I would have left the SO at Flag after a few years but there was this girl….
I could not leave as long as she was still there. Almost jumped off the top of the FH a few times over her.
Once, decades ago, when I was on staff, an IAS tour breezed into town and held an event where they put on the hard sell. They weren’t targeting me, a staff member, but they appealed to me nonetheless, and I donated the $1000 I had in the bank. The ED was pissed, because she didn’t know I had that money, and had she known, she would have tried to get it from me, so that the org might have been able to pay its rent that month.
Is there factual evidence that sea orgers are receiving stimulus money and that they are required to give some or all of it to the CofS? Most of them probably don’t file a tax return.
After being on finances for a while when I was on staff I well remember hubbard kept repeating over and over that orgs had to make money with scn. Any other way was deleterious.
Specially begging for donations.
You can see how much they individually understood what hubbard was saying and how they think for themselves instead of being influenced by that “command intention” that want only their money but no problems.
Let each of them crying himself.
Source of fortune: biotech and investing; former CEO of Pharmacyclics
Trump Victory: $1.6 million
Overall: $4.3 million
Fun fact: Duggan is a devoted Scientologist, and one of the Church of Scientology’s top donors, if not its biggest, with total contributions exceeding $360 million. “I’m not looking for bragging rights,” he told the Tampa Bay Times in 2019. “I read something from [Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard] every day and I apply it all throughout my life.”
Biotech investor Robert Duggan, worth $2.6 billion, donated $1,638,200 to the Trump Victory Fund. In the final days of the campaign, Duggan gave $4.6 million to various Trump campaign groups, according to Forbes.
“Don’t hesitate, just donate” just doesn’t scan. Hurts your brain.
I prefer “Be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in a box” (Country Joe and the Fish). Doesn’t even quite rhyme, but it scans with a few hitches and the message hits like a ton of bricks. And of course that song includes the unprintable, unplayable and unquotable “Fish Cheer”, featured at Woodstock. Good times.
Did you masturbate? Don’t procrastinate!
Donate! Don’t wait!
With generous givin’, all is forgiven!
See your local friendly Ethics Officer today!
Country Joe and The Fish – Fixin’ to Die Rag!! I clearly remember the first time I heard that song -outstanding and summed up my politics at the time exactly! Still does, for that matter…
What’s that spell?
What’s that spell?
What’s that spell?
What’s that spell?
And the chorus that I used to sing over and over as a kid much to the chagrin of my Vietnam vet Dad who actually made it through that shite hole war.
Ands its 1,2,3 what are we fighting for?
Don’t ask me I don’t give damn…
Next stop is Vietnam
And it’s 5,6,7 open up the pearly gates
Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
Whoopee! We’re all gonna die!
I remember watching the movie “Woodstock” and singing along to that Fixin to Die Rag. I thought it was so appropriate back then.
Ain’t it funny how history keeps on revolving around? It seems to be even more appropriate today in the midst of this pandemic.
I’ve been keeping up nights recently wondering if human kind will be able to survive this plague. But then ….
I think about the plague of this so-called “Church of the Big Scam” and I have to ask the question, “If we can survive that plague, does that mean we will survive this plague?”
My gut, in the first ten seconds in 1972, when I first encountered Scientology told me the truth. Hubbard’s picture was on top of the tone scale on the wall of the New York Mission. My gut told me to reject him and that the staff member was wrong. Logic intervened and I decided to move up the Bridge. Alfred Hitchcock had it right when he said “Logic is dull”.
You hit the nail on the head. It was a girl who got me into the Mission off the street. The receptionist was a total beauty. They made sure to give me a female twin.
The story goes on and on.
I would have left the SO at Flag after a few years but there was this girl….
I could not leave as long as she was still there. Almost jumped off the top of the FH a few times over her.
In the late 1970’s a lifelong friend was on business trip in LA and visited me. I took him on a “tourist trip” through ASHO which was located in the Alvarado district at the time. He always thought my participation in scn was odd but he never criticized. Years later he told me that something which struck him were the pictures of Elron on the walls. There were probably more than one in the various areas.
I don’t think there was a bust of Elron in the entryway. That really would have caught his attention.
What struck me was how everyone would stand and clap and hollar hip hip hooray to LRH’s huge picture on the wall. I thought they were crazy to clap for a picture.
I didn’t put any “significance” on the clapping and hip hip hoorays. To me it was just an acknowledgement to Hubbard as the Founder of scientology and at the time I was enjoying the subject. As often mentioned many people were much more “engaged”.
I never followed what was going on in scn after I blew around 1980 until I watched “Going Clear” in 2015 which got me interested in taking a look. The friend I mention above and I now live in our home state on the east coast.
He doesn’t have cable TV as a matter of choice so when he visited me at home I turned on “Going Clear” on an upstairs TV and he watched it while I was doing chores downstairs. Several times he burst out in loud long laughs so I guess he confirmed that his earlier suspicions about my scn participation were justified. laughter
A few times over the years I’ve attempted to explain to my friend the more rational reasons I participated but makes him worry that I’m still stuck in Scientology so I quit trying. Scientology can be sticky.
I would have left the SO at Flag after a few years but there was this girl….
I could not leave as long as she was still there. Almost jumped off the top of the FH a few times over her.
Once, decades ago, when I was on staff, an IAS tour breezed into town and held an event where they put on the hard sell. They weren’t targeting me, a staff member, but they appealed to me nonetheless, and I donated the $1000 I had in the bank. The ED was pissed, because she didn’t know I had that money, and had she known, she would have tried to get it from me, so that the org might have been able to pay its rent that month.
So nice of the cult to relieve him of the burden of deciding how to spend his rebate check.
Is there factual evidence that sea orgers are receiving stimulus money and that they are required to give some or all of it to the CofS? Most of them probably don’t file a tax return.
After being on finances for a while when I was on staff I well remember hubbard kept repeating over and over that orgs had to make money with scn. Any other way was deleterious.
Specially begging for donations.
You can see how much they individually understood what hubbard was saying and how they think for themselves instead of being influenced by that “command intention” that want only their money but no problems.
Let each of them crying himself.
O/T. Scientologist billionaire Robert (Bob) Duggan’s donations to reelect President Trump are again in the news.
Mother Jones: These 10 Billionaires Went All-In Trying To Get Donald Trump Re-Elected
5 Hours Ago
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Robert Duggan
Net worth (est.): $2.6 billion
Source of fortune: biotech and investing; former CEO of Pharmacyclics
Trump Victory: $1.6 million
Overall: $4.3 million
Fun fact: Duggan is a devoted Scientologist, and one of the Church of Scientology’s top donors, if not its biggest, with total contributions exceeding $360 million. “I’m not looking for bragging rights,” he told the Tampa Bay Times in 2019. “I read something from [Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard] every day and I apply it all throughout my life.”
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Counter Punch: Trump and His Billionaire Enablers
January 14, 2021
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Biotech investor Robert Duggan, worth $2.6 billion, donated $1,638,200 to the Trump Victory Fund. In the final days of the campaign, Duggan gave $4.6 million to various Trump campaign groups, according to Forbes.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Scientology and Trump. A match made in Hell.
Duggan and the rest of Republican donors need to be cancelled. It’s the new American and Scientology fair game way. Right?
“Don’t Hesitate. Just Donate.”
Are you kidding? I would prefer …
Don’t Procrastinate. Just blow on this date. Why wait?
Every date you wait just gives them another chance to pick your pocket again and again.
Blow today and begin to enjoy your new life filled with freedom – freedom from bloodsucker reges!
“Don’t hesitate, just donate” just doesn’t scan. Hurts your brain.
I prefer “Be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in a box” (Country Joe and the Fish). Doesn’t even quite rhyme, but it scans with a few hitches and the message hits like a ton of bricks. And of course that song includes the unprintable, unplayable and unquotable “Fish Cheer”, featured at Woodstock. Good times.
Did you masturbate? Don’t procrastinate!
Donate! Don’t wait!
With generous givin’, all is forgiven!
See your local friendly Ethics Officer today!
Rolling my ass off!!!
Be sure to 8C KSW – Keep $cientology Wanking!
Country Joe and The Fish – Fixin’ to Die Rag!! I clearly remember the first time I heard that song -outstanding and summed up my politics at the time exactly! Still does, for that matter…
What’s that spell?
What’s that spell?
What’s that spell?
What’s that spell?
And the chorus that I used to sing over and over as a kid much to the chagrin of my Vietnam vet Dad who actually made it through that shite hole war.
Ands its 1,2,3 what are we fighting for?
Don’t ask me I don’t give damn…
Next stop is Vietnam
And it’s 5,6,7 open up the pearly gates
Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
Whoopee! We’re all gonna die!
What’s that smell?
That awful stinkin’ smell?
Oh, right. It’s that awful stinkin’ criminal cult!
Fuck ’em!
And boy they are starting to stink!
I remember watching the movie “Woodstock” and singing along to that Fixin to Die Rag. I thought it was so appropriate back then.
Ain’t it funny how history keeps on revolving around? It seems to be even more appropriate today in the midst of this pandemic.
I’ve been keeping up nights recently wondering if human kind will be able to survive this plague. But then ….
I think about the plague of this so-called “Church of the Big Scam” and I have to ask the question, “If we can survive that plague, does that mean we will survive this plague?”
My gut, in the first ten seconds in 1972, when I first encountered Scientology told me the truth. Hubbard’s picture was on top of the tone scale on the wall of the New York Mission. My gut told me to reject him and that the staff member was wrong. Logic intervened and I decided to move up the Bridge. Alfred Hitchcock had it right when he said “Logic is dull”.
George, first Scientology item I ever saw was right around the same time. A posted notice on the school notice board.
My first thought was “This is an obvious scam”.
But then there was this girl, see…
You hit the nail on the head. It was a girl who got me into the Mission off the street. The receptionist was a total beauty. They made sure to give me a female twin.
The story goes on and on.
I would have left the SO at Flag after a few years but there was this girl….
I could not leave as long as she was still there. Almost jumped off the top of the FH a few times over her.
Yeah , the org in Paris had a blown up picture of Hubbard’s face , a whole wall , my first introduction , I wanted to run , but there was this boy…..
In the late 1970’s a lifelong friend was on business trip in LA and visited me. I took him on a “tourist trip” through ASHO which was located in the Alvarado district at the time. He always thought my participation in scn was odd but he never criticized. Years later he told me that something which struck him were the pictures of Elron on the walls. There were probably more than one in the various areas.
I don’t think there was a bust of Elron in the entryway. That really would have caught his attention.
What struck me was how everyone would stand and clap and hollar hip hip hooray to LRH’s huge picture on the wall. I thought they were crazy to clap for a picture.
I didn’t put any “significance” on the clapping and hip hip hoorays. To me it was just an acknowledgement to Hubbard as the Founder of scientology and at the time I was enjoying the subject. As often mentioned many people were much more “engaged”.
I never followed what was going on in scn after I blew around 1980 until I watched “Going Clear” in 2015 which got me interested in taking a look. The friend I mention above and I now live in our home state on the east coast.
He doesn’t have cable TV as a matter of choice so when he visited me at home I turned on “Going Clear” on an upstairs TV and he watched it while I was doing chores downstairs. Several times he burst out in loud long laughs so I guess he confirmed that his earlier suspicions about my scn participation were justified. laughter
A few times over the years I’ve attempted to explain to my friend the more rational reasons I participated but makes him worry that I’m still stuck in Scientology so I quit trying. Scientology can be sticky.