The cult bans all original ideas created after January 24, 1986… but they do have an immense backlog of hackneyed plots and cliched tropes that Miscavige could present to Chinese and Arab investors as the next big streaming sensation. These guys may end up working back to back seasons building degenerate Blito and Voltar sets at Gold Base.
Gordon – good work. I wonder if Chad Lane and Matt Hanses heads are on a pike for the down stat degraded being condition they are continually in?
What dis St Louis Mission Morgue do to pull in all the entheta?
Well….Besides the usual Scientological reasons: being the 3rd party that leads to straight up stats on divorces, bankrupting, talking behind Public and Staff backs, not delivering what they promise, labeling people- PTS, SP, Illegal PC, Degraded Being etc…., not opening the Ideal Morgue, causing public & staff to leave St Louis, using love bombing, manipulation and gas lighting to trick and deceive…
LRH says all problems are due to an MU
I wonder what word they misunderstand?
Oh, I know…..HELP!
I’ll probably get laughed at for saying this but I actually enjoyed the mission Earth series. I recall when it was coming out in paper back in the book stores and I couldn’t wait for the next edition to come out. And I thought Hubbard’s satire was rather comical, I recall one seen where Dr. Croebe was giving a demonstration to a room full of psychiatrists. Croebe said I will now cure him of his insanity, he stabbed the guy with a knife and killed him and the psychiatrist gave him a standing ovation. I thought it was impressive the way Hubbard could weave details from the first volume into the later volumes to make the plot flow.
Of all the books by Hubbard that I read the Mission Earth series were the only ones that I actually enjoyed.
I like most of Mission Earth series. It was a collaboration though. There was ghost writing going on when those books were written. And it was also the rumor that this was Hubbard’s knowledge report on earth.
RB has a way of exposing just how brainwashed scientologists are both staff and members. The Mission Earth series gave the cherch a boost as it created the image that Hubbard was healthy and productive when in fact he was getting sicker and sicker.
I suppose even Dwarfenführer realizes that Hubbard’s fiction is inadequate as a basis for filming after the /success/ of “Battlefield Earth”, despite all the time Davey put in, slaving over getting the screenplay and cinematography so perfect.
And the new IDEAL ORGS are still straining to handle the influx of people flooding in curious how such a blockbuster film could have been produced
Assuming they could get Danny masterson to play his role from prison. And what would be wrong with him playing a regraded being. He’s a worse person than most “wogs” anyways.
Bite your tongue; Danny Masterson, as a “DM”, is the second-most important scientology celebrity any more. Krusty, John and Tom are essentially out of the biz, not having worked much recently. Their stats crashed, and aren’t stirring off of zero . Treasonous stats is what they are, and the “celebrities” are just shy of DBs now.
Tom is ONLY remembered by the public for his couch-jumping any more; toxic for the scientology “brand”. And Krusty is the “FAT ACTRESS” — disgusting looking. There are zero openings for her except as the caricature she is now.
Only Masterson is getting the scientology name out in the media — to a degree none of the others ever have achieved. ANY mention of the name is good, just like Hubbard being branded a satanist: That brought a few into the fold, I heard. ANY PR is good.
The CO$ can’t put together a decent TV channel. How could they do a multi year multi episode series? No one in their right mind would try to write a script based on Mission Earth. Hire all the wogs you want, nothing could clean up that stinker. And I would expect any movie based on ME to be rated X.
The only thing wrong with Battlefield Earth was it was true to the book. That book stunk so much that the movie only used 1/2 of the book. Yet I see no yearning for BE Part 2, This Time the Racism really shows up.
As for the Tom Cruise worship, he can’t even maintain a marriage or contact with his daughter, how could he keep any movie crew together?
Zee, they can’t even organize their internal structure sufficiently to deliver desirable services to the public, after 70 years of trying. Why should they believe they can take on Hollywood as rank amateurs? Dunning-Kruger Effect in action.
I dream a perfect breakfast with Clear Eggs , and Clear Milk .
All the Chicken, Cows and ,Lamb were given Standard Tech and were got rid of psychosomatics before slaughter in Kosher and Halal ( now you know why I omit Pork )
We are having Clear Chicken ,Beef and Lamb meat giving nutrition and clear out body and mind
Coming directly from
Scientologist agrariann community spreading over villages and towns of Mid West , directly supervised by Village Org ( rebranding Sea Org)
Oftenly mistaken as Amish due to similarity in life style , Scientologist are enjoying Suppression free life , no Tv ,no internet , no phone ,no fax, no newspaper, no magazines and no foreign ( urban) visitors .
Americans and we Canadians are anxiously waiting for this real and valuable product.
Funny! But most scientologists are and have been entitled white, suburban, and middle-class; totally unsuited to doing such strenuous field work BEFORE they got too old and feeble to do the necessary tasks in the few remaining orgs and had to be dumped on nearby park benches.
You never saw it because there was no ‘pic.’ The play itself has been filmed; several renditions on YouTube. You are probably referring to a version titled “Waiting for Godette, ” q.v. As to whether the characters therein are “flaming”, I have no comment.
After slogging through the wiki on it, it seems ‘waiting for godot’ might be perfect for Cruise. Nothing really happens, Godot never appears, so waiting for him to appear is fruitless, wasted time. Seems the allure of the play is that it’s empty of any explicit meaning, so is a perfect vessel for observers to pour their considerations into. The best performance is the one which is most empty.
First, Scientology front-group Narconon Louisiana has a $25,093.57 contract withe the Louisiana Division of Administration that runs from 3/1/2016 to 2/28/2023. The contract is a Cooperative Agreement.
Munich (dpa) – The city of Munich must also provide supporters of the Scientology organization, which is classified as extremist, with money for an e-bike. That was decided by the Bavarian Administrative Court. The city is not only allowed to reject the funding application because the applicant is close to the highly controversial organization, according to the judgment of June 16 published on Wednesday evening.
From the perspective of the Senate, a possible anti-constitutionality of the Scientology organization and its mention in the Bavarian constitutional protection report does not matter if the funding is to benefit a citizen and not the organization itself, as the court announced.
In 2018, the woman applied for a subsidy for a pedelec as part of the “München emobil” funding program. The city had refused this, however, because the plaintiff did not adhere to the demand not to advertise Scientology any more. In contrast, the woman went to court.
Her complaint was initially dismissed by the administrative court, but her appeal has now been successful. The administrative court “obliged the city of Munich to grant the plaintiff a commitment to purchase a pedelec,” said the court’s announcement.
However, the judgment is not yet final. Because of its fundamental importance, the Court of Justice has admitted the appeal to the Federal Administrative Court.
In a case of incredibly rediculous casting, he played Jack Reacher in the movies after all. Even though in the book’s Jack Reacher is described as being 6′ 5″ tall, weighing 210–250 pounds and having a 50-inch (130 cm) chest. With a “six-pack” like a cobbled city street, a chest like a suit of NFL armor, biceps like basketballs, and subcutaneous fat like a Kleenex tissue.
I was in a store a couple of years ago and was startled to see a guy with actual shoulders like basketballs, which is the way Jaclk Reacher was described in the Reacher novels. This guy’s shoulders were maybe not quite as big as basketballs, but they were huge and very round. Put the guy in a tight super-hero suit and he would have had a crowd following him.
I always thought that ‘shoulders like basketballs’ was just an over-the-top exagerration, but that guy had the real thing.
The dramas are more on than off before the shootings. Behind the scene terrified are more terrified. Confidence act as confidence even if they are unsure.
The cult bans all original ideas created after January 24, 1986… but they do have an immense backlog of hackneyed plots and cliched tropes that Miscavige could present to Chinese and Arab investors as the next big streaming sensation. These guys may end up working back to back seasons building degenerate Blito and Voltar sets at Gold Base.
Three SeaOrg saps and one bunkbed… always makes me first laugh, then cringe.
Do SeaOrg members take shifts sleeping, using the same bed? (hot-bedding, I believe it’s called, or or tag-sleeping)?
Drove by the St Louis mission this afternoon a little before 4:00PM. 7 cars in the parking lot.
Gordon – good work. I wonder if Chad Lane and Matt Hanses heads are on a pike for the down stat degraded being condition they are continually in?
What dis St Louis Mission Morgue do to pull in all the entheta?
Well….Besides the usual Scientological reasons: being the 3rd party that leads to straight up stats on divorces, bankrupting, talking behind Public and Staff backs, not delivering what they promise, labeling people- PTS, SP, Illegal PC, Degraded Being etc…., not opening the Ideal Morgue, causing public & staff to leave St Louis, using love bombing, manipulation and gas lighting to trick and deceive…
LRH says all problems are due to an MU
I wonder what word they misunderstand?
Oh, I know…..HELP!
Saint Louis is EXPLODING, in other words, you say.
I’ll probably get laughed at for saying this but I actually enjoyed the mission Earth series. I recall when it was coming out in paper back in the book stores and I couldn’t wait for the next edition to come out. And I thought Hubbard’s satire was rather comical, I recall one seen where Dr. Croebe was giving a demonstration to a room full of psychiatrists. Croebe said I will now cure him of his insanity, he stabbed the guy with a knife and killed him and the psychiatrist gave him a standing ovation. I thought it was impressive the way Hubbard could weave details from the first volume into the later volumes to make the plot flow.
Of all the books by Hubbard that I read the Mission Earth series were the only ones that I actually enjoyed.
I like most of Mission Earth series. It was a collaboration though. There was ghost writing going on when those books were written. And it was also the rumor that this was Hubbard’s knowledge report on earth.
RB has a way of exposing just how brainwashed scientologists are both staff and members. The Mission Earth series gave the cherch a boost as it created the image that Hubbard was healthy and productive when in fact he was getting sicker and sicker.
I suppose even Dwarfenführer realizes that Hubbard’s fiction is inadequate as a basis for filming after the /success/ of “Battlefield Earth”, despite all the time Davey put in, slaving over getting the screenplay and cinematography so perfect.
And the new IDEAL ORGS are still straining to handle the influx of people flooding in curious how such a blockbuster film could have been produced
There are insufficient numbers of SCIENTOLOGISTS to fill the casting needs of Mission Earth (Teegeeack), never mind scn /actors/.
Assuming they could get Danny masterson to play his role from prison. And what would be wrong with him playing a regraded being. He’s a worse person than most “wogs” anyways.
Bite your tongue; Danny Masterson, as a “DM”, is the second-most important scientology celebrity any more. Krusty, John and Tom are essentially out of the biz, not having worked much recently. Their stats crashed, and aren’t stirring off of zero . Treasonous stats is what they are, and the “celebrities” are just shy of DBs now.
Tom is ONLY remembered by the public for his couch-jumping any more; toxic for the scientology “brand”. And Krusty is the “FAT ACTRESS” — disgusting looking. There are zero openings for her except as the caricature she is now.
Only Masterson is getting the scientology name out in the media — to a degree none of the others ever have achieved. ANY mention of the name is good, just like Hubbard being branded a satanist: That brought a few into the fold, I heard. ANY PR is good.
I do like that he could never play the role because he couldn’t act like a bad guy always getting in trouble.
Poor, deluded bunk bed guys.
The CO$ can’t put together a decent TV channel. How could they do a multi year multi episode series? No one in their right mind would try to write a script based on Mission Earth. Hire all the wogs you want, nothing could clean up that stinker. And I would expect any movie based on ME to be rated X.
The only thing wrong with Battlefield Earth was it was true to the book. That book stunk so much that the movie only used 1/2 of the book. Yet I see no yearning for BE Part 2, This Time the Racism really shows up.
As for the Tom Cruise worship, he can’t even maintain a marriage or contact with his daughter, how could he keep any movie crew together?
Zee, they can’t even organize their internal structure sufficiently to deliver desirable services to the public, after 70 years of trying. Why should they believe they can take on Hollywood as rank amateurs? Dunning-Kruger Effect in action.
“They can’t HANDLE expansion!”
They can do some thing better , much better …🤔
I dream a perfect breakfast with Clear Eggs , and Clear Milk .
All the Chicken, Cows and ,Lamb were given Standard Tech and were got rid of psychosomatics before slaughter in Kosher and Halal ( now you know why I omit Pork )
We are having Clear Chicken ,Beef and Lamb meat giving nutrition and clear out body and mind
Coming directly from
Scientologist agrariann community spreading over villages and towns of Mid West , directly supervised by Village Org ( rebranding Sea Org)
Oftenly mistaken as Amish due to similarity in life style , Scientologist are enjoying Suppression free life , no Tv ,no internet , no phone ,no fax, no newspaper, no magazines and no foreign ( urban) visitors .
Americans and we Canadians are anxiously waiting for this real and valuable product.
Actually a good idea – send everyone into the RPF for failing to expand the org (truth revealed!), and run it as suppression free agrarian society.
Funny! But most scientologists are and have been entitled white, suburban, and middle-class; totally unsuited to doing such strenuous field work BEFORE they got too old and feeble to do the necessary tasks in the few remaining orgs and had to be dumped on nearby park benches.
It’s not me , it’s written on the wall.
Ah, yes, Tom Cruise can do anything. Hamlet? No problem. Othello? A piece of cake. Maybe even Estragon or Vladimir in “Waiting for Godot.”
Aren’t Estragon or Vladimir in “Waiting for Godot.” flaming gays? idk, never saw the pic.
You never saw it because there was no ‘pic.’ The play itself has been filmed; several renditions on YouTube. You are probably referring to a version titled “Waiting for Godette, ” q.v. As to whether the characters therein are “flaming”, I have no comment.
You’re probably right; I haven’t seen it, only heard snippets about it.
After slogging through the wiki on it, it seems ‘waiting for godot’ might be perfect for Cruise. Nothing really happens, Godot never appears, so waiting for him to appear is fruitless, wasted time. Seems the allure of the play is that it’s empty of any explicit meaning, so is a perfect vessel for observers to pour their considerations into. The best performance is the one which is most empty.
O/T. Two minor wins for Scientology.
First, Scientology front-group Narconon Louisiana has a $25,093.57 contract withe the Louisiana Division of Administration that runs from 3/1/2016 to 2/28/2023. The contract is a Cooperative Agreement.
Memorialized with a screenshot on ESMBR at:
Second, the City of Munich must provide supporters of the Scientology organization with money for an e-bike.
Google translation follows.
RTE — Verdict: City cannot refuse subsidy for e-bikes
July 8, 2021 – 11:40 a.m.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Munich (dpa) – The city of Munich must also provide supporters of the Scientology organization, which is classified as extremist, with money for an e-bike. That was decided by the Bavarian Administrative Court. The city is not only allowed to reject the funding application because the applicant is close to the highly controversial organization, according to the judgment of June 16 published on Wednesday evening.
From the perspective of the Senate, a possible anti-constitutionality of the Scientology organization and its mention in the Bavarian constitutional protection report does not matter if the funding is to benefit a citizen and not the organization itself, as the court announced.
In 2018, the woman applied for a subsidy for a pedelec as part of the “München emobil” funding program. The city had refused this, however, because the plaintiff did not adhere to the demand not to advertise Scientology any more. In contrast, the woman went to court.
Her complaint was initially dismissed by the administrative court, but her appeal has now been successful. The administrative court “obliged the city of Munich to grant the plaintiff a commitment to purchase a pedelec,” said the court’s announcement.
However, the judgment is not yet final. Because of its fundamental importance, the Court of Justice has admitted the appeal to the Federal Administrative Court.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Absolutely brilliant. Made me chuckle from start to finish!
“Yea right…”
Sure Cruise could play Jettero Heller.
In a case of incredibly rediculous casting, he played Jack Reacher in the movies after all. Even though in the book’s Jack Reacher is described as being 6′ 5″ tall, weighing 210–250 pounds and having a 50-inch (130 cm) chest. With a “six-pack” like a cobbled city street, a chest like a suit of NFL armor, biceps like basketballs, and subcutaneous fat like a Kleenex tissue.
What? That’s a good description of the Cruise any day, isn’t it?
Why couldn’t he just “mock up” (I hate saying that) a body like Jack Reacher?
I was in a store a couple of years ago and was startled to see a guy with actual shoulders like basketballs, which is the way Jaclk Reacher was described in the Reacher novels. This guy’s shoulders were maybe not quite as big as basketballs, but they were huge and very round. Put the guy in a tight super-hero suit and he would have had a crowd following him.
I always thought that ‘shoulders like basketballs’ was just an over-the-top exagerration, but that guy had the real thing.
The late TV critic Clive James once described Arnold Schwarzenegger as a brown condom stuffed with walnuts.
Great RB. Danny Masterson playing the role of Soltan Gris? Perfect.
To be or not to be?
The dramas are more on than off before the shootings. Behind the scene terrified are more terrified. Confidence act as confidence even if they are unsure.