« I think that when LRH wrote about cleared cannibals, he was thinking of the Sea Org guys from Flag »
Hilarious and spot on at the same time , RB!
Cannibals pretending to be pioneers of civilization. How deluded can one be!
Ok, I am 64. Also, I bought Dianetics & wanted to be “Clear”. Couldn’t get into the book. Way to unclear for me. Wrote it off. Then Mike & Leah do this series about it. So sad for so many. I watch Hubbard in his old film & thought; look at his teeth, look at his skin; listen to what he is saying. Then look at the picture right behind him every time. Poppies!! Has no one investigated? It’s time!!
My husband is an avid reader & had a copy of this book. Having had high school friends who got literally sucked into the Moonies, Children of God, Hari Krishna…..I decided to give the book a read.
Well, needless to say, my head was spinning with Hubbard’s “double speak”…..I learned growing up that “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t (true)”…& i was not the brightest crayon in the box, but even then………..& for some reason I was gifted with a lot of common sense which kept me away from being sucked into cults like this….the book to me was full of holes.
I grew up in a somewhat dysfunctional family….but my dad once said “You can have all the brains in the world BUT if you don’t have COMMON SENSE…you have nothing”…….something as simple as that has kept me on the right track & from being a victim of “I need to belong somewhere”……
Life’s a lesson….sometimes you pay a little….sometimes you pay A LOT….sometimes you pay ALL you have……& in this case……COS takes everything.
Jeanne I just had to respond to your well thought out statement!
We don’t really know that OTIX does not exist, Loosing. Maybe the EP of OTIX is “Able to fleece suckers for millions while receiving standing ovations”. If so DM is Keeping Scientology Working, just like he is supposed to. You are looking at it from the viewpoint of the duck, not the duck hunter.
In the ‘Peanuts’ comic strip Lucy was forever enticing Charlie Brown to kick the football she held in place; only to yank the football away and Charlie Brown flopped on his back. Year after year she talked him into suckering to do it. At least she did not empty his pockets while he was on the ground. Just saying.
Dang, looks like they were tricked out of their money once again, yet they had hoped that this time it would be different. Maybe next time the Flag reg can give a few hints about OT-9? His mysterious expression certainly implied it’s awesome beyond description.
Unelectedfloofgoofer said: “they had hoped that this time it would be different.”
Skyler answers: Well …… this cult has been around since the 50’s and you know what?
In all that time, it has NEVER changed. It can NEVER change.
It is actually written into the laws of the scam (kind of like the Constitution) that whatever Tubby said can never be changed.
Ain’t it amazing this con man was such a fucking ego maniac, he insured the ultimate failure of his cult by ensuring it would never adapt to the future. So this crazy cult is frozen in time.
Once someone has been tricked out of their money, the only thing that is certain is that they will ALWAYS be tricked in exactly the same way.
I suppose we should really thank the fool. What kind of idiot establishes an empire and ensures it will be doomed to destruction by writing failure right into its constitution? I suppose the answer truly is that he was mentally ill.
Great satire RB.
OT 9 and 10 don’t exist. If the cult truly has this urgency to clear the planet then it would have long since released these OT levels instead of engaging in ‘ideal orgs’ bullshit that only serves to buy time and ask for more money. Really embarrassing.
There’re not OT powers, not OT 9 and 10, just standard scn crap.
We don’t really know that OTIX does not exist, Loosing. Maybe the EP of OTIX is “Able to fleece suckers for millions while receiving standing ovations”. If so DM is Keeping Scientology Working, just like he is supposed to
Bill right, LOL.
My guess has been always (even when I was still in) the following:
If there is such a damn urgency to clear the planet, then why the services haven’t lower prices to allow more people to afford them and as a result increased number of clears and OTs and also why OT 9 and 10 – if really existing – haven’t yet been released? Logically the above will boost the planet clearing.
In any dangerous situation in life one usually would run around with a flashing light in the head and the hooter on doing everything possible, I bet he wouldn’t get lost in any bullshit. But DM and the cult seem to have no real hurry.
Then finally I got my answer: because it’s a SCAM!!
Any guesses as to just when the (DM personal bank account) fund raising will drain a significant number members and they will just drop out?, Change their phone numbers and address? Get one of those home security systems that lets them see who is at the door?
Also, am I wrong to think that the whales are simply in it due to ego or status?
Peggy in my opinion you are totally right. Scn increases the ego instead of free people from it.
The picture you gave in facts is already happening. No new people in but the increased demand to keep donations high (holy stats) has turned a lot of people away from the cult and has transformed what is left into an increasing cannibalism activity.
Good appetite then!
Petty, I must agree with LMR. you are totally right.
But, Wow! Oh Wow! When it comes to increasing one’s ego, I can’t think of too many ways that people chase that in a way that is more expensive than this scam.
There are a million ways someone can throw away their money to boost their ego that will cost them one whole Hell of a lot less money.
You can hire a professional comfort lady who will take your hand and sit by your side for an hour and gaze deeply into your eyes and repeat over and over again,
“Ooohh! You are just the greatest! No one in this world is better than you!
Everyone just loves you because you are the best and the brightest and the very most handsomest. Oops. Sorry honey. Our time is up. Same time next week dear?”
This experience is a whole lot more pleasant and a whole lot less money and it also smells a lot better than trying to accomplish the same result for less money from the scam.
LMR, good to know and as the membership shrinks, probably more pressure on the whales.
Then comes Skyler’s idea. When they realize the huge savings on hiring a personal love bomber, maybe they will actually do something worth while with all of that extra cash.
Ah yes the Flag Tour. You are not supposed to wonder, “If the L Rundowns are so great, why is this Class XII auditor travelling around the country trying to sell them instead of being in the chair auditing?”. As I recall, the basic Flag sales pitch was like Napoleon Dynamite — “Vote for Pedro and all your wildest dreams will come true”.
“talking about OT IX & X”. IF someone were to do so, it’d be nebulous, talking about “complete freedom”, the “Power of the Universe” or some such frothy drivel, nothing of substance, only a sales ploy to get them advance payments collected up and deposited in the S.O. Reserves accounts. NO staff member will actually benefit from the income, of course; THEY continue to either ‘moonlight’ at paying jobs to make ends meet or must depend upon their family supporting them in their quest for total freedumb. Its so sad that so many of us were taken in by his con. I was lucky in that They chewed me up and spit me out after only 10 years of that fruitless quest. My heart goes out to hose who were trapped in that international criminal enterprise for decades. NO one should be subjected to that level of mistreatment.
As far as ANYone has been able to make out, there ain’t no IX or X — [So says I, who is reinstalling MacOS X (10.10.5, Yosemite), to my wife’s machine over the Internet as I “speak”.] At least in the computer universe, “vaporware” — software that doesn’t really exist — doesn’t last too long as a scam. After a while, those waiting for it to be produced drift away. HOW, then, did Hubbard string so many of the same public along for so many years? At first, he was doing something completely different: manufacturing a fiction science in plain sight; few could believe anyone would lie THAT big for THAT long. Or believe someone COULD lie that openly with a completely straight face most of the time.
@JereLull You pose the great question: “HOW, then, did Hubbard string so many of the same public along for so many years?” Like many here, I have pondered this, too. Our reflections are aided by some great thinkers, people who study cults, for instance. It is like a playbook and rather eerie what one cult has in common with the next. (The Us against Them, and having a Big Huge Enemy to ward off.)
Here is my take: First off, initially some one thing BIG and USEFUL happens. On a Life Repair (intro action) or communications course (suddenly, you can be in the same room with your teenager, listen and approach a degree of understanding with them). With this, like a hit of an intoxicating drug, a person wants more; and often, you do get a little more. However (so sad), even when you are NOT getting more of that amazing surge,* you stay connected. Like an addict, you think that swell rush is sure to come again and is right around the corner.
(*and in fact, instead, might be in this group getting thoroughly messed with and beat upon physically, financially, or emotionally)
Second, the other enormously clever design of the hook is FOMO: the Fear of Missing Out. Just when a person thinks… “I am so broke, these people are so controlling, this is all so unpleasant” …suddenly, a speaker-opinion leader is ushered into town, a meal is served, everyone is invited to come in to “Get revitalized!” Using Hubbard quotes,** the speaker repeatedly reminds you that everything counter-intention happening to you IS YOUR COUNTER-INTENTION. So, if you are not progressing or are not magically paying off your credit card debt, that is on YOU: You, You, You.
Whew, glad they revealed that mystery and got that outta the way.
What follows next is…the team registers to you to handle this big problem you are to yourself by getting you onto your next action (and into still more credit card debt). The urgency is great because they weave in Guest Speaker Remarks from one who is at the Top of the Bridge. That person tells you of all The Real Glory and All Life’s Problems Solved available to you so long as YOU JUST KEEP GOING.
Hearing all that, of course, it presses your button super hard: “I don’t want to miss out. [What kind of loser would throw away their WHOLE FUTURE, not just this lifetime but for ALL ETERNITY?]”
That is what I see. That is how I view the cleverness and, boy, is it clever. It is so sad. Reading the above makes it seem like something of a drug-pusher model. And, possibly, it is.
Peridot, the analogy to addiction is right to the point.
Hypnotic techniques often lead to euphoria, and Scientologists are conditioned to expect the “win” every time. Everyone loves to talk about themselves, and Scientology plays on that calling it therapy. Put the euphoria and the intense introspection together and you are guaranteed to come up with something that seems really profound every session.
But in retrospect there is no actual progress, just the intense feelings. Once I tried to list the many breakthroughs of my time in Scientology, the times I lost a fear or gained an ability. Couldn’t actually think of any. Though I had something like 60 folders full of sessions, each with floating needles and cognitions aplenty, the real gains are fleeting and false.
It is designed to pull you in and string you along, always with the bright promise of a grand epiphany just around the corner. Just one more session, or one more level, or some grand expensive Flag-only action, or or or. Like the tea party in “Alice in Wonderland”, no tea today always tomorrow but tomorrow never gets here.
Recalling wins or cognitions from the past or what “attitudes, emotions, sensations or pains were handled” would be mostly a futile effort to “mock up” and reexamine the past. To say that no one ever gained any lasting benefit from their auditing would be an opinion.
Jere, I got 11.1 going on my ancient Mac Mini but only by putting in a new flash hard drive and clean-installing from a USB stick. Lesser methods failed spectacularly. Now it has a nice view of the California coast with the fog rolling in, changing with the time of day. No new features worth shouting about, but it sure looks cool.
Warning, the rest of this comment is pure snark that relies heavily on arcane jargon. Probably incomprehensible to a never-in.
What would OT IX and X be? Well, OT VIII returns you to the real you that is you for you. But oddly, your body doesn’t disappear. As I understand it, the body is made up of old recycled “body thetans” which would not be around anymore if you were the real you for sure and only you. What gives?
Even Hubbard’s cyst-ridden body didn’t disappear when he dropped it to go on to the celestial Running Program with the stars. Unless the story about cremating it and scattering it in the Pacific Ocean was just the ultimate shore story.
Somehow they did an autopsy on a non-existent body, or they fed us a heap of lies about it. I suspect the latter.
Anyway, it would just be a big flap if everyone went to the Freewinds for OT XVI or whatever and never came back. Maybe the FBI would finally get interested. Maybe not.
The levels above VIII must logically have something to do with finally getting rid of those pesky volcano-bombed Klingon hangers-on circling Uranus.
They told us at the Hubbard Dropped the Body event that there are some upper levels that cannot be attained inside a body. At some point the starry-eyed followers will have to follow Hubbard to the sky, shuffling off this mortal coil. Maybe they will finally achieve the long-promised ability to find parking spaces in the Horse-head Nebula.
That makes Scientology a suicide cult or a big-time con.
If Dave and the holy-roller big-dog whales that have early access to the latest technology start disappearing, we will know that the upper OT levels really exist and actually work. A veritable Scientology Rapture. I am not holding my breath.
Dave would not avail himself of that Tech if it meant that he would not be here to lead the rest of us into the ovens.
LRH said something in RJ67 about keeping his body as people would be upset if it was gone. Dave, excuse me Captain (left arm) Miscaviage has only our best interests at heart. Anyone who thinks otherwise will be keelhauled on the Freewinds as it sails through shark-infested waters. Heil Miscaviage
It’s very simple. Scientology fosters greed, narcissisism, fear, desperation, criminality, deprivation, fraud, nililism and ignorance. Other than that it’s a pretty good faux religion. As usual RB brings us up to present time.
I loved the expression on the lady’s face in the 3rd panel. I would predict that marriage (or whatever their relationship might be) will be over and done with in short order. She had good reason to be PISS-ED at that dork!
« I think that when LRH wrote about cleared cannibals, he was thinking of the Sea Org guys from Flag »
Hilarious and spot on at the same time , RB!
Cannibals pretending to be pioneers of civilization. How deluded can one be!
Ok, I am 64. Also, I bought Dianetics & wanted to be “Clear”. Couldn’t get into the book. Way to unclear for me. Wrote it off. Then Mike & Leah do this series about it. So sad for so many. I watch Hubbard in his old film & thought; look at his teeth, look at his skin; listen to what he is saying. Then look at the picture right behind him every time. Poppies!! Has no one investigated? It’s time!!
My husband is an avid reader & had a copy of this book. Having had high school friends who got literally sucked into the Moonies, Children of God, Hari Krishna…..I decided to give the book a read.
Well, needless to say, my head was spinning with Hubbard’s “double speak”…..I learned growing up that “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t (true)”…& i was not the brightest crayon in the box, but even then………..& for some reason I was gifted with a lot of common sense which kept me away from being sucked into cults like this….the book to me was full of holes.
I grew up in a somewhat dysfunctional family….but my dad once said “You can have all the brains in the world BUT if you don’t have COMMON SENSE…you have nothing”…….something as simple as that has kept me on the right track & from being a victim of “I need to belong somewhere”……
Life’s a lesson….sometimes you pay a little….sometimes you pay A LOT….sometimes you pay ALL you have……& in this case……COS takes everything.
Jeanne I just had to respond to your well thought out statement!
We don’t really know that OTIX does not exist, Loosing. Maybe the EP of OTIX is “Able to fleece suckers for millions while receiving standing ovations”. If so DM is Keeping Scientology Working, just like he is supposed to. You are looking at it from the viewpoint of the duck, not the duck hunter.
In the ‘Peanuts’ comic strip Lucy was forever enticing Charlie Brown to kick the football she held in place; only to yank the football away and Charlie Brown flopped on his back. Year after year she talked him into suckering to do it. At least she did not empty his pockets while he was on the ground. Just saying.
Dang, looks like they were tricked out of their money once again, yet they had hoped that this time it would be different. Maybe next time the Flag reg can give a few hints about OT-9? His mysterious expression certainly implied it’s awesome beyond description.
They won’t be able to afford to go up any more levels at that rate.
Unelectedfloofgoofer said: “they had hoped that this time it would be different.”
Skyler answers: Well …… this cult has been around since the 50’s and you know what?
In all that time, it has NEVER changed. It can NEVER change.
It is actually written into the laws of the scam (kind of like the Constitution) that whatever Tubby said can never be changed.
Ain’t it amazing this con man was such a fucking ego maniac, he insured the ultimate failure of his cult by ensuring it would never adapt to the future. So this crazy cult is frozen in time.
Once someone has been tricked out of their money, the only thing that is certain is that they will ALWAYS be tricked in exactly the same way.
I suppose we should really thank the fool. What kind of idiot establishes an empire and ensures it will be doomed to destruction by writing failure right into its constitution? I suppose the answer truly is that he was mentally ill.
Great satire RB.
OT 9 and 10 don’t exist. If the cult truly has this urgency to clear the planet then it would have long since released these OT levels instead of engaging in ‘ideal orgs’ bullshit that only serves to buy time and ask for more money. Really embarrassing.
There’re not OT powers, not OT 9 and 10, just standard scn crap.
We don’t really know that OTIX does not exist, Loosing. Maybe the EP of OTIX is “Able to fleece suckers for millions while receiving standing ovations”. If so DM is Keeping Scientology Working, just like he is supposed to
Bill right, LOL.
My guess has been always (even when I was still in) the following:
If there is such a damn urgency to clear the planet, then why the services haven’t lower prices to allow more people to afford them and as a result increased number of clears and OTs and also why OT 9 and 10 – if really existing – haven’t yet been released? Logically the above will boost the planet clearing.
In any dangerous situation in life one usually would run around with a flashing light in the head and the hooter on doing everything possible, I bet he wouldn’t get lost in any bullshit. But DM and the cult seem to have no real hurry.
Then finally I got my answer: because it’s a SCAM!!
Any guesses as to just when the (DM personal bank account) fund raising will drain a significant number members and they will just drop out?, Change their phone numbers and address? Get one of those home security systems that lets them see who is at the door?
Also, am I wrong to think that the whales are simply in it due to ego or status?
Peggy in my opinion you are totally right. Scn increases the ego instead of free people from it.
The picture you gave in facts is already happening. No new people in but the increased demand to keep donations high (holy stats) has turned a lot of people away from the cult and has transformed what is left into an increasing cannibalism activity.
Good appetite then!
Petty, I must agree with LMR. you are totally right.
But, Wow! Oh Wow! When it comes to increasing one’s ego, I can’t think of too many ways that people chase that in a way that is more expensive than this scam.
There are a million ways someone can throw away their money to boost their ego that will cost them one whole Hell of a lot less money.
You can hire a professional comfort lady who will take your hand and sit by your side for an hour and gaze deeply into your eyes and repeat over and over again,
“Ooohh! You are just the greatest! No one in this world is better than you!
Everyone just loves you because you are the best and the brightest and the very most handsomest. Oops. Sorry honey. Our time is up. Same time next week dear?”
This experience is a whole lot more pleasant and a whole lot less money and it also smells a lot better than trying to accomplish the same result for less money from the scam.
Thank you LMR & Skyler.
LMR, good to know and as the membership shrinks, probably more pressure on the whales.
Then comes Skyler’s idea. When they realize the huge savings on hiring a personal love bomber, maybe they will actually do something worth while with all of that extra cash.
Every ‘conference’ and ‘briefing’ and ‘meeting’ at the mOrg is a fund raising opportunity. That is just the way the mOrg rolls.
Ah yes the Flag Tour. You are not supposed to wonder, “If the L Rundowns are so great, why is this Class XII auditor travelling around the country trying to sell them instead of being in the chair auditing?”. As I recall, the basic Flag sales pitch was like Napoleon Dynamite — “Vote for Pedro and all your wildest dreams will come true”.
LMAO – the best – $$
“talking about OT IX & X”. IF someone were to do so, it’d be nebulous, talking about “complete freedom”, the “Power of the Universe” or some such frothy drivel, nothing of substance, only a sales ploy to get them advance payments collected up and deposited in the S.O. Reserves accounts. NO staff member will actually benefit from the income, of course; THEY continue to either ‘moonlight’ at paying jobs to make ends meet or must depend upon their family supporting them in their quest for total freedumb. Its so sad that so many of us were taken in by his con. I was lucky in that They chewed me up and spit me out after only 10 years of that fruitless quest. My heart goes out to hose who were trapped in that international criminal enterprise for decades. NO one should be subjected to that level of mistreatment.
As far as ANYone has been able to make out, there ain’t no IX or X — [So says I, who is reinstalling MacOS X (10.10.5, Yosemite), to my wife’s machine over the Internet as I “speak”.] At least in the computer universe, “vaporware” — software that doesn’t really exist — doesn’t last too long as a scam. After a while, those waiting for it to be produced drift away. HOW, then, did Hubbard string so many of the same public along for so many years? At first, he was doing something completely different: manufacturing a fiction science in plain sight; few could believe anyone would lie THAT big for THAT long. Or believe someone COULD lie that openly with a completely straight face most of the time.
@JereLull You pose the great question: “HOW, then, did Hubbard string so many of the same public along for so many years?” Like many here, I have pondered this, too. Our reflections are aided by some great thinkers, people who study cults, for instance. It is like a playbook and rather eerie what one cult has in common with the next. (The Us against Them, and having a Big Huge Enemy to ward off.)
Here is my take: First off, initially some one thing BIG and USEFUL happens. On a Life Repair (intro action) or communications course (suddenly, you can be in the same room with your teenager, listen and approach a degree of understanding with them). With this, like a hit of an intoxicating drug, a person wants more; and often, you do get a little more. However (so sad), even when you are NOT getting more of that amazing surge,* you stay connected. Like an addict, you think that swell rush is sure to come again and is right around the corner.
(*and in fact, instead, might be in this group getting thoroughly messed with and beat upon physically, financially, or emotionally)
Second, the other enormously clever design of the hook is FOMO: the Fear of Missing Out. Just when a person thinks… “I am so broke, these people are so controlling, this is all so unpleasant” …suddenly, a speaker-opinion leader is ushered into town, a meal is served, everyone is invited to come in to “Get revitalized!” Using Hubbard quotes,** the speaker repeatedly reminds you that everything counter-intention happening to you IS YOUR COUNTER-INTENTION. So, if you are not progressing or are not magically paying off your credit card debt, that is on YOU: You, You, You.
Whew, glad they revealed that mystery and got that outta the way.
What follows next is…the team registers to you to handle this big problem you are to yourself by getting you onto your next action (and into still more credit card debt). The urgency is great because they weave in Guest Speaker Remarks from one who is at the Top of the Bridge. That person tells you of all The Real Glory and All Life’s Problems Solved available to you so long as YOU JUST KEEP GOING.
Hearing all that, of course, it presses your button super hard: “I don’t want to miss out. [What kind of loser would throw away their WHOLE FUTURE, not just this lifetime but for ALL ETERNITY?]”
That is what I see. That is how I view the cleverness and, boy, is it clever. It is so sad. Reading the above makes it seem like something of a drug-pusher model. And, possibly, it is.
(**the technology, which is never wrong)
Peridot, the analogy to addiction is right to the point.
Hypnotic techniques often lead to euphoria, and Scientologists are conditioned to expect the “win” every time. Everyone loves to talk about themselves, and Scientology plays on that calling it therapy. Put the euphoria and the intense introspection together and you are guaranteed to come up with something that seems really profound every session.
But in retrospect there is no actual progress, just the intense feelings. Once I tried to list the many breakthroughs of my time in Scientology, the times I lost a fear or gained an ability. Couldn’t actually think of any. Though I had something like 60 folders full of sessions, each with floating needles and cognitions aplenty, the real gains are fleeting and false.
It is designed to pull you in and string you along, always with the bright promise of a grand epiphany just around the corner. Just one more session, or one more level, or some grand expensive Flag-only action, or or or. Like the tea party in “Alice in Wonderland”, no tea today always tomorrow but tomorrow never gets here.
Recalling wins or cognitions from the past or what “attitudes, emotions, sensations or pains were handled” would be mostly a futile effort to “mock up” and reexamine the past. To say that no one ever gained any lasting benefit from their auditing would be an opinion.
Jere, I got 11.1 going on my ancient Mac Mini but only by putting in a new flash hard drive and clean-installing from a USB stick. Lesser methods failed spectacularly. Now it has a nice view of the California coast with the fog rolling in, changing with the time of day. No new features worth shouting about, but it sure looks cool.
Warning, the rest of this comment is pure snark that relies heavily on arcane jargon. Probably incomprehensible to a never-in.
What would OT IX and X be? Well, OT VIII returns you to the real you that is you for you. But oddly, your body doesn’t disappear. As I understand it, the body is made up of old recycled “body thetans” which would not be around anymore if you were the real you for sure and only you. What gives?
Even Hubbard’s cyst-ridden body didn’t disappear when he dropped it to go on to the celestial Running Program with the stars. Unless the story about cremating it and scattering it in the Pacific Ocean was just the ultimate shore story.
Somehow they did an autopsy on a non-existent body, or they fed us a heap of lies about it. I suspect the latter.
Anyway, it would just be a big flap if everyone went to the Freewinds for OT XVI or whatever and never came back. Maybe the FBI would finally get interested. Maybe not.
The levels above VIII must logically have something to do with finally getting rid of those pesky volcano-bombed Klingon hangers-on circling Uranus.
They told us at the Hubbard Dropped the Body event that there are some upper levels that cannot be attained inside a body. At some point the starry-eyed followers will have to follow Hubbard to the sky, shuffling off this mortal coil. Maybe they will finally achieve the long-promised ability to find parking spaces in the Horse-head Nebula.
That makes Scientology a suicide cult or a big-time con.
If Dave and the holy-roller big-dog whales that have early access to the latest technology start disappearing, we will know that the upper OT levels really exist and actually work. A veritable Scientology Rapture. I am not holding my breath.
Dave would not avail himself of that Tech if it meant that he would not be here to lead the rest of us into the ovens.
LRH said something in RJ67 about keeping his body as people would be upset if it was gone. Dave, excuse me Captain (left arm) Miscaviage has only our best interests at heart. Anyone who thinks otherwise will be keelhauled on the Freewinds as it sails through shark-infested waters. Heil Miscaviage
Bill – laughter – I’ve never been a sailor but I appreciate the metaphor. lol
Nautical. to haul (an offender) under the bottom of a ship and up on the other side as a punishment.
to rebuke severely.
It’s very simple. Scientology fosters greed, narcissisism, fear, desperation, criminality, deprivation, fraud, nililism and ignorance. Other than that it’s a pretty good faux religion. As usual RB brings us up to present time.
The sad truth of the matter is that there really are a few Scientologists who think OT IX and OT X will solve their problems.
I loved the expression on the lady’s face in the 3rd panel. I would predict that marriage (or whatever their relationship might be) will be over and done with in short order. She had good reason to be PISS-ED at that dork!
I’m sure I’m supposed to write something well thought out reply on how evil scientology is
That was just fr*ckin hilarious dude- HA