O/T. Church of Scientology National Affairs Office joins letter asking members of Congress to co-sponsor the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, (H.R. 6210 or S. 3471), to ensure that American product supply chains are not funding the Chinese government’s oppression of the Uyghurs and other Muslim groups in Xinjiang.
Never heard of Past Life ethics handlings.
This is a new one on me, Perhaps this is just a joke, but Scientology is so degraded these day’s that who is to say.
I never had an ethics cycle that resulted in me having to paying money.
I know this has changed in the 15 years or so since my departure.
Scientology guilt is similar to original sin in Catholicism. Except in Scientology the sins are endless. Almost infinite number of transgressions one can find on the whole track. Hubbard really nailed controlling members with his “overt/motivator” sequence. He was truly evil. Sad for those who are still believers.
f course the “sins” are endless. Whenever he wants you to buy more “indulgences”, he can direct you to mock up yet another past life transgression to atone for.
As you wrote: They get rich off of real and imagined O/W’s. Even in the 1970’s they shrugged off my referencing the HCOB titled O/W A LIMITED THEORY ( 22Dec1960) and the lessened importance of O/Ws
Original Sin is a little different, since it’s not something you have confess or repent. Christian churches say everyone is sinful, but there’s a way out that does not demand money. All of the costs of sin are paid via spiritual stuff like a commitment / vow, saying prayers, etc.
Indulgences are still around, but instead of being pay-to-sin, they cover stuff like allowing people to break a rule without it being a sin – when St. Patty’s day is a Friday in Lent, you can still eat Corned beef.
Scientology looks at all the bad stuff Catholics that led to the reformation and double down on them. OSA has less justice than the Inquisition, and the Ethics for profit system makes the indulgence system look like a joke.
One lady paid $3000 to make amends for stealing a bag of copper while the other one paid $100 to make amends for stealing a big bag of gold.
Hmmm …. why do I sense there may be more to this story that we have not yet seen or that may have gotten lost somehow?
I get the feeling these two ladies will wind up in a terrible fight over the unfairness of this situation. Doesn’t it seem like there should be more to this story?
Skyler, it’s of course necessary for the ‘ethics’ “handlings” to be arbitrary and capricious. If the marks could figure out the scam, they’d mock up the least-expensive imaginary transgression every time.
Wonderful how the IAS will send the money back in time to the coin theft victims! Miscavige is truly a noble savior.
What if it wasn’t your incident, but a BT’s or Cluster’s ???
Will you be making amends to IAS for every BT or other space alien parasite who has committed a crime at some point in the past ???
But then look no further than their psychotically insane fundraisers … ANYTHING to mine your wallet.
I think running in circles would be more productive. Oh wait, LRH already tried that…
RB. Damn! you nailed it:
‘Solving problems we never knew we had,’ a scieno original
O/T. Church of Scientology National Affairs Office joins letter asking members of Congress to co-sponsor the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, (H.R. 6210 or S. 3471), to ensure that American product supply chains are not funding the Chinese government’s oppression of the Uyghurs and other Muslim groups in Xinjiang.
Never heard of Past Life ethics handlings.
This is a new one on me, Perhaps this is just a joke, but Scientology is so degraded these day’s that who is to say.
I never had an ethics cycle that resulted in me having to paying money.
I know this has changed in the 15 years or so since my departure.
Hilarious!!! I think RB has found a new profit center for the scam. If he was an FSM, they would be rich.
The Catholic church must be kicking themselves they didn’t think of getting parishioners to pay for indulgences of past life sins.
Very funny. These people are in “La La Land”.
Yeah … Scientology ethics would fix everything … Yeah … Last week I had a date with … Uhm … Morgan Fairchild … Yeah … That’s the ticket …
Scientology guilt is similar to original sin in Catholicism. Except in Scientology the sins are endless. Almost infinite number of transgressions one can find on the whole track. Hubbard really nailed controlling members with his “overt/motivator” sequence. He was truly evil. Sad for those who are still believers.
f course the “sins” are endless. Whenever he wants you to buy more “indulgences”, he can direct you to mock up yet another past life transgression to atone for.
As you wrote: They get rich off of real and imagined O/W’s. Even in the 1970’s they shrugged off my referencing the HCOB titled O/W A LIMITED THEORY ( 22Dec1960) and the lessened importance of O/Ws
It did not fit their agenda even then.
Original Sin is a little different, since it’s not something you have confess or repent. Christian churches say everyone is sinful, but there’s a way out that does not demand money. All of the costs of sin are paid via spiritual stuff like a commitment / vow, saying prayers, etc.
Indulgences are still around, but instead of being pay-to-sin, they cover stuff like allowing people to break a rule without it being a sin – when St. Patty’s day is a Friday in Lent, you can still eat Corned beef.
Scientology looks at all the bad stuff Catholics that led to the reformation and double down on them. OSA has less justice than the Inquisition, and the Ethics for profit system makes the indulgence system look like a joke.
Yes, you do not exaggerate. Now ethics officers collude with regs to extract more money from members.
One lady paid $3000 to make amends for stealing a bag of copper while the other one paid $100 to make amends for stealing a big bag of gold.
Hmmm …. why do I sense there may be more to this story that we have not yet seen or that may have gotten lost somehow?
I get the feeling these two ladies will wind up in a terrible fight over the unfairness of this situation. Doesn’t it seem like there should be more to this story?
Let’s look at these 2 women.
Woman 1 (and her husband) drives a car with fumes in the gas tank and bald tires, but forked over $3000 to the $cam.
Woman 2 wears a pearl necklace, drives her own car and only handed over $100 to the $cam.
Evidently they couldn’t push W2’s buttons like they could W1’s.
Skyler, it’s of course necessary for the ‘ethics’ “handlings” to be arbitrary and capricious. If the marks could figure out the scam, they’d mock up the least-expensive imaginary transgression every time.