Our friend RB had a relatively minor surgical procedure but it disrupted the normal course of life. Sending good wishes for a speedy recovery. But an Oldie But Goldies is right on point this week. When the Special Cult City SP Tour rolls through Clearwater on March 13, the sheeple will be kept indoors for fear of running into a crowd of SPs who might make their superpowers vanish. If they have to move between buildings, they will be required to go on buses. No walking allowed. Even from across the street us SP’s might cave them in and cause them to lose the gains they paid so much to accomplish.
Joke’s on them, they actually wasted their lives.
Now they’ll get a chance to waste away other lives … IF they don’t “forget” to re-up in those lifetimes. IF Hubbard’s proclamations are partially true, it could be that the only future Sea Org crew will be those who “come back” and WANT to do it all over again, a population that is sure to evaporate rather quickly as sites like this will survive LONG after scientology.org and scn.tv have bitten the digital dumpster. “anti-scn” sites are voluntarily supported, not the enforced volunteering of OSA’s small crew.
“I kind of like the idea of being able to take a Leave Of Absence. I just wish there was a way we could do it without having to die.”
I can think of two ways. First, just get in touch with the Aftermath Foundation and take a permanent leave. That is a good way to do it.
The second way is just to put your lips together and, “BLOW”
As you blow, just think of the message Marc Headley left for us in his book.
The exact run-down for leaving scientology is just RUN as soon and fast as you can! You’ll regain anything you THINK you’re losing pretty rapidly, I’ve observed. In truth, you’re leaving nothing of value in your dust.
Hi, Mike; Any recent stories from the Aftermath Foundation? Is OSA still attempting to sabotage it as ham-handedly?
Hubbard’s birthday will be Friday the Thirteenth to the CW culties. Even if it falls on a Saturday. Wish I could be there…
Mr. Hubbard is still in earth orbit. He’ll be expecting a good party.
Ain’t no scn Sea Org members coming back. If they remember ANYthing, they’ll recall the awful conditions, the privations, the lack of meaningful relationships, and RUN the other way.
F…. “eternity”: it’s highly overrated. PDH is nothing compared to DM going on and on, and on… about nothing at all real. After a while a Billion years is trivial compared to time spent in the SO doing mindless make-work so bad that the RPF is an improvement. At least then, you could point to something *accomplished*. Otherwise it’s just chasing after the cash for some thing or the other that never gets approved, much less accomplished.
And how’s that LRH Hall, clams? a bit cosy for all of you at once?
(Only in Davey’s dreams).
These two are seriously Out-Ethics. They are nattering about the S.O. talking about having an Out 2D (Any 2D is other fish to fry and therefore Out-2D. )
In the 23 years I was in the S.O. I never saw anything that Out-Ethics.
Of course I told staff of the Freewinds hundreds of times that “The only way off the ship is in a box” but that was not Out-Ethics because it was true!
After I started to recover Dr Gene Denk said that he had my coffin put into storage. But then he died so I do not know where it is.
The joke’s on Ron; rotting away wherever they dumped his remains. The party’s over for him.
As it probably is for Davey’s liver, pretty soon now.
For the poor SOBs in CW, EVERY day might as well be Friday the 13th, with the Twerp™ as their fell-less leader; If there’s any truth to Ron’s PTS theory, they’re the proof.
Is it wrong to be appalled, saddened and laugh at the same time?
And was he trying to figure out how to come back or avoid those countries so he can avoid coming back to the sea org?
Diane queried:
“Is it wrong to be appalled, saddened and laugh at the same time?
No, it’s how things are in Davey’s little bubble.
If we didn’t get to laugh some times, It’d all be too depressing.
Off topic:
If LRH got himself a new body immediately after dropping his old one in mid January of 1986, – IF -well then, this new identity would be slightly past 35 years old today.
Just for my own personal kicks I’m “mocking up” the perfect storm for Miscavige as follows:
A 35 year-old born into Scientology guy or gal, with squeaky clean ethics, gets some kind of auditing and has a cognition “of magnitude” that he or she was LRH WITH if you please FULL RECALL of how, where, when AND WITH WHOM Hubbard actually died. Also full recall of all kinds of things Miscavige knew about Hubbard BEFORE he died. CONVERSATIONS WITH MISCAVIGE that Hubbard had, that only the Dwarf knows. Things SAID at the death that, say, only Miscavige and few others – the latter now themselves dead or shut up in The Hole) would know. Data that ONLY someone was THERE would know. You get the picture.
And this born into the cult Scientologist has all of this come to him in an auditing session of some sort, originates it all in session, and writing it all down as a the Success Story to end ALL Success Stories, and in brief, its, “Welcome back, LRH!”
Can you imagine? Can you just IMAGINE? OH, the LOLs!
Miscavige would s**t a brick! He’d go INSANE. (Actually he already is but this would unravel him totally.)
Please, please, there HAS TO BE a 35 year old born in/still in with squeaky squeaky clean ethics who would or could pull this off.
OK, ok, I can dream 🙂
Aqua, I can easily imagine that happening. Dwarfenführer® would have him “disappeared” immediately. He couldn’t stand the thought that he could be supplanted by the guy he’s been dissing for decades. AND he’d lose his liquor reserve, TOO. Too much for one frail little body to endure.
Of course, you’re right. Alive or dead, he/she would not see daylight ever again “this lifetime”. Declared and disappeared immediately, forever after vilified as the most dangerous of SPs…no doubt about it.
Hey Aqua!
It has always seemed to me that logic and math do not apply to this cult unless they want to make a negative point about people who are not in the cult. In that case, they can use logic and math all they like.
So, when they want to figure out just who might be the reincarnation of Tubby, they do not have to be restricted by pesky things like logic and arithmetic. But when they want to heap verbal abuse on people like Mike & Leah, they can use logic and arithmetic as much as they like. What a bunch of fucking hypocrites, liars and nut buckets!
“Nut buckets” 🙂 I’m stealing that, Skyler!
If so, I am sure that DM already had him killed.
Again, no doubt on my part. But I like to dream and amuse myself sometimes. Regraded Being always triggers my imagination 🙂
I can just imagine the scenario where TWERP would tell him they were going on a surprise journey to meet a very special lady.
After a short road trip, he would then say, “LRH? You remember Shelly, don’t you?”
THAT would be a total hoot!
No one ever tells us what’s really going on…
The rundown to fix that is called “Ignore the leaving routing form and get the hell out.”
Yup! The exact right rundown to fix being in scientology is: RUN!!
About 20 years ago, they were trying to recruit me for staff at Flag. The buses were explained like this:
The local people in Clearwater were surveyed about what they did not like about Scientology. The biggest button was on large groups of Sea Org members walking along the street together like it was a military occupation. They knew that SO members are not armed but still didn’t enjoy seeing them.
The buses were introduced to get these groups off the street as a PR exercise for the local people.
I accept this explanation, since the SO recruiter originated it without me asking about it.
It must be hard on the SO Members themselves though. I would not like to be forbidden from walking down the streets in my local area. Like being in prison!
Cavalier. The sea org IS a prison. The only difference is that the inmates are also the guards. One realize it only when he is finally out. When one signs his billion years contract he is giving fully his future life in their hands.
A prison where the inmates are also the guards and vice versa. That is an arrangement like no other on the face of this planet. Only in a mind control cult!
A self-perpetuating prison, Lombardo-style
(the “prison experiment”, since vilified by all).
Cavalier, the switch to buses happened in the middle of the Lisa McPherson demonstrations. Not out of any kind of deference to the wishes of the locals, far from it. The main offices of the Lisa McPherson Trust were just a few steps away from the dining room for all staff, within easy access to hundreds of SO Bots as they rushed to and from their rice-and-beans three or four times a day.
Before the buses there were crowds of uniformed SO flocking down the sidewalks within easy access of the protestors. Imagine the issues if some of those lightly brainwashed came into contact with protestors they knew, or heard some truths about Scientology practices like unlawful incarceration, white slavery, child labor law violations, fraud, deceit, usury.
As Leonard Cohen said,
They know the light will get in the cracks if they let the RonBots come into contact with the protestors. That’s why they had us hide in our offices when the protestors came around the Int Base. That’s why they stuff them in buses.
One of the major features of the new Flag Delivery Building is the dining room in the basement. The crowds of mindless SO drones can now just cross the street or even use the bridge to get to their daily slop. Much less danger of contamination by the unenlightened.
Bruce, the Land Base always had a bus, if only that decrepit old school bus which ferried most from their berthing to the FH or Bank building. A few of us retained vehicles which gave us a bit of illusory freedom. As I did my chores, I walked freely from the FH to the Bank and back, maybe even to my berthing which was the old Holiday Inn in ’78 or ’79, IIRC.
Right, Jere, that’s how it was up to the late 90s. You could even get a candy bar or some smokes at the One Stoppe Shop or wander around downtown a bit.
Then they started forcing us to take the bus for the two or three blocks to the CB! For beings that are supposed to be able to confront and shatter suppression they are pretty scaredy-cat.
On the way home to Happy Valley from the Int Base the tradition was to sing Christmas carols in the season. Later on many used the transit time to read Harry Potter until Dave put a stop to it.
In the last days of busing at the Int Base, before they moved everyone to apartments right on the base, the staff were required to listen to the Basics lectures on the bus or read a chapter from the Advanced Procedures and Axioms book about Responsibility.
Dave’s one truly transcendent skill, the ability to take the fun out of anything and make it a horror for all concerned.
Amazing. It makes me sick to my stomach. Even when I saw it happening at Flag; I watched SO members waiting for a bus to take them across the street.
Then when I stood with a husband and wife SO members around 9:30 pm and she got on and he didn’t, I asked why. He said because it wasn’t his time yet to go back to berthing. I just wanted to cry – the thought of EVERY SECOND OF THEIR DAY was monitored.
Fun is out-ethics, don’t you know? Unless you’re Dave…
They had several busses out at the QI as I recall. I pulled an engine out of one of them during Reno’s time or some such. I moved into the Heart of Clearwater when the cult bought it in 79.
I do not remember the Holiday Inn in CW but I lived in the GT or Golden Triangle in 86. It looked like it was built just in time for the 1906 San Francisco quake. I had a PTS Type III roommate by the name of Sam Speevak who I heard had been on the Apollo.
He woke me up at 2 AM to show me some proof that people had come to the March 13 event in spaceships. I was going to report the incident to Security but he disappeared the next day. Either security took him or he flew off in the spaceships
I was training at Flag at the time of her death. There were buses going back and forth from the Hacienda Gardens berthing to the base before her death.
Sounds like you were not as deadicated as I was. The Captain Freewinds told another staff member in my presence Straass would lay down his life for this ship…
The self abnegation became a point of pride. I tolerated injustices, Out Tech and squirrel admin because that was part of my duty as a SO member to provide amusement for him. I was the owned property of DM and my sole reason for existence was to do as I was commanded for the time that it was my privilege to be permitted to exist. But like Tom in the cartoon above, I screwed up dying. I had all the help I needed. But I was a CICSOHB and I failed to die.
I hear you on everything.
I don’t know you, but here is my sense of you from what I’ve read that you’ve posted:
We all like to help and want to help and feel good when we help.
Ok, that’s the majority of us.
But some people really, really, REALLY want to help.
Who they ARE is just one huge “let me please help” button, you know?
Now, the way I’m writing it makes it sound horrible or propitiative but it isn’t.
Its actually beautiful and natural.
There’s nothing FORCED about it.
It just sort of FLOWS out of SOME people in a very natural way. Effortlessly. Some people exude this quality, without even trying.
Its very recognizable. Its THERE for anybody to see.
Such people are totally vulnerable and they STAY vulnerable. Who they ARE is somebody who helps, that’s all. They don’t want to close up. They can’t close up.
They don’t get OVER this when they get older. They can’t ever really hide or stifle it, for long. It is who they are. They help. This is what they DO. Knowing they’ve helped becomes what they HAVE. Be, Do, Have on the help flow line.
Now, HOW do they help? Thousands of ways.
But this quality, when its in abundance – OMG. These people with it, they can’t hide it – they are so vulnerable!
They can be, and frequently are, taken advantage of, exploited, selfishly, ruthlessly.
People with this strong desire to help need PROTECTION. Because they can’t protect themselves. This doesn’t mean they are weak or cowardly. They’re just vulnerable because they love and need to help other.
Like an artist needs to paint or a dancer needs to dance, etc., they have to go on helping. They have to make themselves available. This comes from WITHIN themselves. People like this, without adequate protection, can end up wrongly used, abused, exploited, bitter.
I suggest now, Bill, that someone should have been looking out for YOU.
That quality you had – you still have it. Its still there, underneath all the layers of bitterness and betrayal.
Bill, you just needed a pit bull.
Someone to protect you while you went around being who you were.
You’re still that same person. Don’t regret being someone who strongly wants to help. That’s a mistake.
You just needed protection, that’s all. A spouse, or a relative, to watch over you, to tell anyone who trying exploit this vulnerability with a snarling, “OK, back off, now! Leave him alone!”.
There are very wealthy people who are utterly vulnerable. They can’t say no. So they have accountants who say no. Or all their money goes to a Controller who can say, “No”.
Same principle. Some people MUST help. Its who they are and its their purpose and they’re MISERABLE if they don’t. You just needed a pit bull, that’s all 🙂
Thank you for your long and thoughtful reply. You are probably correct in everything you said. I had a few cognitions reading it. In my opinion, you are quite a person yourself
You’re very kind to say that, Bill. But with no false modesty, I’m not in your league, help-flow wise. Thank you, though 🙂
I think a lot of the BS flotsam that floats around the orgs is taken with a grain of salt by most everyone outside of the SO. But the one big lie that all Scios, old and new, public and staff, buy into is that they are the sole stewards and guardians of the one and only genuine source of spiritual enlightenment. That may be the single delusion that holds the group together.
I agree.
A public Scientologist who comes to the Org at weekends to study is likely to have an entirely different World View from a staff member in the upper levels of the Sea Org.
There are many Scientologists who found something of use to them in the Tech and were willing to put up with the BS in order to stay around. Such people would balk at the idea of joining staff or disconnection or giving all of their money to the IAS and would leave Scientology altogether rather than be forced into anything like this.
Scientologists are not a monolithic group.
You have just described me as I was when in Scientology. It would have bothered me a great deal to leave altogether but if I had been pressed on the self-abnegation line hard and long enough I would have left, however regretfully (and guiltily). I was never as dedicated as I saw others being and I considered myself a lesser being because of it. I saw others being so utterly selfless, so dedicated – I was in awe of them, truly I was. In my heart of hearts I knew I didn’t have it in me to be that way about anything or anyone. Having said all this, I’ll repeat once more that my guilt about what I considered my own basic character flaw (too 1st dynamic oriented) DID get used quite well to the cult’s advantage. I didn’t join staff or the Sea Org. I just wouldn’t. But my guilt about these refusals helped a lot of Registrars as well as other staff who just needed people to volunteer, help coach other students on days I wasn’t scheduled to be on course, etc., etc. They knew to come at me a certain way. Never pushy, no – that I would just shoot down. But with warmth and kindness and gentleness and tact…OMG. I was a sucker for that approach! They could pretty much get me to agree to anything that way, except staff of SO of course, and exorbitant amounts of money. My guilt was definitely the cult’s gain. They knew (I realize today) the VERY button to press with me: “Won’t you help in SOME way?” Oh, boy, did that one get me – every time! For many years.
Aqua – Other than sea org and long term mission and org staff members I think the vast majority of scientologists were in it for their own benefit. At least that’s the way I saw things in the 1970s. Self improvement, self awareness and maybe get super powerz and obtain wealth, power and true romantic love. blah, blah, haha, haha
From my own point of view back then it took too long and cost too much to “Clear the planet” but if scn improved the general condition of “the planet” then so much the better. Maybe later scientologists got more religious.
Well, yes, that’s why I was in! Self improvement! That said, I DID, not too long after joining up really GET that if each individual got improved we’d be helping each other a lot better, lifting each up a lot easier and more effectively because as individuals we would be, each of us, a lot stronger and more powerful – we would NATURALLY form strong, helpful groups – I did get that concept and agreed with it. But the cult didn’t want that! That route was WAY too SLOW for the cult. In the end, what they wanted and expected was nothing less than total self-abnegation. ToTAL. And that was wrong. I KNEW it was wrong, and not the right way. Jesus, even LRH said it was wrong! But then, in the end, what was going on in my org was ALL Command Intention All The Time. LRH was, for all practical purposes, out the window.
I forgot to include happiness which is another main buzzword for luring people in.
….and every time I got someone like you to help, volunteer, come to an event, hold someone’s post for a night (if you were ex-staff), get on course…
I felt good.
I was helping you.
if OT is cause, then helping your increase your KRC and ARC and contribution blah blahblah… save your soul, baby. I was helping set ya free.
It’s heady stuff, being on the side of right in all things. I used to feel sorry for public.
But also, I loved public like you. You guys were top layer.
Sounds like you were not as deadicated as I was. The Captain Freewinds told another staff member in my presence Straass would lay down his life for this ship…
The self abnegation became a point of pride. I tolerated injustices, Out Tech and squirrel admin because that was part of my duty as a SO member. I was the owned property of DM and my sole reason for existence was to do as I was commanded and provide amusement for him for the time that it was my privilege to be permitted to exist.
I am perhaps damaged goods but not beyond repair.
“Helping” the world, even if they don’t want to be saved IS what keeps the ronbots in Ron’s, now DM’s, ‘game’.
That all the inmates are in it to help others may be the saddest part of the whole deal. What the NOI recruits want may not be so admirable, from what I’ve seen/heard of that sub-group’s leadership.
Do Sea Org members handle OT information above their own bridge level? How do they not die of pneumonia when delivering OT3? If you already know the secret of OT8 and seen what it does to people, would any of them actually want to go through it themselves (apart from for bragging rights)?
Hey, Grisianforce: Many/most of us here have seen the upper levels and far from dying of pneumonia, we’ve had a few good laughs. Such glowing “Success Stories”™ from such mindless, infantile exercises! It’s a wonder anyone ever stuck around to “do” OT 3; even more mind-boggling that there are “OT 8s”. AND some patiently waiting for 9 and above to be pulled out of Davey’s diminutive derrière in a moment of relative sobriety. Have fun doing the “Endless end to objectives”™ for the 17th time, sheeple. The EP of the Survival Rundown is:”I. SURVIVED!” That’s all there is, all there never was.
Grisianfarce, you didn’t have to see the materials to doubt the gains; just seeing the results was sufficient. The sickest people I ever knew, with all sorts of aches and chills and other ills claimed to be OT III. It didn’t look like they were in enviable positions. Just barely hanging on, from what I could see.
If it ain’t cruel, inhumane and evil, it just ain’t Scientology.
So much for being able to confront and shatter suppression! I guess they do it by cowering inside with windows blocked with bedsheets and bedspreads so they can’t see outside the window to the SP’s outside.
Cindy, if nothing else, those sheets, et al, reflect some of the incessant sunlight, cooling the rooms a bit.
Yes! lol
Heh Cindy – I sold the Orgs those bedsheets when I was living the dream. I used to sell them on street corners as did other Scientologists. It was the opposite of what I got into Scientology for. I had big dreams for my life. Slowly, over time, I was manipulated in working for free and giving Scientology all of my money. The exact opposite of what Scientology $old me with the Bridge to Total Freedom. Being a Clear and OT is simply a state of being easily manipulated for Scientology’s suppressive Staff to control. Broke, lost and broken is the EP of Scientology’s bridge. Then I became the ” Selling Bedsheets on Street Corners I/C “. It was an epic career for a Clear and OT to have the privledge to work these shit jobs so I could BE a Scientologist. You get to HAVE no money and have no life. That is the life of a Scientologist. At least they were useful at some point to Keep the Truth from getting Inside Scientology.
I’m so glad you found your say out of there, Marketing Genius. I hope you are living life to the fullest now.
Thank you Cindy. I hope to share my realizations with others so that they may also go free.
GE wrote:
“If it ain’t cruel, inhumane and evil, it just ain’t Scientology.”
succinctly put, GE.
Jere Lull: Thank you. It’s my motto on my letter head. 😉
You see, I spent over $500 K and decades of my life on going Clear and OT and I realized that I was mocking the whole thing up
I did not have a reactive mind. I had a GE.
Then, I was told by L Ron Hubbard the biggest lie of all.
It was my BT’s and Cluster’s of BT’s knawing at me
causing me to be naughty and thwarting my dreams of
working as a slave for Scientology so the leader and the founder
can get rich. My GE had other plans. The GE wanted mest.
It wanted lots and lots of mest.
I was told by the Case Sup I was PTS to the middle class.
Scientology labels people and they promised they would not.
Scientology – the biggest con of the 21st century getting
away with crimes daily whilst hiding behind the religious cloak.
What a racket.
Meanwhile, the United States Internal Revenue and government
gives this scam organization tax exempt status?
Where is the FBI and law enforcement to help innocent people
from getting conned by Scientology?
Unfricken believeable. I have lost all faith in the United States of America’s
so-called government.
They allow criminals like David Miscavige and his cult to run free and
do harm to people.
Best wishes to RB!
It takes years to detoxify from the absurdities of scn and its indotrination. One can’t make it without help and this blog is perhaps the absolute best for doing it.
In my opinion, the first malicious deception in the cult is the concept of a thetan.
The promise of immortality by keeping the current consciousness.
Hubbard was certainly fixated and used esoteric concepts and symbols especially at the beginning.
If one searches for him, he will find that for the ancient Greeks the letter theta was used to indicate NOT life or thought, but rather end or death. While the letter Tau (t) indicated rebirth or life. In other words, it is as if he wanted to indicate that ‘inside’ death (that is, leaving everything behind and dedicating himself to the knowledge of scn) there is rebirth.
This must obviously be read in esoteric terms.
Therefore it wouldn’t be so wrong to see scn as a tracing of the Masonic concept of the search for truth and immortality through the various levels of knowledge (where one of the first is precisely ‘to die’ to be reborn purified and ready).
In the 33rd Freemason level of the Scottish Rite you are revealed who is god. The connections with OT 8 if one looks for them are quite similar and interesting.
In conclusion scn is an evil trap build to deceive the soul (or consciousness) not its liberation. In fact there is nothing to free but this is another story.
It’s worse than that. The whole time, Hubbard’s contempt for all of his followers was in plain view. Simply say Satan with a lisp and you’ll find the joke. Took me way too long.
Fantasyland. It took me a moment to get the point (not being a native English speaker). Satan = thatan. Correct?
For me he was more of a crafty one who aimed to give a certain idea of himself based on who he intended to speak.
To Freemasons and esoteric messages hidden in symbols. To the Buddhists that he could have been Metteya, etc. He was one of those salespeople who always sold before they were sure the product really worked somehow.
You only get 21 years off after you die? Shit! I am running out of time. It has been 19 years since the only Right Arm Captain in the Sea Org pronounced my imminent demise. Only 2 years left! Well, actually, my original Fitness Board said that I was to return to duty “As soon as possible next lifetime”. So I imagine that if I stay dead, then I will not have to report. I am better off dead than going back there anyway.
There are things worse than death and that is one of them. I had to come uptone in order to die.
bill, that says it all, that you’re better off dead “like you “are”, than if you were still shackled in servitude to them, mentally
If so, I am sure that DM already had him killed.
LmR, the heart of his scam was selling what he knew didn’t exist, so his “cures” could not work as advertised.
LmR stated:
“…In fact there is nothing to free but this is another story.”
Really, that’s the whole story of scn, but we don’t need to into that, just now. WE know. And that’s what is important.
LmR stated:
“…In fact there is nothing to free but this is another story.”
Really, that’s the whole story of scn, that there was nothing there, but we don’t need to get too much further into it just now. WE know. And that’s what is important.
The flowing is relevant to Mike’s story yesteresy.
“Christian Scientologist” Scientology Patron Meritorious Joy Villa is promoting “The Way To Happiness” authored by L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church of Scientology.
Memorialized with a screenshot on ESMBR at:
Really, that fake “nation” of (fake) “Islam”and its perpetrators is and never was real news. At it’s core is a fantasy worse than any Hubbard dreamed up while he was high as a kite.
Today’s RB just made me sad. Having all these potentially wonderful people just waste their prime away 🙁
Cheer up Cat. We’re all working to help them free themselves; each in our own way.
Truth be told, I believe the best way to help them is to support the Aftermath Foundation. I WISH there had been something like that when they tossed me out as incapable of even being a proper RPF member.
It’s like Jere said, “We’re all working to help them free themselves; each in our own way. I was determined to help in my way and one day I met up with a skunk who asked me if I would like to try to take a free personality test. That was how I was transformed from an ordinary cat into SmellyCat. I swear that it wasn’t my fault. I was under that damn skunk’s mind control. But she told me she was a member of the S.O.