“I’d still rather spend the Thanksgiving holidays here than begging for money over the phone.”
Ain’t that the truth! I could never have done that. I never even did the “body router” thang, even as a student drill. I’ve never been a salesman, didn’t want to be a salesman, had no respect for salesmen and so forth. I never tried to get my friends involved. Cold calling on the phone!? NOT a chance. That was too degrading for me. And there was no threat they had to force me to try. NEVER. gonna. happen.
Meanwhile, hope everyone here has a GREAT Thanksgiving wherever “here” happens to be.
“Wholetrack psych implant technology” ??
and it’s WORKING!
Mike and Leah, using the technology of the TRUTH, have got Dwarfenführer® trembling in his tiny Italian boots, and probably watering his pants.
And scns who watch Aftermath “go PTS” by having a HUGE sigh of relief when it’s indicated that COB IS their item. And then the MAA crashes them by saying no scn can be the terminal you’re PTS to. Actually, IIRC, LRH first decreed that. To cover, (slightly) his own ass.
IRL, they’re PTS to the (dis)organization calling itself scientology these days IF there’s any validity to the whole SP/PTS mash-up penned by Hubbard.
WAYC referred to:
LRH’s”Soul-Crushing-Depressing-Religion Scale”
scientology doesn’t fit on that scale primarily because it ain’t no religion. Never was, never wanted to be, and has no business being anything but the BUSINESS LRH intended it to be. The “religion angle” was explored simply to save on taxes.
The Church of Scientology bought a building 13 years ago. Real Estate Taxes are enormous for a big empty building that has never been completed.
Owner mailing address: 6901 DELMAR BLVD
ST LOUIS, MO 63130
Property address 2343-2345 LAFAYETTE AV
Alternate Address 2345 LAFAYETTE AV
Zip code 63104
Parcel number: 21390002200
Year built N/A
Tax Year Special Business District Tax Lateral Sewer Fee Commercial Surtax Total Original Tax Amount Paid Balance Interest Penalty Recording Fee Total Balance
2020 $0.00 $0.00 $9,285.68 $55,658.59 $0.00 $55,658.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $55,658.59
Primary Address 2351 LAFAYETTE AV
Parcel 21390002400
Neighborhood 32 – Lafayette Square
Ward 7 – Jack Coatar
Land use Commercial
Owner mailing address: 6901 DELMAR BLVD
ST LOUIS, MO 63130
Property address 2351 LAFAYETTE AV
Zip code 63104
Tax Year Special Business District Tax Lateral Sewer Fee Commercial Surtax Total Original Tax Amount Paid Balance Interest Penalty Recording Fee Total Balance
2020 $0.00 $0.00 $574.00 $3,440.64 $0.00 $3,440.64 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,440.64
$60,000 real estate taxes paid over 13 years since they purchased the property = $780,000
What a shame these people have been duped out of over $15 million dollars fraudulantly raised for renovations. They never opened or finished the renovations.
Anyone know what they are doing with that building? Is it up for sale or what is going on?
I don’t know what is going on with the lot and building but from what I can find they have never been listed for sale with a Commercial broker since they bought them. Looks like they are just paying property tax every year.
It WAS for sale by some suppressive real estate company who would not give out the sale price. You had to sign a gag order if you wanted info.
Suppressive Marketing? Is Colliers International that hard up to agree to work with the cult of Scientology and not be able to offer a sale price.
“By acknowledging your receipt of this Offering Memorandum from Colliers International, you agree:
1. The Offering Memorandum and its contents are confidential;
2. You will hold it and treat it in the strictest of confidence; and
3. You will not, directly or indirectly, disclose or permit anyone else to disclose this Offering Memorandum or its contents in any fashion or manner
detrimental to the interest of the Seller.”
Anyone from St Louis – is there any chance you can drive by and see if they are working on it? I did not see any permits obtained on the City website. Of course, they could have the slaves working on it for free. That is how Scientology works.
Now, WHO’s paying the taxes?? If they’re not paid, someone can get a somewhat-dilapidated building for a SONG at the Sheriff sale. Second: Who’s paying the heat and other utilities? Even St. Louis can get mighty chilly in the winter, I’m told. Crew sheltering in the place aren’t gonna be very happy campers, I expect.
The building is vacant according to sources in at Louis
They never finished Reno’s. They did just enough to give members a bait of hope it would happen and kept that fundraising going for over a decade to drain them of all money and put many in the poor house
It was another Scientology bait and switch
My bet is that they have to raise funds to pay the taxes. Since the $15 million St Louis raised for Reno’s went Uplines to David Miscavige, the Org would not have that money.
Remember? You are responsible and St Louis Org and few members pulled it in – the fact they never renovated that Ideal Org, it never sold, they failed to expand, and now they have to pay those real estate taxes
Has St. Louis even STARTED the renovations? has anyone washed the windows in those 13 years? Is there ANY indication that the building is owned by scientology so locals know to stay as far away as humanly possible? (Just in case DwarfenfĂĽhrer® has a brain fart and SOME work gets done; likely just enough so the Body routers can prowl the vicinity, and raw meat can experience the implant machines of the fully-automated Div 6. Is it a coincidence that Davey’s Div VI strongly resembles the ‘tween lives stations Tubby described?
Jere, the St. Louis project has been abandoned and they are quietly trying to sell off the building the historic building they had purchased – though they failed in an attempt in the past year to auction it. They did some renovations about a decade ago after having let the property sit for a couple of years, when they received an insurance settlement for water damage, that insider reports allege actually resulted from their own (typical) negligence and was fraudulently obtainined. in the last photo i saw, the windows are completely boarded up all the way to the top story.
the new plan they’re floating is to renovate their existing building, and put a large addition on it to get it up to the approximately 50,000 square foot size that seems to be DM’s current ‘ideal’ standard. somewhat ironically, they’re in an old Masonic temple very similar to the one that New Haven bought around the same time and has since let sit derelict — and which would also now need a massive addition to meet ‘ideal’ requirements.
This covers a lot of ground.
I bet that the Poison Dwarf is going crazy about The Aftermath being shown on Netflix.
I binge-watched this over about one week. Made me wonder what in God’s name I had gotten myself involved in.
Some of the insanity has been introduced by the Poison Dwarf.
For example, when I was on staff in the 700s and 80s, if anyone wanted a refund then they could get it.
I know this because I was the Board Finance Officer (the person who dealt with refunds.) I personally saw 20 or so refunds go through in the 6 years I was there and personally sent the checks.
Forced abortions in the Sea Org were not a thing then either.
Hubbard was responsible for a lot of it though.
Paulette Cooper was presented to us as very evil, but we were not to worry because the Guardian’s Office was on top of it.
Apart from a very few people at the highest levels of the GO, no one knew of the terrible things that were being done to her.
I still believe that most Scientologists are people of good will and that many would have left much earlier if all of this had been known at the time.
I certainly would have.
Right Cavalier. The Tiny Tyrant™ can’t be happy that none of his BRILLIANT ideas are at all effective against the attacks he’s getting from all sides, even from the folks of Anonymous. There’s no one vulnerable to his tactics, since he can’t HANDLE the TRUTH being revealed. All he understands is lying, cheating, and conniving, so he essentially unzips when confronted by so simple a weapon arrayed against him.
Such is the fun of dyslexia…. I first read Cavalier’s:
“Paulette Cooper was presented to us as very evil, but we were not to worry because the Guardian’s Office was on top of it.”
as ending with “the Guardian’s Office was on top of *her*.”
Truthfully, she was really screwed by the GO’s dirty tricks department. I was astounded by the depths to which they could contemplate, much less GO. They were a bunch of very sick puppies.
I had to do the personality test every couple of days while on service at Flag. I got so tired of it I kept a copy of all my answers so I could use them again and again and save time. PCs were allowed to take the tests home then bring the completed form into the org for “grading”.
The MOST interesting thing in all this was the test “results” and the graphs were always different despite my answers always being the same. Seriously!
This became just another piece of the bullshit that piled up and told me to leave.
George, you DO know that maxing every category indicates a person who is pliant, psychopathic & narcissistic, EXACTLY like Hubbard, and EXACTLY what he wanted in his slaves. Problem is, though the graph looked great, you were right on the knife edge of a massive CRASH, which of course scientology could, would help.
Yeah, it “helped”. Helped accelerate the crash so the scientologists could help pick you up, while emptying your pockets of everything of value in the process.
In the WOG world, women’s blouses and shirts almost always button from right over left while men’s shirts always button in the opposite direct.
RB cares so much about his/her work that he goes so far as to duplicate the way in which these characters vests are buttoned. I find that extraordinary. It’s a sign of just how much the artist loves their work and cares for their audience. I know that is a very minor detail. But I just find it touching. (I hope I’m not mistaken about this).
Heck, those cookies were the only good-tasting food they GOT that month! The sugar high kept them manic enough to keep their noses to them grindstones for another HOUR, at least. HIGHER stats! ‘Course, they fell asleep on the minute-long bus-ride to their Berthing.It was a wonder they didn’t pass out on their feet while waiting for the busses to come around.
Hmmm …. they must be very tasty cookies. Yes indeed! Yes indeed! I’m reminded of a favorite episode of the TV comedy “Taxi” where some cookies baked by Latka become the focal point of the episode. His cookies may not have been all that great. But the episode certainly was one of the best.
otherles dropped in:
“I could say something about Scientology in practice, but it would require barracks language.”
feel free to use that language to vent your spleen, THEN substitute euphemisms as required. According to the punching pontiff, such language is REQUIRED to “get things done”™ in scientology, but we DO have folks onboard who prefer not to use or hear it (Including me — I almost never use it online.)
I just hope they keep the toilet toothbrushes separate from the canteen toothbrushes.
“I’d still rather spend the Thanksgiving holidays here than begging for money over the phone.”
Ain’t that the truth! I could never have done that. I never even did the “body router” thang, even as a student drill. I’ve never been a salesman, didn’t want to be a salesman, had no respect for salesmen and so forth. I never tried to get my friends involved. Cold calling on the phone!? NOT a chance. That was too degrading for me. And there was no threat they had to force me to try. NEVER. gonna. happen.
Meanwhile, hope everyone here has a GREAT Thanksgiving wherever “here” happens to be.
“Wholetrack psych implant technology”…RB, THANK YOU, for this much needed laugh 🙂
“Wholetrack psych implant technology” ??
and it’s WORKING!
Mike and Leah, using the technology of the TRUTH, have got Dwarfenführer® trembling in his tiny Italian boots, and probably watering his pants.
Yep! The truth, it be powerful 🙂 when broadly communicated by brave, eloquent people.
And scns who watch Aftermath “go PTS” by having a HUGE sigh of relief when it’s indicated that COB IS their item. And then the MAA crashes them by saying no scn can be the terminal you’re PTS to. Actually, IIRC, LRH first decreed that. To cover, (slightly) his own ass.
IRL, they’re PTS to the (dis)organization calling itself scientology these days IF there’s any validity to the whole SP/PTS mash-up penned by Hubbard.
Quick question… if you were to rank which is the most soul-crushing and depressing “religion” in the universe, where would scientology fall?
Answer… scientology ranks near the top of LRH’s Soul-Crushing-Depressing-Religion Scale. Yes, LRH had a scale for everything.
WAYC referred to:
LRH’s”Soul-Crushing-Depressing-Religion Scale”
scientology doesn’t fit on that scale primarily because it ain’t no religion. Never was, never wanted to be, and has no business being anything but the BUSINESS LRH intended it to be. The “religion angle” was explored simply to save on taxes.
“Donate to Disconnect” scale – now that is funny.
Heh anyone from St Louis?
The Church of Scientology bought a building 13 years ago. Real Estate Taxes are enormous for a big empty building that has never been completed.
Owner mailing address: 6901 DELMAR BLVD
ST LOUIS, MO 63130
Property address 2343-2345 LAFAYETTE AV
Alternate Address 2345 LAFAYETTE AV
Zip code 63104
Parcel number: 21390002200
Year built N/A
Tax Year Special Business District Tax Lateral Sewer Fee Commercial Surtax Total Original Tax Amount Paid Balance Interest Penalty Recording Fee Total Balance
2020 $0.00 $0.00 $9,285.68 $55,658.59 $0.00 $55,658.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $55,658.59
Primary Address 2351 LAFAYETTE AV
Parcel 21390002400
Neighborhood 32 – Lafayette Square
Ward 7 – Jack Coatar
Land use Commercial
Owner mailing address: 6901 DELMAR BLVD
ST LOUIS, MO 63130
Property address 2351 LAFAYETTE AV
Zip code 63104
Tax Year Special Business District Tax Lateral Sewer Fee Commercial Surtax Total Original Tax Amount Paid Balance Interest Penalty Recording Fee Total Balance
2020 $0.00 $0.00 $574.00 $3,440.64 $0.00 $3,440.64 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,440.64
$60,000 real estate taxes paid over 13 years since they purchased the property = $780,000
What a shame these people have been duped out of over $15 million dollars fraudulantly raised for renovations. They never opened or finished the renovations.
Anyone know what they are doing with that building? Is it up for sale or what is going on?
Go here: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/
I don’t know what is going on with the lot and building but from what I can find they have never been listed for sale with a Commercial broker since they bought them. Looks like they are just paying property tax every year.
I did some digging and found this
It WAS for sale by some suppressive real estate company who would not give out the sale price. You had to sign a gag order if you wanted info.
Suppressive Marketing? Is Colliers International that hard up to agree to work with the cult of Scientology and not be able to offer a sale price.
“By acknowledging your receipt of this Offering Memorandum from Colliers International, you agree:
1. The Offering Memorandum and its contents are confidential;
2. You will hold it and treat it in the strictest of confidence; and
3. You will not, directly or indirectly, disclose or permit anyone else to disclose this Offering Memorandum or its contents in any fashion or manner
detrimental to the interest of the Seller.”
Anyone from St Louis – is there any chance you can drive by and see if they are working on it? I did not see any permits obtained on the City website. Of course, they could have the slaves working on it for free. That is how Scientology works.
Thanks for the research, Ideal Org Scam.
Now, WHO’s paying the taxes?? If they’re not paid, someone can get a somewhat-dilapidated building for a SONG at the Sheriff sale. Second: Who’s paying the heat and other utilities? Even St. Louis can get mighty chilly in the winter, I’m told. Crew sheltering in the place aren’t gonna be very happy campers, I expect.
The building is vacant according to sources in at Louis
They never finished Reno’s. They did just enough to give members a bait of hope it would happen and kept that fundraising going for over a decade to drain them of all money and put many in the poor house
It was another Scientology bait and switch
My bet is that they have to raise funds to pay the taxes. Since the $15 million St Louis raised for Reno’s went Uplines to David Miscavige, the Org would not have that money.
Remember? You are responsible and St Louis Org and few members pulled it in – the fact they never renovated that Ideal Org, it never sold, they failed to expand, and now they have to pay those real estate taxes
Has St. Louis even STARTED the renovations? has anyone washed the windows in those 13 years? Is there ANY indication that the building is owned by scientology so locals know to stay as far away as humanly possible? (Just in case DwarfenfĂĽhrer® has a brain fart and SOME work gets done; likely just enough so the Body routers can prowl the vicinity, and raw meat can experience the implant machines of the fully-automated Div 6. Is it a coincidence that Davey’s Div VI strongly resembles the ‘tween lives stations Tubby described?
Jere, the St. Louis project has been abandoned and they are quietly trying to sell off the building the historic building they had purchased – though they failed in an attempt in the past year to auction it. They did some renovations about a decade ago after having let the property sit for a couple of years, when they received an insurance settlement for water damage, that insider reports allege actually resulted from their own (typical) negligence and was fraudulently obtainined. in the last photo i saw, the windows are completely boarded up all the way to the top story.
the new plan they’re floating is to renovate their existing building, and put a large addition on it to get it up to the approximately 50,000 square foot size that seems to be DM’s current ‘ideal’ standard. somewhat ironically, they’re in an old Masonic temple very similar to the one that New Haven bought around the same time and has since let sit derelict — and which would also now need a massive addition to meet ‘ideal’ requirements.
This covers a lot of ground.
I bet that the Poison Dwarf is going crazy about The Aftermath being shown on Netflix.
I binge-watched this over about one week. Made me wonder what in God’s name I had gotten myself involved in.
Some of the insanity has been introduced by the Poison Dwarf.
For example, when I was on staff in the 700s and 80s, if anyone wanted a refund then they could get it.
I know this because I was the Board Finance Officer (the person who dealt with refunds.) I personally saw 20 or so refunds go through in the 6 years I was there and personally sent the checks.
Forced abortions in the Sea Org were not a thing then either.
Hubbard was responsible for a lot of it though.
Paulette Cooper was presented to us as very evil, but we were not to worry because the Guardian’s Office was on top of it.
Apart from a very few people at the highest levels of the GO, no one knew of the terrible things that were being done to her.
I still believe that most Scientologists are people of good will and that many would have left much earlier if all of this had been known at the time.
I certainly would have.
Right Cavalier. The Tiny Tyrant™ can’t be happy that none of his BRILLIANT ideas are at all effective against the attacks he’s getting from all sides, even from the folks of Anonymous. There’s no one vulnerable to his tactics, since he can’t HANDLE the TRUTH being revealed. All he understands is lying, cheating, and conniving, so he essentially unzips when confronted by so simple a weapon arrayed against him.
Such is the fun of dyslexia…. I first read Cavalier’s:
“Paulette Cooper was presented to us as very evil, but we were not to worry because the Guardian’s Office was on top of it.”
as ending with “the Guardian’s Office was on top of *her*.”
Truthfully, she was really screwed by the GO’s dirty tricks department. I was astounded by the depths to which they could contemplate, much less GO. They were a bunch of very sick puppies.
Great RB
SO tie guy has his ethics gradients (SCALE?) down pat.
“LRH had more scales than a mackerel” – hilarious!
I took the personality test so many times I figured out how to hit the max on all attributes – my greatest accomplishment in Scientology.
I had to do the personality test every couple of days while on service at Flag. I got so tired of it I kept a copy of all my answers so I could use them again and again and save time. PCs were allowed to take the tests home then bring the completed form into the org for “grading”.
The MOST interesting thing in all this was the test “results” and the graphs were always different despite my answers always being the same. Seriously!
This became just another piece of the bullshit that piled up and told me to leave.
That way they could show you which areas of your life have to improve right NOW!
Really out smart tech…
George, you DO know that maxing every category indicates a person who is pliant, psychopathic & narcissistic, EXACTLY like Hubbard, and EXACTLY what he wanted in his slaves. Problem is, though the graph looked great, you were right on the knife edge of a massive CRASH, which of course scientology could, would help.
Yeah, it “helped”. Helped accelerate the crash so the scientologists could help pick you up, while emptying your pockets of everything of value in the process.
Notice the amazing level of detail in this strip?
In the WOG world, women’s blouses and shirts almost always button from right over left while men’s shirts always button in the opposite direct.
RB cares so much about his/her work that he goes so far as to duplicate the way in which these characters vests are buttoned. I find that extraordinary. It’s a sign of just how much the artist loves their work and cares for their audience. I know that is a very minor detail. But I just find it touching. (I hope I’m not mistaken about this).
Some homade oatmeal cookies as a reward! There is never a shortage of craziness in the world of $ci.
Heck, those cookies were the only good-tasting food they GOT that month! The sugar high kept them manic enough to keep their noses to them grindstones for another HOUR, at least. HIGHER stats! ‘Course, they fell asleep on the minute-long bus-ride to their Berthing.It was a wonder they didn’t pass out on their feet while waiting for the busses to come around.
They regged $16,000 on Thanksgiving Day last year? Wow!
I bet offing them a hot meal instead of cold cash would do wonders for their humanity.
Hmmm …. they must be very tasty cookies. Yes indeed! Yes indeed! I’m reminded of a favorite episode of the TV comedy “Taxi” where some cookies baked by Latka become the focal point of the episode. His cookies may not have been all that great. But the episode certainly was one of the best.
I could say something about Scientology in practice, but it would require barracks language.
otherles dropped in:
“I could say something about Scientology in practice, but it would require barracks language.”
feel free to use that language to vent your spleen, THEN substitute euphemisms as required. According to the punching pontiff, such language is REQUIRED to “get things done”™ in scientology, but we DO have folks onboard who prefer not to use or hear it (Including me — I almost never use it online.)