This was actually the least violent solution.
If he hadn’t allowed his preclear to visibly rough him up in an attempt to safeguard the Ideal Org donation, then uplines would have fried his ass for dinner.
Cavalier, that was pretty much my experience: We had to be complete professionals in and out of session. That would include not being allowed to accept gifts from PCs. OR students if I was (nominally) staff. ‘Course, until I went to Flag, I had my own (paying) job, so could afford what little I wanted and didn’t have. At Flag, of course, I could barely afford the occasional soda from the machine down the hall, and lived off of roll-your-own cigarettes which put Camel Unfiltered to shame for tar and nicotine. The only time I had more than one on me was when I took a couple of minutes to roll a few extras.
I heard years ago that auditors were pressuring their PCs to buy IAS memberships and Basic Book packages. This became widely known over 10 years ago. Makes me shutter to even think about ever entering a Church of Scientology building again.
Why this crime syndicate is still in business beats me. You could not be treated any worse even in the hands of the most psychotic psychiatrist out there.
WHY it’s still in business is easy! The money’s good.
HOW it’s still in business is the real question. They don’t much try to expand, or even try to replace all of us who have left or been kicked out. An enterprise like that must keep expanding or it dies; like the sharks which must keep moving or they die.
Hey Mike, I understand this post. However, I do not think portraying violence against Scientologists is ok, even if lightheartedly portraying the abuses of the cult-like Church of Scientology. Even though LRH himself portrays that anger tone as ‘not speaking with words, but speaking with bullets’ (paraphrasing), I wouldn’t repeat his trash ideas in my own works personally. I have to speak up against any portrayals of violence, especially in light of what happened in Australia and even the unrelated, but still relevant Charlie Hedbo.
I praise the free speech here on this blog, but I am still a fan of self-censorship. Hope you feel the same way.
I’m a pacifist, and like Leah, a former New Yorker who has to voice their opinion.
A mental image of the BLM protesters cheering the murder of that Prayer hat guy in Portland comes to mind. I never want to be that person, and I will never be able to marginalize violence by saying it’s just a cartoon. Cartoon violence, a topic I researched in high school, is the most widespread form of violence on TV and it is intentionally targeted towards children (IMO for desensitization)
O/T. 9/5/20: Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad aka Tony Muhammad and Robert Kennedy, Jr. discuss:
“Smallpox Infested Blankets, Tuskegee Experiment, Forced Vaccinations and Hidden Agendas… NEVER AGAIN!”
“Don’t miss this very important interview with Robert Kennedy, Jr. The real hidden agenda of Big Pharma and Mandatory Vaccines is the NEW TUSKEGEE EXPERIMENT! Tune in for a Vaccines Education!”
Tony Mohammed discussing vaccinations?? Please don’t tell me he’s advocating NOT vaccinating children, making the black/white illness rates even WORSE than they are through willful lying of the benefits of vaccinations. Just when there’s some attention being focussed on the problem, jokers like that come along and muddy the waters.
What DO they GET in exchange for such criminal behavior? I don’t see money in it, but it likely increases the power they hold over their “flock”
Hubbard made a comment on the Universes Tape that entities or demons do not fit on the tone scale. Another serious contradiction in Scientology. If you listen to Hubbard, his mass of words leads to nothing but confusion. Perhaps this auditor found the inner fascist.
Oh my God this is so Scientology.
It is exactly what happens to poor trusting people who wander into the lions liar (Org) and don’t realize Scientology is about to ruin their lives.
I will translate the steps for Wogs
Create some stability with new raw meat by being kind, helpful, loving and caring.
Have them do some of the beginning “designed to trap“ cheapie courses
peddling REAL HELP written by other philosophy’s and religions
( while cleverly Re-packaged as Scientology By L RON Hubbard)
Then introduce little lies and some big lies in the tech
Such as
Anyone critical of L RON and Scientology is hiding big crimes and is an SP
Scientology is man’s only hope to spiritual freedom
Slowly confuse them and de stabilize them . Many will divorce their spouses and will be all alone so they are easier to control
Then Regg them for a lot of money
Sell them training so they can train how to fool others and manipulate them out of money and free labor.
Steps to trick someone into doing more Scientology
1. Pick open wounds from the past. If you can’t find one, have them make one up. Validate them with the meter
2. Pour salt and vinegar into wounds
3. Poke more at wounds
4. Promise a solution and out of pain and suffering
5. Sell them more Scientology
“Tone 40 and 8C don’t work on a PC who really wants to leave the Auditing Room so he can cancel a credit card transaction.”
Apparently, this auditor reminded the victim that he got him to agree to spend a hell of a lot more money than he could really afford and when he wanted to leave the room, the auditor decided to try and play “tough guy” and the victim smacked him in the face. Well good for him. Well deserved all around.
But I don’t understand something about this. The credit card transaction was likely done a long time ago. Wouldn’t that be right? So how could he have cancelled a transaction that was done a long time ago? I have never used a credit card to pay this cult any money at all and so I am not really certain how that aspect works.
But trying to keep someone in a locked room is not only a crime, but the victim has every right to use force to attempt to escape (I think).
In an auditing session, the auditor sits between the PC and the door.
The door would never be locked.
He is not supposed to let the PC leave while he is unflat on a process.
This is stated to be for the sake of the PC.
I guess that the credit card cycle he cancelled was the $2,000 ideal org contribution his auditor was bragging about.
In my experience, an auditor would never accept handouts from his PCs.
I once offered to buy my auditor lunch and he would not accept this small thing. He insisted on paying his own way although I am sure he had very little money.
Cindy related:”One time I brought a homemade cookie from lunch in to my auditor. She refused it.”
Typical, and a surefire way to ARCX the PC. In session, we’ were trained not to be caring humans, only barely-thinking machines. Yet we were auditors BECAUSE we cared.
My experience with auditors was the same. But then I never got any auditing after 1998. From what I’ve read, beginning around 2003, auditors and ethics officers and just about everyone on staff became “instant-hatted” to function as Registrars for one thing or another. Certainly by that time at Events every staff member was a Registrar to buy the new release or to donate to the IAS, or Library Campaign or WTH or whatever. But insofar as hitting me up for coffee or snacks, no auditor ever did that with me when I was a PC.
I recall once at an Event when there was shrimp cocktail. This was HIGHLY unusual. One staff auditor I particularly liked looked like she would love to have a plate of shrimp. I had promised to buy one of the new releases from her at this Event. I suggested we eat together; I liked her. Shrimp was a big treat; usually the food at these things was bloody awful. Graciously she thanked me but refused; staff were not permitted to eat the shrimp, she said and she had to be busy circulating and selling the new release, etc. She looked tired and hungry to me. Public were gorging themselves on shrimp; it was good and there was a lot of it. I said to her something along the line of, “Well, I’m afraid I won’t be able to buy (whatever the fuck it was) from you because I have so many questions; can we go into the next room?” She looked bewildered and even more tired. I told her to wait for me. I put down my half eaten plate and went back to the buffet and got a clean plate and a napkin and a fork. I piled the plate with shrimp and brought it back. Holding both my own half finished plate and the new plate of shrimp in my right hand (as I learned to do when I had been a server) and not caring if anyone thought me a greedy pig for grabbing a 2nd plateful when I hadn’t even finished the first one, I took her arm with my left hand and steered her across the floor into the next room and closed the door. I set the plates down on a table. “Now, you eat this”, I said, “or I’m not going to buy anything. I mean it. I won’t. You can tell them I said that. And I mean it. I won’t buy a thing unless you eat this, Now, here’s your chair; sit down and eat.” And she did, laughing. We sat and ate our shrimp and chatted. I asked her some questions about the materials for sale to make it official. As a staff person she had to have a reason, a legitimate post reason for sitting down and eating at an Event. So I made it a Reg cycle, which it wasn’t.
Aqua. Food, at an EVENT!?? Hardly ever happened to me, and at Flag, I was full-up with rice and beans, anyway, any time I could get near to an event; usually, I was still slaving away, trying to get my stats up.
Aqua, from what you have posted, it seems to me that you are just unable to remain evil for long enough to actually get away with some true bastard type of conduct. I do not believe that you would ever be able to allow the monstrosity aspect of your nature to have free reign over your life for any length of time. Your bad karma can just never stay in control for long enough to take a win. All said and done, that makes me quite happy. I’ve always known that you are a decent person and no matter how hard you try, you just cannot overpower that part of your character and so, it is essentially inevitable that you will always be a decent human being and no one will ever get you to behave otherwise.
That makes me happy and proud to invite you and/or accept you to be my friend. Hail! Friend Aqua!
And while I’m at it, the same goes for LMR, Balletlady, Jere, OSD, George White and too many others to remember their names.
I suppose this blog could really use a capability for Friend Requests and Acceptance.
Right, Skyler! This place is friendlier than Facebook anyway, and there or LinkedIn, Most of the time, I don’t know who that person is requesting a friend link. I was active on those platforms when I first hit the ‘net, but quickly tired of it.
Dearest Aqua, you have a heart of gold & lovely caring nature & character. Sometimes in life we see someone so down & out it pains our heart, and at any cost we will try to comfort them.
What we give OUT, we often get BACK. For those who push out harm, eventually Karma will come to bite them in the ass….yes it will take time, but it happens more times than not.
We’ve read, seen heard so many stories of pain, hurt, neglect & abuse of physical & emotional nature from being beaten, starved, & everything else at the hands of a so called religion……& this religion is not the ONLY one who meters out abuse.
It pains me to know & realize that this has gone on so many years…yet…with those still IN for decades they know nothing else….they fear leaving as they’ve got no money & nowhere to go & would love family & friends still in. They can see, feel, hear nothing else. The help that can be offered to them is a CRIME to accept & LEAVE as they fear the loss of their “many lives”.
How sad is it that Cindy’s gentle & selfless act of offering home made cookies was turned down. Yet, to know that someone felt that way….that they declined acceptance of an act of kindness….how sad is that?
To hear the constant stories of being offered mostly “rice & beans”….filling & nutritious as it may seem…..that was IT?? Working 24/7 without proper sleeping accommodates or decent food is beyond most people’s comprehension. Then one sees a BONUS OF SHRIMP OVERFLOWING……I can’t imagine the pain that caused someone to KNOW they could NOT partake in even a small bite of it. Thank Goodness Aqua did what a lovely person WOULD DO….get something for someone ELSE.
I am NOT a Facebook person of Twitter etc…I’ve seen & heard so many negative & horrific SLAMS people make against each other & how much it HURT that other person……not so nice a place to be….including video’s of sex assault that once Facebook was notified…were quickly removed.
MY support, heart & love is RIGHT HERE where we can express our deepest emotions & try our BEST to get each other through the pains & triumphs in life. Cheering each other on & getting each other “over the hump” of possibly being hurt or sick.
Mike is a STANDOUT person……he’s turned himself around AND inside OUT to become a better person, a better man, a wonderful husband & father…..YET as a group, one can only feel his pain in “getting his older kids involved from birth& & then after he blew suddenly without warning, the rejection they offer him & they cannot find it in their hearts to forgive him & move past it….they are so indoctrinated to stay in & to this day still filled with hate…”…..many of us KNOW that kind of hurt & pain. THAT is WHY we NEED to keep each other informed & updated….LET AFTERMATH NOT BE FORGOT & PLACED ON THE WAYSIDE.
My dearest ones here…Aqua, Skyler, Jere, OSD, LMR & so many others who have responded to MY Posts & made their hearts OPEN FOR FRIENDSHIP…I say thank you from the bottom of my heart FRIENDS!
Cavalier said:”He insisted on paying his own way although I am sure he had very little money.”
Of COURSE Hubbard made poverty a point of pride in his slaves. That way, they’d be even more grateful for any bit of largesse he bestowed upon them, even if it was ceasing to punish them so hard, like being in a state of Danger rather than Liability. It was STILL a punishment detail,FFS.
I joined the SO for a short time. I made it through the EPF and then came to my senses and un=joined. I didn’t have to escape as I was at home doing my project prepare at this time (yes it is out of order and thus out tech recruit cycle.)
But while in the SO we had rules we had to agree to and one of them was to not fraternize with the public or pcs. So if a public saw you walking and asked to drive you home you had to say no. If a public invited you to dinner at their house you had to say no. If you wanted to hang out with a public you couldn’t. I asked why not? And who is left to hang with if you can’t do it with your friends? I was told, only hang with the other SO who have libs the same day you do. Ugh, you try to forget some of the SO witches and then are told that is only who you can hang with?
Also I was told not to go to dinner at or holidays at a public person’s house because it might make us go PTS to see the nice mest and food they have compared to the SO and they don’t want us going PTS.
Also they told us we can’t hang with public because we have to be the ethics presence for them and how could we successfully sec check them in session if we’d been hanging out with them and could no longer be cold hard ethics presence with them? What a holier than thou and arrogant viewpoint is that?!
Skyler when I decided to leave the SO, I was locked in a room at the 2nd floor and I had a security guy outside the door. The MAA told me the reason of my ‘jailing’ was I could have become restimulated and escape.
Damn I wanted to leave not to escape but the momentary kidnap made me think to really escape and run to the embassy.
You see among all the hubbard tech this is another one: get the guy under watch and locked.
And Davey-boy discovered that the Fists of Fury® don’t work well on your (female) PC. I doubt he successfully finished THAT internship; and I saw how poor a student he was when he tried to do an OEC internship. Guy has NO certification, tech or admin; other than the bogus ones he gran ted himself. and we saw how well that went with him declaring Lisa McPherson “Clear”, over the Auditor and C/S’s determinations.
Skyler, the $ was extorted from the PC just after lunch. 2 hours later, the GAT II “auditor” had ARC-Xed the PC and got smacked around for his troubles.
This was actually the least violent solution.
If he hadn’t allowed his preclear to visibly rough him up in an attempt to safeguard the Ideal Org donation, then uplines would have fried his ass for dinner.
STILL loving the little guy just poking up above the lectern.
“Using only standard GAT II auditing tech.”
Well there’s the problem! “standard” GAT II is nothing but an ARC-X waiting to happen. Just Davey-Boy’s squirrel techniques.
Cavalier, that was pretty much my experience: We had to be complete professionals in and out of session. That would include not being allowed to accept gifts from PCs. OR students if I was (nominally) staff. ‘Course, until I went to Flag, I had my own (paying) job, so could afford what little I wanted and didn’t have. At Flag, of course, I could barely afford the occasional soda from the machine down the hall, and lived off of roll-your-own cigarettes which put Camel Unfiltered to shame for tar and nicotine. The only time I had more than one on me was when I took a couple of minutes to roll a few extras.
“…a stable state of propitiation.” Yeah, that says it.
““…a stable state of propitiation.” Yeah, that says it.”
JUST where the Registrars and lil’ Davey wants them. Takes little to get them to hand over everything they have.
I heard years ago that auditors were pressuring their PCs to buy IAS memberships and Basic Book packages. This became widely known over 10 years ago. Makes me shutter to even think about ever entering a Church of Scientology building again.
Why this crime syndicate is still in business beats me. You could not be treated any worse even in the hands of the most psychotic psychiatrist out there.
WHY it’s still in business is easy! The money’s good.
HOW it’s still in business is the real question. They don’t much try to expand, or even try to replace all of us who have left or been kicked out. An enterprise like that must keep expanding or it dies; like the sharks which must keep moving or they die.
Hey Mike, I understand this post. However, I do not think portraying violence against Scientologists is ok, even if lightheartedly portraying the abuses of the cult-like Church of Scientology. Even though LRH himself portrays that anger tone as ‘not speaking with words, but speaking with bullets’ (paraphrasing), I wouldn’t repeat his trash ideas in my own works personally. I have to speak up against any portrayals of violence, especially in light of what happened in Australia and even the unrelated, but still relevant Charlie Hedbo.
I praise the free speech here on this blog, but I am still a fan of self-censorship. Hope you feel the same way.
Hi golden Era.
It’s a Cartoon; the violence is about as dangerous as Bullwinkle throwing Rocky up in the air.
I’m a pacifist, and like Leah, a former New Yorker who has to voice their opinion.
A mental image of the BLM protesters cheering the murder of that Prayer hat guy in Portland comes to mind. I never want to be that person, and I will never be able to marginalize violence by saying it’s just a cartoon. Cartoon violence, a topic I researched in high school, is the most widespread form of violence on TV and it is intentionally targeted towards children (IMO for desensitization)
RB is definitely not targeted towards children. You are really straining the comparisons here.
O/T. 9/5/20: Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad aka Tony Muhammad and Robert Kennedy, Jr. discuss:
“Smallpox Infested Blankets, Tuskegee Experiment, Forced Vaccinations and Hidden Agendas… NEVER AGAIN!”
“Don’t miss this very important interview with Robert Kennedy, Jr. The real hidden agenda of Big Pharma and Mandatory Vaccines is the NEW TUSKEGEE EXPERIMENT! Tune in for a Vaccines Education!”
scn & NOI: the bigoted imbeciles leading the racist mob. THAT’s going to work out well, don’t you think?
Tony Mohammed discussing vaccinations?? Please don’t tell me he’s advocating NOT vaccinating children, making the black/white illness rates even WORSE than they are through willful lying of the benefits of vaccinations. Just when there’s some attention being focussed on the problem, jokers like that come along and muddy the waters.
What DO they GET in exchange for such criminal behavior? I don’t see money in it, but it likely increases the power they hold over their “flock”
Hubbard made a comment on the Universes Tape that entities or demons do not fit on the tone scale. Another serious contradiction in Scientology. If you listen to Hubbard, his mass of words leads to nothing but confusion. Perhaps this auditor found the inner fascist.
Oh my God this is so Scientology.
It is exactly what happens to poor trusting people who wander into the lions liar (Org) and don’t realize Scientology is about to ruin their lives.
I will translate the steps for Wogs
Create some stability with new raw meat by being kind, helpful, loving and caring.
Have them do some of the beginning “designed to trap“ cheapie courses
peddling REAL HELP written by other philosophy’s and religions
( while cleverly Re-packaged as Scientology By L RON Hubbard)
Then introduce little lies and some big lies in the tech
Such as
Anyone critical of L RON and Scientology is hiding big crimes and is an SP
Scientology is man’s only hope to spiritual freedom
Slowly confuse them and de stabilize them . Many will divorce their spouses and will be all alone so they are easier to control
Then Regg them for a lot of money
Sell them training so they can train how to fool others and manipulate them out of money and free labor.
Steps to trick someone into doing more Scientology
1. Pick open wounds from the past. If you can’t find one, have them make one up. Validate them with the meter
2. Pour salt and vinegar into wounds
3. Poke more at wounds
4. Promise a solution and out of pain and suffering
5. Sell them more Scientology
Walker: Good one: “Lion’s liar”, though I suspect you intended lair.
Very well written and very funny
Propitiation: the act of appeasing or making well-disposed a deity.
Three cheers for Ron! Hip hip hooray!
and there was echoing silence.
“Tone 40 and 8C don’t work on a PC who really wants to leave the Auditing Room so he can cancel a credit card transaction.”
Apparently, this auditor reminded the victim that he got him to agree to spend a hell of a lot more money than he could really afford and when he wanted to leave the room, the auditor decided to try and play “tough guy” and the victim smacked him in the face. Well good for him. Well deserved all around.
But I don’t understand something about this. The credit card transaction was likely done a long time ago. Wouldn’t that be right? So how could he have cancelled a transaction that was done a long time ago? I have never used a credit card to pay this cult any money at all and so I am not really certain how that aspect works.
But trying to keep someone in a locked room is not only a crime, but the victim has every right to use force to attempt to escape (I think).
I’m reading it as the new Pre-Clear signed up that very morning.
In an auditing session, the auditor sits between the PC and the door.
The door would never be locked.
He is not supposed to let the PC leave while he is unflat on a process.
This is stated to be for the sake of the PC.
I guess that the credit card cycle he cancelled was the $2,000 ideal org contribution his auditor was bragging about.
In my experience, an auditor would never accept handouts from his PCs.
I once offered to buy my auditor lunch and he would not accept this small thing. He insisted on paying his own way although I am sure he had very little money.
One time I brought a homemade cookie from lunch in to my auditor. She refused it.
Cindy related:”One time I brought a homemade cookie from lunch in to my auditor. She refused it.”
Typical, and a surefire way to ARCX the PC. In session, we’ were trained not to be caring humans, only barely-thinking machines. Yet we were auditors BECAUSE we cared.
Cavalier and Grisianfarce,
Thank you both very much for your explanations. Much appreciated.
My experience with auditors was the same. But then I never got any auditing after 1998. From what I’ve read, beginning around 2003, auditors and ethics officers and just about everyone on staff became “instant-hatted” to function as Registrars for one thing or another. Certainly by that time at Events every staff member was a Registrar to buy the new release or to donate to the IAS, or Library Campaign or WTH or whatever. But insofar as hitting me up for coffee or snacks, no auditor ever did that with me when I was a PC.
I recall once at an Event when there was shrimp cocktail. This was HIGHLY unusual. One staff auditor I particularly liked looked like she would love to have a plate of shrimp. I had promised to buy one of the new releases from her at this Event. I suggested we eat together; I liked her. Shrimp was a big treat; usually the food at these things was bloody awful. Graciously she thanked me but refused; staff were not permitted to eat the shrimp, she said and she had to be busy circulating and selling the new release, etc. She looked tired and hungry to me. Public were gorging themselves on shrimp; it was good and there was a lot of it. I said to her something along the line of, “Well, I’m afraid I won’t be able to buy (whatever the fuck it was) from you because I have so many questions; can we go into the next room?” She looked bewildered and even more tired. I told her to wait for me. I put down my half eaten plate and went back to the buffet and got a clean plate and a napkin and a fork. I piled the plate with shrimp and brought it back. Holding both my own half finished plate and the new plate of shrimp in my right hand (as I learned to do when I had been a server) and not caring if anyone thought me a greedy pig for grabbing a 2nd plateful when I hadn’t even finished the first one, I took her arm with my left hand and steered her across the floor into the next room and closed the door. I set the plates down on a table. “Now, you eat this”, I said, “or I’m not going to buy anything. I mean it. I won’t. You can tell them I said that. And I mean it. I won’t buy a thing unless you eat this, Now, here’s your chair; sit down and eat.” And she did, laughing. We sat and ate our shrimp and chatted. I asked her some questions about the materials for sale to make it official. As a staff person she had to have a reason, a legitimate post reason for sitting down and eating at an Event. So I made it a Reg cycle, which it wasn’t.
Aqua. Food, at an EVENT!?? Hardly ever happened to me, and at Flag, I was full-up with rice and beans, anyway, any time I could get near to an event; usually, I was still slaving away, trying to get my stats up.
Aqua, from what you have posted, it seems to me that you are just unable to remain evil for long enough to actually get away with some true bastard type of conduct. I do not believe that you would ever be able to allow the monstrosity aspect of your nature to have free reign over your life for any length of time. Your bad karma can just never stay in control for long enough to take a win. All said and done, that makes me quite happy. I’ve always known that you are a decent person and no matter how hard you try, you just cannot overpower that part of your character and so, it is essentially inevitable that you will always be a decent human being and no one will ever get you to behave otherwise.
That makes me happy and proud to invite you and/or accept you to be my friend. Hail! Friend Aqua!
And while I’m at it, the same goes for LMR, Balletlady, Jere, OSD, George White and too many others to remember their names.
I suppose this blog could really use a capability for Friend Requests and Acceptance.
Right, Skyler! This place is friendlier than Facebook anyway, and there or LinkedIn, Most of the time, I don’t know who that person is requesting a friend link. I was active on those platforms when I first hit the ‘net, but quickly tired of it.
Dearest Aqua, you have a heart of gold & lovely caring nature & character. Sometimes in life we see someone so down & out it pains our heart, and at any cost we will try to comfort them.
What we give OUT, we often get BACK. For those who push out harm, eventually Karma will come to bite them in the ass….yes it will take time, but it happens more times than not.
We’ve read, seen heard so many stories of pain, hurt, neglect & abuse of physical & emotional nature from being beaten, starved, & everything else at the hands of a so called religion……& this religion is not the ONLY one who meters out abuse.
It pains me to know & realize that this has gone on so many years…yet…with those still IN for decades they know nothing else….they fear leaving as they’ve got no money & nowhere to go & would love family & friends still in. They can see, feel, hear nothing else. The help that can be offered to them is a CRIME to accept & LEAVE as they fear the loss of their “many lives”.
How sad is it that Cindy’s gentle & selfless act of offering home made cookies was turned down. Yet, to know that someone felt that way….that they declined acceptance of an act of kindness….how sad is that?
To hear the constant stories of being offered mostly “rice & beans”….filling & nutritious as it may seem…..that was IT?? Working 24/7 without proper sleeping accommodates or decent food is beyond most people’s comprehension. Then one sees a BONUS OF SHRIMP OVERFLOWING……I can’t imagine the pain that caused someone to KNOW they could NOT partake in even a small bite of it. Thank Goodness Aqua did what a lovely person WOULD DO….get something for someone ELSE.
I am NOT a Facebook person of Twitter etc…I’ve seen & heard so many negative & horrific SLAMS people make against each other & how much it HURT that other person……not so nice a place to be….including video’s of sex assault that once Facebook was notified…were quickly removed.
MY support, heart & love is RIGHT HERE where we can express our deepest emotions & try our BEST to get each other through the pains & triumphs in life. Cheering each other on & getting each other “over the hump” of possibly being hurt or sick.
Mike is a STANDOUT person……he’s turned himself around AND inside OUT to become a better person, a better man, a wonderful husband & father…..YET as a group, one can only feel his pain in “getting his older kids involved from birth& & then after he blew suddenly without warning, the rejection they offer him & they cannot find it in their hearts to forgive him & move past it….they are so indoctrinated to stay in & to this day still filled with hate…”…..many of us KNOW that kind of hurt & pain. THAT is WHY we NEED to keep each other informed & updated….LET AFTERMATH NOT BE FORGOT & PLACED ON THE WAYSIDE.
My dearest ones here…Aqua, Skyler, Jere, OSD, LMR & so many others who have responded to MY Posts & made their hearts OPEN FOR FRIENDSHIP…I say thank you from the bottom of my heart FRIENDS!
Good for you for doing that. I bet she remembers it to this day and to her dying day.
Well now, Cindy. In that case, I am happy — actually X-TADIC (sp?) — to offer you my Friend Request as well.
Hi Skyler. Although my comment was addressed to Aquamarine, I also am a fan of yours, and so I am X-tatdic to have your friend request too.
Cavalier said:”He insisted on paying his own way although I am sure he had very little money.”
Of COURSE Hubbard made poverty a point of pride in his slaves. That way, they’d be even more grateful for any bit of largesse he bestowed upon them, even if it was ceasing to punish them so hard, like being in a state of Danger rather than Liability. It was STILL a punishment detail,FFS.
I joined the SO for a short time. I made it through the EPF and then came to my senses and un=joined. I didn’t have to escape as I was at home doing my project prepare at this time (yes it is out of order and thus out tech recruit cycle.)
But while in the SO we had rules we had to agree to and one of them was to not fraternize with the public or pcs. So if a public saw you walking and asked to drive you home you had to say no. If a public invited you to dinner at their house you had to say no. If you wanted to hang out with a public you couldn’t. I asked why not? And who is left to hang with if you can’t do it with your friends? I was told, only hang with the other SO who have libs the same day you do. Ugh, you try to forget some of the SO witches and then are told that is only who you can hang with?
Also I was told not to go to dinner at or holidays at a public person’s house because it might make us go PTS to see the nice mest and food they have compared to the SO and they don’t want us going PTS.
Also they told us we can’t hang with public because we have to be the ethics presence for them and how could we successfully sec check them in session if we’d been hanging out with them and could no longer be cold hard ethics presence with them? What a holier than thou and arrogant viewpoint is that?!
Skyler when I decided to leave the SO, I was locked in a room at the 2nd floor and I had a security guy outside the door. The MAA told me the reason of my ‘jailing’ was I could have become restimulated and escape.
Damn I wanted to leave not to escape but the momentary kidnap made me think to really escape and run to the embassy.
You see among all the hubbard tech this is another one: get the guy under watch and locked.
And Davey-boy discovered that the Fists of Fury® don’t work well on your (female) PC. I doubt he successfully finished THAT internship; and I saw how poor a student he was when he tried to do an OEC internship. Guy has NO certification, tech or admin; other than the bogus ones he gran ted himself. and we saw how well that went with him declaring Lisa McPherson “Clear”, over the Auditor and C/S’s determinations.
Right Skyler: Money matters trump anything else.
Skyler, the $ was extorted from the PC just after lunch. 2 hours later, the GAT II “auditor” had ARC-Xed the PC and got smacked around for his troubles.