To @JereLull—I found this “Regraded Being” to be reality-based. The expeditor for the ethics officer did not interrupt an auditing session. The session was concluded and the preclear (PC) was on a break—either to use the rest room, grab a snack or meal, or could be owing to the auditor has more than one PC. Then your auditor ends off with you for a while to take in their other PC.
As soon as I read the words, “I already spoke with your auditor and your case supervisor and they said it’s okay,” I said out loud, “That’s real!”
Especially at a larger org with a lot of staff commanded to get products, a person on service can easily be made prey that is stalked, pounced upon, then body routed to an IAS fundraiser, an ethics officer, or to the registrar to buy more intensives; anything at all. If that other area can get clearance from your auditing team, you belong (now) to this other person or area of the org for however long they wish.
To me, that scenario is real, including the incomplete explanation to bait the hook as to why (unexpectedly) “Alice” is ordered to see an ethics officer.
Also, this RB makes me wonder, with the upsets that are routinely created BY STAFF, is that part of the design to keep people buying more and more intensives of auditing? Even as sometimes the things I described made my auditors look like they were going to punch a hole in something or start to cry (because what I was recounting was so awful and ridiculous), next time around, more crappy upsetting experiences with more and other staff, and one is back to burning up valuable time in session addressing all the “charge.” I got to a point—and it took two years of sitting in this to finally address it (leave, that is)—Oh my gosh, my biggest Present Time Problem is being in this group!
I guess that has been the case for many of us Former-Ins. The absurdity rises to a fever pitch, and you got nothing left to abate it, explain it, or justify why staff treat you the way they do. It finally (finally) becomes just too over-the-top.
RB, this is fine satire, and you cause parts of my frozen and frustrated soul to melt every week. Whoever said Laughter is the Best Medicine was speaking some wise truth, and you are an adroit practitioner.
That is a brilliant, concise, utterly accurate summation of what was happening in the org I was in when I was working in the HGC(Hubbard Guidance Center) as a DTS(Director of Technical Services-which was a joke, as I was thrown to the wolves by being given a post that had not been held by anyone with any consistency for years, so that department was used to operating without one…and I had no clue about the “technical” ins and outs of the job, which made me a target for non-stop derision and insults).
Lots of fuck-ups. Many of the people in that department were unpleasant, arrogant, gossipy pricks…who would “put in their TR’s” for “the publics” and display the typical scientological “ARC”. The collective sense of disdain for mere “publics”(i.e. dilletantes) and “wogs” was pretty constant and was underscored by a belief that they were quite literally saving the world…And I always felt unworthy compared to these titans of the tech( drunk on the kool-aid)…
Wow, talk about fuckery and delusion and scientological cannabalism…!
It’s was and is an insane, destructive cult that fucks people up and makes them pay for that privilege…And, yes, staff and public both reach a breaking point within this culture of gaslighting and intentional, profit-driven abuse and end up leaving.
@Mark – Copy what you say above. Precise and real. One time I agreed to “volunteer” to “hold Reception” as a public. The staff of the org as I tried my best to route calls were so snobby and rude. I concluded being part of them would never suit me. The entire experience was confounding. No evidence of “theta” instead a kooky vision of “elite-ness” as you express and judgmental attitudes.
The whole scien-bollocks scam, from top to bottom, from pillar to post, replicates Dead El Con’s greed, narcissism, Crowleyian evil, and insanity.
May the whole rotten “religion” vanish, sooner than later…and may the world’s biggest being, Fleet Admiral McRavage, be the “Ideal”
cellblock mascot…
Hi Jere
Alice ran the incident in which she discovered that one of her ex-husbands had been her father in a past lifetime.
She then originated the cognition that birds do indeed fly while her auditor observed that the e-meter registered a GAT II standard floating needle of exactly three swings.
Her auditor ended the session and assumed the Hat of the Examiner.
During the exam Alice’s needle again registered a GAT II standard floating needle of exactly three swings.
The auditor then bummed a cigarette from Alice and told her to take a break while he smoked the cigarette.
Unfortunately Alice stopped by the Ethics office while on her break and she never made it back to the auditing room.
“Ethics handling: How to use scientology to solve the problems created in your life by scientology. And how to use scientology to fix the problems created by prior scientology applications.”
We accept all major credit cards, title, deeds and labor indentures.
FYI, the following article in the LA Times about the Danny Masterson trial, was included in my daily email from The Clarion Project under the title: Other Ideological Extremism.
(Clarion Project June 4, 2021
The Extremism Roundup
Promoting Civil Discourse and Marginalizing the Extremes
A weekly compilation of the most important developments in the struggle against radical ideologies)
mid 1970’s saw the onset of MAA nanies; And the numbers of ‘ex-scienos’ who did not need scientology to run(ruin) their lives and walked out. Back then we could get away with telling the Chaplin/MAA: ‘If you are not auditing me I’m not paying and i am not picking up the cans.’
I know you were at FCDC. Did Tom, Steve, Liz or any others make a big effort to recover you after you left. They went to the effort to track me down in another state and I was just a young public with little money to squeeze out of.
Hi Doug,
No, they didn’t try to recover me.
I have publicly insulted, ridiculed, and dissed(using my real name and real photo) that whole crew of deluded, two-faced Ron-bots: Steve; Tom; Liz; Sue Taylor; Sylvia Stanard; the arrogant prick auditors(Brummer was the only one who showed any evidence of being human/empathetic, but still gulped the kool-aid), the D of P c#nt; the other OT Harridan execs Karen Berg, Irene Rochefort and Kim Belotte, Sam and Vicky Turrisi;and all of the case supervisors…among others
Phuck the lot of them.
Of course, if they leave the Hubbard cult and recover their hearts and souls, I’ll happily and unequivocally drop my disgust with them. Until then, I’ll reiterate my feeling for them: phuck ’em!
Thanks Mark, you too. I happened to think of one incident that looking back is kind of humorous. I’d been waiting around all day to get in session, from the waiting room I could overhear their staff meetings. I forget the lady’s name who is the Ed at the time, but the whole gist of the meeting was how to make more money. I heard her say over and over again money is good. I remember her talking about someone who was just sitting around for 5 minutes when they could have been on the phone instead calling people to pay for more services. And I don’t care for Tom but I have to say he seemed to be full of enthusiasm every time I saw him, but maybe that was just a big act.
Hey Doug,
Yes, Tom, Mr. Theta, so enthusiastic and friendly, right? A front. Typical scientology robot ” mock up”. Just another cult arsehole, scrounging for ducats.
Being on staff was not about being a part of “the crusade” mentioned in the staff contract, but it WAS about being in a degrading servitude to a horribly toxic money-making scam.
All of the loaded language, the rah rah tone 40 heroics, the boring busy work, the incessant pestering of the same folks on the small mailing list to “buy services”, the useles meetings, the bullshit “training”, the “birthday game” and other stat-chasing cult monkey antics…all amounted to the scurrying of drugged dung beetles, moving mountains of super significant SHIT hither and yon…
Doug Sprinklesays
Mr. Theta LOL. that’s a good name for Tom. Even I felt the incessant pestering to buy services you talked about, and they knew I didn’t have much money.
One of the last times I was there I was talking to a very attractive African American lady who was a veterinarian. She had taken out a $100,000 mortgage on her house to buy her bridge to clear. I’ve thought about her occasionally over the years and hope she wasn’t financially ruined by the cult.
One hundred grand, eh? Wow…
What a waste…
Hopefully, she left. Expensive lesson…
Bryon Eckertsays
The PC must have been F/Ning to end session. She wasn’t after her encounter with the ethics officer.
Since auditing is very expensive, the concept of wasting auditing hours is a very real worry to the preclear. This puts pressure on the preclear to come up with incidents to run, inventing false whole-track memories. This separates the preclear from reality. But don’t worry, the ethics officer can fix that by giving a “reality factor” to the preclear.
Yea. Sounds familiar. I was once asked to come in to give a D of P and it was actually an over-long Ethics Interview. It was the first time I was aware of being blatantly lied to. I wanted to quit right then and there. I should have.
You mean like hiding from the process server(s)? Yes, he certainly is hiding from them. And he’s also hiding from wogs, reporters, interviewers of all kinds, and anyone who is not in abject fear of his power to declare them or their family to be Suppressive, or demote them to janitor at the farthest, lowliest org in the Scilon world.
It’s fun to be The Big Being, as long as the peons know their place, and the whales keep the cash flowing.
You know Otherlies: I actually pity those poor dumb bastards known as DM and AH; both of whom I have met. Their fate is and will be quite similar; I prefer my own fate which is likely merely Death. Death is far preferable to what those two have or will confront.
I apologize to any of you reading this as I have served both of them. I would like my fate to be preceeded by DM’s but will accept my fate should it arrive sooner than later.
However, I will not be overly concerned since in the 23 years I was in the S.O, my demise was predicted by no less than 10 people. One of which was the Only Right Arm Captain in the S.O.
I may or may not still be alive, but I am still posting on Mike’s blog, and that is good enough.
And I do not fully have reality with those under the radar trying not to be declared SP. I have no-one left in the cult so have no-one left to be disconnected from. It is like why I feel almost immortal, since I am already dead
Yeah, right! Like there ARE breaks in the middle of auditing sessions. IIRC, the only way out of the auditing room is to evidence the required EP. The distance to the Examiner afterwards is too short for the ‘ethics’ officer to barge in, and PCs are trained not to let anything delay them in that journey, lest they have to go through that session all over again.
Sorry, RB, but you were off on that point. Otherwise, it was great.
All roads in the cult lead to your wallet. If a cult operator calls you over for something, you might as well throw money at them to save time.
throwing the money off to the side MIGHT distract them enough for you to get away to someplace safe.
To @JereLull—I found this “Regraded Being” to be reality-based. The expeditor for the ethics officer did not interrupt an auditing session. The session was concluded and the preclear (PC) was on a break—either to use the rest room, grab a snack or meal, or could be owing to the auditor has more than one PC. Then your auditor ends off with you for a while to take in their other PC.
As soon as I read the words, “I already spoke with your auditor and your case supervisor and they said it’s okay,” I said out loud, “That’s real!”
Especially at a larger org with a lot of staff commanded to get products, a person on service can easily be made prey that is stalked, pounced upon, then body routed to an IAS fundraiser, an ethics officer, or to the registrar to buy more intensives; anything at all. If that other area can get clearance from your auditing team, you belong (now) to this other person or area of the org for however long they wish.
To me, that scenario is real, including the incomplete explanation to bait the hook as to why (unexpectedly) “Alice” is ordered to see an ethics officer.
Also, this RB makes me wonder, with the upsets that are routinely created BY STAFF, is that part of the design to keep people buying more and more intensives of auditing? Even as sometimes the things I described made my auditors look like they were going to punch a hole in something or start to cry (because what I was recounting was so awful and ridiculous), next time around, more crappy upsetting experiences with more and other staff, and one is back to burning up valuable time in session addressing all the “charge.” I got to a point—and it took two years of sitting in this to finally address it (leave, that is)—Oh my gosh, my biggest Present Time Problem is being in this group!
I guess that has been the case for many of us Former-Ins. The absurdity rises to a fever pitch, and you got nothing left to abate it, explain it, or justify why staff treat you the way they do. It finally (finally) becomes just too over-the-top.
RB, this is fine satire, and you cause parts of my frozen and frustrated soul to melt every week. Whoever said Laughter is the Best Medicine was speaking some wise truth, and you are an adroit practitioner.
Peridot, you are likely right. It’s been 40 years since I was in any scn org.
That is a brilliant, concise, utterly accurate summation of what was happening in the org I was in when I was working in the HGC(Hubbard Guidance Center) as a DTS(Director of Technical Services-which was a joke, as I was thrown to the wolves by being given a post that had not been held by anyone with any consistency for years, so that department was used to operating without one…and I had no clue about the “technical” ins and outs of the job, which made me a target for non-stop derision and insults).
Lots of fuck-ups. Many of the people in that department were unpleasant, arrogant, gossipy pricks…who would “put in their TR’s” for “the publics” and display the typical scientological “ARC”. The collective sense of disdain for mere “publics”(i.e. dilletantes) and “wogs” was pretty constant and was underscored by a belief that they were quite literally saving the world…And I always felt unworthy compared to these titans of the tech( drunk on the kool-aid)…
Wow, talk about fuckery and delusion and scientological cannabalism…!
It’s was and is an insane, destructive cult that fucks people up and makes them pay for that privilege…And, yes, staff and public both reach a breaking point within this culture of gaslighting and intentional, profit-driven abuse and end up leaving.
@Mark – Copy what you say above. Precise and real. One time I agreed to “volunteer” to “hold Reception” as a public. The staff of the org as I tried my best to route calls were so snobby and rude. I concluded being part of them would never suit me. The entire experience was confounding. No evidence of “theta” instead a kooky vision of “elite-ness” as you express and judgmental attitudes.
The whole scien-bollocks scam, from top to bottom, from pillar to post, replicates Dead El Con’s greed, narcissism, Crowleyian evil, and insanity.
May the whole rotten “religion” vanish, sooner than later…and may the world’s biggest being, Fleet Admiral McRavage, be the “Ideal”
cellblock mascot…
Hi Jere
Alice ran the incident in which she discovered that one of her ex-husbands had been her father in a past lifetime.
She then originated the cognition that birds do indeed fly while her auditor observed that the e-meter registered a GAT II standard floating needle of exactly three swings.
Her auditor ended the session and assumed the Hat of the Examiner.
During the exam Alice’s needle again registered a GAT II standard floating needle of exactly three swings.
The auditor then bummed a cigarette from Alice and told her to take a break while he smoked the cigarette.
Unfortunately Alice stopped by the Ethics office while on her break and she never made it back to the auditing room.
RB – You are So Damn Cool! Thank You!
Don’t miss our important briefing:
“Ethics handling: How to use scientology to solve the problems created in your life by scientology. And how to use scientology to fix the problems created by prior scientology applications.”
We accept all major credit cards, title, deeds and labor indentures.
We can fix what’s not wrong with you forever, until you run out of money and/or children?
FYI, the following article in the LA Times about the Danny Masterson trial, was included in my daily email from The Clarion Project under the title: Other Ideological Extremism.
(Clarion Project June 4, 2021
The Extremism Roundup
Promoting Civil Discourse and Marginalizing the Extremes
A weekly compilation of the most important developments in the struggle against radical ideologies)
Yikes! Alice is deep in the delusion.
mid 1970’s saw the onset of MAA nanies; And the numbers of ‘ex-scienos’ who did not need scientology to run(ruin) their lives and walked out. Back then we could get away with telling the Chaplin/MAA: ‘If you are not auditing me I’m not paying and i am not picking up the cans.’
So long ago….
I guess that’s why it would start with: “I am not auditing you” 😉
No, Jere, breaks did happen in sessions. I worked in the HGC and saw it regularly.
This was 10 years ago.
Hi Mark,
I know you were at FCDC. Did Tom, Steve, Liz or any others make a big effort to recover you after you left. They went to the effort to track me down in another state and I was just a young public with little money to squeeze out of.
Hi Doug,
No, they didn’t try to recover me.
I have publicly insulted, ridiculed, and dissed(using my real name and real photo) that whole crew of deluded, two-faced Ron-bots: Steve; Tom; Liz; Sue Taylor; Sylvia Stanard; the arrogant prick auditors(Brummer was the only one who showed any evidence of being human/empathetic, but still gulped the kool-aid), the D of P c#nt; the other OT Harridan execs Karen Berg, Irene Rochefort and Kim Belotte, Sam and Vicky Turrisi;and all of the case supervisors…among others
Phuck the lot of them.
Of course, if they leave the Hubbard cult and recover their hearts and souls, I’ll happily and unequivocally drop my disgust with them. Until then, I’ll reiterate my feeling for them: phuck ’em!
I didn’t recognize a lot of those names, but regarding the ones I did recognize I fully agree with your comments.
When I was there Steve had a wife that was an auditor. She was actually halfway decent looking, how she ended up with Steve is a mystery to me.
Hey, thanks for your response Doug; wishing you much cult-free happiness and fulfillment!✌🏾😉
Thanks Mark, you too. I happened to think of one incident that looking back is kind of humorous. I’d been waiting around all day to get in session, from the waiting room I could overhear their staff meetings. I forget the lady’s name who is the Ed at the time, but the whole gist of the meeting was how to make more money. I heard her say over and over again money is good. I remember her talking about someone who was just sitting around for 5 minutes when they could have been on the phone instead calling people to pay for more services. And I don’t care for Tom but I have to say he seemed to be full of enthusiasm every time I saw him, but maybe that was just a big act.
Hey Doug,
Yes, Tom, Mr. Theta, so enthusiastic and friendly, right? A front. Typical scientology robot ” mock up”. Just another cult arsehole, scrounging for ducats.
Being on staff was not about being a part of “the crusade” mentioned in the staff contract, but it WAS about being in a degrading servitude to a horribly toxic money-making scam.
All of the loaded language, the rah rah tone 40 heroics, the boring busy work, the incessant pestering of the same folks on the small mailing list to “buy services”, the useles meetings, the bullshit “training”, the “birthday game” and other stat-chasing cult monkey antics…all amounted to the scurrying of drugged dung beetles, moving mountains of super significant SHIT hither and yon…
Mr. Theta LOL. that’s a good name for Tom. Even I felt the incessant pestering to buy services you talked about, and they knew I didn’t have much money.
One of the last times I was there I was talking to a very attractive African American lady who was a veterinarian. She had taken out a $100,000 mortgage on her house to buy her bridge to clear. I’ve thought about her occasionally over the years and hope she wasn’t financially ruined by the cult.
One hundred grand, eh? Wow…
What a waste…
Hopefully, she left. Expensive lesson…
The PC must have been F/Ning to end session. She wasn’t after her encounter with the ethics officer.
Since auditing is very expensive, the concept of wasting auditing hours is a very real worry to the preclear. This puts pressure on the preclear to come up with incidents to run, inventing false whole-track memories. This separates the preclear from reality. But don’t worry, the ethics officer can fix that by giving a “reality factor” to the preclear.
That’s a great point.
Yea. Sounds familiar. I was once asked to come in to give a D of P and it was actually an over-long Ethics Interview. It was the first time I was aware of being blatantly lied to. I wanted to quit right then and there. I should have.
LRH like Adolf Hitler hid out from those who were seeking him. I wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised if DM was hiding out too.
You mean like hiding from the process server(s)? Yes, he certainly is hiding from them. And he’s also hiding from wogs, reporters, interviewers of all kinds, and anyone who is not in abject fear of his power to declare them or their family to be Suppressive, or demote them to janitor at the farthest, lowliest org in the Scilon world.
It’s fun to be The Big Being, as long as the peons know their place, and the whales keep the cash flowing.
You know Otherlies: I actually pity those poor dumb bastards known as DM and AH; both of whom I have met. Their fate is and will be quite similar; I prefer my own fate which is likely merely Death. Death is far preferable to what those two have or will confront.
I apologize to any of you reading this as I have served both of them. I would like my fate to be preceeded by DM’s but will accept my fate should it arrive sooner than later.
However, I will not be overly concerned since in the 23 years I was in the S.O, my demise was predicted by no less than 10 people. One of which was the Only Right Arm Captain in the S.O.
I may or may not still be alive, but I am still posting on Mike’s blog, and that is good enough.
And I do not fully have reality with those under the radar trying not to be declared SP. I have no-one left in the cult so have no-one left to be disconnected from. It is like why I feel almost immortal, since I am already dead
Yeah, right! Like there ARE breaks in the middle of auditing sessions. IIRC, the only way out of the auditing room is to evidence the required EP. The distance to the Examiner afterwards is too short for the ‘ethics’ officer to barge in, and PCs are trained not to let anything delay them in that journey, lest they have to go through that session all over again.
Sorry, RB, but you were off on that point. Otherwise, it was great.