I’ve watched the Aftermath on Netflix and listen to the pod cast and have learned so much. I was introduced to Scientology through Narconon in California and brought many of my clients through the purification rundown at the celebrity Center ( I lived with Karen De La Carrier ). I was so sad to see my friend Karen lose her son and the struggle she went through with the church. But now, after all of these stories of families separated and the pain that comes with that, I’m beside myself. I’m asking myself, what can I do to help!
Kamala, I’m NOT Mike, but my opinion is to support the scn-watchers’ sites since they’re organizing the continued pressure against Dwarfenführer’s® continued abuses and crimes. Among them is the Aftermath Foundation I WISH had existed 40 years ago when Flag kicked me to the curb.
If this was just a cartoon… I find the whole Ethics thing a bit ludicrous. After I donated tens of thousands of dollars, suddenly I ended up in Ethics handling.
The Ethics thing is the biggest BS part of Scientology. They have no authority to put Ethics in: the mousey, whiny, skimpy, diminutive, malnourished, miseducated liars do not have the respect needed to be an authority. I laughed, then left after they tried this stupid BS with me.
RB seems to have real insight into what is going on in the CofS, and I always wonder if they have sources inside and are depicting some version of things that they hear are actually happening, or just envisioning what’s happening given Scientology’s typical behavior. Either way, it’s both enlightening and amusing.
I have a question,
Have h ever look on Amazon at the book Diaecnetics? The review are funny! My daughter and I spent 40 min reading what people said about it
IMO, the best thing about that book is that after you waste a bunch of time reading parts of it and reading the reviews, you can always use the pages for toilet paper.
When I started in the cult, some of the comm evs were actually conducted pretty fairly. I myself convened a committee ev and demanded a fair treatment. As time went by, comm evs became something that is pre determined. In my last one, I brought evidence that everything I was accused of was fabricated. I even brought evidence that the main kr was written by an insane person. He wrote a kr against the aliens orbiting earth.
The result was that I “did not take responsibility.” In other words, the committee had no mandate to find me not guilty. In my mind this was the last nail. Scientology became an organization where fairness, logic and compassion had no place. At this point, I could not wait to leave.
To Prof Aharon: Exactly as you say. I hope for anyone who had experience in C of S, they did have instances where things worked, something was improved, something was salvaged. I certainly had Ethics cycles that were positive and contained affinity. I studied some things, did an O/W write up that revealed things I had not previously seen. After, the honest application of those steps helped me to interact with a person or area better, exactly as I sought to improve.
What weeds (and seeds of those weeds) exist to creep in and destroy the whole garden.
I think an interesting website or blog could be one that collects “My Last Straw Story.” Mine may be similar to yours. An unexpected (and, of course, totally mysterious) Ethics “summons.” That outpoint prompted me to no longer cast aside the deep sense of un-truth and frustration, or tell myself “Well, this is just one bad occurrence.” Or “This is just one person in an authority role who is not very ARC-ful.” I could not use that “logic” on myself any more. I finally had to announce to myself: “This is by design. It is not an accident. This is the culture.”
What has been normalized is—as I think this blog discusses very well—killing the group from the inside. My similar with you on the ethics lines is trying to use K.S.W. on tech lines. Three times in three decades I got it to work. All the rest: No. No staff member or tech person wanted to hear me out on a “Closing the door” or “Hammering out of existence” some technical outpoint I encountered and reported on. I was written to or told things like, “If we did correct that person here, we certainly aren’t going to tell you.” Or “Look, you are just going to have to assume it’s been corrected.”
Say, whaaa? Why am I studying this KSW issue hundreds of times and demo-ing all the points in clay, etc., etc. #confounding
Thank you, Aharon, for your entry here, and for your honest work. I am sure you helped people with your diligence and fact finding. These are good seeds to sow, for certain!
I have a question about DM. What kind of lifestyle does he have? How does he live? What kind of home? What kind of car does he drive? Is he like LRH, using “church” money for his own personal use?
I also wanted to thank you for your bravery and honesty. I’ve watched aftermath since the beginning and you guys should be so proud of yourselves. Hopefully something can happen to make more change, they need their tax exemption status revoked. From what I gathered from Going Clear and Aftermath, it seems like in normal Scientology fashion, the IRS was essentially bullied into granting them tax exemption. There is SO much proof that they’re liars, it’s overwhelming. I really hope the IRS takes this into consideration and finally has a team dedicated to this issue really delve in and figure out what can be done to reverse/revoke this exemption status they clearly don’t deserve.
Here is a link to a book that I expect will soon have an addition. I’m guessing that the Poop of Scamatology will soon be added to the following book. It’s called,
Hi Mike,
Excellent job you and Leah do on the Aftermath show. I’m catching up on watching it all over again on Netflix. Taking my time and well worth it!
BTW, I’m very curious about what the Scientology policy is on raising children on Scientology tech. Is it required? Do they seriously pressure you? Is it worse for Sea Org or ex-Sea Org members? How do you get out of it if you really don’t want your kids to be raised as Scientologists? Thanks for answering or maybe someone else on here knows?
Scientology’s obvious and manifest benefits mean parents naturally want to use the tech on their offspring.
But seriously, that is how they think. There are Hubbard policies on silent births, dangerously malnourished baby food, and general philosophy of treating them as adults (even in situations where society very specifically doesn’t, like sexual abuse).
Kaylar asked;
How do you get out of it if you really don’t want your kids to be raised a scientologist?
I would say a prime example would be Katie Holmes. Her actions spoke loud and clear.
Of COURSE RB is grim. It’s the subject matter: what’s left of scientology after DM’s EXCELLENT SUPPRESSION. Squirrel-dom taken to the extreme; loyal clams declared for correctly spotting DM as the suppressive.
Davey-Boy has found his place in the Universe: dismantling what Hubbard created more thoroughly that I thought was possible.
When someone in this scam says, “Don’t worry about having to deal with the Ethics Officer after this Comm Ev. It’ll be a quick and easy cycle”, you can be sure it will be nothing like that. Be prepared for a lot of misery and a lot of demands for money.
NOI was out in the streets in East Tampa today. At this point I think they outnumber Scientologists. Reading their literature has been very interesting. The basis of the religion is probably Blavatsky and some of her occult theories. I am trying to meld together Blavatsky, Theosophy, Scientology and NOI. It will make a great takeover of the mess created by Miscavige and it would have better principles. Davey needs to allow the NOI into Clearwater. I bet Trish the billionaire will stop her donations. So there are many benefits to the merger.
Saw two members comm eved because the ex wife asked the state to tackle the ex husband for back child support. The cult held a comm ev against the couple (the biggest charge was causing a public flap) and found them both guilty. Then demanded each of them make make up for it by performing hundreds of hours of amends for the cult. Justice? Nope. Just self-serving efforts to benefit the cult.
Right, Glenn,
There IS no “Justice” in scn, only punishment. When a Comm Ev was convened, the only outcome was some one being found guilty OR the committee itself was declared guilty by the convening Authority.
It’s GOOD to be out. Hubbard’s problem with “wog” justice was that the accused could be found … NOT guilty.
Am I the only one who noticed that the ‘cross’ in the poster between the two characters (the JUST DONATE poster) is made of chains? How very appropriate!
RB puts so much effort into the smallest details in his/her work. I’m certain it means a lot to have people notice these details and point them out. RB’s work is one of the best things about this blog. I always look forward to every Friday.
Don’t equivocate, just donate!
Another brilliant RB post
Scientology: the only game in which EVERYONE gets fucked by Wee Cap’n Macallan!
Hip, hip, hooray!
Looks like that letter is getting written very soon, and the writer is either going deep in debt or joining the Sea Org.
Thank you Mike,
I’ve watched the Aftermath on Netflix and listen to the pod cast and have learned so much. I was introduced to Scientology through Narconon in California and brought many of my clients through the purification rundown at the celebrity Center ( I lived with Karen De La Carrier ). I was so sad to see my friend Karen lose her son and the struggle she went through with the church. But now, after all of these stories of families separated and the pain that comes with that, I’m beside myself. I’m asking myself, what can I do to help!
Kamala Bouche
Kamala, I’m NOT Mike, but my opinion is to support the scn-watchers’ sites since they’re organizing the continued pressure against Dwarfenführer’s® continued abuses and crimes. Among them is the Aftermath Foundation I WISH had existed 40 years ago when Flag kicked me to the curb.
If this was just a cartoon… I find the whole Ethics thing a bit ludicrous. After I donated tens of thousands of dollars, suddenly I ended up in Ethics handling.
The Ethics thing is the biggest BS part of Scientology. They have no authority to put Ethics in: the mousey, whiny, skimpy, diminutive, malnourished, miseducated liars do not have the respect needed to be an authority. I laughed, then left after they tried this stupid BS with me.
I love your characterization of the “ethics” officers:
“the mousey, whiny, skimpy, diminutive, malnourished, miseducated liars”
JUST like Dwarfenführer®!
RB seems to have real insight into what is going on in the CofS, and I always wonder if they have sources inside and are depicting some version of things that they hear are actually happening, or just envisioning what’s happening given Scientology’s typical behavior. Either way, it’s both enlightening and amusing.
I have a question,
Have h ever look on Amazon at the book Diaecnetics? The review are funny! My daughter and I spent 40 min reading what people said about it
Hello Nadia,
IMO, the best thing about that book is that after you waste a bunch of time reading parts of it and reading the reviews, you can always use the pages for toilet paper.
I always look forward to RB’s funnies, since they are based on scn realities, it’s quite hilarious at times
Thanks RB, I needed that!
When I started in the cult, some of the comm evs were actually conducted pretty fairly. I myself convened a committee ev and demanded a fair treatment. As time went by, comm evs became something that is pre determined. In my last one, I brought evidence that everything I was accused of was fabricated. I even brought evidence that the main kr was written by an insane person. He wrote a kr against the aliens orbiting earth.
The result was that I “did not take responsibility.” In other words, the committee had no mandate to find me not guilty. In my mind this was the last nail. Scientology became an organization where fairness, logic and compassion had no place. At this point, I could not wait to leave.
To Prof Aharon: Exactly as you say. I hope for anyone who had experience in C of S, they did have instances where things worked, something was improved, something was salvaged. I certainly had Ethics cycles that were positive and contained affinity. I studied some things, did an O/W write up that revealed things I had not previously seen. After, the honest application of those steps helped me to interact with a person or area better, exactly as I sought to improve.
What weeds (and seeds of those weeds) exist to creep in and destroy the whole garden.
I think an interesting website or blog could be one that collects “My Last Straw Story.” Mine may be similar to yours. An unexpected (and, of course, totally mysterious) Ethics “summons.” That outpoint prompted me to no longer cast aside the deep sense of un-truth and frustration, or tell myself “Well, this is just one bad occurrence.” Or “This is just one person in an authority role who is not very ARC-ful.” I could not use that “logic” on myself any more. I finally had to announce to myself: “This is by design. It is not an accident. This is the culture.”
What has been normalized is—as I think this blog discusses very well—killing the group from the inside. My similar with you on the ethics lines is trying to use K.S.W. on tech lines. Three times in three decades I got it to work. All the rest: No. No staff member or tech person wanted to hear me out on a “Closing the door” or “Hammering out of existence” some technical outpoint I encountered and reported on. I was written to or told things like, “If we did correct that person here, we certainly aren’t going to tell you.” Or “Look, you are just going to have to assume it’s been corrected.”
Say, whaaa? Why am I studying this KSW issue hundreds of times and demo-ing all the points in clay, etc., etc. #confounding
Thank you, Aharon, for your entry here, and for your honest work. I am sure you helped people with your diligence and fact finding. These are good seeds to sow, for certain!
I have a question about DM. What kind of lifestyle does he have? How does he live? What kind of home? What kind of car does he drive? Is he like LRH, using “church” money for his own personal use?
I also wanted to thank you for your bravery and honesty. I’ve watched aftermath since the beginning and you guys should be so proud of yourselves. Hopefully something can happen to make more change, they need their tax exemption status revoked. From what I gathered from Going Clear and Aftermath, it seems like in normal Scientology fashion, the IRS was essentially bullied into granting them tax exemption. There is SO much proof that they’re liars, it’s overwhelming. I really hope the IRS takes this into consideration and finally has a team dedicated to this issue really delve in and figure out what can be done to reverse/revoke this exemption status they clearly don’t deserve.
We’re up against the Iron Law Of Bureaucracy. No effort is made than is necessary to collect a paycheck.
To give you an idea, there is an article from 2009: “David Miscavige: Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”
Here is a link to a book that I expect will soon have an addition. I’m guessing that the Poop of Scamatology will soon be added to the following book. It’s called,
“Monsters – History’s most evil people”
Hi Mike,
Excellent job you and Leah do on the Aftermath show. I’m catching up on watching it all over again on Netflix. Taking my time and well worth it!
BTW, I’m very curious about what the Scientology policy is on raising children on Scientology tech. Is it required? Do they seriously pressure you? Is it worse for Sea Org or ex-Sea Org members? How do you get out of it if you really don’t want your kids to be raised as Scientologists? Thanks for answering or maybe someone else on here knows?
Scientology’s obvious and manifest benefits mean parents naturally want to use the tech on their offspring.
But seriously, that is how they think. There are Hubbard policies on silent births, dangerously malnourished baby food, and general philosophy of treating them as adults (even in situations where society very specifically doesn’t, like sexual abuse).
Kaylar asked;
How do you get out of it if you really don’t want your kids to be raised a scientologist?
I would say a prime example would be Katie Holmes. Her actions spoke loud and clear.
Now recommended by the New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/12/arts/television/inside-pixar-scientology.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage
Superb as usual, RB. Thank you.
RB, What you write is so grim!
One by one staff/SO personnel are emptying the orgs of their members. Self-destruction at its finest.
Of COURSE RB is grim. It’s the subject matter: what’s left of scientology after DM’s EXCELLENT SUPPRESSION. Squirrel-dom taken to the extreme; loyal clams declared for correctly spotting DM as the suppressive.
Davey-Boy has found his place in the Universe: dismantling what Hubbard created more thoroughly that I thought was possible.
When someone in this scam says, “Don’t worry about having to deal with the Ethics Officer after this Comm Ev. It’ll be a quick and easy cycle”, you can be sure it will be nothing like that. Be prepared for a lot of misery and a lot of demands for money.
NOI was out in the streets in East Tampa today. At this point I think they outnumber Scientologists. Reading their literature has been very interesting. The basis of the religion is probably Blavatsky and some of her occult theories. I am trying to meld together Blavatsky, Theosophy, Scientology and NOI. It will make a great takeover of the mess created by Miscavige and it would have better principles. Davey needs to allow the NOI into Clearwater. I bet Trish the billionaire will stop her donations. So there are many benefits to the merger.
George, not only do I expect they outnumber scientologists, it seems they ARE the only “loyal” scientologists; Loyal to DM, of course.
Ah, the farce of comm evs.
Saw two members comm eved because the ex wife asked the state to tackle the ex husband for back child support. The cult held a comm ev against the couple (the biggest charge was causing a public flap) and found them both guilty. Then demanded each of them make make up for it by performing hundreds of hours of amends for the cult. Justice? Nope. Just self-serving efforts to benefit the cult.
Right, Glenn,
There IS no “Justice” in scn, only punishment. When a Comm Ev was convened, the only outcome was some one being found guilty OR the committee itself was declared guilty by the convening Authority.
It’s GOOD to be out. Hubbard’s problem with “wog” justice was that the accused could be found … NOT guilty.
Am I the only one who noticed that the ‘cross’ in the poster between the two characters (the JUST DONATE poster) is made of chains? How very appropriate!
Miss Dutch,
RB puts so much effort into the smallest details in his/her work. I’m certain it means a lot to have people notice these details and point them out. RB’s work is one of the best things about this blog. I always look forward to every Friday.
Don’t equivocate, just donate!

Another brilliant RB post
Scientology: the only game in which EVERYONE gets fucked by Wee Cap’n Macallan!
Hip, hip, hooray!
Mark…are you saying we can take the Macallan? Because I want that booze!!! And I want it NOW!!!
I saw it on the shelf last night… was very tempted
Tempted to do what??? I’m tempted go back to sleep.
Hip, Hip, Hooey!
Dear Reader, it was too late.
I’m crushed! I’ll never be the same…