Silly question, but as a proud Never In I have a difficult time understanding the thought process of constant regging. If I’m a relatively affluent public working on the early OT levels I’ve already paid several hundred thousand in “fixed donations” to achieve this level. How far would the argument “I’ve already paid you, thanks for asking” fly and what would be the repercussions if I continued to say no?
Hi Scott Henderson, Good to meet you. As I well know there are no silly questions about Scientology ever, unless of course we all get silly on the blog. Laughter! As Sea Org long ago, I can tell you a good reg will drop the body first before ever giving up on getting your money honey! If you still refuse then you are withholding something that is causing you to act that way and your ethics are out. No worries Sci always has more auditing,training and security checking if need be to fix that! A crazy Ferris wheel ride! So glad I am out and free! Always, Ann.
Question for everyone as I am a “never-in” : when you officially “join” the Church of $cientology and register as a member, do they collect info up-front on your spouse, kids, parents and other next of kin as part of the “file” or dossier that the Church keeps on you?
Or, is the information about your relatives gathered here a little, and there a little, through various audits or conversations with other Church members or SeaOrg or Regges over time?
They gather as much intel as possible, as fast as they can. Nothing is sacred with your personal information. The intel is shared through gossip, files, folders, rumor, natter, slander, false reports, attitudes about you that bring on labels, etc etc and it is used how ever it is needed to justify any gnarley out comes. Even at staff meetings a person’s private counseling moments are broadcast.
They have a serious habit of getting stuck in OPP. Other people’s past. Other people’s ideas. Other people’s relationships. Other people’s finances. Other people’s case. Other people’s wallets. Other people’s bedrooms. Other people’s families and other people’s history.
That’s really how it is: a pat on the shoulder and then a knife in the back….off topic but I just discovered
the greatest site for Latin roots: MEMBEAN
Cece, I used to work with Michael Silverman quite a bit. Loved the guy. Have wondered what happened to him. Glad to hear he has his life back. Most of us back then did truly care about the folks we regged. It was always a hot spot of a post though, for sure.
Lightblb51, I looked for Cece’s comment about Michael Silverman but couldn’t find it. Can you fill me in on what Michael is doing now? I always liked him and never heard about him after he was declared and lost his church and wife in the whole process. What is he doing now?
It used to be all very simple decades ago. There were so many public on courses and having auditing that all the Regges had to do was wait for them to finish the course or the intensive and then sign them up for the next service when they appeared on the routing form. There was an exchange factor as well, as people were usually making gains from both the courses and the auditing and there was very little “Executive C/Sing” or other nastiness flying around. This shark-like Reg “philosophy” under Miscavige has actually driven public away and of course they compound the felony by hitting up on people for far more than they have as well and usually out-gradient i.e. they walk in the door and are hit straight away for their inheritances or house or whatever. There is no such thing now as gradients in getting case gain – it is all “get the bucks now!” So new public are overwhelmed by their voracious demands and leave. My wife did lots of basic courses and when the Reg after a few months of these asked her if she would like to do the Academy Levels she simply responded “yes” with no reservation and bought the complete package. All quite simple as she had gained something from her studies! But this shark-like regging is, one can only conclude, all part of the plan to destroy Scientology. Amazing thing is if you said what I just said they would call it suppressive – yet their squirrel reg actions have probably done more to harm Scientology than anything else. One of the worst proponents of this completely squirrel “Reg tech” is Jacques at Flag who regards public Scientologists as “marks”. They actually think that by being assholes and overly-demanding they are doing their job! Add to that the IAS and Idle Morgue “donations” scams and the whole show has now been steered and sent to the Everglades. The only job they have done in the last 30 years is to empty the Orgs out by driving the “customers”, or should I say “marks”, away.
Decades ago Leonard Cohen, Sonny Bono, Clint Eastwood, the Electric Light Orchestra, Harold Danko, Chick Corea, Karen Black, Priscilla Presley, John Travolta, Isaac Hayes, and Felipe Gil were on the forefront. Artists and thinkers. People looking for answers and solutions.
Now it’s Tom Cruise, Grant Cordone and David Miscavige. We are in the disco area of Scientology with slick salesmen, hustlers, “every man for himself” people that are basically, in one form or another, looking to get laid. Either with people, applause, money, ego or fame. Flashy buildings , hob nobbing with Scientology celebs, are the signs of success. Mini Pablo Escobars running everywhere selling and dealing in cut Scientocaine. Halston, Gucci, Fiorucci. Patrons, status and glamouratous. Cliques and boutique meters. Flyers boasting of wealth, parties and status.
The worship for Grant Cordone and Tom Cruise is at an all time high. The leader of the Church gambles in Vegas and throws million dollar parties on his yacht, where nobody cares of who they stepped over, to get over. It’s just the disco area of Scientology morphing into punk.
Lots of people are into the new music, these are the young bloods, and this is the golden age. Money for nothing and legal biils paid for free.Street fights from here to Belgium. Hush money pay outs, and private dicks and body guards. It’s Studio 54, 24/7.
Not to worry if you don’t fit in. You probably won’t be born in a crack house in your next life. Nothing is over, nothing is finished, nothing is done.
We just audition for a position, in our next life.
Hi The Oracle, You are a flame, burning through the night. You light up,the dark path, so all may find the way out,if they will follow the light.Admiration & love & hope for the bright future. Annie.
Oracle and Foolproof I like your post. I remember the 1970, it was lke you say Foolproof. Finally by having Miscavige in power they detroyed scientology. Was it planned? It certainly was the best and only way to do it.
Those in, are defending a completly corrupted scientology. Those out, who at first were protesting the out tech for most, have morph into complete ennemy of the subject.
There is no scientologists left. If some people wanted to destroy scientology, they won.
To witness the demeanor of this “person” change when she realized there was really no more $ to get out of me was very much one of the reasons I started my journey out of the trap. There really needs to be a special place in Hell for her along with the Ginger Prick and his little buddy.
Very good R.B. The thing about this cartoon is that isn’t even a bit exaggerated. This is real life folks. A fly on the wall would give pretty much the same back, verbatim. If you’re not on staff or in the S.O. you’re a dilettante. From the S.O. perspective, it’s really a combination of jealousy and an “I know better than you”. attitude. Anyone not giving 100% all of the time is not fully on board. That of course includes all of your money. This IS how S.O. talks about anyone who isn’t S.O., or S.O. that don’t match up to their standards. It’s a clique. A combination of Jr. high school and the Lord of the flies. Watch out for the S.O. execs. Don’t spill too many beans.
Great stuff, Mike. You capture the true nature of the committed staff Scientologist. 1. No one can wander off lines without being “handled” until they are declared or back in; 2. Nothing can come between Scientology and your money–not your 401K, not your paid off mortgage, not your kid’s college fund; 3. The demands put on a reg are severe, unrelenting and vicious; and 4. there is no such thing as “kids doing okay” who are not on staff or on course. You’re on staff, you’re giving tons of dough, or you’re a fucking POS, “other fish to fry” dilettante.
I remember almost 40 years ago in my early days in scientology when I was doing tone scale exercises and I had to describe all the levels of the tone scale, I decided to be creative (that was back when I still believed scientology accepted thinking outside of the box) and I wrote a poem about the tone scale.
I don’t remember any of the other levels, but all my life I’ve remembered the one for 1.1, and it fits this RB strip perfectly:
I greet all my friends with a smile
But I’m really plotting all the while
Unrestrained I’d do them in
With friendly handshake and a grin
1.1 is my name
Covert hostility is my game.
With the caveat that I think that the entire concept of the tone scale is limiting and thought stopping and that pegging people on the tone scale is judgmental 1.1 in and of itself, if only I had recognized it as I had it drilled in me to practice 1.1, I could have cut and run a lot faster.
It’s all done under the flim-flam of ‘greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics’, so give your money to the church instead of your children, your mortgage, your health, etc., because we are creating a saner planet and helping guarantee your survival and the survival of your children.
It is sad that Scientologists believe that And even sadder is what they do to others for that ‘gross income’ before Thursday, 2 p.m.
I agree with the comment of John P Capitalist and, per their own scientology scriptures this can be qualified as 1.1 which, as matter of fact, seems to be the chronic tone set by their so called spiritual leader: insincere, dishonest, greedy, uncaring and on and on.
Oh my… Your ability to nail down the mindset of the know it all greedy assholes in scio land is uncanny RB, you’re good, very good.
I hope you have a method of disinfecting yourself after your production. The memory of those types at the org still haunt me on occasion and that was decades ago. It took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that those people actually believe they are entitled to your money and your life’s assets, plus it’s an overt for you not to give it to them. Their 1.1 behaviour is sickening. Such was the function of the org to support such behaviour that was the final push that drove me out the door.
Christmas is such a time when these vultures get a bit more active, having no life of their own they turn even more predatory.
This particular episode of “Regraded Being” ought to scare the living daylights out of anyone still in Scientology who reads it. The moral of the story is that “even when they appear to be nice to you and appear to be validating your decisions about how to run your life, the reg’s are actually sizing you up and scheming to find out how much money you have.”
In other words, just when you think they are on your side and behaving with normal human compassion and understanding is when they are actually the most dangerous of all. That little mind-trap ought to stay with anyone who still believes for a while.
Hopefully this revelation of the pernicious nature of the Scientology “reg” will scare a couple people into either going “under the radar” or bailing entirely.
There was something very powerful about today’s RB and I think you summed it up quite succinctly JP.
I think instead of ‘insouciant’ the new ‘I’ word for scientology should be insidious.
The background is insanity……
My opinion is that LRH was a garrulous blowhard, but not a stupid man.
To me, he appears to have been one of those people who is anxious to show everyone his brilliance. Probably very insecure at some level.
Eventually LRH began to believe the hype that he was brilliant, a nuclear physicist, all the things he lied about. When LRH began to believe that is when the true insanity began
Miscavige is also insecure and (again, IMO) he behaves the way he does to compensate for his teeny tininess.
The mind and our psyches are incredibly complex. Why we behave the way we do is fascinating and I certainly don’t have the answers. Neither did LRH. And there is the difference between the sane and the insane. One is able to admit they don’t have all the answers.
Hi Chee Chalker, Very well said with your post. At times the line between what is sane and what is insane can be stretched incredibly thin. Especially with Ron & cos. I like your viewpoint on admitting one does not have all the answers. Come to think of it, when I knew I had to blow The Sea Org, I took the first step toward realizing I, Ron, all the Sea Org, All the GOWW and GO/ Intell, did not begin to have all the answers. It was then that the bars on this system which has everything to do with money and control and nothing to do with comfort, understanding,and just listening to another talk, that was when those bars began to bend and I escaped.So happy you post here. Always Love, Ann.
Pete2, the history of the use of “insouciance” is that when Ron was talking in his lectures and possibly in the Tone Scale lectures, he says that a high toned being is into the spirit of play and is not serious and is “insouciance” and makes it known that he thinks he is that way and that this is the way we should strive to be. So after that, all Scns describe themselves as “insouciant” to boast that they are high toned. Ron also revered artists and said they were a cut above the riff raff and that they were the dream makers and creators of civilizations etc. So after that, many Scns would say that they are “an artist” and would try to get on lines at Celebrity Center “because I’m an artist” even when they weren’t. It was a matter of boasting just like saying they are insouciant. All PR. It comes down to PR and money and money to buy good PR with the members.
Yep! Experience of this first hand, I had come into some money I was innocently telling a ‘friend’ about how I was going to use it to reduce my mortgage, he seemed to think this was a good idea, funny how the reg showed up at my work place the very next day looking for me to pay in for services I didn’t need or even want at that time.
The credit check or a ‘drive by’ to check a members ‘affluence’ is a first amendment protected religious sacrament. At least it is in clamtown. Probably for Creflor Dollar too.
Note that the ‘reg’ will get a 10% commission and the mOrg gets to keep its lights on for another week. Win, win for everyone but the payor.
Man I love regraded being, he is a fuckin genius. I would be willing to bet that he knows the tone scale like the back of his hand. I’m surprised that Dave Foster is still around after I false data stripped him on a regular basis, I guess it didn’t work after all.
Dave Foster.. surprised he is still alive quite frankly. Used to be my Senior…Dir Reg..FSO..Ft Harrison. Probably not as brutal then as it is under DM’s watch.. but still pretty bad.
I was squirming during the first frame of this. I was trying to yell through the screen “IXNAY ON THE ESENTSPRAY!” Even though you could see this one coming from the first frame, it didn’t make it any less powerful.
Christmas is no more than a vey unspeacial time to make more money, like all the hyper capitalists countries do. No surprise the worse of them since it’s the richest fabricate the worse cults – dollard is gawd!!
Christmas is my favorite time of the year. My mom was a single mom and we didn’t have much money, but, she was very arts and craftsy and created our decorations. Our living room, kitchen, dining room and guest bathroom are all festive. My outside is all done up in lights.
But, roger, always know that the TRUE spirit of Christmas IS K.S.W! Read it! Know it! Apply it!
You’re only sort-o-right Roger. But money ain’t so bad, only the complete lack of it really hurts.
If it wasn’t for money we would barely recognise what a criminal is and does.
The wife and I used to sell products and what not at shows, carnivals etc. and Christmas was busy and fun. Sold those magic coloured pens that change colour for a season or two a few years back and got in comm with a zillion kids and their excitement at that time of year is worth putting up with anything, what a buzz that is.
Don’t grouch too much at people enjoying Christmas, sure the biggie capitalists do their thing and try fuck it up with profiteering, check out Marty’s site for a real eye opener on that sort of thing. That guy is switched on to what is really happening on the finance scene globally I reckon. But anyway, we don’t get many times of the year when all the flavours of good with some bad are on display. I like Christmas for all the right reasons, don’t harbour on the bad, you’ve got the rest of the year to do that.
Is that really the attitude behind the scenes? That if someone has money they do not disclosure to the reg because they want to use it for personal reasons (even though they have already given a fortune) that they are betraying the church?
I would think so, Doug. It’s nothing but CONSTANT regging. Day and night. No matter the weather. But, the good news is, they only want one thing! The bad new is that one thing is every single dollar you have…
I recall complaining to one of the regs about the high costs of everything and being told about in a condescending tone of voice about a couple of public who were dentists who spend every penny they make on auditing. The impression I got was their attitude was I should give them every penny I had and be happy about it.
“….in a condescending tone…” They are smug in the knowledge that they are Homo Novi and far, far superior to Wogs! As for Scientology being priceless….how do I put this…ummmmmm….Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Stupid cult!
This brings back a memory of a Sunday at FCDC, sitting around all afternoon waiting to get in session. They were having one of their staff meetings and could overhear the covseration. I was shocked to hear all they were talking about was money and how to bring in more money.
Hi Doug Sprinkle, Your post did resonate with me. Back 40+ years I really loved letter regging for Asho F.I loved to communicate and find ways to help my writers to have a better life. And I loved Ron, The Tech, The Sea Org, the whole menu. As I progressed and became ASR ( advance scheduling reg ) the atomosphere started to shift.Suddenly the Only task I was to get right,was to rip out from thetans Big $ for SHSBC and on to The Apollo or recommend AO. I was torn ten ways in all directions every Thurs at 2:00’to get that $ stat higher than the week before.I was still letter regging too, but all that mattered were dollars in period.I sailored on a few more years but then Intel grabbed me and all went to hell pretty fast. I always said that Ron had found the key so all services should be free. The little rhyme did not go down well and I fled and here I am today! I really guzzled that K-Aid four years until I knew things could never be the same in SO ever again. Always, Ann.
Yes, it’s tough to wrap the thinking gear around such think and behaviour but it is very true. I’ve seen it a few times and it sort of rocks you to your soul when you really start to truly understand what you are observing, you just don’t believe it for a while but it catches up with you. The church regges can develop into real low life vultures, a cousin to battlefield gold. It’s one of the ugliest of things to witness. Thank your lucky stars you didn’t see it live in front of you, it’s a really icky memory.
I remember a friend telling me that a reg took his wife’s phone, saw pictures of funeral , asked who died. it was her father’s. they got regged on the inheritance on the spot . She was saving it for retirement investments.
Look up Hy Levy if you don’t believe. Keep in mind this is an organisation that has a hidden policy of 100% utilization of the public on lines. and a public policy of “MAKE MONEY. MAKE MORE MONEY. MAKE OTHER PEOPLE PRODUCE SO AS TO MAKE MORE MONEY.”
Doug, Well not ALL CofS Reges are like that but you can be sure that somewhere up the line is their senior or their seniors senior and someone only wants the money no matter the cost. Even though the registrars statistic was paid starts their GI was what they were managed by. I worked closely with some of the more famous reges from the past, Michael Silverman, Enid Byrne and Nicole Sims. These 3 were exceptionally social and cared deeply for their clients. But that was ‘treated’ out of them eventually. Mike left never to return, Nicole ‘Blew’ with a client never to return but remain active in registration in a scientology company, Enid got cancer and died. I watched the lifestyle and executives ‘running’ them do it’s effects. I’m thankful that Michael Silverman seems to have gotten his life back ~ what a guy he is. As for the executives that were so orientated to only want the money there is karma and we only need to sit back and observe and learn from ours and their mistakes. I’ve seen money ruin many a life but the lesson has to be known or learned. If nothing else we can count on karma to smarten us all up ๐
Yes this is 100% how it goes. Damn the kids they don’t need MEST and holidays. They should be on course all holiday long . Or joining staff or going to the RPF for a severe reality adjustment. Kids just cause people to commit the major overt of not giving all the money to the church.
Hi OSD, Much laughter regarding the food situation in The Sea Org! Even a few spoonfuls of that dreaded marshmallow fluff would have tasted good when I was in. Now I enjoy the freedom of a zin and chocolate and no more muster up Asho Fdn. Funny now to think on the musical chairs that went on to be the first one in your Div at the front of the line! I would be laughing so hard I got The Ethics Officer Eye.And then every one started giggling and we were all going on until our CO gave us the look and we were back to our slave valences.Fun at times,crazy always those days.Love,Ann.
Dave Foster perfectly ( an asshole)
RB , you need to put in ” The Smoking S.O. Bitch”
to give it the Down Home feeling of Shafted at the Sand Castle
engram complete with somatics.
My TRUTH METER reads 10 ( scale 1 to 10/ truth =10)
Very Well Done
( I over slept this morning because I’m spending a ton of money
on business to purchase beachside apartments in artists town)
When the Nazis started imprisoning the Jews they seized their assets for their own enrichment. The CoS is doing this to their own with the built-in assistance of Hubbard’s narcissistic agenda of saving mankind. Ideally this wouldn’t be necessary but the product just isn’t selling anymore and the accumulating of wealth must be sustained as Ron intended.
This clearly demonstrates that you cannot disclose your financial situation or even your relationship to your family to anyone in the cult. They cannot be trusted! Ever!
There was an active SCN’er that said how he hated DM and felt he was destroying the church and it’s technology but was keeping UTR due to his kids involvement. So I sent him some links to a few Anti-SCN articles. Being the good little cultist that he was, he turned me in a few days later. I was also trying to be UTR…Oh well….
Hubbard stated that “trust” was at the top of the tone scale. I did not trust many people prior to Scientology. Then I read Science of Survival 10 times and implemented only “high toned” thoughts, ideas and beliefs because I wanted to be high toned. I then TRUSTED Scientology and Scientologist’s. BIG MISTAKE!! I don’t trust anyone and I would like to thank LRH for showing me why not! Scientologist’s are liar’s, theives and con artists. They get the care and love audited and “trained” out of them. They are turned into psycho’s by the tech. Good job RB – you nailed it again!
Hi Idle Morgue, Thank you because your post rang very true for me. All the Sea Ord love-rockets before I signed the contract and then right after I trusted The Sea Org with my life. Wrong move on my part too, literally.RB gave me a Christmas gift with this powerful work.Love and Happy 2016 Ann.
So true, clearlypissedoff. Candor to Co$ about one’s finances, if they’re on the upswing, is impossible. I could name 3 different people who each confided that he/she had received windfalls or that work had picked up and profits were coming in that had NOT been disclosed to Co$. One told me that the spouse had received a 20K bonus and that they’d payed off credit cards with it. This in particular was told to me in a hushed whisper as if it were a huge withold, with repeated pleas for my silence on the matter. I assured this person that I would not say a word to anyone, and that it was no-one’s business anyway and certainly not my place to tell anyone. It was so sad. Here was this person who wanted to share good news yet was afraid that I would tattle it to the Church of Scientology and put both this person and the spouse in ethics for their “withold”.
In short, this person was afraid that I might turn out to be the hypocrite in this cartoon.
RB, my thanks to you once more. Your cartoons? Sometimes funny; sometimes sad. Frequently both. Whatever. But always, those nails hit the heads.
One of the things of which I’m most grateful is that we didn’t get our kids involved in Scn, even though we were so thoroughly immersed into the whole deal. Sometimes survival intuition remains intact in spite of other intentions that go against your innate better sense.
Hi T.J,I saw your post and I just want to send you & yours many light filled wishes for 2016 and beyond. I so enjoy your posts- so glad you are here. Love Always, Ann
Thank you Ann B, so sweet. I enjoy your posts as well, and I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say we all do. ๐ Wishing all good things for you now & in future. – T.J.
EMAN – it was happening everywhere. This is how Scientology really works. The staff are turned into lying, manipulative assholes that don’t care who they hurt to get a stat. A Stat Driven Life destroys everyone! It does not work.
Yikes, this puts it home how it really is behind the bullshit curtain! Relief that I’m no where near any of that, sad because there are still too many that are! My Xmas wish is more leave and that be the highest ever stat COB can’t boast about! Ho ho ho make Scientology a noshow!
God f*cking damn them. Some days I can handle this stuff less well than others.
Silly question, but as a proud Never In I have a difficult time understanding the thought process of constant regging. If I’m a relatively affluent public working on the early OT levels I’ve already paid several hundred thousand in “fixed donations” to achieve this level. How far would the argument “I’ve already paid you, thanks for asking” fly and what would be the repercussions if I continued to say no?
Hi Scott Henderson, Good to meet you. As I well know there are no silly questions about Scientology ever, unless of course we all get silly on the blog. Laughter! As Sea Org long ago, I can tell you a good reg will drop the body first before ever giving up on getting your money honey! If you still refuse then you are withholding something that is causing you to act that way and your ethics are out. No worries Sci always has more auditing,training and security checking if need be to fix that! A crazy Ferris wheel ride! So glad I am out and free! Always, Ann.
Hey Dave,
Re: Tonight’s earthquake near San Jacinto
How is it hangin’ and shakin’ in your bunker?
Question for everyone as I am a “never-in” : when you officially “join” the Church of $cientology and register as a member, do they collect info up-front on your spouse, kids, parents and other next of kin as part of the “file” or dossier that the Church keeps on you?
Or, is the information about your relatives gathered here a little, and there a little, through various audits or conversations with other Church members or SeaOrg or Regges over time?
They gather as much intel as possible, as fast as they can. Nothing is sacred with your personal information. The intel is shared through gossip, files, folders, rumor, natter, slander, false reports, attitudes about you that bring on labels, etc etc and it is used how ever it is needed to justify any gnarley out comes. Even at staff meetings a person’s private counseling moments are broadcast.
They have a serious habit of getting stuck in OPP. Other people’s past. Other people’s ideas. Other people’s relationships. Other people’s finances. Other people’s case. Other people’s wallets. Other people’s bedrooms. Other people’s families and other people’s history.
In recent days the sheeplike slaves
Are much afraid of freedom
And pay an awful sky high price
To ward off evil demons
Puzzle, puzzle, in the bubble
SPs looming in their brain
In modern times the scientists
Document their reasons
And wonder why Li’l Davey boy
Declares his staff in treason
Puzzle, puzzle, in the bubble
SPs looming in their brain
But all around the city streets,
Inside, outside, in cafes,
People do their own research
And see the Scienos act depraved
Puzzle, puzzle, in the bubble
SPs looming in their brain
Liars, deceivers, shameless thieves,
The very reges give you the creeps
People possessed, money obsessed
What’s gotten into their very deeps?
Puzzle, puzzle, in the bubble
SPs looming in their brain
Oh now here is the why
That makes their world
An evil circus
No demons at all
But just the easily erased Davey’s purpose
Puzzle, puzzle, in the bubble
SPs looming in their brain
Give him the can and throw his ass out!
That’s really how it is: a pat on the shoulder and then a knife in the back….off topic but I just discovered
the greatest site for Latin roots: MEMBEAN
Hi Errol, Your post is absolutely spot on. Knives in the back,another lost “rundown or knifedown ” the cult insists never happened! Love, Ann.
Cece, I used to work with Michael Silverman quite a bit. Loved the guy. Have wondered what happened to him. Glad to hear he has his life back. Most of us back then did truly care about the folks we regged. It was always a hot spot of a post though, for sure.
Lightblb51, I looked for Cece’s comment about Michael Silverman but couldn’t find it. Can you fill me in on what Michael is doing now? I always liked him and never heard about him after he was declared and lost his church and wife in the whole process. What is he doing now?
Cindy, Michael is a happy cheerful owner operator of a restaurant in Canada ๐
It used to be all very simple decades ago. There were so many public on courses and having auditing that all the Regges had to do was wait for them to finish the course or the intensive and then sign them up for the next service when they appeared on the routing form. There was an exchange factor as well, as people were usually making gains from both the courses and the auditing and there was very little “Executive C/Sing” or other nastiness flying around. This shark-like Reg “philosophy” under Miscavige has actually driven public away and of course they compound the felony by hitting up on people for far more than they have as well and usually out-gradient i.e. they walk in the door and are hit straight away for their inheritances or house or whatever. There is no such thing now as gradients in getting case gain – it is all “get the bucks now!” So new public are overwhelmed by their voracious demands and leave. My wife did lots of basic courses and when the Reg after a few months of these asked her if she would like to do the Academy Levels she simply responded “yes” with no reservation and bought the complete package. All quite simple as she had gained something from her studies! But this shark-like regging is, one can only conclude, all part of the plan to destroy Scientology. Amazing thing is if you said what I just said they would call it suppressive – yet their squirrel reg actions have probably done more to harm Scientology than anything else. One of the worst proponents of this completely squirrel “Reg tech” is Jacques at Flag who regards public Scientologists as “marks”. They actually think that by being assholes and overly-demanding they are doing their job! Add to that the IAS and Idle Morgue “donations” scams and the whole show has now been steered and sent to the Everglades. The only job they have done in the last 30 years is to empty the Orgs out by driving the “customers”, or should I say “marks”, away.
Decades ago Leonard Cohen, Sonny Bono, Clint Eastwood, the Electric Light Orchestra, Harold Danko, Chick Corea, Karen Black, Priscilla Presley, John Travolta, Isaac Hayes, and Felipe Gil were on the forefront. Artists and thinkers. People looking for answers and solutions.
Now it’s Tom Cruise, Grant Cordone and David Miscavige. We are in the disco area of Scientology with slick salesmen, hustlers, “every man for himself” people that are basically, in one form or another, looking to get laid. Either with people, applause, money, ego or fame. Flashy buildings , hob nobbing with Scientology celebs, are the signs of success. Mini Pablo Escobars running everywhere selling and dealing in cut Scientocaine. Halston, Gucci, Fiorucci. Patrons, status and glamouratous. Cliques and boutique meters. Flyers boasting of wealth, parties and status.
The worship for Grant Cordone and Tom Cruise is at an all time high. The leader of the Church gambles in Vegas and throws million dollar parties on his yacht, where nobody cares of who they stepped over, to get over. It’s just the disco area of Scientology morphing into punk.
Lots of people are into the new music, these are the young bloods, and this is the golden age. Money for nothing and legal biils paid for free.Street fights from here to Belgium. Hush money pay outs, and private dicks and body guards. It’s Studio 54, 24/7.
Not to worry if you don’t fit in. You probably won’t be born in a crack house in your next life. Nothing is over, nothing is finished, nothing is done.
We just audition for a position, in our next life.
Hi The Oracle, You are a flame, burning through the night. You light up,the dark path, so all may find the way out,if they will follow the light.Admiration & love & hope for the bright future. Annie.
Hi The Oracle, PS The guardian angels are beautiful and have their work cut out for them with me! XXOO Ann.
XXOO Meet you on the other side.
Oracle and Foolproof I like your post. I remember the 1970, it was lke you say Foolproof. Finally by having Miscavige in power they detroyed scientology. Was it planned? It certainly was the best and only way to do it.
Those in, are defending a completly corrupted scientology. Those out, who at first were protesting the out tech for most, have morph into complete ennemy of the subject.
There is no scientologists left. If some people wanted to destroy scientology, they won.
“There is no scientologists left. ” That is the truth of the matter.
Good post. And I liked the lyric checks! (particularly the Sister Sledge one)
Sonya Jacques. Not a nice person. Not sure she has a pulse or is room temperature.
To witness the demeanor of this “person” change when she realized there was really no more $ to get out of me was very much one of the reasons I started my journey out of the trap. There really needs to be a special place in Hell for her along with the Ginger Prick and his little buddy.
Actually I was talking about her husband but she fits the bill as well.
Very good R.B. The thing about this cartoon is that isn’t even a bit exaggerated. This is real life folks. A fly on the wall would give pretty much the same back, verbatim. If you’re not on staff or in the S.O. you’re a dilettante. From the S.O. perspective, it’s really a combination of jealousy and an “I know better than you”. attitude. Anyone not giving 100% all of the time is not fully on board. That of course includes all of your money. This IS how S.O. talks about anyone who isn’t S.O., or S.O. that don’t match up to their standards. It’s a clique. A combination of Jr. high school and the Lord of the flies. Watch out for the S.O. execs. Don’t spill too many beans.
Great stuff, Mike. You capture the true nature of the committed staff Scientologist. 1. No one can wander off lines without being “handled” until they are declared or back in; 2. Nothing can come between Scientology and your money–not your 401K, not your paid off mortgage, not your kid’s college fund; 3. The demands put on a reg are severe, unrelenting and vicious; and 4. there is no such thing as “kids doing okay” who are not on staff or on course. You’re on staff, you’re giving tons of dough, or you’re a fucking POS, “other fish to fry” dilettante.
I never wonder why the Scienos are failing.
Boom! You hit the nail on the head with the 1.1. We are in a good place when we can laugh about it!
I remember almost 40 years ago in my early days in scientology when I was doing tone scale exercises and I had to describe all the levels of the tone scale, I decided to be creative (that was back when I still believed scientology accepted thinking outside of the box) and I wrote a poem about the tone scale.
I don’t remember any of the other levels, but all my life I’ve remembered the one for 1.1, and it fits this RB strip perfectly:
I greet all my friends with a smile
But I’m really plotting all the while
Unrestrained I’d do them in
With friendly handshake and a grin
1.1 is my name
Covert hostility is my game.
With the caveat that I think that the entire concept of the tone scale is limiting and thought stopping and that pegging people on the tone scale is judgmental 1.1 in and of itself, if only I had recognized it as I had it drilled in me to practice 1.1, I could have cut and run a lot faster.
If it weren’t for the obvious contradiction I would thank God that I’m a atheist.
Thanks Leslie, that made my morning (fellow non-believer as well).
It’s all done under the flim-flam of ‘greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics’, so give your money to the church instead of your children, your mortgage, your health, etc., because we are creating a saner planet and helping guarantee your survival and the survival of your children.
It is sad that Scientologists believe that And even sadder is what they do to others for that ‘gross income’ before Thursday, 2 p.m.
@Zola, can you imagine the reaction if the parishioner had said “I donated $5,000 to Salvation Army?”
Sounds like it’s time for a sec check to me! ๐
I agree with the comment of John P Capitalist and, per their own scientology scriptures this can be qualified as 1.1 which, as matter of fact, seems to be the chronic tone set by their so called spiritual leader: insincere, dishonest, greedy, uncaring and on and on.
Humanity, in scio, is merely something to be rapaciously raped for whatever money can be grabbed. Ethics? Oh, don’t be silly!
Well, there’s ‘ethics,’ and then there’s CULT ETHICS.
Oh my… Your ability to nail down the mindset of the know it all greedy assholes in scio land is uncanny RB, you’re good, very good.
I hope you have a method of disinfecting yourself after your production. The memory of those types at the org still haunt me on occasion and that was decades ago. It took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that those people actually believe they are entitled to your money and your life’s assets, plus it’s an overt for you not to give it to them. Their 1.1 behaviour is sickening. Such was the function of the org to support such behaviour that was the final push that drove me out the door.
Christmas is such a time when these vultures get a bit more active, having no life of their own they turn even more predatory.
WOW! That reminded me of a Friday morning registrar meeting at FSO! Creepy!
Regraded Being, terrific as always!
This particular episode of “Regraded Being” ought to scare the living daylights out of anyone still in Scientology who reads it. The moral of the story is that “even when they appear to be nice to you and appear to be validating your decisions about how to run your life, the reg’s are actually sizing you up and scheming to find out how much money you have.”
In other words, just when you think they are on your side and behaving with normal human compassion and understanding is when they are actually the most dangerous of all. That little mind-trap ought to stay with anyone who still believes for a while.
Hopefully this revelation of the pernicious nature of the Scientology “reg” will scare a couple people into either going “under the radar” or bailing entirely.
There was something very powerful about today’s RB and I think you summed it up quite succinctly JP.
I think instead of ‘insouciant’ the new ‘I’ word for scientology should be insidious.
Hi Chee–what is the background of people always using insouciant? When I was in I wondered why this word came up so much.
The background is insanity……
My opinion is that LRH was a garrulous blowhard, but not a stupid man.
To me, he appears to have been one of those people who is anxious to show everyone his brilliance. Probably very insecure at some level.
Eventually LRH began to believe the hype that he was brilliant, a nuclear physicist, all the things he lied about. When LRH began to believe that is when the true insanity began
Miscavige is also insecure and (again, IMO) he behaves the way he does to compensate for his teeny tininess.
The mind and our psyches are incredibly complex. Why we behave the way we do is fascinating and I certainly don’t have the answers. Neither did LRH. And there is the difference between the sane and the insane. One is able to admit they don’t have all the answers.
Hi Chee Chalker, Very well said with your post. At times the line between what is sane and what is insane can be stretched incredibly thin. Especially with Ron & cos. I like your viewpoint on admitting one does not have all the answers. Come to think of it, when I knew I had to blow The Sea Org, I took the first step toward realizing I, Ron, all the Sea Org, All the GOWW and GO/ Intell, did not begin to have all the answers. It was then that the bars on this system which has everything to do with money and control and nothing to do with comfort, understanding,and just listening to another talk, that was when those bars began to bend and I escaped.So happy you post here. Always Love, Ann.
Pete2, the history of the use of “insouciance” is that when Ron was talking in his lectures and possibly in the Tone Scale lectures, he says that a high toned being is into the spirit of play and is not serious and is “insouciance” and makes it known that he thinks he is that way and that this is the way we should strive to be. So after that, all Scns describe themselves as “insouciant” to boast that they are high toned. Ron also revered artists and said they were a cut above the riff raff and that they were the dream makers and creators of civilizations etc. So after that, many Scns would say that they are “an artist” and would try to get on lines at Celebrity Center “because I’m an artist” even when they weren’t. It was a matter of boasting just like saying they are insouciant. All PR. It comes down to PR and money and money to buy good PR with the members.
I think it’s ALWAYS been insidious….
Criminals and scam artists act the same way
Yep! Experience of this first hand, I had come into some money I was innocently telling a ‘friend’ about how I was going to use it to reduce my mortgage, he seemed to think this was a good idea, funny how the reg showed up at my work place the very next day looking for me to pay in for services I didn’t need or even want at that time.
The credit check or a ‘drive by’ to check a members ‘affluence’ is a first amendment protected religious sacrament. At least it is in clamtown. Probably for Creflor Dollar too.
Note that the ‘reg’ will get a 10% commission and the mOrg gets to keep its lights on for another week. Win, win for everyone but the payor.
‘drive by’. Love it. How ganglandishly appropriate.
Man I love regraded being, he is a fuckin genius. I would be willing to bet that he knows the tone scale like the back of his hand. I’m surprised that Dave Foster is still around after I false data stripped him on a regular basis, I guess it didn’t work after all.
Dave Foster.. surprised he is still alive quite frankly. Used to be my Senior…Dir Reg..FSO..Ft Harrison. Probably not as brutal then as it is under DM’s watch.. but still pretty bad.
I was squirming during the first frame of this. I was trying to yell through the screen “IXNAY ON THE ESENTSPRAY!” Even though you could see this one coming from the first frame, it didn’t make it any less powerful.
Christmas is no more than a vey unspeacial time to make more money, like all the hyper capitalists countries do. No surprise the worse of them since it’s the richest fabricate the worse cults – dollard is gawd!!
Christmas is my favorite time of the year. My mom was a single mom and we didn’t have much money, but, she was very arts and craftsy and created our decorations. Our living room, kitchen, dining room and guest bathroom are all festive. My outside is all done up in lights.
But, roger, always know that the TRUE spirit of Christmas IS K.S.W! Read it! Know it! Apply it!
Merry Christmas to you roger gonnet!
“TRUE spirit of Christmas IS K.S.W! Read it! Know it! Apply it!”…………………and of course in the end …………fuck it!
You’re only sort-o-right Roger. But money ain’t so bad, only the complete lack of it really hurts.
If it wasn’t for money we would barely recognise what a criminal is and does.
The wife and I used to sell products and what not at shows, carnivals etc. and Christmas was busy and fun. Sold those magic coloured pens that change colour for a season or two a few years back and got in comm with a zillion kids and their excitement at that time of year is worth putting up with anything, what a buzz that is.
Don’t grouch too much at people enjoying Christmas, sure the biggie capitalists do their thing and try fuck it up with profiteering, check out Marty’s site for a real eye opener on that sort of thing. That guy is switched on to what is really happening on the finance scene globally I reckon. But anyway, we don’t get many times of the year when all the flavours of good with some bad are on display. I like Christmas for all the right reasons, don’t harbour on the bad, you’ve got the rest of the year to do that.
Is that really the attitude behind the scenes? That if someone has money they do not disclosure to the reg because they want to use it for personal reasons (even though they have already given a fortune) that they are betraying the church?
I would think so, Doug. It’s nothing but CONSTANT regging. Day and night. No matter the weather. But, the good news is, they only want one thing! The bad new is that one thing is every single dollar you have…
I recall complaining to one of the regs about the high costs of everything and being told about in a condescending tone of voice about a couple of public who were dentists who spend every penny they make on auditing. The impression I got was their attitude was I should give them every penny I had and be happy about it.
The comment I would get to the same question was ” yes it’s expensive but $cientology is priceless”
Um yea.
“….in a condescending tone…” They are smug in the knowledge that they are Homo Novi and far, far superior to Wogs! As for Scientology being priceless….how do I put this…ummmmmm….Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Stupid cult!
The loads of bullshit we all believed hopeing for the next auditing fix(sigh). I’m pretty fucking embarrassed to this day.
This brings back a memory of a Sunday at FCDC, sitting around all afternoon waiting to get in session. They were having one of their staff meetings and could overhear the covseration. I was shocked to hear all they were talking about was money and how to bring in more money.
Hi Doug Sprinkle, Your post did resonate with me. Back 40+ years I really loved letter regging for Asho F.I loved to communicate and find ways to help my writers to have a better life. And I loved Ron, The Tech, The Sea Org, the whole menu. As I progressed and became ASR ( advance scheduling reg ) the atomosphere started to shift.Suddenly the Only task I was to get right,was to rip out from thetans Big $ for SHSBC and on to The Apollo or recommend AO. I was torn ten ways in all directions every Thurs at 2:00’to get that $ stat higher than the week before.I was still letter regging too, but all that mattered were dollars in period.I sailored on a few more years but then Intel grabbed me and all went to hell pretty fast. I always said that Ron had found the key so all services should be free. The little rhyme did not go down well and I fled and here I am today! I really guzzled that K-Aid four years until I knew things could never be the same in SO ever again. Always, Ann.
Yes, it’s tough to wrap the thinking gear around such think and behaviour but it is very true. I’ve seen it a few times and it sort of rocks you to your soul when you really start to truly understand what you are observing, you just don’t believe it for a while but it catches up with you. The church regges can develop into real low life vultures, a cousin to battlefield gold. It’s one of the ugliest of things to witness. Thank your lucky stars you didn’t see it live in front of you, it’s a really icky memory.
I remember a friend telling me that a reg took his wife’s phone, saw pictures of funeral , asked who died. it was her father’s. they got regged on the inheritance on the spot . She was saving it for retirement investments.
That is so GROSS.
Did they check the pockets of the Body in the coffin ?
Might have been a dollar or small change.
OMG! That sux…
There is no depth that they won’t go to, to get money. It’s just that simple….
Look up Hy Levy if you don’t believe. Keep in mind this is an organisation that has a hidden policy of 100% utilization of the public on lines. and a public policy of “MAKE MONEY. MAKE MORE MONEY. MAKE OTHER PEOPLE PRODUCE SO AS TO MAKE MORE MONEY.”
Doug, Well not ALL CofS Reges are like that but you can be sure that somewhere up the line is their senior or their seniors senior and someone only wants the money no matter the cost. Even though the registrars statistic was paid starts their GI was what they were managed by. I worked closely with some of the more famous reges from the past, Michael Silverman, Enid Byrne and Nicole Sims. These 3 were exceptionally social and cared deeply for their clients. But that was ‘treated’ out of them eventually. Mike left never to return, Nicole ‘Blew’ with a client never to return but remain active in registration in a scientology company, Enid got cancer and died. I watched the lifestyle and executives ‘running’ them do it’s effects. I’m thankful that Michael Silverman seems to have gotten his life back ~ what a guy he is. As for the executives that were so orientated to only want the money there is karma and we only need to sit back and observe and learn from ours and their mistakes. I’ve seen money ruin many a life but the lesson has to be known or learned. If nothing else we can count on karma to smarten us all up ๐
Yes it is, as I witnessed often
Yes this is 100% how it goes. Damn the kids they don’t need MEST and holidays. They should be on course all holiday long . Or joining staff or going to the RPF for a severe reality adjustment. Kids just cause people to commit the major overt of not giving all the money to the church.
Huh! Kids! What good are they?
Slave labor. It would be good if they would stop eating.
What??? They actually feed them? This is SO off policy…
Hi OSD, Much laughter regarding the food situation in The Sea Org! Even a few spoonfuls of that dreaded marshmallow fluff would have tasted good when I was in. Now I enjoy the freedom of a zin and chocolate and no more muster up Asho Fdn. Funny now to think on the musical chairs that went on to be the first one in your Div at the front of the line! I would be laughing so hard I got The Ethics Officer Eye.And then every one started giggling and we were all going on until our CO gave us the look and we were back to our slave valences.Fun at times,crazy always those days.Love,Ann.
Dave Foster perfectly ( an asshole)
RB , you need to put in ” The Smoking S.O. Bitch”
to give it the Down Home feeling of Shafted at the Sand Castle
engram complete with somatics.
My TRUTH METER reads 10 ( scale 1 to 10/ truth =10)
Very Well Done
( I over slept this morning because I’m spending a ton of money
on business to purchase beachside apartments in artists town)
When the Nazis started imprisoning the Jews they seized their assets for their own enrichment. The CoS is doing this to their own with the built-in assistance of Hubbard’s narcissistic agenda of saving mankind. Ideally this wouldn’t be necessary but the product just isn’t selling anymore and the accumulating of wealth must be sustained as Ron intended.
This clearly demonstrates that you cannot disclose your financial situation or even your relationship to your family to anyone in the cult. They cannot be trusted! Ever!
There was an active SCN’er that said how he hated DM and felt he was destroying the church and it’s technology but was keeping UTR due to his kids involvement. So I sent him some links to a few Anti-SCN articles. Being the good little cultist that he was, he turned me in a few days later. I was also trying to be UTR…Oh well….
Don’t trust them!
A Scotsman would never betray you, CPO!
Braveheart, is that you laddie?
Aye, laddie! Tis me! Carrying on the great Scottish Tradition of a Cheap Bastard!
Hubbard stated that “trust” was at the top of the tone scale. I did not trust many people prior to Scientology. Then I read Science of Survival 10 times and implemented only “high toned” thoughts, ideas and beliefs because I wanted to be high toned. I then TRUSTED Scientology and Scientologist’s. BIG MISTAKE!! I don’t trust anyone and I would like to thank LRH for showing me why not! Scientologist’s are liar’s, theives and con artists. They get the care and love audited and “trained” out of them. They are turned into psycho’s by the tech. Good job RB – you nailed it again!
There are lies, damn lies and then Scientologists.
Hi Idle Morgue, Thank you because your post rang very true for me. All the Sea Ord love-rockets before I signed the contract and then right after I trusted The Sea Org with my life. Wrong move on my part too, literally.RB gave me a Christmas gift with this powerful work.Love and Happy 2016 Ann.
So true, clearlypissedoff. Candor to Co$ about one’s finances, if they’re on the upswing, is impossible. I could name 3 different people who each confided that he/she had received windfalls or that work had picked up and profits were coming in that had NOT been disclosed to Co$. One told me that the spouse had received a 20K bonus and that they’d payed off credit cards with it. This in particular was told to me in a hushed whisper as if it were a huge withold, with repeated pleas for my silence on the matter. I assured this person that I would not say a word to anyone, and that it was no-one’s business anyway and certainly not my place to tell anyone. It was so sad. Here was this person who wanted to share good news yet was afraid that I would tattle it to the Church of Scientology and put both this person and the spouse in ethics for their “withold”.
In short, this person was afraid that I might turn out to be the hypocrite in this cartoon.
RB, my thanks to you once more. Your cartoons? Sometimes funny; sometimes sad. Frequently both. Whatever. But always, those nails hit the heads.
Wow. Powerful as usual Regraded Being!
Hi Wayne Borean, Saw your post and so agree about RB. Incredible. Wishing you a light filled 2016. Love, Ann.
And I wish the same to you Ann. Love your comments, read every one of them.
And best wishes to David Miscavige. I hope that he gets what he deserves in 2016!
Way to go,regarded being! Saw this sort of thing when I was on staff!
‘Tis the season to indulge in the spirit of giving, so hand it over!
Or WHAT, RM!!! You gonna sec check me! Huh? Wait….you are? Really? Ok, ok, I’ll hand it over.
We have waves to make that possible…
Stop teasing me and make the waves possible! Now!!!
One of the things of which I’m most grateful is that we didn’t get our kids involved in Scn, even though we were so thoroughly immersed into the whole deal. Sometimes survival intuition remains intact in spite of other intentions that go against your innate better sense.
Murray Luther, that’s a good insight. It’s great you don’t have to face the heartbreak of disconnection. Best wishes, – T.J.
Good for you, Murray Luther! Bravo!
Hi T.J,I saw your post and I just want to send you & yours many light filled wishes for 2016 and beyond. I so enjoy your posts- so glad you are here. Love Always, Ann
Thank you Ann B, so sweet. I enjoy your posts as well, and I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say we all do. ๐ Wishing all good things for you now & in future. – T.J.
SOOOO TRUE !!! This is exactly what was happening in ASHO when I was there.
EMAN – it was happening everywhere. This is how Scientology really works. The staff are turned into lying, manipulative assholes that don’t care who they hurt to get a stat. A Stat Driven Life destroys everyone! It does not work.
Yikes, this puts it home how it really is behind the bullshit curtain! Relief that I’m no where near any of that, sad because there are still too many that are! My Xmas wish is more leave and that be the highest ever stat COB can’t boast about! Ho ho ho make Scientology a noshow!
Happy holidays to all.