The issue of the SP label is one that needs to be dealt with. Many thousands of good people are discriminated against with this hateful false term. It’s a fiction from a deranged mind.
The entire reality Hubbard created is false. In his malignant narcissism, which doctor Daniel Shaw calls traumatic narcissism, Hubbard constantly was compelled by an overwhelming obsession.
When one talks of the ravenous wolf that hides in sheep’s clothing this is it, but as Jamie DeWolf said worse than a Wolf in sheep’s clothing Hubbard was a wolf in shepherd’s clothing.
This ravenous hunger is from what Robert Jay Lifton (creator of the essential eight criteria for thought reform) described as the fractured or split mind of the guru, his term for a cult leader. This split mind is disordered (meaning the person has a severe personality disorder) and has the undesirable quality of using constant projection and denial. The guru cannot face their own flaws and crimes and must project them while simultaneously needing to deny their evil and deny the good of others, particularly their enemies.
This combination leads to pathological lying of a particular type. Constant creation of a web of lies that is one hundred and eighty degrees from the truth with the enslaving, criminal guru painted as a hero and his critics and enemies painted as committing crimes, especially the guru’s own !
This audacious reversal is ultimately the origin of the SP doctrine and related doctrine on the tone scale and overts and withholds. It’s all a con. With terrible consequences for the victims. But divorcing yourself from all Hubbard’s practices, language, phrases and lies can free you.
Hey Reginald – What you say may or may not be true for everyone. I’ve met some real hum dingers in my life who met all the criteria of an SP. The book, “The Sociopath Next Door” illuminates the subject in much more detail. To me, it was not an error to note that someone is an SP. The purposeful error that came later is in declaring people they know AREN’T suppressive and running them out of town on a rail after a finely tuned kangaroo court.
Having said that, one policy that was actually fair and endeavored to give an opportunity for a real hearing is the PL below. This hasn’t been being applied for at least the last 10 years of SP declares. Decent, social people have been declared instead, just to get them out of the way of the biggest SP Scientology has ever seen. Well, the shortest at least. Here’s the way a comm ev should be done:
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
1. All Committees of Evidence, Boards of Investigation, Courts of Ethics and Ethics
Hearings are held with the Interested Party or Parties present while evidence is presented.
This will ensure no false reports are given. The accused can confront the accusers or
know the source of written evidence. Third parties can be found and handled, and true justice
can be brought about.
And, as per HCO Policy Letter of 24 February 1969, JUSTICE, the value of a person
is weighed against any alleged crime, even when proven.
Lt. Cmdr. Yvonne Gillham
Mission Clear Names
Copyright (c) 1969 for
by L. Ron Hubbard L. RON HUBBARD
Oh, how I appreciate how they feel: no more pretence, no more ducking and diving, free to roam and be normal, enjoying normal things, having normal treats and without thinking or acting like you’re above it all. I appreciate how they feel so much. It’s what most of us felt after getting out.
I, for one, wasn’t REALLY so aware of the tight lid I kept on things until I took the lid off.
Great post , as always, dear RB. I am very happy about how you have evolved over the months (besides the subject of the CofS as such) to include so many great Human Rights concepts. You certainly have the knack of duplication.
Your cartoons depicted so well this implanted idea about the “SPs”. I must confess that I belonged to that group that “feared” or heavily mentally rejected anyone labeled as an “SP”. I was specifically VERY biased and influenced as regards to Rinder and to a less degree, to Rathbun. After all those stories in the Freedom Magazine (I was reading everything on the Net since I was still on lines ; I was an “out-ethics squirrel” ) where Rinder was portrayed as a “wife beater” , a “Staff beater” , a “lousy father” , and the letters written by his family ; I even saw “Devil Horns” coming out of his head. :-)))
Same with Rathbun and Debbie Cook, and many other ex high profile SO executives. I just didn’t know who to believe, the CofS or them. I just couldn’t believe all those beating stories about DM. I could’t bring myself to read John Atack’s book, and when I did read a little of it, I dismissed it as biased with disseminated altered facts. MS2 was always saying (at least many posters there) how it was that M&M had turned to the “Dark Side” of the Force , playing this GPM “Term v/s Oppterm” game , and I believed all that shit , or at least was influenced by it enough to avoid posting anything here even though that I had been reading this blog for years!.
The undue influence about this SP concept is so insidiously implanted in the minds of the Scientologists , that it takes some doing to break free of it. Actually it was totally the opposite ; Rinder was the one farthest away from exhibiting any “SP” traits.
It took me a LOT of research, reading EVERYTHING on the NET, reviewing EVERY post at EVERY blog anti and pro, to finally being able to undo the undue influence from the cult and from LRH himself. A 3 years!!! process. It has been a while now since I broke free , and the wins from having done so surpasses any I had ever had with Scn processing and/or training even if all of them are combined together. It was THAT much of a win ; like being born again ; like having a new life.
So I am very happy that this blog exist , and that a man with the courage and determination of a thousand men is running it.
Heard and understood, Peter TC. Really duplicate the ‘horns’ concept.
I’ve been on the fence/under the radar for a very long time, always with one ear to the railroad track to try to get the real story. Running into “entheta” web sites in normal searches for Scientology stuff. At first sending in/reporting the link right away and then reading more and more, esp about Lisa McPherson and the difference between what Ron said we should do and then seeing what DM is doing ( ) etc.
I remember saying to a friend of mine, in a consoling manner, that when someone is declared, it’s like they are now dead. And the people still-in grieve them almost like someone who committed suicide.
The demonizing is just like the Nazis did to the Jews in the war. Make them inhuman so that we can justify being inhumane to them.
It used to be that, when a person was declared, they had really done something suppressive to someone or severely misused the tech, in a way that genuinely could hurt people. I could see being not too fond of those people.
But today’s “SP” is just someone who disagrees with the top SP on the planet, Mr. David Miscavige. I kind of like those SPs. They are the ones who are fighting the correct target.
Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you were ack’d for what you said. True and profound.
Makes me wonder why Miscavige hasn’t started regging for a replacement for the Freewinds, which has become much too small due to stratospheric expansion up the wazoo.
They need something bigger than the Allure of the Seas, at a quarter million tons and $3 billion to be outfitted for her maiden voyage, where OT IX will be released. Now it’s time for the field to REALLY step to the plate with the chrome glare of dedication and no more dilettantes.
Also wouldn’t be surprised if Miscavige orders one big gala in the L. Ron Hubbard Hall op opening day in 2025, and then it stays empty forever like a hulking ghost beside the road to Clearwater beach.
“Makes me wonder why Miscavige hasn’t started regging for a replacement for the Freewinds, which has become much too small due to stratospheric expansion up the wazoo.”
Peter : Yeah, heard that he was making negotiations to buy the “Allures of the Seas”. But he demanded some renovations to be made before the deal is closed. :-)))
“They need something bigger than the Allure of the Seas, at a quarter million tons a nd $3 billion to be outfitted for her maiden voyage, where OT IX will be released. Now it’s time for the field to REALLY step to the plate with the chrome glare of dedication and no more dilettantes.
Peter : Unfortunately, that won’t ever happen.
“Also wouldn’t be surprised if Miscavige orders one big gala in the L. Ron Hubbard Hall op opening day in 2025, and then it stays empty forever like a hulking ghost beside the road to Clearwater beach.”
Peter : A ghost building it will be, all right . :-)))
Please. Don’t give him any ideas… Besides, he may not want to put any money into a new ship because he’s just going to use the Freewinds as his getaway boat, once people find out that OT 9 and 10 are a big fraud.
It’s ok with me. Bon Voyage little man. Don’t let the screen door hit your bottle of Scotch on the way out.
Hi Peter, Thank you from my heart for posting your struggle to break free of the SP danger that cos throws over us from the start.I was the SP etc and then suddenly SPs are under every rock whereby rock slammer gets added to the resume.
My thing was I became a hermit to all blogs etc for years and years.I was alone with the entire ball of black wax that had been poured over my body,mind & Spirit and I had no idea how to get free of it all.
Then literally like a bolt from the blue sky,one day I picked up my IPad and wrote X-Sea Org and all this stuff came up.The only one that indicated to me then was a blog from Thoughtful.With no idea how to do any blogging I posted a short answer to him & got a nice reply back.But I still had no idea what or where to go on the web.One day again out of the great beyond I hit on Mikerindersblog and Floating needle! I had found safe harbor,I was Home.
That is a beautiful description of Mike.I will try my utmost to help and do whatever he might need in this fight to reclaim those spirits that want to leave this cult,the best way I can.He is a treasure! And so are you!With Love Always,Ann
Thanks for sharing your story with me, my dear Ann ; I am really sorry that you had to go through all that. “Thoughtful” is a very interesting character indeed!
Excellent posts Peter and Indie 8 Mill. And thank you to Mike for “doing the work of a thousand men” and helping us all peel off the layers and heal while shining light on the evil that the world needs to hear about and hopefully do something about.
Exactly!!!!!!!!!!! You hit the head of the nail this time. One Scientology-free cruise is the perfect antidote for a recently out ex. Tasting real freedom is liberating. Thanks for posting.
There is a powerful and serious message in this strip. I didn’t laugh. I have reality on this kind of cravenness in others as well as in myself. Then I saw that sinking ship – OMG, hilarious! You’re a genius with these little touches – welcome back, RB!
Hi RB, I love the color of the sea in this strip.Not deep blue but more tropical.Then I see The Freewinds she has finally decided to be free and no longer serve the cult.Couldn’t happen to a nicer or friendlier ship.Laughter.
So happy you were on vacation,equally happy your light and talent are back! Love,Ann.
Welcome back RB. Aren’t cruise ships the best, as long as you are not forced to study and do the ships bidding. I have been on a couple of cruises now and love them. When I use to be on staff I wondered about going to the Freewinds but wasn’t sure you could just go without taking a course. When I found out it wasn’t a pleasure cruise I made sure I never went. Whew! Glad I didn’t miss anything.
I believe like you have stated many times in this or other articles that many of the folks declared SPs are not at all. I sat on way too many CommEvs and hated every moment of it too. We never declared anyone thank goodness, we gave them handlings. But we were in CommEv hell for awhile. If you don’t follow exactly what the church wants despite what policy says you are out; but that too depends on if you have any other uses the church needs. They will bend over backwards to keep you on staff and offer you the world (but of course fall way short on delivering).
When my boyfriend left the church, of course, we split up (thanks in part to the church, go figure!); he tried to forward me information about the wrong doings of the church; but of course at the time it was considered entheta. He was deadfiled (at least not declared); told him we couldn’t talk about “entheta” issues but could still talk. So we did on occasion. We now talk as friends and we even discuss your blogs on occasion.
It is good to be out and not under their regime. Thanks again for your blogs.
Welcome back RB , yep , I did experience what you describe so well. The stigma of being declared with the inappropriate ruining of one’ s reputation is powerful.
To look in someone’s eyes , someone close , and see the suspicion and lingering anger is painful , but again , understanding where they come from , allows for patience and compassion.
Ha ha! I was two-thirds through the last panel when I spotted the Freewinds in the background going the way of the Titanic. There was almost coffee on my keyboard and screen. (It’s happened before.) I’m going to have to learn not to have my morning coffee when I’m at risk of encountering hilarity.
I also had a good chuckle at the sight of the Freewinds sinking in tge background of the last panel….
The last panel should have shown Miscavige (just his head, as usual) dressed in his fake Navy Admiral uniform, as he tries helplessly to climb the side rails of the cruise ship, with money stuffed up his sleeves and in his pompador hair, all drenched from his swim over from the sinking Freewinds, “demanding” in his endearing imperious way that cruise ship staff hoist his sorry rear end aboard, demanding a plush suite for his accomodations and ordering that some cognac be hand-delivered to him ASAP, etc —all while the cruise ship staff blissfully ignore him and leave him danging off the railing
Hi Bruce ( the ” Never In,” Good to meet you.It would be wonderful if what you envision with dm came to pass.If all those he hurt, used, disappeared, and otherwise made miserable,turned on him and forced him into the world of the hunted.Love, Ann.
Anyone else (or maybe just my device or eyes) having some difficulty in reading the wording? Is is blurry to where I’m only making out clearly 1 of 3 words…but I am able to basically discern the intent of what is meant.
BTW, though it’s been said already, kudos on the last panel with the ship sinking in the background. LOL
Welcome back RB. Looks like you had a nice vacation.
Great strip – never thought about some that just drift away thinking those of us declared are SP’s and they aren’t. I think I may know a few like this. I guess over time they will get it.
I think I see Kathy Feschbach and what’s-her-name from the OT Committee (Kay Champagne?) waving from the bow.
Well done RB, the touch of Lron think that he had to get over is so true. Getting all the cobwebs out takes time. The sinking Freewinds is a great tough, next time throw in a harpooned whale……
Hi Jose Chung, I can truly say I never met an abestos particle on any ship or in any sub-basement of the ships and buildings in Scientology I liked.Bad actors all of those blue meanies! Love,Ann.
Good question Jose. And why did I paint that stupid Apollo for 2 years. Do you know how hard it is to paint that friggin gold stripe that went around the entire ship? A painful waste of time.
Hi clearlypissedoff, I hear you regarding ships.Speaking of messing around in boats,Swinging from a rickety boson’s chair with The Excalibur and with a little scrubber having to scrub all the white hull,both port & starboard, then go back and clean the sword and the stern too.Not to mention the outside of the bridge.But I would have flunked the gold striping you had to do.I can never draw a perfectly straight line.Love, Ann.
I was hit up in L.A. for major repairs after a Repair crew
(from Poland I think) refused to work on the Freewinds,
packed up and went home. Big issues of Blue Asbestos
which was kept secret and thinning hull plates below the waterline.
Of course they recruited SCN public to do the work for free
and bigger whales than me to pay for it.
Somebody looking though a huge magnifying glass at a minnow
in a jar thought I was the Moby Dick of Dollars.
I’ve been on the Freewinds a few times and kicked off more than that
all because of money the IAS was convinced I was holding out from them.
It’s an Old ship and gas hog where repair bills exceed operating costs.
Seeing my own viewpoint instantly change as I read through RB´s pieces, is a magical experience. “A datum is as valuable as it has been evaluated” LRH…. and he takes us through that special journey with such ease, every time, through new paths with bright new views towards surprising enlightenments, without effort and fail… WOW. “Art is the quality of communication”, LRH.
No, no, no, Leslie! It’s ROCKETING up the Bridge, not running up the bridge! You’ll never make it up the bridge if you’re just running. You MUST ROCKET up the bridge.
Very interesting and always good to hear. You don’t tend to hear anything about those who leave, they just quietly slip away and nobody seems to want to talk about them.
Gimpy, as I have come to learn, most people who leave do it quietly as they’re just so very glad to have their old lives back. The gap between being in and then being out is…HUGE!
How can you possibly hold enough staff briefings to tell ‘stories’ and black PR those who slip out the back.
It is becoming a stampede.
Time for a shift in PR strategy: “Those who you do not see, have been selected to go over the rainbow to Target Two”. Make this a part of your Graduation routine.
This is so spot on. Freewinds was a horrible experience even as paying guest, they never leave you alone. The shore visits always felt rushed and very forced as you knew you would be in trouble if you got back from your 3 hours off late for course, not sure I ever had to pretend to feel superior but I know people who really do think they are. NIce one RB!
Shore visit? You got shore visits? The only “shore visit” I got my last two-month slice of hell on the Freewinds consisted of taking walks off the ship onto the docks to feed the stray cats. That was one of the few pleasures I had. I “turned that hat” over to someone else when I left but I heard that it became disallowed.
Hi McCarran, As much as The Excalibur had a certain presence at times, what I would have given for a shore visit! Got leave once a week to the San Pedro laundry-mat where all the heroin addicts shot up.Got an education alright! Always Love,Ann.
There was a nice Aussie girl in charge of off ship activities or something like that, I felt sorry for her as no one would leave the ship, they were too concerned about getting behind on their course work or missing lunch, so I agreed to go on a few short walks ashore, apparently they think its good for local PR. I encountered several locals who were very wary of the ship and its crew. Any way well done on feeding the cats, I like cats and hate to see them in a bad way.
Hi Gimpy, I like your post.I adore cats and once wrote Mary Sue that along with her little doggies, did The Apollo have a ship’s cat? She sent me a personal note and at the bottom was Definitely not! Love, R.I always love to help out doggies & kitties.I missed both greatly while in the Sea Org, but did not realize that until some years out.Love,Ann.
The issue of the SP label is one that needs to be dealt with. Many thousands of good people are discriminated against with this hateful false term. It’s a fiction from a deranged mind.
The entire reality Hubbard created is false. In his malignant narcissism, which doctor Daniel Shaw calls traumatic narcissism, Hubbard constantly was compelled by an overwhelming obsession.
When one talks of the ravenous wolf that hides in sheep’s clothing this is it, but as Jamie DeWolf said worse than a Wolf in sheep’s clothing Hubbard was a wolf in shepherd’s clothing.
This ravenous hunger is from what Robert Jay Lifton (creator of the essential eight criteria for thought reform) described as the fractured or split mind of the guru, his term for a cult leader. This split mind is disordered (meaning the person has a severe personality disorder) and has the undesirable quality of using constant projection and denial. The guru cannot face their own flaws and crimes and must project them while simultaneously needing to deny their evil and deny the good of others, particularly their enemies.
This combination leads to pathological lying of a particular type. Constant creation of a web of lies that is one hundred and eighty degrees from the truth with the enslaving, criminal guru painted as a hero and his critics and enemies painted as committing crimes, especially the guru’s own !
This audacious reversal is ultimately the origin of the SP doctrine and related doctrine on the tone scale and overts and withholds. It’s all a con. With terrible consequences for the victims. But divorcing yourself from all Hubbard’s practices, language, phrases and lies can free you.
Hey Reginald – What you say may or may not be true for everyone. I’ve met some real hum dingers in my life who met all the criteria of an SP. The book, “The Sociopath Next Door” illuminates the subject in much more detail. To me, it was not an error to note that someone is an SP. The purposeful error that came later is in declaring people they know AREN’T suppressive and running them out of town on a rail after a finely tuned kangaroo court.
Having said that, one policy that was actually fair and endeavored to give an opportunity for a real hearing is the PL below. This hasn’t been being applied for at least the last 10 years of SP declares. Decent, social people have been declared instead, just to get them out of the way of the biggest SP Scientology has ever seen. Well, the shortest at least. Here’s the way a comm ev should be done:
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
1. All Committees of Evidence, Boards of Investigation, Courts of Ethics and Ethics
Hearings are held with the Interested Party or Parties present while evidence is presented.
This will ensure no false reports are given. The accused can confront the accusers or
know the source of written evidence. Third parties can be found and handled, and true justice
can be brought about.
And, as per HCO Policy Letter of 24 February 1969, JUSTICE, the value of a person
is weighed against any alleged crime, even when proven.
Lt. Cmdr. Yvonne Gillham
Mission Clear Names
Copyright (c) 1969 for
by L. Ron Hubbard L. RON HUBBARD
Another masterpiece
Thank you!
Oh, how I appreciate how they feel: no more pretence, no more ducking and diving, free to roam and be normal, enjoying normal things, having normal treats and without thinking or acting like you’re above it all. I appreciate how they feel so much. It’s what most of us felt after getting out.
I, for one, wasn’t REALLY so aware of the tight lid I kept on things until I took the lid off.
Great post , as always, dear RB. I am very happy about how you have evolved over the months (besides the subject of the CofS as such) to include so many great Human Rights concepts. You certainly have the knack of duplication.
Your cartoons depicted so well this implanted idea about the “SPs”. I must confess that I belonged to that group that “feared” or heavily mentally rejected anyone labeled as an “SP”. I was specifically VERY biased and influenced as regards to Rinder and to a less degree, to Rathbun. After all those stories in the Freedom Magazine (I was reading everything on the Net since I was still on lines ; I was an “out-ethics squirrel” ) where Rinder was portrayed as a “wife beater” , a “Staff beater” , a “lousy father” , and the letters written by his family ; I even saw “Devil Horns” coming out of his head. :-)))
Same with Rathbun and Debbie Cook, and many other ex high profile SO executives. I just didn’t know who to believe, the CofS or them. I just couldn’t believe all those beating stories about DM. I could’t bring myself to read John Atack’s book, and when I did read a little of it, I dismissed it as biased with disseminated altered facts. MS2 was always saying (at least many posters there) how it was that M&M had turned to the “Dark Side” of the Force , playing this GPM “Term v/s Oppterm” game , and I believed all that shit , or at least was influenced by it enough to avoid posting anything here even though that I had been reading this blog for years!.
The undue influence about this SP concept is so insidiously implanted in the minds of the Scientologists , that it takes some doing to break free of it. Actually it was totally the opposite ; Rinder was the one farthest away from exhibiting any “SP” traits.
It took me a LOT of research, reading EVERYTHING on the NET, reviewing EVERY post at EVERY blog anti and pro, to finally being able to undo the undue influence from the cult and from LRH himself. A 3 years!!! process. It has been a while now since I broke free , and the wins from having done so surpasses any I had ever had with Scn processing and/or training even if all of them are combined together. It was THAT much of a win ; like being born again ; like having a new life.
So I am very happy that this blog exist , and that a man with the courage and determination of a thousand men is running it.
Heard and understood, Peter TC. Really duplicate the ‘horns’ concept.
I’ve been on the fence/under the radar for a very long time, always with one ear to the railroad track to try to get the real story. Running into “entheta” web sites in normal searches for Scientology stuff. At first sending in/reporting the link right away and then reading more and more, esp about Lisa McPherson and the difference between what Ron said we should do and then seeing what DM is doing ( ) etc.
I remember saying to a friend of mine, in a consoling manner, that when someone is declared, it’s like they are now dead. And the people still-in grieve them almost like someone who committed suicide.
The demonizing is just like the Nazis did to the Jews in the war. Make them inhuman so that we can justify being inhumane to them.
It used to be that, when a person was declared, they had really done something suppressive to someone or severely misused the tech, in a way that genuinely could hurt people. I could see being not too fond of those people.
But today’s “SP” is just someone who disagrees with the top SP on the planet, Mr. David Miscavige. I kind of like those SPs. They are the ones who are fighting the correct target.
Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you were ack’d for what you said. True and profound.
Hi indie8million, You shine so brightly through your posts! I love that! XO Ann.
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us and for your great ack , dear Indie8million. :-)))
Makes me wonder why Miscavige hasn’t started regging for a replacement for the Freewinds, which has become much too small due to stratospheric expansion up the wazoo.
They need something bigger than the Allure of the Seas, at a quarter million tons and $3 billion to be outfitted for her maiden voyage, where OT IX will be released. Now it’s time for the field to REALLY step to the plate with the chrome glare of dedication and no more dilettantes.
Also wouldn’t be surprised if Miscavige orders one big gala in the L. Ron Hubbard Hall op opening day in 2025, and then it stays empty forever like a hulking ghost beside the road to Clearwater beach.
“Makes me wonder why Miscavige hasn’t started regging for a replacement for the Freewinds, which has become much too small due to stratospheric expansion up the wazoo.”
Peter : Yeah, heard that he was making negotiations to buy the “Allures of the Seas”. But he demanded some renovations to be made before the deal is closed. :-)))
“They need something bigger than the Allure of the Seas, at a quarter million tons a nd $3 billion to be outfitted for her maiden voyage, where OT IX will be released. Now it’s time for the field to REALLY step to the plate with the chrome glare of dedication and no more dilettantes.
Peter : Unfortunately, that won’t ever happen.
“Also wouldn’t be surprised if Miscavige orders one big gala in the L. Ron Hubbard Hall op opening day in 2025, and then it stays empty forever like a hulking ghost beside the road to Clearwater beach.”
Peter : A ghost building it will be, all right . :-)))
Please. Don’t give him any ideas… Besides, he may not want to put any money into a new ship because he’s just going to use the Freewinds as his getaway boat, once people find out that OT 9 and 10 are a big fraud.
It’s ok with me. Bon Voyage little man. Don’t let the screen door hit your bottle of Scotch on the way out.
Hi Peter, Thank you from my heart for posting your struggle to break free of the SP danger that cos throws over us from the start.I was the SP etc and then suddenly SPs are under every rock whereby rock slammer gets added to the resume.
My thing was I became a hermit to all blogs etc for years and years.I was alone with the entire ball of black wax that had been poured over my body,mind & Spirit and I had no idea how to get free of it all.
Then literally like a bolt from the blue sky,one day I picked up my IPad and wrote X-Sea Org and all this stuff came up.The only one that indicated to me then was a blog from Thoughtful.With no idea how to do any blogging I posted a short answer to him & got a nice reply back.But I still had no idea what or where to go on the web.One day again out of the great beyond I hit on Mikerindersblog and Floating needle! I had found safe harbor,I was Home.
That is a beautiful description of Mike.I will try my utmost to help and do whatever he might need in this fight to reclaim those spirits that want to leave this cult,the best way I can.He is a treasure! And so are you!With Love Always,Ann
Thanks for sharing your story with me, my dear Ann ; I am really sorry that you had to go through all that. “Thoughtful” is a very interesting character indeed!
I am very happy that you found your home. :-)))
With love,
Excellent posts Peter and Indie 8 Mill. And thank you to Mike for “doing the work of a thousand men” and helping us all peel off the layers and heal while shining light on the evil that the world needs to hear about and hopefully do something about.
I made a playlist of *Freewinds stories including thrilling *Escape* stories
Love the RB posts! Welcome back!
Exactly!!!!!!!!!!! You hit the head of the nail this time. One Scientology-free cruise is the perfect antidote for a recently out ex. Tasting real freedom is liberating. Thanks for posting.
There is a powerful and serious message in this strip. I didn’t laugh. I have reality on this kind of cravenness in others as well as in myself. Then I saw that sinking ship – OMG, hilarious! You’re a genius with these little touches – welcome back, RB!
Hi RB, I love the color of the sea in this strip.Not deep blue but more tropical.Then I see The Freewinds she has finally decided to be free and no longer serve the cult.Couldn’t happen to a nicer or friendlier ship.Laughter.
So happy you were on vacation,equally happy your light and talent are back! Love,Ann.
Welcome back RB. Aren’t cruise ships the best, as long as you are not forced to study and do the ships bidding. I have been on a couple of cruises now and love them. When I use to be on staff I wondered about going to the Freewinds but wasn’t sure you could just go without taking a course. When I found out it wasn’t a pleasure cruise I made sure I never went. Whew! Glad I didn’t miss anything.
I believe like you have stated many times in this or other articles that many of the folks declared SPs are not at all. I sat on way too many CommEvs and hated every moment of it too. We never declared anyone thank goodness, we gave them handlings. But we were in CommEv hell for awhile. If you don’t follow exactly what the church wants despite what policy says you are out; but that too depends on if you have any other uses the church needs. They will bend over backwards to keep you on staff and offer you the world (but of course fall way short on delivering).
When my boyfriend left the church, of course, we split up (thanks in part to the church, go figure!); he tried to forward me information about the wrong doings of the church; but of course at the time it was considered entheta. He was deadfiled (at least not declared); told him we couldn’t talk about “entheta” issues but could still talk. So we did on occasion. We now talk as friends and we even discuss your blogs on occasion.
It is good to be out and not under their regime. Thanks again for your blogs.
Welcome back RB , yep , I did experience what you describe so well. The stigma of being declared with the inappropriate ruining of one’ s reputation is powerful.
To look in someone’s eyes , someone close , and see the suspicion and lingering anger is painful , but again , understanding where they come from , allows for patience and compassion.
Hi Marie. Hope you’re doing well and enjoying your life.
Ha ha! I was two-thirds through the last panel when I spotted the Freewinds in the background going the way of the Titanic. There was almost coffee on my keyboard and screen. (It’s happened before.) I’m going to have to learn not to have my morning coffee when I’m at risk of encountering hilarity.
I also had a good chuckle at the sight of the Freewinds sinking in tge background of the last panel….
The last panel should have shown Miscavige (just his head, as usual) dressed in his fake Navy Admiral uniform, as he tries helplessly to climb the side rails of the cruise ship, with money stuffed up his sleeves and in his pompador hair, all drenched from his swim over from the sinking Freewinds, “demanding” in his endearing imperious way that cruise ship staff hoist his sorry rear end aboard, demanding a plush suite for his accomodations and ordering that some cognac be hand-delivered to him ASAP, etc —all while the cruise ship staff blissfully ignore him and leave him danging off the railing
Hi Bruce ( the ” Never In,” Good to meet you.It would be wonderful if what you envision with dm came to pass.If all those he hurt, used, disappeared, and otherwise made miserable,turned on him and forced him into the world of the hunted.Love, Ann.
Anyone else (or maybe just my device or eyes) having some difficulty in reading the wording? Is is blurry to where I’m only making out clearly 1 of 3 words…but I am able to basically discern the intent of what is meant.
BTW, though it’s been said already, kudos on the last panel with the ship sinking in the background. LOL
Welcome back RB.
When I click on the first panel, an enlarged pop up appears.
Then I can read the text comfortably.
there are left and right arrows.
Brave, I you and then . I’m sure you read this. Just go cold ones. And ought to it.
Glad I could help.
Welcome back RB. Looks like you had a nice vacation.
Great strip – never thought about some that just drift away thinking those of us declared are SP’s and they aren’t. I think I may know a few like this. I guess over time they will get it.
I think I see Kathy Feschbach and what’s-her-name from the OT Committee (Kay Champagne?) waving from the bow.
It’s a good thing Kay has one of her magic flying carpets.
Welcome back RB – we missed you!! Love this one – so true!
Fleecwinds sinking in the distance was awesome.
Well done RB, the touch of Lron think that he had to get over is so true. Getting all the cobwebs out takes time. The sinking Freewinds is a great tough, next time throw in a harpooned whale……
It must be nice for them to be on a cruise ship where they don’t have to inhale asbestos fibers!
Wait…..what??? Asbestos fibers are actually BAD for people? No wonder those fibers always tasted funny…
Freewinds asbestos is Blue Asbestos which is much worse than others.
Bigger question is why a Church needs a cruise ship ?
Hi Jose Chung, I can truly say I never met an abestos particle on any ship or in any sub-basement of the ships and buildings in Scientology I liked.Bad actors all of those blue meanies! Love,Ann.
Good question Jose. And why did I paint that stupid Apollo for 2 years. Do you know how hard it is to paint that friggin gold stripe that went around the entire ship? A painful waste of time.
Hi clearlypissedoff, I hear you regarding ships.Speaking of messing around in boats,Swinging from a rickety boson’s chair with The Excalibur and with a little scrubber having to scrub all the white hull,both port & starboard, then go back and clean the sword and the stern too.Not to mention the outside of the bridge.But I would have flunked the gold striping you had to do.I can never draw a perfectly straight line.Love, Ann.
Well, Creflo Dollar needs a $60 million for a brand new private jet! I mean, these are tools they need to help mankind.
Welcome back Regraded Being!
The sinking ship in the last frame is classic.
A sinking ship? Gotta be the Fleecewinds……
I was hit up in L.A. for major repairs after a Repair crew
(from Poland I think) refused to work on the Freewinds,
packed up and went home. Big issues of Blue Asbestos
which was kept secret and thinning hull plates below the waterline.
Of course they recruited SCN public to do the work for free
and bigger whales than me to pay for it.
Somebody looking though a huge magnifying glass at a minnow
in a jar thought I was the Moby Dick of Dollars.
I’ve been on the Freewinds a few times and kicked off more than that
all because of money the IAS was convinced I was holding out from them.
It’s an Old ship and gas hog where repair bills exceed operating costs.
That is rendering well the thought police the CoS is now.
And Do birds fly ? (in the background)
Interesting how it shows the different levels of decompression in the thinking process.
Yeah we are out but those guys are out and they are SP but we aren’t SP because we left.
Sunshine disinfects.
Well done as always RB. Welcome back.
.. and changing one’s mind doesn’t make anyone a bad person.
This is brilliant. Thank you and welcome back! I love the sinking ship in the background 🙂
Seeing my own viewpoint instantly change as I read through RB´s pieces, is a magical experience. “A datum is as valuable as it has been evaluated” LRH…. and he takes us through that special journey with such ease, every time, through new paths with bright new views towards surprising enlightenments, without effort and fail… WOW. “Art is the quality of communication”, LRH.
I love the sinking cruise ship in the background! Let’s see, who could that be? Welcome back RB!
Can I just take the cruise and skip the whole running up the bridge thing?
No, no, no, Leslie! It’s ROCKETING up the Bridge, not running up the bridge! You’ll never make it up the bridge if you’re just running. You MUST ROCKET up the bridge.
With what? A Saturn V?
Oh, at least! Or maybe even something bigger!
Radio Flyer
Radio Flyer with Tom Hanks. I LOVED that movie!
“Someone” was on a Caribbean cruise instead of keeping up with their comic strip the last few weeks. Welcome back.
Love the last frame with the Freewinds sinking in the background, LOL!
Have a close friend who lives in Clearwater and who recently left the cult and she tells me they’re dropping like flies.
Very interesting and always good to hear. You don’t tend to hear anything about those who leave, they just quietly slip away and nobody seems to want to talk about them.
Gimpy, as I have come to learn, most people who leave do it quietly as they’re just so very glad to have their old lives back. The gap between being in and then being out is…HUGE!
They are dropping like flies.
How can you possibly hold enough staff briefings to tell ‘stories’ and black PR those who slip out the back.
It is becoming a stampede.
Time for a shift in PR strategy: “Those who you do not see, have been selected to go over the rainbow to Target Two”. Make this a part of your Graduation routine.
You created your own hell, now wallow in it.
Hi threefeetback, Your post is on fire today.Thank you! Love,Ann
What flavor of Kool Aid?
This is so spot on. Freewinds was a horrible experience even as paying guest, they never leave you alone. The shore visits always felt rushed and very forced as you knew you would be in trouble if you got back from your 3 hours off late for course, not sure I ever had to pretend to feel superior but I know people who really do think they are. NIce one RB!
Shore visit? You got shore visits? The only “shore visit” I got my last two-month slice of hell on the Freewinds consisted of taking walks off the ship onto the docks to feed the stray cats. That was one of the few pleasures I had. I “turned that hat” over to someone else when I left but I heard that it became disallowed.
Hi McCarran, As much as The Excalibur had a certain presence at times, what I would have given for a shore visit! Got leave once a week to the San Pedro laundry-mat where all the heroin addicts shot up.Got an education alright! Always Love,Ann.
There was a nice Aussie girl in charge of off ship activities or something like that, I felt sorry for her as no one would leave the ship, they were too concerned about getting behind on their course work or missing lunch, so I agreed to go on a few short walks ashore, apparently they think its good for local PR. I encountered several locals who were very wary of the ship and its crew. Any way well done on feeding the cats, I like cats and hate to see them in a bad way.
Hi Gimpy, I like your post.I adore cats and once wrote Mary Sue that along with her little doggies, did The Apollo have a ship’s cat? She sent me a personal note and at the bottom was Definitely not! Love, R.I always love to help out doggies & kitties.I missed both greatly while in the Sea Org, but did not realize that until some years out.Love,Ann.
amy, thanks for the update! “Dropping like flies.” I like it! It has a nice ring to it…
Agreed, OSD. The term “dropping like flies” is like sweet music to my ears!
Almost like a symphony….
Really good, RB. Hope you had a wonderful vacation. So lovely to have you back.