For never-ins the “command” for a touch assist is “Feel my finger” while you touch non private parts up and down a person’s body. In general it might be looked at as a relaxation technique with often positive results.
There was another assist called a Body Comm (communication) which as I recall was designed to help a person relax so you could gently push a slipped disc in the person’s back back into place. The command was “Feel my hands” while you put your hands on the extremities of the person’s arms and legs. That one would really “send” Albert.
I did a body comm (if that was what it was called) on someone one time and it actually worked. I felt the disc slip back into place and the guy got immediate relief from the back pain he had. Hopefully Albert won’t get a slipped disc. There would be a real scramble trying to find someone willing to give him a body comm with his previous history.
Maybe when the war comes to a end Miscaviage and Scientoliegy will credit a few thousand books of The Way to Happiness as being the cause of peace in the area – much like how Scientology claims that the decline in Columbian violence was due to TWTH.
Could you imagine being in war torn Ukraine and supplies are finally arriving. You haven’t had a decent meal in weeks and there are little to no medical supplies. So here are stacks of boxes that have made it through the supply lines or have been air dropped. You rip into the box and what do you find? Way to Happiness Booklets. Box after box. The first thing that comes out of your mouth is ‘What the F is this shite’ (according to Google Translate ‘ Що за біса це лайно’). At least they can be used as fuel to keep a fire going or as TP.
Come on OSA someone there has to have half a brain to realize that WTH books aren’t going to do anything to help these people. They need food, bottled water, first aid supplies, weapons and ammo. Not useless booklets!
If Albert is easily aroused by the command ‘feel my finger’ during a touch assist, maybe he has an engram in restimulation.
Anyone care to guess which one?
For Angie’s sake I hope Albert doesn’t also have Halitosis.
Maybe she could give him the Touch Assist leaning through the HGC booth? That would at least keep a partial barrier between them.
Through The HGC boot would be introducing a via, and might be painful for the “auditor”, not that a touch assist is high-level auditing. Uncharacteristically, Tubby didn’t give a lot of instruction on TAs, more general indications of what to do, IIRC. (It HAS been 40 years since I read that dreck, of course.)
Nonlethal supplies that can be donated to The Ukraine.
1. A Shovel. What can be done with a shovel? One can dig a foxhole. With more work one can dig a trench. (I understand LRH hated to work.)
2. Canned foods. Canned foods have a longer shelf life. Some canned foods were specifically invented during wartime. Spam was invented during the Second World War. (The YouTube link to the Monty Python sketch on Spam is: (Bloody Vikings!)
3. Medical Supplies. A Field Dressing is far more useful than a copy of The Way To Happiness.
I found that film. It’s titaled, “The man with X-ray Vision from 1963. It stars Ray Milland as a man who lost his mind after getting sucked into Scientology and plucked his own eyes out so he didn’t have to look at LRH’s face any more.
It was also the debut of the famous insult comic Don Rickles. I suppose losing one’s eyes is worth never having to look or listen to LRH any more.
Ask Mr. Rinder, I believe many listeners have already plucked out their ear drums so they no longer have to listen to Loudmouth Leah. After a time, that would also be a decent trade.
Wasn’t there a famous Ray Milland movie that contained the line,”If thy finger offends thee, then pluck it out!” “Pluck it out!”
That seems quite appropriate in these times. Don’t you think?
For never-ins the “command” for a touch assist is “Feel my finger” while you touch non private parts up and down a person’s body. In general it might be looked at as a relaxation technique with often positive results.
There was another assist called a Body Comm (communication) which as I recall was designed to help a person relax so you could gently push a slipped disc in the person’s back back into place. The command was “Feel my hands” while you put your hands on the extremities of the person’s arms and legs. That one would really “send” Albert.
I did a body comm (if that was what it was called) on someone one time and it actually worked. I felt the disc slip back into place and the guy got immediate relief from the back pain he had. Hopefully Albert won’t get a slipped disc. There would be a real scramble trying to find someone willing to give him a body comm with his previous history.
Looking at it another way you need to keep your eyes open when receiving a touch assist to make sure it’s just a finger which is touching you.
RB started it!
Maybe when the war comes to a end Miscaviage and Scientoliegy will credit a few thousand books of The Way to Happiness as being the cause of peace in the area – much like how Scientology claims that the decline in Columbian violence was due to TWTH.
I see three of us think alike. Nice.
Could you imagine being in war torn Ukraine and supplies are finally arriving. You haven’t had a decent meal in weeks and there are little to no medical supplies. So here are stacks of boxes that have made it through the supply lines or have been air dropped. You rip into the box and what do you find? Way to Happiness Booklets. Box after box. The first thing that comes out of your mouth is ‘What the F is this shite’ (according to Google Translate ‘ Що за біса це лайно’). At least they can be used as fuel to keep a fire going or as TP.
Come on OSA someone there has to have half a brain to realize that WTH books aren’t going to do anything to help these people. They need food, bottled water, first aid supplies, weapons and ammo. Not useless booklets!
If Albert is easily aroused by the command ‘feel my finger’ during a touch assist, maybe he has an engram in restimulation.
Anyone care to guess which one?
If you Google “Medicosis Lumbosis”, the first thing that comes up is Mike Rinder and Regraded Being! 😁
For Angie’s sake I hope Albert doesn’t also have Halitosis.
Maybe she could give him the Touch Assist leaning through the HGC booth? That would at least keep a partial barrier between them.
Through The HGC boot would be introducing a via, and might be painful for the “auditor”, not that a touch assist is high-level auditing. Uncharacteristically, Tubby didn’t give a lot of instruction on TAs, more general indications of what to do, IIRC. (It HAS been 40 years since I read that dreck, of course.)
Well, if you crumple the booklets up real soft they would serve one useful purpose on the battlefield………………
I won’t say what that use is but maybe you can imagine.
Nonlethal supplies that can be donated to The Ukraine.
1. A Shovel. What can be done with a shovel? One can dig a foxhole. With more work one can dig a trench. (I understand LRH hated to work.)
2. Canned foods. Canned foods have a longer shelf life. Some canned foods were specifically invented during wartime. Spam was invented during the Second World War. (The YouTube link to the Monty Python sketch on Spam is: (Bloody Vikings!)
3. Medical Supplies. A Field Dressing is far more useful than a copy of The Way To Happiness.
Don’t forget; the Way to Happiness pamphlets can be used when toilet paper runs out.
Actually that is truly their only useful “application”.
The pulp paper that the literary work of LRH was originally published on would have been better for wiping an ass.
Leave it to VMs/scientologists to bypass anything actually USEFUL, and give other victims exactly what NO ONE needs.
OMG, I’m on the floor! Funny, RB!
I have heard that about you in the past Aquamarine.
I look forward to the day when I might be able to meet you.
I just hope we will be sitting down then.
@ The Scientology Plucker,
By way of response to your enigmatic comment please be assured that I am intrigued 🙂
I found that film. It’s titaled, “The man with X-ray Vision from 1963. It stars Ray Milland as a man who lost his mind after getting sucked into Scientology and plucked his own eyes out so he didn’t have to look at LRH’s face any more.
It was also the debut of the famous insult comic Don Rickles. I suppose losing one’s eyes is worth never having to look or listen to LRH any more.
Ask Mr. Rinder, I believe many listeners have already plucked out their ear drums so they no longer have to listen to Loudmouth Leah. After a time, that would also be a decent trade.