to her?
Absolutely awful situation. It wasn’t as bad an exodus in my org, but we weren’t on the same land mass as Flag, so moving there wasn’t really an option.
I witnessed very similar events in my tiny, tiny org.
Looking at the St Louis $ci Facebook page the last event they posted was dated June 15, 2019. There is one comment and that was by a young man who posted a copy of an Aftermath flyer. It doesn’t show when he posted it but it is possible that this Aftermath flyer has been there for 7 months. Amazing. Obviously they pay little to no attention to their Facebook page.
Gordon, good catch. I’ve noticed that one of the typical signs of the worst of the small and failing orgs (SFOs) is that they don’t keep up on their social media, even though management is, or had been, pushing that. A check of their fellow SFO in New Haven shows a Facebook page with a last post of July 12, 2019, so maybe there was something like a “stat push” last summer. Some of them don’t even have a page other than the automatically generated one that they have no control over, which then attracts negative comments and bad reviews from disaffected people and critics.
Given how much everyone, apparently even Scientologists, are on social media, it probably tells us something about the state of affairs that many of the local orgs’ Facebook pages are left as derelict as their buildings. The ones that have activity post pieces that mostly look like canned PR pieces being supplied to them, but little or nothing from public members, with relatively few likes and very few check-ins to indicate actual engagement. They also rarely post actual even photos anymore, probably since those tend to show how few people actually remain involved.
Yeah, sounds like a typical day at the mOrg. ‘Dissemination’ doesn’t work thanks to all of the exposes of the CO$.
“Prosperity through donations” is the current $cieno mantra but what happens when the marks are drained and no one wants to re-re-re do their earlier ‘levels’?
All that short term planning is about to hit a brick wall. Except for the Whales, how many mOrgs would have lights and toilet paper?
“achieving prosperity through donations”
This most definitely reminds me of the Kingsley Wimbush de-dinging era. What a wild-assed time that was, but now it seems to be sanctioned by the mainstream cult in the form of fundraising. Some idiots never learn.
Maybe they can drop kick the LRH bust and then tell the MAA that Xenu made them do it.
“…achieving prosperity through donations…” is sadly a common mantra in most mainstream churches every Sunday.
Happily, most mainstream churches do not have religious doctrine that the amount taken in relation nations Must Go Up every week. The criminal organisation known as the church of $cientology puts its sales staff under tremendous pressure to produce more, and to “make more money, help others make more money.”
Nanochurches pretending to be more than that!
Rather: Criminals pretending to be a church for the legal and financial benefits.
I’m surprised more criminals, and very rich people, haven’t thought of copying this tactic of incorporating as a ‘religion’.