Amazing how Miscavige finds the time to constantly get to the bottom of supernatural conspiracies the media can’t even dream about.
He always finds a way to fight back too, even making it easy for members by only asking them to flow money instead of going with him on super dangerous mission to fight the psychs.
It must be an awesomely intense life he is leading where he is swinging on ropes, rescuing victims and setting detonations.
Before I die for real, I would like to see the look on Captain R/A Mike Napier’s face when he sees me alive, almost 19 years after he told my wife to end Cycle on me and that my death was imminent. I’ll have to make it soon, though. At least four or five people in the S.O predicted my death and they are all dead now. I don’t want that Cock-A-Roach to get off that easily. I gots a stimulus check coming. Instead of turning it over to the cult so that they can hire a few more PIs to hassle Mike, maybe I can make a last trip to the ship.
Since I am dead. I must be a BT. If I could get my buddies Wak Allcock, Paul McElveen, and Jorge Arroyo together, we could be a cluster. (Can’t forget Rolf Kallinich, who recognized me and gave me the Nazi salute as I came up the Freewinds gangway.
Heil Miscaviage!
They were in fine health when I was sent off to die an imminent death.
Why should I be more privileged then they were (I mean are)?
I remember 9/11.
I imagine that DM loved it. We had a mandatory briefing and had to read DM’s issue only hours after the last plane crashed. He probably made over a half billion dollars on it.
Bill in my opinion you have a good sense of humor. Look if needed I could guest you as BT for some time and I won’t audit you away. But don’t bring friends!
Instead of objectively observing the real world and thus learning how to master it. The inmates willfully ignore the facts of reality and stumble about in a surreal fog from error to error and to ultimately stumble about from disaster to disaster.
Is that typical of what sea org members are told? That society will destroy itself in a few weeks unless they do something?
My involvement was relatively short compared to a lot of you, but I remember hearing a similar speech one night at the Atlanta org. The executive director at the time Skip Yarian was pushing everyone in the course room to do the key to life course. I remember him making the comment that we are the only group on the planet that can stop the downfall of civilization, or words to that effect. I googled his name a few years ago and he is now out and speaking out against Scientology.
“Yes, I don’t see why every time this planet is about to go under, we’re the ones who have to satay up all night to save it. We shouldn’t always have to be the only ones who can do something about it. … um, whatever IT is.”
Oh my gosh! That poor lady better get her mind right or she will soon be spending some time in the RPF jail. Cult leaders do not like to hear their slaves complaining about working hard to bring cash into the cult. There is just no room for that kind of complaining and they will definitely have to make an example of this lady so the other slaves will understand what happens when they complain about working hard.
Poor darling. She just doesn’t understand that once you are in this cult’s slave system, you are a slave forever. She may think that she might have a chance to blow this cult one day. But once a slave blows, they hold blow drills and the purpose of those drills is not so much about training staff but they are about learning how the latest escapee managed to blow and to make sure no one can ever escape in that same way again.
So, every time someone blows, it becomes more difficult for anyone else to blow. Eventually, it will be almost impossible for anyone to escape. Although it’s been close to 40 years now and people still find a way to blow this criminal cult.
By the time the Feds come busting into their prisons, I expect they will discover that maximum security prison techniques have been fully deployed to prevent anyone else from ever escaping again.
Such is the mind of the Dreaded Leader. He would rather have everyone die in prison then have any complainer ever freed to bring another dollar into the cult. That is the mind of a maniacal monster.
Poor Davie Boy is just not very adept at solving problems unless he can find some written instructions (written by LRH) that explains how to solve that problem. Davie Boy then has to try to figure out what to do on his own and he is just not very good at thinking for himself. It always seems to blow up in his face. Some day I hope that someone will write a book about all the times he has tried to solve a problem and it just winds up turning a small problem into a huge problem. That is an endless source of comic relief.
Davey Boy is just too proud to ask for any help from one of his minions. However, every time he tries to solve a problem based on his own thinking, things just blow up into a huge problem. It is to laff. But it’s just too tragic to laugh.
Dave is the epitome of a Sea Org Member. In the Code of an S.O. Member it says “I promise to make things go right and to persist until they do”. If Dave cannot find something from LRH that handles (Dave’s) situation, he invents something and says that LRH said it.
RB as always points out in a biting way what really happens in the bubble.
Clear the planet ….
Save the confused wogs…
The SPs and the psych conspiracy ….
They are the only ones who can do something about it ….
What a totally useless and deluded group. They have NEVER in 70 years caused anything useful or worth remembering. Zero squared, just a big disturbance, a lot of damage and disasters.
They are totally alienated.
I can feel your pain at having been victimized by this cult as you type on your keyboard.
The atrocities inflicted by this criminal cult are so extreme that it is entirely understandable that you would feel that way.
I know you escaped many years ago and I hope you will think of the day you escaped and feel glad whenever you are feeling hurt and angry at the way this cult treated you.
Today you have a loving family and you are living in freedom. How lucky you are for all that you have today!
Skyler thank you. The family goes on and is fine. The little ones grow up and amaze me every time I see them (we weren’t like that at that age).
What maybe pisses me off is having invested 15 years in that scammty place. And knowing the truth only in the last 2/3 years.
And thanks only to this blog.
Take care my friend.
Zee Moo. Yes. Alienation, aliens, Seaborgs, BTs, past lifes, reincarnation, Seaborgs (again) etc.
A few years ago with my old friends (ex new hippies, ex complotistls, etc, one of whom is still in the SO) , we went to a pizzeria. A person I know very well who worked there then still tells me the guy was weird. It was just his “TRs”. Guess who was it?
Religion: driving people hard to combat imaginary threats.
…ok, i now see why Scientology got it’s tax exempt status as a religion.
Amazing how Miscavige finds the time to constantly get to the bottom of supernatural conspiracies the media can’t even dream about.
He always finds a way to fight back too, even making it easy for members by only asking them to flow money instead of going with him on super dangerous mission to fight the psychs.
It must be an awesomely intense life he is leading where he is swinging on ropes, rescuing victims and setting detonations.
Before I die for real, I would like to see the look on Captain R/A Mike Napier’s face when he sees me alive, almost 19 years after he told my wife to end Cycle on me and that my death was imminent. I’ll have to make it soon, though. At least four or five people in the S.O predicted my death and they are all dead now. I don’t want that Cock-A-Roach to get off that easily. I gots a stimulus check coming. Instead of turning it over to the cult so that they can hire a few more PIs to hassle Mike, maybe I can make a last trip to the ship.
Since I am dead. I must be a BT. If I could get my buddies Wak Allcock, Paul McElveen, and Jorge Arroyo together, we could be a cluster. (Can’t forget Rolf Kallinich, who recognized me and gave me the Nazi salute as I came up the Freewinds gangway.
Heil Miscaviage!
They were in fine health when I was sent off to die an imminent death.
Why should I be more privileged then they were (I mean are)?
I remember 9/11.
I imagine that DM loved it. We had a mandatory briefing and had to read DM’s issue only hours after the last plane crashed. He probably made over a half billion dollars on it.
Bill in my opinion you have a good sense of humor. Look if needed I could guest you as BT for some time and I won’t audit you away. But don’t bring friends!
Neros’ Infamy [ Likened to Hubbard ]
We know what mischief dire he wrought—
Rome fired, the Fathers slain—
Whose hand with brother’s slaughter wet
A mother’s blood did stain.
No pitying tear his cheek bedewed,
As on the course he gazed;
That mother’s beauty, once so fair,
A critic’s voice appraised.
Yet far and wide, from East to West,
His sway the nations own;
And scorching South and icy North
Obey his will alone.
Did, then, high power a curb impose
On Nero’s [ Hubbard’s ] phrenzied will?
Ah, woe when to the evil heart
Is joined the sword to kill
Boethius, Consolidation of Philosophy
Instead of objectively observing the real world and thus learning how to master it. The inmates willfully ignore the facts of reality and stumble about in a surreal fog from error to error and to ultimately stumble about from disaster to disaster.
Hi swetypie
Whynot correct the brooken link on your blog to; Nathan Rich book Scythe Tleppo?
A link to Nathan Rich’s books on Amazon.
Is that typical of what sea org members are told? That society will destroy itself in a few weeks unless they do something?
My involvement was relatively short compared to a lot of you, but I remember hearing a similar speech one night at the Atlanta org. The executive director at the time Skip Yarian was pushing everyone in the course room to do the key to life course. I remember him making the comment that we are the only group on the planet that can stop the downfall of civilization, or words to that effect. I googled his name a few years ago and he is now out and speaking out against Scientology.
“It’s not a {insert disaster here} it’s a fund raising opportunity.” Said every $cieno executive, ever.
Oh, such a bubble they “enjoy”. If any of that “stuff” were true, none of us would be out here taking potshots at the poor inmates.
“Yes, I don’t see why every time this planet is about to go under, we’re the ones who have to satay up all night to save it. We shouldn’t always have to be the only ones who can do something about it. … um, whatever IT is.”
Oh my gosh! That poor lady better get her mind right or she will soon be spending some time in the RPF jail. Cult leaders do not like to hear their slaves complaining about working hard to bring cash into the cult. There is just no room for that kind of complaining and they will definitely have to make an example of this lady so the other slaves will understand what happens when they complain about working hard.
Poor darling. She just doesn’t understand that once you are in this cult’s slave system, you are a slave forever. She may think that she might have a chance to blow this cult one day. But once a slave blows, they hold blow drills and the purpose of those drills is not so much about training staff but they are about learning how the latest escapee managed to blow and to make sure no one can ever escape in that same way again.
So, every time someone blows, it becomes more difficult for anyone else to blow. Eventually, it will be almost impossible for anyone to escape. Although it’s been close to 40 years now and people still find a way to blow this criminal cult.
By the time the Feds come busting into their prisons, I expect they will discover that maximum security prison techniques have been fully deployed to prevent anyone else from ever escaping again.
Such is the mind of the Dreaded Leader. He would rather have everyone die in prison then have any complainer ever freed to bring another dollar into the cult. That is the mind of a maniacal monster.
Poor Davie Boy is just not very adept at solving problems unless he can find some written instructions (written by LRH) that explains how to solve that problem. Davie Boy then has to try to figure out what to do on his own and he is just not very good at thinking for himself. It always seems to blow up in his face. Some day I hope that someone will write a book about all the times he has tried to solve a problem and it just winds up turning a small problem into a huge problem. That is an endless source of comic relief.
Davey Boy is just too proud to ask for any help from one of his minions. However, every time he tries to solve a problem based on his own thinking, things just blow up into a huge problem. It is to laff. But it’s just too tragic to laugh.
Dave is the epitome of a Sea Org Member. In the Code of an S.O. Member it says “I promise to make things go right and to persist until they do”. If Dave cannot find something from LRH that handles (Dave’s) situation, he invents something and says that LRH said it.
Thank you DMTNTBSS,
I have no doubt that what you said is true.
Hi Mike
whynot update your blogs broken link to: Thruth rundown part 3? 🙂
RB as always points out in a biting way what really happens in the bubble.
Clear the planet ….
Save the confused wogs…
The SPs and the psych conspiracy ….
They are the only ones who can do something about it ….
What a totally useless and deluded group. They have NEVER in 70 years caused anything useful or worth remembering. Zero squared, just a big disturbance, a lot of damage and disasters.
They are totally alienated.
Hello LMR,
I can feel your pain at having been victimized by this cult as you type on your keyboard.
The atrocities inflicted by this criminal cult are so extreme that it is entirely understandable that you would feel that way.
I know you escaped many years ago and I hope you will think of the day you escaped and feel glad whenever you are feeling hurt and angry at the way this cult treated you.
Today you have a loving family and you are living in freedom. How lucky you are for all that you have today!
Stay safe and healthy my friend.
Skyler thank you. The family goes on and is fine. The little ones grow up and amaze me every time I see them (we weren’t like that at that age).
What maybe pisses me off is having invested 15 years in that scammty place. And knowing the truth only in the last 2/3 years.
And thanks only to this blog.
Take care my friend.
Their ‘alienation’ has real (actually imaginary) aliens in it. The whole thing screams disassociation from reality.
Zee Moo. Yes. Alienation, aliens, Seaborgs, BTs, past lifes, reincarnation, Seaborgs (again) etc.
A few years ago with my old friends (ex new hippies, ex complotistls, etc, one of whom is still in the SO) , we went to a pizzeria. A person I know very well who worked there then still tells me the guy was weird. It was just his “TRs”. Guess who was it?