Being in the cult can sometimes feel like being buried alive, when for a moment they lose the energy to deceive themselves and can almost glimpse the horrific truth.
When working for the LA Org, I met and married an OT 7 who was an SO member posted at the AO in LA in the late 70’s. We moved to Canada and raised 4 kids and are still happily married! This wouldn’t have been possible in the SO. (the happy marriage or the kids). Also I have experienced the cadet org first hand and I have horror stories on the lack of supervision, care or nurture for infants and toddlers! The Sea Org (and Scientology) is no place for kids! Ever, for any reason! Witness DM and his insanity…. I’m surprised any kids grew up in the SO sane!
That conversation was so refreshing and stimulating. I have a whole new outlook on my Friday now. The world is more real and I see colors in a more vivid tone. What does this mean?
(I had a regression when I saw the comment box. I thought it was a prompt to write in my fake uptone win after a shitty academy session)
Bill Straass What other cockaroach would say thissays
Any MFer insisting on a forced aborting should be stood against the nearest wall and shot.
I hereby apply for the duty. Even if I spend the rest of my life in prison, it would be worth it.
Heil Miscaviage!
Way back in the 80s, some gal in the field who had never been on staff was talking to me about some new guy she was dating. For some reason, she had this idea that she never wanted to date someone who had been previously divorced.
This new guy she was dating had been married a couple of times in the Sea Org, but she said, “Sea Org marriages don’t count.”
Everyone in Scientology seemed to understand that.
Like so much in Scientology, marriages in the Sea Org were something you thought you could have, but in truth, it was an illusion of a marriage. And the excuse for giving you the illusion instead of the chance for the real deal was that “the church only operated with the highest ethical standards in the world, so you have to be married to have sex.”
No, Hubbard was a jealous god, and no one should love anything or anyone more than him, or fry any fish other than those that further enriched or aggrandized him.
Student asks coach repetitively, “Do birds fly?” or “Do fish swim?” Coach tries not to answer. Student repeats the question using this repeater phrase, verbatim: “I will repeat the auditing question.” Continued until the student knows he will be asked questions until he answers them. Coach tries to physically leave the “session” and the student must restrain the coach and place him or her back in the chair, and repeat the same question until answered. Drill is passed when student can always get his questions answered.
You can give “seminars” about anything in every universe you may conceive, even if you do know nothing about that.
It doesn´t matter.
Just: Go clear your words,and ¡Voila!
A new way to stop Scientology? This one is extreme but based on historical facts.
Hubbard lied about his military service record and made himself seem more than he was.
Scientology was convicted of breaking into government offices and Mary Sue was jailed.
There are numerous anti-government statements in Scientology. Scientologists are taught to lie.
Here is the plan:
No one can enter into Scientology without first serving three years in the US Army Infantry.
These people should be trained for combat against the enemies of the United States. Once they serve
their three years, they are each to be given a loyalty test. Any dissenters are to be sent to detention
camps similar to the RFP.
Those who are currently in Scientology should be dismissed and offered a similar deal.
This is a tax exempt organization and MIscavige should be swiftly routed into the US ARMY.
This can all easily pass through the Supreme Court given the direction it is now headed.
Sea Org members don’t have kids in the Sea Org because of the Barley Formula.
Outside the Sea Org, in normal families, all but the most fanatical have realized that Hubbard’s Barley Formula replacement for mother’s milk is insanely stupid and kills babies. But in the Sea Org, especially at the highest levels, Hubbard’s word is law. So they used it regardless of the consequences.
It also helps that the Barley Formula users don’t have to take time off post to nourish their children or express their milk. When you are working ridiculous hours, constantly under the threat of being forced to work around the clock for extended periods if something isn’t done on time, the idea of taking a few moments for something else doesn’t appeal. Even if it is your own child who might die. The calculation is “the greatest good for the greatest number of potentially screaming seniors who report to Dave Miscavige”.
I was in the RPF at the Int Base at the time that the no-babies order came down, 1983 or thereabouts. So what I heard may only be in the rumor-of-a-rumor quality. But what they told us was that the babies and children in the nursery were not being cared for “standardly” (meaning according to Hubbard’s diktat). Some were ill. So Dave in his infinite mercy was shutting down the whole operation. No more kids for you!
It was soon after that when the Planned Parenthood Pipeline started up in the Medical Liaison Officer’s tiny closet of an office in the Spa. Had to wonder why so many nervous young women were visiting Martine so often. Finally figured it out.
Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life or never bothered to think about it, forced abortion is an evil from the very depths of human depravity. All to worship the infallibility of the Hubbard.
I thought that the order on “no babies” came down a lot later. I first heard about this in 1994. As for the barley formula, there was an issue on this in the early 80s. Hubbard claimed to have got this idea from the Romans:
“This formula is most like human milk. I picked it up on Roman days and have used it ever since. 15 ounces of barley water…”
What Hubbard should have written is that babies should always be provided with milk – no exceptions.
When Hubbard starts talking about the Romans or any history for that matter, I immediately become skeptical. Even if the Romans did have this practice, it is worth remembering that the Romans also built one of the first running water systems, which was a wonderful accomplishment, but they used lead pipes and thereby poisoned their own citizens. Using old Roman remedies is highly suspect, to say the least.
It seems that the purpose of this issue was to save time and money without any regard for the well being of children. What a miserable man Hubbard was!
Hubbard was indeed a miserable man. It is a real crime that his followers actually believe his crap. I hope some day the followers will wake up and leave this abusive, life sucking organization
Bruce. When I was still in SO at CLO eu there was still the cadet org.
But nobody was really caring for them. Some were turning into small criminals. This is what happens in the SO that is too much busy to save other beings but unable to care for those just beside them.
One of the last guys the put as I/C of the cadet org was one that came up to be a L1 rock slammer (for who doesn’t know is a a person with evil purposes on an auditing list called List 1, items are LRH, scientology etc). Now despite the workability of the tech the guy was anyway a bit weird to oversee kids.
At the Int Base for a time they moved all the kids to “Happy Valley”. “Happy” as in the “Happy Farm”, also the home of people who went nuts and the RPF. With just a few adults it quickly became similar to the “Lord of the Flies”, not as bad but pretty feral. I’ve head some of the stories from kids who grew up out there and then joined the Sea Org at Gold.
Similar stories abound about the kids at the Flag Land Base, Saint Hill and so on. Few adults around, and those that are there sometimes have a hidden agenda. A certain type tends to gravitate towards the kids, and nobody is minding the minders. A recipe for disaster.
I read somewhere that you have a short window of opportunity around the age of 5 to socialize a kid, put some boundaries in place and so on. If not, the chances are really good they never will be truly civilized.
When you are told that a kid is just a small weak adult there is no incentive to help them at all. Sink or swim, just like the rest of us. Child labor laws don’t apply. Either complete neglect, abuse or brutal punishment.
Small wonder so many of those kids went wrong in so many ways. Some of them turned out to be quite successful, proving that you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Others crashed and burned.
Just as well the Sea Org can’t have kids anymore. It’s not good for anyone. Now if we could just get the seniors and the adults out of there too.
Thanks Bruce. What I meant is exactly that. In my experience I saw most of them leaving the place as they grew up. The few that joined were always a bit weird. I think because they came from that one experience and had nothing else to compare with. I am a grandpa of to beautiful small girls. Love and presence are the key.
The no kids order came down after Hubtard died. If I remember correctly (no guarantee) DM ordered Guillaume to write an F.O. regarding no more kids for SO members or they would get sent to a class V org.
Reads funny but the sad part is, it’s pretty much true. I actually do know someone who teaches people how to find and create a successful (2D) relationship. This person dumped his first wife while “swinging” with another man’s wife, promotes the disconnection from that mother by their three sons (she wanted out of the church), disconnected and actively psychologically pummeled his now wife into disconnecting from her two sons (his step sons) and lied to my son to reinforce his disconnection from me. He also is well-aware of his own son being physically assaulted by david miscavige while that son was in the Sea Org. While I believe this man was born with the makings of a malignant narcissist, he is another stellar example of a product of the church of scientology.
Creating a 2D in the SO is often some kind of Russian roulette.
And the bullets could be even more than just one.
In my opinion isn’t even something you can call a family. You are forbidden to have children, while the definition of second dynamic does include them.
And divorcing isn’t an unusual fact.
It is more correct call it 1D+1D (but the sum doesn’t equal 2D). The right meaning could be “Two 1Ds”
They’re married in name only. In solely the legal sense. As far as the cult is concerned, these legal couplings help the cult. If they don’t help, the marriages are prevented, forbidden, destroyed by spousal separation or simply the order to divorce. Sea Org members are coupled and uncoupled by Miscavige much like a farmer, for his own purposes, which vary from time to time, couples or uncouples his livestock.
Aqua. Laughing. Coupled by Miscavige like a farmer. Great one!
I think this is more real at int level. Time ago I remember he did something like this or he stopped weddings for a while.
Usual stories from the asylum.
I knew a young SO member who married almost immediately upon enlisting. I asked why and she said so we could get our own berthing and not have to live in the crowded single birthing with several bunkbeds per room and only one bathroom.
The house (cult) always wins. It would be wonderful if these poor folks would realize that they are set up to fail no matter what and that there is only one person who wins and that’s DM. What a horrific loop they are trapped in. They are being drained of their energy and finances and lives. If they stay they will eventually be put out with the trash, but not until they have nothing left to offer him.
I guess chicks dig long comm lags everywhere else except if scamatology.
Being in the cult can sometimes feel like being buried alive, when for a moment they lose the energy to deceive themselves and can almost glimpse the horrific truth.
Heh heh, the mocking of the scientology terminology never gets old!
Leave scientology behind you, if only to be free from that bullshit lingo.
“I’ve never seen anyone walk backwards as fast as he did.”
When working for the LA Org, I met and married an OT 7 who was an SO member posted at the AO in LA in the late 70’s. We moved to Canada and raised 4 kids and are still happily married! This wouldn’t have been possible in the SO. (the happy marriage or the kids). Also I have experienced the cadet org first hand and I have horror stories on the lack of supervision, care or nurture for infants and toddlers! The Sea Org (and Scientology) is no place for kids! Ever, for any reason! Witness DM and his insanity…. I’m surprised any kids grew up in the SO sane!
That conversation was so refreshing and stimulating. I have a whole new outlook on my Friday now. The world is more real and I see colors in a more vivid tone. What does this mean?
(I had a regression when I saw the comment box. I thought it was a prompt to write in my fake uptone win after a shitty academy session)
Any MFer insisting on a forced aborting should be stood against the nearest wall and shot.
I hereby apply for the duty. Even if I spend the rest of my life in prison, it would be worth it.
Heil Miscaviage!
Way back in the 80s, some gal in the field who had never been on staff was talking to me about some new guy she was dating. For some reason, she had this idea that she never wanted to date someone who had been previously divorced.
This new guy she was dating had been married a couple of times in the Sea Org, but she said, “Sea Org marriages don’t count.”
Everyone in Scientology seemed to understand that.
Like so much in Scientology, marriages in the Sea Org were something you thought you could have, but in truth, it was an illusion of a marriage. And the excuse for giving you the illusion instead of the chance for the real deal was that “the church only operated with the highest ethical standards in the world, so you have to be married to have sex.”
No, Hubbard was a jealous god, and no one should love anything or anyone more than him, or fry any fish other than those that further enriched or aggrandized him.
TR 3 From
Student asks coach repetitively, “Do birds fly?” or “Do fish swim?” Coach tries not to answer. Student repeats the question using this repeater phrase, verbatim: “I will repeat the auditing question.” Continued until the student knows he will be asked questions until he answers them. Coach tries to physically leave the “session” and the student must restrain the coach and place him or her back in the chair, and repeat the same question until answered. Drill is passed when student can always get his questions answered.
Yeah, I want to TR 3 on my next date night.
You can give “seminars” about anything in every universe you may conceive, even if you do know nothing about that.
It doesn´t matter.
Just: Go clear your words,and ¡Voila!
A new way to stop Scientology? This one is extreme but based on historical facts.
Hubbard lied about his military service record and made himself seem more than he was.
Scientology was convicted of breaking into government offices and Mary Sue was jailed.
There are numerous anti-government statements in Scientology. Scientologists are taught to lie.
Here is the plan:
No one can enter into Scientology without first serving three years in the US Army Infantry.
These people should be trained for combat against the enemies of the United States. Once they serve
their three years, they are each to be given a loyalty test. Any dissenters are to be sent to detention
camps similar to the RFP.
Those who are currently in Scientology should be dismissed and offered a similar deal.
This is a tax exempt organization and MIscavige should be swiftly routed into the US ARMY.
This can all easily pass through the Supreme Court given the direction it is now headed.
I spent last weekend with my in-laws talking about the Viet Nam War. I re-lived my army days in Korea. When I woke up this morning, I had the idea.
Ah, I see now.
OMG so close to truth. Losers like Hubturd who can’t DO, TEACH
Birds fly,
Fish swim,
and Clams shut up.
Clams opens up once a month when the fullmoon is shining.
What are suppressive cults compared with hormones?
Here’s a theory for you.
Sea Org members don’t have kids in the Sea Org because of the Barley Formula.
Outside the Sea Org, in normal families, all but the most fanatical have realized that Hubbard’s Barley Formula replacement for mother’s milk is insanely stupid and kills babies. But in the Sea Org, especially at the highest levels, Hubbard’s word is law. So they used it regardless of the consequences.
It also helps that the Barley Formula users don’t have to take time off post to nourish their children or express their milk. When you are working ridiculous hours, constantly under the threat of being forced to work around the clock for extended periods if something isn’t done on time, the idea of taking a few moments for something else doesn’t appeal. Even if it is your own child who might die. The calculation is “the greatest good for the greatest number of potentially screaming seniors who report to Dave Miscavige”.
I was in the RPF at the Int Base at the time that the no-babies order came down, 1983 or thereabouts. So what I heard may only be in the rumor-of-a-rumor quality. But what they told us was that the babies and children in the nursery were not being cared for “standardly” (meaning according to Hubbard’s diktat). Some were ill. So Dave in his infinite mercy was shutting down the whole operation. No more kids for you!
It was soon after that when the Planned Parenthood Pipeline started up in the Medical Liaison Officer’s tiny closet of an office in the Spa. Had to wonder why so many nervous young women were visiting Martine so often. Finally figured it out.
Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life or never bothered to think about it, forced abortion is an evil from the very depths of human depravity. All to worship the infallibility of the Hubbard.
Nailed it again, RB.
I thought that the order on “no babies” came down a lot later. I first heard about this in 1994. As for the barley formula, there was an issue on this in the early 80s. Hubbard claimed to have got this idea from the Romans:
“This formula is most like human milk. I picked it up on Roman days and have used it ever since. 15 ounces of barley water…”
What Hubbard should have written is that babies should always be provided with milk – no exceptions.
When Hubbard starts talking about the Romans or any history for that matter, I immediately become skeptical. Even if the Romans did have this practice, it is worth remembering that the Romans also built one of the first running water systems, which was a wonderful accomplishment, but they used lead pipes and thereby poisoned their own citizens. Using old Roman remedies is highly suspect, to say the least.
It seems that the purpose of this issue was to save time and money without any regard for the well being of children. What a miserable man Hubbard was!
Hubbard was indeed a miserable man. It is a real crime that his followers actually believe his crap. I hope some day the followers will wake up and leave this abusive, life sucking organization
Bruce. When I was still in SO at CLO eu there was still the cadet org.
But nobody was really caring for them. Some were turning into small criminals. This is what happens in the SO that is too much busy to save other beings but unable to care for those just beside them.
One of the last guys the put as I/C of the cadet org was one that came up to be a L1 rock slammer (for who doesn’t know is a a person with evil purposes on an auditing list called List 1, items are LRH, scientology etc). Now despite the workability of the tech the guy was anyway a bit weird to oversee kids.
At the Int Base for a time they moved all the kids to “Happy Valley”. “Happy” as in the “Happy Farm”, also the home of people who went nuts and the RPF. With just a few adults it quickly became similar to the “Lord of the Flies”, not as bad but pretty feral. I’ve head some of the stories from kids who grew up out there and then joined the Sea Org at Gold.
Similar stories abound about the kids at the Flag Land Base, Saint Hill and so on. Few adults around, and those that are there sometimes have a hidden agenda. A certain type tends to gravitate towards the kids, and nobody is minding the minders. A recipe for disaster.
I read somewhere that you have a short window of opportunity around the age of 5 to socialize a kid, put some boundaries in place and so on. If not, the chances are really good they never will be truly civilized.
When you are told that a kid is just a small weak adult there is no incentive to help them at all. Sink or swim, just like the rest of us. Child labor laws don’t apply. Either complete neglect, abuse or brutal punishment.
Small wonder so many of those kids went wrong in so many ways. Some of them turned out to be quite successful, proving that you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Others crashed and burned.
Just as well the Sea Org can’t have kids anymore. It’s not good for anyone. Now if we could just get the seniors and the adults out of there too.
Thanks Bruce. What I meant is exactly that. In my experience I saw most of them leaving the place as they grew up. The few that joined were always a bit weird. I think because they came from that one experience and had nothing else to compare with. I am a grandpa of to beautiful small girls. Love and presence are the key.
The no kids order came down after Hubtard died. If I remember correctly (no guarantee) DM ordered Guillaume to write an F.O. regarding no more kids for SO members or they would get sent to a class V org.
Reads funny but the sad part is, it’s pretty much true. I actually do know someone who teaches people how to find and create a successful (2D) relationship. This person dumped his first wife while “swinging” with another man’s wife, promotes the disconnection from that mother by their three sons (she wanted out of the church), disconnected and actively psychologically pummeled his now wife into disconnecting from her two sons (his step sons) and lied to my son to reinforce his disconnection from me. He also is well-aware of his own son being physically assaulted by david miscavige while that son was in the Sea Org. While I believe this man was born with the makings of a malignant narcissist, he is another stellar example of a product of the church of scientology.
Creating a 2D in the SO is often some kind of Russian roulette.
And the bullets could be even more than just one.
In my opinion isn’t even something you can call a family. You are forbidden to have children, while the definition of second dynamic does include them.
And divorcing isn’t an unusual fact.
It is more correct call it 1D+1D (but the sum doesn’t equal 2D). The right meaning could be “Two 1Ds”
And in these cases, 1+1= A big fat 0
They’re married in name only. In solely the legal sense. As far as the cult is concerned, these legal couplings help the cult. If they don’t help, the marriages are prevented, forbidden, destroyed by spousal separation or simply the order to divorce. Sea Org members are coupled and uncoupled by Miscavige much like a farmer, for his own purposes, which vary from time to time, couples or uncouples his livestock.
Aqua. Laughing. Coupled by Miscavige like a farmer. Great one!
I think this is more real at int level. Time ago I remember he did something like this or he stopped weddings for a while.
Usual stories from the asylum.
I knew a young SO member who married almost immediately upon enlisting. I asked why and she said so we could get our own berthing and not have to live in the crowded single birthing with several bunkbeds per room and only one bathroom.
Briget. Right. Big fat 0.
The house (cult) always wins. It would be wonderful if these poor folks would realize that they are set up to fail no matter what and that there is only one person who wins and that’s DM. What a horrific loop they are trapped in. They are being drained of their energy and finances and lives. If they stay they will eventually be put out with the trash, but not until they have nothing left to offer him.
So true Peggy