yes, I always wondered what the scientologist thought of the word ”self-determinism” so many times used by fat blubbard on his lectures, yet you are being told what to do 24/7 while in scientology so where in hell is the so much preached self-determinism, is just baffling. and that’s why I said f-you and walked away.
New flash – the word “doubt” didn’t exist in a scientologist’s vocabulary even way back when I joined staff in 1970 – except as a lower condition of course.
Very good RB. You’ve captured the essence of every despot’s dream and scientology is that dream, a really bad one, but a dream none the less.
The trick is the waking up bit… thus we shout at them and wait.
’tis a tad to the ripe side,
points nonetheless pertinent.
Perhaps i shall commit myself to poetry, for in the fully conscious mind there is no greater weapon.
I heard the casting agency for The Walking Dead are reaching out to get those in The Hole for some parts. Unfortunately, Dave is acting as their manager and gets all the money.
I was at Walgreens last night getting a prescription. They had a medicine on the shelf called “Mucous Relief DM”. I thought to myself, “that sounds about right!” LOL
Imagine what they create with these controversies. Today follow ABC. That changed CBA.. Then you are made responsible for your Questions. Speak of Introversion, sending you into a Spin. Stable data goes to Hell. This is the greatest Crime. This is the greatest suppression there IS.
In addition to the subject matter handled in a true yet funny manner, Regraded Being is a great strip because the cartooning is so cute and likeable. I love looking at the characters. I always look forward to Friday, thinking, Yes! Regraded Being today at Mike Rinder’s blog! 🙂 Lol, it’s the little things in life that make it worthwhile sometimes. Happy Friday everyone! – T.J.
RB hits the nail on head again. All of the contradictions in $cieno land do build up and eventually cause that WTF moment that makes the clam take off the blinders.
It has always been that way. Same as it ever was, same as it ever was. $cientology needs a conveyor belt of new meat to replace all those who escaped. Only that conveyor belt is broken, Tom Cruise and Dave Miscabage broke it. They are the ones to blame for the current state of $cientology’s reputation. Only those with a real wish to emulate TC or Lron actually join up these days.
Ok, the clampire can import eastern Europeans and people from any where to fill up the ranks of the Sea bOrg. How many just escape into the general population and escape the slavery that DM tries to implement? How long can the clampire tread water as the seas rise?
In the process of my son being “handled” by the nutcase ethics office at the mission he is on lines at, he is trying to handle ME! LOL. So I began by challenging him by giving him actual policy references that clearly point out the out tech and admin he is being subjected to. He was told that if the policies I’m showing him are out of the green and red volumes currently being used, they are squirrel!
COB has these people literally terrified to read or follow any green on white or red on white for fear that it is squirrel! What better way to push his nutjob, off-policy programs than to invalidate the actual LRH policies that he’s violating?!?!
The blatant disregard to LRH policy is disgusting! These people will ask to see something in writing, then invalidate it because they’ve been VERBALLY told at an event by COB that it is squirrel! These people are in a condition of confusion with regards to the tech. It’s way beyond doubt. they have no idea what policy to apply to any situation except disconnection from anyone who stands up against the dick-tater.
The insanity is overbearing!
It has to be more frustrating than ever to be a staff member and have to convince yourself that you are working in an on-policy, in-tech, in-ethics organization when you have no idea if you actually are because you are constantly being told that the policy that you are supposed to be standardly applying is old and squirrel !@#$%#$#$
Their only stable datum is an SP…(real stable…LOL)
Their only “workable” tech is verbal data from an SP
Their only “workable” admin tech is verbal data from an SP
Deep down they know LRH tech works….or does it?
They ask questions and get nut-job answers that don’t add up….or do they?
It truly is the blind leading the blind being led by an SP who pretends to be blind but maybe isn’t blind but who knows?
And….how do you drive a blind person crazy?
Put him in a round room and tell him to pee in the corner! (Oh,…almost forgot…while having him run around a pole…LOL)
Excellent post, Nostradamus. I am utterly shocked and appalled that now they tell the staff and SO that anything Ron wrote in the Tech Vols (red) or Admin Vols (Green) is “Squirrel” and not to be used. This is so much like the book “1084.”
And Regraded Being! OMG this is one of your best yet. So true and you really captured it.
Hey Cindy. Yes, that’s the blueprint for the current society and the current church. Everything opposite from what it says it is. “Freedom” means no freedom. The ministry of love is the ministry of implants and hate. Despicable.
This isn’t fiction. Orwell was on the Communist side in the Spanish War. Because he was a famous writer, he was privileged to be shown what the Communists had in store for the world in the next decades. After he left the Communist party in disgust, this was the last book he wrote – and was determined to finish it before he died of leukemia, I think it was.
For those who haven’t read it or seen it, here is, IMO, the best film representation of the book, 1984. This is not a “Hollywood” production so it shows the true darkness that the book represents, including the evil little children who are following “dear leader”, Big Brother. How they will turn in their own parents and hear nothing of logic or reason. How everything is done on computers and history is changed to fit the current ruler. Watch. It’s unnerving how close it is to DM and his prison parish.
Thanks for this link, Indie8 Mill. I think that book should be required high school and college reading. One day DM and the church will be required reading to show how a sociopathic, psychotic megalomaniac can take over and the consequences. Everyone should be hatted on how to spot an SP and handle them, and I’m not talking about the church course in it. I’m talking, “The Sociopath Next Door” and other books like it.
Perfect, Nostradamus. What you’ve described so well is exactly why I left. I was also told that the HCOPLs in the Green Vols (Red Vol issues didn’t come up with me at that time-they would today) which I was referencing with regard were not applicable.
I was even told by a HCOES that “We don’t have the TIME to apply that policy”, referring to a policy, forget which, outlining how to expand an org.
An EO urged me to come into the org so that he/she “could give me a few things to read”.
I replied that I had all the Green Vols, what was the reference?
“It’s not in those”, quoth this EO. ”
Its not LRH?”
“No, but its valid. Come in and read it.”
“I’m busy, please just email it to me”.
This was refused. “No, I don’t want to get into this over email, I can’t send it to you that way. Just come in and I’ll let you read it.”
A hidden data line.
Laugh if you will, but I was incredulous that a trained Ethics Officer, a trained practically everything staff member and Scientologist for 40 years was telling me to come in and read “policy” that was not LRH’s and that could NOT be sent or even referenced, for that matter, via email, material that was being furnished to me in a covert way.
In a kind of shock, I replied, “No thanks. I don’t want to read anything that everyone else is not openly given, or not allowed to read”.
And that was that. The beginning of the end for me. I lost trust in that Ethics Officer.
My mind was in a whirl. Hmmm…No time to apply LRH policy on how to expand a Scientology org…hmmm…a hidden data line I could read so I’d be OK with Ideal Org fundraising, not written by LRH…wonder who wrote this?…hmmm…
Yes, people, I WAS that naive. BUT!
I now had 2 highly visible strings sticking out in front of my face, piquing my interest and curiosity considerably, strings which I began to quietly pull.
Fast forward, I got the elephants, got the Sherman Tanks, and here I am with all of you, and glad to be here.
We’re glad you’re here too, Aquamarine. Wouldn’t be the same without you.
I’m genuinely astounded. No one ever hit me with this one – or I would have made all sorts of noise.
What I did get though, was written up because, before the GAT 1, I wrote the RTC and told them that someone had changed the wording in one of the new issues of the books. That someone must have gotten lazy or something because when I did a side by side comparison, the words weren’t the same.
I got a standard form letter ack and, later, a KR. The MAA told me that I had “reported a change in one of the books” as if I was criticizing someone for the change. I was being viewed with suspicion.
So I told the MAA, “Well, that’s what we’re supposed to do, right? If something is out-tech, we’re supposed to report it, right?”
Her attitude totally changed. She said, “Oh yeah. That’s right.” She looked a little bit bewildered and put the KR down while reading it again. Cognitive dissonance. Planting a seed.
Wow, Aqua. This is amazing. I loved your answers to that MAA. And Indie 8 Mill I loved your answers too. If we just keep doing that to the SO members involved, maybe it will jar something lose and we’ll get more seeing the light. I hope all the UTR’s took note of these comments.
Yes excellent post. And also still, still, unbelievable! No wonder they got rid of all the decent staff. Those remaining in must be, well, no we’ll leave it there…
The following was my post of a few months back and I thought I would simply put it in again here, as it is very appropriate: Miscavige sold Scientology down the river in the early 1980s. He and the people that have supported him over the last 30+ years in his activities have changed the ethos of Scientology into one of a snarling, nasty, bitchy abomination, greedy for money with no or diminishing exchange of service. He and his supporters are in treason to the subject and have effectively destroyed it, emptying out Orgs worldwide, covertly destroying training and processing as well as decent well meaning staff and public, ripping off parishioners for “donations” which covertly deflects them from whatever remaining Bridge exists (and providing him with a false statistic) and generally throwing all and any available spanners into the Scientology “works” – Ethics, Tech and Admin. In fact the destruction caused is so unbelievable, both overt and covert, that the phrase “you couldn’t make it up” would be a massive understatement. One doesn’t need to conjure up images of CIA or government infiltration or other conspiracy theories against Scientology as a subject to explain such effects caused by him and his gang of fawning followers, as what they have done far surpasses anything that such agencies could have undertaken. Whether or not the subject can be recovered is a matter for future generations.
HCOB 2 August 1969R “LX” Lists states “Perverts, suppressives and critical, snide, ruthless, arrogant or contemptuous personalities are always out of valence” is indeed a revealing piece of information that explains to a great degree what has occurred and the mindset that has accomplished this destruction. Interestingly enough the subject still somehow survives despite it, but which is of course aided by the fact that the person attempting to do so cannot complete a cycle of action, fortunately.
The activities of this cabal are plainly revealed with a study of OEC Volume 1 sections on detecting Suppressive Persons and which of course many staff and public eventually get around to reading and then putting 2 and 2 together, and end up disconnecting themselves from this gang. This is probably the only useful application of the disconnection theory. He cannot yet totally destroy all of these references and signposts to his activities but he is even trying to do that (of course) with his revision of the OEC Volumes and Tech Volumes, which apparently have been withdrawn from Orgs pending this “revision”. As they say – “you couldn’t make it up”!
Wow. Unbe-freakin-lievable, Nostradamus. The perfect mental trap.
Move the cheese. Tell people that LRH is their stable datum and then say that their stable datum isn’t stable anymore and that the local crazy sheriff is their new stable datum. wow.
How treacherously suppressive. A new milestone for cult status. Milestone 2 1/2 %.
“I can arrange a free session for you.” Imagine belonging to a church, bumping into a distressed and confused parishioner and offering them a “free session” as though that was some kind of big deal.
“Father O’Malley I’m having some doubts about my faith.”
“Don’t worry my son. Come in to the church and we’ll talk this through. And you know what, as a special favor I WON’T CHARGE YOU!” “Gee Father, thanks for that. I’m ever so grateful.”
Man RB has nailed this good! I still get to have conversations with Sciebots. And It’s not always quite that obvious however it’s there with all of them. If they don’t bolt or die they become good little Lemmings. Davey McSlimeage is brilliant at creating human robots that can be controlled by the flip of a switch or turn of a phrase. I LOL! Tragic.
Yes. We joke around a lot. However I am angered and saddened by the horror stories I’ve seen first hand. That’s why so many of us support exposing the criminality and lies of the cherch.
“If they don’t bolt or die they become good little Lemmings.” Spot on, BKMole.
I’ve noticed it is even worse with the ones at the top of the Bridge, the OT VIII’s. One guy I know used to question and talk up etc but after doing some lowers and paying tons of money for that and being re-programmed, he is like a Stepford Husband towing the line now.
An OT VIII woman I know keeps repeating this phrase with a robot face, that “anything will be handled on the Bridge if you just keep doing the Bridge.” and “It can be handled.” And it doesn’t matter what your problem or consideration is. Her answer is “auditing will handle that.” or “something can be done about that; just do the Bridge.” OH yeah? How is it that this person has allergies and hides in her house rather than let others see that an OT VIII has allergies? And how is it that she can’t get and keep a job? How is it that this self-professed ruin on her Bridge of not having and keeping a job has not been handled even at OT VIII? And what I feel bad for them about is because of all their money going toward her Bridge and IAS etc, she is now in her 70’s and having to work at whatever she can do just to help pay back credit cards from doing the Bridge. She would like to retire but can’t.
I’m a cancer survivor (bladder). The cancer is still embedded in the bladder wall. My surgeon told me, “It’s not a matter of if, but, when your cancer comes back.” So…lady who says “auditing will handle that” really believe what she’s saying? What about all the OTs who get cancer? What a crock of shit!
OSD, we’re all united here that its not going to come back.
Doctors like to cover themselves, not the least of which is for insurance purposes.
With your healthy physical, mental and emotional life style (no held in anger, grief, etc.) it doesn’t necessarily have to return. Just keep surfing, playing, and posting here. What could be healthier?
The doctor is being honest (not covering him/herself). Your dismissal of scientific information can cause a person to not return for screenings and early treatment. That is one reason that OTs die of cancer. Please avoid telling someone they’ll be fine and to distrust doctors. With good medical care and follow up OSD should be able to manage his bladder cancer and continue to engage in all the great activities you listed.
If you are speaking of medical doctors in the US, please note that the US is currently running #17 in health standings worldwide. #1 in price of course, but most medical people simply follow the “approved by the AMA” doctrine. That doctor has no way of knowing if or when a cancer will return. He’s giving nothing more than an opinion.
Thanks, Aqua! My surgeon didn’t think I would live to see 50 because of my cancer’s aggressiveness. Well, I’m way, way past that milestone. And, being Scottish means I’m just too damn cheap to die!
Scientific studies regarding meditation and cancer cells. There is a lot of data out there.
Also the book Eating On The Wild Side by Jo Robinson has some cutting edge scientific research regarding foods and their cancer fighting properties. It’s an awesome book, very easy to read. Very powerful very informative. You’ll never shop for food the same.
Meditation can cure anything from cancer to even death itself. It’s funny because the superpowers that Scientology promises can be gained from simple meditation! Read up on the Buddha…..Siddhartha Gautama. Once Enlightenment is reached ALL is possible. Buddhism is the ultimate authority on the mind. And you only need a teacher……not a thousand books, punches to the head, RPF, E-meters, auditing, etc..
You speak the truth kemosabe. So many older clams who are hitting a dead end. I know a few and it’s sad.
Cindy, that’s so sad. That she is in her 70’s and in such a physical and financial state, yet keeps repeating the “party line”. No doubt she feels she would lose all her friends if she were to leave the church, so she won’t allow herself to really think about it (the non-effectiveness of the tech) for fear of what she’d find. Easier to keep the status quo.
With a host of body problems both painful and embarrassing, pinned to her 1st dynamic with severe money problems in her 70s, unable to retire when she’s someone who really does need to rest and recooperate, she’s still smug and preachy with you Cindy. Her life sucks and no-one in their right mind would want to be her but never mind, she’s got everything under control and you, of course, don’t.
First I laughed, then I felt guilty, like I should be maybe crying. What a case of delusion and non-confront.
She is so theetie wheetie. I used to look up to her “as an OT VIII” God or something. Back when I drank the KA. When I started to see the light, my kids told my ex and he went to her and asked her to salvage me and bring me back into the fold as we were acquaintances. She tried and failed to do that. She refuses to see. Oh and one other thing, while on Solo Nots she nearly went blind. She had one or two detached retinas. She got it fixed, but I wonder if re-doing OT VII for the second or more time had something to do with it.
oh it’s “The Spider to the Fly” routine 497 revision 5 for GAT 2 completions.
The reason you went bankrupt s because you had an MU, not because you gave
all your money to the church. Rex Fowler on OT 7 had an MU explains everything.
AJ…when you left, you got one hellava gift: Your Life Back! Now you can do what YOU want to do. Go where YOU want to go. See anyone YOU want to see. The joy you’re experiencing right NOW must be through the roof….
This is not unlike the attempted handling I was subjected to by an OT Committee member when I got onto the “disaffected” list of my local org. I spent two hours talking to this person & her husband – although they readily nodded and “listened” to me as I empathically insisted I would NEVER go near an org again, they still insisted on trying to arrange an “ARC break session” for me. Duh. There just is NO reasoning with these people – you’d be better off talking to a brick wall.
Yes, it’s better talking to a brick wall. But, when it comes to banging your head against something, just remember that those people will be a lot softer than a brick wall. Present time!
They are quite solid, aren’t they Coop? No mind of their own. Willing to accept anything. Taking on Hubbard’s valence. In other words, becoming Ronbots…..
Yes, that used to drive me crazy.
“So, let’s see how we could make this so and so thing go right, today, right now!”
“Blah blah blah blah blah”
“I understand. Now, how could you…?”
“I’ve already told you twice, blah blah blah blah blah”.
“Got it, totally. Totally understood. Now, what if…?”
“Well, now I’m telling you for the THIRD time, Blah blah blah!”
“Yes! I DID get that. I DO understand! So, in order to….”
“WAIT! STOP! What IS it about blah blah blah blah blah that you do not fully understand? How many times do I need to REPEAT this to you before stop asking me this same question over and over! This is not a repetitive process, you know! You’re not auditing me! I’ve ANSWERED you!”
“Of course you have. Of course
“There’s no need to descend to the lower tone levels. Let’s keep this uptone, shall we?”
At one point I realized that a circuit was being employed, an “I understand”, circuit, and that there was no understanding, it was a circuit talking to me, so from then on when I got enmeshed in some fruitless comm cycle such as the one above with some idiot saying over and over, “I understand”, and then asking me the same damned thing repeatedly, I would just put my TRs in and calmly reply, over and over, “No, I don’t think you do, actually”.
Shelley I agree, I seriously once said “what part of leave me the f**k alone don’t you understand?” to someone trying to “recover” me, and they tried to explain that away as an arcx that needed to be fixed.
And sign up for the Comm Course. Then the HQS Course. The Purif, SRD & Student Hat. Now you’re ready for auditing and training. What you’ll need to do next is to sell you home and pay for your bridge. This will give you a good idea of what scientology is all about.
Wow, that reveals scientology’s self-perpetuating circular logic so vividly. There is no contradiction in a scientologist’s mind because you have to THINK in order for things to not make sense. Scientology makes sense to a scientologist because they have been trained to not think. EVERYTHING makes sense when you don’t think!
Thanks to Regraded Being’s superb and illuminating strips I have no need to become a Scientologist to experience the ecstasy and subsequent disillusionment of membership.
Though my spiritual eternity is no doubt at risk, it has saved me a lot of money and grief!
The thing that is so great about Regraded Being, is that it is VERY funny, but simultaneously hits very close to the truth. Back in the day, I would go to an event and cringe while the person next to me would stand up clap and scream like a maniac in applause. I thought “WTF?”, but I kept quiet because I thought that there was something wrong with me and why I couldn’t be manic. Now thanks to RB, I know I’m not alone. I can take on Jim’s valence and scream to Tom, “Sit the fuck down!!” Thanks RB!
Hey, Bognition (I love this handle!), it was never about you. You’re perfectly fine and there’s NOTHING wrong with you! Like many here, you just got sucked into a vicious cult. Now…you’ve got your life back!
No worries, Bog! I’m just glad your out! And didn’t you feel elation when you finally walked away? Getting one’s life back is an incredible experience! You go to movies. You buy a home. You go on vacations. You can have Gay friends. You go to restaurants.
Bog, you are the prize you’ve been seeking. You are pure, unconditioned Consciousness. You’ve always been and you always will be. And NOTHING in scientology will help you on your life’s journey. Congrats, Bog! You’re out and you’ll never be in again! Woo Hoo!
Thanks, Mike. Great job on perfectly duplicating the actual situation, RB. Perfectly true.
I would be ROTFL, but it’s all true. I’m still under the radar so I hear from friends about how people are getting “monumental wins”. This, after someone said, “I’m doing GREAT on the SRD. I just need to go back in for a few hundred more hours of it and I’ll be DONE!” Or, “I’m trying to raise money to redo my SRD.” What?? Didn’t this just come out last year? And the person has to re do it again?? Talk about cognitive dissonance.
Most people I see coming off this rundown have this crazy, fixed look in their eye. Scientologists had the reputation of having “those crazy, staring eyes” before. Now the crazy has gotten stronger…because maybe they ARE crazier.
Wow. Once again Regraded Being hits it out of the ball park. I’ve actually heard Scientologists like Mr. Self Determination talk like that, and yes, to this Never In they sounded weird. And they kept contradicting themselves. So Self Determined that they can follow Command Intention…
But that was Hubbard’s goal, to craft followers who wouldn’t think for themselves!
How many people have been through almost this exact scenario? I was told “its sooo much better since COB fixed the tech” and I had someone come round to my house asking what I might have done against the group, because I must have done something wrong not to want to be part of it any more. Green t shirt man is right – what a nut!
I wish a couple of people would come by my house to try to “recover” me. I would play along with their game and ask them to explain to me these heart-wrenching letters from mothers to their disconnected children, or explain the hole and DM’s abuses, his lavish lifestyle while the SO staff get paid peanuts or explain the fair game tricks done on people, or forced abortion. I could go on and on and would love to act innocent about these things I read on the internet. If anything it could put some form of doubt in their minds.
Either way it went, I could easily kick their sorry asses out the door.
I got the same question from a person from LA and some idiot from Flag, after I had not heard from them for 25 year . They both reminded me that LRH said the only reason a person leaves a group is because they did harm to the group.
OMG there are parallel dimensions, and there is one in which double speak is in full application you are “winning” while losing every penny, every single possession and worst of all you lose your mind!
Only if you can’t get 3 swings of the needle. “I’ve seen the needle and the damage done, a little part of it in everyone.” Needle are dangerous, whether the pointy kind or the meter kind.
Yup! Exactly like this.
I have to say, that I never got that wound up but this is exactly what my disconnected son “believes.” When I tried to explain that the physical assaults weren’t just Marty Rathbun and asked him if he’d be willing to listen to the stories of abuse of ten people if I got them over to the house, he looked like a deer in the headlight; you could see and hear the wheels of cognitive dissonance as he paused, then said, “No.”
(“I’d rather disconnect from you and, by extention, the rest of my family.”)
And I still worry about the depiction of the in-universe version of CoS being over the top in my current novel project:
Outside of Los Angeles at the Primary Base of the Church of Eternal Truth the newly enthroned Chairman of the Board Douglas Wolfe was angry.
And he was very, very, angry.
He shouted at the two Star Command officers in the office.
“He did what?”
(MR 1) replied.
“He’s being awarded the Medal of Honor, sir.”
“The what?”
(MR 2) now replied.
“The Congressional Medal of Honor, sir, and it’s rated higher than the Bronze Star.”
Although there was no official record of it (Hubbard) had claimed an award of the Bronze Star during the Second World War. For Wolfe the actual award of the Medal of Honor to a public opponent of the church was yet another public and unbearable humiliation.
Wolfe shouted.
“Isn’t anything being done to destroy his career in the army?”
(MR 1) now answered.
“We were able to induce a senior officer to block his application for the Officer Candidate School, but the Medal of Honor is awarded by Congress and while Democrats are generally cheap Republicans are…” He hesitated. “Those Republicans who can be influenced are just too expensive.”
(MR 2) spoke up.
“Every attempt to fair game him has failed, maybe we should just let it go.”
Wolfe was now in a full state of fury.
Oddly, Congress has nothing to do with the process of awarding the Medal of Honor unless legislation is required to waive the statutory time limit (nominate within 2 years of the act for Army/Air Force, award within 3 years, 3 years and 4 years respectively for the Navy and Marine Corps). Here is the nomination process for the Army.
The nomination package goes up through the chain of command of one’s service and the president is the final approving official. There are a lot of places where the award package can be stopped or downgraded to a lesser award, as the diagram in the upper left-hand corner of the link shows. For instance, a friend of mine was nominated for a Meritorious Service Medal (two lower than the Purple Heart in the order of precedence) and it was downgraded to the National Defense Service Medal (22 lower than the Good Conduct Medal) for his service during Desert Storm.
This opens some opportunities for your villain to derail the process, and maybe get it downgraded to a Silver Star or something like that. There is fairly good oversight and a lot of scrutiny with award packages that request the Medal of Honor.
yes, I always wondered what the scientologist thought of the word ”self-determinism” so many times used by fat blubbard on his lectures, yet you are being told what to do 24/7 while in scientology so where in hell is the so much preached self-determinism, is just baffling. and that’s why I said f-you and walked away.
“I’m finally able to do what I’m told without question or hesitation and actually feel totally at cause about it.”
Still laughing. And I’m going to keep laughing so I don’t think too much and decide that I should more appropriately be crying.
I know some Still Ins like this.
This is a brilliant bit of satire, RB, thank you.
Laugh or cry? This is a touch one. Well, its Friday nite, so I’m going to laugh.
New flash – the word “doubt” didn’t exist in a scientologist’s vocabulary even way back when I joined staff in 1970 – except as a lower condition of course.
COB coceived a crock of cornball caca
If COB conceived a crock of cornball caca
How much cornball caca did COB conceive?
superpower caca!
Target 2 caca!
Very good RB. You’ve captured the essence of every despot’s dream and scientology is that dream, a really bad one, but a dream none the less.
The trick is the waking up bit… thus we shout at them and wait.
HEY! WAKE THE FUCK UP NOW! How’s that, I Yawn?
’tis a tad to the ripe side,
points nonetheless pertinent.
Perhaps i shall commit myself to poetry, for in the fully conscious mind there is no greater weapon.
“One comma out of place can ruin your whole case.”
David Miscarriage
Seriously? He actually said that? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! What a putz!
A bad semicolon can aggravate IBS.
Yep, semicolons are bad, but a colon out of control will ruin all of your case gain. All of it….
Miscavige better watch out. He may die of semicolon cancer!
I heard the casting agency for The Walking Dead are reaching out to get those in The Hole for some parts. Unfortunately, Dave is acting as their manager and gets all the money.
DM would audit a zombie if they were carrying a wallet full of cash. LOL
I guess duty motivation per LRH doesn’t apply to Dave.
+1 – semicolon cancer. He’s so short, that’s all he has is a semi-colon. 😉
I was at Walgreens last night getting a prescription. They had a medicine on the shelf called “Mucous Relief DM”. I thought to myself, “that sounds about right!” LOL
So true. They ruined me with those commas. 🙂
And put a period to my future participation.
DM once wrote, “I love cooking my pets and my family”. I smacked him upside his head and said, “use commas, don’t be a psycho!!” LOL (just kidding)
I’m so sorry, Aqua! Commas can be a real bitch. And couple them with semicolons….well, you’re just shit out of luck! I hope you recover soon…..
Imagine what they create with these controversies. Today follow ABC. That changed CBA.. Then you are made responsible for your Questions. Speak of Introversion, sending you into a Spin. Stable data goes to Hell. This is the greatest Crime. This is the greatest suppression there IS.
In addition to the subject matter handled in a true yet funny manner, Regraded Being is a great strip because the cartooning is so cute and likeable. I love looking at the characters. I always look forward to Friday, thinking, Yes! Regraded Being today at Mike Rinder’s blog! 🙂 Lol, it’s the little things in life that make it worthwhile sometimes. Happy Friday everyone! – T.J.
RB hits the nail on head again. All of the contradictions in $cieno land do build up and eventually cause that WTF moment that makes the clam take off the blinders.
It has always been that way. Same as it ever was, same as it ever was. $cientology needs a conveyor belt of new meat to replace all those who escaped. Only that conveyor belt is broken, Tom Cruise and Dave Miscabage broke it. They are the ones to blame for the current state of $cientology’s reputation. Only those with a real wish to emulate TC or Lron actually join up these days.
Ok, the clampire can import eastern Europeans and people from any where to fill up the ranks of the Sea bOrg. How many just escape into the general population and escape the slavery that DM tries to implement? How long can the clampire tread water as the seas rise?
Dichotomy, thy name is $cientology.
No zemoo, it wasn’t always that way… only when the nut took over. Perhaps one fine day it will change.
I wouldn’t count on it……
It will only change when the suppressive is routed out of the hen house.
In the process of my son being “handled” by the nutcase ethics office at the mission he is on lines at, he is trying to handle ME! LOL. So I began by challenging him by giving him actual policy references that clearly point out the out tech and admin he is being subjected to. He was told that if the policies I’m showing him are out of the green and red volumes currently being used, they are squirrel!
COB has these people literally terrified to read or follow any green on white or red on white for fear that it is squirrel! What better way to push his nutjob, off-policy programs than to invalidate the actual LRH policies that he’s violating?!?!
The blatant disregard to LRH policy is disgusting! These people will ask to see something in writing, then invalidate it because they’ve been VERBALLY told at an event by COB that it is squirrel! These people are in a condition of confusion with regards to the tech. It’s way beyond doubt. they have no idea what policy to apply to any situation except disconnection from anyone who stands up against the dick-tater.
The insanity is overbearing!
It has to be more frustrating than ever to be a staff member and have to convince yourself that you are working in an on-policy, in-tech, in-ethics organization when you have no idea if you actually are because you are constantly being told that the policy that you are supposed to be standardly applying is old and squirrel !@#$%#$#$
Their only stable datum is an SP…(real stable…LOL)
Their only “workable” tech is verbal data from an SP
Their only “workable” admin tech is verbal data from an SP
Deep down they know LRH tech works….or does it?
They ask questions and get nut-job answers that don’t add up….or do they?
It truly is the blind leading the blind being led by an SP who pretends to be blind but maybe isn’t blind but who knows?
And….how do you drive a blind person crazy?
Put him in a round room and tell him to pee in the corner! (Oh,…almost forgot…while having him run around a pole…LOL)
Excellent post, Nostradamus. I am utterly shocked and appalled that now they tell the staff and SO that anything Ron wrote in the Tech Vols (red) or Admin Vols (Green) is “Squirrel” and not to be used. This is so much like the book “1084.”
And Regraded Being! OMG this is one of your best yet. So true and you really captured it.
Typo, I meant “the book, “1984” by George Orwell.
I just finished reading that book Cindy. I thought about the C of S all the way through. Your friend in WA 🙂
Thanks, Jag. Have we met before? I wondered because you said, “your fried in WA.”
Hey Cindy. Yes, that’s the blueprint for the current society and the current church. Everything opposite from what it says it is. “Freedom” means no freedom. The ministry of love is the ministry of implants and hate. Despicable.
This isn’t fiction. Orwell was on the Communist side in the Spanish War. Because he was a famous writer, he was privileged to be shown what the Communists had in store for the world in the next decades. After he left the Communist party in disgust, this was the last book he wrote – and was determined to finish it before he died of leukemia, I think it was.
For those who haven’t read it or seen it, here is, IMO, the best film representation of the book, 1984. This is not a “Hollywood” production so it shows the true darkness that the book represents, including the evil little children who are following “dear leader”, Big Brother. How they will turn in their own parents and hear nothing of logic or reason. How everything is done on computers and history is changed to fit the current ruler. Watch. It’s unnerving how close it is to DM and his prison parish.
Thanks for this link, Indie8 Mill. I think that book should be required high school and college reading. One day DM and the church will be required reading to show how a sociopathic, psychotic megalomaniac can take over and the consequences. Everyone should be hatted on how to spot an SP and handle them, and I’m not talking about the church course in it. I’m talking, “The Sociopath Next Door” and other books like it.
Really? The Tech and Admin Vols are now squirrel because Hubbard wrote it? Wow. The evil dwarf is now making HIMSELF source. Whoa!
Very interesting. Red and Green is squirrel. This seems like a desperate move. I would have to think this loses more people than it gains.
Perfect, Nostradamus. What you’ve described so well is exactly why I left. I was also told that the HCOPLs in the Green Vols (Red Vol issues didn’t come up with me at that time-they would today) which I was referencing with regard were not applicable.
I was even told by a HCOES that “We don’t have the TIME to apply that policy”, referring to a policy, forget which, outlining how to expand an org.
An EO urged me to come into the org so that he/she “could give me a few things to read”.
I replied that I had all the Green Vols, what was the reference?
“It’s not in those”, quoth this EO. ”
Its not LRH?”
“No, but its valid. Come in and read it.”
“I’m busy, please just email it to me”.
This was refused. “No, I don’t want to get into this over email, I can’t send it to you that way. Just come in and I’ll let you read it.”
A hidden data line.
Laugh if you will, but I was incredulous that a trained Ethics Officer, a trained practically everything staff member and Scientologist for 40 years was telling me to come in and read “policy” that was not LRH’s and that could NOT be sent or even referenced, for that matter, via email, material that was being furnished to me in a covert way.
In a kind of shock, I replied, “No thanks. I don’t want to read anything that everyone else is not openly given, or not allowed to read”.
And that was that. The beginning of the end for me. I lost trust in that Ethics Officer.
My mind was in a whirl. Hmmm…No time to apply LRH policy on how to expand a Scientology org…hmmm…a hidden data line I could read so I’d be OK with Ideal Org fundraising, not written by LRH…wonder who wrote this?…hmmm…
Yes, people, I WAS that naive. BUT!
I now had 2 highly visible strings sticking out in front of my face, piquing my interest and curiosity considerably, strings which I began to quietly pull.
Fast forward, I got the elephants, got the Sherman Tanks, and here I am with all of you, and glad to be here.
Very glad.
We’re glad you’re here too, Aquamarine. Wouldn’t be the same without you.
I’m genuinely astounded. No one ever hit me with this one – or I would have made all sorts of noise.
What I did get though, was written up because, before the GAT 1, I wrote the RTC and told them that someone had changed the wording in one of the new issues of the books. That someone must have gotten lazy or something because when I did a side by side comparison, the words weren’t the same.
I got a standard form letter ack and, later, a KR. The MAA told me that I had “reported a change in one of the books” as if I was criticizing someone for the change. I was being viewed with suspicion.
So I told the MAA, “Well, that’s what we’re supposed to do, right? If something is out-tech, we’re supposed to report it, right?”
Her attitude totally changed. She said, “Oh yeah. That’s right.” She looked a little bit bewildered and put the KR down while reading it again. Cognitive dissonance. Planting a seed.
Wow, Aqua. This is amazing. I loved your answers to that MAA. And Indie 8 Mill I loved your answers too. If we just keep doing that to the SO members involved, maybe it will jar something lose and we’ll get more seeing the light. I hope all the UTR’s took note of these comments.
Yes excellent post. And also still, still, unbelievable! No wonder they got rid of all the decent staff. Those remaining in must be, well, no we’ll leave it there…
The following was my post of a few months back and I thought I would simply put it in again here, as it is very appropriate: Miscavige sold Scientology down the river in the early 1980s. He and the people that have supported him over the last 30+ years in his activities have changed the ethos of Scientology into one of a snarling, nasty, bitchy abomination, greedy for money with no or diminishing exchange of service. He and his supporters are in treason to the subject and have effectively destroyed it, emptying out Orgs worldwide, covertly destroying training and processing as well as decent well meaning staff and public, ripping off parishioners for “donations” which covertly deflects them from whatever remaining Bridge exists (and providing him with a false statistic) and generally throwing all and any available spanners into the Scientology “works” – Ethics, Tech and Admin. In fact the destruction caused is so unbelievable, both overt and covert, that the phrase “you couldn’t make it up” would be a massive understatement. One doesn’t need to conjure up images of CIA or government infiltration or other conspiracy theories against Scientology as a subject to explain such effects caused by him and his gang of fawning followers, as what they have done far surpasses anything that such agencies could have undertaken. Whether or not the subject can be recovered is a matter for future generations.
HCOB 2 August 1969R “LX” Lists states “Perverts, suppressives and critical, snide, ruthless, arrogant or contemptuous personalities are always out of valence” is indeed a revealing piece of information that explains to a great degree what has occurred and the mindset that has accomplished this destruction. Interestingly enough the subject still somehow survives despite it, but which is of course aided by the fact that the person attempting to do so cannot complete a cycle of action, fortunately.
The activities of this cabal are plainly revealed with a study of OEC Volume 1 sections on detecting Suppressive Persons and which of course many staff and public eventually get around to reading and then putting 2 and 2 together, and end up disconnecting themselves from this gang. This is probably the only useful application of the disconnection theory. He cannot yet totally destroy all of these references and signposts to his activities but he is even trying to do that (of course) with his revision of the OEC Volumes and Tech Volumes, which apparently have been withdrawn from Orgs pending this “revision”. As they say – “you couldn’t make it up”!
Wow. Unbe-freakin-lievable, Nostradamus. The perfect mental trap.
Move the cheese. Tell people that LRH is their stable datum and then say that their stable datum isn’t stable anymore and that the local crazy sheriff is their new stable datum. wow.
How treacherously suppressive. A new milestone for cult status. Milestone 2 1/2 %.
Do trout run?
Do birds hang glide?
Do squirrels drink Scotch?
Hell yes! Massive amounts too!
Touche! (y) and No! not if you’re in narCONon
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Do blow up dolls dream of inflatable sheep?
Mine does.
Do Electric Sheep Dream of studly farm hands with Tasers?
Blade Runner was the best! I think LRH was jealous that he didn’t write it. LOL
I thought trout bungee jumped.
Only when they get really, really drunk…
Salmon bungee jump – upstream.
This is outstanding. Bravo RB.
“I can arrange a free session for you.” Imagine belonging to a church, bumping into a distressed and confused parishioner and offering them a “free session” as though that was some kind of big deal.
“Father O’Malley I’m having some doubts about my faith.”
“Don’t worry my son. Come in to the church and we’ll talk this through. And you know what, as a special favor I WON’T CHARGE YOU!” “Gee Father, thanks for that. I’m ever so grateful.”
Man RB has nailed this good! I still get to have conversations with Sciebots. And It’s not always quite that obvious however it’s there with all of them. If they don’t bolt or die they become good little Lemmings. Davey McSlimeage is brilliant at creating human robots that can be controlled by the flip of a switch or turn of a phrase. I LOL! Tragic.
“I LOL! Tragic.” Apt turn of phrase. Black comedy at its best. So funny you cry.
Yes. We joke around a lot. However I am angered and saddened by the horror stories I’ve seen first hand. That’s why so many of us support exposing the criminality and lies of the cherch.
“If they don’t bolt or die they become good little Lemmings.” Spot on, BKMole.
I’ve noticed it is even worse with the ones at the top of the Bridge, the OT VIII’s. One guy I know used to question and talk up etc but after doing some lowers and paying tons of money for that and being re-programmed, he is like a Stepford Husband towing the line now.
An OT VIII woman I know keeps repeating this phrase with a robot face, that “anything will be handled on the Bridge if you just keep doing the Bridge.” and “It can be handled.” And it doesn’t matter what your problem or consideration is. Her answer is “auditing will handle that.” or “something can be done about that; just do the Bridge.” OH yeah? How is it that this person has allergies and hides in her house rather than let others see that an OT VIII has allergies? And how is it that she can’t get and keep a job? How is it that this self-professed ruin on her Bridge of not having and keeping a job has not been handled even at OT VIII? And what I feel bad for them about is because of all their money going toward her Bridge and IAS etc, she is now in her 70’s and having to work at whatever she can do just to help pay back credit cards from doing the Bridge. She would like to retire but can’t.
I’m a cancer survivor (bladder). The cancer is still embedded in the bladder wall. My surgeon told me, “It’s not a matter of if, but, when your cancer comes back.” So…lady who says “auditing will handle that” really believe what she’s saying? What about all the OTs who get cancer? What a crock of shit!
OSD, we’re all united here that its not going to come back.
Doctors like to cover themselves, not the least of which is for insurance purposes.
With your healthy physical, mental and emotional life style (no held in anger, grief, etc.) it doesn’t necessarily have to return. Just keep surfing, playing, and posting here. What could be healthier?
The doctor is being honest (not covering him/herself). Your dismissal of scientific information can cause a person to not return for screenings and early treatment. That is one reason that OTs die of cancer. Please avoid telling someone they’ll be fine and to distrust doctors. With good medical care and follow up OSD should be able to manage his bladder cancer and continue to engage in all the great activities you listed.
If you are speaking of medical doctors in the US, please note that the US is currently running #17 in health standings worldwide. #1 in price of course, but most medical people simply follow the “approved by the AMA” doctrine. That doctor has no way of knowing if or when a cancer will return. He’s giving nothing more than an opinion.
Thanks, Aqua! My surgeon didn’t think I would live to see 50 because of my cancer’s aggressiveness. Well, I’m way, way past that milestone. And, being Scottish means I’m just too damn cheap to die!
Och, laddie, and too stubborn, as well. Good on ye!
Hey Old Surfer Dude,
Scientific studies regarding meditation and cancer cells. There is a lot of data out there.
Also the book Eating On The Wild Side by Jo Robinson has some cutting edge scientific research regarding foods and their cancer fighting properties. It’s an awesome book, very easy to read. Very powerful very informative. You’ll never shop for food the same.
Ann, this is for you also.
Meditation can cure anything from cancer to even death itself. It’s funny because the superpowers that Scientology promises can be gained from simple meditation! Read up on the Buddha…..Siddhartha Gautama. Once Enlightenment is reached ALL is possible. Buddhism is the ultimate authority on the mind. And you only need a teacher……not a thousand books, punches to the head, RPF, E-meters, auditing, etc..
You speak the truth kemosabe. So many older clams who are hitting a dead end. I know a few and it’s sad.
Cindy, that’s so sad. That she is in her 70’s and in such a physical and financial state, yet keeps repeating the “party line”. No doubt she feels she would lose all her friends if she were to leave the church, so she won’t allow herself to really think about it (the non-effectiveness of the tech) for fear of what she’d find. Easier to keep the status quo.
Yes, I think you’re right, TJ. She also has a daughter, her only kid, who is on staff at some Scn place, not an org, but still very Kool Aid.
With a host of body problems both painful and embarrassing, pinned to her 1st dynamic with severe money problems in her 70s, unable to retire when she’s someone who really does need to rest and recooperate, she’s still smug and preachy with you Cindy. Her life sucks and no-one in their right mind would want to be her but never mind, she’s got everything under control and you, of course, don’t.
First I laughed, then I felt guilty, like I should be maybe crying. What a case of delusion and non-confront.
She is so theetie wheetie. I used to look up to her “as an OT VIII” God or something. Back when I drank the KA. When I started to see the light, my kids told my ex and he went to her and asked her to salvage me and bring me back into the fold as we were acquaintances. She tried and failed to do that. She refuses to see. Oh and one other thing, while on Solo Nots she nearly went blind. She had one or two detached retinas. She got it fixed, but I wonder if re-doing OT VII for the second or more time had something to do with it.
oh it’s “The Spider to the Fly” routine 497 revision 5 for GAT 2 completions.
The reason you went bankrupt s because you had an MU, not because you gave
all your money to the church. Rex Fowler on OT 7 had an MU explains everything.
Rex Fowler had what’s called in Scientology a Crashing MU.
Well, he may know for certain that birds fly, but, does he have a clue about fish swimming? I seriously doubt it. He’s not even close to that level….
Hee hee haw her hee hee
OSD, don’t leave us hanging here. Do they? Do they? *hangs head in shame, realizing I, too, am not even close to that level*
Grasshopper, when you can get ashtray to stand up, time for you to leave Temple…..
This cuts to the bone and is too close to the truth of it all. It’s too bad I used to be Tom as shown above. But I’m out! Yee Haa!
AJ…when you left, you got one hellava gift: Your Life Back! Now you can do what YOU want to do. Go where YOU want to go. See anyone YOU want to see. The joy you’re experiencing right NOW must be through the roof….
Thanks RB, you are just getting better and better!
This is not unlike the attempted handling I was subjected to by an OT Committee member when I got onto the “disaffected” list of my local org. I spent two hours talking to this person & her husband – although they readily nodded and “listened” to me as I empathically insisted I would NEVER go near an org again, they still insisted on trying to arrange an “ARC break session” for me. Duh. There just is NO reasoning with these people – you’d be better off talking to a brick wall.
Yes, it’s better talking to a brick wall. But, when it comes to banging your head against something, just remember that those people will be a lot softer than a brick wall. Present time!
Shelley, that’s an insult to all brick walls everywhere…..
And that is the real slight of hand trick being played out. You ARE talking to a brick wall …….. solid robotic mest as they say inside the cult!
They are quite solid, aren’t they Coop? No mind of their own. Willing to accept anything. Taking on Hubbard’s valence. In other words, becoming Ronbots…..
Yes, that used to drive me crazy.
“So, let’s see how we could make this so and so thing go right, today, right now!”
“Blah blah blah blah blah”
“I understand. Now, how could you…?”
“I’ve already told you twice, blah blah blah blah blah”.
“Got it, totally. Totally understood. Now, what if…?”
“Well, now I’m telling you for the THIRD time, Blah blah blah!”
“Yes! I DID get that. I DO understand! So, in order to….”
“WAIT! STOP! What IS it about blah blah blah blah blah that you do not fully understand? How many times do I need to REPEAT this to you before stop asking me this same question over and over! This is not a repetitive process, you know! You’re not auditing me! I’ve ANSWERED you!”
“Of course you have. Of course
“There’s no need to descend to the lower tone levels. Let’s keep this uptone, shall we?”
At one point I realized that a circuit was being employed, an “I understand”, circuit, and that there was no understanding, it was a circuit talking to me, so from then on when I got enmeshed in some fruitless comm cycle such as the one above with some idiot saying over and over, “I understand”, and then asking me the same damned thing repeatedly, I would just put my TRs in and calmly reply, over and over, “No, I don’t think you do, actually”.
Could have run CCH 1 on him – it’s supposed to handle circuits. ?
Shelley I agree, I seriously once said “what part of leave me the f**k alone don’t you understand?” to someone trying to “recover” me, and they tried to explain that away as an arcx that needed to be fixed.
Nope, they were the ones who were broken.
Val, you don’t have any kind of ARCX! I’m sure of it! However…you do have massive M/Us! Probably should see Qual…
I once went to Qual but I didn’t qual.
LOL and spot on! ?
And this is not stretching the truth. it’s exactly like this.
Only worse….
Hey RB, this goes a little to far for me as a neverin and I’m not sue I get it (but it is quite funny nevertheless)
You might want to stroll on down to a local Orge and try it out to get a full conceptual understanding!
And sign up for the Comm Course. Then the HQS Course. The Purif, SRD & Student Hat. Now you’re ready for auditing and training. What you’ll need to do next is to sell you home and pay for your bridge. This will give you a good idea of what scientology is all about.
Please let us know how it goes…..
Been there, done that.
🙂 🙂 🙂 Bingo. The Prison of Belief in action.
Wait….what? The play Bingo in the Prison of Belief? Man, how lucky can you get….
No. They play Ideal Monopoly.
Unfortunately there’s no get out of jail card.
LMAO!!! Now THAT’S some funny shit! Thanks for the great laugh, Alfred! Please do more of it!
Thanks OSD. Little Davey loves his monopoly but his real high crime is monotony.
Leave the prison of belief and give your system some relief.
How do you come up with s comment when everything has already been said?
Ummmmm…you come up with something new? Hey, I took a shot….
Wow, that reveals scientology’s self-perpetuating circular logic so vividly. There is no contradiction in a scientologist’s mind because you have to THINK in order for things to not make sense. Scientology makes sense to a scientologist because they have been trained to not think. EVERYTHING makes sense when you don’t think!
(sign in front of any org): Please deposit your mind, sanity and all of your money before entering.
Grab the four corners of the room and don’t think. Have any one done this group process to the end phenomena?
Your results?
The building caved in.
Thanks to Regraded Being’s superb and illuminating strips I have no need to become a Scientologist to experience the ecstasy and subsequent disillusionment of membership.
Though my spiritual eternity is no doubt at risk, it has saved me a lot of money and grief!
The thing that is so great about Regraded Being, is that it is VERY funny, but simultaneously hits very close to the truth. Back in the day, I would go to an event and cringe while the person next to me would stand up clap and scream like a maniac in applause. I thought “WTF?”, but I kept quiet because I thought that there was something wrong with me and why I couldn’t be manic. Now thanks to RB, I know I’m not alone. I can take on Jim’s valence and scream to Tom, “Sit the fuck down!!” Thanks RB!
Hey, Bognition (I love this handle!), it was never about you. You’re perfectly fine and there’s NOTHING wrong with you! Like many here, you just got sucked into a vicious cult. Now…you’ve got your life back!
Thanks Dude!
No worries, Bog! I’m just glad your out! And didn’t you feel elation when you finally walked away? Getting one’s life back is an incredible experience! You go to movies. You buy a home. You go on vacations. You can have Gay friends. You go to restaurants.
Bog, you are the prize you’ve been seeking. You are pure, unconditioned Consciousness. You’ve always been and you always will be. And NOTHING in scientology will help you on your life’s journey. Congrats, Bog! You’re out and you’ll never be in again! Woo Hoo!
Thanks, Mike. Great job on perfectly duplicating the actual situation, RB. Perfectly true.
I would be ROTFL, but it’s all true. I’m still under the radar so I hear from friends about how people are getting “monumental wins”. This, after someone said, “I’m doing GREAT on the SRD. I just need to go back in for a few hundred more hours of it and I’ll be DONE!” Or, “I’m trying to raise money to redo my SRD.” What?? Didn’t this just come out last year? And the person has to re do it again?? Talk about cognitive dissonance.
Most people I see coming off this rundown have this crazy, fixed look in their eye. Scientologists had the reputation of having “those crazy, staring eyes” before. Now the crazy has gotten stronger…because maybe they ARE crazier.
Case (pardon the pun) in point, Mr. Sheehan here.
Wow. Once again Regraded Being hits it out of the ball park. I’ve actually heard Scientologists like Mr. Self Determination talk like that, and yes, to this Never In they sounded weird. And they kept contradicting themselves. So Self Determined that they can follow Command Intention…
But that was Hubbard’s goal, to craft followers who wouldn’t think for themselves!
Regraded captures the surrealism of CoS with incredible detail…RB is the Dali of Scientology satire.
How many people have been through almost this exact scenario? I was told “its sooo much better since COB fixed the tech” and I had someone come round to my house asking what I might have done against the group, because I must have done something wrong not to want to be part of it any more. Green t shirt man is right – what a nut!
Well, Gimpy, what DID you do against the cult…..errrr…..ahhhhh…..I mean the Church of the Double Cross? Leave? Yeah? Good for you!
I wish a couple of people would come by my house to try to “recover” me. I would play along with their game and ask them to explain to me these heart-wrenching letters from mothers to their disconnected children, or explain the hole and DM’s abuses, his lavish lifestyle while the SO staff get paid peanuts or explain the fair game tricks done on people, or forced abortion. I could go on and on and would love to act innocent about these things I read on the internet. If anything it could put some form of doubt in their minds.
Either way it went, I could easily kick their sorry asses out the door.
Oh, that would be wonderful, CPO! I would love to be there when that happens! I have a few words myself that I would like to express.
I got the same question from a person from LA and some idiot from Flag, after I had not heard from them for 25 year . They both reminded me that LRH said the only reason a person leaves a group is because they did harm to the group.
So why did Ron leave the Navy?
Why did Ron leave his body?
Or all his wives?
I’ll take a shot. Because he did harm to the Navy? And so have overts and M/Us?
Because they wouldn’t make him a Commodore, of course.
Dave’s a Commawhore
He also has very bad comma!
No more is needed to understand their “point of view”.
Thanks a lot RB!
They actually have a point of view? Never knew ronbots had a point of view other than what they’re told.
OMG there are parallel dimensions, and there is one in which double speak is in full application you are “winning” while losing every penny, every single possession and worst of all you lose your mind!
I lost my mind once. However, i found it in the ocean while surfing….
Are you sure that’s yours?
It’s mine.
Hey! You guys leave my mind alone! It’s troubled enough. I will admit, gtsix, that it just might not be my mind. Mary, are you missing yours?
I repeat the auditing command. Does shit stink.
Only if you can’t get 3 swings of the needle. “I’ve seen the needle and the damage done, a little part of it in everyone.” Needle are dangerous, whether the pointy kind or the meter kind.
My lack of God! There are people who actually believe that?
Yup! Exactly like this.
I have to say, that I never got that wound up but this is exactly what my disconnected son “believes.” When I tried to explain that the physical assaults weren’t just Marty Rathbun and asked him if he’d be willing to listen to the stories of abuse of ten people if I got them over to the house, he looked like a deer in the headlight; you could see and hear the wheels of cognitive dissonance as he paused, then said, “No.”
(“I’d rather disconnect from you and, by extention, the rest of my family.”)
MY lack of God! Yes, Leslie, they do believe that. C’mon now, it’s what brainwashing does….
And I still worry about the depiction of the in-universe version of CoS being over the top in my current novel project:
Outside of Los Angeles at the Primary Base of the Church of Eternal Truth the newly enthroned Chairman of the Board Douglas Wolfe was angry.
And he was very, very, angry.
He shouted at the two Star Command officers in the office.
“He did what?”
(MR 1) replied.
“He’s being awarded the Medal of Honor, sir.”
“The what?”
(MR 2) now replied.
“The Congressional Medal of Honor, sir, and it’s rated higher than the Bronze Star.”
Although there was no official record of it (Hubbard) had claimed an award of the Bronze Star during the Second World War. For Wolfe the actual award of the Medal of Honor to a public opponent of the church was yet another public and unbearable humiliation.
Wolfe shouted.
“Isn’t anything being done to destroy his career in the army?”
(MR 1) now answered.
“We were able to induce a senior officer to block his application for the Officer Candidate School, but the Medal of Honor is awarded by Congress and while Democrats are generally cheap Republicans are…” He hesitated. “Those Republicans who can be influenced are just too expensive.”
(MR 2) spoke up.
“Every attempt to fair game him has failed, maybe we should just let it go.”
Wolfe was now in a full state of fury.
Wolfe pointed at the door.
Oddly, Congress has nothing to do with the process of awarding the Medal of Honor unless legislation is required to waive the statutory time limit (nominate within 2 years of the act for Army/Air Force, award within 3 years, 3 years and 4 years respectively for the Navy and Marine Corps). Here is the nomination process for the Army.
The nomination package goes up through the chain of command of one’s service and the president is the final approving official. There are a lot of places where the award package can be stopped or downgraded to a lesser award, as the diagram in the upper left-hand corner of the link shows. For instance, a friend of mine was nominated for a Meritorious Service Medal (two lower than the Purple Heart in the order of precedence) and it was downgraded to the National Defense Service Medal (22 lower than the Good Conduct Medal) for his service during Desert Storm.
This opens some opportunities for your villain to derail the process, and maybe get it downgraded to a Silver Star or something like that. There is fairly good oversight and a lot of scrutiny with award packages that request the Medal of Honor.