Due to the holidays, there is no new podcast tonight. Gives you a chance to catch up on any you may have missed or go back and listen to an earlier one again…
Another great comic that really shows the extreme difference between the cult’s lofty promises and the reality of what it really is.
Except for Miscavige of course, for him the cult works wonderfully. Who knows what his secret life of luxury is really like.
Here is a 7 minute video of a scn muster. Other than the mole who is taking the video and maybe a some other pretenders they seem enthusiastic about whatever “work” they are doing. At the beginning the leader says “Management has spent hundreds of thousands of hours on this.” referring to Scientology TV. Maybe they hear “hundreds of thousands of hours” and in their mind it translates to “lots of hours” and becomes acceptable.
The naivety of the characters in the cartoon might might not be a big exaggeration.
100,000 hours is 50 people working 40 hours per week for 50 weeks (~ a year). Maybe the actual numbers are hundreds of thousands of hours, but it is such a meaningless statistic I bet you are right they hear “lots of hours”.
The Upper Indoctrination TR-8, Tone 40 on an object, starts with the student ordering the ashtray by shouting, then in a normal voice level, and then silently. Obviously the current crop of beings that are in the sea org/cherch never got past the shouting part, and/or never came above anger on the emotional tone scale, and/or never got the concept of sending an intention across space without the use of their body. My guess is all three.
To wish into existence; a supposed OT super-power along the lines of Tone 40 and Intention, “David postulates that the Psyches will all be destroyed by the year 2000; our program of dead-agenting them will make his postulate stick.” Ted Mayett: “I have a definition for Postulate. – body english on a bowling ball.”
There is some anecdotal evidence that postulates or intention gives some statistical increase of a postulate occurring in the real world but not enough to be scientifically verifiable. it remains in a category similar to remote viewing.
Sea Ogres are going to have an awful time! As newspaper every time gets thinner and there are no Yellow Pages Phone Directories, so the wiping material is very, really very scarce! What a situation!
If someone at Flag steals some very valuable tissue paper, he will be done in no time!
From what I have read in their own counting system the NOI has fewer than 20 “Clears” so they are a long way away from a clash or takeover of the CofS.
The majority of NOIs might be more interested in following the faith part of the religion which is called “The Wisdom” than chasing the scn Bridge which is called “The Technology”. The NOI also place emphasis on home, family and healthy eating.
The world of Scientology is truly a wonder to see. It surpasses Alice In Wonderland in it insanity. RB thank you for this year end reminder of the cults continuous perpetuation of Hubbard and Miscaviges brutality and toxic lies and conduct.
Tubby couldn’t have chosen a more appropriate book to train scns with. It makes day-to-day Scientology seem sober and straightforward to those doing their TRs.
One of these days, I gotta finish reading it straight through. Prior to now, I tried it, but got twisted up in “study tech”, trying to make sense of what I read, as if it were Tubby’s words of wisdom.
For Christmas, Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad reposted his 2019 video where, referring to the NAACP and the SCLC, at 45:30 he teaches that:
“They want to meet with White people to get them to be nonviolent. Stop it. That’s not that cracker’s nature. He ain’t never resolved nothing with peace. He’s always used bombs. Fire. Bullets. He makes you bow to him.”
As a bonus, the video also teaches at 1:26:06 that Europeans plagiarized the story of Jesus from the Egyptian story of Horus:
Having a lot of great contact with the NOI ministers in East Tampa. They are very polite and appreciate the exchanges. The Final Call newspaper is being distributed and does not contain any entheta. These people are far better than Scientologists and would make a great group to take over the religion. I watched most of the video and find very little offensive. Most of their strange stories can be traced back to Occult literature. Elijah Muhammad was actually following a variant of Blavatsky. They have set out on a major transformation of society which is a very steep gradient. However, the ministers I talk to are very peaceful. They make a big issue about how God cleansed the heart of Louis Farrakhan, and they are following.
George I usually like your comments but you are way off base on this one.
Farrakan is one of the world’s worst hate mongers. He is completely antisemitic and hates white people. Listen to him sometime, you will be blown away. Farrakan will speak lovingly while spewing out the most vile things.. Those followers of the NOI you speak so glowingly of are being taught to hate you. They may come across as benign but they are being taught to hate you. As the old proverb goes ” beware of wolves in sheeps clothing”.
Thanks for the warning. I am simply blown away by the politeness of these Ministers. It is all SIR and THANK YOU. My only contact is with Farrakhan’s articles. He does not cross the line. He is basically in the middle on politics. The antisemitism is never mentioned. Recently had my DNA tested and was surprised to find 2.7% Jewish blood. If you get a few short clips with Farrakhan’s hate, please refer me. It is very important. I have an NOI friend who worships Muhammad Ali and listens to the prayers. Still think they are better than Scientologists
George, I have to wonder what “Jewish blood” is. AFAICT, they aren’t that distinct a group. I suspect that they would be found to be genetically closely related to the Arabs in the area at the time, if there were a reason to look closely enough. And, from the Biology/genetics I’ve been soaking up recently, ALL humans’ ancestors migrated through the Middle East back in the days before the Neanderthals and Denisovans. The story of the Denisovans is pretty cool if you want to waste a bit of time.
Sadly NOI could take that info and twist it to support their own science-fiction “genesis” story”.
After a quick dive to confirm my thoughts of the Denisovans (There’s a good wiki on them), and re-reading the thread, I have to say that the NOI’s “genesis story” is the flimsiest of fantasy, less rooted in science than a hopeful black supremacy yarn. Contrast that to Hubbard’s many examples of impossible fiction, such as Incidents 1 and 2 of OT III, the Markabians, and the 4th,5th, or Nth invader forces. No wonder he didn’t make it in sci-fi writing, but had to create a fictional science tome as his Magnus opus. His “decology”, Mission Earth, wasn’t even decent fiction, as it made “suspension of disbelief” impossible, his errors were so rampant.
i recently read ‘Ancient Future’ by Wayne Chandler to find Hermes roots and the Seven Principles. Chandler posits that knowledge/civilization started in the Ethiopia region by a master called Tehuti or Thoth . The NOI will have an orgasm reading this book.
George, I have to wonder what “Jewish blood” is. AFAICT, they aren’t that distinct a group. I suspect that they would be found to be genetically closely related to the Arabs in the area at the time, if there were a reason to look closely enough. And, from the Biology I’ve been soaking up recently, ALL Europeans’, and all other humans’ ancestors migrated through the Middle East back in the days before the Neanderthals and Denisovans.
In the real world, we’re Jewish If and only if we PRACTICE the religion. That some of our long-lost ancestors were from the Middle East is of no practical matter these days.
More important to us, here and now, is if you or your family is trapped in Scientology and/or NOI now. THAT can affect us if Davey™ has a mind to create a ruckus. And he will, sometimes, just to prove to himself that he CAN create an effect of some sort. ANY effect.
I am now trapped in the NOI, Jere. I cannot get enough of these people. They are trying to transform East Tampa. Their newspaper is excellent. I hear about the hatred to whites and jews, but I do not feel it from them yet.
George, Louis Farrakhan arranged the murder in cold blood of Malcolm X in the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem back in 1965. Louis Farrakhan is not a nice guy. He is a raging anti-Semite. Never mind how “polite” the NOIs are. You’re talking context, I’m talking content. Google is your friend as re Farrakhan. You can listen to him rant about Jews right on YouTube. You might also want to read, “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” by author Alex Haley, who also wrote “Roots”. Malcolm X was a very interesting man. He was born during the Depression in the Jim Crow South. Had crosses burned on his lawn, etc. He grew up hating, and I mean HATING White People. Long story but as a high school dropout he went to jail for something and in there educated himself and later became involved with the NOI and eventually its Leader – still hating white people and VERY vocal about them being the enemy of black people. Despite all of this he was actually a man of high natural intelligence. Just uneducated and riddlled with hate and resentment against Whites. Now, at some point as the NOI leader he travelled to Mecca and there he had an epiphany – that hate was NOT the answer, that we are all brothers and sisters, etc. His world view changed completely and with his leadership of the NOI changed completely in style and in content. Shortly after that he was assassinated by NOI members. Look, do yourself a favor and read this authorized biography of Malcolm X (born Malcolm Little) as told to Alex Haley. Its a great read and it will tell you a lot about the NOI. The NOI was NOT begun as a hate group but FOR A WHILE it WAS under Malcolm X and then he changed and was killed. Under Farrakhan it IS a hate group because Farrakhan is a psychopath, never mind how personable he can be when it suits him to be so.
Thanks for the warning. I will read the books and do research. I knew about Malcomb X and how bad he was. I need to read more about Farrakhan. East Tampa is going into poverty and the homeless are taking over just like in Clearwater. The NOI Ministers make a huge display on the weekends selling newspapers. I read the newspapers from cover to cover and find no hatred. I tried to watch You Tube’s on Farrakhan and most have been either deleted or voided for copyright. I am blown away by the quality of the NOI ministers in East Tampa. They are are far, far better than Scientologists. Thanks again. I need to examine this area better.
Yes. Though in truth they didn’t actually ever make clears before Miscavige either. But they pretended they were trying to do training and auditing.
Jere Lullsays
Murray observed:
“They [NOI] may come across as benign but they are being taught to hate you.”
Just wait until NOI notices that scientology is doing the same thing to them; essentially calling them “mud people” at any opportunity. “WOG” should have set them off right in the beginning. That it hasn’t yet indicates the level of their self-deception.
I still haven’t nailed down the MONEY tying the two cults together; WHO benefits from that bizarre pairing?
My first guess is, of course Davey. He don’t do nuttin’ if it don’t bring green to his coffers. He cares not WHO he has to swindle for the almighty dollar.
Maybe NOIs practicing scientology consider everybody else WOGS, being as unaware of the implication as most American scientologists. Surprise
The tech dictionary just defines WOG as Worthy Oriental Gentleman, a common ordinarily humanoid. I wonder how much Clamspeak has entered normal NOI conversation. It might be interesting to listen in.
Nah – The NOIs on social media insist they are Muslims and are just “using” scientology and dianetic Tek to improve themselves.
Maybe when Rev. Louie began promoting Dianetics in 1980 he believed it would help his people relieve themselves of painful memories of past racial injustices but that’s just a guess. Maybe he also liked the idea of his people becoming homo novis, New Men as Elron suggested.
George, the following stories on Mike’s website and Tony Ortega”s website amply document the anti-Semitism, homophobia and racism of Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad:
The video that I posted today of him referring to White people as “crackers” who “ain’t never resolved nothing with peace” is only the most recent, and indeed minor, example.
That video was unintelligible to me. Video streaky & blurred, Audio like it was recorded on a cheap phone in the middle of a gymnasium. His opening words/ greeting was, I suspect, a foreign language (Arabic?) and I couldn’t help but notice the cultishness of the many-times-repeated time-worn response of the audience.
But I couldn’t take more than a couple of minutes of that cacophony of “static” from all the extraneous sounds. Video recording has advanced greatly and those folks don’t have any of it, nor does it seem they care, if they put THAT out to try to interest others in their “cause”.
We should send them an Omigo. Can you imagine how ecstatic staff and SO members would be?
Another great comic that really shows the extreme difference between the cult’s lofty promises and the reality of what it really is.
Except for Miscavige of course, for him the cult works wonderfully. Who knows what his secret life of luxury is really like.
OMG that sock scenario had me truly laughing out loud. Sadly, it could be true.
Here is a 7 minute video of a scn muster. Other than the mole who is taking the video and maybe a some other pretenders they seem enthusiastic about whatever “work” they are doing. At the beginning the leader says “Management has spent hundreds of thousands of hours on this.” referring to Scientology TV. Maybe they hear “hundreds of thousands of hours” and in their mind it translates to “lots of hours” and becomes acceptable.
The naivety of the characters in the cartoon might might not be a big exaggeration.
Why does TONE FORTY have to be so LOUD? LOL.
100,000 hours is 50 people working 40 hours per week for 50 weeks (~ a year). Maybe the actual numbers are hundreds of thousands of hours, but it is such a meaningless statistic I bet you are right they hear “lots of hours”.
The Upper Indoctrination TR-8, Tone 40 on an object, starts with the student ordering the ashtray by shouting, then in a normal voice level, and then silently. Obviously the current crop of beings that are in the sea org/cherch never got past the shouting part, and/or never came above anger on the emotional tone scale, and/or never got the concept of sending an intention across space without the use of their body. My guess is all three.
jim rowles – Being generous, TR 8 might be an exercise in focusing attention. Scientologists would link it to “postulates”.
From the glossary at http://www.xenu-directory.net
To wish into existence; a supposed OT super-power along the lines of Tone 40 and Intention, “David postulates that the Psyches will all be destroyed by the year 2000; our program of dead-agenting them will make his postulate stick.” Ted Mayett: “I have a definition for Postulate. – body english on a bowling ball.”
There is some anecdotal evidence that postulates or intention gives some statistical increase of a postulate occurring in the real world but not enough to be scientifically verifiable. it remains in a category similar to remote viewing.
Happy New Year, guys and gals. Let’s hope for a better 2021 than 2020 was. It won’t take much to achieve that, IMO.
Sea Ogres are going to have an awful time! As newspaper every time gets thinner and there are no Yellow Pages Phone Directories, so the wiping material is very, really very scarce! What a situation!
If someone at Flag steals some very valuable tissue paper, he will be done in no time!
I’m waiting with bated breath for the inevitable clash of NOI vs. what DM represents as scientology™.
Yes,yes. Bring it on now.
From what I have read in their own counting system the NOI has fewer than 20 “Clears” so they are a long way away from a clash or takeover of the CofS.
That’s too bad. I can make clears faster.
The majority of NOIs might be more interested in following the faith part of the religion which is called “The Wisdom” than chasing the scn Bridge which is called “The Technology”. The NOI also place emphasis on home, family and healthy eating.
The world of Scientology is truly a wonder to see. It surpasses Alice In Wonderland in it insanity. RB thank you for this year end reminder of the cults continuous perpetuation of Hubbard and Miscaviges brutality and toxic lies and conduct.
Tubby couldn’t have chosen a more appropriate book to train scns with. It makes day-to-day Scientology seem sober and straightforward to those doing their TRs.
One of these days, I gotta finish reading it straight through. Prior to now, I tried it, but got twisted up in “study tech”, trying to make sense of what I read, as if it were Tubby’s words of wisdom.
Truth be told, “Alice in Wonderland” may hold more wisdom than anything Tubby scribbled down.
Yikes, that thing with the socks…
Brilliant, RB!
Tom Snooze, “handling” entheta on a planetary scale!
Mark observed:
“Tom Snooze, “handling” entheta on a planetary scale!”
That bears repeating. Especially the sarcasm.
Legends in their own minds
while accomplishing nothing beyond getting a day older and 2 days more run-down from lack of sleep or nutrition.
For Christmas, Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad reposted his 2019 video where, referring to the NAACP and the SCLC, at 45:30 he teaches that:
“They want to meet with White people to get them to be nonviolent. Stop it. That’s not that cracker’s nature. He ain’t never resolved nothing with peace. He’s always used bombs. Fire. Bullets. He makes you bow to him.”
As a bonus, the video also teaches at 1:26:06 that Europeans plagiarized the story of Jesus from the Egyptian story of Horus:
“Europeans stole the story of Jesus from us.”
Having a lot of great contact with the NOI ministers in East Tampa. They are very polite and appreciate the exchanges. The Final Call newspaper is being distributed and does not contain any entheta. These people are far better than Scientologists and would make a great group to take over the religion. I watched most of the video and find very little offensive. Most of their strange stories can be traced back to Occult literature. Elijah Muhammad was actually following a variant of Blavatsky. They have set out on a major transformation of society which is a very steep gradient. However, the ministers I talk to are very peaceful. They make a big issue about how God cleansed the heart of Louis Farrakhan, and they are following.
George I usually like your comments but you are way off base on this one.
Farrakan is one of the world’s worst hate mongers. He is completely antisemitic and hates white people. Listen to him sometime, you will be blown away. Farrakan will speak lovingly while spewing out the most vile things.. Those followers of the NOI you speak so glowingly of are being taught to hate you. They may come across as benign but they are being taught to hate you. As the old proverb goes ” beware of wolves in sheeps clothing”.
Thanks for the warning. I am simply blown away by the politeness of these Ministers. It is all SIR and THANK YOU. My only contact is with Farrakhan’s articles. He does not cross the line. He is basically in the middle on politics. The antisemitism is never mentioned. Recently had my DNA tested and was surprised to find 2.7% Jewish blood. If you get a few short clips with Farrakhan’s hate, please refer me. It is very important. I have an NOI friend who worships Muhammad Ali and listens to the prayers. Still think they are better than Scientologists
George, I have to wonder what “Jewish blood” is. AFAICT, they aren’t that distinct a group. I suspect that they would be found to be genetically closely related to the Arabs in the area at the time, if there were a reason to look closely enough. And, from the Biology/genetics I’ve been soaking up recently, ALL humans’ ancestors migrated through the Middle East back in the days before the Neanderthals and Denisovans. The story of the Denisovans is pretty cool if you want to waste a bit of time.
Sadly NOI could take that info and twist it to support their own science-fiction “genesis” story”.
After a quick dive to confirm my thoughts of the Denisovans (There’s a good wiki on them), and re-reading the thread, I have to say that the NOI’s “genesis story” is the flimsiest of fantasy, less rooted in science than a hopeful black supremacy yarn. Contrast that to Hubbard’s many examples of impossible fiction, such as Incidents 1 and 2 of OT III, the Markabians, and the 4th,5th, or Nth invader forces. No wonder he didn’t make it in sci-fi writing, but had to create a fictional science tome as his Magnus opus. His “decology”, Mission Earth, wasn’t even decent fiction, as it made “suspension of disbelief” impossible, his errors were so rampant.
Don’t know. It has something to do with the prior generations. I assume that one of my ancestors married a jew. I need to check if I can visit Israel.
i recently read ‘Ancient Future’ by Wayne Chandler to find Hermes roots and the Seven Principles. Chandler posits that knowledge/civilization started in the Ethiopia region by a master called Tehuti or Thoth . The NOI will have an orgasm reading this book.
will read that book, thanks
George, I have to wonder what “Jewish blood” is. AFAICT, they aren’t that distinct a group. I suspect that they would be found to be genetically closely related to the Arabs in the area at the time, if there were a reason to look closely enough. And, from the Biology I’ve been soaking up recently, ALL Europeans’, and all other humans’ ancestors migrated through the Middle East back in the days before the Neanderthals and Denisovans.
In the real world, we’re Jewish If and only if we PRACTICE the religion. That some of our long-lost ancestors were from the Middle East is of no practical matter these days.
More important to us, here and now, is if you or your family is trapped in Scientology and/or NOI now. THAT can affect us if Davey™ has a mind to create a ruckus. And he will, sometimes, just to prove to himself that he CAN create an effect of some sort. ANY effect.
I am now trapped in the NOI, Jere. I cannot get enough of these people. They are trying to transform East Tampa. Their newspaper is excellent. I hear about the hatred to whites and jews, but I do not feel it from them yet.
George, Louis Farrakhan arranged the murder in cold blood of Malcolm X in the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem back in 1965. Louis Farrakhan is not a nice guy. He is a raging anti-Semite. Never mind how “polite” the NOIs are. You’re talking context, I’m talking content. Google is your friend as re Farrakhan. You can listen to him rant about Jews right on YouTube. You might also want to read, “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” by author Alex Haley, who also wrote “Roots”. Malcolm X was a very interesting man. He was born during the Depression in the Jim Crow South. Had crosses burned on his lawn, etc. He grew up hating, and I mean HATING White People. Long story but as a high school dropout he went to jail for something and in there educated himself and later became involved with the NOI and eventually its Leader – still hating white people and VERY vocal about them being the enemy of black people. Despite all of this he was actually a man of high natural intelligence. Just uneducated and riddlled with hate and resentment against Whites. Now, at some point as the NOI leader he travelled to Mecca and there he had an epiphany – that hate was NOT the answer, that we are all brothers and sisters, etc. His world view changed completely and with his leadership of the NOI changed completely in style and in content. Shortly after that he was assassinated by NOI members. Look, do yourself a favor and read this authorized biography of Malcolm X (born Malcolm Little) as told to Alex Haley. Its a great read and it will tell you a lot about the NOI. The NOI was NOT begun as a hate group but FOR A WHILE it WAS under Malcolm X and then he changed and was killed. Under Farrakhan it IS a hate group because Farrakhan is a psychopath, never mind how personable he can be when it suits him to be so.
Thanks for the warning. I will read the books and do research. I knew about Malcomb X and how bad he was. I need to read more about Farrakhan. East Tampa is going into poverty and the homeless are taking over just like in Clearwater. The NOI Ministers make a huge display on the weekends selling newspapers. I read the newspapers from cover to cover and find no hatred. I tried to watch You Tube’s on Farrakhan and most have been either deleted or voided for copyright. I am blown away by the quality of the NOI ministers in East Tampa. They are are far, far better than Scientologists. Thanks again. I need to examine this area better.
Thank you for this information, Aquamarine. I didn’t know some of it and will do more research.
Yes. Though in truth they didn’t actually ever make clears before Miscavige either. But they pretended they were trying to do training and auditing.
Murray observed:
“They [NOI] may come across as benign but they are being taught to hate you.”
Just wait until NOI notices that scientology is doing the same thing to them; essentially calling them “mud people” at any opportunity. “WOG” should have set them off right in the beginning. That it hasn’t yet indicates the level of their self-deception.
I still haven’t nailed down the MONEY tying the two cults together; WHO benefits from that bizarre pairing?
My first guess is, of course Davey. He don’t do nuttin’ if it don’t bring green to his coffers. He cares not WHO he has to swindle for the almighty dollar.
Maybe NOIs practicing scientology consider everybody else WOGS, being as unaware of the implication as most American scientologists. Surprise
The tech dictionary just defines WOG as Worthy Oriental Gentleman, a common ordinarily humanoid. I wonder how much Clamspeak has entered normal NOI conversation. It might be interesting to listen in.
Murray observed:
“[Farrakhan] is one of the world’s worst hate mongers. He is completely antisemitic and hates white people.”
He seems also to hate “his” people, since he’s harnessed their wagon to scientology.
Nah – The NOIs on social media insist they are Muslims and are just “using” scientology and dianetic Tek to improve themselves.
Maybe when Rev. Louie began promoting Dianetics in 1980 he believed it would help his people relieve themselves of painful memories of past racial injustices but that’s just a guess. Maybe he also liked the idea of his people becoming homo novis, New Men as Elron suggested.
More specifically the NOI refer to scn and dn as “The Knowledge” and NOI scripture as “The Wisdom” with the two not being incompatible.
George, the following stories on Mike’s website and Tony Ortega”s website amply document the anti-Semitism, homophobia and racism of Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad:
His anti-Semitism, homophobia and racism are also documented on ESMBR and the original ESMB:
The video that I posted today of him referring to White people as “crackers” who “ain’t never resolved nothing with peace” is only the most recent, and indeed minor, example.
That video was unintelligible to me. Video streaky & blurred, Audio like it was recorded on a cheap phone in the middle of a gymnasium. His opening words/ greeting was, I suspect, a foreign language (Arabic?) and I couldn’t help but notice the cultishness of the many-times-repeated time-worn response of the audience.
But I couldn’t take more than a couple of minutes of that cacophony of “static” from all the extraneous sounds. Video recording has advanced greatly and those folks don’t have any of it, nor does it seem they care, if they put THAT out to try to interest others in their “cause”.