Yes, I got that.
But one thing I do not fu)y undesrstand:
I was in the Starlight Cabaret for mandatory graduation one night and a lady ( I may be using the term loosely) had completed the Route to Infinity course. She did not say anything about lumbosis but she did declare the the course was ALMOST as good as taking LSD. COCMO Ship Jennifer Alpers waved to her Messinger and she took the “lady” straight from the stage to ETHICS.
I was left in the audience wondering if my ears had failed me.
If they have moved away, that is a really good sign. Once you leave working for Scientology, you very rarely go back.
Mark Headley used to say every Sea Org member is one good night’s sleep away from never coming back. That’s why Scientology’s ‘blow drill’ (which is what they call the operation to recapture someone who has escaped) is around 48 hours. After 48 hours, you will get a good night’s sleep a proper meal and you will remember being human. Once that happens you are out of Scientology.
If your son was in the Sea Org and left and lived overseas, I am 100% certain he is OK. Even if he was just on staff, leaving Scientology and going overseas is really drastic.
If he comes back, your support is surely all he will need.
Also sorry to hear you are distant from you grandchildren.
RB, you’ve outdone yourself. There is so much here but for some reason, “I sure could use that spam”, had a peculiar effect and I just can’t stop chuckling.
The poor NOI “Auditors”: taken in by two irrational cults at the same time. I can’t figure out HOW they can accept both at once. The two are diametrically opposed. Neither makes sense in light of the other.
The pompadour at the podium endorsing Aaron is still worth a chuckle. Like Dwarfenführer is EVER going to do something like that. He’s too machiavellian to give the “anti”-scientologists (Pro-Clearwater folks) ANY support. The only thing HE supports is another thimbleful of fine whiskey going into his gullet. AND lots of cash into his pockets.
RB, this is some of your finest work. So acurately displaying exactly what Scientology is and how crazy Scientologists are once they are fully brainwashed, unduly influenced and indoctrinated into the Scientology MIND of L Ron Hubbard. Scientolgoists are the last to know they are not free. They believe they have freedom while they are trapped and taken for every dime they have and don’t have. Scientology is a huge con and scam. Please, Lord Xenu, take this cult down.
I may be wrong, since it’s been 41 years since I cared, but I thought the stat was WELL DONE auditing hours, not just the raw hours.
Of course, Dwarfebführer® has changed most everything else, why NOT the stat Hubbard thought was most important — behind Gross Income, of course
I got lost trying to find the end of that interminable thread. It astounds me that such a looney-tunes, racist and toxic group could well be the most enthusiastic scientologists in DECADES. Never mind the many mixed processes and oft-repeated “All praise is Due To Allah” APIDTA. They’re eventually gonna piss off the Tiny Tirant and be tossed out of the enterprise. At least they have their own cult to fall back on, “NOI”, which has about as much to do with Islam as most of us have with what is currently called scientology.
I don’t quite get the cartoon but I am watching the program on A&E starring Leah Remini and Mike Rinder about Scientolgists and how Scientology ruined their lives. I am very worried about my son, his wife and their two kids. She is part of a large Scientology family and my son got involved in the cult many years ago. They were financially ruined. I think my son is afraid her family will shun them so they pretend to be believers and has taken their family abroad. I am grateful he is away from the cult but worry when he comes back, Scientology will trap them into working for the cult for free again.
That sounds like a valid concern. Sadly, about all you can do is love them all unconditionally, and NOT say anything about scientology or the scn-watching sites such as this. Even Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Krusty Alley are subjects which could cause problems if raised. For all their talk, scientologists are pretty much forbidden to talk frankly about the subject or its celebrities.
hmmm tough situation – when people are inside it is very hard / next to impossible to influence them to leave. Sounds distressing and leaves little hope but that’s the sad reality of this organisation. Most likely if you try influence them they are so far indoctrinated that they will disown you, all you can do is gently tell them that you miss them greatly and hope that puts enough ideas in their head to come back home. ie Merry Christmas – I wish you were here to celebrate with us like we used to in years gone by, Happy Birthday – I wish you were here to give you a hug for your birthday etc etc. If you come accross as too strong in terms of trying to persuade them to leave this will be frowned upon by the organisation and most likely backfire.
Dont take my advice – Please do your own research into the way to handle this matter and i wish you all the best of luck in the meantime if your looking for some comfort then perhaps consider that their is a possibility that they are happy and content where they are, doing what they are doing.
Nothing in the cult comes cheap for anyone but one man, even if you work for them.
Yes, I got that.
But one thing I do not fu)y undesrstand:
I was in the Starlight Cabaret for mandatory graduation one night and a lady ( I may be using the term loosely) had completed the Route to Infinity course. She did not say anything about lumbosis but she did declare the the course was ALMOST as good as taking LSD. COCMO Ship Jennifer Alpers waved to her Messinger and she took the “lady” straight from the stage to ETHICS.
I was left in the audience wondering if my ears had failed me.
If they have moved away, that is a really good sign. Once you leave working for Scientology, you very rarely go back.
Mark Headley used to say every Sea Org member is one good night’s sleep away from never coming back. That’s why Scientology’s ‘blow drill’ (which is what they call the operation to recapture someone who has escaped) is around 48 hours. After 48 hours, you will get a good night’s sleep a proper meal and you will remember being human. Once that happens you are out of Scientology.
If your son was in the Sea Org and left and lived overseas, I am 100% certain he is OK. Even if he was just on staff, leaving Scientology and going overseas is really drastic.
If he comes back, your support is surely all he will need.
Also sorry to hear you are distant from you grandchildren.
RB, you’ve outdone yourself. There is so much here but for some reason, “I sure could use that spam”, had a peculiar effect and I just can’t stop chuckling.
The poor NOI “Auditors”: taken in by two irrational cults at the same time. I can’t figure out HOW they can accept both at once. The two are diametrically opposed. Neither makes sense in light of the other.
The pompadour at the podium endorsing Aaron is still worth a chuckle. Like Dwarfenführer is EVER going to do something like that. He’s too machiavellian to give the “anti”-scientologists (Pro-Clearwater folks) ANY support. The only thing HE supports is another thimbleful of fine whiskey going into his gullet. AND lots of cash into his pockets.
Der Dwarfenführer® had the opportunity to buy a used cruise ship cheaply during the pandemic and he blew it!
RB, this is some of your finest work. So acurately displaying exactly what Scientology is and how crazy Scientologists are once they are fully brainwashed, unduly influenced and indoctrinated into the Scientology MIND of L Ron Hubbard. Scientolgoists are the last to know they are not free. They believe they have freedom while they are trapped and taken for every dime they have and don’t have. Scientology is a huge con and scam. Please, Lord Xenu, take this cult down.
*Groan Again*
Alice’s bubble has popped. Now that the real world is filtering in, she will never be ‘sessionable’ again. Take that and put it in your weekly stats.
I may be wrong, since it’s been 41 years since I cared, but I thought the stat was WELL DONE auditing hours, not just the raw hours.
Of course, Dwarfebführer® has changed most everything else, why NOT the stat Hubbard thought was most important — behind Gross Income, of course
May Alice never be sessionable again — for her own good and the good of those around her.
O/T. Nation of Islam Auditor Pin. The pin further confirms that the Nation of Islam itself delivers Scientology Dianetics auditing.
Archived with a Screenshot on Instagram, ESMBR and WWP at:
I got lost trying to find the end of that interminable thread. It astounds me that such a looney-tunes, racist and toxic group could well be the most enthusiastic scientologists in DECADES. Never mind the many mixed processes and oft-repeated “All praise is Due To Allah” APIDTA. They’re eventually gonna piss off the Tiny Tirant and be tossed out of the enterprise. At least they have their own cult to fall back on, “NOI”, which has about as much to do with Islam as most of us have with what is currently called scientology.
I don’t quite get the cartoon but I am watching the program on A&E starring Leah Remini and Mike Rinder about Scientolgists and how Scientology ruined their lives. I am very worried about my son, his wife and their two kids. She is part of a large Scientology family and my son got involved in the cult many years ago. They were financially ruined. I think my son is afraid her family will shun them so they pretend to be believers and has taken their family abroad. I am grateful he is away from the cult but worry when he comes back, Scientology will trap them into working for the cult for free again.
That sounds like a valid concern. Sadly, about all you can do is love them all unconditionally, and NOT say anything about scientology or the scn-watching sites such as this. Even Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Krusty Alley are subjects which could cause problems if raised. For all their talk, scientologists are pretty much forbidden to talk frankly about the subject or its celebrities.
hmmm tough situation – when people are inside it is very hard / next to impossible to influence them to leave. Sounds distressing and leaves little hope but that’s the sad reality of this organisation. Most likely if you try influence them they are so far indoctrinated that they will disown you, all you can do is gently tell them that you miss them greatly and hope that puts enough ideas in their head to come back home. ie Merry Christmas – I wish you were here to celebrate with us like we used to in years gone by, Happy Birthday – I wish you were here to give you a hug for your birthday etc etc. If you come accross as too strong in terms of trying to persuade them to leave this will be frowned upon by the organisation and most likely backfire.
Dont take my advice – Please do your own research into the way to handle this matter and i wish you all the best of luck in the meantime if your looking for some comfort then perhaps consider that their is a possibility that they are happy and content where they are, doing what they are doing.