RB has had some logistical problems. So, we have an oldie but goodie. This is one of the very first RB strips. You can see the style has developed since the originals — like the original Mickey Mouse. These classics just never get old.
Something Can Be Done About It
This is so true. I love RB’s comic’s about Scientology. Very clever and funny.
A spirit in play can repeat, repeat and repeat. The win is the spirit in play.
When Elron was alive there was no organization wide solicitation of money. That was the job of the registrars who were hard core sales people who wouldn’t take no for an answer and used every sales tactic in the book. I may be mistaken but I think I escaped their grasp once or twice by making a down payment on my next course but maybe wealthier people got more pressure put on them.
I just mention this because current scientologists may not be aware that things were once different.
The ’47x expansion’ claim reminds me of how things are going for the CofS in the years since – not well. I recently checked on the social media of a couple of once reasonably well-off orgs I’ve kept my eye on over the years, and it’s been all but dead since the pandemic hit, during a period in which they should actually have ramped up online efforts.
The ‘ideal org’ program had already slowed down to just a couple of openings a year, and now seems moribund. Some of their target buildings in big cities like Toronto and Philadelphia remain derelict going on a decade, and Battle Creek has now owned an abandoned old hotel for 20 years. Not only are the ‘ideal’ orgs in places like Ventura cannibalizing, not spawing, missions, but many missions have vanished due to declining public interest even without such internal competition, with the likelihood that quite a few more won’t survive the pandemic or their long-term franchisees getting a couple years older.
And then of course there are the blows they have taken, not given, from media exposure of their dysfunction and abuses, such as of course Aftermath.
O/T The Church of Scientology National Affairs Office of Ireland has filed their Financial Accounts, including Financial Statements and FS1 Financial Statements.
The latest update was 10 hours ago as of this writing. The documents are available for purchase at the following link:
SoloCheck IE — Church of Scientology National Affairs Office of Ireland
Memorialized with some screenshots on ESMBR at:
I have to agree, the classics are the best.
I know a couple or two who have not reached this stage, yet! Good to show how unstressful it is outside of Scientology’s purview.
Thanks RB.
True, true, true.
That couple is SO MUCH MORE at cause and extroverted than the bitch who called (and of course the staff who pushed it).
So, so, so glad I walked out years ago.
“the bitch who called”? She was trying to stay connected with her children! AND Karen seemed to be in on the reason for the call. Interesting that these 2 fictional but entirely decent former Scientologists (only just getting free of robot-think) are more understanding than you seem to be. The staff who pushed it? Call them any name in the book, THEY deserve your scorn, not Jan.
I was forced to disconnect from my mother and did. I regretted it forever because, in truth she was the best part of my life ever. I was a COMPLETE asshole when I did that so KNOW what adjectives to use when referring to others who have done the same stupid fucking and insulting thing. I called myself MANY such names when I finally WOKE THE FUCK UP. In the end I apologized and took care of her all the final years of her life. I hoped I had made amends for my utter stupidity.
I hope the character in RB’s cartoon can eventually do likewise.
Hey Glen,
I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself. Even people who know and understand the power of mind control and brainwashing are often powerless to fight it.
You wouldn’t blame yourself for losing a fight with a tiger, would you? I would suggest you feel proud of yourself for taking care of your mother in the final years of her life.
I was never able to bring myself to reconcile with my father. He used to take his belt and strap me with it when I was just 5 or 6. He was raised in an orphanage and I guess he never experienced loving parents. But I never cared about that. I really wanted to kill the bastard for a very long time. I still wake up from nightmares where I am beating him with a tire iron.
It’s not easy to reconcile with parents for one reason or another. I respect you because you were able to do that.
Hey Skyler,
The ONLY thing in this life I shamefully blame myself for was getting HOOKED into the cult. It took a lot of inspection and confronting of facts to free myself in the end. I had to close my ears to all the hyperbole and open my eyes only to facts I could confirm personally. I finally saw the truth and today I am very PROUD for my waking up and walking out. The vampires haven’t sucked another dime out of me since and I am the HAPPIEST I have EVER been now.
Loved the mention of loosing a fight with a tiger”. The cult was indeed like a tiger for many years but once I started taking an honest and sincere look at it all I saw was a little kitty. The truth came out and the personal FREEDOM that this brought to me was so totally, fucking amazing that recalling and telling you this makes me laugh out loud and feel such infinite relief all over again. It’s like reliving the wins all over. 🙂
My mom wasn’t abusive at all. Fact is the reason I was made to disconnect is she once mentioned she didn’t see that I was getting any results with auditing. That’s it! I shamefully obeyed my auditor’s order to disconnect and left my mom for years. Interesting fact is she never disconnected from me though. She was there for me years later when I needed some help. She was an AMAZING woman and I was a STUPID son (back then). But as I said earlier I made amends for it all by caring for her through all her remaining years. She forgave me just as any loving mother would.
Your father’s abuse sounds exactly like what my wife suffered from her mom. She used a belt on her many, many times as a child too. Her mom had many husbands and all were alcoholic. And all their homes were in small isolated villages in eastern Russia. And of course this was back when the USSR was still around so life in general was the shits too. Anyway, my wife and her mother don’t communicate anymore and it seems she has forgiven her. She is a very happy and industrious woman, very beautiful and loving and even now when we chat about her mom she doesn’t exhibit any signs of post traumatic stress. The best and most uptone girl I’ve ever married.
I am sorry to hear you have nightmares about beating your father. Thank you for telling me. I was an orphan for a while before my mom adopted me. Is he still alive and might it be possible to talk? And would you if so? Might help. What do you think?
Thanks very much for your suggestion Glen. But both my parents died some time ago.
I never felt one twinge of regret for not attempting to reconcile with them. I came to see them both as nothing more than a source of pain in my life. I left home when I was 18 and never returned.
Thank you Skyler, I understand better now. I struck out at the same age as you. And thankfully, except for my time in the cult I made a fairly good life for myself. One that I enjoy a LOT today too.
Glenn and Skyler – Thank both of you for sharing your stories.
Yeah, I have shitty parents too. I feel your pain, mein friend.
Bless your sweet heart Skyler.
It was very easy to misunderstand what was going on in that strip. I had to read it twice.
But I really felt a great deal of sympathy for that married couple. The threat of having children or grandchildren disconnected from their parents is one of the worst things that this criminal cult does to people.
That is a classic one RB. So spot on.