Phil’s situation will soon be resolved in one way or another. If he continues to donate$ his car will be repossessed and he’ll have no way to get to any org.
Hi Doug Sprinkle, Thank you for your post.To me Ron’s World is and was very very hard to understand,I think,because a person has to have been in it to understand 100%,after that the territory can become strange indeed.
I will try and answer your questions as best I can with what I can remember.Smile. You asked if I desired to be let out,Would I be?The fact was I was in a condition called Treason and there was no-one to ask to let me out because you are not to be talked to by anyone but the Ethics Officer and that would not mean getting out.We had no phones what so ever and I know that if I had called the LAPD,two or more Sea Org Guardian’s Office members would be right there to greet the police first with an explanation.I know this because I was one of those Sea Org members who had to guard a public person in Beverly Hills who wanted to kill herself.She got to a phone called the LAPD,so I had to hold the front door shut as I explained to the cops I was her first cousin and the only one who could handle her when she had fits.Off they went happily into the night.This was a gigantic ethics test I was given to see if I would make it in the Sea Org.I believe I passed.So shore stories were taught way back then to bind and hypnotize.When one is starving really screwed up with black auditing and spy games run amuck,The Stockholm Syndrome starts to kick in.I felt so conflicted about blowing.Like I was in the grip of a USO tractor beam!A Sea Org Beam.
Granted sometimes I could open the heavy door to the sub-basement but I needed a strong doorstop to keep it open and the corridors or small passageways really were just as humid hot & dark.Finally there were minders always finding some excuse to bug me.I know it was crazy and still is but I truly believe Truth will prevail about this cult.Hope this helps a little.Love Always, back in the very old days74-78.
Wow and Ouch, Ann – That makes me want to laugh (at how utterly crazy) and cry at the same. As a public person I had no idea such things occurred in the sea org even way back then. It seems the sea org was a spin bin right from the start. Thanks so much for telling your story. Love, Richard
Hi Richard,Thank you so very much! You are right part of my story is funny.This lady had a beautiful Palladian house on about an acre in Bev Hills and I had to guard her all night and she was a handful.As I am trying to hold the front door shut from behind my back, the woman I was guarding was around 200 lbs wearing a Doris Day type poignoir and she is yanking the door from behind me trying to get it openAll the while smoking a cig from a long 1920s holder.How can I forget that image!Thank goodness she had no doggies.After the cops left around 630:am she fell asleep and went back to training or auditing whatever she was getting the next day.Apparently she had called the cops all the time that she was going to kill herself,but knowing what I know today regarding Scientology who knows what was really going on? I am glad I can share my story with everyone and those who may have had only fleeting backward glimpse of cos.The more that Know,the Better! Love,Ann
Earlier this month I stopped into a Clearwater business to place a custom order. First time I have used their services, but I understand from others that they have been here for decades and are reputable. I was surprised the business was empty and quiet and almost run down. I went back yesterday to pick up my things (everything was great), and there was a Flag van in the parking lot. Inside the shop a man was sitting at a table leafing through a magazine. He gave off such an angry, hostile vibe -and he was out of place; dressed in maintenance uniform with cheap looking shoes. The woman who worked there (not the owner), seemed flustered. I carried everything out to my car alone (about 6 loads), and I felt increasingly anxious. As I paid and wrapped things up with the employee, I heard the owner speaking loudly from the back. Maybe not angry, but loudly. I kept thinking this must be a WISE holdup. This struggling business was probably looking for help and got a creepy handler extorting them. I wanted to do something but what? Still depressed….almost wanted to leave an anonymous message on the answering machine. But I don’t want to be hassled myself.
Regraded Being really knows what it is all about. In the old days I was trying every week to figure out how to manage with money and time and it was impossible. Being on staff, working outside because it was impossible to survive on staff’s pay, having to buy the basics when I was too much in debt. At one point there is a straw that breaks the camel’s back and there is this feeling of walking away from darkness and going towards the dawn.
The Oracle’s comment is quite relevant about what has been going on for over thirty years now. Thank you Mike for this space of freedom in which we can say what we think.
Hi Alex De Valera, I thought your post was sensitive and thank you.I, too have always felt even in the early days of escape from the cult, that even in that darkness with the world upside down,I was walking toward the dawn.I enjoy all you post and treasure the feeling that I can be myself here,thanks to Mike and his beautiful family.Love,Ann.
Another good one, RB. This episode is a gentle introduction to the reality of Scientology fund raising practices. Phil sought help from his church with his finances. His church just wants his money. Phil may end up bankrupt, divorced and ill from the stress, but his church will never actually help him.
All activities of this supposed church have taken on the color of its sociopath leader. Without debating their validity, Scientology philosophy and the technology are only used as cheese for the sociopath’s trap.
WhatWall – So well said. It’s obvious that no attempt to expand the delivery of scn is being made, just the increase of the real estate and cash portfolio. For what ultimate purpose is speculation.
What a bunch of crap — flows and exchange. Just enough to it to be plausible, but in reality Scientology is the most out-exchange organization imaginable since it takes money for an incredible product it has never (and I believe can never) deliver.
If there is a stuck flow of any sort, it is Scientology being stuck on inflow (take, take, take) while never delivering.
All it would take is one — just one — agreed upon documented clear or OT and the world would beat down the doors wanting the product.
Miscavige alter ises everything. He turned “stat push” into “Status Push”. Registrars into beggars that do not register anyone for anything, except status attained through beggars.
Instead of getting the tech out onto the streets, he buried in vaults in the ground.
He took over an organization, and turned it into Church. There are no more customers, only members.
The burden of delivery, is on the former customers, now known as members. The members, report stats even though they are not staff.
He sells OT levels starting at OT one, but says they are not real OT levels.
He sells ethics courses and ethics books, but in his own Org he thinks the only way to handle people is to imprison them in trailers.
Sociopaths can NEVER, EVER, “do the usual”. Not even mathematics. 2+2 always equals 16, or any number but 4.
Hubbard says auditors are the most valuable people on the planet, Miscavige undermines his authority and announces it is an actor. ONE actor.
Preaches that communication is a universal solvent, won’t pick up the phone to call his dad. Cancels auditors certs planet wide, as “unfit” to LISTEN to another person TALK!
Fks his secretary, and has his wife doing secretarial work.
Claims to want to free mankind, but in his hobby time he builds his own prison and fills it with inmates.
Five feet short, singing “We stand tall”. On and on………
If we assume that the man was born as or turned into the clinical description of a sociopath, then everything he has done, is doing and will do is logical (understandable) from the perspective of a rational observer. Just a thought. Maybe where I’m going with this is “How could he do that” is not a good train of thought. It’s what sociopaths do.
Oh, he is a sociopath. Early under his reign, the pts sp detection course was removed from the basic Sea Org training. I would guess by now 95% of the Sea Org staff wouldn’t know a sociopath if one was parked in front of them for years.
They are easy to spot though, especially for people NOT involved in Scientology who don’t have to face inconvenient truths that would rattle their fixed ideas. They undermine everyone and everything about them. Abuse every small ounce of power or trust invested in them. The Human Resource department in every large company has a small library on sociopaths. There are many very good books written about it.
Without Conscience
Snakes in Suits
The Sociopath Next Door
Sociopath: Understand Antisocial Personality Disorder
In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People
The Sociopath at the Breakfast Table: Recognizing and Dealing With Antisocial and Manipulative People
Antisocial Personality Disorder: Your Guide on How to Deal with Narcissists and Sociopaths
The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry
And many many more. It is becoming common knowledge. Doubt Miscavige could find employment beyond the Scientology arena, unless he wormed his way into some position where he could scam, defraud, and mislead people on financial matters. A shady stockbroker or an “investment counselor”. But they have to feel every move they make, will set someone up for a loss, for them to plow through with dirty business. And so being, they always end up unmocking themselves. Which, Miscavige has certainly done already. I mean, he as to pay people in third world countries to put “Likes” on his Facebook page.
Oracle – “They are easy to spot though” I was thinking that most people have never been in close proximity to a true sociopath, so they would be trying to think of one in “rational” terms. Yes, we all have had belligerent co-workers, bosses and so on but the depth of a sociopath was hard to wrap my head around. Now I get it and accept that it exists.
Incidentally, I think that reiteration of DM’s transgressions and crimes is ok, but inflammatory comments not helpful. Best, Richard
I forgot about the trailers in the hbo doc. I thought they were too large to be called trailers. Your statement wouldn’t make sense to someone who had not watched the doc, but ok.
any scientology watcher that would be reading comments on Rinders blog would understand the trailer ref.! It IS the main story line in every news,ET,or doc.for the past 6 years!!! every mention about its abuses mentions the double wide trailers at golden era/Hemet and what is known as “the hole”. its even pointed out in SnLs neurotology video. pompous…
I outflow ALL the time. Just went today and outflowed to my bank account. And it’s true ! It keeps getting fatter and fatter and , well, the tech definitely does work. Thanks, ron !
I remember observing the satisfaction that one of the valley org members derived from doing his
“clay demos”. I think clay demos are interesting and have some value. But true thinking involves
not in proving yourself right, or proving lrh right; it involves proving yourself wrong. And that would
never happen in the cult. Edison, Tesla, Einstein and others were always about proving themselves
wrong. But a good little sheeple doesn’t even dream of proving himself or herself wrong. So it is not
surprising that they cannot think for themselves. They are trained not to.
Perhaps I’m just being a Randroid but I have to disagree with you there.
I once had a dispute in the workplace where the site supervisor ordered me to remove an eight hour shift that I had actually performed from my time card and was completely unconcerned with the facts. I eventually went through the motion of agreeing and then went upstairs to the payroll department to explain the situation and they accepted the fact that I performed the shift. I then wrote out a formal complaint about the supervisor’s conduct.
I then had a meeting with a woman in the personnel department and she told me that, “trying to be right is unhealthy.”
I was astounded that she had said that.
To put this in context the employer was a chain of hospitals based in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Being right, that is correctly identifying the facts of reality and acting on the basis on that knowledge, is essential to the job. In this place an error means that needlessly someone suffers or dies.
Given that nothing would be done about the misconduct I decided to quit. This was the best paid job I ever had but I had to quit.
Sorry about the job, but considering the dispute was about getting paid for your time , I think you saw the writing on the wall. It’s hard enough to work a shift without having to spend your extra time arguing about getting paid for your work.
Hi Leslie, It sounds like we agree on a lot. When your supervisor told you that being right was unhealthy; You knew that was no good. So you
Reviewed your past decision to work with that firm. The money was good, but the ethics were not. Therefore you concluded that your past decision was wrong. You walked, thereby displaying moral courage beyond the ability of
Ot8s who can never make themselves wrong.
That decision and others like it brought you to this group: people that deal in truth.
You might think what you did was unexceptional. I think you proved what I’m saying: sheeple lack the ability or thinking skills to make themselves wrong. Not to mention the
Moral courage.
Can they still be doing this after 10+ years of being fleeced? Eventually even rats learn there is no cheese down the blind alley, just a nice fat electric shock waiting for them. Hmm are Scilons dumber than rats?
This is where you need to think KSW and the fate of every man woman and child for endless trillions of years depending on what you do here and now with and in Scn… Or perhaps ESCAPE the machine!
Your finger is on the UTR pulse, RB. I’ll bet this is a conversation many such couples are having of late. Love that you’re keeping us in suspense! But then, thrillers and detective fiction are an addiction of mine.
I look forward to RB every Friday, I enjoy the humour but it always leaves me with a tinge of sadness knowing some are still living this. There is solace in knowing its one day closer to the crash.
It is sad. Its also exasperating. Frequently I have to remind myself that MY light bulb went off in my own time and on my own determinism, and that, in fairness, no more and no less can be expected from those Still In.
Case gain has now been trade marked by RTC and can only be accomplished by GAT 2 and IAS donations.
No other spiritual betterment is possible. Your only chance to true happiness lies in your total agreement to this postulation. On the other hand one can go buy a 18pack and totally key-out with your friends.
Hi Richard, Sin-Zin can only be good.My nickname for a nice sinful(laughter)glass of Zinfandel,with popcorn that is the naughty part! Always love, Ann.
Got it. The wine and popcorn reference made me think of the parties we had back in the day. Nothing crazy, just loud and happy, blowing off steam on the weekend. The current attitude seems to be somber with grim determination as RB often shows.
Hi Richard,Pretzels are good too,never saw a popcorn kernel or pretzel while in howeverCoffee & a Kool,how KoolAid of me,Laughter! Stopped my pack every two weeks @ 30. Much better without cigs..Love,Ann.
Seems like Phil could not deliver real insights/casegain! So he will stay in …. be cause …. he depends on others for insights!
Stuck Flow? Yep, the members sure do a have a stuck flow that’s causing their financial ruin. And it is there stuck out flow! It’s stuck on the on position. They need to move to cause on it. And that is a as simply as turning off the valve. Be at cause today turn-off your stuck out-flow by saying “No.”
Co$ has a stuck flow. Members really should reverse that flow by asking for their money back. Then the flows would un-stick, like plunging a stopped up toilet, it would all nicely swirl down the drain with that lovely swoosh-sucking sound.
They are implanted by the registrars into the minds of unsuspecting scientologists.
When powered by false logic, you can do amazing things.
That is true also that giving a big chunk of money is quite an exhilarating experience,
the feeling to break some chains one is entrapped in.
You then gain the feeling to “operate above the mechanics of the physical universe”.
As I am now following the Buddhist path, I see now generosity as a vital part of spiritual improvement, provided it helps reducing the sufferings of others and improving their happiness.
You made a great point: Helping others IS a good flow that comes back.
The problem with giving money to the cult is that despite its SAYING that it is helping, it actually ISN’T. No help is occurring!
So people may BELIEVE they are helping by giving the cult money, and certainly the cult will TELL them they are, but in fact NO HELP is occurring.
Belief that help is occurring does not cut it. Real help of SOME kind must be occurring for the “magic” to work
Therefore, the money flow is NOT a help flow; ergo, it does NOT come back in a good way to the person because it WAS NOT HELP.
Also, there is a common sense angle to help. Helping others does not necessarily EXCLUDE help of self. One helps others AND oneself. If we all did nothing but help others and ignore ourselves we would create a huge mess, just like the mess we would have when if we only helped ourselves and ignored everyone else.
In order to be “unselfish” one must first HAVE a self to give away.
You cannot give away three apples when you have two !
Captain OBVIOUS says you met LOUIS SWARTZ obviously.
In fact after you meet the IAS reg at the Sandcastle
you try to give away 10 apples when you have NO apples.
@Jose. I think there’s a lot of dust in the air today. Gotta go get a kleenex. Rex Fowler is an example of just what people are driven to. Your few short words were a gut punch. The. Insanity. Must. Stop.
I disagree about Fowler’s business. It was not successful and barely made any money when I reviewed it towards the end. Also, it was interesting to me that he withheld 10% from paychecks to donate to the church. He was a creepy guy.
Perhaps Rex needs to word clear embezzlement while he serves his prison sentence.
It makes me wonder what happened to his company. Was bankruptcy precipitated and if so was the trustee able to follow the money laundering all the way to inurement by scientology executives via such crimes, which is suffcient evidence for tax exempt removal of the scientology organizations involved.
It is truly both despicable and sad how much harm can come to someone becoming associated with scientology and both Rex and the death of his shooting victim Thomas Ciancio, are very strong corroborating evidence of such harm. My understanding Thomas was not even a scientologist, which points up not only scientologists are harmed by the dangerous scientology cult. Regraded Being’s cartoon could be just one, as it is, of 100’s and even thousands of actual degrees of stress, problems, depressions, and suicides instigated by careless recklessness of the ubiquitous coercion and extortion and more by a cult of greed and desired power.
Louie Swartz must be about 75 by now. He was ten years older than me when he was Qual Sec as my senior back in the stone age in San Francisco (early 1970s)
Which brings this question to my mind. Who were Rex Fowler’s reg and FSM or other participating member who were so diligently helping Rex to exeriorize out the side of the bridge?
Stay tuned folks for ‘What will Phil do?’ on next weeks issue. Does he have the huevos to grab his wife’s arm and walk out? Will Trudy step up and deliver a reality of her own to the sheeple?
I wish I could attend one of those pressure cooker events. I would quietly take the pen from Thomas, say nothing to anyone and walk up to the board…………………..
‘Newcomer …………………………fucking zero’
Smile and walk out. When the fellows at the door barred the exit I would have my cell phone out dialing 911.
” I would like to report a terrorist threat ……………….”
Nice one RB! The true dilemma of the cult exposed. No one can continue to spend more than they make forever. One day it comes crashing down ……… we know it will but we cannot predict when.
Gosh, Coop! The way you described the situation makes me want to go with you! You can put down, “Coop………fucking zero!” And I’ll put down, “Fuck you” That should ingratiate us to the group, don’t you think?
Right. Sure. Tell you what, I’ll ask Howard Becker and Michael Roberts to drop by and give you a briefing. Then we’ll see how long that tough talk lasts. Mimsey
Will Phil have the fortitude to tell the Pen Passers to shove it and walk out?
Or will Trudy shake her head in disbelief as Phil is yet again peer-pressured to hand over more cash to the F-Bomb dropping regges?
And what will happen during Phil and Trudy’s long drive home after the regges release them?
Will Phil EVER wise-up to the simple math that Trudy talked about?
Will Phil EVER stop using the stilted, strange language of the Kool Aid drinking $cientologist and stop talking aout “outflows” and “inflows” and “stuck flows” as if he has a Spiritually Enlarged Prostate Problem?
….(Hearing the sappy soap opera organ music welling up in the background) — Tune in next week to Regraded Being to find out !!
Hi RB, A bright,sunny Fri morning and your post! I Like so much how you expertly wove in the real characteristics of the Reg-Shark! Bait & Switch or Switch & Bait,either will do for a Reg who knows your & their business all the time! Get more money!& get it before Thurs. @ 2:00pm.
Why is it that those who were fortunate through inheritance or their own hard work, they continue giving all their money to dm and the cult? I know the mechanics of the KoolAid think but at some point think about your family and your own self.Why would you want dm to amass more?! Remember years ago it was drilled into our heads ” do not deliver a service if there is no product” I am butchering the quote from Ron,but that went out the window quite sometime ago.
Enough of my little rant about people still sucked into the bubble.I wish so hard they could see. Always love to you and yours and all your amazing work and perception.XO Ann.
It is such a release looking through the windows you here open up for us… it happens every time without fail. We should all be very proud of you… I know am.
Nice one RB. I played pass the pen once in the HGC. When the pen passer got to me. I said, “I’m broke…No wait, I just remembered a bunch of cash I have stashed in my truck.” The IAS pen passer said, “Go get it!” I said, “Sure, be right back.” After about an hour, I returned to find the pen passer had long passed. I think that only works once.
Hi OSD, Both of you make rainbows with fire.You on your surfboard and Bog,I feel is able to be in quantum leap mode and would make a rainbow with whatever he wanted.laughter! Thank you both.Love, Ann.
How painful it must be when one spouse is waiting for the other to have his/her light bulb moment, but it never comes. How far down the rabbit hole do you continue to fall with your spouse?
Hi Lori S, A good post.I was thinking about your comment and since I had no spouse in SO I do not have that experience but I saw public conflicted similarly.I thought if I had been married and my spouse wanted me to fall all the way to the bottom of the rabbit hole and we had no-more $ to give,well I would hit the bottom of that hole so hard it would bounce me right out into the Sunshine! Love,Ann.
Hi Lori S,Thank you so much for your sweet,kind post.I have walked in darkness regarding the cult and shadows still linger,but you are so right living well in whatever area you want and being truly happy,sorry Ron the way to happiness is not mine anymore,being truly happy as myself has helped me cope.But I do not skip happily along throwing rose petals either.I still try to find balance and harmony.I absolutely read all your post too.Learn so much here.Love,Ann.
Or the Mad Hatter. If Phil ran into Alice he’d probably drop Trudy (dev-t out-ethics doubting bitch that she is) and run off with her. Only to find she was SO and married and now he was really going to have to pay…
Hi freebeing, I have read some great posts from you today,but the last one is the best! Phil will be paying many eons in Sea Org’s world.I am always glad I escaped.Love,Ann.
Spot on Regraded being! Sorry to say I lived this one in reverse many years ago even before the crazy fund raising began. Upper level services were just too much for average working folks raising a family.. My ex woke up before me and the rest is history. Thanks for putting these situations out there for others!
The real situation here is that Phil is a fucking moron. Now he may have been that way before Scientology, or he may have became an imbecile on a gradient throughout his involvement. As he is a cartoon character, it’s hard to tell. But he is a type that exists, for sure. After thirty five years of service to Scientology, I had ten thousand bucks extorted from me on an ethics cycle and THEN a couple of weeks later, a big shot SO teenage MAA demanded all my money as an offering and … I walked out the door with my savings account intact and no longer a member of the “church.” Who knows what Phil will do. He kinda sounds like a schmuck there in the last panel, so I think he’s a lifer like the rest of the barely alive people who stay in. Trudy? Well, if she has ANY sense, she’ll leave this loser and get a life.
Doug, he actually did. He first demanded to know how much I had in the bank and told me that I needed to turn it all over to the church to fight THE PSYCHS THE PSYCHS (he yelled). When I refused to tell him how much I had in the bank and said that it was my right to apply the code of honor and not communicate if I did not desire to, he cut me off and screamed “SHUT UP – THAT’S ENEMY LINE!” Honestly, I knew immediately as soon as that happened, that everything had suddenly changed for me at that point. I not only saw that this teenager felt that he had complete license to every aspect of my life (a man in his 50s, to say nothing of my accomplishments in Scientology) but that I was now residing in looneyville … and well, I needed to move, and did so an hour or so later (it was noon on a Thursday and he threatened to expel me as he slammed the door and left me alone in a small room – though I wasn’t declared an SP until about four years later when I started to post a lot on Marty’s blog and it was brought to Julian’s attention)
Hi Joe Pendleton, You are another hero for me.Wow,an incredible post.Rang a big gong for me as I spent quite sometime in very small rooms.And yelled at as an enemy too.The last two months or so in the Sea Org,I was put in the smallest ,no air and condensation dripping down the pea green walls,one slit high up of a grimy window coveted by thick screening at the bowels of Big Blue and I had to stuff letters there for hours Also experienced my first taste of an earthquake while I was in that hot box! Always love your posts.Love,Ann.
I still don’t understand, if someone in that situation makes it clear that you desire to be let out of the small room, will they keep you there against your will. If you threaten to call the Police will they still keep you there?
Obviously they don’t believe in donating a percentage of their income.
Oh, they do… it’s 110%.
Hi, I don’t remember anything about this! And I don’t think I knew what I was talking about anyway. Peace.
Phil’s situation will soon be resolved in one way or another. If he continues to donate$ his car will be repossessed and he’ll have no way to get to any org.
Hi Doug Sprinkle, Thank you for your post.To me Ron’s World is and was very very hard to understand,I think,because a person has to have been in it to understand 100%,after that the territory can become strange indeed.
I will try and answer your questions as best I can with what I can remember.Smile. You asked if I desired to be let out,Would I be?The fact was I was in a condition called Treason and there was no-one to ask to let me out because you are not to be talked to by anyone but the Ethics Officer and that would not mean getting out.We had no phones what so ever and I know that if I had called the LAPD,two or more Sea Org Guardian’s Office members would be right there to greet the police first with an explanation.I know this because I was one of those Sea Org members who had to guard a public person in Beverly Hills who wanted to kill herself.She got to a phone called the LAPD,so I had to hold the front door shut as I explained to the cops I was her first cousin and the only one who could handle her when she had fits.Off they went happily into the night.This was a gigantic ethics test I was given to see if I would make it in the Sea Org.I believe I passed.So shore stories were taught way back then to bind and hypnotize.When one is starving really screwed up with black auditing and spy games run amuck,The Stockholm Syndrome starts to kick in.I felt so conflicted about blowing.Like I was in the grip of a USO tractor beam!A Sea Org Beam.
Granted sometimes I could open the heavy door to the sub-basement but I needed a strong doorstop to keep it open and the corridors or small passageways really were just as humid hot & dark.Finally there were minders always finding some excuse to bug me.I know it was crazy and still is but I truly believe Truth will prevail about this cult.Hope this helps a little.Love Always, back in the very old days74-78.
Wow and Ouch, Ann – That makes me want to laugh (at how utterly crazy) and cry at the same. As a public person I had no idea such things occurred in the sea org even way back then. It seems the sea org was a spin bin right from the start. Thanks so much for telling your story. Love, Richard
Hi Richard,Thank you so very much! You are right part of my story is funny.This lady had a beautiful Palladian house on about an acre in Bev Hills and I had to guard her all night and she was a handful.As I am trying to hold the front door shut from behind my back, the woman I was guarding was around 200 lbs wearing a Doris Day type poignoir and she is yanking the door from behind me trying to get it openAll the while smoking a cig from a long 1920s holder.How can I forget that image!Thank goodness she had no doggies.After the cops left around 630:am she fell asleep and went back to training or auditing whatever she was getting the next day.Apparently she had called the cops all the time that she was going to kill herself,but knowing what I know today regarding Scientology who knows what was really going on? I am glad I can share my story with everyone and those who may have had only fleeting backward glimpse of cos.The more that Know,the Better! Love,Ann
Earlier this month I stopped into a Clearwater business to place a custom order. First time I have used their services, but I understand from others that they have been here for decades and are reputable. I was surprised the business was empty and quiet and almost run down. I went back yesterday to pick up my things (everything was great), and there was a Flag van in the parking lot. Inside the shop a man was sitting at a table leafing through a magazine. He gave off such an angry, hostile vibe -and he was out of place; dressed in maintenance uniform with cheap looking shoes. The woman who worked there (not the owner), seemed flustered. I carried everything out to my car alone (about 6 loads), and I felt increasingly anxious. As I paid and wrapped things up with the employee, I heard the owner speaking loudly from the back. Maybe not angry, but loudly. I kept thinking this must be a WISE holdup. This struggling business was probably looking for help and got a creepy handler extorting them. I wanted to do something but what? Still depressed….almost wanted to leave an anonymous message on the answering machine. But I don’t want to be hassled myself.
Regraded Being really knows what it is all about. In the old days I was trying every week to figure out how to manage with money and time and it was impossible. Being on staff, working outside because it was impossible to survive on staff’s pay, having to buy the basics when I was too much in debt. At one point there is a straw that breaks the camel’s back and there is this feeling of walking away from darkness and going towards the dawn.
The Oracle’s comment is quite relevant about what has been going on for over thirty years now. Thank you Mike for this space of freedom in which we can say what we think.
Hi Alex De Valera, I thought your post was sensitive and thank you.I, too have always felt even in the early days of escape from the cult, that even in that darkness with the world upside down,I was walking toward the dawn.I enjoy all you post and treasure the feeling that I can be myself here,thanks to Mike and his beautiful family.Love,Ann.
Another good one, RB. This episode is a gentle introduction to the reality of Scientology fund raising practices. Phil sought help from his church with his finances. His church just wants his money. Phil may end up bankrupt, divorced and ill from the stress, but his church will never actually help him.
All activities of this supposed church have taken on the color of its sociopath leader. Without debating their validity, Scientology philosophy and the technology are only used as cheese for the sociopath’s trap.
WhatWall – So well said. It’s obvious that no attempt to expand the delivery of scn is being made, just the increase of the real estate and cash portfolio. For what ultimate purpose is speculation.
You nailed it, Mike.
It’s good therapy. Thanks.
I noticed that Tim and Marsha aren’t on the white board.
What a bunch of crap — flows and exchange. Just enough to it to be plausible, but in reality Scientology is the most out-exchange organization imaginable since it takes money for an incredible product it has never (and I believe can never) deliver.
If there is a stuck flow of any sort, it is Scientology being stuck on inflow (take, take, take) while never delivering.
All it would take is one — just one — agreed upon documented clear or OT and the world would beat down the doors wanting the product.
Miscavige alter ises everything. He turned “stat push” into “Status Push”. Registrars into beggars that do not register anyone for anything, except status attained through beggars.
Instead of getting the tech out onto the streets, he buried in vaults in the ground.
He took over an organization, and turned it into Church. There are no more customers, only members.
The burden of delivery, is on the former customers, now known as members. The members, report stats even though they are not staff.
He sells OT levels starting at OT one, but says they are not real OT levels.
He sells ethics courses and ethics books, but in his own Org he thinks the only way to handle people is to imprison them in trailers.
Sociopaths can NEVER, EVER, “do the usual”. Not even mathematics. 2+2 always equals 16, or any number but 4.
Hubbard says auditors are the most valuable people on the planet, Miscavige undermines his authority and announces it is an actor. ONE actor.
Preaches that communication is a universal solvent, won’t pick up the phone to call his dad. Cancels auditors certs planet wide, as “unfit” to LISTEN to another person TALK!
Fks his secretary, and has his wife doing secretarial work.
Claims to want to free mankind, but in his hobby time he builds his own prison and fills it with inmates.
Five feet short, singing “We stand tall”. On and on………
WOOHOO, Oracle! You have that lil fkr down to a science!!! LUV, LUV, LUV *ALL* YOUR COMMENTS! ;)P
If we assume that the man was born as or turned into the clinical description of a sociopath, then everything he has done, is doing and will do is logical (understandable) from the perspective of a rational observer. Just a thought. Maybe where I’m going with this is “How could he do that” is not a good train of thought. It’s what sociopaths do.
Oh, he is a sociopath. Early under his reign, the pts sp detection course was removed from the basic Sea Org training. I would guess by now 95% of the Sea Org staff wouldn’t know a sociopath if one was parked in front of them for years.
They are easy to spot though, especially for people NOT involved in Scientology who don’t have to face inconvenient truths that would rattle their fixed ideas. They undermine everyone and everything about them. Abuse every small ounce of power or trust invested in them. The Human Resource department in every large company has a small library on sociopaths. There are many very good books written about it.
Without Conscience
Snakes in Suits
The Sociopath Next Door
Sociopath: Understand Antisocial Personality Disorder
In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People
The Sociopath at the Breakfast Table: Recognizing and Dealing With Antisocial and Manipulative People
Antisocial Personality Disorder: Your Guide on How to Deal with Narcissists and Sociopaths
The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry
And many many more. It is becoming common knowledge. Doubt Miscavige could find employment beyond the Scientology arena, unless he wormed his way into some position where he could scam, defraud, and mislead people on financial matters. A shady stockbroker or an “investment counselor”. But they have to feel every move they make, will set someone up for a loss, for them to plow through with dirty business. And so being, they always end up unmocking themselves. Which, Miscavige has certainly done already. I mean, he as to pay people in third world countries to put “Likes” on his Facebook page.
Oracle – “They are easy to spot though” I was thinking that most people have never been in close proximity to a true sociopath, so they would be trying to think of one in “rational” terms. Yes, we all have had belligerent co-workers, bosses and so on but the depth of a sociopath was hard to wrap my head around. Now I get it and accept that it exists.
Incidentally, I think that reiteration of DM’s transgressions and crimes is ok, but inflammatory comments not helpful. Best, Richard
P.S. I’m referring to “imprisons them in trailers” and “Fks his secretary” A bit over the top IMO. Just sharing. 🙂
I forgot about the trailers in the hbo doc. I thought they were too large to be called trailers. Your statement wouldn’t make sense to someone who had not watched the doc, but ok.
any scientology watcher that would be reading comments on Rinders blog would understand the trailer ref.! It IS the main story line in every news,ET,or doc.for the past 6 years!!! every mention about its abuses mentions the double wide trailers at golden era/Hemet and what is known as “the hole”. its even pointed out in SnLs neurotology video. pompous…
I outflow ALL the time. Just went today and outflowed to my bank account. And it’s true ! It keeps getting fatter and fatter and , well, the tech definitely does work. Thanks, ron !
I remember observing the satisfaction that one of the valley org members derived from doing his
“clay demos”. I think clay demos are interesting and have some value. But true thinking involves
not in proving yourself right, or proving lrh right; it involves proving yourself wrong. And that would
never happen in the cult. Edison, Tesla, Einstein and others were always about proving themselves
wrong. But a good little sheeple doesn’t even dream of proving himself or herself wrong. So it is not
surprising that they cannot think for themselves. They are trained not to.
Perhaps I’m just being a Randroid but I have to disagree with you there.
I once had a dispute in the workplace where the site supervisor ordered me to remove an eight hour shift that I had actually performed from my time card and was completely unconcerned with the facts. I eventually went through the motion of agreeing and then went upstairs to the payroll department to explain the situation and they accepted the fact that I performed the shift. I then wrote out a formal complaint about the supervisor’s conduct.
I then had a meeting with a woman in the personnel department and she told me that, “trying to be right is unhealthy.”
I was astounded that she had said that.
To put this in context the employer was a chain of hospitals based in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Being right, that is correctly identifying the facts of reality and acting on the basis on that knowledge, is essential to the job. In this place an error means that needlessly someone suffers or dies.
Given that nothing would be done about the misconduct I decided to quit. This was the best paid job I ever had but I had to quit.
Sorry about the job, but considering the dispute was about getting paid for your time , I think you saw the writing on the wall. It’s hard enough to work a shift without having to spend your extra time arguing about getting paid for your work.
Hi Leslie, It sounds like we agree on a lot. When your supervisor told you that being right was unhealthy; You knew that was no good. So you
Reviewed your past decision to work with that firm. The money was good, but the ethics were not. Therefore you concluded that your past decision was wrong. You walked, thereby displaying moral courage beyond the ability of
Ot8s who can never make themselves wrong.
That decision and others like it brought you to this group: people that deal in truth.
You might think what you did was unexceptional. I think you proved what I’m saying: sheeple lack the ability or thinking skills to make themselves wrong. Not to mention the
Moral courage.
This brings back rather unpleasant memories…
Can they still be doing this after 10+ years of being fleeced? Eventually even rats learn there is no cheese down the blind alley, just a nice fat electric shock waiting for them. Hmm are Scilons dumber than rats?
This is where you need to think KSW and the fate of every man woman and child for endless trillions of years depending on what you do here and now with and in Scn… Or perhaps ESCAPE the machine!
Rats have their reactive minds. They recall earlier similar painful incidents. Scions don’t or pretend to be too clear or ot for that..
Your finger is on the UTR pulse, RB. I’ll bet this is a conversation many such couples are having of late. Love that you’re keeping us in suspense! But then, thrillers and detective fiction are an addiction of mine.
I came to the conclusion that our six figure income would not get us up the bridge but possibly one of us could.
That was the beginning of the end and finally realized like Trudy “we simply can’t afford Sci. anymore” even though we were Ot 4.
You have this scene covered RB.
As usual “I’m so fucking impressed” …. RB is fucking awesome….lol…
I look forward to RB every Friday, I enjoy the humour but it always leaves me with a tinge of sadness knowing some are still living this. There is solace in knowing its one day closer to the crash.
You’re a good soul, justmeteehee. Those still in are victims too. But, time is on our side and time is dwindling for the cult.
It is sad. Its also exasperating. Frequently I have to remind myself that MY light bulb went off in my own time and on my own determinism, and that, in fairness, no more and no less can be expected from those Still In.
Case gain has now been trade marked by RTC and can only be accomplished by GAT 2 and IAS donations.
No other spiritual betterment is possible. Your only chance to true happiness lies in your total agreement to this postulation. On the other hand one can go buy a 18pack and totally key-out with your friends.
Willie, are you serious? It’s not scientology if it’s not GAG 2? And it’s been trademarked??? This a very bizarre situation!
I’ll tell you what, Wilie, you bring your beer and I’ll bring a couple of bottles of great Merlot. Let’s see who gets keyed out more!
Outflow brings inflow .. this is true ..
I agree……the outflow of members leaving scientology leads to the inflow of information into this blog (and others)
After an 18 pack inflow leads to outflow!
Hi GBTO, Thank you love your post.As I read outflow=inflow, I definitely say that after a few glasses of sin-zin,I agree! Love,Ann.
Kool Aid appears to be an exception. What’s sin-zin? Sounds naughty, Ann.
Hi Richard, Sin-Zin can only be good.My nickname for a nice sinful(laughter)glass of Zinfandel,with popcorn that is the naughty part! Always love, Ann.
Got it. The wine and popcorn reference made me think of the parties we had back in the day. Nothing crazy, just loud and happy, blowing off steam on the weekend. The current attitude seems to be somber with grim determination as RB often shows.
Hi Richard,Thank you,exactly how it felt back then at times,and to day also.Dm gives me ice-cubes whenever I read his stuff.Love,Ann.
Correction – RB shows us the lighter side and comes up with happy endings. I prefer pretzels with Zin.
Hi Richard,Pretzels are good too,never saw a popcorn kernel or pretzel while in howeverCoffee & a Kool,how KoolAid of me,Laughter! Stopped my pack every two weeks @ 30. Much better without cigs..Love,Ann.
Seems like Phil could not deliver real insights/casegain! So he will stay in …. be cause …. he depends on others for insights!
Stuck Flow? Yep, the members sure do a have a stuck flow that’s causing their financial ruin. And it is there stuck out flow! It’s stuck on the on position. They need to move to cause on it. And that is a as simply as turning off the valve. Be at cause today turn-off your stuck out-flow by saying “No.”
I’ve had many “stuck flows” in my life. But, as long as X-lax is around, my flows are never stuck. Man, I really feel good today!
Granola is great for that too OSD.
According to Freedumb Rag, Tom DeVocht is the man to see for that. 😀
Co$ has a stuck flow. Members really should reverse that flow by asking for their money back. Then the flows would un-stick, like plunging a stopped up toilet, it would all nicely swirl down the drain with that lovely swoosh-sucking sound.
… taking that little turd with it!
Scientology is the kingdom of logical fallacies.
They are implanted by the registrars into the minds of unsuspecting scientologists.
When powered by false logic, you can do amazing things.
That is true also that giving a big chunk of money is quite an exhilarating experience,
the feeling to break some chains one is entrapped in.
You then gain the feeling to “operate above the mechanics of the physical universe”.
RB is spotting again typical behaviors!
To us Scots, ANY fundraising is our worst nightmare. I remember donating $2 to some charity once. That image still haunts me…..
Dad…….is that you??
I AM YOUR FATHER, young Chee…
As I am now following the Buddhist path, I see now generosity as a vital part of spiritual improvement, provided it helps reducing the sufferings of others and improving their happiness.
You made a great point: Helping others IS a good flow that comes back.
The problem with giving money to the cult is that despite its SAYING that it is helping, it actually ISN’T. No help is occurring!
So people may BELIEVE they are helping by giving the cult money, and certainly the cult will TELL them they are, but in fact NO HELP is occurring.
Belief that help is occurring does not cut it. Real help of SOME kind must be occurring for the “magic” to work
Therefore, the money flow is NOT a help flow; ergo, it does NOT come back in a good way to the person because it WAS NOT HELP.
Also, there is a common sense angle to help. Helping others does not necessarily EXCLUDE help of self. One helps others AND oneself. If we all did nothing but help others and ignore ourselves we would create a huge mess, just like the mess we would have when if we only helped ourselves and ignored everyone else.
In order to be “unselfish” one must first HAVE a self to give away.
My 2 cents.
I think we’re all the same: Pure, unconditioned consciousness. And our mission is to be of service to everyone.
OSD, INO, is that why its taking HAPI so long to become an Ideal Morgue?
Edit: “IYO” – in your opinion.
You absolutely right, Aqua! There is no service. They offer none. Only…..enslavement.
You cannot give away three apples when you have two !
Captain OBVIOUS says you met LOUIS SWARTZ obviously.
In fact after you meet the IAS reg at the Sandcastle
you try to give away 10 apples when you have NO apples.
Dedicated to REX FOWLER
@Jose. I think there’s a lot of dust in the air today. Gotta go get a kleenex. Rex Fowler is an example of just what people are driven to. Your few short words were a gut punch. The. Insanity. Must. Stop.
Rex was on Solo OT 7 and had very successful business
he built from the ground up.This is something that drives
David Miscavige completely crazy.
I disagree about Fowler’s business. It was not successful and barely made any money when I reviewed it towards the end. Also, it was interesting to me that he withheld 10% from paychecks to donate to the church. He was a creepy guy.
Perhaps Rex needs to word clear embezzlement while he serves his prison sentence.
It makes me wonder what happened to his company. Was bankruptcy precipitated and if so was the trustee able to follow the money laundering all the way to inurement by scientology executives via such crimes, which is suffcient evidence for tax exempt removal of the scientology organizations involved.
It is truly both despicable and sad how much harm can come to someone becoming associated with scientology and both Rex and the death of his shooting victim Thomas Ciancio, are very strong corroborating evidence of such harm. My understanding Thomas was not even a scientologist, which points up not only scientologists are harmed by the dangerous scientology cult. Regraded Being’s cartoon could be just one, as it is, of 100’s and even thousands of actual degrees of stress, problems, depressions, and suicides instigated by careless recklessness of the ubiquitous coercion and extortion and more by a cult of greed and desired power.
Gregory Bashaw is another case with underlying similarity to Rex Fowler’s and a very educational look into how it all comes about, in Nancy Many’s book “My billion year Contract.,
Is Louis Schwartz still around? He must be in his 70’s at least.
Yes,Louis moved to Clearwater and is 70 ish .
Was battling Dementia in L.A.after finishing OT 5.
Louie Swartz must be about 75 by now. He was ten years older than me when he was Qual Sec as my senior back in the stone age in San Francisco (early 1970s)
Which brings this question to my mind. Who were Rex Fowler’s reg and FSM or other participating member who were so diligently helping Rex to exeriorize out the side of the bridge?
Stay tuned folks for ‘What will Phil do?’ on next weeks issue. Does he have the huevos to grab his wife’s arm and walk out? Will Trudy step up and deliver a reality of her own to the sheeple?
I wish I could attend one of those pressure cooker events. I would quietly take the pen from Thomas, say nothing to anyone and walk up to the board…………………..
‘Newcomer …………………………fucking zero’
Smile and walk out. When the fellows at the door barred the exit I would have my cell phone out dialing 911.
” I would like to report a terrorist threat ……………….”
Nice one RB! The true dilemma of the cult exposed. No one can continue to spend more than they make forever. One day it comes crashing down ……… we know it will but we cannot predict when.
Gosh, Coop! The way you described the situation makes me want to go with you! You can put down, “Coop………fucking zero!” And I’ll put down, “Fuck you” That should ingratiate us to the group, don’t you think?
I want to go and write HUGE check right there on the spot after being harassed for a while on a checking account I canceled years ago.
Right. Sure. Tell you what, I’ll ask Howard Becker and Michael Roberts to drop by and give you a briefing. Then we’ll see how long that tough talk lasts. Mimsey
Oh, the cliffhanger!!!
Will Phil have the fortitude to tell the Pen Passers to shove it and walk out?
Or will Trudy shake her head in disbelief as Phil is yet again peer-pressured to hand over more cash to the F-Bomb dropping regges?
And what will happen during Phil and Trudy’s long drive home after the regges release them?
Will Phil EVER wise-up to the simple math that Trudy talked about?
Will Phil EVER stop using the stilted, strange language of the Kool Aid drinking $cientologist and stop talking aout “outflows” and “inflows” and “stuck flows” as if he has a Spiritually Enlarged Prostate Problem?
….(Hearing the sappy soap opera organ music welling up in the background) — Tune in next week to Regraded Being to find out !!
(darn, I hate the suspense!)
I’m not going to sleep until the next Regarded Being strip……
Hi RB, A bright,sunny Fri morning and your post! I Like so much how you expertly wove in the real characteristics of the Reg-Shark! Bait & Switch or Switch & Bait,either will do for a Reg who knows your & their business all the time! Get more money!& get it before Thurs. @ 2:00pm.
Why is it that those who were fortunate through inheritance or their own hard work, they continue giving all their money to dm and the cult? I know the mechanics of the KoolAid think but at some point think about your family and your own self.Why would you want dm to amass more?! Remember years ago it was drilled into our heads ” do not deliver a service if there is no product” I am butchering the quote from Ron,but that went out the window quite sometime ago.
Enough of my little rant about people still sucked into the bubble.I wish so hard they could see. Always love to you and yours and all your amazing work and perception.XO Ann.
Great again RB.
It is such a release looking through the windows you here open up for us… it happens every time without fail. We should all be very proud of you… I know am.
ML, Alfo
This is where it gets real.
Scientology will be making at least one of those people a “Bitter defrocked apostate” by the end of the night.
Their crime? Integrity.
Although I realize this is a comic strip, it is real life. This is what happens and it either tears families apart or they wake up.
Nice one RB. I played pass the pen once in the HGC. When the pen passer got to me. I said, “I’m broke…No wait, I just remembered a bunch of cash I have stashed in my truck.” The IAS pen passer said, “Go get it!” I said, “Sure, be right back.” After about an hour, I returned to find the pen passer had long passed. I think that only works once.
Hi Bognition, You are one tough, burning hot firework! Love your posts.Thank you,XO Ann.
Wow! Thanks Ann.
Bog is: A Hunka Hunka burning post!
Hi OSD, Both of you make rainbows with fire.You on your surfboard and Bog,I feel is able to be in quantum leap mode and would make a rainbow with whatever he wanted.laughter! Thank you both.Love, Ann.
Boggie, you are a genius! I would of taken the pen, slobber all over it and hand it to the next dumb ass. But, hey, that’s just me.
I LIKE it Dude!
Bubble Logic…
Is there any other kind?
No real friends and now you are running out of pen pals too.
How painful it must be when one spouse is waiting for the other to have his/her light bulb moment, but it never comes. How far down the rabbit hole do you continue to fall with your spouse?
Hi Lori S, A good post.I was thinking about your comment and since I had no spouse in SO I do not have that experience but I saw public conflicted similarly.I thought if I had been married and my spouse wanted me to fall all the way to the bottom of the rabbit hole and we had no-more $ to give,well I would hit the bottom of that hole so hard it would bounce me right out into the Sunshine! Love,Ann.
Love all of your posts, Ann. You are so positive and sunny. You remind me that living well is the best revenge (once you leave the cult.)
Hi Lori S,Thank you so much for your sweet,kind post.I have walked in darkness regarding the cult and shadows still linger,but you are so right living well in whatever area you want and being truly happy,sorry Ron the way to happiness is not mine anymore,being truly happy as myself has helped me cope.But I do not skip happily along throwing rose petals either.I still try to find balance and harmony.I absolutely read all your post too.Learn so much here.Love,Ann.
Until you come face to face with Alice. Then you’ll know you’re absolutely in Wonderland…..
Or the Mad Hatter. If Phil ran into Alice he’d probably drop Trudy (dev-t out-ethics doubting bitch that she is) and run off with her. Only to find she was SO and married and now he was really going to have to pay…
Hi freebeing, I have read some great posts from you today,but the last one is the best! Phil will be paying many eons in Sea Org’s world.I am always glad I escaped.Love,Ann.
Perfect again!
Spot on Regraded being! Sorry to say I lived this one in reverse many years ago even before the crazy fund raising began. Upper level services were just too much for average working folks raising a family.. My ex woke up before me and the rest is history. Thanks for putting these situations out there for others!
I know it sounds sick but looks like another day closer to doing the Kool Aid rundown.
The real situation here is that Phil is a fucking moron. Now he may have been that way before Scientology, or he may have became an imbecile on a gradient throughout his involvement. As he is a cartoon character, it’s hard to tell. But he is a type that exists, for sure. After thirty five years of service to Scientology, I had ten thousand bucks extorted from me on an ethics cycle and THEN a couple of weeks later, a big shot SO teenage MAA demanded all my money as an offering and … I walked out the door with my savings account intact and no longer a member of the “church.” Who knows what Phil will do. He kinda sounds like a schmuck there in the last panel, so I think he’s a lifer like the rest of the barely alive people who stay in. Trudy? Well, if she has ANY sense, she’ll leave this loser and get a life.
Did he demand literally every penny to your name?
Doug, he actually did. He first demanded to know how much I had in the bank and told me that I needed to turn it all over to the church to fight THE PSYCHS THE PSYCHS (he yelled). When I refused to tell him how much I had in the bank and said that it was my right to apply the code of honor and not communicate if I did not desire to, he cut me off and screamed “SHUT UP – THAT’S ENEMY LINE!” Honestly, I knew immediately as soon as that happened, that everything had suddenly changed for me at that point. I not only saw that this teenager felt that he had complete license to every aspect of my life (a man in his 50s, to say nothing of my accomplishments in Scientology) but that I was now residing in looneyville … and well, I needed to move, and did so an hour or so later (it was noon on a Thursday and he threatened to expel me as he slammed the door and left me alone in a small room – though I wasn’t declared an SP until about four years later when I started to post a lot on Marty’s blog and it was brought to Julian’s attention)
That is unreal
Hi Joe Pendleton, You are another hero for me.Wow,an incredible post.Rang a big gong for me as I spent quite sometime in very small rooms.And yelled at as an enemy too.The last two months or so in the Sea Org,I was put in the smallest ,no air and condensation dripping down the pea green walls,one slit high up of a grimy window coveted by thick screening at the bowels of Big Blue and I had to stuff letters there for hours Also experienced my first taste of an earthquake while I was in that hot box! Always love your posts.Love,Ann.
Hi Ann
I still don’t understand, if someone in that situation makes it clear that you desire to be let out of the small room, will they keep you there against your will. If you threaten to call the Police will they still keep you there?
Nailed it once again Regraded. I see you’ve been to the Ship.