Poor New Guy! Always getting ragged on by the two senior bitches!
Hopefully he’ll see the light and blow the Sea Org. Hey, RB! Maybe you could include that as part of a storyline and the dude gets help from the Aftermath Foundation along with Timmy the Sea Org snitch!
8C could basically be called “body control”. It’s part of Scientology training routines, with the idea that an auditor might have to get up and physically return the person they’re auditing to the chair if they try to get up and leave.
In wog terms, it is someone physically affecting you, all the way from a light touch on the shoulder to get attention or indicate a need to turn, up to grabbing someone, throwing them down and pinning them, and sexually assaulting/raping them.
To: otherles
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: saying ‘fool’ in the Sea Org.
Of course we can say fool! In fact, that’s what I’m calling you right now! Fool for being on this website! Fool for not aligning with the theta agenda of Scientology! And fool for going along with the rest of these SPs! So stop being a fool and join our team!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: joining your team.
Uh, no thanks. We’ll pass. The last time we were on your team everybody struck out. You included!
That’s why we support Mike Rinder; we originally went with you and struck out.
Alco, I think I’ve told you this before but must do so again: I always crack up reading your fake letters with the complimentary close, “No love at all”. Given Scientologists’ slavish devotion to using Hubbard’s favorite “Much love” complimentary close, your “No love at all” never fails to make me laugh 🙂
The Catholic Church has nothing on covering up sex abuse and sex crimes compared to the CO$. I was saddened that no one called out the CO$ during the NY ‘Look Back’ period.
Agreed!! Every single ORG has at least 25 people inside that would be in prison for Class A felonies! All hidden and safe because they just have to pay for auditing and do lots and lots of amends!
Any Ex staff who were auditors, C/Ses, ethics officers or DSA know of at least 5 Each and every one. Guaranteed!
Add Jehova Witness cult entity along with Scientology for covering up major child sex abusers. Again or also, the victims are the ones that suffer the consequences of the rules.
Mike, having listened to all your podcasts with Leah I get about 80% of the terms but I wonder if it’s possible to do an English translation; perhaps Google translate could help!
I really enjoy your podcasts by the way. You are an inspiration. Keep going. PS I’d still like to know which of my family bought Dianetics back in the 70’s. I picked it up but thankfully never read it. Aged 17 at the time.
Very dangerous to get between the cult and its dollars, even as a victim. They have to learn to shut up and make things go right for Miscavige.
Poor New Guy! Always getting ragged on by the two senior bitches!
Hopefully he’ll see the light and blow the Sea Org. Hey, RB! Maybe you could include that as part of a storyline and the dude gets help from the Aftermath Foundation along with Timmy the Sea Org snitch!
“Why don’t you go somewhere and As Is yourself”.
This is a hilarious!
The perfect retort to a Still In getting on your nerves.
Good one, RB. Heads up; I’m stealing it 🙂
8C. What is that?
8C could basically be called “body control”. It’s part of Scientology training routines, with the idea that an auditor might have to get up and physically return the person they’re auditing to the chair if they try to get up and leave.
In wog terms, it is someone physically affecting you, all the way from a light touch on the shoulder to get attention or indicate a need to turn, up to grabbing someone, throwing them down and pinning them, and sexually assaulting/raping them.
WTF!!! This is the first time ive heard of 8C thats nuts
Great RB!
“Why don’t you go somewhere and as-is yourself”.
I think I will be laughing for a few days.
Can anyone in the Sea Org say Fool?
To: otherles
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: saying ‘fool’ in the Sea Org.
Of course we can say fool! In fact, that’s what I’m calling you right now! Fool for being on this website! Fool for not aligning with the theta agenda of Scientology! And fool for going along with the rest of these SPs! So stop being a fool and join our team!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: joining your team.
Uh, no thanks. We’ll pass. The last time we were on your team everybody struck out. You included!
That’s why we support Mike Rinder; we originally went with you and struck out.
No love at all,
Alco, I think I’ve told you this before but must do so again: I always crack up reading your fake letters with the complimentary close, “No love at all”. Given Scientologists’ slavish devotion to using Hubbard’s favorite “Much love” complimentary close, your “No love at all” never fails to make me laugh 🙂
Always glad to brighten someone’s day. Thanks, Aqua!
The Catholic Church has nothing on covering up sex abuse and sex crimes compared to the CO$. I was saddened that no one called out the CO$ during the NY ‘Look Back’ period.
Agreed!! Every single ORG has at least 25 people inside that would be in prison for Class A felonies! All hidden and safe because they just have to pay for auditing and do lots and lots of amends!
Any Ex staff who were auditors, C/Ses, ethics officers or DSA know of at least 5 Each and every one. Guaranteed!
Add Jehova Witness cult entity along with Scientology for covering up major child sex abusers. Again or also, the victims are the ones that suffer the consequences of the rules.
Ah yes – trying to sneak in some public food- shame Sea ORg members shame for trying to be normal.
Mike, having listened to all your podcasts with Leah I get about 80% of the terms but I wonder if it’s possible to do an English translation; perhaps Google translate could help!
I really enjoy your podcasts by the way. You are an inspiration. Keep going. PS I’d still like to know which of my family bought Dianetics back in the 70’s. I picked it up but thankfully never read it. Aged 17 at the time.
There is a glossary on the Fairgamepodcast.com website
And, Mike, don’t forget the ex-Scientology kids website. They also have good definitions for Scientology terms. Mostly verbal tech but what the hell.