I remember when I was in the SO of a veteran who had known and worked for hubbard telling this story on battlefield earth.
They were on the beach and hubbard looked up at the starry sky and said “you see right up there are space warships that are shelling themselves”.
Surely those who lift their heads to look did not see anything. However, then hubbard decided to write a manual containing what to do if aliens invade the earth. That it included specifics of galactic economics and politics. And he did it in the form of a novel. So ‘for those in the know’ is more than a fictional story. How cool.
I saw the term “Psychlos” several times in this cartoon so I searched the net to find its meaning. Eventually, I found an entry for one of LRon Lunatic’s novel in which the opening paragraph reads:
In the year 3000, Earth had been ruled by an alien race, the Psychlos, for a millennium. The Psychlos discovered a deep space probe with directions and pictures mounted on it and the precious material, gold, that led them straight to Earth. After one thousand years humanity is an endangered species numbering fewer than 35,000 and reduced to a few tribes in isolated parts of the world while the Psychlos strip the planet of its mineral wealth. Jonnie Goodboy Tyler, a young man in one such tribe, lives in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. Depressed by the recent death of his father and both the lethargy and sickness of most of the surviving adults in his tribe, later determined to be caused by radiation leakage from decaying nuclear land mines, he leaves his village to explore the lowlands and to disprove the superstitions long held by his people of monsters in those areas.
Many years ago, I discovered this lunatic was an incredible lunatic. But …. nuclear landmines?
If you think about that for just a minute or two, it seems fairly obvious that anyone who could conceive of such a thing is more insane than the term “Lunatic” could ever describe. I mean …. create a weapon that will obliterate a city whenever some poor shlub steps on it? That spells “CRAZY” no matter how you look at it.
Also, “Jonnie Goodboy Tyler”? Not only is he a lunatic. But he is also somewhat of a dim wit. He makes my skin crawl.
Nuclear Landmines were a thing being consider in the Fulda Gap to deal with hordes of Soviet tanks. I’ve got no reason they would be in the middle of the US unless it was a scorched earth tactics to kill the Psychlos.
Also, any alien race seeking to invade Earth for gold is insane. There are plenty of barren rocks with gold on them in other solar systems
“Also, any alien race seeking to invade Earth for gold is insane. There are plenty of barren rocks with gold on them in other solar systems”
And there are asteroids with more & more accessible deposits of gold than anywhere on Earth. Of course, logic wasn’t Hubbard’s forte—to put it mildly— when he was spewing words.
Yeah, “Nuclear landmines”. Hubbard didn’t over-react in halves, but went straight for the nuclear option. Talk about killing mosquitos with a sledgehammer…. Most of what he (now) laughably called “justice” was similarly MUCH too drastic for the transgressions. In many respects, it was as bad as old-Testament justice. If your kid disobeys, stone him/her to death; if a guy works on the Sabbath, Stone him to death…. There’s no middle ground for despots like them.
“Now I make suds whenever I sweat”. Still laughing! RB you’re a sick pup and I love you 🙂 God Almighty, life is so serious, lately. Everything is so serious. We have to keep laughing whilst we handle it all and work thru it all…I refuse to be a serious person…I will resist…win, lose or die in the attempt …have a nice weekend, everyone.
Aqua, remember to BREATHE, and remember “This, too, will pass.” I’m having fun taking potshots at flag Earthers & other anti-science idiots. They keep. coming. back for more….
?? Is Sunday still the usual “CSP” day?? Just curious. 40 years ago, it was our ONE chance to wander away from the base for a couple of hours. Was, in its way, better than a “liberty”, because we could count on it.
A few weeks ago I watched an old video about Sharon Staindorth. She was touched inappropriately when she was around the age of 10, by a teacher she thought was a Spanish matador. When she reported it, she was removed from the home and the Matador was given Kha Khan (does not mean an unhealthy bowel movement) status which made him untouchable in the eyes of the church. How would a church arbitration be able to judge fairly when members who do criminal acts be untouchable in the eyes of the church. Sexual assault in a court of law is a crime. In the Church of Scientology religious court of law criminal is untouchable. That is not an fair arbitration in my eyes.
Also does anyone know if there has ever been a female that has reached Kha Khan status in COS.
Funny how “untouchable” status in the SO is diametrically different than the far older “untouchable” class of India. Don’t ANY of them have a grammar-school education? Sometimes seems not.
Barbara, I’m confused; It seems as I read yours he was given Kha Khan status BECAUSE she reported it.
ETA: Because it’s between two bodies, scientology has no say because it SAYS it’s a spiritual enterprise.
AFAICT, the only “spirits” in scn are being poured down Dave’s throat.
Barbara, I believe there were female Kha Kahns but I don’t recall any specifics. Sex is not supposed to matter in the Sea Org, you call everyone senior to you “sir” no matter whether they are male or female.
The Scientology “ethics and justice” system actually doesn’t have any mechanism for arbitration. So they use something called a “Committee of Evidence” (comm ev) similar in some ways to the military court martial.
It doesn’t work very well to settle disputes or answer complaints of any kind. That is not what it is for. Basically the comm ev happens after earlier ineffective attempts to get someone who has committed a crime to straighten up. By applying more serious punishments, up to and including expulsion.
Common law – you are innocent until proven guilty. The trial reviews facts to determine guilt or innocence. A judge makes sure the process is conducted fairly. Judges are never also holding executive office.
Scientology “justice” – You are automatically guilty if you get anywhere near a comm ev. The committee reviews evidence and takes statements to determine the severity of the punishment. There is no independent judge in a comm ev, just a chairman who is also on the committee.
But the whole kangaroo court is subject to the will of the “Convening Authority”. The Convening Authority may reject the findings of the comm ev and often does if they are not harsh enough.
Who is the Convening Authority? An executive in the organization concerned, often the Executive Director or similar. So you can imagine what would happen to a comm ev that found an interested party innocent, leading to any damages to the organization! It goes right back to the Dark Ages, when the king was judge, jury, lawmaker and executioner.
The one Comm-Ev I was on at Flag/Flog, the convening Authority threatened to give us all the same punishments if we didn’t find them guilty of what, to most of us on the committee and anyone on the outside, was NOT a transgression against any sane moral codes, just two people dating, doing what came naturally when sex was so categorically, so draconianly, forbidden to them.
Bruce, there is no “justice” in scientology, only punishment because you’re deemed guilty on accusation. Only the severity of the punishment is in question.
Barbara, I caught it earlier today, but IIRC, it’s Sharone Stanforth. Either way, Google found it, correcting my mis-spelled search string automatically. Just now, they corrected me to Sharone Stainforth. Still a disgusting story she has to tell.
I don’t know HOW the pervert got away with that, as, even at Flag, there were certain things you just didn’t DO. Out-2D was very loosely defined. strictly enforced. One couple was Comm-Eved (and convicted of course) because she “went down” on him. I don’t remember how their transgression was discovered, since it was 45 or so years ago and I didn’t think it was such a horrible transgression even then, but it was technically against the Flag Order forbidding ANY sort of 2D activity before marriage.
Now, I wonder WHY LRH would promote that failed “wog” institution like that. Didn’t he learn from all his failed marriages and MANY affairs? His knocking up 17 year-old Mary Sue was OK in his books, I guess. Now, how many times did he cheat on her, I wonder. Of course that’s just another example of the rules not applying to the narcissist leader.
Off topic but I’m in Los Angeles and I just walked around big blue I said hello to one of the staff members and told him I got some auditingg here many years ago. IHe was kind of non-responsive and kept walking into the building. Then I was walking down the street away from big blue near square one dining. All of a sudden the security guy on his bicycle pulls up behind me and asked me i if I was around here a long time ago. He asked if he nlknew me I could see that he was too young to remembered me. We talked for 30 seconds and then he rode away. The whole thing struck me as really bizarre.
Is Scientology even really trying to get new people in anymore?? Based on what I saw at Big Blue today it does not seem that way. I even told one of the staff that I got auditing their years ago and he had no interest in talking to me. With the main parking lot blocked off, security guards constantly riding their bicycles around the building and no signs inviting people in, if I was someone who was interested in Scientology I would not feel welcome walking in the building. I get the impression they are more interested in keeping people out then trying to get people in.
I’m surprised Ron hasn’t come back by now to correct this situation.
There are many possible explanations as to why that staff member seemed non-responsive.
I believe the most probable reason is they are just not getting hardly any new members due to the wonderful work that Mike and Leah have been doing. As a result, the current Tiny Poobah only wants to keep things going for his lifetime. If you know much about the psychology of this rat, it is not hard to believe that he doesn’t give two shits about anyone else besides himself. He doesn’t care what happens to this scam after he dies. But he wants to keep things going for as long as he can and that means two primary items:
1) Keep the so-called “whales” donating large sums of money that will keep him living in luxury for the rest of his life.
2) Keep all the rest of the world (especially people like Mike & Leah) “locked out” so they cannot threaten his leadership – with prison or civil suits or widespread news that will leak to the current slaves explaining how this is a criminal cult and that will encourage some of them into staging a rebellion and tossing his ass out. If I am correct, as time goes by, this second item will be given more and more importance and the tight control he exerts over the slaves will become tighter and tighter until some of them are strangled or forced to stage that rebellion.
Regardless, the next ten years should prove to be extremely interesting and I would imagine it will culminate in some kind of explosive rebellion from within if these slaves can only figure out a way to spread the word that this rat is a monster and they are all essentially slaves.
Finally, as time goes by, he will exert the staff to try harder and harder to keep people like Mike and Leah (primarily including investigative reporters) out of their property to try to prevent an internal rebellion.
Good point. I also noticed three younger people picking grass with their hands. They must have been on the estates project forfe or whatever the right name is.
Skyler, I believe Dwarfenführer is the primary cause of no new public or crew in the orgs. Mike & Leah are doing a great job, but the rot eating what calls itself scientology came from within, high in the organization. scientology has never experienced a more effective Suppressive Person (giving him the benefit of the doubt — is “he” even human??) I’d accept reptilian.
Skyler surmised:
“1) Keep the so-called “whales” donating large sums of money that will keep him living in luxury for the rest of his life.”
Possible, but unnecessary. If he spends only 5% of what he’s got each year, that’s still millions of dollars a year. I don’t think his supply of scotch is THAT extensive.
Reptilian? Yes. A very good argument indeed could be made for Reptilian. But I would guess that he has been thinking about the end of his rope for a very long time now and he thinks about that most every day for almost all of his time every day.
My guess is that he wants to leave himself a double-edged out. In other words, in one set of circumstances, if things go wrong (as they almost certainly will) he will want to cast the blame on Tubby. But if he imagines that things will end well, he will try to cast the credit on himself.
In other words, if his twisted logic leads him to the conclusion that the end is good and he can accept the credit, he will claim the responsibility “in toto” for himself. But if he concludes that things are ending badly, he will try to shift the blame onto Tubby.
I say this because it is my opinion that most of the very worst scoundrels are also devious snakes and they try to leave themselves an “out” at the end of their rope. So, if he figures the world will thank him and conclude that something good has happened (the odds of this are really astronomical against him), he will point the finger at himself and try to snatch the credit. But if it appears the world will judge the end of this scam to be a big mess, he will attempt to shift the blame onto Tubby.
It seems to me that most of the very worst scoundrels usually seem to have a two-headed plan for their end and this creep is definitely one of the very biggest scoundrels of them all. Scoundrel and creep extrodinaire!
I also want to predict that the number of responses to the blog today will be extremely large. I figure that most people will find themselves in a happy “manic” state and will want to celebrate by saying something joyful about the end of the one creep and the anticipated end of the tiny creep. (tiny in size but huge in the degree of his creepiness!).
Speaking of the St Louis mission a couple of blogs ago I drove by 2 days ago around lunch time and there were 3 cars in the parking lot, the maroon van and beater old green jeep were both gone that were permanent fixtures the last couple of years. I don’t know if the covid has affected their tiny membership but there are certainly less attendance at the mission.
It’s no longer a “mission”, but a “Baby org”, since they’re all managed from on high by the same folks and have to do EXACTLY what has dragged the orgs into oblivion, no exception.
from the “Notebooks of Lazarus Long”, I suspect. I have a copy of them 4 feet to my right, but I haven’t gotten around to finishing it this month. There’s probably a copy somewhere on the ‘net. They first appeared IIRC in “Time Enough for Love”, a very long, very good novel that’s also a grand love story or a few of them. My favorite object of his affection was ‘Rangy Lil’ (possibly misspelled).
otherles, all “competent and self-confident [people]” are outa there and reading here. what was scientology is gone. What’s left is a pale shadow in the sand the clams burrow into.
Since most members of this scam have almost no money for food, they surely cannot afford to buy products like soaps and deodorants.
So I would think that “stinky sweat” would be a bigger problem than “sudsy sweat”. Stinky sweat would get most people a one-way trip to the RPF – just to keep them downwind from everyone else.
Fun and biting as usual.
But it is interesting to ask what is the “reality” and “truth” and “certainties” that they now breathe in the bubble. Who knows. Better to open the window and let the air circulate.
In my experience, OSA/GO matters were all “need-to-know” subjects rarely disclosed to the peons. LEAH, of course, we couldn’t have known about since she’s been declared and is SUCH an effective “SP”, battering poor creaky scn like a hurricane through a trashy trailer park in rural Louisiana.
Boy, I SURE hope I’m not promoting the Aftermath Foundation too much, but I sure hope we start seeing more “success stories” 😉 from their activities.
The “Wognitions” can be INTENSE, OSA watchers: Returning to our prior states is quite uplifting.
I remember when I was in the SO of a veteran who had known and worked for hubbard telling this story on battlefield earth.
They were on the beach and hubbard looked up at the starry sky and said “you see right up there are space warships that are shelling themselves”.
Surely those who lift their heads to look did not see anything. However, then hubbard decided to write a manual containing what to do if aliens invade the earth. That it included specifics of galactic economics and politics. And he did it in the form of a novel. So ‘for those in the know’ is more than a fictional story. How cool.
I saw the term “Psychlos” several times in this cartoon so I searched the net to find its meaning. Eventually, I found an entry for one of LRon Lunatic’s novel in which the opening paragraph reads:
In the year 3000, Earth had been ruled by an alien race, the Psychlos, for a millennium. The Psychlos discovered a deep space probe with directions and pictures mounted on it and the precious material, gold, that led them straight to Earth. After one thousand years humanity is an endangered species numbering fewer than 35,000 and reduced to a few tribes in isolated parts of the world while the Psychlos strip the planet of its mineral wealth. Jonnie Goodboy Tyler, a young man in one such tribe, lives in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. Depressed by the recent death of his father and both the lethargy and sickness of most of the surviving adults in his tribe, later determined to be caused by radiation leakage from decaying nuclear land mines, he leaves his village to explore the lowlands and to disprove the superstitions long held by his people of monsters in those areas.
Many years ago, I discovered this lunatic was an incredible lunatic. But …. nuclear landmines?
If you think about that for just a minute or two, it seems fairly obvious that anyone who could conceive of such a thing is more insane than the term “Lunatic” could ever describe. I mean …. create a weapon that will obliterate a city whenever some poor shlub steps on it? That spells “CRAZY” no matter how you look at it.
Also, “Jonnie Goodboy Tyler”? Not only is he a lunatic. But he is also somewhat of a dim wit. He makes my skin crawl.
Nuclear Landmines were a thing being consider in the Fulda Gap to deal with hordes of Soviet tanks. I’ve got no reason they would be in the middle of the US unless it was a scorched earth tactics to kill the Psychlos.
Also, any alien race seeking to invade Earth for gold is insane. There are plenty of barren rocks with gold on them in other solar systems
“Also, any alien race seeking to invade Earth for gold is insane. There are plenty of barren rocks with gold on them in other solar systems”
And there are asteroids with more & more accessible deposits of gold than anywhere on Earth. Of course, logic wasn’t Hubbard’s forte—to put it mildly— when he was spewing words.
Yeah, “Nuclear landmines”. Hubbard didn’t over-react in halves, but went straight for the nuclear option. Talk about killing mosquitos with a sledgehammer…. Most of what he (now) laughably called “justice” was similarly MUCH too drastic for the transgressions. In many respects, it was as bad as old-Testament justice. If your kid disobeys, stone him/her to death; if a guy works on the Sabbath, Stone him to death…. There’s no middle ground for despots like them.
“Now I make suds whenever I sweat”. Still laughing! RB you’re a sick pup and I love you 🙂 God Almighty, life is so serious, lately. Everything is so serious. We have to keep laughing whilst we handle it all and work thru it all…I refuse to be a serious person…I will resist…win, lose or die in the attempt …have a nice weekend, everyone.
Aqua, remember to BREATHE, and remember “This, too, will pass.” I’m having fun taking potshots at flag Earthers & other anti-science idiots. They keep. coming. back for more….
Yes, Jere, I hear you, and thank you. “This, too, will pass.” Yes, it will. Thanks again 🙂
?? Is Sunday still the usual “CSP” day?? Just curious. 40 years ago, it was our ONE chance to wander away from the base for a couple of hours. Was, in its way, better than a “liberty”, because we could count on it.
A few weeks ago I watched an old video about Sharon Staindorth. She was touched inappropriately when she was around the age of 10, by a teacher she thought was a Spanish matador. When she reported it, she was removed from the home and the Matador was given Kha Khan (does not mean an unhealthy bowel movement) status which made him untouchable in the eyes of the church. How would a church arbitration be able to judge fairly when members who do criminal acts be untouchable in the eyes of the church. Sexual assault in a court of law is a crime. In the Church of Scientology religious court of law criminal is untouchable. That is not an fair arbitration in my eyes.
Also does anyone know if there has ever been a female that has reached Kha Khan status in COS.
Funny how “untouchable” status in the SO is diametrically different than the far older “untouchable” class of India. Don’t ANY of them have a grammar-school education? Sometimes seems not.
Barbara, I’m confused; It seems as I read yours he was given Kha Khan status BECAUSE she reported it.
ETA: Because it’s between two bodies, scientology has no say because it SAYS it’s a spiritual enterprise.
AFAICT, the only “spirits” in scn are being poured down Dave’s throat.
Watch Sharon’s video on YouTube. Just type her name in the search it will come up.
Barbara, I believe there were female Kha Kahns but I don’t recall any specifics. Sex is not supposed to matter in the Sea Org, you call everyone senior to you “sir” no matter whether they are male or female.
The Scientology “ethics and justice” system actually doesn’t have any mechanism for arbitration. So they use something called a “Committee of Evidence” (comm ev) similar in some ways to the military court martial.
It doesn’t work very well to settle disputes or answer complaints of any kind. That is not what it is for. Basically the comm ev happens after earlier ineffective attempts to get someone who has committed a crime to straighten up. By applying more serious punishments, up to and including expulsion.
Common law – you are innocent until proven guilty. The trial reviews facts to determine guilt or innocence. A judge makes sure the process is conducted fairly. Judges are never also holding executive office.
Scientology “justice” – You are automatically guilty if you get anywhere near a comm ev. The committee reviews evidence and takes statements to determine the severity of the punishment. There is no independent judge in a comm ev, just a chairman who is also on the committee.
But the whole kangaroo court is subject to the will of the “Convening Authority”. The Convening Authority may reject the findings of the comm ev and often does if they are not harsh enough.
Who is the Convening Authority? An executive in the organization concerned, often the Executive Director or similar. So you can imagine what would happen to a comm ev that found an interested party innocent, leading to any damages to the organization! It goes right back to the Dark Ages, when the king was judge, jury, lawmaker and executioner.
The one Comm-Ev I was on at Flag/Flog, the convening Authority threatened to give us all the same punishments if we didn’t find them guilty of what, to most of us on the committee and anyone on the outside, was NOT a transgression against any sane moral codes, just two people dating, doing what came naturally when sex was so categorically, so draconianly, forbidden to them.
I’m guessing the person to be found guilty of out–2D was NOT Danny Masterson. An outside chance it was one of his non-celebrity victims.
Yvonne Gillham, Kha Khan
Bruce, there is no “justice” in scientology, only punishment because you’re deemed guilty on accusation. Only the severity of the punishment is in question.
Barbara, I caught it earlier today, but IIRC, it’s Sharone Stanforth. Either way, Google found it, correcting my mis-spelled search string automatically. Just now, they corrected me to Sharone Stainforth. Still a disgusting story she has to tell.
I don’t know HOW the pervert got away with that, as, even at Flag, there were certain things you just didn’t DO. Out-2D was very loosely defined. strictly enforced. One couple was Comm-Eved (and convicted of course) because she “went down” on him. I don’t remember how their transgression was discovered, since it was 45 or so years ago and I didn’t think it was such a horrible transgression even then, but it was technically against the Flag Order forbidding ANY sort of 2D activity before marriage.
Now, I wonder WHY LRH would promote that failed “wog” institution like that. Didn’t he learn from all his failed marriages and MANY affairs? His knocking up 17 year-old Mary Sue was OK in his books, I guess. Now, how many times did he cheat on her, I wonder. Of course that’s just another example of the rules not applying to the narcissist leader.
Off topic but I’m in Los Angeles and I just walked around big blue I said hello to one of the staff members and told him I got some auditingg here many years ago. IHe was kind of non-responsive and kept walking into the building. Then I was walking down the street away from big blue near square one dining. All of a sudden the security guy on his bicycle pulls up behind me and asked me i if I was around here a long time ago. He asked if he nlknew me I could see that he was too young to remembered me. We talked for 30 seconds and then he rode away. The whole thing struck me as really bizarre.
Is Scientology even really trying to get new people in anymore?? Based on what I saw at Big Blue today it does not seem that way. I even told one of the staff that I got auditing their years ago and he had no interest in talking to me. With the main parking lot blocked off, security guards constantly riding their bicycles around the building and no signs inviting people in, if I was someone who was interested in Scientology I would not feel welcome walking in the building. I get the impression they are more interested in keeping people out then trying to get people in.
I’m surprised Ron hasn’t come back by now to correct this situation.
Doug, Ron took the only way out of the mess he created; it’s unlikely he’ll return to “the scene of the crime”, IMO.
Congratulations for having protested against the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology 😉
Doug, if it’s not bizarre, it’s not scientology…. And it’s getting even more so.
There are many possible explanations as to why that staff member seemed non-responsive.
I believe the most probable reason is they are just not getting hardly any new members due to the wonderful work that Mike and Leah have been doing. As a result, the current Tiny Poobah only wants to keep things going for his lifetime. If you know much about the psychology of this rat, it is not hard to believe that he doesn’t give two shits about anyone else besides himself. He doesn’t care what happens to this scam after he dies. But he wants to keep things going for as long as he can and that means two primary items:
1) Keep the so-called “whales” donating large sums of money that will keep him living in luxury for the rest of his life.
2) Keep all the rest of the world (especially people like Mike & Leah) “locked out” so they cannot threaten his leadership – with prison or civil suits or widespread news that will leak to the current slaves explaining how this is a criminal cult and that will encourage some of them into staging a rebellion and tossing his ass out. If I am correct, as time goes by, this second item will be given more and more importance and the tight control he exerts over the slaves will become tighter and tighter until some of them are strangled or forced to stage that rebellion.
Regardless, the next ten years should prove to be extremely interesting and I would imagine it will culminate in some kind of explosive rebellion from within if these slaves can only figure out a way to spread the word that this rat is a monster and they are all essentially slaves.
Finally, as time goes by, he will exert the staff to try harder and harder to keep people like Mike and Leah (primarily including investigative reporters) out of their property to try to prevent an internal rebellion.
Good point. I also noticed three younger people picking grass with their hands. They must have been on the estates project forfe or whatever the right name is.
Skyler, I believe Dwarfenführer is the primary cause of no new public or crew in the orgs. Mike & Leah are doing a great job, but the rot eating what calls itself scientology came from within, high in the organization. scientology has never experienced a more effective Suppressive Person (giving him the benefit of the doubt — is “he” even human??) I’d accept reptilian.
Skyler surmised:
“1) Keep the so-called “whales” donating large sums of money that will keep him living in luxury for the rest of his life.”
Possible, but unnecessary. If he spends only 5% of what he’s got each year, that’s still millions of dollars a year. I don’t think his supply of scotch is THAT extensive.
Reptilian? Yes. A very good argument indeed could be made for Reptilian. But I would guess that he has been thinking about the end of his rope for a very long time now and he thinks about that most every day for almost all of his time every day.
My guess is that he wants to leave himself a double-edged out. In other words, in one set of circumstances, if things go wrong (as they almost certainly will) he will want to cast the blame on Tubby. But if he imagines that things will end well, he will try to cast the credit on himself.
In other words, if his twisted logic leads him to the conclusion that the end is good and he can accept the credit, he will claim the responsibility “in toto” for himself. But if he concludes that things are ending badly, he will try to shift the blame onto Tubby.
I say this because it is my opinion that most of the very worst scoundrels are also devious snakes and they try to leave themselves an “out” at the end of their rope. So, if he figures the world will thank him and conclude that something good has happened (the odds of this are really astronomical against him), he will point the finger at himself and try to snatch the credit. But if it appears the world will judge the end of this scam to be a big mess, he will attempt to shift the blame onto Tubby.
It seems to me that most of the very worst scoundrels usually seem to have a two-headed plan for their end and this creep is definitely one of the very biggest scoundrels of them all. Scoundrel and creep extrodinaire!
I also want to predict that the number of responses to the blog today will be extremely large. I figure that most people will find themselves in a happy “manic” state and will want to celebrate by saying something joyful about the end of the one creep and the anticipated end of the tiny creep. (tiny in size but huge in the degree of his creepiness!).
Oh! Such a huge fucking creep!
Speaking of the St Louis mission a couple of blogs ago I drove by 2 days ago around lunch time and there were 3 cars in the parking lot, the maroon van and beater old green jeep were both gone that were permanent fixtures the last couple of years. I don’t know if the covid has affected their tiny membership but there are certainly less attendance at the mission.
It’s no longer a “mission”, but a “Baby org”, since they’re all managed from on high by the same folks and have to do EXACTLY what has dragged the orgs into oblivion, no exception.
“A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
Great comment. Thanks for sharing it.
from the “Notebooks of Lazarus Long”, I suspect. I have a copy of them 4 feet to my right, but I haven’t gotten around to finishing it this month. There’s probably a copy somewhere on the ‘net. They first appeared IIRC in “Time Enough for Love”, a very long, very good novel that’s also a grand love story or a few of them. My favorite object of his affection was ‘Rangy Lil’ (possibly misspelled).
otherles, all “competent and self-confident [people]” are outa there and reading here. what was scientology is gone. What’s left is a pale shadow in the sand the clams burrow into.
Top notch RB! Sudsy sweat is the least of her problems.
I’m still trying to figure out how the poor Sea Org women were able to deal with their specific needs. Can’t use big wads of TP, it seems.
Since most members of this scam have almost no money for food, they surely cannot afford to buy products like soaps and deodorants.
So I would think that “stinky sweat” would be a bigger problem than “sudsy sweat”. Stinky sweat would get most people a one-way trip to the RPF – just to keep them downwind from everyone else.
“just to keep them downwind from everyone else.”
UNLESS they’re running past you to their NEXT make-work assignment, of course.
“Sudsy” sounds pretty uncomfortable 🙁
Fun and biting as usual.
But it is interesting to ask what is the “reality” and “truth” and “certainties” that they now breathe in the bubble. Who knows. Better to open the window and let the air circulate.
??? HOW would the rank-and-file KNOW about what Leah has discussed???
FUNNY: “Battlefield Earth is a documentary!?
thx for the giggle on this Friday, RB.
In my experience, OSA/GO matters were all “need-to-know” subjects rarely disclosed to the peons. LEAH, of course, we couldn’t have known about since she’s been declared and is SUCH an effective “SP”, battering poor creaky scn like a hurricane through a trashy trailer park in rural Louisiana.
LmR, We’re HERE to blow a little disinfecting air their way, and I’m supporting the Aftermath Foundation as best I can, hoping everyone else is, too.