Super-funny RB. Sherman and Miscavige pride themselves on being smarter than the average person, and perhaps they are, in the “big words” department. This doesn’t mean that they are fooling anyone, and in that sense, they are both dumber than a box of rocks.
What surprises me is that Sherman had a wife! All of this time, I would have bet money on him being gay.
Oh, Sherman! Come on out of the Scientology closet. You have a best selling book fan club out here. What would Mr. Sherman call his book? Any thoughts? The way he writes, there may not be room on the cover for the title.
What do you think the title could be? Any thoughts? OSD? Would love to hear your 95 cent’s worth. ๐
I wonder whether David Miscavige is reading this blog.
Probably yes, as he micromanages everything.
If so, could R.B.’s cartoons penetrate his consciousness ?
Oh, hell, I’m sitting in a hotel room in California with a head cold and needed something to cheer me up, especially facing a four-hour flight tomorrow morning with said head cold. RB, as usual, comes through. If Sherman’s speeches are a ripe target for humor, their creator certainly is, and RB hits the target true and center. Five rounds, center of mass, and down the Sherminator goes. It’s a lovely sight. Especially when you know that, deep down, this is how Sherman REALLY feels about the Toxic Dwarf.
By the way, Idle Morgue, we practitioners of Teh Ghey have never, ever worn mullets. Don’t try to bundle Sherman together with us. We wouldn’t have him if he was the last penis on Teegeeack.
Danny may be going anorexic from regurgitating the same old pap over and over for so many years. Besides, even off Base, all of Hemet has become a rundown shithole.
It’s always fun to read RB! He really knows what he’s talking about. Compare Sherman speak with Winston Churchill’s speeches: ” I hope that any of my friends and colleagues, or former colleagues, who are affected by the political reconstruction, will make allowance, all allowance, for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act. I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this government: โI have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.โ Winston Churchill’s first Speech as Prime Minister May 13, 1940 to the House of Commons. There was no hype, just the unfolding of WWII.
When I was drinking the koolaid it pissed me off when they stopped giving or at least leaking real statistics, like GI and completions. But today I don’t know how the hell all these sheeple can stand all this cognitive dissonance! Listening to Miscsavige’s epic, 47X, bla, bla while sitting in an empty org?
I did a LOT of thought stopping when I was mainlining the koolaid, but today they must encase their heads in cement and hide in a cave to stop having doubts about Miscavige’s epic expansion.
I don’t think specualtion about his sexual preference has anything to do with the subject at hand. What does it matter if he is or is not gay? It doesn’t inform on anything — neither his intelligence nor his macho-ness. I know some very smart and very macho gays. I know some really dumb and limp-wristed straight people. Why would you care? Unfortunately, this is scientology-style stereotyping. And I really dislike it. If you don’t mean to offend anyone, and don’t care, then why pose the question?
It would be a more valid comment if it was based on anything. But calling him gay because he wears a mullet and is strange? OK, some gay guys are strange, but not Sherman’s kind of strange, and I agree with Espiando that the mullet is actually strong evidence that he is not gay.
I think he mentioned that Dan Sherman might be gay because if DM knew this it would be such a laugh on DM because DM is so homo phobic. DM is the one who constantly bullied Mark Yager and Guillome LeServre (sorry if I can’t spell their names right), but he promoted the black pr that they were gay lovers and made everyone ridicule them or worse over all this. So imagine DM’s horror if after all these years he found out his beloved speech writer was “one of them!”
My same exact thoughts , Mike ; why to pose the question in the first place ? Weird! It seems some still carry with them the seed of social superiority that so frequently grows inside Scientologists and even in Ex(es) , from what I can see.
Hello Idle Morgue. You were always one of my favorite posters on ESMB. I knew Danny Sherman very well. My wife and I audited Danny and his wife on their OAT TEE 5. We spent a lot of time with them on the week ends drinking a few beers and watching a video. Danny is definitely not gay although I can understand how you might get that impression from the way in which he speaks. He was married to Manon Sherman who sadly died of cancer some time ago.
Danny was very good friends with Dave Kluge who was an OSA kind of guy. Dan used to write books and in particular spy novels. I have heard that he changed a lot over the years since becoming David Miscaviges speech writer. He used to be a good guy but things change.
This weeks episode of Regraded Being is hilarious and I could really see Dan thinking some of those thoughts about Miscavige.
true, got married to Tina Mcgurck, after the loss of the other.
He, comes across as “limp wristed”, or you might say “gay”. Whatever. But not true.
Speaking of being a spy novel writer, isn’t scientolgoiy but a spy novel, why you gots the mystery of the secrets of the universe in all the OT levels? The SP’s are out to us, the scientologists.
What a story to tell, what a mystery to create in the top secret levels of scientology,
Afterall, Ron said he was a writer, and every story has to have a weenie,
That Bar is “Sloppy Joe’s” in Key West .
A hangout for wanna be writers and treasure scammers.
Sherman should feel right at home and even has a Miscavige touch
of cameras with microphones ( like Flag) online so everyone is watched
by anyone on the internet from anywhere.
It probably won’t be too long now before David reaches his ‘use by date’. Wonder if he has begun training a young apprentice to take over when he puts his feet up and retires to maybe a mobile home out on Ron’s ranch. An interesting point with Scientology being a gender equality religion — there being both male and female ministers — is that there would be no barrier to a lady becoming the next leader.
NFW. That dude is constitutionally incapable of succession planning. Can you imagine him empowering decision makers at an executive level. That is just one necessary component in grooming leaders.
I don’t believe he gives a damn what happens after he is gone. I doubt that LRH did either, for that matter, but in Miscavige’s case the self-absorption seems to be so complete as to exclude any thoughts about “after me”.
Mike I tried to contact you by email using the Contact Me section of your blog, but because I nave not had any answer nor ack, please be so kind to let me know why. Thank you.
Probably because I have not looked at that email for a couple of weeks. Been real busy and when that happens I neglect it. Will go check it out and respond to you (and others who have also been neglected)…
Danny Sherman has access to the same materials that Hubbard’s previous biographers dug up. He knows about the Affirmations. He has interviewed old timers that knew Hubbard. The glowing sanitized versions or their testimony that he presents with such gleeful hyperbole at the Birthday events are culled from hundreds of hours of on-camera interviews.
He knows about the things they said that would never make it to the screen. He knows about the true military history of Hubbard, about his bigamous relationships, about his kidnap of his own daughter, about his ignominious death in hiding. I could go on and on.
Sherman is a harmless old lying speechwriter, perhaps. Maybe he is a biographer of a much misunderstood genius. But he is also the enabler that keeps the lie alive for thousands of poor souls.
There is a special place in Hell for those who knowingly lead others astray, deeper and more painful than the levels for those who were deceived. The lowest level is for those who created the lies, but they would be ineffective bumbling nobodies without the slick carny barkers like Danny Sherman.
Agreed that Sherman is an enabler but let’s face it, speechwriters are not known for being Warriors For Truth. They are given the content and they provide the context. That’s what they’re paid to do. They’re not paid to fact check, necessarily. Miscavige has few facts to brag about so he depends upon razzle-dazzling the sheeple with words.With their insider knowledge of DM and the cult fueling the content, Mike Rinder, Jeffrey Augustine and a few others on this very blog have imitated Sherman’s End of Endless Sentence Tech and other Word Salad Tech context and in so doing have entertained us hugely, but if someone were serious, taking it seriously as an actual job, it wouldn’t be hard for your average, pedestrian speechwriter to produce what Miscavige needs. In my opinion.
The speech writer is one of the Little Pope’s inner circle, right? How interesting it would be if he ever blew and wrote a tell-all expose book at some point….it would be entertaining to learn more about Shorty’s actions behind closed doors…
He doesn’t have much to add to the accounts of Jeff Hawkins, Amy Scobee, Marc Headley, Claire Headley, Tom DeVocht, Jackson Morehead, John Brousseau, Marty Rathbun, Steve Hall, Chris Guider, Dan Koon and many, many others who have written about this in books, talked about it to the media or posted/commented on blogs. But it might be entertaining to have an account in shermanspeak to try and wade through to find anything important.
RON Miscavige will have some interesting things in his upcoming book about DM. They will not be the usual praise of parent for child. This is in contrast to other parents. Richard Speck, who murdered 8 nurses in Chicago (1966) had a mom who defended him. “He is a good boy, and wouldn’t do something like that.” DM’s dad: “He’s an asshole, don’t trust him, avoid like the Plague!”
LRH said “You inflow what you outflow”. And now Ron M. says the same thing. Wonder why
I also have the book “The Sociopath Next Door” and highly recommend it. I found myself nodding my head, understanding for the first time the “whys” of someone I was dealing with, good info. As Mike Rinder mentioned, I also thought Jefferson Hawkins book “Counterfeit Dreams” was excellent. He writes so you can almost feel what he’s feeling and see what he’s seeing, he’s very honest and human in his recollections. He also has a couple of new books out since that one.
Regraded Being, enjoyed the comic strip as always. Keep up the good work.
Where is that bar? I’d like to go in and have a beer with that guy. That would make a fun
afternoon or evening. By the sixth beer I could have that guy ready to put Miscavige in the hole and take over the church.
What a truly strange group of people these miscavologists are.
Mike, does Dan Sherman drink enough kool-aid to actually believe he’s somehow telling the truth in a magnificent way, or is he secretly laughing at his own ludicrous pontification?
Bit hard to tell. Definitely a KoolAid mainliner — but that may be a reflection of the shrewd mullet: he has a “great gig”: he is paid a lot. He is treated like a celebrity in the ever-shrinking world of scientology and all he has to do is write about 6 speeches a YEAR. New Years, March 13th, Maiden Voyage, IAS and a couple of Ideal Org openings. But also remember, he is coopted into a lot of lies and that tends to make it hard to break away because if you admit that to yourself it can be a very tough pill to swallow. And he is not the pillar of strength, in fact, he is rather limp-wristed.
Joe , I don’t know that the word “stupid ” applies here , Miscavige is a clever sociopath and people who trust him are in a fog , each individual with their own level of intelligence , but all prisoners of the system. I know how tempting it is to call them idiots , but it doesn’t feel right.
As for Dan , I was a good friend of his wife , he has been a prisoner for a long time and to a degree it killed her , only my opinion . I hope RB is right and at some level he knows he compromised his talent .
Let’s hope that Dan Sherman wakes up, grows a pair, and leaves the cult. Then he could write a real book, one that tells all and uses the writing style and skill that Dan Sherman shelved long ago. It would be a cathartic healing for Dan to get to write the way he wants to and to say what he wants to say. I wish him luck to get out and do just that.
Cindy, I’d love for Dan Sherman to write his own book also not for the least reason being to find out if his speechwriting for Miscavige really is his writing style. Now, if it is, I’d read his book but I would hope that along with cult cognition he also gets turned onto the Hemingway App.
Narcissists are not necessarily stupid, they just lack insight and have different overwhelming concerns than non-narcissists have (what they perceive people think of them, and punishment of those they perceive to have wronged them are good examples of these). Sometimes that makes them act in ways that look quite stupid and destructive to other people.
That said, I don’t think Miscavige is a particularly smart narcissist (at least, definitely not as smart or cunning as Hubbard was).
He just took advantage of a very particular and unusual situation – being in a position of power in a cult whose leader was feeble and dying. His followers’ intelligence vs his has nothing to do with what keeps them in that peculiar situation.
Kemist – A narcissist would be unpleasant to be around while a sociopath is dangerous. Even though self destructive, from what I’ve been reading here and elsewhere, DM is a real life sociopath.
People are susceptible to be influenced (or unwittingly hypnotized) regardless of intelligence.
It’s like catching a cold, you can’t help it.
Ever voted for a politician that convinced you, you believed, but then turned out to be a liar?
If Richard Feynman could be hypnotized, then it has nothing to do with stupidity.
What is not well known (or the secret is) ( the hidden line) that a politician is a manifestation and an representation (or a reflection) (or a creation) of the electorate.
Or the people get the kind of government they create.
There is no fault in a politician that you cannot find in yourself.
The general public is very low on the tone scale. Especially the ones that do the most bitching and complaining and criticizing.
Also LRH said something to the effect of: when a tyranny is overthrown, it is replaced by a worse tyranny.
Consider this:
Have you ever been in a critical environment, or the subject of constant or prolonged criticism?
This could be in a man- woman/ husband-wife relationship, it could be in a work environment, or church group, or any group environment.
How did you feel when everything you said and did was dissected and parsed and criticized like corrupt lawyers working a case in a court room?
Like swine who trample pearls beneath their feet into their manure, the general public trample truth into their manure.
(Or better still, watch how certain subversive journalists parse and dissect and criticize politicians on media talk shows.)
How did you feel?
How do you feel when you got criticized, especially prolonged criticism?
How efficiently and effectively did you think and make good decisions during that time?
Likely very poorly.
Take an honest look and an honest evaluation.
You always wanted to get away into peace and quiet, right?
Many people get sick with cancers and other diseases and disorders.
Many people get nervous, mental and spiritual breakdowns and have to take leave of absences to cleanse and recover.
Now compare that to a time when you were the subject of love, praise, prayer, and blessings?
How did you feel? How well did your mind work? Most likely very well. You got high on it.
I can’t imagine how it could be anything else.
Did you like to stay in that environment? Were you looking forward to come back to it? You likely did.
The bible says to pray for your adversaries and no one will ever hurt you.
Everyone is telepathic. So are politicians. They receive the thoughts of the people. Everyone is connected. That is why prayer works.
The public is like a monster with as many heads as there are population (most are insane to various degrees), each screaming a different voice, wanting something different, left and right. And all those voices and thoughts are going into the politicians minds, which scrambles their minds.
Have you ever spoke to a group where everyone was talking at the same time? Were you able to understand anything, or get anything done?
Not likely.
What happens between political leaders and the population is the same.
Political leaders become the target, the focus of the minds of the people. Focus and intent causes energy and thoughts to flow to the intended target. Distance is not a factor in this realm. It works on the same mechanics or physics as prayer.
It is not a religious concept. It is just a metaphysical law, like the law of gravity, it is a law of nature.
The New Testament gives clear instructions for people on how to behave and what kind of attitude to have towards government leaders and authority.
1 Peter 2:13:14:15:16 “For the Lord’s sake accept the authority of every human institution, whether of the emperor as supreme, or of governors, as sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right.” For this is the will of God, That by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.
Do not use your liberty (your freedom of speech or freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and assembly, etc ) as a cloak (a vehicle) for spreading vice, criticism, slander, libel, defamation of character, vile or malice or accomplishing subversion or sedition or committing crimes and terrorism.
But as servants of God, honor all people. Honor and pray for the king and all authority.
If you don’t, it will only be a matter of time, before you will not have a king and no authority and total anarchy.
Paul wrote in Romans 13:1: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists authority resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.”
Ecclesiastes Ch 9:
Vs 20:
Do not curse the king even in your thought.
Book of Jude :
Vs: 8
Likewise the anarchists, the perverted, and the insane, defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of authority. This will result in anarchy, which will cause armegaddon.
And the head of state is elected as a common denominator (determined by majority vote) of the electorate.
And if we criticize and condemn and resist authority we will inflow what we outflow.
We will become effect of our criticism, condemnation and resistance.
People always get the kind of government they deserve. The type of government the people get is a product of the people’s thoughts.
The more we criticize our politicians the more it scrambles the politician’s minds, the harder it is for them to make good decisions and the worse our government becomes.
Criticizing is negative prayer or cursing, or the Devil’s prayer.
The more people complain and criticize the governments the crazier you will make the politicians and the worse conditions will get. It is happening all around us now.
That same principle applies to anyone in any situation, from husbands, wives and families, to business environments, to church management groups, to the political scene.
Criticizing and complaining about government leaders and authority is a sin. Criticism erodes and degrades everything like acid rain.
A sin is that which is in violation of the laws of nature.
Everyone is telepathic. That is why prayer works when you pray for someone. That is why we are thought to pray, even for our enemies.
The more we pray for our leaders, the more we ask God to bless them with the right knowledge and wisdom for good governance, the better they will lead.
The more we pray for our politicians the better quality people will be appointed by “God”.
The more you understand God and metaphysical law the more you will realize that it cannot be any other way.
I say what is meant by “God” in this instance is that, we the people, collectively are “God”. We are gods in training. If we are His children, and created in His image, how can it be otherwise?
The other problem that is caused when people and media criticize and tear apart everything politicians and bureaucrats do, is the most competent people in the country will not run for office.
Because no one in their right mind wants to take such abuse.
So what happens is that the less competent and often crazies and crooks run for office.
Then we go down the downward spiral.
And civilization is now working hard at self destructing.
There is no problem or fault in any politician or authority that a critic cannot find in themselves.
Government and authority are a manifestation or reflection of the people’s collective consciousness.
If you have a problem with government or authority you have to look in the mirror for the cause of problem.
When the people become honest, intelligent and competent, and operate on God’s principles, (become ethical) the government and all authority will become likewise.
We will get good government when everyone begins to pray for all politicians and authority, that God will bless them with the knowledge and wisdom of and for good governance.
1 Timothy 2:1-2
King James Version
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
I suppose any religion can describe civilization through its own eyes. Atheists could do likewise. Many years ago when religion was a fill in on job applications I wrote “Universalist”.
Haha- Regraded Being always hits the mark. Isn’t Dan Sherman in the Sea Org, though? I thought he was at Int or ASI. Also, I never hear about the “S.O.” at A.S.I.- are they still going strong and who’s in charge these days?
Nada — no The Mullet is not SO. Many have tried to persuade him, but he is paid handsomely, is provided an apartment at Hemet and anywhere else he goes, keeps his own schedule and is basically “untouchable.” If he joined the SO he would become Hole-bait. He is crafty and knows how to avoid the heat. He always used to use the excuse that his wife was not qualified. Then she died. He basically wore everyone down after that and nobody is too willing to push him like a normal mortal as he would then mess up one of Dear Leader’s speeches, the investigation would reveal he had been “enturbulated” and another SP intent on destroying COB would be uncovered.
All of ASI are SO. Last I heard, the place was being run by Marcus Weuthrich. Then again, after Miscavige left and with “the personal literary agency of L. Ron Hubbard” becoming a joke after he died, the place is pretty much a backwater in the backwater that is scientology. Nothing to see there, just move along….
I wonder about my old friend Al Koch and his wife Lila? He was my first ‘senior’ in the SO at AOLA Div 3, 1977. My first job was going thru the staff members desks to look for receipts LOL
The few recent photos of David Miscarriage (oops…spell check) Miscarriage (oops…again!) MISCAVIAGE look like he’s withering away in the same suit style, his eyes are demonic, his hair pumped up. He, and the few photos of executives that have slipped out, looks sickly.
He stands next to a podium (far away from people) which I’m assuming is to make believe he isn’t as small and “dictator-like” as he really is. He isn’t taller than the actual trophy he’s giving for the latest big donation.
It’s a sad comedy though. He’s hurting so many people.
OMG. Wouldn’t THAT be an interesting case to follow. “Let’s see the evidence…” Maybe not, now that I think of it. Wouldn’t be very many prixals…I mean PIXELS.
Yes, and if you look at the optical illusion on stage (I saw it when there was a live event) those Scn S symbols on either side of him are very tiny. Makes him look bigger. Nothing like having the magic of Hollywood (or Gold) behind you – literally.
Poor Mister Sherman. Life as a cult speechwriter.
Super-funny RB. Sherman and Miscavige pride themselves on being smarter than the average person, and perhaps they are, in the “big words” department. This doesn’t mean that they are fooling anyone, and in that sense, they are both dumber than a box of rocks.
Yeah, where’s that MEME with the Dumb and Dumber guys looking like DM and Shermie boy?
This should provide some inspiration. ๐
Hi Indie, I love that movie!
LOL Hennessy! Yeah, me too. That’s what DM and Sherman are like. One feeding off the other.
DM finally found someone who can out-1.1 him. lol
Wouldn’t there be some stories to tell if/when Sherman got out.
This thought just made my day!
๐ Dawn.
What surprises me is that Sherman had a wife! All of this time, I would have bet money on him being gay.
Oh, Sherman! Come on out of the Scientology closet. You have a best selling book fan club out here. What would Mr. Sherman call his book? Any thoughts? The way he writes, there may not be room on the cover for the title.
What do you think the title could be? Any thoughts? OSD? Would love to hear your 95 cent’s worth. ๐
The best ever, RB! Hall of Fame. You made my day with this one, thanks!
You are my friend, Marty Rathbun is my friend.
Monique is a Lady that does not need all this shit:
RB. outclassed himself on this one.
Sherman was married or in a very heavy 2d witha girl named manon in about 1976–or around there. She was from canada or europe.
So, so good, RB. Feels like the envelope’s being pushed with this one.
I wonder whether David Miscavige is reading this blog.
Probably yes, as he micromanages everything.
If so, could R.B.’s cartoons penetrate his consciousness ?
Oh, hell, I’m sitting in a hotel room in California with a head cold and needed something to cheer me up, especially facing a four-hour flight tomorrow morning with said head cold. RB, as usual, comes through. If Sherman’s speeches are a ripe target for humor, their creator certainly is, and RB hits the target true and center. Five rounds, center of mass, and down the Sherminator goes. It’s a lovely sight. Especially when you know that, deep down, this is how Sherman REALLY feels about the Toxic Dwarf.
By the way, Idle Morgue, we practitioners of Teh Ghey have never, ever worn mullets. Don’t try to bundle Sherman together with us. We wouldn’t have him if he was the last penis on Teegeeack.
Danny may be going anorexic from regurgitating the same old pap over and over for so many years. Besides, even off Base, all of Hemet has become a rundown shithole.
Thank you for making me laugh tonight! ๐ I hope your head cold is better.
I was trying to reply to Espiando, don’t know where my comment posted. It’s late, I’m on a device with tiny keyboard…
It’s always fun to read RB! He really knows what he’s talking about. Compare Sherman speak with Winston Churchill’s speeches: ” I hope that any of my friends and colleagues, or former colleagues, who are affected by the political reconstruction, will make allowance, all allowance, for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act. I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this government: โI have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.โ Winston Churchill’s first Speech as Prime Minister May 13, 1940 to the House of Commons. There was no hype, just the unfolding of WWII.
When I was drinking the koolaid it pissed me off when they stopped giving or at least leaking real statistics, like GI and completions. But today I don’t know how the hell all these sheeple can stand all this cognitive dissonance! Listening to Miscsavige’s epic, 47X, bla, bla while sitting in an empty org?
I did a LOT of thought stopping when I was mainlining the koolaid, but today they must encase their heads in cement and hide in a cave to stop having doubts about Miscavige’s epic expansion.
+1. Excellent post, Robert!
I met Dan Sherman. He gave me the creeps. He was with David Slappy Miscavige and Lou STuckenbrock – DM’s Tu Dee.
I believe Dan Sherman is gay. Just an observation.
No offense – don’t really care. Anyone know?
He has a mullet and he is very strange….a strange little tiny gay man.
I wonder what he really thinks.
Does he believe in Xenu? Is he Oat Tea or Clear?
Where is he on the Bridge?
Does he have family in?
Is he married like JT – hiding his sexuality?
Anyone know him personally and care to share?
I read somewhere he was not in the Sea Org and gets big pay checks.
Has David Miscavige beat him too?
I don’t think specualtion about his sexual preference has anything to do with the subject at hand. What does it matter if he is or is not gay? It doesn’t inform on anything — neither his intelligence nor his macho-ness. I know some very smart and very macho gays. I know some really dumb and limp-wristed straight people. Why would you care? Unfortunately, this is scientology-style stereotyping. And I really dislike it. If you don’t mean to offend anyone, and don’t care, then why pose the question?
Regarding the comment on the speechwriter being gay: I thought it is was valid comment.
If CoS is anti-gay and it’s speechwriter is gay, isn’t that a point of contention?
It would be a more valid comment if it was based on anything. But calling him gay because he wears a mullet and is strange? OK, some gay guys are strange, but not Sherman’s kind of strange, and I agree with Espiando that the mullet is actually strong evidence that he is not gay.
Spot on, Mike!
I think he mentioned that Dan Sherman might be gay because if DM knew this it would be such a laugh on DM because DM is so homo phobic. DM is the one who constantly bullied Mark Yager and Guillome LeServre (sorry if I can’t spell their names right), but he promoted the black pr that they were gay lovers and made everyone ridicule them or worse over all this. So imagine DM’s horror if after all these years he found out his beloved speech writer was “one of them!”
My same exact thoughts , Mike ; why to pose the question in the first place ? Weird! It seems some still carry with them the seed of social superiority that so frequently grows inside Scientologists and even in Ex(es) , from what I can see.
Hello Idle Morgue. You were always one of my favorite posters on ESMB. I knew Danny Sherman very well. My wife and I audited Danny and his wife on their OAT TEE 5. We spent a lot of time with them on the week ends drinking a few beers and watching a video. Danny is definitely not gay although I can understand how you might get that impression from the way in which he speaks. He was married to Manon Sherman who sadly died of cancer some time ago.
Danny was very good friends with Dave Kluge who was an OSA kind of guy. Dan used to write books and in particular spy novels. I have heard that he changed a lot over the years since becoming David Miscaviges speech writer. He used to be a good guy but things change.
This weeks episode of Regraded Being is hilarious and I could really see Dan thinking some of those thoughts about Miscavige.
true, got married to Tina Mcgurck, after the loss of the other.
He, comes across as “limp wristed”, or you might say “gay”. Whatever. But not true.
Speaking of being a spy novel writer, isn’t scientolgoiy but a spy novel, why you gots the mystery of the secrets of the universe in all the OT levels? The SP’s are out to us, the scientologists.
What a story to tell, what a mystery to create in the top secret levels of scientology,
Afterall, Ron said he was a writer, and every story has to have a weenie,
That Bar is “Sloppy Joe’s” in Key West .
A hangout for wanna be writers and treasure scammers.
Sherman should feel right at home and even has a Miscavige touch
of cameras with microphones ( like Flag) online so everyone is watched
by anyone on the internet from anywhere.
It probably won’t be too long now before David reaches his ‘use by date’. Wonder if he has begun training a young apprentice to take over when he puts his feet up and retires to maybe a mobile home out on Ron’s ranch. An interesting point with Scientology being a gender equality religion — there being both male and female ministers — is that there would be no barrier to a lady becoming the next leader.
NFW. That dude is constitutionally incapable of succession planning. Can you imagine him empowering decision makers at an executive level. That is just one necessary component in grooming leaders.
I don’t believe he gives a damn what happens after he is gone. I doubt that LRH did either, for that matter, but in Miscavige’s case the self-absorption seems to be so complete as to exclude any thoughts about “after me”.
This one hits home big time! Great job!
Mike I tried to contact you by email using the Contact Me section of your blog, but because I nave not had any answer nor ack, please be so kind to let me know why. Thank you.
Probably because I have not looked at that email for a couple of weeks. Been real busy and when that happens I neglect it. Will go check it out and respond to you (and others who have also been neglected)…
Danny Sherman has access to the same materials that Hubbard’s previous biographers dug up. He knows about the Affirmations. He has interviewed old timers that knew Hubbard. The glowing sanitized versions or their testimony that he presents with such gleeful hyperbole at the Birthday events are culled from hundreds of hours of on-camera interviews.
He knows about the things they said that would never make it to the screen. He knows about the true military history of Hubbard, about his bigamous relationships, about his kidnap of his own daughter, about his ignominious death in hiding. I could go on and on.
Sherman is a harmless old lying speechwriter, perhaps. Maybe he is a biographer of a much misunderstood genius. But he is also the enabler that keeps the lie alive for thousands of poor souls.
There is a special place in Hell for those who knowingly lead others astray, deeper and more painful than the levels for those who were deceived. The lowest level is for those who created the lies, but they would be ineffective bumbling nobodies without the slick carny barkers like Danny Sherman.
Ok Bruce. I just stopped laughing. Thanks for the oh so true reminder.
Good post, Bruce. There is certainly a place in hell for people like Dan Sherman who has sold his soul to the devil.
Agreed that Sherman is an enabler but let’s face it, speechwriters are not known for being Warriors For Truth. They are given the content and they provide the context. That’s what they’re paid to do. They’re not paid to fact check, necessarily. Miscavige has few facts to brag about so he depends upon razzle-dazzling the sheeple with words.With their insider knowledge of DM and the cult fueling the content, Mike Rinder, Jeffrey Augustine and a few others on this very blog have imitated Sherman’s End of Endless Sentence Tech and other Word Salad Tech context and in so doing have entertained us hugely, but if someone were serious, taking it seriously as an actual job, it wouldn’t be hard for your average, pedestrian speechwriter to produce what Miscavige needs. In my opinion.
The speech writer is one of the Little Pope’s inner circle, right? How interesting it would be if he ever blew and wrote a tell-all expose book at some point….it would be entertaining to learn more about Shorty’s actions behind closed doors…
He doesn’t have much to add to the accounts of Jeff Hawkins, Amy Scobee, Marc Headley, Claire Headley, Tom DeVocht, Jackson Morehead, John Brousseau, Marty Rathbun, Steve Hall, Chris Guider, Dan Koon and many, many others who have written about this in books, talked about it to the media or posted/commented on blogs. But it might be entertaining to have an account in shermanspeak to try and wade through to find anything important.
RON Miscavige will have some interesting things in his upcoming book about DM. They will not be the usual praise of parent for child. This is in contrast to other parents. Richard Speck, who murdered 8 nurses in Chicago (1966) had a mom who defended him. “He is a good boy, and wouldn’t do something like that.” DM’s dad: “He’s an asshole, don’t trust him, avoid like the Plague!”
LRH said “You inflow what you outflow”. And now Ron M. says the same thing. Wonder why
Recommended title: “The Sociopath in the Family”, as a supplement to Martha Stout’s “The Sociopath Next Door”.
I also have the book “The Sociopath Next Door” and highly recommend it. I found myself nodding my head, understanding for the first time the “whys” of someone I was dealing with, good info. As Mike Rinder mentioned, I also thought Jefferson Hawkins book “Counterfeit Dreams” was excellent. He writes so you can almost feel what he’s feeling and see what he’s seeing, he’s very honest and human in his recollections. He also has a couple of new books out since that one.
Regraded Being, enjoyed the comic strip as always. Keep up the good work.
Where is that bar? I’d like to go in and have a beer with that guy. That would make a fun
afternoon or evening. By the sixth beer I could have that guy ready to put Miscavige in the hole and take over the church.
Just tell me the place and I’ll be there, Potpie.
What a truly strange group of people these miscavologists are.
Mike, does Dan Sherman drink enough kool-aid to actually believe he’s somehow telling the truth in a magnificent way, or is he secretly laughing at his own ludicrous pontification?
Another gem from RB. Fridays are fun.
Bit hard to tell. Definitely a KoolAid mainliner — but that may be a reflection of the shrewd mullet: he has a “great gig”: he is paid a lot. He is treated like a celebrity in the ever-shrinking world of scientology and all he has to do is write about 6 speeches a YEAR. New Years, March 13th, Maiden Voyage, IAS and a couple of Ideal Org openings. But also remember, he is coopted into a lot of lies and that tends to make it hard to break away because if you admit that to yourself it can be a very tough pill to swallow. And he is not the pillar of strength, in fact, he is rather limp-wristed.
At some point, RB needs to publish his work in color on glossy paper. I would definitiely buy a copy.
Super Bowl handout material, and online.
If Miscavige is so stupid, what does that say about the people who follow him as their leader?
Joe , I don’t know that the word “stupid ” applies here , Miscavige is a clever sociopath and people who trust him are in a fog , each individual with their own level of intelligence , but all prisoners of the system. I know how tempting it is to call them idiots , but it doesn’t feel right.
As for Dan , I was a good friend of his wife , he has been a prisoner for a long time and to a degree it killed her , only my opinion . I hope RB is right and at some level he knows he compromised his talent .
Let’s hope that Dan Sherman wakes up, grows a pair, and leaves the cult. Then he could write a real book, one that tells all and uses the writing style and skill that Dan Sherman shelved long ago. It would be a cathartic healing for Dan to get to write the way he wants to and to say what he wants to say. I wish him luck to get out and do just that.
Cindy, I’d love for Dan Sherman to write his own book also not for the least reason being to find out if his speechwriting for Miscavige really is his writing style. Now, if it is, I’d read his book but I would hope that along with cult cognition he also gets turned onto the Hemingway App.
two books: a Hubbard biography and a Miscavige biography
I used the word “stupid” in my comment because that’s the characterization used in this RB, “I’ve never met anyone so fucking stupid”
Narcissists are not necessarily stupid, they just lack insight and have different overwhelming concerns than non-narcissists have (what they perceive people think of them, and punishment of those they perceive to have wronged them are good examples of these). Sometimes that makes them act in ways that look quite stupid and destructive to other people.
That said, I don’t think Miscavige is a particularly smart narcissist (at least, definitely not as smart or cunning as Hubbard was).
He just took advantage of a very particular and unusual situation – being in a position of power in a cult whose leader was feeble and dying. His followers’ intelligence vs his has nothing to do with what keeps them in that peculiar situation.
Kemist – A narcissist would be unpleasant to be around while a sociopath is dangerous. Even though self destructive, from what I’ve been reading here and elsewhere, DM is a real life sociopath.
People are susceptible to be influenced (or unwittingly hypnotized) regardless of intelligence.
It’s like catching a cold, you can’t help it.
Ever voted for a politician that convinced you, you believed, but then turned out to be a liar?
If Richard Feynman could be hypnotized, then it has nothing to do with stupidity.
Re: politicians:
What is not well known (or the secret is) ( the hidden line) that a politician is a manifestation and an representation (or a reflection) (or a creation) of the electorate.
Or the people get the kind of government they create.
There is no fault in a politician that you cannot find in yourself.
The general public is very low on the tone scale. Especially the ones that do the most bitching and complaining and criticizing.
Also LRH said something to the effect of: when a tyranny is overthrown, it is replaced by a worse tyranny.
Consider this:
Have you ever been in a critical environment, or the subject of constant or prolonged criticism?
This could be in a man- woman/ husband-wife relationship, it could be in a work environment, or church group, or any group environment.
How did you feel when everything you said and did was dissected and parsed and criticized like corrupt lawyers working a case in a court room?
Like swine who trample pearls beneath their feet into their manure, the general public trample truth into their manure.
(Or better still, watch how certain subversive journalists parse and dissect and criticize politicians on media talk shows.)
How did you feel?
How do you feel when you got criticized, especially prolonged criticism?
How efficiently and effectively did you think and make good decisions during that time?
Likely very poorly.
Take an honest look and an honest evaluation.
You always wanted to get away into peace and quiet, right?
Many people get sick with cancers and other diseases and disorders.
Many people get nervous, mental and spiritual breakdowns and have to take leave of absences to cleanse and recover.
Now compare that to a time when you were the subject of love, praise, prayer, and blessings?
How did you feel? How well did your mind work? Most likely very well. You got high on it.
I can’t imagine how it could be anything else.
Did you like to stay in that environment? Were you looking forward to come back to it? You likely did.
The bible says to pray for your adversaries and no one will ever hurt you.
Everyone is telepathic. So are politicians. They receive the thoughts of the people. Everyone is connected. That is why prayer works.
The public is like a monster with as many heads as there are population (most are insane to various degrees), each screaming a different voice, wanting something different, left and right. And all those voices and thoughts are going into the politicians minds, which scrambles their minds.
Have you ever spoke to a group where everyone was talking at the same time? Were you able to understand anything, or get anything done?
Not likely.
What happens between political leaders and the population is the same.
Political leaders become the target, the focus of the minds of the people. Focus and intent causes energy and thoughts to flow to the intended target. Distance is not a factor in this realm. It works on the same mechanics or physics as prayer.
It is not a religious concept. It is just a metaphysical law, like the law of gravity, it is a law of nature.
The New Testament gives clear instructions for people on how to behave and what kind of attitude to have towards government leaders and authority.
1 Peter 2:13:14:15:16 “For the Lord’s sake accept the authority of every human institution, whether of the emperor as supreme, or of governors, as sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right.” For this is the will of God, That by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.
Do not use your liberty (your freedom of speech or freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and assembly, etc ) as a cloak (a vehicle) for spreading vice, criticism, slander, libel, defamation of character, vile or malice or accomplishing subversion or sedition or committing crimes and terrorism.
But as servants of God, honor all people. Honor and pray for the king and all authority.
If you don’t, it will only be a matter of time, before you will not have a king and no authority and total anarchy.
Paul wrote in Romans 13:1: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists authority resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.”
Ecclesiastes Ch 9:
Vs 20:
Do not curse the king even in your thought.
Book of Jude :
Vs: 8
Likewise the anarchists, the perverted, and the insane, defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of authority. This will result in anarchy, which will cause armegaddon.
And the head of state is elected as a common denominator (determined by majority vote) of the electorate.
And if we criticize and condemn and resist authority we will inflow what we outflow.
We will become effect of our criticism, condemnation and resistance.
People always get the kind of government they deserve. The type of government the people get is a product of the people’s thoughts.
The more we criticize our politicians the more it scrambles the politician’s minds, the harder it is for them to make good decisions and the worse our government becomes.
Criticizing is negative prayer or cursing, or the Devil’s prayer.
The more people complain and criticize the governments the crazier you will make the politicians and the worse conditions will get. It is happening all around us now.
That same principle applies to anyone in any situation, from husbands, wives and families, to business environments, to church management groups, to the political scene.
Criticizing and complaining about government leaders and authority is a sin. Criticism erodes and degrades everything like acid rain.
A sin is that which is in violation of the laws of nature.
Everyone is telepathic. That is why prayer works when you pray for someone. That is why we are thought to pray, even for our enemies.
The more we pray for our leaders, the more we ask God to bless them with the right knowledge and wisdom for good governance, the better they will lead.
The more we pray for our politicians the better quality people will be appointed by “God”.
The more you understand God and metaphysical law the more you will realize that it cannot be any other way.
I say what is meant by “God” in this instance is that, we the people, collectively are “God”. We are gods in training. If we are His children, and created in His image, how can it be otherwise?
The other problem that is caused when people and media criticize and tear apart everything politicians and bureaucrats do, is the most competent people in the country will not run for office.
Because no one in their right mind wants to take such abuse.
So what happens is that the less competent and often crazies and crooks run for office.
Then we go down the downward spiral.
And civilization is now working hard at self destructing.
There is no problem or fault in any politician or authority that a critic cannot find in themselves.
Government and authority are a manifestation or reflection of the people’s collective consciousness.
If you have a problem with government or authority you have to look in the mirror for the cause of problem.
When the people become honest, intelligent and competent, and operate on God’s principles, (become ethical) the government and all authority will become likewise.
We will get good government when everyone begins to pray for all politicians and authority, that God will bless them with the knowledge and wisdom of and for good governance.
1 Timothy 2:1-2
King James Version
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
I suppose any religion can describe civilization through its own eyes. Atheists could do likewise. Many years ago when religion was a fill in on job applications I wrote “Universalist”.
Hilarious RB!!
This is epic, RB. Monumental. Golden!
We’re on the front porch of ETERNITY! This is my favorite! I’ll bet all the BTs love this front porch.
“Mythic”, that was the best one ever!
If you could read my mind…
I hope Dan Sherman enjoys sec checking. David el paranoia Miscavige may be pulling him in to see if he can fool the meter spill it all.
Spot on. Nicely done RB.
Agree with @Toot – it is an extremely sad comedy. Sigh.
My favorite to date! All are great, but this one shows how much of a true artist you really are.
Haha- Regraded Being always hits the mark. Isn’t Dan Sherman in the Sea Org, though? I thought he was at Int or ASI. Also, I never hear about the “S.O.” at A.S.I.- are they still going strong and who’s in charge these days?
Nada — no The Mullet is not SO. Many have tried to persuade him, but he is paid handsomely, is provided an apartment at Hemet and anywhere else he goes, keeps his own schedule and is basically “untouchable.” If he joined the SO he would become Hole-bait. He is crafty and knows how to avoid the heat. He always used to use the excuse that his wife was not qualified. Then she died. He basically wore everyone down after that and nobody is too willing to push him like a normal mortal as he would then mess up one of Dear Leader’s speeches, the investigation would reveal he had been “enturbulated” and another SP intent on destroying COB would be uncovered.
All of ASI are SO. Last I heard, the place was being run by Marcus Weuthrich. Then again, after Miscavige left and with “the personal literary agency of L. Ron Hubbard” becoming a joke after he died, the place is pretty much a backwater in the backwater that is scientology. Nothing to see there, just move along….
I wonder about my old friend Al Koch and his wife Lila? He was my first ‘senior’ in the SO at AOLA Div 3, 1977. My first job was going thru the staff members desks to look for receipts LOL
RB this is freaking awesome
“The mullet has spoken”
One hopes he does feel the need to blunt his nagging conscience with alcohol; that is, if he still has a conscience.
Fortunately, he’ll be unemployed after the Kool Aid Rundown is complete. Unfortunately, he’ll have to leave the speech writing job off the resume.
@Leslie, no he just needs to “repurpose” it on his resume to say comedy writer. He’ll make kajillions.
That could work.
The few recent photos of David Miscarriage (oops…spell check) Miscarriage (oops…again!) MISCAVIAGE look like he’s withering away in the same suit style, his eyes are demonic, his hair pumped up. He, and the few photos of executives that have slipped out, looks sickly.
He stands next to a podium (far away from people) which I’m assuming is to make believe he isn’t as small and “dictator-like” as he really is. He isn’t taller than the actual trophy he’s giving for the latest big donation.
It’s a sad comedy though. He’s hurting so many people.
That should be “small-dick tator”.
Tiny, actually…
Dave presents himself as a big prick. Shelly should sue him for fraud.
OMG. Wouldn’t THAT be an interesting case to follow. “Let’s see the evidence…” Maybe not, now that I think of it. Wouldn’t be very many prixals…I mean PIXELS.
Yes, and if you look at the optical illusion on stage (I saw it when there was a live event) those Scn S symbols on either side of him are very tiny. Makes him look bigger. Nothing like having the magic of Hollywood (or Gold) behind you – literally.
Damned you’re good at this RB. Real genius.
Incredible piece, RB! That ought to stir up some interesting problems in the hierarchy! ROFL