To make interesting TV programs, the producers at SMP would actually have to think about and evaluate the subject, and that is completely forbidden by the cult.
The only form of free expression that Hubbard allowed was uncritical praise and illustrated quotations from his own work. That is where all the cult’s creativity is directed.
Admittedly they do make pretty visuals showing all the ways cult members follow and obey Hubbard’s directives.
I just had a thought (Yeah, I know: Dangerous): Since only shortly before I was kicked out, I attested to ‘clear’, am I STILL ‘clear’ after 40 years? Probably not, as I haven’t “contributed”* a dime to DM’s slush funds.
*”Contribute”, in the current scn context, most resembles extortion. 😉
When SciTV first came on DirecTV it was advertised heavily on some of the cable channels that my Dad watched. He asked me about it and I told him it was just a very expensive toy for Miscavige. Of course he was thinking of all of the other religious channels out there that basically tell you EXACTLY what they believe and thought SciTV may be similar. Believe it or not there are many people who are ‘curious’ as to what Scientology believes. Does this mean they will join up? Absolutely not. It’s just innate human curiosity. I had tried to explain it to him but it’s just hard to explain (as we all know). He had bought Dianetics back in the day thinking it was just another sci-fi book. He read through it and put it in the pile of other pulp books and never thought twice about it.
So one morning he tells me he had decided to watch the new SciTV channel to see what it was all about. He basically said the same thing as RB in the comic. How the hell is show after show of Scientologists praising Scientology and Miscavige (occasionally mentioning Hubbard) going to get anyone interested in Scientology. Then there was a show of clips of Hubs himself doing the same thing…praising Scientology but never telling what exactly it was that they believe and why was it a religion. One show explained the reactive mind but he knew about that from Dianetics (and thought it was horse crap). But nowhere was the explanation of how Hubbard went from Dianetics, a supposed ‘mental health’ tome, to the religion of Scientology. He asked the same thing as the characters in the comic “Where’s Tom Cruise?” and the other celebs. Of course they would’ve just done the same thing and mindlessly praised Scn without explaining anything. He said he fell asleep during the banjo guy…and he likes banjos…he plays the banjo!
I think ScnTV will quietly disappear from DirecTV. That’s the most expensive outlet. I’ve looked into how much it costs to broadcast to DTV. I think non profits and religions aren’t charged the same rates as commercial tv and even though it is cheaper it is still a big output of money for something absolutely no one is watching. Streaming and YouTube is basically free or very low cost. Plus they have their own website broadcasting 24/7. Absolutely no one, not even Scientologists, are watching this dreck. It could have been a great thing. They could have at least shown the TR’s and done word clearing etc on the channel…but then they wouldn’t get paid would they. Then the world at large would see people giving commands to ashtrays and wouldn’t ‘bullbaiting’ look so good on TV.
Linear, thanks for that account of a sort of objective observer watching ScnTV. It’s rare that we get to hear from, or about, someone who is not looking at it from the point of view of an active critic.
I suspect that the CofS got a deal on their channel because DirecTV is actually in financial trouble. It has been hemorrhaging subscribers and ATT has been trying to sell it off, and whenever changes eventually come Scientology may lose their deal.
I would expect Scientology to move to webcasting their material ostensibly ‘from’ their seemingly unused SuMP studios and frame it as “expansion” and a “win,” even though it would actually be just another tactical loss and retreat.
A gory movie about the Horrors of Psychiatry might increase viewership.
They could rerun the movie “Reefer Madness” and then pitch the Purification Rundown.
They need to be more creative.
Didn’t SciTV go “live” to a monstrous YAWN to anyone but us scn-watchers? It’ll stay on DirecTV’s lineup as long as Dwarfenführer® keeps directing the checks be written — to zero effect on scn’s recruitment problems.
The new “REALITY” TV…. scns shouting at ashtrays and televised ‘bullbaiting’. That might just stir scnTVs ratings off of zero; enough to be rated with REAL TV channels. It’ll be classed right up there with watching a train wreck.
Relying on scn TV to create new members is delusional. Since the beginning it has served no purpose, like a hole in the water. People know what scn is. Just click to get all the points of view on the matter and then decide. In fact, they are now starting to try to get everyone back and require all members to do more. But now it’s late – like using a bucket to empty the water that enters the leaks as the ship sinks. Whoever drove it on the shallows take credit.
LmR, so WHAT if it’s delusional? Everything ‘good’ in scn is delusional.
It turns out that attesting ‘clear’ was the worst thing I could do while “in”, as everything started crumbling around me just after that, and the only “solution” they had was to show me the open road and tell me NOT to come back.
IRL, that last was the best thing to happen in my life. It got me started on re-building the life scn (strongly) suggested I abandon.
Sounds like Milton’s definition of hell in “Paradise Lost”. I remember one part where the demons in hell find a huge vein of gold. Not one demon is excited because there is nothing to do with the gold in hell.
They say something like gold is dead and move on to other boring activities.
“We have less than two hundred episodes left to watch.” in the first panel gave me a laugh.
I think a lot of scientologists have an underlying feeling of superiority. At least I did. It wasn’t that I considered non scientologists “wogs”, just the thought that I “knew things” they didn’t. I carried that feeling forward even after I left. It’s subtle. It’s probably a commonality in many cults and religions.
The characters in the episode are unsettled because they realize non scientologists watching Scientology TV might look at scientologists as boring.
I wasn’t aware of it as a racial slur when I was in scientology, just a general reference to non scientologists. Somewhere I came across the the idea that it stood for Worthy Oriental Gentleman.
From the “Dictionary of the secret language of Scientology”:
Wog, a derogatory and racist term the cult co-opted from British slang, and now uses to refer to people outside of Scientology’s purview.
Wog world, the mundane society away from the totally free supermen inside the cult of Scientology, seen as an aberrated sea of insanity and criminality to be feared and avoided.
A possible derivation of WOG as Worthy Oriental Gentlemen comes from a story about when the British began trading with China in the 1800’s. The British seamen were referring to the Chinese dock workers as “niggers” which pissed them off when they found out the meaning.
Supposedly the naval higher ups told the seamen to call the dock workers wogs and say it stood for worthy oriental gentlemen while still knowing it was a slur.
The derivation of wog has been discussed on this blog before with other possible derivations.
Richard, I was aware of it as an awful racial slur, from the time I was a child, warned by British relatives never to use it. Claims that it means something else come from attempts to retroactively whitewash its use by people like Hubbard:
‘Suggestions that the word is an acronym for “wily Oriental gentleman”, “working on government service”, or similar, are examples of false etymology or backronyms.’
All possible meanings Hubbard might have originally been familiar with are at least mildly demeaning, and when he got to Saint Hill in the late 1950s all the British there would have been well aware of its truly vile racist implications, and any use of it should have stopped if they and their leader had any decency. That it could continue to be used is telling of the malignant evil underbelly of a man who also had children thrown into ships’ chain lockers, oversaw overweight women who couldn’t swim being thrown into filthy port water to nearly drown, and delighted in watching an older man push a peanut across a splintery wooden deck with his nose until he bled. From other things I’ve seen, I suspect he took a perverse, childish pleasure in putting one over on his American followers by putting a ‘naughty’ word in their mouths that they didn’t realize the real meaning of.
I’m sorry you got conned unwittingly into being part of and supporting an organization and leader so vile and abusive at the heart of it, but at least you figured out after not too long that you should get out.
Hah – Maybe the two derivations above fit together. The British seamen were calling the Chinese dock workers Wogs and the British authorities told the Chinese authorities that it merely meant worthy or wily oriental gentlemen.
I may be the first person in this sector to figure that out. haha
Richard, that Ron was a raving racist is obvious. It didn’t much detract from the dubious quality of his ‘discoveries’ but SHOULD warn the folks of NOI and similar AWAY from DM’s enterprise carved out of the remaining dregs of Ron’s scam.
I keep waiting for the ticking timebomb of NOI’s black supremacy colliding with Hubbard’s racism and the “whitebread” constituency of scn.
Are there really thousands of unique videos? Have they roped in members from all over the world, or just North America? Will the happy couple notice their own segment?!?
The Hellfire Club part two is coming, just when interest in the dealings of Washington couldn’t be any higher. Jake Tapper has been busy covering the presidential election (among many other stories) in his post at CNN, but he still made time to bring readers another thriller. The Devil May Dance will hit shelves on May 11, 2021, and picks up with Charlie and Margaret Marder in their life at the top of the political hierarchy in D.C. The plot is just as twisty as its predecessor, so we’ll let the official synopsis speak for itself:
Before they know it, Charlie and Margaret are being pursued by sinister forces from Hollywood’s stages to the newly founded Church of Scientology, facing off against the darkest and most secret side of Hollywood’s power. As the Academy Awards loom, and someone near and dear to Margaret goes missing, Charlie and Margaret find the clock is not only ticking but running out. Someone out there knows what they’ve uncovered and can’t let them leave alive.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Amazon has pre-order pages up for the Kindle and hardcover editions of the novel.
Cal-Mag. Blecchhh! What horrible tasting dreck! Tastes like chalk and doesn’t do shit.
I remember I went to the org building three times and they assigned some lady to “help” me through the initial training drills. When I told her that I got terrible headaches and had to take Tylenol with Codeine to beat down the pain, she acted very horrified. She told me I must never ever take those things again. I explained to her they were the only thing that got rid of my headaches and she told me they were absolutely harmful and I should just drink some Cal-Mag before bedtime and that would fix me right up.
I tried that the next night and Cal-Mag did nothing for me. I went back the next day and told her that Cal-Mag was a complete bust and I couldn’t possibly live with the headaches and so I would continue taking the Tylenol with Codeine. This got her extremely angry and she started yelling at me telling me I could never ever take any of those again and I had to trust her that Cal-Mag was the answer.
I nodded my head and thought to myself, “Oh, fuck you bitch!” I may not know what causes my pain. But I sure do know what relieves it. You can talk about Cal-Mag all you want. But that is it for me. I will nod my head to you but I will never come back here again and subject myself to all you lunatics.
Apparently, this lady was not very skilled at “love bombing”. I thought she was an imbecile and I never went back.
Regarding the headaches, my brother used to get occasional migraine headaches and said he could tell when one was coming on by a sort of halo developing in his field of vision.
Long story short, two years ago Massachusetts legalized recreational marijuana and allows individuals to grow up to six plants for their personal use. My brother and his wife have done some organic farming and decided to grow a couple plants in their greenhouse mostly for curiosity since they’re not interested in getting high. My brother says when he feels a migraine coming on he takes a couple puffs of his marijuana and doesn’t get a migraine. He also has asthma and has a handheld device which cools the smoke so it doesn’t irritate his lungs.
Here’s some more information about my brother’s “pot farm” (joke) that I posted on another blog.
“My brother lives in a rural area of Massachusetts and he and his wife have done some organic farming for part time income in the past. When Mass legalized he was hoping he might cash in. He wasn’t interested in applying for a growers license but knew someone who was. According to him a certified pot plant which could be sent to a laboratory for processing might be worth as much as $2,500! The deal didn’t materialize but he still grows a couple plants for general interest in his greenhouse.
Regarding the Mass law that says people can grow six plants for personal use, he says that when the plants come into bloom in his area the whole area reeks of pot. Obviously some people are growing a “few more” than six!
Incidentally, he used to experience occasional migraine headaches and he could tell when one was coming on by a sort of halo developing in his field of vision. When that happens now he takes a couple drags of his pot and doesn’t get a migraine.”
“My brother and his wife both have full time jobs in corporate America so as they got older they decided to give up on growing and selling organic vegetables for extra income. However, two years ago they let an agriculture student take over the acre they had for farming and a greenhouse on the property nearby. She decided to raise a couple of pot plants in the greenhouse and after they came into bloom she had a “harvest party” or something like that with some of her friends which my brother said was well attended. She probably distributed a few “organic products” as party favors. lol”
“Pot trivia – The buds of the female marijuana plant are the most potent with the highest content of THC. My brother says that when they come into full bloom they develop tiny clear and sticky droplets on the buds. It would be tempting to harvest them at this time, but my brother says if you wait just a little bit longer the clear liquid turns slightly cloudy which can be seen with a 30X magnifying glass and that’s when the buds are *really* high test. Things I wouldn’t know unless I had a experienced farmer as a brother.”
Guffaw. You really nailed this RB. Cognitive Dissonance at work. 🙂 This is what scientologist do (and I did when I was one) when something doesn’t make sense. “Maybe Boredom is what Scientology TV is trying to achieve” is a perfect satire and with some scientologists is the literal truth of their thinking.
Of COURSE none of them have considered they, meaning COB, could be wrong. By definition, every brain fart he has is the most inspired thinking to happen in the UNIVERSE/MULTIVERSE. He CAN’T be wrong. Only downtone DBs can even ENTERTAIN the idea.
“2.5 (boredom) is HIGH for most wogs…. Possibly, but in my case, after 2.5 comes unconsciousness — (sleep). If I tried to watch what I’ve sampled on the Web, I’d be all sorts of keyed-in and likely no longer “clear” from all the mass & pain inflicted.
To make interesting TV programs, the producers at SMP would actually have to think about and evaluate the subject, and that is completely forbidden by the cult.
The only form of free expression that Hubbard allowed was uncritical praise and illustrated quotations from his own work. That is where all the cult’s creativity is directed.
Admittedly they do make pretty visuals showing all the ways cult members follow and obey Hubbard’s directives.
GOOD ideas! Let’s hope the tiny tyrant™ doesn’t get wind of them. 😉
I just had a thought (Yeah, I know: Dangerous): Since only shortly before I was kicked out, I attested to ‘clear’, am I STILL ‘clear’ after 40 years? Probably not, as I haven’t “contributed”* a dime to DM’s slush funds.
*”Contribute”, in the current scn context, most resembles extortion. 😉
Boredom? Or near death/apathy? sad way to have Thanksgiving evening.
My best to all of you folks who are out and alive.
When SciTV first came on DirecTV it was advertised heavily on some of the cable channels that my Dad watched. He asked me about it and I told him it was just a very expensive toy for Miscavige. Of course he was thinking of all of the other religious channels out there that basically tell you EXACTLY what they believe and thought SciTV may be similar. Believe it or not there are many people who are ‘curious’ as to what Scientology believes. Does this mean they will join up? Absolutely not. It’s just innate human curiosity. I had tried to explain it to him but it’s just hard to explain (as we all know). He had bought Dianetics back in the day thinking it was just another sci-fi book. He read through it and put it in the pile of other pulp books and never thought twice about it.
So one morning he tells me he had decided to watch the new SciTV channel to see what it was all about. He basically said the same thing as RB in the comic. How the hell is show after show of Scientologists praising Scientology and Miscavige (occasionally mentioning Hubbard) going to get anyone interested in Scientology. Then there was a show of clips of Hubs himself doing the same thing…praising Scientology but never telling what exactly it was that they believe and why was it a religion. One show explained the reactive mind but he knew about that from Dianetics (and thought it was horse crap). But nowhere was the explanation of how Hubbard went from Dianetics, a supposed ‘mental health’ tome, to the religion of Scientology. He asked the same thing as the characters in the comic “Where’s Tom Cruise?” and the other celebs. Of course they would’ve just done the same thing and mindlessly praised Scn without explaining anything. He said he fell asleep during the banjo guy…and he likes banjos…he plays the banjo!
I think ScnTV will quietly disappear from DirecTV. That’s the most expensive outlet. I’ve looked into how much it costs to broadcast to DTV. I think non profits and religions aren’t charged the same rates as commercial tv and even though it is cheaper it is still a big output of money for something absolutely no one is watching. Streaming and YouTube is basically free or very low cost. Plus they have their own website broadcasting 24/7. Absolutely no one, not even Scientologists, are watching this dreck. It could have been a great thing. They could have at least shown the TR’s and done word clearing etc on the channel…but then they wouldn’t get paid would they. Then the world at large would see people giving commands to ashtrays and wouldn’t ‘bullbaiting’ look so good on TV.
Linear, thanks for that account of a sort of objective observer watching ScnTV. It’s rare that we get to hear from, or about, someone who is not looking at it from the point of view of an active critic.
I suspect that the CofS got a deal on their channel because DirecTV is actually in financial trouble. It has been hemorrhaging subscribers and ATT has been trying to sell it off, and whenever changes eventually come Scientology may lose their deal.
I would expect Scientology to move to webcasting their material ostensibly ‘from’ their seemingly unused SuMP studios and frame it as “expansion” and a “win,” even though it would actually be just another tactical loss and retreat.
A gory movie about the Horrors of Psychiatry might increase viewership.
They could rerun the movie “Reefer Madness” and then pitch the Purification Rundown.
They need to be more creative.
Didn’t SciTV go “live” to a monstrous YAWN to anyone but us scn-watchers? It’ll stay on DirecTV’s lineup as long as Dwarfenführer® keeps directing the checks be written — to zero effect on scn’s recruitment problems.
The new “REALITY” TV…. scns shouting at ashtrays and televised ‘bullbaiting’. That might just stir scnTVs ratings off of zero; enough to be rated with REAL TV channels. It’ll be classed right up there with watching a train wreck.
Relying on scn TV to create new members is delusional. Since the beginning it has served no purpose, like a hole in the water. People know what scn is. Just click to get all the points of view on the matter and then decide. In fact, they are now starting to try to get everyone back and require all members to do more. But now it’s late – like using a bucket to empty the water that enters the leaks as the ship sinks. Whoever drove it on the shallows take credit.
LmR, so WHAT if it’s delusional? Everything ‘good’ in scn is delusional.
It turns out that attesting ‘clear’ was the worst thing I could do while “in”, as everything started crumbling around me just after that, and the only “solution” they had was to show me the open road and tell me NOT to come back.
IRL, that last was the best thing to happen in my life. It got me started on re-building the life scn (strongly) suggested I abandon.
Sounds like Milton’s definition of hell in “Paradise Lost”. I remember one part where the demons in hell find a huge vein of gold. Not one demon is excited because there is nothing to do with the gold in hell.
They say something like gold is dead and move on to other boring activities.
“We have less than two hundred episodes left to watch.” in the first panel gave me a laugh.
I think a lot of scientologists have an underlying feeling of superiority. At least I did. It wasn’t that I considered non scientologists “wogs”, just the thought that I “knew things” they didn’t. I carried that feeling forward even after I left. It’s subtle. It’s probably a commonality in many cults and religions.
The characters in the episode are unsettled because they realize non scientologists watching Scientology TV might look at scientologists as boring.
Since LRH lived in England, he must have known that “wog” is a British slur against non-white people. Yet the word runs rampant in his writings.
I wasn’t aware of it as a racial slur when I was in scientology, just a general reference to non scientologists. Somewhere I came across the the idea that it stood for Worthy Oriental Gentleman.
From the “Dictionary of the secret language of Scientology”:
Wog, a derogatory and racist term the cult co-opted from British slang, and now uses to refer to people outside of Scientology’s purview.
Wog world, the mundane society away from the totally free supermen inside the cult of Scientology, seen as an aberrated sea of insanity and criminality to be feared and avoided.
A possible derivation of WOG as Worthy Oriental Gentlemen comes from a story about when the British began trading with China in the 1800’s. The British seamen were referring to the Chinese dock workers as “niggers” which pissed them off when they found out the meaning.
Supposedly the naval higher ups told the seamen to call the dock workers wogs and say it stood for worthy oriental gentlemen while still knowing it was a slur.
The derivation of wog has been discussed on this blog before with other possible derivations.
Richard, I was aware of it as an awful racial slur, from the time I was a child, warned by British relatives never to use it. Claims that it means something else come from attempts to retroactively whitewash its use by people like Hubbard:
‘Suggestions that the word is an acronym for “wily Oriental gentleman”, “working on government service”, or similar, are examples of false etymology or backronyms.’
All possible meanings Hubbard might have originally been familiar with are at least mildly demeaning, and when he got to Saint Hill in the late 1950s all the British there would have been well aware of its truly vile racist implications, and any use of it should have stopped if they and their leader had any decency. That it could continue to be used is telling of the malignant evil underbelly of a man who also had children thrown into ships’ chain lockers, oversaw overweight women who couldn’t swim being thrown into filthy port water to nearly drown, and delighted in watching an older man push a peanut across a splintery wooden deck with his nose until he bled. From other things I’ve seen, I suspect he took a perverse, childish pleasure in putting one over on his American followers by putting a ‘naughty’ word in their mouths that they didn’t realize the real meaning of.
I’m sorry you got conned unwittingly into being part of and supporting an organization and leader so vile and abusive at the heart of it, but at least you figured out after not too long that you should get out.
Another possible derivation is a shortened form of “Golliwog”, a once very popular black face doll which is now deemed racially insensitive.
Hah – Maybe the two derivations above fit together. The British seamen were calling the Chinese dock workers Wogs and the British authorities told the Chinese authorities that it merely meant worthy or wily oriental gentlemen.
I may be the first person in this sector to figure that out. haha
Richard, that Ron was a raving racist is obvious. It didn’t much detract from the dubious quality of his ‘discoveries’ but SHOULD warn the folks of NOI and similar AWAY from DM’s enterprise carved out of the remaining dregs of Ron’s scam.
I keep waiting for the ticking timebomb of NOI’s black supremacy colliding with Hubbard’s racism and the “whitebread” constituency of scn.
Are there really thousands of unique videos? Have they roped in members from all over the world, or just North America? Will the happy couple notice their own segment?!?
O/T. Jake Tapper’s upcoming novel “The Devil May Dance” includes the Church of Scientology as an antagonist.
Entertainment Weekly: Jake Tapper spills about his new book The Devil May Dance — plus see the cover reveal
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
The Hellfire Club part two is coming, just when interest in the dealings of Washington couldn’t be any higher. Jake Tapper has been busy covering the presidential election (among many other stories) in his post at CNN, but he still made time to bring readers another thriller. The Devil May Dance will hit shelves on May 11, 2021, and picks up with Charlie and Margaret Marder in their life at the top of the political hierarchy in D.C. The plot is just as twisty as its predecessor, so we’ll let the official synopsis speak for itself:
Before they know it, Charlie and Margaret are being pursued by sinister forces from Hollywood’s stages to the newly founded Church of Scientology, facing off against the darkest and most secret side of Hollywood’s power. As the Academy Awards loom, and someone near and dear to Margaret goes missing, Charlie and Margaret find the clock is not only ticking but running out. Someone out there knows what they’ve uncovered and can’t let them leave alive.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Amazon has pre-order pages up for the Kindle and hardcover editions of the novel.
Kindle $14.99
Hardcover $28:00
Cal-Mag. Blecchhh! What horrible tasting dreck! Tastes like chalk and doesn’t do shit.
I remember I went to the org building three times and they assigned some lady to “help” me through the initial training drills. When I told her that I got terrible headaches and had to take Tylenol with Codeine to beat down the pain, she acted very horrified. She told me I must never ever take those things again. I explained to her they were the only thing that got rid of my headaches and she told me they were absolutely harmful and I should just drink some Cal-Mag before bedtime and that would fix me right up.
I tried that the next night and Cal-Mag did nothing for me. I went back the next day and told her that Cal-Mag was a complete bust and I couldn’t possibly live with the headaches and so I would continue taking the Tylenol with Codeine. This got her extremely angry and she started yelling at me telling me I could never ever take any of those again and I had to trust her that Cal-Mag was the answer.
I nodded my head and thought to myself, “Oh, fuck you bitch!” I may not know what causes my pain. But I sure do know what relieves it. You can talk about Cal-Mag all you want. But that is it for me. I will nod my head to you but I will never come back here again and subject myself to all you lunatics.
Apparently, this lady was not very skilled at “love bombing”. I thought she was an imbecile and I never went back.
Regarding the headaches, my brother used to get occasional migraine headaches and said he could tell when one was coming on by a sort of halo developing in his field of vision.
Long story short, two years ago Massachusetts legalized recreational marijuana and allows individuals to grow up to six plants for their personal use. My brother and his wife have done some organic farming and decided to grow a couple plants in their greenhouse mostly for curiosity since they’re not interested in getting high. My brother says when he feels a migraine coming on he takes a couple puffs of his marijuana and doesn’t get a migraine. He also has asthma and has a handheld device which cools the smoke so it doesn’t irritate his lungs.
Here’s some more information about my brother’s “pot farm” (joke) that I posted on another blog.
“My brother lives in a rural area of Massachusetts and he and his wife have done some organic farming for part time income in the past. When Mass legalized he was hoping he might cash in. He wasn’t interested in applying for a growers license but knew someone who was. According to him a certified pot plant which could be sent to a laboratory for processing might be worth as much as $2,500! The deal didn’t materialize but he still grows a couple plants for general interest in his greenhouse.
Regarding the Mass law that says people can grow six plants for personal use, he says that when the plants come into bloom in his area the whole area reeks of pot. Obviously some people are growing a “few more” than six!
Incidentally, he used to experience occasional migraine headaches and he could tell when one was coming on by a sort of halo developing in his field of vision. When that happens now he takes a couple drags of his pot and doesn’t get a migraine.”
“My brother and his wife both have full time jobs in corporate America so as they got older they decided to give up on growing and selling organic vegetables for extra income. However, two years ago they let an agriculture student take over the acre they had for farming and a greenhouse on the property nearby. She decided to raise a couple of pot plants in the greenhouse and after they came into bloom she had a “harvest party” or something like that with some of her friends which my brother said was well attended. She probably distributed a few “organic products” as party favors. lol”
“Pot trivia – The buds of the female marijuana plant are the most potent with the highest content of THC. My brother says that when they come into full bloom they develop tiny clear and sticky droplets on the buds. It would be tempting to harvest them at this time, but my brother says if you wait just a little bit longer the clear liquid turns slightly cloudy which can be seen with a 30X magnifying glass and that’s when the buds are *really* high test. Things I wouldn’t know unless I had a experienced farmer as a brother.”
Guffaw. You really nailed this RB. Cognitive Dissonance at work. 🙂 This is what scientologist do (and I did when I was one) when something doesn’t make sense. “Maybe Boredom is what Scientology TV is trying to achieve” is a perfect satire and with some scientologists is the literal truth of their thinking.
Happy post Thanksgiving RB to you and yours.
Has any of these people thought they may be wrong?
Of COURSE none of them have considered they, meaning COB, could be wrong. By definition, every brain fart he has is the most inspired thinking to happen in the UNIVERSE/MULTIVERSE. He CAN’T be wrong. Only downtone DBs can even ENTERTAIN the idea.
“2.5 (boredom) is HIGH for most wogs…. Possibly, but in my case, after 2.5 comes unconsciousness — (sleep). If I tried to watch what I’ve sampled on the Web, I’d be all sorts of keyed-in and likely no longer “clear” from all the mass & pain inflicted.