I too hope that my two kids get some crappy, non-justice, horrible ethics run on them so that they will wake up and decide it is wrong and leave the cult.
There is an obvious answer to the black-haired guy’s problem. On staff you still have to worry about things like rent, food, and transportation.
JOIN THE SEA ORG! In that loving, congenial atmosphere all your meat body’s needs are comfortable met so you can concentrate on the important things in life, like bilking the public.
The S.O. uniforms DO look like parking valets’ don’t they? Oh, if ONLY! Valets get pain LOTS more, TBH. They can AFFORD to have an apartment/house, eat, have dates, and those other things young adults need & want. staff/crew have little or none of that, and then only on the down-low. Seniors dare not find out their juniors are actually enjoying life, not even a little.
I’ve just started to think of what Tubby’s ‘bridge’ really was & is. So far, it seems McSavage has turned it into a game of “Chutes and ladders”. Landing on the wrong square chutes you all the way back to the beginning.
I might be wrong but I think that was built in at the beginning. Davey is all about changing everything without really admitting it and making people go back to the beginning to get the new, not-new tech.
I really like the Chutes and Ladders metaphor. That’s exactly what it is.
Even the staff know that $17.43 a week sporadically is insufficient; HAS been insufficient since Flag crew occasionally got paid $20, gross, back in the ’70s. After paying for the necessities theoretically supplied by Flag, I never had enough to do anything FUN in the rare half-hour we got of “free” time. Usually, we had to shoehorn fun in with doing our laundry, on Sunday mornings, I think. As I’ve said before, I can’t figure out how the girls got the supplies the needed periodically when *soap* was a scarcity.
RB, You hit it out of the park again. Including the eerie bit how the new person is starting to get his integrity attacked to weaken it, to make bits fall away and dissolve. The more “experienced” staff member chipping away at the new guy’s ideas of “Shouldn’t that detail about the person be kept private?”
One comes in with their own view and integrity; then somehow (instead) BLIND SPOTS are manufactured and instilled. Doing this to someone seems a real crime. That it is all done while purporting to MAKE YOU so much more high-integrity and ethical: a hamster’s wheel indeed.
Hey Mike is there actually a difference between regraded and degraded being? Because it says regraded being in the caption of the cartoon but I always hear you and Leah talk about degraded beings in the podcast.
Milton you should see the two words separately, they have very different meanings. Generally Degraded Being is a term used deliberately in a derogatory way for those who have left the SO or scn. Or more generally for those with poor living conditions.
While Regraded gives more of the idea of someone having had an improvement, he has reclassified himself as being for the better (leaving the cult).
Milton, my understanding is that “regraded” is a play off of degraded, especially since the main characters are scns in good standing, thus NOT degraded by definition.
Scientology offers (for a price) particular levels of spiritual enlightenment that once achieved, enable a person to do wonderous things such as; have the ability to communicate freely with anyone on any subject or the ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish.
Yes, vanish. Poof!!
These Levels are called The Grades and there are five Grades altogether but for some reason L Ron Hubbard seemed to like zeros so he numbered the Grades 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 instead of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
The abilities I described above can be gotten by just paying for and doing Grades 0 and 1, so imagine what a spiritual powerhouse a person who’s done all 5 Grades must be.
Any good Scientology Registrar will tell you that the abilities gained from doing The Grades will be yours for the rest of your eternity.
Every now and then something unexplainable happens and it is discovered that one or more of the Grades need to be repeated otherwise the newly gained abilities may diminish or disappear altogether long before one reaches the end of their eternity.
When this happens one can only remedy the situation by re-purchasing and re-doing the Grade or Grades in question.
At this point one becomes a Regraded Being.
So not only did I fall for it, I fell for it twice!
Another brilliant RB post…
It’s so funny to me because it’s so true…
I had 2 other jobs when I was on staff, and both jobs paid more in one
hour than I often made in a week on staff.
For my first 10 months on staff(in 2010), I made about 2,000 dollars….at an ” ideal org” that was already fading(auditors were doing “call-in” in order to get preclears). I can only imagine what it must be like for whoever is left there:
Penniless, in an echo chamber, doing O/W write-ups and doubt formulas because the “stats” are out the bottom , whilst saving cigarette butts…
What a fucking horrible scam.
Yes, it horrible what Class V org staff have to endure. I always felt so sorry for them. No small portion of what I bought and donated when I was in the cult was out of pity for the staff. And guilt because I refused to sign up. I knew from the beginning I’d NEVER be able to make it on staff and support myself and pay my bills. I felt terribly guilty about it especially since they all seemed so happy and content to be there! Of course their happiness and contentment was a facade but I didn’t know that back then. Here were these…ANGELS…angels of unselfishness, working all these HOURS, contributing so HAPPILY and contentedly…to ME…while in recruitment cycles, year in and year out, all I could think of was, “How the HELL could I POSSIBLY be a successful staff member AND keep myself above water financially?” The answer was always that I knew I could not. Yet I felt enormously guilty for not even ever giving it a TRY. I knew that meant that I was…whatever. Uncaring, at heart, I suppose. So I gave, I bought. Lots of stuff I didn’t want, especially at events. I did it for my org staff. Possibly others who were public like me bought and donated for the same reason.
Before I was on staff, I often donated for the same reasons.
The reality of staff life is just…sad. So much huffing and puffing and chest thumping and shaming and face-ripping and money-grubbing and “high-toned game playing”…in a quest to save the world, because you are-of course!-a member of the elite group that possesses the “tech and the postulates” to “reverse the dwindling spiral”…
Venturing beyond scienbollocky’s Potemkin Facade, one finds a truly whack, nutso House of Culty Horrors…
Mark, when I left staff in 2011, I secured a job at a local Goodwill. I earned a HELL of a sight more there than when I was on staff! And Goodwill was paying minimum wage! I was living in a house with several other staff members and was behind on my share of the rent. All I got was the usual ‘Make It Go Right ‘ schpiel. Well, I made it go right by leaving staff and getting a job at Goodwill! Was able to pay off my back rent in a few months time! I don’t know whether to laugh or cry over this!
Thanks, Mark! When you think about it, it really is sad that I made more money working for Goodwill on minimum wage than I did being on staff in Scientology.
Agreed on all, Mark, and yet, at the same time – at least in MY former org – the staff went around BEAMING with contentment, I kid you not! BEAMING. They looked so HAPPY to be there! Always smiling, or if not smiling, at least contented and at peace. I used to look at them and wonder; “How do they DO this? How can they be so happy?” I knew I’d be miserable.
Their life situations were familiar to me. I KNEW that most of them worked unGODly hours at the org and made no money AND had wog jobs, moonlighting gigs they did to pay the bills.
Of course a few of them had family money but most of the staff in my org did not have that kind of independent income or support.
So the ones who between one thing or another were working constantly, I used to look at them in AWE.
How could they be so cheerful, so glad to be there?
It wasn’t until YEARS after I was out that I found out that they HAD to appear that way in front of us – had to appear happy and glad, etc. etc., to present this image, this pulled together, competent, “winning on all dynamics” image to the public was POLICY they dared not flout!
Well, I’ll tell ‘ya, they had ME fooled. I totally bought it.
Not that fooling me was so hard to do, back in the day. I was pretty dumb, not at all suspicious. I bought their “thrilled to be on staff” line hook, line and sinker!
I get it.
I was fooled, too, for years…
In hindsight, I am grateful for receiving the rude shock of crappy staff treatment, as it expedited my exit from the cult…
I do understand what you mean.
Instead of feeling that old robotic, cringey, culty “certainty” ,I feel grateful every day for simply being alive and for being able to learn…and for real, mutually loving relationships…
Jane Doe 2says
I too hope that my two kids get some crappy, non-justice, horrible ethics run on them so that they will wake up and decide it is wrong and leave the cult.
Aqua, that’s my story exactly! CCNashville staff were also the happy, skippy “It’s a Sunshine Day” bunch that you described. Just like you said, a few of them did have family funds backing them up or got special treatment because mom and dad made a huge donation to the org. Privately, there were some rumblings of discontent but it was all not-izzed under a smiling Brady Bunch facade.
Hi Alco,
Yeah, I think that happy dippy thrilled to be here/ so privileged to be on staff /smile perpetually plastered on face default expression is a Celebrity Centre thing. Ditto the love bombing 🙂
AND, in Flag’s case, while the org is pulling in indecent amounts of gross income. Even in weeks of ’emergency’, Income could be a million dollars — and the crew didn’t deserve ANY money or time off, or anything above the very basics. We had to PAY to get air conditioning, ffs.
Talk about WRONG targets: If GI, generated by the Registrars in Dept 6, was down, EVERYONE, no matter their stats, was punished equally. And even when all stats were up nicely, staff never got paid, and usually were punished in subtle ways — No TP is one particularly spiteful one.
The “student Hat” was a waste of time, anyway. I was a good student before scn, in a good college due to excellent SATs, and the “student hat” tore enjoyment of reading clear away. I found myself decades later still reading word-by-word, defining each in my mind as if I was going to be “star rated” on the material afterward. I believe the “primary rundown” was Tubby’s punishment for good students who could easily read for understanding, which he seemed incapable of doing without all those convoluted extra steps and self-doubt.
GAT, GAK, and so forth hit EVERYTHING, making it even more difficult to get anywhere on that damned chart. Used to be that a new body in could be ‘auditing’ their first week, if only doing the CCHs. Now, I’d be surprised if anyone can get through the “Basics” in a year, the way the ‘courses’ are set up. Just another example of Dwarfenführer® moving further and further away from DOING scientology and toward pure donations to accounts he controls.
In ’80, Flag tossed me out as incapable of doing any job they had; I wasn’t even an acceptable RPF inmate, ffs. Seeing my SSI records from the ’70s was interesting. I went from a few $5,000 years to $1,000 or less at Flag for 4 years, then immediately to $10,000+. AND of course Flag’s accounting had me “owing” full price for courses they ordered me to do, and my hours of work were worth nothing at all, never mind that I got their CF up to date for the first time in the SO’s history. I heard later that they’d replaced me with 3 bodies and still were falling behind; despite having all the tools I’d built (literally) and a full hat write-up on the top left corner of my “desk”, where I’d always kept it for quick reference.
From what you write you were TOO productive and competent for their liking. in other words you scared them.
If it makes you feel any better, in 4 separate jobs over 35 years I had my written and audiotaped hat writeups thrown in the trash by the person who followed me. All four.
On the day when we can fully trust each other, there will be peace on Earth.
Yeah, right!
This cult uses anything one confesses in auditing sessions in attempts to take more money from you. There is a video/audio system called the Look In System at Flag. Their registrars access the recordings in preparing to hit the member up for more money. I’ve personally seen the system and experienced a registrar using the supposedly confidential information an hour after I gave it up.
Glen, Oh, how right you are. Today I see that they knew every button on the console to press with me! “Won’t you help, just a little?”. OMG. And there were other lines that never failed 🙂 And I had no idea.
Great RB. These cartoons remind me so much of the penniless SO times. Some time even months with no pay at all.
There were also those who collected cigarette butts and then made cigarettes with them.
And if you complained that you didn’t even have money for your hygiene or a coffee and you were pissed you were told that it was case on post and to produce more.
Another evil way of controlling staff by constantly holding them with a tight rope around their neck.
I am positive that it is (or at least was) Command Intention to beat up staff members. My best friend ( he still is today; 28 years later) on the Freewinds told me one day that he was ordered by COCMO SHIP Jennifer Alpers to ” Get some “thugs” together and go and beat up FSSO EC” for not paying their rent to Freewinds.
This sounded utterly off the wall. Sadly, he lost it a while later and I had to take him on the plane to the PAC RPF as he was Type 3 PTS ( which was and is another horror story befitting Edgar Allan Poe.)
After I finally made it back to the ship alive (no minor feat) I was called up to the COCMO’s office. The COCMO Ship asked me with her D/CO present Laurie Belottie if anyone had told me that she (The CO)was an SP.
I was nervous but told her that yes, The Psycho that I took to the PAC RPF had told me that she was an SP as he claimed that she had ordered him to beat up Sea Org members. At that point Laurie Bellotte jumped in her seat and I remembered that my friend had told me that Laurie was present when he was given the order. Mr Alpers never denied telling my friend that she had ordered him to ” Get some thugs together” and beat up EC FSSO.
As I saw the CO CMO routinely with DM when he was I was aboard I had no doubt that the idea came from him. Only a dwarfenfuehrer had the authority to do that
Bill good to “see” you – read – again.
Nice story that gives the idea of what is the DM way to handle people or to please him sending a squad to kick the butt of someone. Pure fascism.
I didn’t experience that in CLO, only people screaming at you face to face.
That certainly describes scientology. Those who got through that insanity were ultra-dedicated to following the inane, insane orders, and taking the punishment for the results those orders obtained. The dictator at the top of the heap couldn’t have made a wrong order! It was the slaves who sabotaged his efforts. ‘Twas a great scam if you had the stomach for it. Now, it’s WORSE. It seems that trying to deliver what was promised is a crime. GAT, GAK, GAT II all make advancing up the ‘bridge’ less possible, and there’s always the high probability that you STILL did it wrong so have to re-do it – AGAIN.
And pay for it, of course.
Y’know, it’s been fourteen years since the Basics event in Clearwater(2007). I wonder how book sales are? Is the mighty midget going to have to come out with a new version of the Basics and hold another event where he tries to persuade people that the reason they couldn’t understand the books was because they were ‘riddled with errors’ and now public need to buy a complete set of ‘restored’ books?
It would be so funny watching him try to pull that one off!
Alcoboy, you know there’s always a crash after stat pushes like that. Having set things up for the crash, Dwarfenführer® had more opportunity to beat and belittle any who crossed his path. Win-win for the tiny tyrant and the victims could be interiorized by the “proof” that THEY were the cause of the down stats. Had I been around at that time, I would have been notorious for zero stats when it came to selling anything. I never wanted to sell, couldn’t sell, collapsed in a soggy heap if I tried. I just couldn’t lie — even in a “good cause”.
“I couldn’t sell, never wanted to sell and would collapse in a soggy heap”
Yep. Just the way I felt doing call-in. Hated it. Telling people that you would take their name off the call list when you had no intention of doing so. I’m glad I’m out of it.
I too hope that my two kids get some crappy, non-justice, horrible ethics run on them so that they will wake up and decide it is wrong and leave the cult.
I wonder how he’s going to make his rent situation go right. Maybe a Public member who needs to make amends could loan him the money?
There is an obvious answer to the black-haired guy’s problem. On staff you still have to worry about things like rent, food, and transportation.
JOIN THE SEA ORG! In that loving, congenial atmosphere all your meat body’s needs are comfortable met so you can concentrate on the important things in life, like bilking the public.
The S.O. uniforms DO look like parking valets’ don’t they? Oh, if ONLY! Valets get pain LOTS more, TBH. They can AFFORD to have an apartment/house, eat, have dates, and those other things young adults need & want. staff/crew have little or none of that, and then only on the down-low. Seniors dare not find out their juniors are actually enjoying life, not even a little.
I’ve just started to think of what Tubby’s ‘bridge’ really was & is. So far, it seems McSavage has turned it into a game of “Chutes and ladders”. Landing on the wrong square chutes you all the way back to the beginning.
I might be wrong but I think that was built in at the beginning. Davey is all about changing everything without really admitting it and making people go back to the beginning to get the new, not-new tech.
I really like the Chutes and Ladders metaphor. That’s exactly what it is.
Even the staff know that $17.43 a week sporadically is insufficient; HAS been insufficient since Flag crew occasionally got paid $20, gross, back in the ’70s. After paying for the necessities theoretically supplied by Flag, I never had enough to do anything FUN in the rare half-hour we got of “free” time. Usually, we had to shoehorn fun in with doing our laundry, on Sunday mornings, I think. As I’ve said before, I can’t figure out how the girls got the supplies the needed periodically when *soap* was a scarcity.
RB, You hit it out of the park again. Including the eerie bit how the new person is starting to get his integrity attacked to weaken it, to make bits fall away and dissolve. The more “experienced” staff member chipping away at the new guy’s ideas of “Shouldn’t that detail about the person be kept private?”
One comes in with their own view and integrity; then somehow (instead) BLIND SPOTS are manufactured and instilled. Doing this to someone seems a real crime. That it is all done while purporting to MAKE YOU so much more high-integrity and ethical: a hamster’s wheel indeed.
Hey Mike is there actually a difference between regraded and degraded being? Because it says regraded being in the caption of the cartoon but I always hear you and Leah talk about degraded beings in the podcast.
Milton you should see the two words separately, they have very different meanings. Generally Degraded Being is a term used deliberately in a derogatory way for those who have left the SO or scn. Or more generally for those with poor living conditions.
While Regraded gives more of the idea of someone having had an improvement, he has reclassified himself as being for the better (leaving the cult).
Thank you
Milton, my understanding is that “regraded” is a play off of degraded, especially since the main characters are scns in good standing, thus NOT degraded by definition.
Scientology offers (for a price) particular levels of spiritual enlightenment that once achieved, enable a person to do wonderous things such as; have the ability to communicate freely with anyone on any subject or the ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish.
Yes, vanish. Poof!!
These Levels are called The Grades and there are five Grades altogether but for some reason L Ron Hubbard seemed to like zeros so he numbered the Grades 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 instead of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
The abilities I described above can be gotten by just paying for and doing Grades 0 and 1, so imagine what a spiritual powerhouse a person who’s done all 5 Grades must be.
Any good Scientology Registrar will tell you that the abilities gained from doing The Grades will be yours for the rest of your eternity.
Every now and then something unexplainable happens and it is discovered that one or more of the Grades need to be repeated otherwise the newly gained abilities may diminish or disappear altogether long before one reaches the end of their eternity.
When this happens one can only remedy the situation by re-purchasing and re-doing the Grade or Grades in question.
At this point one becomes a Regraded Being.
So not only did I fall for it, I fell for it twice!
Any “gains” received from scientology are illusive: no one else observes them in you, and temporary.
My apologies to RB.
The first two panels were transposed.
Now corrected.
Another brilliant RB post…
It’s so funny to me because it’s so true…
I had 2 other jobs when I was on staff, and both jobs paid more in one
hour than I often made in a week on staff.
For my first 10 months on staff(in 2010), I made about 2,000 dollars….at an ” ideal org” that was already fading(auditors were doing “call-in” in order to get preclears). I can only imagine what it must be like for whoever is left there:
Penniless, in an echo chamber, doing O/W write-ups and doubt formulas because the “stats” are out the bottom , whilst saving cigarette butts…
What a fucking horrible scam.
Yes, it horrible what Class V org staff have to endure. I always felt so sorry for them. No small portion of what I bought and donated when I was in the cult was out of pity for the staff. And guilt because I refused to sign up. I knew from the beginning I’d NEVER be able to make it on staff and support myself and pay my bills. I felt terribly guilty about it especially since they all seemed so happy and content to be there! Of course their happiness and contentment was a facade but I didn’t know that back then. Here were these…ANGELS…angels of unselfishness, working all these HOURS, contributing so HAPPILY and contentedly…to ME…while in recruitment cycles, year in and year out, all I could think of was, “How the HELL could I POSSIBLY be a successful staff member AND keep myself above water financially?” The answer was always that I knew I could not. Yet I felt enormously guilty for not even ever giving it a TRY. I knew that meant that I was…whatever. Uncaring, at heart, I suppose. So I gave, I bought. Lots of stuff I didn’t want, especially at events. I did it for my org staff. Possibly others who were public like me bought and donated for the same reason.
Before I was on staff, I often donated for the same reasons.
The reality of staff life is just…sad. So much huffing and puffing and chest thumping and shaming and face-ripping and money-grubbing and “high-toned game playing”…in a quest to save the world, because you are-of course!-a member of the elite group that possesses the “tech and the postulates” to “reverse the dwindling spiral”…
Venturing beyond scienbollocky’s Potemkin Facade, one finds a truly whack, nutso House of Culty Horrors…
Mark, when I left staff in 2011, I secured a job at a local Goodwill. I earned a HELL of a sight more there than when I was on staff! And Goodwill was paying minimum wage! I was living in a house with several other staff members and was behind on my share of the rent. All I got was the usual ‘Make It Go Right ‘ schpiel. Well, I made it go right by leaving staff and getting a job at Goodwill! Was able to pay off my back rent in a few months time! I don’t know whether to laugh or cry over this!
Amazing! Glad that you made it out!
Thanks, Mark! When you think about it, it really is sad that I made more money working for Goodwill on minimum wage than I did being on staff in Scientology.
Agreed on all, Mark, and yet, at the same time – at least in MY former org – the staff went around BEAMING with contentment, I kid you not! BEAMING. They looked so HAPPY to be there! Always smiling, or if not smiling, at least contented and at peace. I used to look at them and wonder; “How do they DO this? How can they be so happy?” I knew I’d be miserable.
Their life situations were familiar to me. I KNEW that most of them worked unGODly hours at the org and made no money AND had wog jobs, moonlighting gigs they did to pay the bills.
Of course a few of them had family money but most of the staff in my org did not have that kind of independent income or support.
So the ones who between one thing or another were working constantly, I used to look at them in AWE.
How could they be so cheerful, so glad to be there?
It wasn’t until YEARS after I was out that I found out that they HAD to appear that way in front of us – had to appear happy and glad, etc. etc., to present this image, this pulled together, competent, “winning on all dynamics” image to the public was POLICY they dared not flout!
Well, I’ll tell ‘ya, they had ME fooled. I totally bought it.
Not that fooling me was so hard to do, back in the day. I was pretty dumb, not at all suspicious. I bought their “thrilled to be on staff” line hook, line and sinker!
I get it.
I was fooled, too, for years…
In hindsight, I am grateful for receiving the rude shock of crappy staff treatment, as it expedited my exit from the cult…
Hear you. Sounds awful to agree and say I, too, am glad you got rotten treatment but you know where I’m coming from when I say that.
I do understand what you mean.
Instead of feeling that old robotic, cringey, culty “certainty” ,I feel grateful every day for simply being alive and for being able to learn…and for real, mutually loving relationships…
I too hope that my two kids get some crappy, non-justice, horrible ethics run on them so that they will wake up and decide it is wrong and leave the cult.
Aqua, that’s my story exactly! CCNashville staff were also the happy, skippy “It’s a Sunshine Day” bunch that you described. Just like you said, a few of them did have family funds backing them up or got special treatment because mom and dad made a huge donation to the org. Privately, there were some rumblings of discontent but it was all not-izzed under a smiling Brady Bunch facade.
Hi Alco,
Yeah, I think that happy dippy thrilled to be here/ so privileged to be on staff /smile perpetually plastered on face default expression is a Celebrity Centre thing. Ditto the love bombing 🙂
AND, in Flag’s case, while the org is pulling in indecent amounts of gross income. Even in weeks of ’emergency’, Income could be a million dollars — and the crew didn’t deserve ANY money or time off, or anything above the very basics. We had to PAY to get air conditioning, ffs.
Talk about WRONG targets: If GI, generated by the Registrars in Dept 6, was down, EVERYONE, no matter their stats, was punished equally. And even when all stats were up nicely, staff never got paid, and usually were punished in subtle ways — No TP is one particularly spiteful one.
There’s a GAT II Scientology Student Hat Dictionary?!?!?!?
Isn’t that an oxymoron?
Geez. I’d be more appalled but I’m certain no one’s on the course anyway.
The “student Hat” was a waste of time, anyway. I was a good student before scn, in a good college due to excellent SATs, and the “student hat” tore enjoyment of reading clear away. I found myself decades later still reading word-by-word, defining each in my mind as if I was going to be “star rated” on the material afterward. I believe the “primary rundown” was Tubby’s punishment for good students who could easily read for understanding, which he seemed incapable of doing without all those convoluted extra steps and self-doubt.
GAT, GAK, and so forth hit EVERYTHING, making it even more difficult to get anywhere on that damned chart. Used to be that a new body in could be ‘auditing’ their first week, if only doing the CCHs. Now, I’d be surprised if anyone can get through the “Basics” in a year, the way the ‘courses’ are set up. Just another example of Dwarfenführer® moving further and further away from DOING scientology and toward pure donations to accounts he controls.
Trust the C of S? As if.
That’s why I love RB. He makes me laugh..
RB kicks another field goal. Of course no one there notices the dichotomy in what was said and done.
No one in there is allowed to reflect on the insanity and cognitive dissonance or they’d HAVE to leave despite the penalties of doing so.
After walking off AOLA staff in 1971 due to zero pay, I immediately started at a $650 a month job. They never got me again,
In ’80, Flag tossed me out as incapable of doing any job they had; I wasn’t even an acceptable RPF inmate, ffs. Seeing my SSI records from the ’70s was interesting. I went from a few $5,000 years to $1,000 or less at Flag for 4 years, then immediately to $10,000+. AND of course Flag’s accounting had me “owing” full price for courses they ordered me to do, and my hours of work were worth nothing at all, never mind that I got their CF up to date for the first time in the SO’s history. I heard later that they’d replaced me with 3 bodies and still were falling behind; despite having all the tools I’d built (literally) and a full hat write-up on the top left corner of my “desk”, where I’d always kept it for quick reference.
From what you write you were TOO productive and competent for their liking. in other words you scared them.
If it makes you feel any better, in 4 separate jobs over 35 years I had my written and audiotaped hat writeups thrown in the trash by the person who followed me. All four.
On the day when we can fully trust each other, there will be peace on Earth.
Yeah, right!
This cult uses anything one confesses in auditing sessions in attempts to take more money from you. There is a video/audio system called the Look In System at Flag. Their registrars access the recordings in preparing to hit the member up for more money. I’ve personally seen the system and experienced a registrar using the supposedly confidential information an hour after I gave it up.
Trust? Long way from it. Abuse? Absolutely 100%.
Glen, Oh, how right you are. Today I see that they knew every button on the console to press with me! “Won’t you help, just a little?”. OMG. And there were other lines that never failed 🙂 And I had no idea.
The day we will be safe to trust a scientologist, there will be rainbows and unicorns flying through the air.😇
On the day we can trust a scientologist, there will be rainbows and unicorns floating in the sky.😇
Great RB. These cartoons remind me so much of the penniless SO times. Some time even months with no pay at all.
There were also those who collected cigarette butts and then made cigarettes with them.
And if you complained that you didn’t even have money for your hygiene or a coffee and you were pissed you were told that it was case on post and to produce more.
Another evil way of controlling staff by constantly holding them with a tight rope around their neck.
“Beatings will continue until morale improves!”
Laughing. And by dint of beating and blaming, morale will certainly improve. It cannot be otherwise. This is proven 3rd dynamic standard tech.
I am positive that it is (or at least was) Command Intention to beat up staff members. My best friend ( he still is today; 28 years later) on the Freewinds told me one day that he was ordered by COCMO SHIP Jennifer Alpers to ” Get some “thugs” together and go and beat up FSSO EC” for not paying their rent to Freewinds.
This sounded utterly off the wall. Sadly, he lost it a while later and I had to take him on the plane to the PAC RPF as he was Type 3 PTS ( which was and is another horror story befitting Edgar Allan Poe.)
After I finally made it back to the ship alive (no minor feat) I was called up to the COCMO’s office. The COCMO Ship asked me with her D/CO present Laurie Belottie if anyone had told me that she (The CO)was an SP.
I was nervous but told her that yes, The Psycho that I took to the PAC RPF had told me that she was an SP as he claimed that she had ordered him to beat up Sea Org members. At that point Laurie Bellotte jumped in her seat and I remembered that my friend had told me that Laurie was present when he was given the order. Mr Alpers never denied telling my friend that she had ordered him to ” Get some thugs together” and beat up EC FSSO.
As I saw the CO CMO routinely with DM when he was I was aboard I had no doubt that the idea came from him. Only a dwarfenfuehrer had the authority to do that
Bill good to “see” you – read – again.
Nice story that gives the idea of what is the DM way to handle people or to please him sending a squad to kick the butt of someone. Pure fascism.
I didn’t experience that in CLO, only people screaming at you face to face.
“Beatings will continue until morale improves!”
That certainly describes scientology. Those who got through that insanity were ultra-dedicated to following the inane, insane orders, and taking the punishment for the results those orders obtained. The dictator at the top of the heap couldn’t have made a wrong order! It was the slaves who sabotaged his efforts. ‘Twas a great scam if you had the stomach for it. Now, it’s WORSE. It seems that trying to deliver what was promised is a crime. GAT, GAK, GAT II all make advancing up the ‘bridge’ less possible, and there’s always the high probability that you STILL did it wrong so have to re-do it – AGAIN.
And pay for it, of course.
Y’know, it’s been fourteen years since the Basics event in Clearwater(2007). I wonder how book sales are? Is the mighty midget going to have to come out with a new version of the Basics and hold another event where he tries to persuade people that the reason they couldn’t understand the books was because they were ‘riddled with errors’ and now public need to buy a complete set of ‘restored’ books?
It would be so funny watching him try to pull that one off!
Alcoboy, you know there’s always a crash after stat pushes like that. Having set things up for the crash, Dwarfenführer® had more opportunity to beat and belittle any who crossed his path. Win-win for the tiny tyrant and the victims could be interiorized by the “proof” that THEY were the cause of the down stats. Had I been around at that time, I would have been notorious for zero stats when it came to selling anything. I never wanted to sell, couldn’t sell, collapsed in a soggy heap if I tried. I just couldn’t lie — even in a “good cause”.
“I couldn’t sell, never wanted to sell and would collapse in a soggy heap”
Yep. Just the way I felt doing call-in. Hated it. Telling people that you would take their name off the call list when you had no intention of doing so. I’m glad I’m out of it.