The more things change, the more they stay the same. He’ll be spending lifetime after lifetime shipping revised CDs until all the universe’s gold is accumulated in COB’s coffers. It will take a lot more regging to build that spaceship.
Truer words were never spoken. “Sea Org members should never dream”.
In their delusions they dream of a brave new world that can never be, but even their idle odd fantasies about someday getting their teeth fixed or having enough toilet paper are doomed to end in disaster.
So strange, for some weeks before I escaped I dreamed of moving to a new berthing (Sea Org way of saying “new dormitory”) in some strange building still under renovation. Most of the dream was about the architecture, hallways, staircases and so on.
After I escaped my dreams were always about being caught and returned to the Sea Org. Gradually over the decades since then this has moderated from waking me up screaming to being just a bit unsettling.
Dream unquiet dreams of freedom, Sea Org members in your chains, and make them reality any way you must. The real world is waiting but it won’t wait forever.
If you don’t want to end up like Mildred, or my old friend Paco Suarez, or Phoebe Snow, or others I could name, the clock is steadily ticking down. Au revoir to Annie Tidman, Greg Brown, Charlie Rush, Uwe Stuckenbrock and so many others who died in the traces.
That will be true. When they finally achieved Planetary Clearing on Earth, the LRH Hall was officially inaugurated!
And also, in spite of the by then technological achievements, they can not print course packs other than Dave´s own facilities in California (Also known as Broken Bridge Pubs)!
I’m not sure why this matters. Is it just because it’s more evidence that Narconon is a Scientology front group, or are you saying something else like…Narconon is squirreling the tech by getting/offering discounts on services?
If it’s just more evidence that they’re linked then i guess this is nice to have though, so thanks.
That was PART of Hubbard’s intention; to give scns their own private little language. Nothing says you’re in the “in” group like being to talk amongst yourselves without letting others know what you’re saying.
How *special!*
An old buddy of mine died a week ago. We’d been at the same point on the bridge initially, our kids were best friends and we were the same age. I used to earn decent money and he didn’t, though he always claimed that was no problem because he could always ‘have’ money. I made it onto OT7 before having the OT7 cog that it’s all bs. He never got up the bridge at all. I audited his wife, and her biggest cog was that she wanted to have sex with me.
They joined the SO after I’d blown scn, I’m sure they considered themselves successful because one daughter married a wealthy American and is busy pumping out babies like an Amish. He was ‘medical boarded’ out of the SO a couple of years ago with some illness and his wife stayed in. I bumped into him about a year ago in the sauna of my local gym. He was already regarded as a real eccentric by everyone, but had some bad illness. He couldn’t speak coherently and sounded demented. It was very sad.
He was actually quite an important person in my exiting from scn. I used to really lord it over him in a highly arrogant OT manner. After a while I realised that was all the OT levels were – some perceived higher status and all-knowing arrogance one adopts. It had no substance. He was actually a nice guy,
Congrats, dr mac. You had a friendship that survived your leaving scientology. From what I’ve seen, scientology “friendships” rarely are strong enough to survive not having the day-to-day shared experience/pain. Some evaporate as soon as you stop contributing to the cause; those were transactional, IMO; only ‘there’ because of your contributions.
Dreams are the brains way of reorganizing itself and dealing with life. Some dream of flying or doing something, some deal with sex. Dreams are all over the psyche and don’t usually mean very much.
Dreaming of your ‘billion year contract’ and what you have to do with it are signs of either commitment to the cause or fear of being trapped for a billion years.
Or sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. As Mr. Natural says, ‘don’t mean shit’.
It was kind of a stream of consciousness movie that could be titled JAY AND SILENT BOB GO TO GUATEMALA. But in this film I’m in the role of Silent Bob and I’m constantly yelling at Jay to stop messing with things, get away from potentially dangerous things like a massive steam locomotive (I could actually feel the heat radiating from it), and to stop bothering those soldiers. It would be more accurate to call it JAY AND LOUD LES GO TO GUATEMALA.
I read an article recently that dreams have something to do with being a randomizing function of the brain that helps it with pattern recognition, and we may have to incorporate something similar into AIs to help them work properly.
“Ability to communicate with anyone on any subject” sure wasn’t achieved by that girl. Can’t even handle a hallucinatory dream, ffs. Bailing on a PC is par for the course with the tiny twit. At least it isn’t as bad as punching your PC out in session, I guess.
In the 23 years I was in the Sea Org I only recall having 2 dreams.
In the 1st I dreamed that I had smoked dope in the S.O. When I woke up I wondered if it was true and if so I would be sent to the RPF. The second one is when I was transferred from the FSO to the Ship Project. I dreamed that my former senior was coming after me. Turned out she was. She tried to call a Court of Ethics on me for leaving my post. Mr Sue Price the Ship Msn I/C got it cancelled and it was never held.
The reason that I had so few dreams was that I had sleep apnea which means that I stopped breathing soon after (or even before I went to sleep). I was told by someone in the MLO office that ” One of these days you are going to wake up dead”. I believe it was Freddy Ulan but I am not positive. I asked him how I was going to wake up at all if I was dead and he had no explanation.
So what this really means is that I did not really have a good night’s sleep in 23 years. As a “Wog” I saw a sleep doctor and got a CPAP machine in 2005 and started having dreams after 25 years.
This was not good for my heart as when you stop breathing your heart speeds up to try to get more oxygen to the body. But since the lung are not getting any air it does the heart no good to pump faster. The heart needs more oxygen than any other organ in the body and if it works harder it needs even more oxygen.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. He’ll be spending lifetime after lifetime shipping revised CDs until all the universe’s gold is accumulated in COB’s coffers. It will take a lot more regging to build that spaceship.
Truer words were never spoken. “Sea Org members should never dream”.
In their delusions they dream of a brave new world that can never be, but even their idle odd fantasies about someday getting their teeth fixed or having enough toilet paper are doomed to end in disaster.
So strange, for some weeks before I escaped I dreamed of moving to a new berthing (Sea Org way of saying “new dormitory”) in some strange building still under renovation. Most of the dream was about the architecture, hallways, staircases and so on.
After I escaped my dreams were always about being caught and returned to the Sea Org. Gradually over the decades since then this has moderated from waking me up screaming to being just a bit unsettling.
Dream unquiet dreams of freedom, Sea Org members in your chains, and make them reality any way you must. The real world is waiting but it won’t wait forever.
If you don’t want to end up like Mildred, or my old friend Paco Suarez, or Phoebe Snow, or others I could name, the clock is steadily ticking down. Au revoir to Annie Tidman, Greg Brown, Charlie Rush, Uwe Stuckenbrock and so many others who died in the traces.
That will be true. When they finally achieved Planetary Clearing on Earth, the LRH Hall was officially inaugurated!
And also, in spite of the by then technological achievements, they can not print course packs other than Dave´s own facilities in California (Also known as Broken Bridge Pubs)!
Send a telex
That’s more of that modern technology in Scientology orgs.
This is so wrong on so many levels that it can only be scientology. Thank you RB.
O/T. Narconon organizations qualify for the California Teleconnect Fund, which provides a discounted rate on telecommunications services.
See spreadsheet at:
Memorialized with screenshots on ESMBR and Instagram at:
I’m not sure why this matters. Is it just because it’s more evidence that Narconon is a Scientology front group, or are you saying something else like…Narconon is squirreling the tech by getting/offering discounts on services?
If it’s just more evidence that they’re linked then i guess this is nice to have though, so thanks.
To someone who’s unfamiliar with $cientology speak all this is totally incomprehensible. :>)
That was PART of Hubbard’s intention; to give scns their own private little language. Nothing says you’re in the “in” group like being to talk amongst yourselves without letting others know what you’re saying.
How *special!*
An old buddy of mine died a week ago. We’d been at the same point on the bridge initially, our kids were best friends and we were the same age. I used to earn decent money and he didn’t, though he always claimed that was no problem because he could always ‘have’ money. I made it onto OT7 before having the OT7 cog that it’s all bs. He never got up the bridge at all. I audited his wife, and her biggest cog was that she wanted to have sex with me.
They joined the SO after I’d blown scn, I’m sure they considered themselves successful because one daughter married a wealthy American and is busy pumping out babies like an Amish. He was ‘medical boarded’ out of the SO a couple of years ago with some illness and his wife stayed in. I bumped into him about a year ago in the sauna of my local gym. He was already regarded as a real eccentric by everyone, but had some bad illness. He couldn’t speak coherently and sounded demented. It was very sad.
He was actually quite an important person in my exiting from scn. I used to really lord it over him in a highly arrogant OT manner. After a while I realised that was all the OT levels were – some perceived higher status and all-knowing arrogance one adopts. It had no substance. He was actually a nice guy,
On a 60’s bulletin there was a scale with pan-determinism above self-determinism. Self-determinism is ego, and that’s where most stopped.
Congrats, dr mac. You had a friendship that survived your leaving scientology. From what I’ve seen, scientology “friendships” rarely are strong enough to survive not having the day-to-day shared experience/pain. Some evaporate as soon as you stop contributing to the cause; those were transactional, IMO; only ‘there’ because of your contributions.
Dreams are the brains way of reorganizing itself and dealing with life. Some dream of flying or doing something, some deal with sex. Dreams are all over the psyche and don’t usually mean very much.
Dreaming of your ‘billion year contract’ and what you have to do with it are signs of either commitment to the cause or fear of being trapped for a billion years.
Or sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. As Mr. Natural says, ‘don’t mean shit’.
I once had a weird dream.
It was kind of a stream of consciousness movie that could be titled JAY AND SILENT BOB GO TO GUATEMALA. But in this film I’m in the role of Silent Bob and I’m constantly yelling at Jay to stop messing with things, get away from potentially dangerous things like a massive steam locomotive (I could actually feel the heat radiating from it), and to stop bothering those soldiers. It would be more accurate to call it JAY AND LOUD LES GO TO GUATEMALA.
Ah, Mr. Natural, the font of all wisdom whether it’s sane or not. Makes me want to dig my comic collection and reread Crumb.
I read an article recently that dreams have something to do with being a randomizing function of the brain that helps it with pattern recognition, and we may have to incorporate something similar into AIs to help them work properly.
My only DREAM in my many years in the SO was about escaping the trap. Nearly a decade later I made it a REALITY. Whew!
These comics really do highlight the insanity of it all. Good work
Have Dreams? Get them crushed by Scientology! Guaranteed !!!
“Ability to communicate with anyone on any subject” sure wasn’t achieved by that girl. Can’t even handle a hallucinatory dream, ffs. Bailing on a PC is par for the course with the tiny twit. At least it isn’t as bad as punching your PC out in session, I guess.
Great RB. I really love it. This is fine surreal humor. One of my favorite.
SO members shouldn’t dream. True. They should wake up!
In the 23 years I was in the Sea Org I only recall having 2 dreams.
In the 1st I dreamed that I had smoked dope in the S.O. When I woke up I wondered if it was true and if so I would be sent to the RPF. The second one is when I was transferred from the FSO to the Ship Project. I dreamed that my former senior was coming after me. Turned out she was. She tried to call a Court of Ethics on me for leaving my post. Mr Sue Price the Ship Msn I/C got it cancelled and it was never held.
The reason that I had so few dreams was that I had sleep apnea which means that I stopped breathing soon after (or even before I went to sleep). I was told by someone in the MLO office that ” One of these days you are going to wake up dead”. I believe it was Freddy Ulan but I am not positive. I asked him how I was going to wake up at all if I was dead and he had no explanation.
So what this really means is that I did not really have a good night’s sleep in 23 years. As a “Wog” I saw a sleep doctor and got a CPAP machine in 2005 and started having dreams after 25 years.
This was not good for my heart as when you stop breathing your heart speeds up to try to get more oxygen to the body. But since the lung are not getting any air it does the heart no good to pump faster. The heart needs more oxygen than any other organ in the body and if it works harder it needs even more oxygen.