The organization can be generous. Had my wife done as she was ordered to do and put me in a hospice to die, they might have gotten me a nice coffin. No, it probably would have been a cardboard box to send my body into the oven. Yet my now ex-wife is in good standing even though her non-compliance has brought the organization to disrepute, or more disrepute actually. Maybe this was because as she told me that they would have never let her off the ship to go to my funeral. Even Heber was let out of the hole by DM long enough to go to his son
Alexander’s funeral. Except that he hasn’t been seen since.
Oh well, there’s always next lifetime. As long as you keep up your stats in this one.
I wonder if they have to pay for the masks themselves, or if the cost will come out of their future weekly wages.
When the Church purchased the Freewinds, some of the prior company’s engineers stayed for some months to turn over the jobs they we’re doing. They used to ask us things like: When is your company going to bring in the real engineers?
Eventually they realized that we WERE the real engineers.
There was some effort to make them into Scientologists by having them read Dianetics ect.
One of the Swedish engineers told me: Ya Ya, I will get into Scientology next lifetime.
In the end we ran rings around them or at least I did. They could leave whenever they wanted and the Church paid for the Out-2D of one to come visit him on the ship. I knew that I would be lucky to make it off the ship alive and if anything went wrong which was common with the WOG crew, we would be dog meat.
As long as their stats remain up, they get masks from the organization. Some S.O orgs had a card system, one for food, another for libs, one for bonuses etc. You could add a “mask” card. When it got taken away you would get sick and die. Actually, I got it backwards. Being allowed to die can be a reward. And the mask wearing does not stop the wearer from getting the virus; it helps stop the other poor dumb bastard from getting it.
On the Freewinds we had the officer’s mess. As an officer, I was encouraged to eat there. I rarely did because I was an engineer and I would have to get cleaned up after working inside the main engines and get into my white uniform. It would take much longer to get ready than we would have time to eat.
I also heard from officer’s who DID eat there that some exec would punish them by suspending the privilege of eating there. There are a few people that like to see others miserable. By not eating there I probably saved myself some grief.
The organization can be generous. Had my wife done as she was ordered to do and put me in a hospice to die, they might have gotten me a nice coffin. No, it probably would have been a cardboard box to send my body into the oven. Yet my now ex-wife is in good standing even though her non-compliance has brought the organization to disrepute, or more disrepute actually. Maybe this was because as she told me that they would have never let her off the ship to go to my funeral. Even Heber was let out of the hole by DM long enough to go to his son
Alexander’s funeral. Except that he hasn’t been seen since.
We’ve all heard the stories of David Miscavige taking great pleasure in yukking it up while reviewing the sexual fetishes/fantasies of the higher-up celebrities, like his little buddy Tom. So much for the sacred audit.
All those files… all those confessions…all the loose lips.
They ALWAYS use PC folders data to reg or even to recruit people. Their main mantra is money and stats. The rest is complementary.
In addition to it they gossip big time, like that girl in clo eu that came up to like women and had to leave.
At musters or in some meetings people “confidential” stuff wasn’t so confidential after all.
If one has “aberrations” (that they consider as such) one isconsidered ‘guilty’ for it.
The last place in the entire galaxy to go to confess oneself is scn!
When I was at AOLA doing my GAT Solo Certainty Course I brought a stuffed moose which I used as the “doll” for the GAT drills. I had a lot of affinity for this moose and the other dolls in the drawer, like Scooby etc. did not appeal to me. The sup had commented on my TRs lacking ARC.
Hence the moose. I was observed by Security kissing the moose on the snout so I was hauled off to ETHICS.
The AOLA Public MAA Teresa Smith; excuse me MR Smith ( she had recently been promoted to Midshipman and was about 18 years old) had me “disconnect” from the moose and all of the other mooses I had at home. I had to put them in the garage.
The next time I went there Mr Smith had me on the cans and she asked me ” Are you still doing it with the moose? There was a 2D flow along with it which made it clear that she was asking whether or not I was “still” fucking the moose. This was so outrageous that all I could do was laugh. She did not like being laughed at. After all, her job was to get ethics in so that tech could go in. The fate of every man, woman and child on Earth was dependant on stopping this Out 2D with the moose.
Perhaps that is the Suppressive Act that I was declared for. I have never seen a copy of the issue.
Bill kissing the Moose is a bit too much for them in terms of affinity. It is natural that they went crazy. They have usually lack of humor. Do you still have it?
Do well my friend.
Ssoooo, there is this concept of Break-away Civilization. The more that I read Scio-speak, the more that I think they are or will be the first proto break-away civilization. Being a sci-fi fan long before I was a Scio, I still watch it. On the Amazon show The Expanse, there is a generational spaceship launching mormons. I think they should have cast Scios instead, especially if they read the transcript of this week’s RB.
Oh, and Happy Friday all and have a great weekend.
So much for the sacrosanct character of the auditor/PC relationship. But I do believe the pc who raced against Lron on Marcab or Heliotrobus or where ever. After all, Lron showed his yellow streak while in the navy and while sending his wife to prison.
The COVID-19 In Corrections Data Transparency Act is supported by the Vera Institute, Sentencing Project, NACDL, Americans for Prosperity, National Association of Social Workers, American Public Health Association, Community Oriented Correctional Health Services, Church of Scientology National Affairs Office, Legal Action Center, National HIRE Network, REFORM Alliance, and The Justice Collaborative.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * * *
I believe it is significant when a Congressperson issues an official press release noting that proposed legislation is supported by the Church of Scientology.
I don’t know how it works at the federal level, but in my state organizations can sign in favor of or opposed to a state level bill. It’s a legislative process. The state legislators have no control over who signs in for either side. In the press release, they may just be reporting all of the organizations who have expressed support for the bill.
The odd thing I see is that the list isn’t in alphabetical order. Maybe it is in the order of the timing of the group expressing support?
While reading I thought this is more like a conversation between exes and/or people who are knowledgeable about Scientology without ever having been a member.
I always thought the space opera bs was only known to people with more experience in, not a guy who is just learning how to use an e-meter.
Not only do auditors share important information with “Ethics” and salespeople, they also gossip about it, often within earshot, or directly to, other staff members who aren’t auditors. Some of that gossip made it to me while I was still a loyal scientologist in good standing, so if you are sharing your secrets with these auditors, who are just human beings, your scientology associates may soon know more about you than you bargained for.
The organization can be generous. Had my wife done as she was ordered to do and put me in a hospice to die, they might have gotten me a nice coffin. No, it probably would have been a cardboard box to send my body into the oven. Yet my now ex-wife is in good standing even though her non-compliance has brought the organization to disrepute, or more disrepute actually. Maybe this was because as she told me that they would have never let her off the ship to go to my funeral. Even Heber was let out of the hole by DM long enough to go to his son
Alexander’s funeral. Except that he hasn’t been seen since.
Oh well, there’s always next lifetime. As long as you keep up your stats in this one.
I wonder if they have to pay for the masks themselves, or if the cost will come out of their future weekly wages.
When the Church purchased the Freewinds, some of the prior company’s engineers stayed for some months to turn over the jobs they we’re doing. They used to ask us things like: When is your company going to bring in the real engineers?
Eventually they realized that we WERE the real engineers.
There was some effort to make them into Scientologists by having them read Dianetics ect.
One of the Swedish engineers told me: Ya Ya, I will get into Scientology next lifetime.
In the end we ran rings around them or at least I did. They could leave whenever they wanted and the Church paid for the Out-2D of one to come visit him on the ship. I knew that I would be lucky to make it off the ship alive and if anything went wrong which was common with the WOG crew, we would be dog meat.
As long as their stats remain up, they get masks from the organization. Some S.O orgs had a card system, one for food, another for libs, one for bonuses etc. You could add a “mask” card. When it got taken away you would get sick and die. Actually, I got it backwards. Being allowed to die can be a reward. And the mask wearing does not stop the wearer from getting the virus; it helps stop the other poor dumb bastard from getting it.
On the Freewinds we had the officer’s mess. As an officer, I was encouraged to eat there. I rarely did because I was an engineer and I would have to get cleaned up after working inside the main engines and get into my white uniform. It would take much longer to get ready than we would have time to eat.
I also heard from officer’s who DID eat there that some exec would punish them by suspending the privilege of eating there. There are a few people that like to see others miserable. By not eating there I probably saved myself some grief.
The organization can be generous. Had my wife done as she was ordered to do and put me in a hospice to die, they might have gotten me a nice coffin. No, it probably would have been a cardboard box to send my body into the oven. Yet my now ex-wife is in good standing even though her non-compliance has brought the organization to disrepute, or more disrepute actually. Maybe this was because as she told me that they would have never let her off the ship to go to my funeral. Even Heber was let out of the hole by DM long enough to go to his son
Alexander’s funeral. Except that he hasn’t been seen since.
We’ve all heard the stories of David Miscavige taking great pleasure in yukking it up while reviewing the sexual fetishes/fantasies of the higher-up celebrities, like his little buddy Tom. So much for the sacred audit.
All those files… all those confessions…all the loose lips.
And … these are the people that want to save the world ????
They ALWAYS use PC folders data to reg or even to recruit people. Their main mantra is money and stats. The rest is complementary.
In addition to it they gossip big time, like that girl in clo eu that came up to like women and had to leave.
At musters or in some meetings people “confidential” stuff wasn’t so confidential after all.
If one has “aberrations” (that they consider as such) one isconsidered ‘guilty’ for it.
The last place in the entire galaxy to go to confess oneself is scn!
When I was at AOLA doing my GAT Solo Certainty Course I brought a stuffed moose which I used as the “doll” for the GAT drills. I had a lot of affinity for this moose and the other dolls in the drawer, like Scooby etc. did not appeal to me. The sup had commented on my TRs lacking ARC.
Hence the moose. I was observed by Security kissing the moose on the snout so I was hauled off to ETHICS.
The AOLA Public MAA Teresa Smith; excuse me MR Smith ( she had recently been promoted to Midshipman and was about 18 years old) had me “disconnect” from the moose and all of the other mooses I had at home. I had to put them in the garage.
The next time I went there Mr Smith had me on the cans and she asked me ” Are you still doing it with the moose? There was a 2D flow along with it which made it clear that she was asking whether or not I was “still” fucking the moose. This was so outrageous that all I could do was laugh. She did not like being laughed at. After all, her job was to get ethics in so that tech could go in. The fate of every man, woman and child on Earth was dependant on stopping this Out 2D with the moose.
Perhaps that is the Suppressive Act that I was declared for. I have never seen a copy of the issue.
Bill kissing the Moose is a bit too much for them in terms of affinity. It is natural that they went crazy. They have usually lack of humor. Do you still have it?
Do well my friend.
Ssoooo, there is this concept of Break-away Civilization. The more that I read Scio-speak, the more that I think they are or will be the first proto break-away civilization. Being a sci-fi fan long before I was a Scio, I still watch it. On the Amazon show The Expanse, there is a generational spaceship launching mormons. I think they should have cast Scios instead, especially if they read the transcript of this week’s RB.
Oh, and Happy Friday all and have a great weekend.
So much for the sacrosanct character of the auditor/PC relationship. But I do believe the pc who raced against Lron on Marcab or Heliotrobus or where ever. After all, Lron showed his yellow streak while in the navy and while sending his wife to prison.
O/T. The Church of Scientology National Affairs Office supports the COVID-19 In Corrections Data Transparency Act.
From the office of Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley:
Pressley, Warren, García, Clarke, Kelly, Murray, Booker Introduce the COVID-19 In Corrections Data Transparency Act
August 6, 2020 Press Release
Bicameral bill would require federal, state, and local prisons and jails to collect and publicly report detailed data about COVID-19
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
The COVID-19 In Corrections Data Transparency Act is supported by the Vera Institute, Sentencing Project, NACDL, Americans for Prosperity, National Association of Social Workers, American Public Health Association, Community Oriented Correctional Health Services, Church of Scientology National Affairs Office, Legal Action Center, National HIRE Network, REFORM Alliance, and The Justice Collaborative.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * * *
I believe it is significant when a Congressperson issues an official press release noting that proposed legislation is supported by the Church of Scientology.
I don’t know how it works at the federal level, but in my state organizations can sign in favor of or opposed to a state level bill. It’s a legislative process. The state legislators have no control over who signs in for either side. In the press release, they may just be reporting all of the organizations who have expressed support for the bill.
The odd thing I see is that the list isn’t in alphabetical order. Maybe it is in the order of the timing of the group expressing support?
The underlying dissonance in each frame is ….is… an affront to sanity.
You are a master. Just keep yourself distant from that culture.
While reading I thought this is more like a conversation between exes and/or people who are knowledgeable about Scientology without ever having been a member.
I always thought the space opera bs was only known to people with more experience in, not a guy who is just learning how to use an e-meter.
Not only do auditors share important information with “Ethics” and salespeople, they also gossip about it, often within earshot, or directly to, other staff members who aren’t auditors. Some of that gossip made it to me while I was still a loyal scientologist in good standing, so if you are sharing your secrets with these auditors, who are just human beings, your scientology associates may soon know more about you than you bargained for.