Regraded Being is taking a well deserved vacation with his family this week and next after more than a year of uninterrupted work.
I thought it would be a great opportunity to look back at some classic RB.
In fact, this is the very first RB cartoon. It appeared on this blog on October 9, 2014.
It is as relevant today as it was back then.
The stagnation of the Church of Scientology and life within.
Karma update:
El Chapo has been recaptured. He will be having an extended ‘vacation’ in maximum security when he is extradited to the US. Outside of your bubble, Guzman is in your league and one of your peers: psychopathic, about 3 billion in assets, and about 25,000 minions.
Speaking of opening new buildings, the Copenhagen idle morgue didn’t. Open, that is.
Work on-going on interior. Exterior slightly better now than a few years ago, but this puppy just is not going to open in, ehrm, 2015…
The Utilities Bills are paid by the staff as far as I know.
I’m one of the “never ins” who has been lurking on this site for a while, and I decided to comment because I saw another commenter yesterday who came out of the woodwork to let the community know what a tremendous, positive impact this blog has. Regrading being, and all Mike’s posts are an articulate, sane counterbalance to the nonsense on the church’s website ( which I visit per their constant request to go to the “real” source- I do want to see everything from both sides.) The most striking thing to me is the paranoid, vitriolic tone of the church’s blatant propaganda vs. the well crafted, thought provoking cartoons and posts on this site. It is night and day. The church’s argument that you wouldn’t read “mein kampf” to learn about jews is laughable when you compare their propagandist, hysterical arguments against critics (which really do closely parallel nazi propaganda) with the sound reasoning and humanity of the critics themselves. Thank you!
Hi plop, Thank you so much for posting here.All us bitter, defrocked apostate DBs on the fringes of the Internet,( I love that description ) have made Mike’s Blog a safe haven where we are serious and silly wise and wise cracking and the best group I know! Mike is an inspiration to me as well.Love, Ann
Ann, I second your sentiments here. I left before the worst of all this crap really began to happen. It used to be saddening to see the downward spiral. But now it’s a goodness, knowing that fewer and fewer people will be come suckers, fewer families undone, fewer people dying before their time. Keep it up Mike and RB!
Thank you for the warm welcome! As someone who is lucky enough to have no personal experience with scientology all your stories and comments have opened my eyes. I’m certainly no longer among those who can ignore the flagrant violation of human rights and chalk it up to a “wacky religion.” You are all brave and inspirational!
Among the strange things: how rarely the official Scientology websites get updated. SMI and AOLA websites are gone. There isn’t a single church of Scientology bulletin board.
Only Hubbard and Miscavige are allowed to think about Scientology, as opposed to just practicing it. That makes it hard to generate new content.
They instantly take down all the comments on their videos, even the positive ones.
The only people who could comment at Miscavige’s so-called official Facebook page ( used to be people in the Third World spouting Bueno!!!! and Fantastic!!!.
Now it looks like he has some Sea Orgers complimenting him and calling him Sir.
His Twitter was just bland one-sentence PR releases like a robot.
Right now I’m playing a you tube interview where Mike is talking about the KCET project and a thought occurred to me. (And it didn’t hurt.) 🙂
If the goal of the KCET project is to improve internet access then it is the functional equivalent of a Pacific island cargo cult building an actual functional commercial airport or logistic airbase to bring in the magic cargo.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
rb does deserve a vacation. have a great new year, mike and all your readers.
RB takes dead aim and never misses. I’d like to see him do something with the ‘here is truth revealed,
because I’ve cleared a few words and discovered their Latin roots, crowd”. BS is not about the truth or
falseness of something; its always about trying to impress; here’s how to get better at detecting bs:
I think it is a great idea to make a booklet with the cartoons. Imagine getting this out. The precepts of the C of S. For instance this first one that RB published is as fresh as today’s latest news from the church. I enjoyed more today than then. Because it refreshes History. Well done RB, thanks Mike.
Hope you have a great vacation!
Hi Mike, RB and the rest of the great posters here. Been away so haven’t had a chance to wish you all a Happy New Year. Looking forward to another new year of reading all the posts here with all the wit, humor sarcasm and incredible thoughtful insight that put a smile on my face daily.
Mike, love this oldie but goodie. It’s amazing how the church doesn’t change and just spews the same b.s. daily, yearly. I just picked up my mail and received a tree worth of promo from them with the same old crap.
My best to all you here including the OSA lurkers, time for you to wake up and run for the hills.
Oh and OSD, I hope this is the year where we all meet at your beach party!
You and me both, Ms. P, you and me both!
In the last few days, Manhattan Beach has lost half of its sand to the high surf.
We had 18′ foot surf here in Huntington Beach, so, I don’t doubt that Manhattan lost a lot of sand. And, this is just the beginning…
I never saw this one – thanks for posting it. LOVE LOVE LOVE the evolution of the store fronts in the background.
Truth Revealed !!
*The pretty young fresh SO girl is more dangerous than the
Smoking SO Bitch.
* When you give any money to the C of $ the word gets around
and the line of open hands gets long and they never forget till
the word on the street is YOU’VE GONE BELL UP or in Prison.
Keep up the GOOD work R.B.
Good one Mike, shows that change does not happen in the world of SCN, can always plan on giving away your soul and money if you stay in. Love the building signs too. Have a wonderful vacation you deserve it.
What??? You’re going on vacation, Mike? Well, ok, but, we’re really going to miss you! Have a wonderful time!
No OSD RB is taking a well earned vacation.
My bad! Man, I’ve really got to give up my bottle of Jack in the mornings.
But, you certainly deserve a vacation!
Works for me… Childeron .ouch…lol
This is just as relevant than a year ago, if not more so. It sure hits the truth nerve and the funny bone. Wishing you and your family a lovely vacation, RB.
Edit: “…just as relevant AS a year ago…”
‘Senior moment?’
Hi Mike, Thank you for RB’s strip which I had not seen before. I love the signs on the storefronts behind the two cosers.Reminds me of the old Bail Bonds Office building used by my friends @ Intel.Now I can laugh,thank you from my heart RB,have a relaxing and lovely vacation with your family.Love, Ann
So liked it! I remember being reprimanded for stating obvious outpoints in the org and being told to positive postulate. I had several KRs written on me and being put into lower conditions by HCO all because I pointed out what was not being done correctly. Thanks RB!
Good for you for stating the obvious! The rest of the sheeple at that org are only doing what they’ve been carefully taught: Scientology is ALWAYS right and NEVER wrong.
Ah… you reminded me of KRs. Boy, would I love to have my collection of ’em now. Talk about whacky! Geezers what a laugh they would be. Even got KR’d once for the content of the swearing on bullbait. Must admit I did get a little creative with certain parts of the anatomy of Shetland ponies but what fond memories of the righteousness of Org living they were. I must have had dozens of ’em. I was especially partial to the KRs alluding to not handing over more money. They really set the scene for the warm and fuzzies and showed just how “friendly” the SO regges really were. The local org regges learnt when enough was enough with me. The SO saw that as a challenge, relentless assholes that they were.
But what gets me the most was the holier than thou but always fabricated viewpoints people had of scientology and their role in it. Self professed police saving the world via scribbled bs within a cult… go figure hey?
I did have the last laugh sometimes though. Quite often I’d counter their KR with a cramming order on the tech/policy they didn’t understand or apply. My favourite trick was I always ended it with a request to clay demo the relevant axiom or logic. The looks they use to give me later in the org… classic!
I’m right there with you, I Yawn! I had a B of I done on me when the GI had crashed. Naturally, they gave me my KR folder to read (by the way I NEVER wrote up a KR on anyone while I was on staff). I looked at how thick it was was shocked! Shocked I tell ya! One of the KR’s said I had sex with this scio girl after a long cult party. She came back to my place. THAT’S A LIE! Sure we did other things, BUT WE NEVER HAD INTERCOURSE! About half way through the KRs, a calmness came over me and I KNEW I wouldn’t be there much longer…and I wasn’t.
You told them to f**k off?
In not so many words, yes! And this was back in the mid 70s. Now, the crazy has just gone through the roof!
alcoboy, I hear you. Its ironic how merely observing and communicating about policy outpoints can get one into the most amazing trouble in this Brave New Co$. Observing an outpoint is the new outpoint, and bad enough, but communicating about it – whoa! That’s a situation! So funny.
I don’t care if it’s a repeat, I NEED my weekly fix of regraded being! Thanks mike, I feel better already.
In scientology, you have to lie if you want to hold onto any teeny piece of your own money or of your own time.
Enjoy YOUR time spending it how you want, Regraded Being, while we enjoy a classic strip of yours reminding us of the other piece of our life – a semblance of freedom over our finances – we regained when we made our escape.
LOL… I am enjoyng it a lot more this time around. Like a good wine, it gets better as time passes.
Excellent pick Mike.
Classic! Childanon is hysterical!!
Tommy J, as we all know, kids are not allowed in the SO. All they do is take time away from Clearing the Planet. That’s why upper management came up with Childanon! With Childanon, you’ll never,ever have to worry about kids taking precious time away from your post! I believe the church is setting up Ideal Abortion Clinics all over the world under the name, Childanon. Remember, it’s just a piece of tissue……
And remember, there’s no child left behind…because they’ve all been aborted!
Funny, OSD. Gruesomely funny, but funny.
RB, you may have given them an idea.
Now all they have to do is find a LRH citation…
The fact that this never gets old says something. The church of scientology is like the movie Groundhog Day – with one exception, I doubt david miscavige will learn any lesson – it’ll just be the surrounding characters that disappear – well except for Duggan, Cardone, Cruise and Alley.
Please, Mary, I never want to hear Ally’s name again! All that shit that she’s slung at others (read Leah Remini as well as others) was so over the top, I just can’t take it. I don’t use this word lightly, but, she really is a bitch.
Well that makes her an IDEAL spokespuppet for the Cult. But she also has other skillsets like showing off her pudgy middle finger. I vote her the IDEAL $CIENTOLOGIST for 2016.
I second that with much enthusiasm!
“We all know how bad the Cult of Scientology is. But, it could be worse….
An islamic State Jihadist killed his mother in a public square in the Syrian city of Raqa who begged him to leave the organization”, a monitor said Friday.
“Ali Saqr, 20, had reported his mother (KRs anyone?), Lina, to Islamic State Authorities in Raqa, ‘because she tried to persuade him to leave the Islamic State & flee the city,’ the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said.
On Wednesday, she was shot to death by her son, “in front of hundreds of people…” The Observatory added.
This is disconnection at its absolute worst. Permanently.
RB should make up a little comic book, about the size of TWTH.
I’d purchase them to hand out around the org!
MIke, for the last two days the graphics on your page have been showing up as a blurry on my iPad screen.
I’m wondering if I’m the only one with this problem?
Love the reverse dissemination idea! I’d hand them out!
Hi It’s Me (@ilovespeedracer), You have been on my mind as I wanted to wish you a very Happy 2016 ! Something about this year tells me the winds they are blowing from a new direction.Look forward to your posts, Love,Ann
OMG! Spit Coffee on the Screen!
One Stop Shopping for Scientologist’s.
You nailed it again RB – THAT ^^^^ is the “New Civilization” Scientology is really creating!
A classic indeed! $20k to pay the light bill, anyone who forked over for this would be an idiot, oh wait I used to regularly help the org out with services being cut off due to non-payment, pity I couldn’t see the wood for the trees back then.
You like the rest of us, Gimpy. Hey Gimp! Do you sometimes realize you’re out and you’ll never, ever have to put up with all of that shit anymore? And a smile spreads across your face? You know, one of those shit eating grins? Yeah, me too! At some point in the past, it was kind of fun. But now it’s just a never ending nightmare for those stupid enough to stay in and hand over all of their money to the psychotic dwarf. Being out never tasted so good!
Hi Gimpy, I well understand your post.However I always enjoy and think about your posts,and I have a big smile because you are out! I wish all the sheeple would” look up ” and make a run over the border! Love, Ann
Gimpy, as re the huge utility bills for Ideal Morgues, I recall a conversation I had with an OTVIII back in the day before I was UTR and reading the blogs.
At the time was still dutifully attending the fundraising events (although I loathed them) and donating (which I couldn’t afford) because I assumed it was LRH policy (of course I found out later that it wasn’t).
Well, at one of these fundraisers it occurred to me that it was going to cost a fortune to heat and cool off a huge new building, when our own little building was frequently cold in the winter with space heaters in the academy and HGC areas. In hot weather the air conditioning would only be turned on where it was specifically needed. Our little org was practically empty except for a handful of staff and a few public.
I asked this OTVIII, who had been in Scn since the 80s, “How is the org going to afford to heat and air condition a huge new building when it can’t even afford to fully heat and air condition this one?”
He answered, “What do you mean?”.
I thought I had been fairly clear but I rephrased the question for him: “Is it wise for us to incur such a huge monthly expense while we’re still in the process of expansion? Its going to cost many thousands of dollars each month to pay the utilities for a building 4 times the size of this one”.
This OTVIII’s answer was a shrug, and a bored, “So what?”, before patting me reassuringly on the shoulder and casually walking away.
I said nothing but what I was thinking was, “Is (this person) an idiot? Nah, I must be missing some data, this is an OTVIII here!”.
Yes, that’s how naive I was back in the day, people!
Live and learn, you know? 🙂
I had the same conversation with Mark Pisani at the WUS Landlords office along with two fellows brought in from the Roger Staubuck Construction Management firm back when the Sacramento Org was in process to rehab the old Ramona Building into Idealness.
No one gave a rats ass about energy consumption or cost. The Idle Morgue process is truly the blind leading the blind.
In the end they said they were going to rehab the whole building to LEED Gold standards (that is a program based on Leadership in Energy Efficient Design) and show what a great green giant the Cherch is/ could be/whatever. In short, there was no LEED certification but the sheeple got lead to slaughter thinking that is what they would get.
Because I was/am an architect and a builder I knew too much about what was really going on so the Chrech felt it best to be sure I was not involved in the Idle Morgue process. And I was Oh Tea Ate so was badly needed on the OTC committee to help raise the funds to pay for the energy hog of a building! It stank ….. I left!!!!!!
Is Pisani still being a WUS in pergatory?
I have no idea Threefeet. He didn’t seem like the type to make up his own mind and leave so he will probably stay with the dwindling spiral until they offload him onto the welfare state. This is all based on assumptions.
He is probably being OSA-whipped by his wife.
Bless you for your wisdom.
Aqua, I had a similar experience. Back when I was in the church and the Valley Org wasn’t done yet (still), I asked the then Valley Treasury Secretary, OT VIII Diane, how they pay the utilities bill on that big place when it wasn’t opened yet and there was no money coming in? She said that they can’t cover the utilities and heating and air and so they rent the building out to other churches and groups to use for their functions and they hope to cover the bills by doing that. And this was several years ago. The Valley Org is still not open and Ideal Org over 10 years later in the largest concentration of Scientologists on the planet: Los Angeles.
Aquamarine. love all your comments hereI Especially, “Is (this person) an idiot? Nah, I must be missing some data, this is an OTVIII here!”.
Yes, that’s how naive I was back in the day, people!
Live and learn, you know?
Yeah, how many of us? Silly, silly? But, you know, live and learn.
Classics never get old!
I wish I was a “Classic,” Lori. Then I, too, wouldn’t get old…
Hi OSD, You are already a shining Classic and you will never ever get old within your heart! Love,Ann
You probably won’t get any older now that you are out …………….. but you might need a status upgrade to ‘Geezer’ one of these days. I can help you with that …….!!
Oh, I’ve definitively hit Geezerdom! So, yes, my status does need to be adjusted. But keep on thing in mind, my good friend…you’re older!
And, I Yawn? My family and I drove back to Michigan in 1965 to pick up a brand new Mustang Fastback. AKA the 2 + 2. Of course it had a V8 (and no I’m not talkin’ bout that juice). What a car that was….
OH shit! Gold plated memories Dude… half your luck buddy.
I never knew what I had when I bought a 750 K1 Honda 4 with low miles. Had it year or two. bent it a little, like me, and moved on. Those things are worth heaps now and are classics in their own right.
Grand machinery from the development days and the true golden age of engineering. Also had a 1969 Norton Commando 750 but they didn’t market 750s until 1970. I found out later it was a prototype – can you hear me crying from the northern hemisphere, I gave it away!!!!!!!
We lived through different times Dude, can you dig it?
I have a 1965 Corvette in my shop that I am putting back together ……………. now that I have more time on my hands and don’t seem to be getting calls for events!
I got the car as a project for my son and I to work on years ago. Managed to suffer through the times where it was suggested that perhaps having such a piece of mest might be out ethics rather than converting it into an IAS Status or something more productive! Anyway, kids are gone (doing something more productive in some cherch) and I have my life back and perhaps I’ll get the car done in time to drive it down to OSDs beach party!
You better, Coop! As I’ve said before, it wouldn’t be party without the Coopster! Besides, I’ve wanted to meet you for a hell of a long time.
65 Corvette – now ya talkin. Good boy!
Swing by and pick me up too, an OSD a beach party!!! Just kick sand over me the next day and I’d rest happy.
Yeah, I can dig it, but, you fucking gave it away! A 750? That’s quite the bike! If you were standing next to me, I would bitch slap just on general principles!
Yep and I’d have to admit it would never be hard enough, hit me again.
Then I joined the army for fun and games with other types of engineering… Land rovers in those days plus SLRs & greens, “God help me I was only 19” type stuff.
What’s that other song? “Those were the days, my friend, we thought they’d never end, we’d sing and dance…”
Like a 65 Mustang…