ah but of course… 2D aberrations can only be handled through auditing. Not ethics. Duh.
Hence the fact the wog justice system is the wrong place to handle rapists… oh wait… rapists are perverts who are 1.1, and those should not be audited either right? because 1.1 are SPs? No?
And no Scientologists ever questions the logic…. proof of their brainwashing…
Ahhh, the words every scientologist loves to hear when they pick up the cans, “I’m not auditing you…”
Anyone with half a brain would immediately get up, throw the cans down and leave with a hearty “Fuck You”. But, when we were ensnared in our own personal prison of belief, we would sit and take whatever shit was dished up for us. And pay good, hard earned cash for it to boot.
I can’t express in words how great it feels to be outta there. What a complete mind-fuck and world class con all rolled into one.
That is what was done in the 70s by a number of public pcs when told ‘i am not auditing you.’ They dropped the cans and said, Fine, I’m not on the meter. Took several years to weed out those malcontents
When I was being threatened by the Int Finance Dictator in 1981 at Flag while on the cans(just because he could not sec-check worth blank, I was in a poor position to throw the cans down considering that I was a swamper and he was on an Int Mission
“Hell, if you’re NOT auditing me, you can have these cans and wires back and I’ll be on my way. BYE!” (and I can move very, very fast.) I haven’t known an Auditor yet who I’d be unable to put on his butt if he tried to stop me physically. In that, women would have an advantage as I’m incapable of intentionally hurting them; part of my very early upbringing.
What they are supposed NOT to be doing is all they end up doing. These are the dolts claiming to be ‘saving the planet’ when in fact they are not even saving themselves. This could be an ironic revenge by their GE’s: It turns on the hormones and they dance and fantasize 24/7. Try confronting and shattering those hormones you stupid thetans! They are too distracted to complete any cycle of action ordered by command intention. And that is a good thing.
GE: Genetic Entity. The Entity that runs the body. As opposed to the thetan who is clueless. See earlier and more accurate descriptions at the Hindu Chakras.
My first wife now CMDR Sharron Webber COFSSO used to say 30 years ago that certain staff were “Walking GEs”. She also used to call me a “walking tape recorder”. She also said that she sometimes had “Diaharreh of the mouth”. You can see why we are not longer married.
But, no great loss for her, she remarried within 2 weeks of our divorce.
There was an expression for people who endlessly chattered about everything or wandered around around on side topics in session as being “buttered all over the universe” which I thought was descriptive. lol
“You can see why we are not longer married.” laughter
A few years ago when the subject of the GE came up on a blog I decided to take an exterior view of “It”, not outside of the body but just quietly observing what was going on. After two or three minutes it became a “weird” sensation and I bailed out. Maybe I was granting “It” too much “beingness”? Best to let It do it’s own thing. haha
You know, from an S.O. viewpoint this looks like J and D; Joking and Degrading. That is a High Crime.
I hope that Mike does not get in trouble for posting it.
Well, I think that the odds of him getting in trouble over it are about the same as them killing me when I am already dead. Not much chance of that.
Bill, I doubt Mike can get in MORE trouble with what remains of scientology. He’s been disconnected by all his extant relatives, then viciously attacked by same as he was visiting a doctor’s office, never mind the mindless attack-dog websites where Dwarfenführer requires his ex-family spew proven-falsehoods designed to “destroy [him] utterly.” scn has TRIED to destroy him and only succeeded in making him and his allies stronger. BECAUSE of that insanity, he was moved to develop and improve this blog, which blossomed into Leah’s show “scientology and the Aftermath”, (shameless plug –> which is now available on Netflix) and then blossoming into the Aftermath Foundation, which can help Davy dismantle the remaining dregs of Davey-boy’s tiny fiefdom by helping the prisoners get started on the REST of their lives and recovering what should have been been theirs to enjoy before they took a long detour through Hubbard’s ever-under-construction-“bridge”to nowhere (other than a sudden drop, then crash).
I’m guessing Mike is not spending his nights weeping and wailing about most of his former family members disconnecting from him.
If you have seen the videos of the way in which his former female family members have treated him, it’s just my guess, … well …. it just seems kind of obvious.
It would stand that Mr. Big Being numero uno and Mr. Big Being numero dos would not be in need of no stinkin $cientology anyway. They already know all there is about the subject which is why they have made our favorite cult great again by simply being there uncomfortably and pissing (oops, sorry, I mean perceiving) on the rest of the plebes.
I believe the reason for that was they were always just too busy raking in the cash and then stashing the cash in off-shore secret numbered bank accounts.
George, it is my understanding the Hubbard DID go through all the scientology”, usually first, as the guinea pig as he tried to cure his own ills. I’m pretty sure of the truth of others’ statements that scientology is a representation of Hubbard’s mind as he tried to fix it in various ways. Obviously, he wasn’t successful in his quests.
There is no evedence of Ron having done all the steps he designed for others. He never did the Ls, FPRD, PTS RD and many more. His research for the upper levels consisted in him self auditing and then codyfication of his his own dub-ins as if they were scientific in nature. It’s very peculiar that he talks about the alleged Marcabbian civilization as if it’s a copy of theEarth in the 1970s. Ridiculous!!!!
I’m guessing the message is that people who are in the bubble must never speak about anything real to other people in the bubble because they will all wind up doing manual labor.
On the other hand, people in the bubble must never make up shit and talk to other people in the bubble because they will always get caught by a clean needle and they’ll all wind up doint manual labor.
The upshot is that there is just no way to win when you are in the bubble.
They tell you the way out is to make contributions and that will somehow fix everything. But the problem with that is you are left being broke and you have no money to make more contributions.
That is when the torture REALLY begins!
Scamatology is such a piece of shit! Unbelievable piece of shit!
$cientology is in it’s most basic state simply a big fat dirty needle. You can find them laying around anywhere people are overdosing.
Yo Dave, Speakin of dirty needles good buddy, how has yer week been anyways? Stats???
Good? Bad? freakin UGLY? Thought so. It’s cause yer slackin off again …… Dave.
Fer gawds sake, crack the whip or better yet, do it yerself.
scientology — Dwarfenführer® — can NOT step back, see what worked and do more of THAT, but is doomed to continue to do the same old failing actions until somehow, a different result magically happens, one definition of insanity.
It is hilarious that this scam has its own failure and demise built right into its own basic platform. They make it real clear that no one can ever change anything that Big Bubba ever wrote and everything the members of this cult do must be done exactly in the same way as it was done when Big Bubba was in charge in the 1950s.
That means they must operate as if the Internet does not exist and they must never do anything connected with any technology that was developed after he died.
The upshot is that this scam is doomed to crash and burn. The only question is just how the ultimate crash and burn will take place. As much as I truly despise Miss Cabbage, I really would never want to see a repeat of what happened in Jones Town or in that other cult with the space beings.
Miss Cabbage is clearly losing his mind day by day. The question is just how nutz he will be when he finally decides to pull the plug. It would be a real shame if any of the innocents will chose to die just to support his insanity. But only time will tell. It seems to me the FBI and DOJ are pretty clearly not going to get involved.
ah but of course… 2D aberrations can only be handled through auditing. Not ethics. Duh.
Hence the fact the wog justice system is the wrong place to handle rapists… oh wait… rapists are perverts who are 1.1, and those should not be audited either right? because 1.1 are SPs? No?
And no Scientologists ever questions the logic…. proof of their brainwashing…
I bet that very conversation is had in many mOrgs every day.
Ahhh, the words every scientologist loves to hear when they pick up the cans, “I’m not auditing you…”
Anyone with half a brain would immediately get up, throw the cans down and leave with a hearty “Fuck You”. But, when we were ensnared in our own personal prison of belief, we would sit and take whatever shit was dished up for us. And pay good, hard earned cash for it to boot.
I can’t express in words how great it feels to be outta there. What a complete mind-fuck and world class con all rolled into one.
That is what was done in the 70s by a number of public pcs when told ‘i am not auditing you.’ They dropped the cans and said, Fine, I’m not on the meter. Took several years to weed out those malcontents
When I was being threatened by the Int Finance Dictator in 1981 at Flag while on the cans(just because he could not sec-check worth blank, I was in a poor position to throw the cans down considering that I was a swamper and he was on an Int Mission
“Hell, if you’re NOT auditing me, you can have these cans and wires back and I’ll be on my way. BYE!” (and I can move very, very fast.) I haven’t known an Auditor yet who I’d be unable to put on his butt if he tried to stop me physically. In that, women would have an advantage as I’m incapable of intentionally hurting them; part of my very early upbringing.
Rolling on the floor and holding my sides.
What they are supposed NOT to be doing is all they end up doing. These are the dolts claiming to be ‘saving the planet’ when in fact they are not even saving themselves. This could be an ironic revenge by their GE’s: It turns on the hormones and they dance and fantasize 24/7. Try confronting and shattering those hormones you stupid thetans! They are too distracted to complete any cycle of action ordered by command intention. And that is a good thing.
GE: Genetic Entity. The Entity that runs the body. As opposed to the thetan who is clueless. See earlier and more accurate descriptions at the Hindu Chakras.
My first wife now CMDR Sharron Webber COFSSO used to say 30 years ago that certain staff were “Walking GEs”. She also used to call me a “walking tape recorder”. She also said that she sometimes had “Diaharreh of the mouth”. You can see why we are not longer married.
But, no great loss for her, she remarried within 2 weeks of our divorce.
There was an expression for people who endlessly chattered about everything or wandered around around on side topics in session as being “buttered all over the universe” which I thought was descriptive. lol
“You can see why we are not longer married.” laughter
A few years ago when the subject of the GE came up on a blog I decided to take an exterior view of “It”, not outside of the body but just quietly observing what was going on. After two or three minutes it became a “weird” sensation and I bailed out. Maybe I was granting “It” too much “beingness”? Best to let It do it’s own thing. haha
Supposedly Mr. Hubbard wanted OTs to work on the GE to produce some “pure bodies” in preparation for his return.
Oops – I’m getting buttered all over the universe.
Yes, let’s just stay up tone above 2.0 and not-is that thing we as-ised so we don’t have to confront the terminal not auditing our 2D.
You know, from an S.O. viewpoint this looks like J and D; Joking and Degrading. That is a High Crime.
I hope that Mike does not get in trouble for posting it.
Well, I think that the odds of him getting in trouble over it are about the same as them killing me when I am already dead. Not much chance of that.
Bill, I doubt Mike can get in MORE trouble with what remains of scientology. He’s been disconnected by all his extant relatives, then viciously attacked by same as he was visiting a doctor’s office, never mind the mindless attack-dog websites where Dwarfenführer requires his ex-family spew proven-falsehoods designed to “destroy [him] utterly.” scn has TRIED to destroy him and only succeeded in making him and his allies stronger. BECAUSE of that insanity, he was moved to develop and improve this blog, which blossomed into Leah’s show “scientology and the Aftermath”, (shameless plug –> which is now available on Netflix) and then blossoming into the Aftermath Foundation, which can help Davy dismantle the remaining dregs of Davey-boy’s tiny fiefdom by helping the prisoners get started on the REST of their lives and recovering what should have been been theirs to enjoy before they took a long detour through Hubbard’s ever-under-construction-“bridge”to nowhere (other than a sudden drop, then crash).
I’m guessing Mike is not spending his nights weeping and wailing about most of his former family members disconnecting from him.
If you have seen the videos of the way in which his former female family members have treated him, it’s just my guess, … well …. it just seems kind of obvious.
It always amazed me that Hubbard and Miscavige did not go through Scientology, really.
It would stand that Mr. Big Being numero uno and Mr. Big Being numero dos would not be in need of no stinkin $cientology anyway. They already know all there is about the subject which is why they have made our favorite cult great again by simply being there uncomfortably and pissing (oops, sorry, I mean perceiving) on the rest of the plebes.
“…by simply being there uncomfortably…” LOL!
Ok, the rest was funny too but this has me still laughing!
I believe the reason for that was they were always just too busy raking in the cash and then stashing the cash in off-shore secret numbered bank accounts.
George, it is my understanding the Hubbard DID go through all the scientology”, usually first, as the guinea pig as he tried to cure his own ills. I’m pretty sure of the truth of others’ statements that scientology is a representation of Hubbard’s mind as he tried to fix it in various ways. Obviously, he wasn’t successful in his quests.
There is no evedence of Ron having done all the steps he designed for others. He never did the Ls, FPRD, PTS RD and many more. His research for the upper levels consisted in him self auditing and then codyfication of his his own dub-ins as if they were scientific in nature. It’s very peculiar that he talks about the alleged Marcabbian civilization as if it’s a copy of theEarth in the 1970s. Ridiculous!!!!
Very poignant edition of RB’s story.
I’m guessing the message is that people who are in the bubble must never speak about anything real to other people in the bubble because they will all wind up doing manual labor.
On the other hand, people in the bubble must never make up shit and talk to other people in the bubble because they will always get caught by a clean needle and they’ll all wind up doint manual labor.
The upshot is that there is just no way to win when you are in the bubble.
They tell you the way out is to make contributions and that will somehow fix everything. But the problem with that is you are left being broke and you have no money to make more contributions.
That is when the torture REALLY begins!
Scamatology is such a piece of shit! Unbelievable piece of shit!
$cientology is in it’s most basic state simply a big fat dirty needle. You can find them laying around anywhere people are overdosing.
Yo Dave, Speakin of dirty needles good buddy, how has yer week been anyways? Stats???
Good? Bad? freakin UGLY? Thought so. It’s cause yer slackin off again …… Dave.
Fer gawds sake, crack the whip or better yet, do it yerself.
scientology — Dwarfenführer® — can NOT step back, see what worked and do more of THAT, but is doomed to continue to do the same old failing actions until somehow, a different result magically happens, one definition of insanity.
It is hilarious that this scam has its own failure and demise built right into its own basic platform. They make it real clear that no one can ever change anything that Big Bubba ever wrote and everything the members of this cult do must be done exactly in the same way as it was done when Big Bubba was in charge in the 1950s.
That means they must operate as if the Internet does not exist and they must never do anything connected with any technology that was developed after he died.
The upshot is that this scam is doomed to crash and burn. The only question is just how the ultimate crash and burn will take place. As much as I truly despise Miss Cabbage, I really would never want to see a repeat of what happened in Jones Town or in that other cult with the space beings.
Miss Cabbage is clearly losing his mind day by day. The question is just how nutz he will be when he finally decides to pull the plug. It would be a real shame if any of the innocents will chose to die just to support his insanity. But only time will tell. It seems to me the FBI and DOJ are pretty clearly not going to get involved.