I really wish Scientology TV would make an episode about the daily life of Sea Org painters, instead of those endless commercials of parishioners smiling like the Joker from all the wins they’re having. The Sea Org episode would probably show them dancing the whole day from the sheer joy of life the cult though.
Hubbard mentioned that ETERNITY would be either good or bad depending on what you do. It’s gonna be real bad for those 2 indoctrination jobs in the comic strip above — no matter what they do … it’ll be bad.
Scientology’s leadership does not believe in Scientology.
The whole point of Scientology (well, one of the STATED reasons for its existence, anyway) is to “Make the Able more able!” In other words, to make you a more effective worker. Get more done, improve quality, be more productive. As you become clear and progress through the OT ranks, you are supposed to get rid of the things holding you back so you can think quicker an more clearly, better resist disease, become less accident prone, etc. Just. Better. That’s the promise.
HOWEVER, that would imply that Sea Org members would be among the first candidates to get this processing so Scientology would have better workers. Heck, free scientology is even part of their contractual agreement. Sea Org members should be universally OTs at a minimum.
But do they do that? At all? How many Sea Org members are OTs, or even just Clear? Now the coronavirus has effectively disallowed anyone from coming in (which is slightly lower than the ‘almost zero’ before). Before the pandemic, the leadership could justify workers spending time on efforts to serve people coming in; but now they can’t. Sea Org members can use that time taking Scientology. But they don’t. Why?
Because Scientology doesn’t work. And they know it.
Contact Clear. Damn RB you just revealed another reason that some fools stay in scienoland. They figure that if they sit in a sacred hall and rub elbows with OTs they might just osmotically get clear. They view training and auditing as a spectator sport and that they will not have to do the hard work as long as they stay in the space. Sorta like watching a soccer game to become physically fit.
I apologize for posting another comment that is O/T but this seems to me to be a most serious issue.
I read today in Tony Ortega’s blog that Valerie Haney’s legal case was handed a setback when a California judge denied her request for a “do over” regarding a judgement in her case. I recently had to sue someone and it was a long miserable process. For anyone who wants to know what a “do over” means, I will try to explain it in just a sentence or two. But I really wish Wynski was here because he could explain it much better than I ever could.
In my case, when I first attended court as the Plaintiff (same like Valerie) the bastards from the other side didn’t even bother to show up. My lawyer told me they didn’t show up because in my country (not the USA), the presumption is that everyone has the right to request a judgment against them can be “vacated” and the process will then be repeated all over again.
But my lawyer was extremely clever and he scared the shit out of the Defendants and so they caved and gave up without us ever having to go to any “do over”. But it’s not so easy in the USA. It’s much harder to get a “do over” there. So, it’s not surprising this judge refused to allow Valerie to have a “do over”.
This really tears at my heart. Ever since I first saw Valerie’s episode on Mike & Leah’s Aftermath show, I just thought she was the most incredible lady I had ever seen (well on an equal footing with Leah). I have been wanting her to win her case and force the creeps who run this cult to pay out big. But it looks like that will now take longer and I wanted to post a message on Tony’s blog to give her some supporting message. But I’ve never posted on his blog and I kept clicking on “Load more messages” over and over hoping that I could add a message when I got to the end. But after 15 minutes of clicking, there was never any end in sight and I just cannot figure out how to go about posting a message to Valerie on Tony’s blog.
So I hope Mike will allow me to post a few words of support here to Valerie.
Valerie, ever since I first saw your episode on Mike and Leah’s Aftermath show, it seemed crystal clear to me that you are one of the most fantastic people in this world. You were so brave in the way you escaped this scam. I immediately understood why Shelley decided she wanted you to work with her from the very first moment she saw you.
I hope you will not give up. Suing these bastards in a Civil Court can take a very long time. But in the end, they are so evil and they deserve to pay for all the evil they have done that the longer your case goes on, the more people will learn how truly despicable they are and so long as you don’t give up, please try to seek out a lawyer who understands the importance of what you are doing and who will work with your legal team on a “contingency basis”. That means the lawyer will agree to help you in return for a percentage of your winnings.
I am no lawyer and my advice may not be the best. Please let me take that back and instead just beg you to not give up and to keep on looking for ways and means to keep on fighting. There are some people here who can give you some good advice. My advice is really just a hope and a prayer for you. But you really need advice from a good lawyer (which you likely already have).
I guess I should just butt out and tell you that I’m sure there are thousands of people who feel like I do. People who believe you are truly marvellous and deserve to bring down these bastards and colllect all the damages you deserve.
Please keep fighting Valerie.
Just remember that no matter how much money they ask for, no matter how much any court may award them, no one can force you to pay any money that you don’t have. Find out from your lawyer and don’t let them intimidate or scare you. Ask your lawyer to explain the truth to you.
This will ultimately be decided by Appellate Courts who are far more likely to understand the Constitutional implications of this case than a judge who has 450 cases on his docket and is looking for the easiest way to get rid of them.
Skyler, on Tony’s site, at the end of every story, at the very top of the comments, there’s a box that says “join the discussion”. Just click in there and start typing. Then hit “post” when you’re done.
I hear you about Valerie’s case. It’s infuriating and heartbreaking.
O/T But I thought some of you might get a good laugh from this.
To see this for yourself, just enter “Mike Rinder” into Google and click on the link to Wikipedia”.
I was going about my business in Wikipedia and somehow I clicked on Mike Rinder’s name and it showed me his entry in Wikipedia. At the bottom of his entry it says:
“People also search for:”
And then it lists a few people. The top line contains the name: “SHELLEY MISCAVIAGE”.
“How appropriate”. You bet your ass people are searching for her. They have been searching for many years and unfortunately, there’s a good chance they will still be searching for years to come.
I hope something stops that from happening. Like maybe a team of police will crash through her door and rescue her. Or she will have a change of heart and start screaming, “LEMME OUT OF HERE!”
But until that happens, people will keep on searching. By the way, “Where’s Shelley?”
Thank you Aqua. It is easy to care about the people here. I have never met you or Balletlady or many of the others here. But I know that if we ever solve the problem of COVID and we are able to meet in person, it will be very easy to become great friends and have a tremendous party to celebrate the end of all the criminal cults on this planet – especially you know who.
You’re welcome. A party sounds good! Real good. We in my area have been strictly, very strictly locking down since late March. And its working, thank goodness. Masks and social distancing DO work to control and inhibit the spread of Covid. We were very hard hit in the beginning. We took this thing very seriously because we had to. Its paying off. I’m hopeful for the future now. We can lick this thing if we focus and are disciplined. And…oh, right – where was I? A PARTY. With everyone reading and posting at Mike’s meeting one another and having a great time. Pulling this off, somehow, someday not too far in the future. All of us celebrating. Yes! I’ll hop on a plane. Let’s hold that thought.
Priceless, funny, and yet, of course, sad.
Add to that that I just saw some “kids” being lauded on fb by their parents over on Tony’s blog for their dedication on Sea Org Day… I used to babysit one of those kids. Now they’re in the Sea Org. So many recruited into the biggest scam of all, giving up their lives for nothing. I pray the C of S is brought down to its knees and soon. To think I used to have such guilt over not being in the SO…now I am so glad of it, and so glad to be out altogether!
What is all this talk about no dead SO members coming back?
Here I am. The last thing I told Freewinds Reception on the phone was “I’ll be back”.
They are terrified that I might come back. I even got a Comm-Ev regarding my FB and they could find no good reason not to allow me back but it obvious that they were afraid. So they sent me to a land organization.
I went to AOLA and reported for duty with the Comm-Ev F and R’s which stated that I could re-join at a land unit. They again we’re terrified and took the approved issue and said that they had to query it uplines.
The recruiter took me for an ” AIDS test. I explained to him that this was not an AIDS test, this was just an HIV test. It was one of those “Out of the Closet” thrift stores which doubles as a testing site. He took off his Sea Org tie before we went in because probably 98 percent of the people brought in there are homosexuals. I knew I was going to test positive as they are just testing for the antibodies, not the virus itself.
There was still a bunch of Q and A when we got back to the organization so I knew that the SO I knew was dead.
So I had really no other option but to go over to the Dark Side.
IMy Fitness Board doesn’t say I have to come back in 21 years. It said that I was to “Return to duty as soon as possible next lifetime”.
So I can say that more important things I had to do first but as soon as the dwarfenfuehrer goes to prison; on that day I will report back for duty.
Contact Clear? I guess that when running R-245 you place the 45 in contact with your head and pull the trigger. Never tried it yet, but I’ll bet it works every time.
It would be fun to do an informal survey of all SO members and ask if any of them were in SO last lifetime and they reported back for duty. Of course you won’t find any. Once the get a taste of what SO life is like, they can’t wait to pick up a baby body and have a next lifetime that does NOT include joining the SO!
Dead Men Tell No Tales Bill Straass ( who else would make a comment like this).says
Ok. What kind of Scotch does DM drink?
I don’ really like Scotch but I will drink one to celebrate. I am known for harder stuff like bottles of Bacardi 151 at the 81 bosuns party at the Sandcastle or drinking 190 proof Everclear straight out of the bottle. For me that was closer to a suicide attempt than a party. I don’t have to kill myself any more since the Freewinds execs did it for me. Thank you Herr Captain Napier!
I can’t remember what has been said about what (I love this name) the dwarfenfuehrer drank but dear man I think you should just drink whatever your heart desires.
Dead Men Tell No Tales Bill Straass ( who else would make a comment like this).says
I drank gasoline once out of a 55 gallon drum (trying to siphon gas) but it did not taste very good. Still propably better than bourbon. When I was 16 I drank a fifth of Jim Beam and the ground kept going vertical and hitting me.
I was one of the first to watch TR-4 The Professional Trs Course at Flag after an event in around 84 but I did not learn much as I was so drunk the screen was going around the room.
But I do remember the part where the sup, played by Robbie Robinson says ” There’s more here than meets the eye. I’m sending You to ETHICS! ” His twin waves Bye Bye and Robbie’s head turns: ” And, since you are his twin, you are ALSO being sent to ethics”.
O/T. Is Scientology Auditor Nation of Islam Sister Nayyirah Tiviva Mohammad violating Florida law by offering or delivering “Mental Health Therapy” without a license?
I think RB is fucking brilliant. I cannot imagine anyone else who could find the wisdom and insight that RB does to contribute such an excellent series of articles.
Contact Clear? What a concept. That must be like the great feeling you get when you encounter a scientologist ‘body router’ or an OSA goon picking through your garbage or just watching some scientology promo.
I’ll stick with a contact high. I know that produces good feelings…
When checking out today’s post I wondered if Regraded Being ever thought of giving one of these guys a paint roller with purple paint and the other one a paint roller with light green paint….
I really wish Scientology TV would make an episode about the daily life of Sea Org painters, instead of those endless commercials of parishioners smiling like the Joker from all the wins they’re having. The Sea Org episode would probably show them dancing the whole day from the sheer joy of life the cult though.
Hubbard mentioned that ETERNITY would be either good or bad depending on what you do. It’s gonna be real bad for those 2 indoctrination jobs in the comic strip above — no matter what they do … it’ll be bad.
Scientology’s leadership does not believe in Scientology.
The whole point of Scientology (well, one of the STATED reasons for its existence, anyway) is to “Make the Able more able!” In other words, to make you a more effective worker. Get more done, improve quality, be more productive. As you become clear and progress through the OT ranks, you are supposed to get rid of the things holding you back so you can think quicker an more clearly, better resist disease, become less accident prone, etc. Just. Better. That’s the promise.
HOWEVER, that would imply that Sea Org members would be among the first candidates to get this processing so Scientology would have better workers. Heck, free scientology is even part of their contractual agreement. Sea Org members should be universally OTs at a minimum.
But do they do that? At all? How many Sea Org members are OTs, or even just Clear? Now the coronavirus has effectively disallowed anyone from coming in (which is slightly lower than the ‘almost zero’ before). Before the pandemic, the leadership could justify workers spending time on efforts to serve people coming in; but now they can’t. Sea Org members can use that time taking Scientology. But they don’t. Why?
Because Scientology doesn’t work. And they know it.
Contact Clear. Damn RB you just revealed another reason that some fools stay in scienoland. They figure that if they sit in a sacred hall and rub elbows with OTs they might just osmotically get clear. They view training and auditing as a spectator sport and that they will not have to do the hard work as long as they stay in the space. Sorta like watching a soccer game to become physically fit.
I apologize for posting another comment that is O/T but this seems to me to be a most serious issue.
I read today in Tony Ortega’s blog that Valerie Haney’s legal case was handed a setback when a California judge denied her request for a “do over” regarding a judgement in her case. I recently had to sue someone and it was a long miserable process. For anyone who wants to know what a “do over” means, I will try to explain it in just a sentence or two. But I really wish Wynski was here because he could explain it much better than I ever could.
In my case, when I first attended court as the Plaintiff (same like Valerie) the bastards from the other side didn’t even bother to show up. My lawyer told me they didn’t show up because in my country (not the USA), the presumption is that everyone has the right to request a judgment against them can be “vacated” and the process will then be repeated all over again.
But my lawyer was extremely clever and he scared the shit out of the Defendants and so they caved and gave up without us ever having to go to any “do over”. But it’s not so easy in the USA. It’s much harder to get a “do over” there. So, it’s not surprising this judge refused to allow Valerie to have a “do over”.
This really tears at my heart. Ever since I first saw Valerie’s episode on Mike & Leah’s Aftermath show, I just thought she was the most incredible lady I had ever seen (well on an equal footing with Leah). I have been wanting her to win her case and force the creeps who run this cult to pay out big. But it looks like that will now take longer and I wanted to post a message on Tony’s blog to give her some supporting message. But I’ve never posted on his blog and I kept clicking on “Load more messages” over and over hoping that I could add a message when I got to the end. But after 15 minutes of clicking, there was never any end in sight and I just cannot figure out how to go about posting a message to Valerie on Tony’s blog.
So I hope Mike will allow me to post a few words of support here to Valerie.
Valerie, ever since I first saw your episode on Mike and Leah’s Aftermath show, it seemed crystal clear to me that you are one of the most fantastic people in this world. You were so brave in the way you escaped this scam. I immediately understood why Shelley decided she wanted you to work with her from the very first moment she saw you.
I hope you will not give up. Suing these bastards in a Civil Court can take a very long time. But in the end, they are so evil and they deserve to pay for all the evil they have done that the longer your case goes on, the more people will learn how truly despicable they are and so long as you don’t give up, please try to seek out a lawyer who understands the importance of what you are doing and who will work with your legal team on a “contingency basis”. That means the lawyer will agree to help you in return for a percentage of your winnings.
I am no lawyer and my advice may not be the best. Please let me take that back and instead just beg you to not give up and to keep on looking for ways and means to keep on fighting. There are some people here who can give you some good advice. My advice is really just a hope and a prayer for you. But you really need advice from a good lawyer (which you likely already have).
I guess I should just butt out and tell you that I’m sure there are thousands of people who feel like I do. People who believe you are truly marvellous and deserve to bring down these bastards and colllect all the damages you deserve.
Please keep fighting Valerie.
Just remember that no matter how much money they ask for, no matter how much any court may award them, no one can force you to pay any money that you don’t have. Find out from your lawyer and don’t let them intimidate or scare you. Ask your lawyer to explain the truth to you.
This will ultimately be decided by Appellate Courts who are far more likely to understand the Constitutional implications of this case than a judge who has 450 cases on his docket and is looking for the easiest way to get rid of them.
Skyler, on Tony’s site, at the end of every story, at the very top of the comments, there’s a box that says “join the discussion”. Just click in there and start typing. Then hit “post” when you’re done.
I hear you about Valerie’s case. It’s infuriating and heartbreaking.
O/T But I thought some of you might get a good laugh from this.
To see this for yourself, just enter “Mike Rinder” into Google and click on the link to Wikipedia”.
I was going about my business in Wikipedia and somehow I clicked on Mike Rinder’s name and it showed me his entry in Wikipedia. At the bottom of his entry it says:
“People also search for:”
And then it lists a few people. The top line contains the name: “SHELLEY MISCAVIAGE”.
“How appropriate”. You bet your ass people are searching for her. They have been searching for many years and unfortunately, there’s a good chance they will still be searching for years to come.
I hope something stops that from happening. Like maybe a team of police will crash through her door and rescue her. Or she will have a change of heart and start screaming, “LEMME OUT OF HERE!”
But until that happens, people will keep on searching. By the way, “Where’s Shelley?”
Skyler, I read everything you shared, and let me say that it is nice the way you CARE 🙂
Thank you Aqua. It is easy to care about the people here. I have never met you or Balletlady or many of the others here. But I know that if we ever solve the problem of COVID and we are able to meet in person, it will be very easy to become great friends and have a tremendous party to celebrate the end of all the criminal cults on this planet – especially you know who.
You’re welcome. A party sounds good! Real good. We in my area have been strictly, very strictly locking down since late March. And its working, thank goodness. Masks and social distancing DO work to control and inhibit the spread of Covid. We were very hard hit in the beginning. We took this thing very seriously because we had to. Its paying off. I’m hopeful for the future now. We can lick this thing if we focus and are disciplined. And…oh, right – where was I? A PARTY. With everyone reading and posting at Mike’s meeting one another and having a great time. Pulling this off, somehow, someday not too far in the future. All of us celebrating. Yes! I’ll hop on a plane. Let’s hold that thought.
Priceless, funny, and yet, of course, sad.
Add to that that I just saw some “kids” being lauded on fb by their parents over on Tony’s blog for their dedication on Sea Org Day… I used to babysit one of those kids. Now they’re in the Sea Org. So many recruited into the biggest scam of all, giving up their lives for nothing. I pray the C of S is brought down to its knees and soon. To think I used to have such guilt over not being in the SO…now I am so glad of it, and so glad to be out altogether!
Your 21 year Leave of Absence will probably be the ONLY authorized LOA you will get. For me; it was certainly the easiest.
What is all this talk about no dead SO members coming back?
Here I am. The last thing I told Freewinds Reception on the phone was “I’ll be back”.
They are terrified that I might come back. I even got a Comm-Ev regarding my FB and they could find no good reason not to allow me back but it obvious that they were afraid. So they sent me to a land organization.
I went to AOLA and reported for duty with the Comm-Ev F and R’s which stated that I could re-join at a land unit. They again we’re terrified and took the approved issue and said that they had to query it uplines.
The recruiter took me for an ” AIDS test. I explained to him that this was not an AIDS test, this was just an HIV test. It was one of those “Out of the Closet” thrift stores which doubles as a testing site. He took off his Sea Org tie before we went in because probably 98 percent of the people brought in there are homosexuals. I knew I was going to test positive as they are just testing for the antibodies, not the virus itself.
There was still a bunch of Q and A when we got back to the organization so I knew that the SO I knew was dead.
So I had really no other option but to go over to the Dark Side.
the ‘dark side’ of the Inferno is paradise. Welcome!
they should get audited and cognite on the fact they’re being played.
IMy Fitness Board doesn’t say I have to come back in 21 years. It said that I was to “Return to duty as soon as possible next lifetime”.
So I can say that more important things I had to do first but as soon as the dwarfenfuehrer goes to prison; on that day I will report back for duty.
Contact Clear? I guess that when running R-245 you place the 45 in contact with your head and pull the trigger. Never tried it yet, but I’ll bet it works every time.
It would be fun to do an informal survey of all SO members and ask if any of them were in SO last lifetime and they reported back for duty. Of course you won’t find any. Once the get a taste of what SO life is like, they can’t wait to pick up a baby body and have a next lifetime that does NOT include joining the SO!
If you are able to pick up a baby – Hubbard has never said how to do that. It is the missing part in the Tech.
No Bill! You need to be here to celebrate with all your friends.
Ok. What kind of Scotch does DM drink?
I don’ really like Scotch but I will drink one to celebrate. I am known for harder stuff like bottles of Bacardi 151 at the 81 bosuns party at the Sandcastle or drinking 190 proof Everclear straight out of the bottle. For me that was closer to a suicide attempt than a party. I don’t have to kill myself any more since the Freewinds execs did it for me. Thank you Herr Captain Napier!
I can’t remember what has been said about what (I love this name) the dwarfenfuehrer drank but dear man I think you should just drink whatever your heart desires.
I drank gasoline once out of a 55 gallon drum (trying to siphon gas) but it did not taste very good. Still propably better than bourbon. When I was 16 I drank a fifth of Jim Beam and the ground kept going vertical and hitting me.
I was one of the first to watch TR-4 The Professional Trs Course at Flag after an event in around 84 but I did not learn much as I was so drunk the screen was going around the room.
But I do remember the part where the sup, played by Robbie Robinson says ” There’s more here than meets the eye. I’m sending You to ETHICS! ” His twin waves Bye Bye and Robbie’s head turns: ” And, since you are his twin, you are ALSO being sent to ethics”.
O/T. Is Scientology Auditor Nation of Islam Sister Nayyirah Tiviva Mohammad violating Florida law by offering or delivering “Mental Health Therapy” without a license?
What do you think?
I think RB is fucking brilliant. I cannot imagine anyone else who could find the wisdom and insight that RB does to contribute such an excellent series of articles.
Wonderful job RB. This week and every week.
I agree. I love Regraded Being’s brilliant work. I’d love to meet him one day in person.
Reporting back for this crazy mad circus of a long dead Atomic Age Guru, sir!
I’m speechless.
Contact Clear? What a concept. That must be like the great feeling you get when you encounter a scientologist ‘body router’ or an OSA goon picking through your garbage or just watching some scientology promo.
I’ll stick with a contact high. I know that produces good feelings…
A human beings I is the whole world. Her I is the whole world. To be in wrong universe create confusions and conflictions.
When checking out today’s post I wondered if Regraded Being ever thought of giving one of these guys a paint roller with purple paint and the other one a paint roller with light green paint….
Now that would be a nice detail! 😉