RB, totally hilarious! Worthy of an SNL weekly skit. I date myself but imagine Belushi, Akroyd, Murray, and Rosannadanna . . .
When I was first in I had floated the idea of humorous skits based on Tech lingo and seriousness. Array of responses from interested smiles, swallows, and the sup gently nixing the idea that you just don’t do that (at the time, missions were not hard-nosed, and you had some real funky and cool people). From the 80’s on, I would have been put in Treason to find out THAT I AM, HAHAHA.
Those OTs are truly like gods who walk among men. Too bad that Hubbard ordered them to hold back so as not to discombobulate us with their awesome powers. Otherwise, they could whip this planet into shape in a jiffy.
I have learned to look thoroughly into RB’s frames, usually there is more there than is seen at first glance. Same holds for Mark Parry- Maddocks comments/images over at Tony’s blog.
Should you feel the need, this is your Cram: Redo TR-0 drill until you can: BE there for 2 hours comfortably(blinks are ok), or BE there with spherical awareness out 20 feet for 1/2 hour, or BE there without even one thought for 10 minutes. (snort! I can’t do it anymore anymore)
My greatest super power in Scientology was on July 17th 1988 at 10:00 AM on the Freewinds. That was the day and time I read Hubbard’s OT VIII briefing in which he claimed that he was the “super spirit” of the entire universe. Hubbard did not even believe he was Hubbard. For him that was just a temporary state. In his twisted mind, he was all powerful. So then his minions could find their checkbooks.
Hubbard was too earth centric to be the super spirit of the universe. You gotta know your place in the world. He shoulda stuck with Admiral of Sector Nine or something like that which would be more appealing to atheist humans.
Susan – Maybe George was being facetious as was I. From a Lucifer reading of the OT8 material Hubbard was claiming divinity. A significant percentage of the population gives credence to reincarnation or past lives but few of them would claim divinity although I’m sure there are some people out there right now doing so.
Here’s a definition of divinity from dictionary.com.
a being having divine attributes, ranking below God but above humans:
minor divinities.
In the references there was a reference to the supposed original document. Here’s part of it. (Careful! This is really going down the rabbit hole! haha)
No doubt you are familiar with the Revelations section of the Bible where various events are predicted. Also mentioned Is a brief period of time in which an arch-enemy of Christ. reforred to as the anti-Christ, will reign and his opinions will have sway. All this makes for very fantastic, entertaining reading but there is truth in it. This anti-Christ represents the forces of Lucifer (literally, the “light bearers” or “light bringer”), Lucifer being a mythical representation of the forces of enlightenment, the Galactic Confederacy. My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise
With the exception of the original Buddhism, virtually all religions of any consequence on this planet, mono- and pantheistic alike. have been instruments to speed the progress of this “evolution of consciousness” and bring about the eventual enslavement of mankind. As you know, Siddhartha Gautama never claimed to be anything more than a man. Having caught on to this operation, he postulated his own return as Metteyya, part of which prophecy will have been fulfilled upon the passing of L. Ron Hubbard.
Still a much better deal to not pay for the mind-fuck perpetrated by the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. When I look for things, they’re always in the last place I look!
Lol – I think that was one of the “Maxims”, a general truth. “Lost MEST is always found in the last place looked.” The corollary was, “Life is defined as moving MEST around.”
Great RB! Perhaps when he finds his glasses and mask he should write another OT story about it.
I have not such super powers to find things I lose, so I keep order and drop my stuff always in the same place and the day after I find it there.
I had an OT win after I was at AOLA one night doing my Solo Certainty Course. I had brought the stuffed moose my wife gave me to use as the doll during the GAT drills.
After course around midnight I was barreling down I 5 when I asked the moose “Snoot” how he was doing. To my horror there was no reply! I turned on the light and Snoot was gone! Poof! I cranked the truck around and went back to AOLA. When I got there I remembered that I had put Snoot in a closet outside the courseroom so I could make a quick getaway as there were IASA regges waiting for us when we got off course. My wife had told me not to bother coming home if I did not have the moose.
I was in good comm with Snoot and when he failed to answer me I knew something was seriously wrong. This was before the AOLA Public MAA demanded to know (while on the cans) if I was STILL “doin it with the moose”.
RB, totally hilarious! Worthy of an SNL weekly skit. I date myself but imagine Belushi, Akroyd, Murray, and Rosannadanna . . .
When I was first in I had floated the idea of humorous skits based on Tech lingo and seriousness. Array of responses from interested smiles, swallows, and the sup gently nixing the idea that you just don’t do that (at the time, missions were not hard-nosed, and you had some real funky and cool people). From the 80’s on, I would have been put in Treason to find out THAT I AM, HAHAHA.
Laughing loud! This one was really great.
Those OTs are truly like gods who walk among men. Too bad that Hubbard ordered them to hold back so as not to discombobulate us with their awesome powers. Otherwise, they could whip this planet into shape in a jiffy.
The other day I drove to one of the ideal orgs just to check it out.
I postulated that I would be able to find a parking space immediately.
Worked like a charm!
Not only was I able to find my space but my postulate was so strong
that the car park was completely empty.
Now that’s what I call OT powers – NOT!
So true. Finding an empty parking space at scientology’s corporate offices is even easier than it was in the old days.
OT Powerz are as plain as the nose on your face. Or the Glasses on your head or the knowing the Reg always wants money.
Or as plain as RB causes giggles.
Good RB!
Maybe if someone slapped “Oliver” upside the head he would find his glasses AND mask in one blinding instance.
Obnosis drill 101.
Re Obnosis: observing the obvious
Jim laughing loud! Damn. I didn’t see it. I must assume that my pass in the obnosis drill was actually a flunk. LOL.
I have learned to look thoroughly into RB’s frames, usually there is more there than is seen at first glance. Same holds for Mark Parry- Maddocks comments/images over at Tony’s blog.
Should you feel the need, this is your Cram: Redo TR-0 drill until you can: BE there for 2 hours comfortably(blinks are ok), or BE there with spherical awareness out 20 feet for 1/2 hour, or BE there without even one thought for 10 minutes. (snort! I can’t do it anymore anymore)
My greatest super power in Scientology was on July 17th 1988 at 10:00 AM on the Freewinds. That was the day and time I read Hubbard’s OT VIII briefing in which he claimed that he was the “super spirit” of the entire universe. Hubbard did not even believe he was Hubbard. For him that was just a temporary state. In his twisted mind, he was all powerful. So then his minions could find their checkbooks.
Hubbard was too earth centric to be the super spirit of the universe. You gotta know your place in the world. He shoulda stuck with Admiral of Sector Nine or something like that which would be more appealing to atheist humans.
And what did you think when you read that nonsense?
Susan – Maybe George was being facetious as was I. From a Lucifer reading of the OT8 material Hubbard was claiming divinity. A significant percentage of the population gives credence to reincarnation or past lives but few of them would claim divinity although I’m sure there are some people out there right now doing so.
Here’s a definition of divinity from dictionary.com.
a being having divine attributes, ranking below God but above humans:
minor divinities.
So Hubbard did not claim he was the super spirit of the universe?
To my knowledge he never claimed to be God hisself.
Here’s the Wiki entry on “original OTVIII:
In the references there was a reference to the supposed original document. Here’s part of it. (Careful! This is really going down the rabbit hole! haha)
No doubt you are familiar with the Revelations section of the Bible where various events are predicted. Also mentioned Is a brief period of time in which an arch-enemy of Christ. reforred to as the anti-Christ, will reign and his opinions will have sway. All this makes for very fantastic, entertaining reading but there is truth in it. This anti-Christ represents the forces of Lucifer (literally, the “light bearers” or “light bringer”), Lucifer being a mythical representation of the forces of enlightenment, the Galactic Confederacy. My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise
With the exception of the original Buddhism, virtually all religions of any consequence on this planet, mono- and pantheistic alike. have been instruments to speed the progress of this “evolution of consciousness” and bring about the eventual enslavement of mankind. As you know, Siddhartha Gautama never claimed to be anything more than a man. Having caught on to this operation, he postulated his own return as Metteyya, part of which prophecy will have been fulfilled upon the passing of L. Ron Hubbard.
Still a much better deal to not pay for the mind-fuck perpetrated by the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. When I look for things, they’re always in the last place I look!
Lol – I think that was one of the “Maxims”, a general truth. “Lost MEST is always found in the last place looked.” The corollary was, “Life is defined as moving MEST around.”
Those are THE Standard Operating Procedures for OT abilities!
Off the top of my head I predict he’ll be slapping his forehead a lot more.
OT powers and it still takes 2 hours to find his keys. What a winner!
OT powerz and in two hours, he STILL didn’t find his keys, yet.
LOSER! Check in your right pocket.
Oatmeal Twits
“At unknowing and unwilling effect of a Bitch named Dave”.
COB (Cunty Offensive Bastard )Pimping on all 8 dynamics, yo!
Thanks for another humorous takedown of the cult, RB!
Great RB! Perhaps when he finds his glasses and mask he should write another OT story about it.
I have not such super powers to find things I lose, so I keep order and drop my stuff always in the same place and the day after I find it there.
I had an OT win after I was at AOLA one night doing my Solo Certainty Course. I had brought the stuffed moose my wife gave me to use as the doll during the GAT drills.
After course around midnight I was barreling down I 5 when I asked the moose “Snoot” how he was doing. To my horror there was no reply! I turned on the light and Snoot was gone! Poof! I cranked the truck around and went back to AOLA. When I got there I remembered that I had put Snoot in a closet outside the courseroom so I could make a quick getaway as there were IASA regges waiting for us when we got off course. My wife had told me not to bother coming home if I did not have the moose.
I was in good comm with Snoot and when he failed to answer me I knew something was seriously wrong. This was before the AOLA Public MAA demanded to know (while on the cans) if I was STILL “doin it with the moose”.
Heh… and the self-delusional game goes on