News Flash! If you’re a resident of the city I live in, you get a library card for free. Not only can I take out books for free, but DVDs too and keep them for a week. I just now got back from my wonderful library. Guess what I saw on the new releases shelf? YEP! Going Clear!
Now, I’ve been going to his library for 34 years or so. It’s actually one of THE nicest libraries I’ve ever been in. Seeing how I know all the staff there, I sat down with them today to explain what the cult may try to do. And, they’re all going to watch Going Clear!
So, for those of you with a little time on your hands, check out your local library to see if Going Clear has arrived there.
What the critics said: “Spectacular!” “Remarkable!” “Entertaining and Dismaying Viewing.”
Hello RB. I just had an idea (it’s something which almost happened)
A scientologist has a son who is audited and they found out he had past life auditing, he actually was clear. But somebody on HCO before to deliver the certificat research the past life name and find out that he was declared SP in his last life. A past life SP! Are they going to get the PC to do A to E ? Or ask the parents to disconnect ?
When I was in Sea Org at one point I was running a fever of 105F. The MO ordered touch assists and ice water baths. I was lucky and survived this somehow. I had both my babies at home and without drugs (no I’m not bragging, I look back and think how inSANE was that).
As with a lot of the acceptable truths put out by scientology, they may preach that they will allow “parishioners” to take non-psych drugs, and encourage them to seek medical assistance for their medical conditions, but that is not the reality.
As part and parcel of being in scientology, you are required to learn that basically a touch assist or auditing will solve everything, therefore you are actively discouraged from seeing a medical doctor, thus develop a subconscious thought pattern that seeing a doctor makes you a DB or PTS at best.
Alexander Jentzsch was a victim of this thought process. He died of an entirely treatable condition, pneumonia, because the chiropractor (wtf?) who he consulted on the phone (wth?) put him on Methadone (wth?) instead of antibiotics.
Tory (Magoo) almost went blind because Scientology was supposed to handle her epilepsy so she quit prescribed medical treatment.
Lisa McPherson died because she was not allowed to see a doctor, then was taken to the hospital when it was far far too late.
Based on my personal experience. Doctors are not an acceptable thing in scientology. They are close relatives of “psychs” and therefore not trustworthy.
The bubble really messes with your mind. It gives you almost a super hero feeling that you are bulletproof because scientology can solve anything. Therefore, you are led to believe that if you are doing ANYthimg other than being a dedicated scientologist with that dedicated glare in your eyes, you are on the wrong track.
Late December 2012 my youngest, Sandy, was training for Echo cardiography and Vascular Ultrasound. She had joined the SO and left at a young age. Her dad Jack Kruchko – still in SO – was invalidating new goals. She phoned me for reassurance she was on the right track and made it thru her training. Now she earns 45+ an hour, has her own home and is probably spending money on ‘the bridge’. At least she is not in the SO. I sent her a link to this via FB. Thanks for the real thing RB 🙂
This one hit hard with me RB. So many hours (over a year) in reg cycles – sometimes with good people who want to convince you that they are there because of a higher purpose. I was in for all of three months and decided to get out. Had I waited any longer it may have become nigh impossible to leave and that thought haunts me – so close to having a misspent life of regret. And on top of that so close to a miserable pauper’s life. I cannot be angry with or judgmental about anyone who went in with a hope of helping others, and were beaten into cold, chrome steel. Its like being in a bad marriage. Some people can face the inevitable choice and get out while others need a lot of time, help and a reality check – if they don’t end up “institutionalised” and too afraid to venture back into the real world. (Per Shawshank Redemption definition of “institutionalised”.)
Perfectly illustrated RB. This stems directly from El Ron’s (the failed student and fraudulent PhD) denigration of formal and especially, higher education.
RB you take always only one viewpoint .. you describe it well .. but there are normally more viewpoints at work .. some doubt ..
Two days ago wrote @Dio; The present problem of terrorism is the the result of failed parenting, combined with a non peace promoting non bonafide religion ..
This is also one viewpoint .. not promoted by you .. but by @Dio .. but it says that you can go on with one viewpoint to describe other viewpoints .. in your view ..
@Dio is completely wrong .. but he do not check that really .. terrorism is the result of not agreeing .. and taking up solutions of others for expected results .. but the result may be not that which was wanted ..
Friend, terrorists are extremists, fanatics, criminals and murderers – that’s obvious from their actions.
It’s from getting indoctrinated from fanatics into fanaticism; the antipode from tolerance and ”The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. Many, many people don’t agree with each other without becoming fanatics.
Sorry, but I would recommend for recovery from the Scio indoctrination to try to look at things without looking through the Scio-explanations/”LRH-said”-filter.
Dio…well…has his reactionary ‘viewpoints’ which are bordering on the fanatics’ viewpoints, IMO.
This cult posing as a church is very, very greedy and invalidates anything other than their own statistics whether it be bodies in the shop, staff hired, donations, basic book packages sold…. you know the drill.
Coercing and convincing young, impressionable people to give up their college or university studies to join staff is just one more loathsome aspect of this cult of soul sucking vampires.
Back in the day, a staff member told me that when she was 13 she was regged intensely in a closed room for 5 hours to join the Sea Org. That wasn’t the only cycle but it was the longest. She resisted and prevailed. She didn’t want to join the Sea Org and nothing could make her do it., she told me.
The good news ends there, though because she dropped out of high school and joined staff and is still there. She’s a smart girl but she forfeited her teens and 20s to the cult. She’s trained for nothing and if not for her being fully supported by family she couldn’t be on staff. If she had to work she wouldn’t even be hired by Walmart because even they require a HSD and she hasn’t gotten her GED yet.. She thinks its not important and of course everyone at the org tells her that. Sad, really. I know a several like her, raised in the cult, no education, no training, essentially unemployable, supported by parents, pushing 30 – sad.
yes, a lot of second generation scientologists often don’t have any education. I had no high school education, being on staff from the age of 13 to about 20. Fortunately I live in a country where practical experience can be valued more than qualifications, and was able to still have a successful career after finding alternative education from training institutes instead of university, though it took me a while to catch up. A lot of wasted years.
And I believe that this girl and the others I know like her raised from infancy in the cult, on staff at Scn orgs since their early teens, are ripe fruit for the Sea Org.
I also know how they are regged… “In the Sea Org, you’ll find the right guy and definitely get married”.
Here’s the girl, single, unemployable, never having ventured outside of her Scientology bubble, already well into her 20s or early to mid 30s, never having worked anywhere except a Scn org, told by everyone she loves and trusts that its a very scary world out there, still supported like a child by Mom and Dad and beginning to get bored and sick and tired of it.
What options does does a girl like this have? And the recruiters are well aware of this, and push the 2D marriage angle heavily.
“You and he will have your dynamics totally aligned! As loving husband and wife you’ll march together serving LRH and saving the planet! What better life could you have?”
Grand stuff.
The girl trades one Scientology bubble for another, that’s all. Ripe fruit.
Yes OSD – Nothing SCREAMS CULT like a 13 year old girl being intensly regged for 5 hours to join the Sea Org – AND her parents and told to stay out of it…or their spiritual destiny is fucked..
After all – she is an old thetan and can make up her mind
which will be made up by us regges who are trained to using mind control tactics, deceit and pressure beyond belief
she will sign that billion year contract and she has not even gotten her period yet…
Being convinced at a young age to give up on your dreams and goals, because they are in some way selfish or invalid is pretty awful. I could say more about this, but it’s to embarrassing and depressing.
Backatcha with the love, Good People. And don’t be embarrassed because you or someone you know was persuaded to think differently by unscrupulous people because of youth and a craving for approval.
Good People, you’re right. It’s VERY sad and depressing. Young people, literally, giving up their lives to join a cult. And not just any cult. They’re joining one of THE most dangerous cult around. One that will take you in and then tear you apart. Yeah, that’s gotta be rewarding…..
I’ve seen fools abandon studies for nursing, engineering, business degrees all because they’ve had similar speeches to this. 10 or 15 years down the line they are still in the same shitty little org making no money believing that one day soon the grand overseerers plans will actually work and people will start ‘flooding through their doors’ They tried the speech on me years ago, I had no illusions about what they earned having been a part time staff member in the past. Whilst I signed the staff contract to shut them up I had no intention of taking it up, the family need to eat, and bills need to be paid, no one seems to take good intentions as a means of exchange!
Especially in this climate! All hail the mighty internet! It sees all. It knows all. And it’s the internet that’s really kicking the shit out of the cult along with Going Clear and ALL of the critics books. Also, they’re the laughing stock of Cultdom! Poor little culties….
I can make a dacquoise. And perfectly risen soufflé. Dreamy pavlova. I’ve had successes with egg whites that most thetans will never approach. Those are things that can cure diseases of the spirit.
A dacquoise…a pavlova…hmmm, I thought the latter was the name of a certain Russian ballerina and as for the former, no clue. Gotta pay a visit to google, seeya.
It was really acute assholeitis that is common in the Sea Org.
Spread to a fatal condition by very close contact with upper management.
I can count Numerous Sea Org Staff that died from this including
Kool Aid drinking Brown Nosers.
In memory of Carrie Alkins, dead Brown Noser, RIH (Rest In Hell.)
Richard Reese (not sure if I spelled the last name right) comes to mind. He was the Sr C/S at Flag or maybe even the Sr C/S West US. He died of cancer at a youngish age. Had he been able to take time off post to get proper medical handlings with real doctors he might be alive today. But maybe he bought into the Scn idea that all doctors are bad and all medical handlings are bad. I don’t know what was going on in his mind. My own theory was that when he saw DM squirreling the tech by altering LRH and even making up his own nonsense and deleting other LRH, and then knowing he was expected to go out on the stage at events and uphold all the tech changes, I think he figured the quickest way out was to just drop the body and die. It must have been very disillusioning to him to see what DM did to the “church” he dedicated much of his adult life to. Talk about a failed purpose. LRH writes that “all stops occur because of a failed purpose. Rekindle the purpose and you can practically bring back the dead.” Richard Reese’s purpose was smashed into dust by DM. Maybe he felt the only way out was death. If he’d tried to route out standardly, DM would never let that happen because Reese knew too much. The only other alternative was the Hole and he didn’t want that.
You are correct that D.M. has made Scientology a tech that makes
people very ill. Several instances come to mind.
Gretcehen Swartz third partied me endlessly in clever and not so clever
ways till she collapsed and died on post in front of Sea Org Co workers.
After screaming at her for several minutes to “come Back” someone dialed 911
she was unresponsive all the way to the ER where she was pronounced DOA.
She was PTS … or false PTS … or both … or maybe something else
About that person who screamed at her to come back …. as a TRs coach, all I can say is … see what happens when you rely on screaming all the time … intention goes right out the window, along with ARC (no surprise there) … she might’ve come back if you just asked her nicely, but old habits … FLUNK! (re-do ashtray drill)
Cindy and Jose, I’ve heard, all throughout my time in the cult, about people dying, specifically of cancer! You two know more about this than I do, but, what do you think is causing it? Not seeing a doctor in time? Ignoring it? Postulating that it will go away? I mean, I heard a scientologist say to me, “We know how to cure cancer” in a very, “I’m superior voice.”
Good question but a topic of debate in Scientology that has no light at the end of the tunnel. Like smoking cigarettes causing cancer,
LRH says not smoking enough cigarettes causes cancer.
Eating Rat poison will kill you so not eating enough rat poison
is fine and OK ?
In all James Bond movies the evil villain always has some twisted illness , could be something to that. Like David Miscavige takes steroids to keep himself breathing, I mean he is one step away from a Darth Vader Mask and has loyal followers who go bankrupt,
commit suicide ,die of all manner of cancers. Surrounds his sickly body with a large armed security force,depraved lawyers , and biker gang PI’s. Worth looking into especially if you value your life.
I’m not the next Pope of anything or even close to Sainthood,
been thrown out of every bar in Bangkok on Christmas eve.
Evil Kinevil has broken every bone in his body, many more than once
now there is an expert on something, he may have some good advice.
You know, WhatWall, I totally forgot about the stress they endure. I mean, how much does the stress amplify on Thursdays? Or when their personal stats are down? You’re absolutely right! Stress does, indeed, kill. I should have thought of that! Thanks for reminding me!
“After screaming at her for several minutes to come back someone called 911…”
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, SCIENTOLOGY: The Cult of Death. However, I am kind of surprised they called 911. Don’t they know that Wogs will be responding?
And I was his Qual person at the time. We sat down and I noticed RB was a bit nervous. I told him to relax and said to follow me. I took RB to a great little bar up in Hollywood. I paid for our meals and drinks and did some stand up for the patrons. Everyone loved my act and were cheering and clapping, including RB. I looked around the room and then got up on a chair. I looked all around and in my best Tone 40, I said, ALL OF YOUR NEEDLES ARE FLOATING!!!! After that is was sheer pandemonium! Now the wogs had no idea what I was talking about, but, they were too busy having the time of their lives.
I hear they want me back for a second show. RB? Wanna be my wing man?
I knew somebody who got convinced to give up his studies to become a doctor to join staff to become an auditor at a Scientology Org. Later I heard that he regretted it very much when years later he was not on staff anymore.
Thanks RB.
Great work.Being a scientologist turns you into a Ronbot.Or as LRH himself quite nicely put it:You put a datum where a thetan should be.You replace your own observations with “this is the way it is”
I am suffering from this myself.I have been out for 15 years and I am not proud to say it took me 10 years to fully decompress and to peel all the layers off this onion.
I think if your work had been available at the time it would have taken me a couple of years less.
I wonder what happens if a Ronbot does the RB Rundown (read all posts after each other).
News Flash! If you’re a resident of the city I live in, you get a library card for free. Not only can I take out books for free, but DVDs too and keep them for a week. I just now got back from my wonderful library. Guess what I saw on the new releases shelf? YEP! Going Clear!
Now, I’ve been going to his library for 34 years or so. It’s actually one of THE nicest libraries I’ve ever been in. Seeing how I know all the staff there, I sat down with them today to explain what the cult may try to do. And, they’re all going to watch Going Clear!
So, for those of you with a little time on your hands, check out your local library to see if Going Clear has arrived there.
What the critics said: “Spectacular!” “Remarkable!” “Entertaining and Dismaying Viewing.”
“Jaw Dropping!”
Hello RB. I just had an idea (it’s something which almost happened)
A scientologist has a son who is audited and they found out he had past life auditing, he actually was clear. But somebody on HCO before to deliver the certificat research the past life name and find out that he was declared SP in his last life. A past life SP! Are they going to get the PC to do A to E ? Or ask the parents to disconnect ?
When I was in Sea Org at one point I was running a fever of 105F. The MO ordered touch assists and ice water baths. I was lucky and survived this somehow. I had both my babies at home and without drugs (no I’m not bragging, I look back and think how inSANE was that).
As with a lot of the acceptable truths put out by scientology, they may preach that they will allow “parishioners” to take non-psych drugs, and encourage them to seek medical assistance for their medical conditions, but that is not the reality.
As part and parcel of being in scientology, you are required to learn that basically a touch assist or auditing will solve everything, therefore you are actively discouraged from seeing a medical doctor, thus develop a subconscious thought pattern that seeing a doctor makes you a DB or PTS at best.
Alexander Jentzsch was a victim of this thought process. He died of an entirely treatable condition, pneumonia, because the chiropractor (wtf?) who he consulted on the phone (wth?) put him on Methadone (wth?) instead of antibiotics.
Tory (Magoo) almost went blind because Scientology was supposed to handle her epilepsy so she quit prescribed medical treatment.
Lisa McPherson died because she was not allowed to see a doctor, then was taken to the hospital when it was far far too late.
Based on my personal experience. Doctors are not an acceptable thing in scientology. They are close relatives of “psychs” and therefore not trustworthy.
The bubble really messes with your mind. It gives you almost a super hero feeling that you are bulletproof because scientology can solve anything. Therefore, you are led to believe that if you are doing ANYthimg other than being a dedicated scientologist with that dedicated glare in your eyes, you are on the wrong track.
A doctor? Pffft. “Other fish to fry”.
Late December 2012 my youngest, Sandy, was training for Echo cardiography and Vascular Ultrasound. She had joined the SO and left at a young age. Her dad Jack Kruchko – still in SO – was invalidating new goals. She phoned me for reassurance she was on the right track and made it thru her training. Now she earns 45+ an hour, has her own home and is probably spending money on ‘the bridge’. At least she is not in the SO. I sent her a link to this via FB. Thanks for the real thing RB 🙂
So she makes in 1 hour as much as a SO member makes in a week (if they’re lucky).
Just wanted to say this.
This one hit hard with me RB. So many hours (over a year) in reg cycles – sometimes with good people who want to convince you that they are there because of a higher purpose. I was in for all of three months and decided to get out. Had I waited any longer it may have become nigh impossible to leave and that thought haunts me – so close to having a misspent life of regret. And on top of that so close to a miserable pauper’s life. I cannot be angry with or judgmental about anyone who went in with a hope of helping others, and were beaten into cold, chrome steel. Its like being in a bad marriage. Some people can face the inevitable choice and get out while others need a lot of time, help and a reality check – if they don’t end up “institutionalised” and too afraid to venture back into the real world. (Per Shawshank Redemption definition of “institutionalised”.)
Perfectly illustrated RB. This stems directly from El Ron’s (the failed student and fraudulent PhD) denigration of formal and especially, higher education.
So annoying. “The planet this, the planet that”..”onTHIS planet”…”well, maybe on some OTHER planet…”
I can’t believe I listened politely to crap for so many years.
Today I’d be responding, “What would YOU be knowing about THIS planet or any OTHER planet, from your own observations?”
Terminal Medicosis Lumbosis is nothing to sneeze at. You can however, spit on it. Or use other bodily liquids on it.
I’m way ahead of you, zemooo…
RB you take always only one viewpoint .. you describe it well .. but there are normally more viewpoints at work .. some doubt ..
Two days ago wrote @Dio; The present problem of terrorism is the the result of failed parenting, combined with a non peace promoting non bonafide religion ..
This is also one viewpoint .. not promoted by you .. but by @Dio .. but it says that you can go on with one viewpoint to describe other viewpoints .. in your view ..
@Dio is completely wrong .. but he do not check that really .. terrorism is the result of not agreeing .. and taking up solutions of others for expected results .. but the result may be not that which was wanted ..
Que? Que?
Friend, terrorists are extremists, fanatics, criminals and murderers – that’s obvious from their actions.
It’s from getting indoctrinated from fanatics into fanaticism; the antipode from tolerance and ”The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. Many, many people don’t agree with each other without becoming fanatics.
Sorry, but I would recommend for recovery from the Scio indoctrination to try to look at things without looking through the Scio-explanations/”LRH-said”-filter.
Dio…well…has his reactionary ‘viewpoints’ which are bordering on the fanatics’ viewpoints, IMO.
This cult posing as a church is very, very greedy and invalidates anything other than their own statistics whether it be bodies in the shop, staff hired, donations, basic book packages sold…. you know the drill.
Coercing and convincing young, impressionable people to give up their college or university studies to join staff is just one more loathsome aspect of this cult of soul sucking vampires.
Back in the day, a staff member told me that when she was 13 she was regged intensely in a closed room for 5 hours to join the Sea Org. That wasn’t the only cycle but it was the longest. She resisted and prevailed. She didn’t want to join the Sea Org and nothing could make her do it., she told me.
The good news ends there, though because she dropped out of high school and joined staff and is still there. She’s a smart girl but she forfeited her teens and 20s to the cult. She’s trained for nothing and if not for her being fully supported by family she couldn’t be on staff. If she had to work she wouldn’t even be hired by Walmart because even they require a HSD and she hasn’t gotten her GED yet.. She thinks its not important and of course everyone at the org tells her that. Sad, really. I know a several like her, raised in the cult, no education, no training, essentially unemployable, supported by parents, pushing 30 – sad.
yes, a lot of second generation scientologists often don’t have any education. I had no high school education, being on staff from the age of 13 to about 20. Fortunately I live in a country where practical experience can be valued more than qualifications, and was able to still have a successful career after finding alternative education from training institutes instead of university, though it took me a while to catch up. A lot of wasted years.
I’m glad to hear that, Captain Tripps.
And I believe that this girl and the others I know like her raised from infancy in the cult, on staff at Scn orgs since their early teens, are ripe fruit for the Sea Org.
I also know how they are regged… “In the Sea Org, you’ll find the right guy and definitely get married”.
Here’s the girl, single, unemployable, never having ventured outside of her Scientology bubble, already well into her 20s or early to mid 30s, never having worked anywhere except a Scn org, told by everyone she loves and trusts that its a very scary world out there, still supported like a child by Mom and Dad and beginning to get bored and sick and tired of it.
What options does does a girl like this have? And the recruiters are well aware of this, and push the 2D marriage angle heavily.
“You and he will have your dynamics totally aligned! As loving husband and wife you’ll march together serving LRH and saving the planet! What better life could you have?”
Grand stuff.
The girl trades one Scientology bubble for another, that’s all. Ripe fruit.
Nothing screams CULT like a 13 year old girl being intensely regged for 5 hours to join the SO.
I know, right? Its sickening.
Yes OSD – Nothing SCREAMS CULT like a 13 year old girl being intensly regged for 5 hours to join the Sea Org – AND her parents and told to stay out of it…or their spiritual destiny is fucked..
After all – she is an old thetan and can make up her mind
which will be made up by us regges who are trained to using mind control tactics, deceit and pressure beyond belief
she will sign that billion year contract and she has not even gotten her period yet…
IEIM, it’s almost too much to comprehend. I do feel a great deal of sorrow, though, for very young kids that get sucked into the insanity void.
I love your post! Right on the money.
Ronbot sounds nice .. good word ..
From Ronbots to Davebots. Hmmmmmm, that’s 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. However, Davebots might have a lot more anger in them.
Wow !! Speachless……
Ok. If you are truly speechless, I’ll give it shot.
(clearing throat) Four score and 20 years ago, this nation was founded on……well, you know the rest.
I’m not sure what Speachless is.
Actually that should have been, “Four score & 7 years ago…”
Being convinced at a young age to give up on your dreams and goals, because they are in some way selfish or invalid is pretty awful. I could say more about this, but it’s to embarrassing and depressing.
LOVE to all you GOOD BEINGS on this site.
Backatcha with the love, Good People. And don’t be embarrassed because you or someone you know was persuaded to think differently by unscrupulous people because of youth and a craving for approval.
Good People, you’re right. It’s VERY sad and depressing. Young people, literally, giving up their lives to join a cult. And not just any cult. They’re joining one of THE most dangerous cult around. One that will take you in and then tear you apart. Yeah, that’s gotta be rewarding…..
I’ve seen fools abandon studies for nursing, engineering, business degrees all because they’ve had similar speeches to this. 10 or 15 years down the line they are still in the same shitty little org making no money believing that one day soon the grand overseerers plans will actually work and people will start ‘flooding through their doors’ They tried the speech on me years ago, I had no illusions about what they earned having been a part time staff member in the past. Whilst I signed the staff contract to shut them up I had no intention of taking it up, the family need to eat, and bills need to be paid, no one seems to take good intentions as a means of exchange!
Everything is ALWAYS just a day away in the cult. And you know, that day NEVER comes…..
Your right OSD.everything is only a day a way, likes super O.T powers ,and people flooding in. It’s never gonna happen
Especially in this climate! All hail the mighty internet! It sees all. It knows all. And it’s the internet that’s really kicking the shit out of the cult along with Going Clear and ALL of the critics books. Also, they’re the laughing stock of Cultdom! Poor little culties….
Evil, evil RB. You sent me scurrying down a Series of Tubes looking up “medicosis lumbosis.” All I got was an eyeful of Hubbard nonsense.
Ok…so, where’s your Success Story, hgc?
I can make a dacquoise. And perfectly risen soufflé. Dreamy pavlova. I’ve had successes with egg whites that most thetans will never approach. Those are things that can cure diseases of the spirit.
A dacquoise…a pavlova…hmmm, I thought the latter was the name of a certain Russian ballerina and as for the former, no clue. Gotta pay a visit to google, seeya.
Yes, you are right about Anna Pavlova! The dish is named in her honor.
Can I come over and eat with you! Man, hgck, you’ve got cooking down pat. What would you like me to bring? And, can Aqua come over too?
It was really acute assholeitis that is common in the Sea Org.
Spread to a fatal condition by very close contact with upper management.
I can count Numerous Sea Org Staff that died from this including
Kool Aid drinking Brown Nosers.
In memory of Carrie Alkins, dead Brown Noser, RIH (Rest In Hell.)
Richard Reese (not sure if I spelled the last name right) comes to mind. He was the Sr C/S at Flag or maybe even the Sr C/S West US. He died of cancer at a youngish age. Had he been able to take time off post to get proper medical handlings with real doctors he might be alive today. But maybe he bought into the Scn idea that all doctors are bad and all medical handlings are bad. I don’t know what was going on in his mind. My own theory was that when he saw DM squirreling the tech by altering LRH and even making up his own nonsense and deleting other LRH, and then knowing he was expected to go out on the stage at events and uphold all the tech changes, I think he figured the quickest way out was to just drop the body and die. It must have been very disillusioning to him to see what DM did to the “church” he dedicated much of his adult life to. Talk about a failed purpose. LRH writes that “all stops occur because of a failed purpose. Rekindle the purpose and you can practically bring back the dead.” Richard Reese’s purpose was smashed into dust by DM. Maybe he felt the only way out was death. If he’d tried to route out standardly, DM would never let that happen because Reese knew too much. The only other alternative was the Hole and he didn’t want that.
You are correct that D.M. has made Scientology a tech that makes
people very ill. Several instances come to mind.
Gretcehen Swartz third partied me endlessly in clever and not so clever
ways till she collapsed and died on post in front of Sea Org Co workers.
After screaming at her for several minutes to “come Back” someone dialed 911
she was unresponsive all the way to the ER where she was pronounced DOA.
She was PTS … or false PTS … or both … or maybe something else
About that person who screamed at her to come back …. as a TRs coach, all I can say is … see what happens when you rely on screaming all the time … intention goes right out the window, along with ARC (no surprise there) … she might’ve come back if you just asked her nicely, but old habits … FLUNK! (re-do ashtray drill)
Cindy and Jose, I’ve heard, all throughout my time in the cult, about people dying, specifically of cancer! You two know more about this than I do, but, what do you think is causing it? Not seeing a doctor in time? Ignoring it? Postulating that it will go away? I mean, I heard a scientologist say to me, “We know how to cure cancer” in a very, “I’m superior voice.”
Good question but a topic of debate in Scientology that has no light at the end of the tunnel. Like smoking cigarettes causing cancer,
LRH says not smoking enough cigarettes causes cancer.
Eating Rat poison will kill you so not eating enough rat poison
is fine and OK ?
In all James Bond movies the evil villain always has some twisted illness , could be something to that. Like David Miscavige takes steroids to keep himself breathing, I mean he is one step away from a Darth Vader Mask and has loyal followers who go bankrupt,
commit suicide ,die of all manner of cancers. Surrounds his sickly body with a large armed security force,depraved lawyers , and biker gang PI’s. Worth looking into especially if you value your life.
I’m not the next Pope of anything or even close to Sainthood,
been thrown out of every bar in Bangkok on Christmas eve.
Evil Kinevil has broken every bone in his body, many more than once
now there is an expert on something, he may have some good advice.
You’re a Saint to me, Jose…
OSD, regarding cancer among scientologists, maybe stress has something to do with it. Stress kills.
The SO is the most stressful experience I’ve lived through, but just being a parishioner is pretty stressful these days!
Being connected to Miscavige at any distance is stressful.
You know, WhatWall, I totally forgot about the stress they endure. I mean, how much does the stress amplify on Thursdays? Or when their personal stats are down? You’re absolutely right! Stress does, indeed, kill. I should have thought of that! Thanks for reminding me!
“After screaming at her for several minutes to come back someone called 911…”
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, SCIENTOLOGY: The Cult of Death. However, I am kind of surprised they called 911. Don’t they know that Wogs will be responding?
Another death attributed to Scientology…
RB perfect as usual.. At the risk of being like I’m knit picking.. Robert was in first frame.. and turned into Jack in last frame.
Am I bad for pointing that out.. sorry : D
No, you’re not bad but thanks to you I got routed back to Qual.
Hahahhaha.. OHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOO … Anything but that.. sigh.. Sorry RB.. I really doubted myself when I thought.. ” Who’s Jack? ” haha
And I was his Qual person at the time. We sat down and I noticed RB was a bit nervous. I told him to relax and said to follow me. I took RB to a great little bar up in Hollywood. I paid for our meals and drinks and did some stand up for the patrons. Everyone loved my act and were cheering and clapping, including RB. I looked around the room and then got up on a chair. I looked all around and in my best Tone 40, I said, ALL OF YOUR NEEDLES ARE FLOATING!!!! After that is was sheer pandemonium! Now the wogs had no idea what I was talking about, but, they were too busy having the time of their lives.
I hear they want me back for a second show. RB? Wanna be my wing man?
You provide the brew and I’ll hang with you. For sure.
Done deal, my friend!
that Lumbosis will get you every time. Thankfully mine was run out. Phew! Mimsey
Momsey, how much do you think it’ll cost me to run my Lumbosis out? Now, I’ve never heard of it, but, I’m sure it’s real…..
I knew somebody who got convinced to give up his studies to become a doctor to join staff to become an auditor at a Scientology Org. Later I heard that he regretted it very much when years later he was not on staff anymore.
He probably would have made a fine doctor. What a waste….
Thanks RB.
Great work.Being a scientologist turns you into a Ronbot.Or as LRH himself quite nicely put it:You put a datum where a thetan should be.You replace your own observations with “this is the way it is”
I am suffering from this myself.I have been out for 15 years and I am not proud to say it took me 10 years to fully decompress and to peel all the layers off this onion.
I think if your work had been available at the time it would have taken me a couple of years less.
I wonder what happens if a Ronbot does the RB Rundown (read all posts after each other).
Oh, so perfect. Another delicious Friday With RB
Wait….what? It’s actually Friday??? Man, that week went by fast. I could have sworn it was Wednesday…
Oh my God, I’ve heard that exact statement, “The planet doesn’t need another doctor,” before when real recruiters were talking to recruit prospects.
This shit is spooky accurate.
“I am not sure about that, but I do need a paycheck, and from the way things look like, you guys aren’t going to provide it to me. Toodledo !”
Good one!