I just discovered a way to access all of RB’s work from past to present. I’m not certain this covers all the work he has ever had published on this blog. But if you log into Mike’s website and then click on “All Posts”, you will likely find one of RB’s threads. There is a link that says: Filed under: Regraded Being
If you then click on that link, you are taken to a list that appears to be all of RB’s submissions. Please let me know if you have a problem with the instructions as I have written them. I hope you will enjoy RB’s work.
Hubbard indoctrination is all about CONTROL of people and getting their MONEY.
The design of the PTS/SP tech was to hand control over to the Church of Scientology so they could adjudicate who you can and who you cannot have interaction with. By this mechanism, whoever has been deemed any enemy by the church, is also automatically and enemy of the membership. This ridiculous circling of the wagons also better assists the church to loot the pocketbooks of its membership … to fight this supposed enemy. PTS/SP tech was Hubbard’s self protection mechanism.
I have a question regarding L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard died in 1986 and per David Miscavige, he just no longer needed that body. He may have mentioned something about his return. Scientologists believe he will be reincarnated. They worship his picture, sing him happy birthday every year and everything to this day is the word of L. Ron Hubbard. The latest videos I’ve watched is the younger group talk about being right there with the man himself. We all know were babies come from and L. Ron was birthed same way as the rest of us and this would be a scientology belief as well ( some have children). Sometime after L. Ron’s death David Miscavige implemented forced abortions for Sea Org members. If one of those abortions could have been the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard, wouldn’t that make David Miscavige the murder of the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. If Lawyers use the churches belief in billion year contracts and unjust arbitration agreements why not murder of a reincarnated being be also part of their religious belief?
Unfortunately the weird Scientology theory is that the “thetan” or spirit has a sort of fight over the body of a newborn, fending off other thetans that chose the same infant. And then does a sort of attack on the newborn to take over the body, called an “assumption”.
So the aborted Sea Org kids were not in the running to be L Ron Hubbard II. You have to actually be born to become a person with the whole thetan and all that.
At some point I think it was thought that Roanne Hubbard, Diana’s daughter with Jon Horwich, might be “the one”. ROaNne, RON, get it? But the timing was way off on that one. Later they thought that poor Suri, Tom Cruise’s daughter with Katie Holmes might be “the one”. Read Leah’s book about that, the staff practically bowing down at the baby’s feet. Somehow that went south too.
In the Scientology world a female L Ron Hubbard redux would not be odd. Apparently it happens all the time. But, male or female, the Return of the Hubster is long overdue. Was he reborn, walked into an ideal org, saw all the flashy stupid crap and gave up in disgust? Maybe he came back, was not well pleased, and Dave Miscavige buried him with cement overshoes in the pond at the Int Base?
The truth is, even though he gave the sea Org the motto “revenimus” meaning supposedly “We come back”, he never went back to any of his old haunts while he was alive. Whether he escaped from some place seconds before the law came down on him, or the taxman, or incensed creditors, he never got his act together and returned. Even his famous return from South Africa to Saint Hill was just to get a crew together so he could abscond to international waters before the indictments came down.
The simple explanation is that Scientology doesn’t work. Hubbard is not coming back, except maybe as the flea on a cockroaches butt for a few hundred lifetimes. You reap just what you sow.
It’s actually a longstanding belief in many world traditions, that the spirit or soul doesn’t enter the body until birth, and first breath – often reflected in connections between the words for breath and spirit, such as inspiration.
I think that had to do in part with the fact that before the advent of modern medicine, so many pregnancies and births ended in death; it was hard for people to imagine that a soul would be subject to an incarnation before survival was more certain, and in some cultures with high infant mortality rates children weren’t even given a name until around 1 year of age.
But Hubbard’s theories also of course hold that human beings suffer from pre-natal trauma that they can recall (almost certainly just a phenomenon of misleading therapeutic techiques producing false memories, as I’ve pointed out in the past). I believe that has to do with some messy complexity or even contradiction regarding, in part, the so-called “genetic entitly,” that Hubbard himself could never come up with a full satisfactory way to incorporate in his theories, and so sort of let slide. But I’ll defer to serious students of Scientology for explanation or correction on that point.
I figured RB’s response to yesterday’s crazy announcement about
would be excellent. But I didn’t think that it would happen overnight. But then Mike picked the perfect substitute for an alternative and it works extremely well too.
O/T. Scientologist Federico Lorente has passed away. Lorente was OT 8, as well as an L 10, L 12 and Super Power Completion.
In addition, Lorente appeared on Scientology TV and in Freedom Magazine.
There is a GoFundMe for his family. The goal is $400,000. As of this writing, $37,107 has been raised.
It is with a heavy heart that I tell you one of the most amazing and generous people I have been privileged to know has suddenly passed. Federico “Fede” Lorente passed away from a heart attack this week, leaving behind a loving wife and a beautiful teenage daughter. He was 46 years young.
Despite his business being closed due to the pandemic, he used his time to help friends in need, his daughter’s school, his church and anyone else who needed a hand. With his passing the financial future of his widow and daughter’s education are in jeopardy.
We need your help to secure their home and his daughter’s needs. In life he came to the US with very little and was living the American dream. He was willing to lend a hand whereever and whenever it was needed. In death as an organ donor, per the hospital, he will help over 40 people to live. His liver saved someone today, his eyes another to see, and his heart will be used to help several children’s lives. If there ever was a perfect ending of his choosing, helping children would have been number one on his list.
Please help us to secure their future, as he has helped so many others throughout his life and, even now, in his passing.
Not funny. The poor guy is finally doing some good. Apparently he came here as a hopeful immigrant and got snared by Scamology. And you KNOW that the reason “the financial future and education” of his widow and daughter are in jeopardy is because Scamology sucked him dry before he died.
Too bad the GoFundMe money can’t be used to help as much as his organs, but I’m glad he’s free.
It’s always both pitiful and sad when members go begging for money online, all too often because they ended up in some sort of jam that can be traced at least in part to Scientology. Typically it seems to be for dubious or quack lack-ditch treatments after they become critically ill, presumably in many cases because they failed to get preventive and standard medical care, which seems to lead to an unusual number of early deaths as has long been discussed.
Obviously this man should have had “reasonable” things like savings and life insurance – but didn’t, presumably due to being pressed by Scientology to be “unreasonable” and give every last penny in the expectation that he would somehow always be able to “make it go right” in the future and should not even think of the possibility of adversity. If his family is asking for $400K, that indicates that they have fairly high economic expectations, and so he was probably making a good bit of money.
Given how these fundraisers often go, I’m surprised they’ve raised as much as they have; I’m guessing he had some very well-off friends, like in the entertainment industry. But I doubt that the family will get anywhere near what they want or need and will end up, unfortunately, as more financial victims of the CofS.
What a sad yet predictable outcome when an OT Scientologist dies that he leaves his wife and child destitute & begging for money. The guy comes to the US, builds a business & his “church” extorts all his money for Super Powers. I hope the still ins & UTR see this and WISE UP! Your “church” doesn’t give a shit about you or your family!
PS This would make a good Regraded Being
Yes, there have been quite a few Go Fund Me begging for money things by Scns who have been stripped of their money so that they can’t even pay for a funeral. This guy was young, slender, muscular, so it is a shock that he died so young.
About 10 years or so ago a Scn friend’s husband, Will, died. They had to hurry and sell their house cuz the wife couldn’t afford the mtg alone. And they begged for money for the funeral etc. This was before Go Fund Me was invented. So they did a benefit concert at Celebrity Center for him and the money from the sale of tickets allowed her to bury him and buy a new car to replace their beater car . They were that broke. Yet on the up side: She was OT VIII. (sarcasm.)
Hi Mike-
I love you and Leah and have been enjoying the podcast as much as I did the Aftermath.
I didn’t realize (it probably has been discussed in depth but I missed it somehow) Marty Rathbun went back into Scientology after leaving and being so vocal in his fight against it. Will you cover this in depth on the podcast? Of all the shocking things I’ve learned on the show and podcast this has surprised me the most.
O/T. Another update on the partnership between the Church of Scientology and the Nation of Islam.
We have previously seen that:
(1) the Church of Scientology ignores its prohibition against “mixing practices” when it comes to members of the Nation of Islam who are doing Scientology;
(2) NOI Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad’s Repair of the Black Family “Manifest Your Vision Into Reality” class is based on Scientology, including the book “Science of Survival,” the Tone Scale, and the Scientology concept of “Be, Do. Have”; and
(3) the “Manifest Your Vision Into Reality” class is also based on the “Affirmation Magic” of the book “The Secret.”
Now, advertising her class, Sister Nayyirah says September 17 is the “New Super Moon” “Opening A Portal To Manifest Just Anything We Focus On.” (Seriously, you have to look at the graphic at the below link to fully appreciate what is happening.)
It is so sad that with all the info available that the few $ci members left continue to believe their lying eyes. They have cleared nothing. Many of their new members are from foreign countries looking for a better life. $ci is truly on life support. Virtually everywhere there are a handful of members desperately holding on to deserted orgs and missions.
Ot8 dies of heart attack at 48. Surely this was one of the health problems lientology was supposed to cure. Nobbe drops dead on hearing he will have to go to prison. Not sure his level, but pretty high, I suspect.
How can they keep believing when so many “successful” Scientologists die without realizing the benefits they were promised? I guess they must believe that things are going great everywhere but where they are.
Nobbe was yet another OT who died young – his trail of completions goes cold in 1994 with OT V preps, which I think means that he disappeared into Scientology’s celebrity center system where public figures and whales can now avoid having their CofS affiliation publicized.
But his now-ex-wife did OT VIII in 2009, so it’s very likely he’d reached the top of the ‘bridge’ in all those years since, as well. As George points out, and has often been discussed, that seems to often bode ill for individuals’ health and lifespan – plus, apparently also, their chances of being busted for illegal financial scams (currently indicted chiropractor Jay Spina is another one whose published OT completions end with New OT VII in 2003, but who seems likely to have gone to the final level in the meantime).
Back when I was still in the church, a rich whale OT VIII had a massive stroke at a young age. This happened a week after she returned from the Ship for services. She was OT VIII (and I can’t remember if her services done were OT VIII or something else). Anyway, the furtive and hushed whisperings about her after it were, “…but she was OT VIII…” and “how could that happen to an OT VIII?” We were all shocked that an OT VIII, not considered old yet, had had a stroke so soon after returning from the Ship. This shows the mindset of a Scn. They feel that OT VIII’s are impervious to death and stroke and illness. Well clearly this told them they are not. This is why another OT VIII I knew would stay home and not go out when his allergies hit because he felt it was “out PR” for an OT VIII to be sick.
Cre8tivewmn, the whole of scientology is set up to keep the marks from realizing what is being done to them. If nothing else, Hubbard had an evil genius when it came to that.
But in a real-world encounter what we see is loads of Scilons taking video, and their leader shouting “what are your crimes!” and “Stop your suppressive acts!” every time someone asks them a reasonable question. After a few years in Scn, anyone willing to speak to a non-Scn already has their brain full of memorized rote responses, mostly attacking the person, especially if they get the least bit critical of the church.
Sadly, they are allowed to act as if they are a genuine church, and file charges for a hate crime, at least in the US, simply because they browbeat the IRS into granting them a tax exemption.
There is much worse in the CoS than being forced to scrub toilets with toothbrushes. Ask anyone who spent years in the RPF, or The Hole, or endured child abuse, or a forced abortion, or who currently suffer Disconnection from family and former friends.
Yes, otherles, in their warped understanding of “good”, whenever they’re following orders, they’re “good”, including when they bankrupt themselves to pay for yet another useless status level.
It is impossible to sell an occult, demonic, fascist, private cult developed by Hubbard’s sick mind in an internet based society. The printed books and taped lectures have been replaced by PDF and podcasts. Now Scientologists sit in buildings waiting for the public to tune in to nonsense. Crowley could not have sex with Victorian women so he invented Thelema. Crowley later abandoned his wife and child. Hubbard threw his wife under the bus into prison. That is what you get for confusing thought with entities. The Fundamentals of Thought by Hubbard were merely the internal demons he could never control. Thank you King Solomon. No wonder why you got in trouble for marrying all of those foreign women.
Really funny. It’s incredible how one became certain to know already everything when he join scn.
This complete delusional view about life and others. Living and smiling inside a colorful bubble.
In my opinion hubbard did what Nietzsche once said “If one stares into the abyss for too long, then the abyss starts staring into him”.
And we have seen the results of this in hubbard’s life. Scientologists are doing the same. They have understood a great nothing about Life’s essence.
In about 1982 there was this far-out van parked a few blocks from the Fort Harisson in Clearwater. It had spaceships and other planets painted on it with Scientology symbols. On the back of the bus it said in big letters: WE COME BACK.
I assumed that it was owned by Captain Bill Roberson’s Space Patrol form Sector 9.
I should have gotten into it and flown off instead of being in the SO in CW.
That’s funny! And true! I remember being just like those girls when I was …like…20 years old. It was …like …so cool to be scino and just know like…everything about everything. For sure !!!! Lol
Do you know how to grillasteak? How’s about gorillasteak? Have you ever seen a gorilla do that?
What about a gorillamakeadonation? Have you ever seen that? You just do not know what you are missing untill you see a gorillamakeadonation! Believe me.
Then there is the gorillasubmitaKR. That is the ultimate in life. You just wait here while I go and fetch up a gorilla and I’ll show you what I mean. OK?
RB never fails to disappoint. His work is wonderful! No matter if it’s past – present – or future. It never fails to disappoint.
This is another great piece of work. I would be so happy if there was some way we could access all his work from the beginning up to the present.
I just discovered a way to access all of RB’s work from past to present. I’m not certain this covers all the work he has ever had published on this blog. But if you log into Mike’s website and then click on “All Posts”, you will likely find one of RB’s threads. There is a link that says: Filed under: Regraded Being
If you then click on that link, you are taken to a list that appears to be all of RB’s submissions. Please let me know if you have a problem with the instructions as I have written them. I hope you will enjoy RB’s work.
Hubbard indoctrination is all about CONTROL of people and getting their MONEY.
The design of the PTS/SP tech was to hand control over to the Church of Scientology so they could adjudicate who you can and who you cannot have interaction with. By this mechanism, whoever has been deemed any enemy by the church, is also automatically and enemy of the membership. This ridiculous circling of the wagons also better assists the church to loot the pocketbooks of its membership … to fight this supposed enemy. PTS/SP tech was Hubbard’s self protection mechanism.
I have a question regarding L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard died in 1986 and per David Miscavige, he just no longer needed that body. He may have mentioned something about his return. Scientologists believe he will be reincarnated. They worship his picture, sing him happy birthday every year and everything to this day is the word of L. Ron Hubbard. The latest videos I’ve watched is the younger group talk about being right there with the man himself. We all know were babies come from and L. Ron was birthed same way as the rest of us and this would be a scientology belief as well ( some have children). Sometime after L. Ron’s death David Miscavige implemented forced abortions for Sea Org members. If one of those abortions could have been the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard, wouldn’t that make David Miscavige the murder of the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. If Lawyers use the churches belief in billion year contracts and unjust arbitration agreements why not murder of a reincarnated being be also part of their religious belief?
Unfortunately the weird Scientology theory is that the “thetan” or spirit has a sort of fight over the body of a newborn, fending off other thetans that chose the same infant. And then does a sort of attack on the newborn to take over the body, called an “assumption”.
So the aborted Sea Org kids were not in the running to be L Ron Hubbard II. You have to actually be born to become a person with the whole thetan and all that.
At some point I think it was thought that Roanne Hubbard, Diana’s daughter with Jon Horwich, might be “the one”. ROaNne, RON, get it? But the timing was way off on that one. Later they thought that poor Suri, Tom Cruise’s daughter with Katie Holmes might be “the one”. Read Leah’s book about that, the staff practically bowing down at the baby’s feet. Somehow that went south too.
In the Scientology world a female L Ron Hubbard redux would not be odd. Apparently it happens all the time. But, male or female, the Return of the Hubster is long overdue. Was he reborn, walked into an ideal org, saw all the flashy stupid crap and gave up in disgust? Maybe he came back, was not well pleased, and Dave Miscavige buried him with cement overshoes in the pond at the Int Base?
The truth is, even though he gave the sea Org the motto “revenimus” meaning supposedly “We come back”, he never went back to any of his old haunts while he was alive. Whether he escaped from some place seconds before the law came down on him, or the taxman, or incensed creditors, he never got his act together and returned. Even his famous return from South Africa to Saint Hill was just to get a crew together so he could abscond to international waters before the indictments came down.
The simple explanation is that Scientology doesn’t work. Hubbard is not coming back, except maybe as the flea on a cockroaches butt for a few hundred lifetimes. You reap just what you sow.
It’s actually a longstanding belief in many world traditions, that the spirit or soul doesn’t enter the body until birth, and first breath – often reflected in connections between the words for breath and spirit, such as inspiration.
I think that had to do in part with the fact that before the advent of modern medicine, so many pregnancies and births ended in death; it was hard for people to imagine that a soul would be subject to an incarnation before survival was more certain, and in some cultures with high infant mortality rates children weren’t even given a name until around 1 year of age.
But Hubbard’s theories also of course hold that human beings suffer from pre-natal trauma that they can recall (almost certainly just a phenomenon of misleading therapeutic techiques producing false memories, as I’ve pointed out in the past). I believe that has to do with some messy complexity or even contradiction regarding, in part, the so-called “genetic entitly,” that Hubbard himself could never come up with a full satisfactory way to incorporate in his theories, and so sort of let slide. But I’ll defer to serious students of Scientology for explanation or correction on that point.
In my opinion, the PTS/SP stuff was required to give Hubbard yet another layer of excuses why nothing worked as advertised.
I figured RB’s response to yesterday’s crazy announcement about
would be excellent. But I didn’t think that it would happen overnight. But then Mike picked the perfect substitute for an alternative and it works extremely well too.
O/T. Scientologist Federico Lorente has passed away. Lorente was OT 8, as well as an L 10, L 12 and Super Power Completion.
In addition, Lorente appeared on Scientology TV and in Freedom Magazine.
There is a GoFundMe for his family. The goal is $400,000. As of this writing, $37,107 has been raised.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Dear Friends,
It is with a heavy heart that I tell you one of the most amazing and generous people I have been privileged to know has suddenly passed. Federico “Fede” Lorente passed away from a heart attack this week, leaving behind a loving wife and a beautiful teenage daughter. He was 46 years young.
Despite his business being closed due to the pandemic, he used his time to help friends in need, his daughter’s school, his church and anyone else who needed a hand. With his passing the financial future of his widow and daughter’s education are in jeopardy.
We need your help to secure their home and his daughter’s needs. In life he came to the US with very little and was living the American dream. He was willing to lend a hand whereever and whenever it was needed. In death as an organ donor, per the hospital, he will help over 40 people to live. His liver saved someone today, his eyes another to see, and his heart will be used to help several children’s lives. If there ever was a perfect ending of his choosing, helping children would have been number one on his list.
Please help us to secure their future, as he has helped so many others throughout his life and, even now, in his passing.
Thank you.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Wait. Are they chopping his heart up to give to multiple kids? I’m really confused.
And the family’s future would be nice and secure if they hadn’t given all of their money to the scam. Can’t they join SeaOrg and be taken care of?
Not funny. The poor guy is finally doing some good. Apparently he came here as a hopeful immigrant and got snared by Scamology. And you KNOW that the reason “the financial future and education” of his widow and daughter are in jeopardy is because Scamology sucked him dry before he died.
Too bad the GoFundMe money can’t be used to help as much as his organs, but I’m glad he’s free.
It’s always both pitiful and sad when members go begging for money online, all too often because they ended up in some sort of jam that can be traced at least in part to Scientology. Typically it seems to be for dubious or quack lack-ditch treatments after they become critically ill, presumably in many cases because they failed to get preventive and standard medical care, which seems to lead to an unusual number of early deaths as has long been discussed.
Obviously this man should have had “reasonable” things like savings and life insurance – but didn’t, presumably due to being pressed by Scientology to be “unreasonable” and give every last penny in the expectation that he would somehow always be able to “make it go right” in the future and should not even think of the possibility of adversity. If his family is asking for $400K, that indicates that they have fairly high economic expectations, and so he was probably making a good bit of money.
Given how these fundraisers often go, I’m surprised they’ve raised as much as they have; I’m guessing he had some very well-off friends, like in the entertainment industry. But I doubt that the family will get anywhere near what they want or need and will end up, unfortunately, as more financial victims of the CofS.
What a sad yet predictable outcome when an OT Scientologist dies that he leaves his wife and child destitute & begging for money. The guy comes to the US, builds a business & his “church” extorts all his money for Super Powers. I hope the still ins & UTR see this and WISE UP! Your “church” doesn’t give a shit about you or your family!
PS This would make a good Regraded Being
Yes, there have been quite a few Go Fund Me begging for money things by Scns who have been stripped of their money so that they can’t even pay for a funeral. This guy was young, slender, muscular, so it is a shock that he died so young.
About 10 years or so ago a Scn friend’s husband, Will, died. They had to hurry and sell their house cuz the wife couldn’t afford the mtg alone. And they begged for money for the funeral etc. This was before Go Fund Me was invented. So they did a benefit concert at Celebrity Center for him and the money from the sale of tickets allowed her to bury him and buy a new car to replace their beater car . They were that broke. Yet on the up side: She was OT VIII. (sarcasm.)
Hi Mike-
I love you and Leah and have been enjoying the podcast as much as I did the Aftermath.
I didn’t realize (it probably has been discussed in depth but I missed it somehow) Marty Rathbun went back into Scientology after leaving and being so vocal in his fight against it. Will you cover this in depth on the podcast? Of all the shocking things I’ve learned on the show and podcast this has surprised me the most.
Yes. Coming up soon.
Yep l, scientologists are clueless!
O/T. Another update on the partnership between the Church of Scientology and the Nation of Islam.
We have previously seen that:
(1) the Church of Scientology ignores its prohibition against “mixing practices” when it comes to members of the Nation of Islam who are doing Scientology;
(2) NOI Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad’s Repair of the Black Family “Manifest Your Vision Into Reality” class is based on Scientology, including the book “Science of Survival,” the Tone Scale, and the Scientology concept of “Be, Do. Have”; and
(3) the “Manifest Your Vision Into Reality” class is also based on the “Affirmation Magic” of the book “The Secret.”
Now, advertising her class, Sister Nayyirah says September 17 is the “New Super Moon” “Opening A Portal To Manifest Just Anything We Focus On.” (Seriously, you have to look at the graphic at the below link to fully appreciate what is happening.)
The Scientology prohibition against “mixing practices” is not just being ignored, it is being shit on and flushed down the toilet.
OOPS! Page wasn’t there.
It is so sad that with all the info available that the few $ci members left continue to believe their lying eyes. They have cleared nothing. Many of their new members are from foreign countries looking for a better life. $ci is truly on life support. Virtually everywhere there are a handful of members desperately holding on to deserted orgs and missions.
Ot8 dies of heart attack at 48. Surely this was one of the health problems lientology was supposed to cure. Nobbe drops dead on hearing he will have to go to prison. Not sure his level, but pretty high, I suspect.
How can they keep believing when so many “successful” Scientologists die without realizing the benefits they were promised? I guess they must believe that things are going great everywhere but where they are.
Nobbe was yet another OT who died young – his trail of completions goes cold in 1994 with OT V preps, which I think means that he disappeared into Scientology’s celebrity center system where public figures and whales can now avoid having their CofS affiliation publicized.
But his now-ex-wife did OT VIII in 2009, so it’s very likely he’d reached the top of the ‘bridge’ in all those years since, as well. As George points out, and has often been discussed, that seems to often bode ill for individuals’ health and lifespan – plus, apparently also, their chances of being busted for illegal financial scams (currently indicted chiropractor Jay Spina is another one whose published OT completions end with New OT VII in 2003, but who seems likely to have gone to the final level in the meantime).
Back when I was still in the church, a rich whale OT VIII had a massive stroke at a young age. This happened a week after she returned from the Ship for services. She was OT VIII (and I can’t remember if her services done were OT VIII or something else). Anyway, the furtive and hushed whisperings about her after it were, “…but she was OT VIII…” and “how could that happen to an OT VIII?” We were all shocked that an OT VIII, not considered old yet, had had a stroke so soon after returning from the Ship. This shows the mindset of a Scn. They feel that OT VIII’s are impervious to death and stroke and illness. Well clearly this told them they are not. This is why another OT VIII I knew would stay home and not go out when his allergies hit because he felt it was “out PR” for an OT VIII to be sick.
Cre8tivewmn, the whole of scientology is set up to keep the marks from realizing what is being done to them. If nothing else, Hubbard had an evil genius when it came to that.
“…a handful of members desperately holding on to deserted orgs and missions.”
Nicely said and completely true.
But in a real-world encounter what we see is loads of Scilons taking video, and their leader shouting “what are your crimes!” and “Stop your suppressive acts!” every time someone asks them a reasonable question. After a few years in Scn, anyone willing to speak to a non-Scn already has their brain full of memorized rote responses, mostly attacking the person, especially if they get the least bit critical of the church.
Sadly, they are allowed to act as if they are a genuine church, and file charges for a hate crime, at least in the US, simply because they browbeat the IRS into granting them a tax exemption.
There is much worse in the CoS than being forced to scrub toilets with toothbrushes. Ask anyone who spent years in the RPF, or The Hole, or endured child abuse, or a forced abortion, or who currently suffer Disconnection from family and former friends.
Scientology: always worse than you thought.
They really believe they’re the good guys?
Yes, otherles, in their warped understanding of “good”, whenever they’re following orders, they’re “good”, including when they bankrupt themselves to pay for yet another useless status level.
It is impossible to sell an occult, demonic, fascist, private cult developed by Hubbard’s sick mind in an internet based society. The printed books and taped lectures have been replaced by PDF and podcasts. Now Scientologists sit in buildings waiting for the public to tune in to nonsense. Crowley could not have sex with Victorian women so he invented Thelema. Crowley later abandoned his wife and child. Hubbard threw his wife under the bus into prison. That is what you get for confusing thought with entities. The Fundamentals of Thought by Hubbard were merely the internal demons he could never control. Thank you King Solomon. No wonder why you got in trouble for marrying all of those foreign women.
Pointedly hilarious.
Really funny. It’s incredible how one became certain to know already everything when he join scn.
This complete delusional view about life and others. Living and smiling inside a colorful bubble.
In my opinion hubbard did what Nietzsche once said “If one stares into the abyss for too long, then the abyss starts staring into him”.
And we have seen the results of this in hubbard’s life. Scientologists are doing the same. They have understood a great nothing about Life’s essence.
Poor, sad scns. And THEY think they’re HAPPY 😉 . Eventually, they’ll learn; after escaping, of course.
In about 1982 there was this far-out van parked a few blocks from the Fort Harisson in Clearwater. It had spaceships and other planets painted on it with Scientology symbols. On the back of the bus it said in big letters: WE COME BACK.
I assumed that it was owned by Captain Bill Roberson’s Space Patrol form Sector 9.
I should have gotten into it and flown off instead of being in the SO in CW.
The PTS SP course cleared me and scientology in Gothenburg. I went ON and destroyed my future. Keyed out do things they regret.
That’s funny! And true! I remember being just like those girls when I was …like…20 years old. It was …like …so cool to be scino and just know like…everything about everything. For sure !!!! Lol
Do you know how to grillasteak? How’s about gorillasteak? Have you ever seen a gorilla do that?
What about a gorillamakeadonation? Have you ever seen that? You just do not know what you are missing untill you see a gorillamakeadonation! Believe me.
Then there is the gorillasubmitaKR. That is the ultimate in life. You just wait here while I go and fetch up a gorilla and I’ll show you what I mean. OK?
Oh what a sheltered life you lead.
Skyler, I don’t think I want a gorilla steak; too close to canibalism to me. AND the stories of bush meat causing diseases in humans is off-putting.
Hey Jere!
Heh. Heh.
I will now attempt my first EMOJI. I don’t know if it will work. We’ll have to see.
it worked 🙂 !!!!!!
The Internet is God’s way of telling you you have too much free time 😉