I’m making the unfounded assumption that this happens more frequently than not, but the best ‘targets’ are persons coping with mental illness such as Borderline Personality Disorder or some form of Depression, and would not be surprised if any of you had any insight on any directives or documents about not wasting time on trying to draw in people with ‘strong’ personalities, but instead try numerous different approaches with the people-pleasers (I’m one – not judgmental) who have trouble saying no.
Not exactly on the subject, but I’m happy to report to you that I’ve never watched a movie that Tom Cruise has been in, and never will. He’s BatSHITCrazy 🦇
So true, RB. You really want to see the girl win in the end and tell the maniac to go F herself. But we all gave up too many times. Come to think of it a lot of us are here, now, aren’t we, and judging by the CofS actual stats, this means a lot more are finally saying Bye Bye to the crocodiles.
She likely would have as much problem with “DJ Donkey Punch” as she has with Oliver, but will have been warned by other women before she gave him any benefit of the doubt. 3 guesses what Danny’s “interest rate” would be, that slimy lizard.
No, he hasn’t been convicted of anything – yet – , but neither has he been cleared of wrongdoing. What is it, *4* women are now coming forward? Might there be others waiting in the wings to see if justice can be served despite scn’s heavy involvement?
WHAT is with the guy? If he were at all ethical, his having a wife should have trimmed his need for the wild parties and hitting on every female in sight.
The poster in the last frame promises people they will experience OT super powers RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!
But they don’t tell people those powers include things like: Financial Insolvency, Insomnia, Migraine Headaches, Credit Card Debt, Zero Credit Rating, Debt Collector Harrassment, all of which would be followed by the ultimate ….. BANKRUPTCY!
Notice how they continue with their own version of DIRTY TRICKS. They don’t ask, “If you would like to attend, click here!” Instead, they phrase it as, “Click here and you WILL attend!
That is similar to re-defining Super Powers. For example, They could re-define Super Powers to include: Magical Disappearing Family Members, People digging through your garbage, Law Suit after Law Suit, Homelessness and constant hunger and begging strangers for a cigarette or a sandwich.
With this cult, the garbage never ends! They could tell members that when they are bankrupt and hungry, they can always dig through their own garbage for something to eat.
Is Tommy Davis still alive? If so, why is there no scientology spokesperson. Monique Yawnling ain’t a scn, and seems never to be seen speaking after the morse code blink fest that time. Even Davey seems to have given up trying to speak on scientology’s behalf after his *masterful* handling of what’s-his-name on “Nightline?” there has to be SOMEone who has done the comm course who can be spokesperson!
No, of course not. Everyone but Dwarfenführer® is a downstat DB incapable of doing ANYthing right.
Guess that includes Tommy D.
Thank you Sir. Great to know someone else had the same experience. You’re the first person I’ve ever learned of who has. What increased perceptions did you have?
Here’s another story for you. I visited a friend (non Scn) one evening at his home. He was curios about Scn and I was on the comm course at a local mission then. I explained about TR0 and we started the drill. After a bit we moved onto bullbait and I found a button and flattened it. At the same time I went exterior (as I often did on that drill) and then I perceived my friend did too. No words spoken; just perception that’s all. And I also perceived that he knew that I knew he was exterior! I ended the drill and we couldn’t stop talking about it all for 4 hours!
I’ve had MORE wins and SUCCESSES outside of Scn than ever on any course or auditing session EVER.
O/T. NationTown TV has reposted the Facebook video lecture by Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad (aka Tony Muhammad) entitled “Which Flag Will You Choose?”
O/T. Academic paper — “Scientology, Sex, and Scandal: The Second Dynamic, Prenatal
Engrams, and the Sea Org,” by Carole M. Cusack (University of Sydney). [Discusses alleged forced abortions.]
While the control and discipline of the body and human behavior is a perennial concern in all social orders, it is particularly acute within religions, both old and new. Religions typically regulate dress, social interactions, and diet, and especially prescribe norms concerning sex, reproduction, and the family. To date, research on the Church of Scientology founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1954, has neglected the topic of sex. This article remedies this lacuna by examining three areas, linked by the theme of “attempted abortion”. First, Hubbard’s biography is researched in terms of sexual and familial experiences, second his writings on sex and the doctrinal position of the Church of Scientology is expounded, and third recent scandals affecting the Sea Org due to defectors’ claims that pregnant women were forced to have abortions are examined. It is concluded that sexual orientation and sexual activity are prime sites of control for the Church of Scientology over its members, in particular in the Sea Org, and that further research on this topic is needed.
Zee observed:
“For legal purposed it is indeed “alleged forced abortions”. There are enough known instances of coerced abortions to fill up a large book.
yet ‘scientology’ would spin that barbarism as at least protected first Amendment practice. They might resort to swearing that there was nothing to abort in ALL those cases. They just went to the clinics for “Pelvic exams”.
Am I too cynical? Nawwwh; with ‘scientology’,I can’t be more insensitive and uncaring than they are. I actually LIKE and respect women.
I read the material mentioned above. The researcher misses the mark. First, they fail to include as source material any of the informative blogs, podcasts, and YouTube videos that are so easily available. Then, they fail to comprehend the demands on Scientologists ‘in good standing’ to lie for the good of Scientology. But most important of all, they fail to understand that Scientology is not a religion at all, and never has been a religion, not through design, or through its relationships with members or with the world around it.
Sure, Scientology obtained the tax exemption of a religion in the US. If this researcher had done his or her job they would know that the original US religious exemption was granted almost as a matter of form, then taken back in 1967 when Scientology was discovered for what it was – a money-making scheme primarily designed to enrich its founder Hubbard. The researcher would have known that even before Scientology beat down the US IRS and forced it to restore their tax exemption that Scientology had been identified in the US court system as a vexatious litigant, and had 2500 lawsuits against the IRS at overall. When Scientology could not convince England to give it the status of a religion, it piggy-backed onto its status in Australia, a legal bypass which did nothing to make it a religion but did lower its taxes to the state. In many countries it is not allowed the status of a religion, because they have seen it in action and will not be bamboozled or threatened into granting religious status.
One of the few things Scientology has in common with any other religion is its desire to punish and/or expel critics, especially anyone critical of Hubbard, Miscavige, or Scientology itself.
This study purports to be about a Religion, under the subset of New Religious Movements, which, by golly, has been given its own acronym, NRM, no doubt by the researchers themselves. But after reading the article, it brings to mind another acronym – Ph.D – which in popular usage by the unlettered stands for ‘Piled Higher and Deeper.’
The wins in Scientology mainly come from being traumatized via the routing form.
You are manipulated to put a huge sum of money on account for “services” by a “trained” Scientologist who studied and practiced “Big League Sales”. They are master manipulators selling deciet and fraud to you without you knowing it.
Next, you are lied to as to WHY but you will sign and intial a 65 page legal document that strips you of all rights to refunds or freedom of the normal kind. You are in a church so you trust. You are not allowed to have legal advice or a copy of the contract. It will be used against you at a later date.
Then you meet with the MAA to go over your crimes and bankrupt you for them. They are masters at draining your assets and getting one into deep debt.
The game is to keep you waiting and waiting and waiting a long time at the Advanced Orgs like AOLA, ASHO and FLAG – on purpose. It happens at Class 5 orgs because they are baiting you at these smaller orgs. One must get your invested with ARC.
The time you wait gives the carnival barkers (regges) time to get you into deep debt, borrow money from any OT’s needing to “get on the level”. Most people have to take off work and have family obligations so this is extremely stressful because by the time people get their services started, they should have been back home.
The goal – get you alone, upset, broke and broken.
By the time you have some auditing, you are just relieved to be out of that mind fuckery meat grinder called the “routing form” for ALL Scientology Services.
Your mind will manufacture, twist and turn any situation to find a “win” so you can stop the madness.
Anatomy of a Scientological WIN, OMG, this is so spot on! I blew a big chunk of my Scientological Cult Case off into eternity, I line charged big time and my tone arm flew off the dial. I actually went crystal clear as to how Scientology works. Thanks TGoLM. Great job dissecting how Scientology Scams. I actually had a huge deprogramming win on how we get so confused and duped by the highly trained manipulator’s known as Registrars and MAA’s.
Right, ‘Ghost’. I remember coming up towards the end of a course and contemplating WHAT the heck I could write in my “Success Story”™. I’m afraid the last few essays in the course pack got short shrift as a result.
From personal experience that ability is quite real. And I did not have to pay for and do any rundown to achieve it. And no, no drugs or other substances. Just me all by myself.
The TR0 bulletin said one needs to “hold and position and be there”. I learned it depended on one putting one’s attention out on the environment and when I did this walking down the street one day I suddenly found myself in the location where I was standing. Sure the body was there on the street but now I was too. This was the first time I “was there” in 40 years. The other interesting fact is with my attention fully out on the environment I could “see” minute details vividly. Like small cracks in the stucco of buildings 3-4 blocks away!
Well done, sir; I duplicate you utterly.
I got the same EP doing the PRO TRs course in 1999 on the ship. It took me 250 hours of OTTRO to get to the point of not falling out of the chair, but I made it.
It turned out that I had full-blown AIDS by then from a blood transfusion I received 10 years earlier in Curacao, the Freewinds Home Port. I could not stand in the same spot for more than 10 seconds without my legs buckling and my falling down. I am fine now.
We learned to “Be There” starting around elementary school, through popular games such as Hop Scotch and Dodgeball. Of course, in Dodgeball the idea was to not ‘be there’ when the big guy across the way fired a hot one right at you. The ancient phrase ‘Step on a Crack, Break Your Mother’s Back’ kept us from tripping over cracks in the sidewalk by simply watching out and stepping over them. The annual school carnival had the ever-present Cake Walk, a game that Miscavige later modified for his management team in The Hole.
It didn’t cost us children anything to be there, but no doubt our upkeep cost our parents a pretty penny, so I suppose our ‘being there’ was far from free.
Most of us have regained the ability to be ELSEwhere: any place we want to be, whatever time we wish to be there , not necessarily doing what someone else decided we should be doing… Or not, as the case may be.
For instance, I’m *retired* and teaching my wife the fine art of decadence, starting with getting out of bed only when we FEEL like it, which might be Noon, or it might be 9:30 AM. It’s all good when that’s what we want/need to do.
“Regraded Being” OMG—every week. #true On this one, I thoroughly considered the over-the-top “Success Story” quotes to be invented. Nope: they’re real. Okay, now, that feels like hypnotism, like an aim to compel compliance (You WILL love this service) and group agreement (Resistance is Futile!).
The repeated, brazen “We Own You” view and practice portrayed on extracting money for the IAS: so real. I don’t think IAS fundraising behaviors can be overstated or portrayed too “extreme.” A shakedown. IAS fundraising behaviors and tactics are reliably awful.
Peridot, I wonder if that “Success Story” is actually deliberately-over-the-top and mocking, because whoever wrote it was frustrated and desperate to complete the oppressive requirement and get out of there.
Scientology is into Poe’s Law territory, where fanaticism has become so strangely extreme that it’s not possible to distinguish satire or parody of it unless there is some obvious humorous cue. Qanon and its bizarre conspiracy theories are also at that point, as observable over in The Lowdown on Tony Ortega’s blog.
Aha! Friday Funnies. Friday has become my favorite day of the week. I really enjoy the Friday Funnies above all measure of what one would think they could be enjoyed. Thank you so much RB. I just love these Friday Funnies!
I know that my eyesight has been getting weaker ever since I turned 40. But I cannot make out the text on the poster in the last frame of this edition of the Friday Funnies. I used the most powerful magnifying lens I have but it is still too hard for me to read it clearly. I can only read about every other word. However, I loved they way that RB drew the slave in the first frame of this edition. Somehow, I actually believe that I can see the seething anger coming right through her mask. That is some amazing talent, RB!
I suppose anyone would eventually lose their cool if they were hounded and harassed for money the way this victim is.
By the way, I know this is O/T. But Tony Ortega has been running a feature for a few days titled something like, “Top 25 Celebs who Enable the Cult.” Kirstie Allie is Number Two. I know I’m not as swift as others who post here and I feel silly asking this. But I can’t imagine who is Number One. He leaves that spot blank. I would guess he is implying Tom Cruise is Number One. But would he really assume we all know Cruise must be Number One? I would really appreciate if anyone could set me on the right track with this. I feel silly asking. But it’s been bothering me for a few days now.
OK. Back to today’s Funnies. This slave seems to have things clear in her mind. She certainly seems to understand the cult is just a scam that hounds members for money and more money alla time until they are bankrupt.
Given that she understands that, what is it that is keeping her in this cult? Why doesn’t she just say “GOODBYE” and be done with it? At first, I thought it was the power of Mind Control and Brainwashing. But since she obviously knows the score, how powerful could the Mind Control be that is pulling her strings? Here is a link: https://tonyortega.org
Agreement, Skyler. It went too far asking the c/s to order him to do the survival RD again. When the most honest “Success Story”™ is “I survived!, asking to do it again is sheer masochism or a death wish.
I’m making the unfounded assumption that this happens more frequently than not, but the best ‘targets’ are persons coping with mental illness such as Borderline Personality Disorder or some form of Depression, and would not be surprised if any of you had any insight on any directives or documents about not wasting time on trying to draw in people with ‘strong’ personalities, but instead try numerous different approaches with the people-pleasers (I’m one – not judgmental) who have trouble saying no.
Not exactly on the subject, but I’m happy to report to you that I’ve never watched a movie that Tom Cruise has been in, and never will. He’s BatSHITCrazy 🦇
Samantha, you haven’t missed much. The shows he was in didn’t require much in the way of actual … acting,
particularly from pretty boy Tom.
Just for the lulz, I looked up batshit crazy. One of the definitions in the urban dictionary was ” a synonym for Tom Cruise” No lie! 😇
So true, RB. You really want to see the girl win in the end and tell the maniac to go F herself. But we all gave up too many times. Come to think of it a lot of us are here, now, aren’t we, and judging by the CofS actual stats, this means a lot more are finally saying Bye Bye to the crocodiles.
Quite a success story!!
I guess occasionally the Purif really DOES restim drug trips!
Maybe Danny Masterson will give her a loan.
She likely would have as much problem with “DJ Donkey Punch” as she has with Oliver, but will have been warned by other women before she gave him any benefit of the doubt. 3 guesses what Danny’s “interest rate” would be, that slimy lizard.
No, he hasn’t been convicted of anything – yet – , but neither has he been cleared of wrongdoing. What is it, *4* women are now coming forward? Might there be others waiting in the wings to see if justice can be served despite scn’s heavy involvement?
WHAT is with the guy? If he were at all ethical, his having a wife should have trimmed his need for the wild parties and hitting on every female in sight.
None of my drug trips were THAT good. The Purif might just amplify those things.
The poster in the last frame promises people they will experience OT super powers RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!
But they don’t tell people those powers include things like: Financial Insolvency, Insomnia, Migraine Headaches, Credit Card Debt, Zero Credit Rating, Debt Collector Harrassment, all of which would be followed by the ultimate ….. BANKRUPTCY!
Notice how they continue with their own version of DIRTY TRICKS. They don’t ask, “If you would like to attend, click here!” Instead, they phrase it as, “Click here and you WILL attend!
That is similar to re-defining Super Powers. For example, They could re-define Super Powers to include: Magical Disappearing Family Members, People digging through your garbage, Law Suit after Law Suit, Homelessness and constant hunger and begging strangers for a cigarette or a sandwich.
With this cult, the garbage never ends! They could tell members that when they are bankrupt and hungry, they can always dig through their own garbage for something to eat.
Sounds like Tommy David is angry at John Sweeney again…
Is Tommy Davis still alive? If so, why is there no scientology spokesperson. Monique Yawnling ain’t a scn, and seems never to be seen speaking after the morse code blink fest that time. Even Davey seems to have given up trying to speak on scientology’s behalf after his *masterful* handling of what’s-his-name on “Nightline?” there has to be SOMEone who has done the comm course who can be spokesperson!
No, of course not. Everyone but Dwarfenführer® is a downstat DB incapable of doing ANYthing right.
Guess that includes Tommy D.
That’s ‘Blinky’ Yinglying. 😆
I LIKE “Yinglying”! Good one.
In the scientology cult you always have a choice. You can give them everything you have, or more. You can’t say pain without saying pay.
Thank you Sir. Great to know someone else had the same experience. You’re the first person I’ve ever learned of who has. What increased perceptions did you have?
Here’s another story for you. I visited a friend (non Scn) one evening at his home. He was curios about Scn and I was on the comm course at a local mission then. I explained about TR0 and we started the drill. After a bit we moved onto bullbait and I found a button and flattened it. At the same time I went exterior (as I often did on that drill) and then I perceived my friend did too. No words spoken; just perception that’s all. And I also perceived that he knew that I knew he was exterior! I ended the drill and we couldn’t stop talking about it all for 4 hours!
I’ve had MORE wins and SUCCESSES outside of Scn than ever on any course or auditing session EVER.
Glenn observed:
“I’ve had MORE wins and SUCCESSES outside of Scn than ever on any course or auditing session EVER.”
RIGHT!, and those gains we receive outside of scn are stable, quite likely permanent improvements in our lives.
This is fantastic!!!
Hey Kelly, I’ll make it real easy for you. No.
IAS Patron insignificance! 🤣 Yet it took years to pay off the interest. Pure scientology.
O/T. NationTown TV has reposted the Facebook video lecture by Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad (aka Tony Muhammad) entitled “Which Flag Will You Choose?”
In the lecture the Minister chooses to “Live” with the flag of the Nation of Islam rather than “Die” with the flag of the United States. See also:
At approximately 58:56 in the lecture, he says:
“Civil rights belong to homosexuals now. They hijacked civil rights.”
Starting at approximately 28:50 in the lecture, he says:
“The sins of White America have mounted up so high that God is about to destroy this country called America.”
He also make statements about White people that are . . . not kind. I respectfully recommend people watch the entire two hour video.
Memorialized with three screenshots at ESMBR at:
I omitted a slash (/) in tbe link to the NationTown TV Facebook post. The correct link is:,
Well, if you call THAT living, then more power to you, “Tony”.
Of course the only acceptable flag is in Clearwater when you get right down to it. 😉
Right here, right now…could this be a Tommy Davis success story? 🤣
Is Tommy Davis still alive? I wouldn’t swear on it as little as he’s been seen to exist lately.
He sure is, new marriage and another baby….
O/T. Academic paper — “Scientology, Sex, and Scandal: The Second Dynamic, Prenatal
Engrams, and the Sea Org,” by Carole M. Cusack (University of Sydney). [Discusses alleged forced abortions.]
32 pages
Free PDF versions:
As published in 2016 in Nova Religio, University of California Press. (No free PDF.):
* * * * * BEGIN ABSTRACT * * * * *
While the control and discipline of the body and human behavior is a perennial concern in all social orders, it is particularly acute within religions, both old and new. Religions typically regulate dress, social interactions, and diet, and especially prescribe norms concerning sex, reproduction, and the family. To date, research on the Church of Scientology founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1954, has neglected the topic of sex. This article remedies this lacuna by examining three areas, linked by the theme of “attempted abortion”. First, Hubbard’s biography is researched in terms of sexual and familial experiences, second his writings on sex and the doctrinal position of the Church of Scientology is expounded, and third recent scandals affecting the Sea Org due to defectors’ claims that pregnant women were forced to have abortions are examined. It is concluded that sexual orientation and sexual activity are prime sites of control for the Church of Scientology over its members, in particular in the Sea Org, and that further research on this topic is needed.
* * * * * END ABSTRACT * * * * *
Memorialized with a screenshot on ESMBR at:
For legal purposed it is indeed “alleged forced abortions”. There are enough known instances of coerced abortions to fill up a large book.
Zee observed:
“For legal purposed it is indeed “alleged forced abortions”. There are enough known instances of coerced abortions to fill up a large book.
yet ‘scientology’ would spin that barbarism as at least protected first Amendment practice. They might resort to swearing that there was nothing to abort in ALL those cases. They just went to the clinics for “Pelvic exams”.
Am I too cynical? Nawwwh; with ‘scientology’,I can’t be more insensitive and uncaring than they are. I actually LIKE and respect women.
I read the material mentioned above. The researcher misses the mark. First, they fail to include as source material any of the informative blogs, podcasts, and YouTube videos that are so easily available. Then, they fail to comprehend the demands on Scientologists ‘in good standing’ to lie for the good of Scientology. But most important of all, they fail to understand that Scientology is not a religion at all, and never has been a religion, not through design, or through its relationships with members or with the world around it.
Sure, Scientology obtained the tax exemption of a religion in the US. If this researcher had done his or her job they would know that the original US religious exemption was granted almost as a matter of form, then taken back in 1967 when Scientology was discovered for what it was – a money-making scheme primarily designed to enrich its founder Hubbard. The researcher would have known that even before Scientology beat down the US IRS and forced it to restore their tax exemption that Scientology had been identified in the US court system as a vexatious litigant, and had 2500 lawsuits against the IRS at overall. When Scientology could not convince England to give it the status of a religion, it piggy-backed onto its status in Australia, a legal bypass which did nothing to make it a religion but did lower its taxes to the state. In many countries it is not allowed the status of a religion, because they have seen it in action and will not be bamboozled or threatened into granting religious status.
One of the few things Scientology has in common with any other religion is its desire to punish and/or expel critics, especially anyone critical of Hubbard, Miscavige, or Scientology itself.
This study purports to be about a Religion, under the subset of New Religious Movements, which, by golly, has been given its own acronym, NRM, no doubt by the researchers themselves. But after reading the article, it brings to mind another acronym – Ph.D – which in popular usage by the unlettered stands for ‘Piled Higher and Deeper.’
Anatomy of a Scientological WIN
The wins in Scientology mainly come from being traumatized via the routing form.
You are manipulated to put a huge sum of money on account for “services” by a “trained” Scientologist who studied and practiced “Big League Sales”. They are master manipulators selling deciet and fraud to you without you knowing it.
Next, you are lied to as to WHY but you will sign and intial a 65 page legal document that strips you of all rights to refunds or freedom of the normal kind. You are in a church so you trust. You are not allowed to have legal advice or a copy of the contract. It will be used against you at a later date.
Then you meet with the MAA to go over your crimes and bankrupt you for them. They are masters at draining your assets and getting one into deep debt.
The game is to keep you waiting and waiting and waiting a long time at the Advanced Orgs like AOLA, ASHO and FLAG – on purpose. It happens at Class 5 orgs because they are baiting you at these smaller orgs. One must get your invested with ARC.
The time you wait gives the carnival barkers (regges) time to get you into deep debt, borrow money from any OT’s needing to “get on the level”. Most people have to take off work and have family obligations so this is extremely stressful because by the time people get their services started, they should have been back home.
The goal – get you alone, upset, broke and broken.
By the time you have some auditing, you are just relieved to be out of that mind fuckery meat grinder called the “routing form” for ALL Scientology Services.
Your mind will manufacture, twist and turn any situation to find a “win” so you can stop the madness.
Anatomy of a Scientological WIN, OMG, this is so spot on! I blew a big chunk of my Scientological Cult Case off into eternity, I line charged big time and my tone arm flew off the dial. I actually went crystal clear as to how Scientology works. Thanks TGoLM. Great job dissecting how Scientology Scams. I actually had a huge deprogramming win on how we get so confused and duped by the highly trained manipulator’s known as Registrars and MAA’s.
Right, ‘Ghost’. I remember coming up towards the end of a course and contemplating WHAT the heck I could write in my “Success Story”™. I’m afraid the last few essays in the course pack got short shrift as a result.
“Today I regained the ability to ‘be there'”
Oh… my…
From personal experience that ability is quite real. And I did not have to pay for and do any rundown to achieve it. And no, no drugs or other substances. Just me all by myself.
The TR0 bulletin said one needs to “hold and position and be there”. I learned it depended on one putting one’s attention out on the environment and when I did this walking down the street one day I suddenly found myself in the location where I was standing. Sure the body was there on the street but now I was too. This was the first time I “was there” in 40 years. The other interesting fact is with my attention fully out on the environment I could “see” minute details vividly. Like small cracks in the stucco of buildings 3-4 blocks away!
Didn’t cost me a dime!
Well done, sir; I duplicate you utterly.
I got the same EP doing the PRO TRs course in 1999 on the ship. It took me 250 hours of OTTRO to get to the point of not falling out of the chair, but I made it.
It turned out that I had full-blown AIDS by then from a blood transfusion I received 10 years earlier in Curacao, the Freewinds Home Port. I could not stand in the same spot for more than 10 seconds without my legs buckling and my falling down. I am fine now.
Bill informed us:”I am fine now”.
GREAT! I hope you can enjoy a long period of symptom-free, or at least “symptom-lite” life. After what you went through, you more than deserve it.
Thank you. Jere.
We learned to “Be There” starting around elementary school, through popular games such as Hop Scotch and Dodgeball. Of course, in Dodgeball the idea was to not ‘be there’ when the big guy across the way fired a hot one right at you. The ancient phrase ‘Step on a Crack, Break Your Mother’s Back’ kept us from tripping over cracks in the sidewalk by simply watching out and stepping over them. The annual school carnival had the ever-present Cake Walk, a game that Miscavige later modified for his management team in The Hole.
It didn’t cost us children anything to be there, but no doubt our upkeep cost our parents a pretty penny, so I suppose our ‘being there’ was far from free.
I will be there. But I don’t know what I’m doing.
hey, sleepy head…
I last gained the ability to “be elsewhere”, the biggest win I had as a result of scientology.
As a result, I regained my 1st 4 dynamics for the first time since I first saw a copy of D:MSMH. YAYYYY!!!!
Most of us have regained the ability to be ELSEwhere: any place we want to be, whatever time we wish to be there , not necessarily doing what someone else decided we should be doing… Or not, as the case may be.
For instance, I’m *retired* and teaching my wife the fine art of decadence, starting with getting out of bed only when we FEEL like it, which might be Noon, or it might be 9:30 AM. It’s all good when that’s what we want/need to do.
“Regraded Being” OMG—every week. #true On this one, I thoroughly considered the over-the-top “Success Story” quotes to be invented. Nope: they’re real. Okay, now, that feels like hypnotism, like an aim to compel compliance (You WILL love this service) and group agreement (Resistance is Futile!).
The repeated, brazen “We Own You” view and practice portrayed on extracting money for the IAS: so real. I don’t think IAS fundraising behaviors can be overstated or portrayed too “extreme.” A shakedown. IAS fundraising behaviors and tactics are reliably awful.
Peridot, I wonder if that “Success Story” is actually deliberately-over-the-top and mocking, because whoever wrote it was frustrated and desperate to complete the oppressive requirement and get out of there.
Scientology is into Poe’s Law territory, where fanaticism has become so strangely extreme that it’s not possible to distinguish satire or parody of it unless there is some obvious humorous cue. Qanon and its bizarre conspiracy theories are also at that point, as observable over in The Lowdown on Tony Ortega’s blog.
PeaceMaker, If your “success story”™ isn’t sufficiently ‘out there’, you have to do it over again.
@Peacemaker: Excellent theory – you bet, could have been written as over-the-top by someone desperate to complete and get outta there. #giddy
Excellent, RB!
But maybe need to display his orange suit with 339 number
Aha! Friday Funnies. Friday has become my favorite day of the week. I really enjoy the Friday Funnies above all measure of what one would think they could be enjoyed. Thank you so much RB. I just love these Friday Funnies!
I know that my eyesight has been getting weaker ever since I turned 40. But I cannot make out the text on the poster in the last frame of this edition of the Friday Funnies. I used the most powerful magnifying lens I have but it is still too hard for me to read it clearly. I can only read about every other word. However, I loved they way that RB drew the slave in the first frame of this edition. Somehow, I actually believe that I can see the seething anger coming right through her mask. That is some amazing talent, RB!
I suppose anyone would eventually lose their cool if they were hounded and harassed for money the way this victim is.
By the way, I know this is O/T. But Tony Ortega has been running a feature for a few days titled something like, “Top 25 Celebs who Enable the Cult.” Kirstie Allie is Number Two. I know I’m not as swift as others who post here and I feel silly asking this. But I can’t imagine who is Number One. He leaves that spot blank. I would guess he is implying Tom Cruise is Number One. But would he really assume we all know Cruise must be Number One? I would really appreciate if anyone could set me on the right track with this. I feel silly asking. But it’s been bothering me for a few days now.
OK. Back to today’s Funnies. This slave seems to have things clear in her mind. She certainly seems to understand the cult is just a scam that hounds members for money and more money alla time until they are bankrupt.
Given that she understands that, what is it that is keeping her in this cult? Why doesn’t she just say “GOODBYE” and be done with it? At first, I thought it was the power of Mind Control and Brainwashing. But since she obviously knows the score, how powerful could the Mind Control be that is pulling her strings? Here is a link: https://tonyortega.org
Here is the full size panel from the end https://www.mikerindersblog.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Thursday-2pm-05-scaled.jpg
Hope that helps!
Thank you very much. I really appreciate that!
Wow! Super Wow!
That poster is so completely full of shit!
I bet the person who wrote it did that to escape a long Ethics Checking procedure or something similar.
Agreement, Skyler. It went too far asking the c/s to order him to do the survival RD again. When the most honest “Success Story”™ is “I survived!, asking to do it again is sheer masochism or a death wish.
Right click on the image and open in another window. A magnify glass will appear in the new window and you can usually read the small print easily.
Signed another guy with bad eyes.
That works great! It will be a big help to me in the future.
Thanks ever so much, Zee Moo!
Skyler, I’m not sure about you, but after 40, my eyesight didn’t get weaker, my arms got too short. 😉