To be fair, the Prosperity seminars do generate real prosperity if only for a certain punch-happy dictator.
It’s also clever of the regs to offer their marks choices about how they will donate, so they can choose the least bad option.
I was struck by the notion that these poor people have to worry about extending their credit card limits so they could borrow more money and go deeper and deeper into their financial holes.
Notice there is never any word about how they may eventually get out!
I suppose that doesn’t matter because they will soon get to Level 12 or whatever level they are currently pushing and then they get to drop their meat and go off to some super planet where they will all be happy beyond all limits.
As I recall, the men all get to marry 72 virgins and live happily ever after.
From the horrible sexist point of view of the original crazy bastard, I suppose the women would all get 72 young servant boys who would spend 20 hours every day scrubbing their kitchen floors and washing their dishes. What else would make sense to the nutbags who designed this scam?
But it never works “the other way”. But this I mean that it’s considered right and proper for the people at the bottom of the hill to go into eternal debt and bankruptcy in order to feed the “Greed Machine”. But it never comes back to them. It always goes uphill but never downhill. The money never comes back to them.
The question is, “Why is it so important for the money to go uphill but never to come back downhill.”
There is a famous line that describes Organized Crime that I remember is something like this: “The money always goes up the organization but the shit always goes down the organization.
That seems to be pretty applicable to this horrible cult scam. I just wish that I was big enough to step on it and squash it dead. That is what it truly deserves.
When I was a young girl , in the 70 , I had the audacity to ask my adoptive mother why Scientology was so expensive and pretty much only accessible to rich or affluent people .
It was answered with a slap in my face that knocked me against the wall .
I then with tears running down my face said : If Scientology will safe this planet , why are we not making it free to everybody . Wouldn’t that help Clear the planet faster ? Wasn’t much time after that I was thrown out of the house…..
BTW I was “natural Clear at age 12 .What a joke….
It’s honestly disgusting. The way I see it, if even half of the promised ‘super powers’ Scientology gave you were real, then there really would be millions of Scientologists worldwide. But there aren’t, are there? Just goes to show what a crock it all is…
I’m sorry that happened to you Jutta. You’re not the only kid who’s been abused for asking obvious questions that trigger a zealot’s cognitive dissonance (i haven’t but i sympathize).
You are correct, PartTimeSP; that is what would happen. The thing is, not even Scientology’s leaders believe in the tech and their actions prove it. How? Well, you know how it “makes the able more able?” And how part of the Sea-Org member contract include free training? WELL, that’s two incentives to get Sea Org members up the bridge a.s.a.p. But they don’t. Hell, many members have worked for it for years before even making something as simple as Clear.
If Scientology worked, i would have my Sea Org members spend ~at least~ half their time training; to make them more effective workers and get more work out of them.
But they don’t, ergo, they really DON’T believe Scientology’s claims.
I had it wrong all these years, and so did a lot of other people when they were in Scientology.
People have been using a wrong definition all these years.
When Hubbard said, Keeping Scientology Working, you’re supposed to think he meant a concept such as, “maintaining the effectiveness of the subject.”
But the hidden meaning of Keeping Scientology Working means, “Finding ways to constantly keep the collective membership laboring for the cause.” Keeping Scientology (and Scientologists) working.
Interesting but I doubt Bass will get picked. Biden needs the suburban/moderate independent swing vote too much. No doubt his choice will be “a woman of color” but something tells me he’ll go with Kamala Harris because she has those “law and order” bonafides so the suburbanites can be reassured that the police will not disappear with BLM taking over the reigns of government plus she has for some time had a rapport with Biden, his wife and family.
RB always touch something that is a topic itself.
The CF. Now I am just talking about Europe (and anybody who was in EU as staff please share what you may know) but except for perhaps Padova (but no sure) nobody make it to have the CF fully up dated and kept as such.
This despite tens and tens of missions, projects and even errands sent to do something about.
This is the true bank (entirely psicotic) of the orgs.
And now in 2020 things aren’t changed yet.
Loosing, I know that Flag’s CF was completely up-to-date in ’77 or ’78, nothing taking more than an hour from the in-box to filed. I was told that even though I left a very complete hat pack and the tools I’d built (with my very own hands), before they beached me as not suitable for crew or some such, they had 3 folks in CF and they were falling behind. More recently, I’ve heard that they’re ADDING to the dev-t and digitizing everything. WHAT a complete waste of time , money, and effort! There is no efficiency gained in that, since the paper files are necessary, even required in some cases, and are so much more valuable. A summary of key points *MIGHT* have limited value in some circumstances, but is SUCH a security weakness, since all the *pertinent* data in a CF could be thus stored on a thumb drive which could be “accidently” left some place or dropped along the way.
Ugh…notice how they expect your whole weekend to be volunteered? Ugh . No family time. No recreational time. That’s just being a meat body! I choose the meat body route myself. LOL
There ARE no weekends in scn. At most, you turn in you stats Thursday, then back to the grind of getting NEXT week’s stats up, perhaps with daily and hourly targets to be exceeded, or else. Need to shop or do Laundry? That’s done in the middle of the night, or on your way to or from class/post as you can squeeze it in.
These days, WELL post-scn, I’m really enjoying retirement; EVERY day is Saturday, I do what I want when/if I want. My wife and I have gotten to calling todat SAT-urday, the day to sit around doing little or nothing. She’s enjoying my educating her in the fine points of decadence.
In the last frame, the last sentence of the org staff I more a mafia threat than a simple comment.
It make me feel so ‘nostalgic’ about my days in the SO when such kind of threats were often free and almost always on the agenda.
OSD. Here an advice from who has been married several times.
Go to her ask anything. As she answer, look bit astonished and say “If I am allowed, You have a wonderful TR 1, madam!“ Then smile naturally. It will go alone.
Hey dude too much thinking. Go to the girl and make a compliment on her TR 1. She has attention about it.
Where you are gonna get comes later in the story.
Oh, yeah. And not even as much fun as when your friends baited you with pizza to help them move. At least (in my circle) they put beer in the trap, too!
Being assigned jobs with free will being supplanted is a way that socialism works, no?
To be fair, the Prosperity seminars do generate real prosperity if only for a certain punch-happy dictator.
It’s also clever of the regs to offer their marks choices about how they will donate, so they can choose the least bad option.
I was struck by the notion that these poor people have to worry about extending their credit card limits so they could borrow more money and go deeper and deeper into their financial holes.
Notice there is never any word about how they may eventually get out!
I suppose that doesn’t matter because they will soon get to Level 12 or whatever level they are currently pushing and then they get to drop their meat and go off to some super planet where they will all be happy beyond all limits.
As I recall, the men all get to marry 72 virgins and live happily ever after.
From the horrible sexist point of view of the original crazy bastard, I suppose the women would all get 72 young servant boys who would spend 20 hours every day scrubbing their kitchen floors and washing their dishes. What else would make sense to the nutbags who designed this scam?
But it never works “the other way”. But this I mean that it’s considered right and proper for the people at the bottom of the hill to go into eternal debt and bankruptcy in order to feed the “Greed Machine”. But it never comes back to them. It always goes uphill but never downhill. The money never comes back to them.
The question is, “Why is it so important for the money to go uphill but never to come back downhill.”
There is a famous line that describes Organized Crime that I remember is something like this: “The money always goes up the organization but the shit always goes down the organization.
That seems to be pretty applicable to this horrible cult scam. I just wish that I was big enough to step on it and squash it dead. That is what it truly deserves.
When I was a young girl , in the 70 , I had the audacity to ask my adoptive mother why Scientology was so expensive and pretty much only accessible to rich or affluent people .
It was answered with a slap in my face that knocked me against the wall .
I then with tears running down my face said : If Scientology will safe this planet , why are we not making it free to everybody . Wouldn’t that help Clear the planet faster ? Wasn’t much time after that I was thrown out of the house…..
BTW I was “natural Clear at age 12 .What a joke….
It’s honestly disgusting. The way I see it, if even half of the promised ‘super powers’ Scientology gave you were real, then there really would be millions of Scientologists worldwide. But there aren’t, are there? Just goes to show what a crock it all is…
I’m sorry that happened to you Jutta. You’re not the only kid who’s been abused for asking obvious questions that trigger a zealot’s cognitive dissonance (i haven’t but i sympathize).
You are correct, PartTimeSP; that is what would happen. The thing is, not even Scientology’s leaders believe in the tech and their actions prove it. How? Well, you know how it “makes the able more able?” And how part of the Sea-Org member contract include free training? WELL, that’s two incentives to get Sea Org members up the bridge a.s.a.p. But they don’t. Hell, many members have worked for it for years before even making something as simple as Clear.
If Scientology worked, i would have my Sea Org members spend ~at least~ half their time training; to make them more effective workers and get more work out of them.
But they don’t, ergo, they really DON’T believe Scientology’s claims.
Oooh, Central Files all computerized; wash that gal’s mouth with soap, Sea Ogre 🙂
Thanks for this, RB, even though I shuddered a little while reading it, remembering how for years my weekends were not my own.
I had it wrong all these years, and so did a lot of other people when they were in Scientology.
People have been using a wrong definition all these years.
When Hubbard said, Keeping Scientology Working, you’re supposed to think he meant a concept such as, “maintaining the effectiveness of the subject.”
But the hidden meaning of Keeping Scientology Working means, “Finding ways to constantly keep the collective membership laboring for the cause.” Keeping Scientology (and Scientologists) working.
O/T. Karen Bass rises as sleeper pick to be Biden’s VP.
As previously noted, Bass has endorsed and praised the Church of Scientology.
ESMB Redux:
Interesting but I doubt Bass will get picked. Biden needs the suburban/moderate independent swing vote too much. No doubt his choice will be “a woman of color” but something tells me he’ll go with Kamala Harris because she has those “law and order” bonafides so the suburbanites can be reassured that the police will not disappear with BLM taking over the reigns of government plus she has for some time had a rapport with Biden, his wife and family.
RB always touch something that is a topic itself.
The CF. Now I am just talking about Europe (and anybody who was in EU as staff please share what you may know) but except for perhaps Padova (but no sure) nobody make it to have the CF fully up dated and kept as such.
This despite tens and tens of missions, projects and even errands sent to do something about.
This is the true bank (entirely psicotic) of the orgs.
And now in 2020 things aren’t changed yet.
Loosing, I know that Flag’s CF was completely up-to-date in ’77 or ’78, nothing taking more than an hour from the in-box to filed. I was told that even though I left a very complete hat pack and the tools I’d built (with my very own hands), before they beached me as not suitable for crew or some such, they had 3 folks in CF and they were falling behind. More recently, I’ve heard that they’re ADDING to the dev-t and digitizing everything. WHAT a complete waste of time , money, and effort! There is no efficiency gained in that, since the paper files are necessary, even required in some cases, and are so much more valuable. A summary of key points *MIGHT* have limited value in some circumstances, but is SUCH a security weakness, since all the *pertinent* data in a CF could be thus stored on a thumb drive which could be “accidently” left some place or dropped along the way.
Thanks a lot Jere. But in EU this apparently went never in full application. Just bla bla. Fund raising is faster and less work to make money.
O/T. Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad on:
“A real history lesson in the role Jews played in destroying Blacks!!!!”
ESMB Redux:
Ugh…notice how they expect your whole weekend to be volunteered? Ugh . No family time. No recreational time. That’s just being a meat body! I choose the meat body route myself. LOL
Not even any doing laundry and getting ready for the upcoming week time.
There ARE no weekends in scn. At most, you turn in you stats Thursday, then back to the grind of getting NEXT week’s stats up, perhaps with daily and hourly targets to be exceeded, or else. Need to shop or do Laundry? That’s done in the middle of the night, or on your way to or from class/post as you can squeeze it in.
These days, WELL post-scn, I’m really enjoying retirement; EVERY day is Saturday, I do what I want when/if I want. My wife and I have gotten to calling todat SAT-urday, the day to sit around doing little or nothing. She’s enjoying my educating her in the fine points of decadence.
In the last frame, the last sentence of the org staff I more a mafia threat than a simple comment.
It make me feel so ‘nostalgic’ about my days in the SO when such kind of threats were often free and almost always on the agenda.
Pizza Hut has a new specialty pizza for Scientology. A bean and rice pizza.
Queen B. Laughing. And maybe not even tomato sauce. Really poor.
As Italian i would say: let’s go to “Pizza Huh?”
Sausage, Pepperoni, and Extra cheese. When will they realize that Hubbard didn’t know everything?
The girl in the red-shirt looks nice. I wonder if she would talk to me. Probably not…
OSD. Here an advice from who has been married several times.
Go to her ask anything. As she answer, look bit astonished and say “If I am allowed, You have a wonderful TR 1, madam!“ Then smile naturally. It will go alone.
“It will go alone”. What will go alone??? And where can we get it.
Hey dude too much thinking. Go to the girl and make a compliment on her TR 1. She has attention about it.
Where you are gonna get comes later in the story.
Settle down, guys!
She’s a comic strip girl.
But thanks for that amusing back-and-forth!
I like my pizza thin and cris… wait, this is a trap, isn’t it.
Oh, yeah. And not even as much fun as when your friends baited you with pizza to help them move. At least (in my circle) they put beer in the trap, too!