What a dilletante. Sea Org signees make a 200 million times bigger commitment than Org staff. They really should get a billion dollar signing bonus and not have to show up for duty until next lifetime.
$ci needs to keep its pyramid structure so that those at the bottom who have no prospect of earning enough money to move up are kept there as drudges. There’s no point in allowing it to become top-heavy organisation because who would do all the work. There has to be a peasant class for it to function, which is typical of a dictatorial state.
“Scientology makes the able more able!” is a motto of Scientology…but their practice of Scientology proves that they don’t think it does.
Consider: if Scientology really make people able to do more, to do better, to be more efficient with the resources they have; then getting staff up the bridge would be a huge part of their daily work routine. Like, 50% or more of their time would be spent getting staff members (whether Sea Org or other) trained up as fast as possible so they could do more. Imagine how much more work you can get from a clear than a normal person. And how much more an Operating Thetan can do than a clear. Or an OTVIII can do than an OTI. Getting their workers trained should be their first priority: train them up!
The fact that they DON’T shows that they know that Scientology doesn’t work.
It’s a shame the cognitive dissonance keeps them from admitting it.
Excellent work RB. You are so good
I love your work.
Thanks Mike – for your hard work exposing Scientology on podcasts and docuseries
and this blog
It all helps
Towards the end of my time in I responded to a reg pushing me for money, “Well I’ll do it next lifetime, unless you think scientology won’t be around by then…”
When I attested to The State of Clear after doing the CCRD the examiner asked me the Key Question ” Do you want others to achieve the same gains that you have? I said yes and he said ” Your needle is floating”.
My End Phenomena turned out to be mostly DEATH. Better to be dead and and an SP than to be alive and be a model SO member.
Some of my fondest memories on staff were these: When the circumstances or ethics were so severe, and then something so ironic or out of place happens and people bust out laughing. For example, we were tearing something down at two or three in the morning, there are about five of us. It’s supposed to be an all hands. There are about twenty staff at the event. One of my friends days “they should call this a ‘some hands.'”
“Another next-lifetime clear” resigned to the fact that staff are the LAST to get processed, dreaming that NEXT time, they’ll be able to achieve it. It’s been SEVENTY-ONE years, guys, and NO book one clears have been created. It’s always the NEXT level, the next retread, NEXT time that they’ll get it finally. WAKE UP, GUYS! you’re being deceived and the best NEXT step for you is Out The Door.
Good on RB. The big lie. Scientology auditing gives you full whole track consciousness and the ability to keep your memories into the next lifetime. What a crock of s—t. People will do almost anything to achieve immortality. I speak from experience.
Next lifetime Clear. Good one RB.
Even I as a gullible 21 year old just wanting to join the Peace Corp would never have fallen for the desperation that emulates from the church promo now.
We really could use some before and after pandemic stats on the activity at various sites and Utube channels.
Blindsided three times by Hubbard.
#1 Thinking auditing worked for benefit.
#2 Not thinking that auditing damages.
#3 Thinking that mental fantasy is reality
Yep; All it ever was was a money-making scam. Evidently it raked in a lot of moolah in the beginning. Then Hubbard started getting “drunk” on his own kool aid. ‘They’re telling me I’m great; I MUST be great!
What a dilletante. Sea Org signees make a 200 million times bigger commitment than Org staff. They really should get a billion dollar signing bonus and not have to show up for duty until next lifetime.
Could you post the list please? Would love to find old friends who’ve been long silent.
$ci needs to keep its pyramid structure so that those at the bottom who have no prospect of earning enough money to move up are kept there as drudges. There’s no point in allowing it to become top-heavy organisation because who would do all the work. There has to be a peasant class for it to function, which is typical of a dictatorial state.
“Scientology makes the able more able!” is a motto of Scientology…but their practice of Scientology proves that they don’t think it does.
Consider: if Scientology really make people able to do more, to do better, to be more efficient with the resources they have; then getting staff up the bridge would be a huge part of their daily work routine. Like, 50% or more of their time would be spent getting staff members (whether Sea Org or other) trained up as fast as possible so they could do more. Imagine how much more work you can get from a clear than a normal person. And how much more an Operating Thetan can do than a clear. Or an OTVIII can do than an OTI. Getting their workers trained should be their first priority: train them up!
The fact that they DON’T shows that they know that Scientology doesn’t work.
It’s a shame the cognitive dissonance keeps them from admitting it.
Excellent work RB. You are so good
I love your work.
Thanks Mike – for your hard work exposing Scientology on podcasts and docuseries
and this blog
It all helps
Towards the end of my time in I responded to a reg pushing me for money, “Well I’ll do it next lifetime, unless you think scientology won’t be around by then…”
Wonderful reply, Real!
As my senior on the ship raved at me ( and Laura Wolfe before I died ” Comin slow, coming fast, DEATH will surely come at last”.
When I attested to The State of Clear after doing the CCRD the examiner asked me the Key Question ” Do you want others to achieve the same gains that you have? I said yes and he said ” Your needle is floating”.
My End Phenomena turned out to be mostly DEATH. Better to be dead and and an SP than to be alive and be a model SO member.
Some of my fondest memories on staff were these: When the circumstances or ethics were so severe, and then something so ironic or out of place happens and people bust out laughing. For example, we were tearing something down at two or three in the morning, there are about five of us. It’s supposed to be an all hands. There are about twenty staff at the event. One of my friends days “they should call this a ‘some hands.'”
Clear the planet, my arse. They can’t even clear their own staff.
I’m still shaking my head.
“Another next-lifetime clear” resigned to the fact that staff are the LAST to get processed, dreaming that NEXT time, they’ll be able to achieve it. It’s been SEVENTY-ONE years, guys, and NO book one clears have been created. It’s always the NEXT level, the next retread, NEXT time that they’ll get it finally. WAKE UP, GUYS! you’re being deceived and the best NEXT step for you is Out The Door.
Good on RB. The big lie. Scientology auditing gives you full whole track consciousness and the ability to keep your memories into the next lifetime. What a crock of s—t. People will do almost anything to achieve immortality. I speak from experience.
Next lifetime Clear. Good one RB.
Even I as a gullible 21 year old just wanting to join the Peace Corp would never have fallen for the desperation that emulates from the church promo now.
We really could use some before and after pandemic stats on the activity at various sites and Utube channels.
Blindsided three times by Hubbard.
#1 Thinking auditing worked for benefit.
#2 Not thinking that auditing damages.
#3 Thinking that mental fantasy is reality
Should the staff who don’t even make it to ‘Clear’ count themselves lucky?
Yep; All it ever was was a money-making scam. Evidently it raked in a lot of moolah in the beginning. Then Hubbard started getting “drunk” on his own kool aid. ‘They’re telling me I’m great; I MUST be great!
Dead-on, George. Sadly, it’ll be the too-early death of too many of them.
Jere: It already has. I have a list of names if anyone was interested.