Jeffrey says on Tony Ortega blog: According to Hubbard’s logic, then, SP’s are infinitely more powerful than Scientologists .. that is basically the final analysis of the matter .. it needs only one SP around and all your wins are gone .. and you will known or unknown act as an SP against the church ..
As someone said today here .. if you are in power, you should not disconnect .. if you do so, you will run down in non-existence .. that is right .. because if you are in power, you should be able tho handle .. if you disconnect, you are surely not in power .. but is is all Hubbard logic .. and it runs as usual in circles ..
As I said earlier, if you try to use Hubbard tech your endphenomen will be confusion .. it will use all and only stable data from LRH .. althought the using and fixation on stable data will always cause problems ..
Loosing eternity sounds bad .. but there is nobody who has a stable data about .. if there is an eternity then it is for eveyone .. doesn’t matter what he get told about .. if it is then it is .. which is eternity in itself .. no reason to be in confusion about .. but scientologist are .. quite normal for them ..
Friend, your analysis is correct as demonstrated by empirical data. Using the definitions set out by El Con, DM is an S.P. Scores of El Con trained OTs crumbled before his SPness. Completely unable to stand before him. Much less “shatter” him. Even the “great” El Con hisself was unable to resist his evil power and thus kept promoting him and even trusting him unconditionally.
Hence, going up both sides of El Cons bridge + training in his “ethics” & “admin tech” makes one not even as able as a wog, who would have most likely taken this guy out, even if physically in response to his physical attacks.
This is a truth that no scn’er, in or out of the church can handle.
Miscavige is one of this short people who try to dominate others .. it seems true also in history .. short people try to dominate others .. they give themselves powers which they have not ,, he collects sympathy .. and if you know at this time that you will not be able to fight back .. you are gone ..
It is Hitler, Napoleon and others .. how can Miscavige correct the tech .. he has never studied it .. he has a lot of misspellings got .. and he corrects that for the whole scientology world .. dear my, it was a nightmare for Hubbard if that happens .. he was so truly convinced that his tech will clear everyone ..
Maybe, but at one day on the SHSBC he told that he was to believe that all his scientologese was his SerFac for getting his survive idea as the basic impulse through to all others ..
Doesn’t matter what others have realized here .. after thatt, LRH did fight his survive .. so he went straight into his SerFac .. and came never again out ..
This is scientology used from me on LRH .. he began to dramatize his SerFac and it seems true .. Miscavige do not unterstand the basic tech .. but LRH did lost this for himself ..
Mike Wynski – just one little correction on this: “Even the “great” El Con hisself was unable to resist his evil power and thus kept promoting him and even trusting him unconditionally.”
I wasn’t there so maybe someone here can verify it, but the way I heeered it, Ron did work with DM when he was even shorter, as a kid on the film sets, but in the Pat and Annie Broeker days, DM was always one man back from Ron, reporting to Pat Broeker, and never having much direct contact with Ron.
Ron wanted Pat and Annie to take over. They are who he trusted, not DM. David Miscavige was never “chosen” by LRH to take over anything.
But Pat and Annie sure got a snoot full of DMs “all-powerful” suppressiveness. So did Mary Sue and now, apparently, so does Diana Hubbard.
Regardless of how one chooses to demonize the old man, IMHO DM is a much bigger assh*le because he never intended to help anybody, really, ever, except himself.
Mike commented one time that he knew LRH personally and that Ron actually wanted to help people and spent his whole life genuinely looking for ways to do that. Miscavige’s intentions were only to help himself. I hope I didn’t paraphrase that too badly, Mike. That’s what I took out of it.
Hey, people – I just thought of an idea for an online business. SP declares for all (myself included) who were cheated out of their well deserved goldenrod. Price $10 Send your full name and address and your crimes – missed an Int Event, watched Leah on DWTS, disagree with the 3Swing FN, whatever – just be specific. This is a collaborative effort. Specify size. Your SP Declare on gorgeous goldenrod will arrive in one week to 10 days, suitable for framing. Treat yourself! Great little gifts for friends, family, loved ones. No free shipping, sorry.
Hi Aquamarine, Love your post! I went over to Tony’s to see more of the ridiculous ribbon yanking for Atlanta and scrolling down the other pieces there I found one of the saddest pictures I have ever seen of a recent Sea Org member.The 17 year old boy-man staring sadly down at his little b-day cake caused me to burst into tears.It is horrible.I never celebrated my b-day the first SO year,then word went round F and I got roses and a vino on my b-day the next yr from secret admirers that helped more to me than anything back then.To know some cared about me,and what was to come,made a difference for awhile.The abject loneliness of that SOers there for a billion years got to me.May he open his eyes and escape.This cult’s time is over.Love U,Ann.
Scientology is a thief, insidious and total it seems. So punitive too, just eats its people from what Ive seen and read over the years. Scientology is its own kind of fake but the lives it steals are real. Blue guy is a real guy and that sucks, they’re killing him and stealing his life.
If anyone here is still worried that they’ve thrown away their Eternity due to leaving the church, please don’t be concerned.
So many Eternities have been thrown away lately by people stampeding out of the church that you can pick up another Eternity for pennies on the dollar.
They’re in a bin at the Goodwill, right next to the pile of Basics packages and Congress Lectures.
John Doe! LOL! Maybe I should send this to my ‘friend’ of nearly 30 years who threw me in the “I can’t talk to you because I’m doing my Bridge now and I can’t afford to have anyone on my lines who doesn’t agree with ‘my religion’. My eternity is too important to me.” bin.
Well, maybe she can pick up a new one at a good price over at Goodwill. Then we can be friends again.
The link to be able to post your disconnection story is now working on Phil Jones website – I really hope that 1000s of people post their stories so more and more people can read of the pain we all suffer from this evil policy. If you have a story, which it seems a lot of people here do have, please post away.
I bet a bunch of my old friends that had to disconnect from me are out now.
But so much time has gone by, we’d probably not have anything in common anymore, even if I could locate them.
I just never seem to stop scanning lists and photographs for a few cherished faces, wondering if I’d even recognize them almost thirty years later.
And then there’s that rather large handful that died young:/
I’m glad most days I can just laugh at the pure bullshit of it all, but some days I get all in a funk and feel ripped off on so many levels I can’t even number them.
Hi Victoria Pandora, Thank you for a sensitive and well- said post.I know what you mean about frustrating feelings etc.I am trying to be the water going around the rock rather than attempting to always smash my way through it.I think I am still chewing on ” the way out is the way through “Laughter,some more of Ron’s hand -spun gems.xo Ann.
Having been out for decades now I know at least 20X more “wogs” in my age group than I do snc’ers. HOWEVER, I can count on ONE hand the number of “wog” friends who have died. I literally cannot keep count of the number of Scn’ers in that same age group that I personally knew, who have died.
Anecdotal?, yes. Dismissible when that large of a discrepancy? No F’ING WAY!
You’ve nailed it again, Regraded. This is exactly the mindset I encountered. Disagreement = crimes against the group = forfeiture of eternity = no can talk to you, bye. A civilized discussion, an examination of the facts is not going to occur. A=A=A handles it all for them so why bother to think and examine? Sad.
I’d like to have a civilized discussion with some folks on just how they justify flowing money and power to a “leader” that beats his staff and regularly invalidates and suppresses them. And if they aren’t aware that this is how miscavige acts, I’d like to discuss how the heck they justify being so ill-informed about a person they are flowing money and support to.
“Civilized discussion…” no such thing can exist with a corporate Scio regarding their activities with religion. For a start they don’t like wogs or their systems and more importantly anyone that actually knows something about Scientology and isn’t one of them – they are shit scared of. As far as I can make out the greater percentage of ex-scios are either declared or soon would be if they got in comm with them.
What a nutty scenario for those that claim to have the tech of life.
In the long run, all those high paying whales will get exactly what they paid for in face egg.
Hi IYawnalot,I was deciding where to put my post as it is off-topic for Mike’s piece today.If I do not post I will forget what I wanted to say, so you get two thoughts that came to me.
In 2016 I take all news reports and tabloid reports on cos with a dump truck of salt.But if any of the reports and drawings of and composite shots of the renovation of St.Hill is at all plausible,whether TC is moving in with DM or not,it is the most tasteless classless rendition of DM Land’s Castle I have ever seen! I especially love the gigantic IAS- what is it? An enternal IAS torch flame? on either side of the front moat gate entrances.The whole place reeks of playing dungeon and hide and seek together in the new new St. Hill travesty.It screams Stay Away while the celebs whales and slaves get to watch and applaud the tinted spy cars comings and goings.Disgusting.
My second thought was, remember when LA Org, Asho D & F, AOLA, and even when The Manor had paying public- when it was booming! There was never a space to audit or train so people would find whatever spot they could even the loading dock for drills and go at it.In the beginning very high tone high energy with laughter too.Now auditing is a slog through miles of payments for even more crazy e-meter models and the twisted Bridge and rewritten Tech from DM.It is so far from what once had a spark of being helpful, the whole mess melts down.Yes COS,SEA ORG OSA all is melting down from the rot within..
Whew! Thank you my dear friend got that off my chest! Love,Ann.
You’re welcome!
I think the character Sultan Gris of Hubbard’s Mission Earth pretty much sums up DM’s personality & behavioral traits. It is no surprise what he’s done to SH and elsewhere. It’s an even bigger insult that the guy has no taste whatsoever. All that money and he can’t even put two pleasing colors together. Tom Cruise isn’t even worth mentioning really. He’s an idiot and wanna be suppressive just hanging out for the right motivator to make him one. The company he keeps will one day no doubt give him what he seeks.
Yeah, I remember having to fight to get an auditing room in the 80s, now whole buildings are empty under the Scientology symbol. What an incredible waste.
Hey Les – so true. It’s all there, literally, at their fingertips.
I found out what was happening, you found out – it’s almost impossible to miss it these days. All people have to do is research.
If someone is worried about others seeing what’s in their computer, all they have to do is to go to the public library to research it. Google is your best friend.
A good place to start your journey is by hearing from a woman who was the Captain of the FSO for 17 years and was a Sea Org member for 30 years.
Her letter starts like this:
“I am emailing you as a friend and fellow Scientologist. As we enter a new year, it is hoped that 2012 can be a year of great dissemination and a year of real progress up The Bridge for all Scientologists.”
I believe you will find her loyalty to LRH unassailable and her assessment of the current scene very enlightening.
Other topics of interest if you’re thinking about getting out or just trying to find out why people are leaving:
“Scientology disconnection”
Scientology “the hole”
Good luck in your journey.
There are so many OT 8/Class VIII’s and other brilliant auditors (LDW being one of them) who are out and are still auditing with Ron’s tech. You might make even faster gain with no unnecessary sec checks and no IAS regges hovering after session.
Oh, this is so sad. And all too common. I’ve known Christians who have done this too. It’s certainly more widespread and a part of Scientology doctrine than it is in other religions, and more technical jargon is used, but the ‘you’ll rot in hell’/eternity card is overplayed an so manipulative.
Which religious organization (Christian or otherwise) do you know of that practices disconnection? No doubt, there are some cultic wackadoodles, such as Westboro Baptist Church. Other than that, I seriously doubt you’ll be able to name even one.
But even if you could mention dozens, what does that have to do with anything? How does that justify what scientology (or any of those others, for that matter), are doing?
Bingo. Like Scientology, the Witnesses practice ‘disconnection’ but call it ‘shunning.’ Like Scientology, the Witnesses protect rapists and child molesters in their mists because, like Scientology, the want to keep bad PR at bay.
when one is shunned from an orthodox Jewish sect, their families sit shiva – as if the person is dead. Really dead. that’s the only thing I can think of that’s close.
I get the feeling though that SCN takes this disconnection to an all new level. I don’t think that even JW goes to the point of what happened with me and no doubt to others, where we had an entire part of our family disconnect from us, for 4 years before we were declared, purely because not what we did against the church, but because we had connections to SPs.
I have an SP sister that I was meant to be disconnected from and because my other never-in sisters were connected to my SP sister, I was told to disconnect from them. I asked the MAA this question “so, if I have a colleague at my work, who by total coincidence is friends with my SP sister, what do I do?” She said that I would have to leave my work.
I think the paranoia of DM and the cult makes it’s disconnection policies, the most sophisticated (and evil) disconnection policy around! Good going DM, you little dick
Some Amish and other Mennonite-type churches practice shunning. And yes, some fundamentalist Christians avoid sinners who’ve turned their back on the church.
Scientology’s disconnection is horrible, but sadly there’s plenty who have experienced other forms.
I suggest you restudy the cartoon Todd and clear up your MUs. I don’t mean to be crass but todays RB has more to do with mindset (beliefs) than disconnection IMHO. But that’s just my take on it.
True, but the main goal seems to be to reduce the number of males who can compete for the available women in the FLDS. The easiest way to get rid of the teenage and young adult males is to declare them apostates and kick them out of town. It isn’t right and it’s pretty sad. Google “Satan’s Accountant” for a pretty good article on how the FLDS’s property under Warren Jeffs was owned. It is all communally owned under a “United Effort Plan”, or at least it was in 2008.
True, but they also shun people who leave after they’ve tried to get them back. These are predominantly mothers with children and the younger females.
Regardless of why – it’s a shunning religious belief or cult practice. My “Investigation” of the FLDS ultimately introduced me to CoS following/watching. The intolerance and abuses of belief systems are something I can’t stand behind.
Todd, I’m sorry if my comment was not clear. I said (quote) “I’ve known Christians who have done this too. It’s certainly more widespread and a part of Scientology doctrine than it is in other religions…”
As others have clarified, there are other religions (Jehovahs’ WItness, Amish, Menonite, some forms of Islam, etc..) who practice disconnection (shunning) on a broad scale, however I was referring to (individual) Christians or small groups who use the threat of eternal hell and damnation for those who do not toe the line. I know family & friends who have disconnected from their children because they didn’t practice faith the way the parent wished them to. My point is that it (threat of the eternal soul) is an easily (too easily) used manipulative tool and many individual people/religions have used it over millennia to coerce others to do their will and maintain control. Catholicism used to employ severe forms of excommunication but that has greatly relaxed in most forms of the religion. Certainly Scientology uses disconnection with great skill (that is NOT meant as a compliment). Almost all cults use some form of this ‘incentive’. What better way to control someone than the threat of eternal damnation?
Jack is fooling absolutely nobody. He’s just spouting those lines because he doesn’t want to miss the Big Tittie Bash. Given the Pain and Sex bulletin and Scientology’s “only in the missionary position between married couples” Catholicism On Steroids, that’s pretty much the closest he’s going to get to anything resembling sexual satisfaction.
Today’s Scientologist has become so cold-blooded and cruel that they can cut off friends and family without the slightest measure of remorse. With no heart and no soul, they’ve abandoned their humanity. And they probably think that’s a good thing. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that they have in effect disconnected from the human race. I can only guess, but I think that many scios don’t identify themselves as human beings. That might sound over the top, but human cruelty will always challenge our ability to understand their vicious misdeeds.
“…they’ve abandoned their humanity.” Right on the money, Murray. They really don’t have any humanity left. They’re all per-programed to do the cults work. They don’t have their own thoughts.
WOW! RB, You nailed it! This is how my daughter (now 50 years old) and all her family “handled” us when they disconnected 5 years ago. I always thought I was the “only one” who was being told this crap. Unbelievable!
Who wants to spend eternity with no family, no spouse, no loved one, no friends, no one? No love, no compassion, no humanity, no joy, no warmth? Nothing but the icy stares of the spying sec checkers and the cold bare metal of the cans to squeeze at night?
How in the hell can anyone “lose” their eternity? I describe myself as being, Pure, Unconditioned Consciousness. I’ve always been and I always will be. We are all, forever. This shit they spew at their members is simply brainwashing. Today, I do not feel sorry for them.
To constantly have to live in fear and insecurity on so many levels, indeed must pull in all kinds of illnesses.
Fear of forever losing one’s spiritual connection to the source – if one makes one misstep.
Fear of having years of work and study derailed by a connection to one SP you didn’t see coming.
Fear you might not be able to audit away the thousands upon thousands of engrams and aliens that keep you from immortality.
It’s no wonder cult members always have that glazed, robotic look – anyone would if they were always operating in such a state of hyper caution and fear.
Disconnect because you have no answer to any questions about $cientology? Can’t have the sheeple looking up and seeing the real problems in the world that $cientology can’t fix. Hell, $cientology can’t even fix its internal problems.
Yeah, just declare those who ‘natter’ or actually debate the sins of Lron as ‘SP’s and consign them to the junk heap of history. That way, the clam never notices that they are on that junk heap.
The CBS show ‘2 broke girls’ had a $cieno joke last night. When prime time TV laughs at you, the end is here.
It’s kind of sad to see “eternity” sold like it was the Brooklyn Bridge. Con men will forever flourish. I guess
that’s a kind of eternity. Because people have a hard time admitting that they have been a sucker.
LOL to OSD, and Errol, I always wondered about that “eternity” question. We are either immortal beings or we are not. If we are immortal beings then we had no beginning and we will have no end. What can have an end must have had a beginning, and vice versa. Even LRH says that an immortal being can’t do anything BUT survive. So what’s the problem? I’m supposed to believe that David Miscavige holds my eternity iin his power. Accordingly I have to be very very good and do whatever he tells me to do, or else…Well, that never indicated to me, nor did this type of blind obedience based on fear ever indicate to me in other religion before I got into Scientology. It was nonsense to me when I was 14 and its nonsense to me now.
+1! Outstanding post, Ann B! We are, in fact, immortal beings. When we lose out meat suits, we instantly step into a new world. We all go to the same place. You have to be of a certain religion to get there. All you have to do is be you…
This is almost word for word the last conversation with my son as he announced he was never going to speak to me again. I’d told the MAA (my own god son for Christ sake) that I had no interest in doing scn any more becasue it was giving me no wins at the level of OT7. My son then came and told me, because I’d made a public statement that I was leaving scn (in a small auditing room with only an MAA present??) I had been ‘effectively’ declared/expelled, he could no longer be connected to me… or his mother… or his two sisters… But that because the church was sooo magnaminous I could still do steps A-E. He ridiculed my comment that I didn’t want to do A-E because I didn’t want anything more to do with scn. And of course, it was now all my fault that he could no longer have anything to do with me or… his mother or… his sisters… I hear to this day he blames his many, many failures in life (= earning virtually nothing on staff) on the fact that he has a suppressive family.
I have a theory that these kids are easy to convince to disconnect from their parents because they’re at an age where they feel the urge to “disconnect” ANYWAY and be on their own, as separate individuals with their own minds and viewpoints. My theory is that these kids are confusing Co$’s dictates with their own viewpoints and this makes it easy for them to be bold and brash when giving their parents these ultimatums. Ahh… but these kids are in their late teens and early to mid-twenties. Just wait until they hit their 30s, especially when they see that in their own orgs Scientology is not expanding. As a general rule, there’s nothing like hitting your 30s and 40s for realizing that your parents were not so dumb/evil/clueless after all.
I like your theory a lot. Does not account for the parents who disconnect from kids who have left Scn(like Claire Headley’s mom) but that seems to be a smaller statistic. And i never could account for those LDS moms who let their boys be turned out by the men in charge because they saw them as competition. Mike, please post about the progress of the StopScndisconnection billboard. The Jones are inspiring… was some kind of deadline for them. Thank you!
Good post Aquamarine. I hope you’re right that maybe in their 30’s or 40’s or beyond they come to their senses, leave the church and find their long gone parents and reunite.
When Pet Rocks were in fashion I sold Earthquake in a Can.
From leftover supply I changed the label to ETERNITY in a can.
Leaving a dozen in will call.
Woo Hoo! So I’ll have a dozen eternities? Woo Hoo!
Was it Fowler, the guy who shot dead his partner because he was giving every dime to the cult that said, “No one is going to take my eternity away from me.” Whew! Now that’s some very effective brainwashing…
“…and that’s not all, because if you act NOW, not only will your ETERNITY be shipped to you at no charge, BUT with your purchase of just 1 ETERNITY at our already incredibly reduced price plus free shipping you’ll ALSO get the amazing Amazing Ice Crusher – YES the amazing Amazing Ice Crusher, the ONLY ice crusher endorsed by Oprah, The View and Dr Phil, the Amazing Ice Crusher, for those lavish parties, those intimate family gatherings, for ALL your eternal ice crushing needs, which retails for $34.95 but which is actually yours FREE, that’s right, ABSOLUTELY FREE with your ETERNITY purchase plus free shipping but you must act now, don’t delay, supplies are limited, this offer won’t last, come on, pick up the phone, operators are here to take your call, just pick up the phone …”
This one got me wondering if I might have been declared an SP. I use my real name when I post here and when I was getting bombarded with calls from LA a few years ago I made negative comments about Hubbard. I have not received any calls from them in about three years.
If I had been declared wound they bother to notify me of this accomplishment?
Hi Doug – no. My sibling had a golden rod posted up at the org unbeknownst to him because he didn’t immediately route on to the next course. Was told by a friend. Ethics didn’t bother to call him in or anybody for that matter before posting this rod. Extreme actions and insanity is this church.
Goldenrods are an in demand item for many people who post here. Someone might be able to make a few bucks on E-Bay if they produced personalized fake Goldenrods. Along with a personalized one for oneself, they could also be made up and sent to people like Jack in the R.B. episode.
Accomplishment is right. Famously, the Declared persons never see the “Goldenrod”, named after the yellow paper it’s printed on. That is because most of the people who get Declared are proud of it, and would frame it for everyone to see. This is embarrassing to $cn. In 1982, the number of Declarees exceeded total membership since 1950. Of all the Class XII auditors ever made, 90% are Declared. Truly, “the game where everyone wins”! If I had my Goldenrod, I would post it on my Facebook page. Proud, I am.
You must have read my mind James, you must be an OT. That was my exact thought if I had been declared and could get a copy of it I would proudly display it.
My husband and I were notified we’d been declared in a letter addressed to both of us: a “couple declare” (which we think is cute). Hubby wrote to IJC asking for a big SP certificate with fancy lettering so we could frame it. No response. 🙂
That is soooooo messed up! You don’t even get the big SP cert? How cheap of them! But, I guess, with an SP Declare being a Status symbol now, they don’t want to hand them out. Bunch of cheap pricks….
I think they are in Hiding about it, largely because they are afraid of libel lawsuits and such. Also they know deep down it is an overt act to declare folks that way, so they are Hiding for that reason too. It is a withhold.
RG, I think this is one of your best (there are many!), because it illustrates the divide between scientologists and reality very well! “A picture is worth a thousand words!”
We had a “couple declare ” too” They are saving paper.
Nobody called us or wrote to us. My daughter had to tell us.
The whole thing was ridiculous. Still is.
The only eternity I’m aware of in scn is the endless study! So tedious, how many times to you have to listen to l ron say the same thing several different ways.
Hi Rick Mycroft, You have me recalling that tape which I had to express mail to every member of my family and get them to initial that they had listened to it.HA, I think every copy went right in the circular file.
Scientology still up at bat and still massive strike outs after all these years! Thank you for reminding me where is my pile of old cassette and VHS players,components have moved on thankfully but if I dig out my turntable I could listen to the Apollo Stars while playing Why Can’t We Be Friends? Oh lord what a cacaphony that would be! xo Ann.
Jeffrey Augustine provides an excellent description of Scientology’s policy on disconnection from SP’s in an interview with Tony Ortega posted today at .
Scientologists experience constant mental and emotional turmoil in trying to have good relationships with non-scientologist friends and family and at the same time be considered ‘Scientologists in good standing’.
Yes. Reading Ortegas’a post, it immediately came to mind that the practice as it is done in and by the church today, insures that the CoS would go into the Condition of Non-existence, because practicing disconnection as they do, they are insuring they will never achieve a condition of Power. One of the first rules of Power is, “Don’t disconnect.” Violating that insures they will fall down the conditions and end up not existing. And it does go back to Hubbard’s days, like it or not. He was apparently so desperate to stay in control of things he began suppressing things himself, such as the auditing tech developed by John McMaster for handling SPs and PTSes. It was all downhill from there.
Hi Valov, I always had a sweet space of love for John McMaster.Hazy recall of reading about him late late one am,found the piece somewhere @ Asho but escapes me now where.Last year I posted I had received a comm from him in 74, but I wish I could remember more of that.Sigh,there were some good ones around like Yvonne in the early days.Always,Ann.
There is a great article over at the Bunker that details Disconnection so that “never ins” like myself really understand the craziness of scientology. This is just delicious icing on the cake.
One of the very best Regraded Being comic strips. It fits so well with today’s Underground Bunker blog, too.
Whoever is behind Regraded Being not only has a sharp wit, they are also compassionate. Just a few pen strokes beautifully summarises the sadness of disconnection.
Jeffrey says on Tony Ortega blog: According to Hubbard’s logic, then, SP’s are infinitely more powerful than Scientologists .. that is basically the final analysis of the matter .. it needs only one SP around and all your wins are gone .. and you will known or unknown act as an SP against the church ..
As someone said today here .. if you are in power, you should not disconnect .. if you do so, you will run down in non-existence .. that is right .. because if you are in power, you should be able tho handle .. if you disconnect, you are surely not in power .. but is is all Hubbard logic .. and it runs as usual in circles ..
As I said earlier, if you try to use Hubbard tech your endphenomen will be confusion .. it will use all and only stable data from LRH .. althought the using and fixation on stable data will always cause problems ..
Loosing eternity sounds bad .. but there is nobody who has a stable data about .. if there is an eternity then it is for eveyone .. doesn’t matter what he get told about .. if it is then it is .. which is eternity in itself .. no reason to be in confusion about .. but scientologist are .. quite normal for them ..
Friend, your analysis is correct as demonstrated by empirical data. Using the definitions set out by El Con, DM is an S.P. Scores of El Con trained OTs crumbled before his SPness. Completely unable to stand before him. Much less “shatter” him. Even the “great” El Con hisself was unable to resist his evil power and thus kept promoting him and even trusting him unconditionally.
Hence, going up both sides of El Cons bridge + training in his “ethics” & “admin tech” makes one not even as able as a wog, who would have most likely taken this guy out, even if physically in response to his physical attacks.
This is a truth that no scn’er, in or out of the church can handle.
Miscavige is one of this short people who try to dominate others .. it seems true also in history .. short people try to dominate others .. they give themselves powers which they have not ,, he collects sympathy .. and if you know at this time that you will not be able to fight back .. you are gone ..
It is Hitler, Napoleon and others .. how can Miscavige correct the tech .. he has never studied it .. he has a lot of misspellings got .. and he corrects that for the whole scientology world .. dear my, it was a nightmare for Hubbard if that happens .. he was so truly convinced that his tech will clear everyone ..
Maybe, but at one day on the SHSBC he told that he was to believe that all his scientologese was his SerFac for getting his survive idea as the basic impulse through to all others ..
Doesn’t matter what others have realized here .. after thatt, LRH did fight his survive .. so he went straight into his SerFac .. and came never again out ..
This is scientology used from me on LRH .. he began to dramatize his SerFac and it seems true .. Miscavige do not unterstand the basic tech .. but LRH did lost this for himself ..
Neither Hitler (5’9″) nor Napolean (5’7″) was not short for the time period they were alive.
Just a friendly FYI.
^^ argh, bad sentence: “was short” should replace “was not short”
Mike Wynski – just one little correction on this: “Even the “great” El Con hisself was unable to resist his evil power and thus kept promoting him and even trusting him unconditionally.”
I wasn’t there so maybe someone here can verify it, but the way I heeered it, Ron did work with DM when he was even shorter, as a kid on the film sets, but in the Pat and Annie Broeker days, DM was always one man back from Ron, reporting to Pat Broeker, and never having much direct contact with Ron.
Ron wanted Pat and Annie to take over. They are who he trusted, not DM. David Miscavige was never “chosen” by LRH to take over anything.
But Pat and Annie sure got a snoot full of DMs “all-powerful” suppressiveness. So did Mary Sue and now, apparently, so does Diana Hubbard.
Regardless of how one chooses to demonize the old man, IMHO DM is a much bigger assh*le because he never intended to help anybody, really, ever, except himself.
Mike commented one time that he knew LRH personally and that Ron actually wanted to help people and spent his whole life genuinely looking for ways to do that. Miscavige’s intentions were only to help himself. I hope I didn’t paraphrase that too badly, Mike. That’s what I took out of it.
Hey, people – I just thought of an idea for an online business. SP declares for all (myself included) who were cheated out of their well deserved goldenrod. Price $10 Send your full name and address and your crimes – missed an Int Event, watched Leah on DWTS, disagree with the 3Swing FN, whatever – just be specific. This is a collaborative effort. Specify size. Your SP Declare on gorgeous goldenrod will arrive in one week to 10 days, suitable for framing. Treat yourself! Great little gifts for friends, family, loved ones. No free shipping, sorry.
Hi Aquamarine, Love your post! I went over to Tony’s to see more of the ridiculous ribbon yanking for Atlanta and scrolling down the other pieces there I found one of the saddest pictures I have ever seen of a recent Sea Org member.The 17 year old boy-man staring sadly down at his little b-day cake caused me to burst into tears.It is horrible.I never celebrated my b-day the first SO year,then word went round F and I got roses and a vino on my b-day the next yr from secret admirers that helped more to me than anything back then.To know some cared about me,and what was to come,made a difference for awhile.The abject loneliness of that SOers there for a billion years got to me.May he open his eyes and escape.This cult’s time is over.Love U,Ann.
Hi Aquamarine, Edit: the loneliness of the SOers there…Got to get my coffee..XOAnn.
Scientology is a thief, insidious and total it seems. So punitive too, just eats its people from what Ive seen and read over the years. Scientology is its own kind of fake but the lives it steals are real. Blue guy is a real guy and that sucks, they’re killing him and stealing his life.
If anyone here is still worried that they’ve thrown away their Eternity due to leaving the church, please don’t be concerned.
So many Eternities have been thrown away lately by people stampeding out of the church that you can pick up another Eternity for pennies on the dollar.
They’re in a bin at the Goodwill, right next to the pile of Basics packages and Congress Lectures.
John Doe! LOL! Maybe I should send this to my ‘friend’ of nearly 30 years who threw me in the “I can’t talk to you because I’m doing my Bridge now and I can’t afford to have anyone on my lines who doesn’t agree with ‘my religion’. My eternity is too important to me.” bin.
Well, maybe she can pick up a new one at a good price over at Goodwill. Then we can be friends again.
I hope she gets her new Eternity and resumes taking to you. The annoying thing about getting a new Eternity–installing it takes Forever.
The link to be able to post your disconnection story is now working on Phil Jones website – I really hope that 1000s of people post their stories so more and more people can read of the pain we all suffer from this evil policy. If you have a story, which it seems a lot of people here do have, please post away.
The late psychiatrist, Dr. Brian Weiss in some unthinkable (for some) ventures in life:
He’s still alive.
You’re either “with us or agin us” – Scientology style.
Good one RB!
I bet a bunch of my old friends that had to disconnect from me are out now.
But so much time has gone by, we’d probably not have anything in common anymore, even if I could locate them.
I just never seem to stop scanning lists and photographs for a few cherished faces, wondering if I’d even recognize them almost thirty years later.
And then there’s that rather large handful that died young:/
I’m glad most days I can just laugh at the pure bullshit of it all, but some days I get all in a funk and feel ripped off on so many levels I can’t even number them.
Hi Victoria Pandora, Thank you for a sensitive and well- said post.I know what you mean about frustrating feelings etc.I am trying to be the water going around the rock rather than attempting to always smash my way through it.I think I am still chewing on ” the way out is the way through “Laughter,some more of Ron’s hand -spun gems.xo Ann.
“…large handful that died young.” Indeed. The deaths in the cult always seem to be strange…
Having been out for decades now I know at least 20X more “wogs” in my age group than I do snc’ers. HOWEVER, I can count on ONE hand the number of “wog” friends who have died. I literally cannot keep count of the number of Scn’ers in that same age group that I personally knew, who have died.
Anecdotal?, yes. Dismissible when that large of a discrepancy? No F’ING WAY!
You’ve nailed it again, Regraded. This is exactly the mindset I encountered. Disagreement = crimes against the group = forfeiture of eternity = no can talk to you, bye. A civilized discussion, an examination of the facts is not going to occur. A=A=A handles it all for them so why bother to think and examine? Sad.
I’d like to have a civilized discussion with some folks on just how they justify flowing money and power to a “leader” that beats his staff and regularly invalidates and suppresses them. And if they aren’t aware that this is how miscavige acts, I’d like to discuss how the heck they justify being so ill-informed about a person they are flowing money and support to.
“Civilized discussion…” no such thing can exist with a corporate Scio regarding their activities with religion. For a start they don’t like wogs or their systems and more importantly anyone that actually knows something about Scientology and isn’t one of them – they are shit scared of. As far as I can make out the greater percentage of ex-scios are either declared or soon would be if they got in comm with them.
What a nutty scenario for those that claim to have the tech of life.
In the long run, all those high paying whales will get exactly what they paid for in face egg.
Hi IYawnalot,I was deciding where to put my post as it is off-topic for Mike’s piece today.If I do not post I will forget what I wanted to say, so you get two thoughts that came to me.
In 2016 I take all news reports and tabloid reports on cos with a dump truck of salt.But if any of the reports and drawings of and composite shots of the renovation of St.Hill is at all plausible,whether TC is moving in with DM or not,it is the most tasteless classless rendition of DM Land’s Castle I have ever seen! I especially love the gigantic IAS- what is it? An enternal IAS torch flame? on either side of the front moat gate entrances.The whole place reeks of playing dungeon and hide and seek together in the new new St. Hill travesty.It screams Stay Away while the celebs whales and slaves get to watch and applaud the tinted spy cars comings and goings.Disgusting.
My second thought was, remember when LA Org, Asho D & F, AOLA, and even when The Manor had paying public- when it was booming! There was never a space to audit or train so people would find whatever spot they could even the loading dock for drills and go at it.In the beginning very high tone high energy with laughter too.Now auditing is a slog through miles of payments for even more crazy e-meter models and the twisted Bridge and rewritten Tech from DM.It is so far from what once had a spark of being helpful, the whole mess melts down.Yes COS,SEA ORG OSA all is melting down from the rot within..
Whew! Thank you my dear friend got that off my chest! Love,Ann.
You’re welcome!
I think the character Sultan Gris of Hubbard’s Mission Earth pretty much sums up DM’s personality & behavioral traits. It is no surprise what he’s done to SH and elsewhere. It’s an even bigger insult that the guy has no taste whatsoever. All that money and he can’t even put two pleasing colors together. Tom Cruise isn’t even worth mentioning really. He’s an idiot and wanna be suppressive just hanging out for the right motivator to make him one. The company he keeps will one day no doubt give him what he seeks.
Yeah, I remember having to fight to get an auditing room in the 80s, now whole buildings are empty under the Scientology symbol. What an incredible waste.
Hey Les – so true. It’s all there, literally, at their fingertips.
I found out what was happening, you found out – it’s almost impossible to miss it these days. All people have to do is research.
If someone is worried about others seeing what’s in their computer, all they have to do is to go to the public library to research it. Google is your best friend.
A good place to start your journey is by hearing from a woman who was the Captain of the FSO for 17 years and was a Sea Org member for 30 years.
Her letter starts like this:
“I am emailing you as a friend and fellow Scientologist. As we enter a new year, it is hoped that 2012 can be a year of great dissemination and a year of real progress up The Bridge for all Scientologists.”
I believe you will find her loyalty to LRH unassailable and her assessment of the current scene very enlightening.
If you’re wondering where Heber is – I miss seeing my friend around at events, etc. – click on these links:
Other topics of interest if you’re thinking about getting out or just trying to find out why people are leaving:
“Scientology disconnection”
Scientology “the hole”
Good luck in your journey.
There are so many OT 8/Class VIII’s and other brilliant auditors (LDW being one of them) who are out and are still auditing with Ron’s tech. You might make even faster gain with no unnecessary sec checks and no IAS regges hovering after session.
Wouldn’t that be nice?
It’s your turn to know what’s happening.
Oh, this is so sad. And all too common. I’ve known Christians who have done this too. It’s certainly more widespread and a part of Scientology doctrine than it is in other religions, and more technical jargon is used, but the ‘you’ll rot in hell’/eternity card is overplayed an so manipulative.
Which religious organization (Christian or otherwise) do you know of that practices disconnection? No doubt, there are some cultic wackadoodles, such as Westboro Baptist Church. Other than that, I seriously doubt you’ll be able to name even one.
But even if you could mention dozens, what does that have to do with anything? How does that justify what scientology (or any of those others, for that matter), are doing?
Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Bingo. Like Scientology, the Witnesses practice ‘disconnection’ but call it ‘shunning.’ Like Scientology, the Witnesses protect rapists and child molesters in their mists because, like Scientology, the want to keep bad PR at bay.
Certain Amish and Mennonite groups.
hassidic and very orthodox Jewish sects
when one is shunned from an orthodox Jewish sect, their families sit shiva – as if the person is dead. Really dead. that’s the only thing I can think of that’s close.
I get the feeling though that SCN takes this disconnection to an all new level. I don’t think that even JW goes to the point of what happened with me and no doubt to others, where we had an entire part of our family disconnect from us, for 4 years before we were declared, purely because not what we did against the church, but because we had connections to SPs.
I have an SP sister that I was meant to be disconnected from and because my other never-in sisters were connected to my SP sister, I was told to disconnect from them. I asked the MAA this question “so, if I have a colleague at my work, who by total coincidence is friends with my SP sister, what do I do?” She said that I would have to leave my work.
I think the paranoia of DM and the cult makes it’s disconnection policies, the most sophisticated (and evil) disconnection policy around! Good going DM, you little dick
I agree, it is not as extreme. But still pretty gnarly.
Hardly clearlypissedoff. I would say an auto death sentence is worse. By FAR.
Some Amish and other Mennonite-type churches practice shunning. And yes, some fundamentalist Christians avoid sinners who’ve turned their back on the church.
Scientology’s disconnection is horrible, but sadly there’s plenty who have experienced other forms.
Islam. Although, if you leave, they also kill you.
I suggest you restudy the cartoon Todd and clear up your MUs. I don’t mean to be crass but todays RB has more to do with mindset (beliefs) than disconnection IMHO. But that’s just my take on it.
The FLDS – Google The Lost boys of FLDS
And I see no where that s/he says or implies that it justifies anything.
True, but the main goal seems to be to reduce the number of males who can compete for the available women in the FLDS. The easiest way to get rid of the teenage and young adult males is to declare them apostates and kick them out of town. It isn’t right and it’s pretty sad. Google “Satan’s Accountant” for a pretty good article on how the FLDS’s property under Warren Jeffs was owned. It is all communally owned under a “United Effort Plan”, or at least it was in 2008.
True, but they also shun people who leave after they’ve tried to get them back. These are predominantly mothers with children and the younger females.
Regardless of why – it’s a shunning religious belief or cult practice. My “Investigation” of the FLDS ultimately introduced me to CoS following/watching. The intolerance and abuses of belief systems are something I can’t stand behind.
Todd, I’m sorry if my comment was not clear. I said (quote) “I’ve known Christians who have done this too. It’s certainly more widespread and a part of Scientology doctrine than it is in other religions…”
As others have clarified, there are other religions (Jehovahs’ WItness, Amish, Menonite, some forms of Islam, etc..) who practice disconnection (shunning) on a broad scale, however I was referring to (individual) Christians or small groups who use the threat of eternal hell and damnation for those who do not toe the line. I know family & friends who have disconnected from their children because they didn’t practice faith the way the parent wished them to. My point is that it (threat of the eternal soul) is an easily (too easily) used manipulative tool and many individual people/religions have used it over millennia to coerce others to do their will and maintain control. Catholicism used to employ severe forms of excommunication but that has greatly relaxed in most forms of the religion. Certainly Scientology uses disconnection with great skill (that is NOT meant as a compliment). Almost all cults use some form of this ‘incentive’. What better way to control someone than the threat of eternal damnation?
Jack is fooling absolutely nobody. He’s just spouting those lines because he doesn’t want to miss the Big Tittie Bash. Given the Pain and Sex bulletin and Scientology’s “only in the missionary position between married couples” Catholicism On Steroids, that’s pretty much the closest he’s going to get to anything resembling sexual satisfaction.
Today’s Scientologist has become so cold-blooded and cruel that they can cut off friends and family without the slightest measure of remorse. With no heart and no soul, they’ve abandoned their humanity. And they probably think that’s a good thing. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that they have in effect disconnected from the human race. I can only guess, but I think that many scios don’t identify themselves as human beings. That might sound over the top, but human cruelty will always challenge our ability to understand their vicious misdeeds.
I agree with everything you’ve just said, Murray Luther, including what you said about Scientologists not identifying themselves as human.
“…they’ve abandoned their humanity.” Right on the money, Murray. They really don’t have any humanity left. They’re all per-programed to do the cults work. They don’t have their own thoughts.
WOW! RB, You nailed it! This is how my daughter (now 50 years old) and all her family “handled” us when they disconnected 5 years ago. I always thought I was the “only one” who was being told this crap. Unbelievable!
Bob, all of us hope your daughter and her family come to their senses…
Who wants to spend eternity with no family, no spouse, no loved one, no friends, no one? No love, no compassion, no humanity, no joy, no warmth? Nothing but the icy stares of the spying sec checkers and the cold bare metal of the cans to squeeze at night?
No thanks.
They live in “1984.”
This is no exaggeration – I have also had this conversation about the “loss” of my “eternity”.
Thanks RB. Spot on again.
How in the hell can anyone “lose” their eternity? I describe myself as being, Pure, Unconditioned Consciousness. I’ve always been and I always will be. We are all, forever. This shit they spew at their members is simply brainwashing. Today, I do not feel sorry for them.
To constantly have to live in fear and insecurity on so many levels, indeed must pull in all kinds of illnesses.
Fear of forever losing one’s spiritual connection to the source – if one makes one misstep.
Fear of having years of work and study derailed by a connection to one SP you didn’t see coming.
Fear you might not be able to audit away the thousands upon thousands of engrams and aliens that keep you from immortality.
It’s no wonder cult members always have that glazed, robotic look – anyone would if they were always operating in such a state of hyper caution and fear.
A squirrel group called Avatar skipped auditing engrams completely. They audited the consideration holding an aesp in place.
Disconnect because you have no answer to any questions about $cientology? Can’t have the sheeple looking up and seeing the real problems in the world that $cientology can’t fix. Hell, $cientology can’t even fix its internal problems.
Yeah, just declare those who ‘natter’ or actually debate the sins of Lron as ‘SP’s and consign them to the junk heap of history. That way, the clam never notices that they are on that junk heap.
The CBS show ‘2 broke girls’ had a $cieno joke last night. When prime time TV laughs at you, the end is here.
I’m gathering Fred has only done the Communications Course..
It’s kind of sad to see “eternity” sold like it was the Brooklyn Bridge. Con men will forever flourish. I guess
that’s a kind of eternity. Because people have a hard time admitting that they have been a sucker.
P.T. Barnum underestimated Scientologist….
LOL to OSD, and Errol, I always wondered about that “eternity” question. We are either immortal beings or we are not. If we are immortal beings then we had no beginning and we will have no end. What can have an end must have had a beginning, and vice versa. Even LRH says that an immortal being can’t do anything BUT survive. So what’s the problem? I’m supposed to believe that David Miscavige holds my eternity iin his power. Accordingly I have to be very very good and do whatever he tells me to do, or else…Well, that never indicated to me, nor did this type of blind obedience based on fear ever indicate to me in other religion before I got into Scientology. It was nonsense to me when I was 14 and its nonsense to me now.
+1! Outstanding post, Ann B! We are, in fact, immortal beings. When we lose out meat suits, we instantly step into a new world. We all go to the same place. You have to be of a certain religion to get there. All you have to do is be you…
I meant to say, You DON’T have to be of a certain religion to get there. When I posted it, I had had only two cups of coffee. I’m much better now.
This is almost word for word the last conversation with my son as he announced he was never going to speak to me again. I’d told the MAA (my own god son for Christ sake) that I had no interest in doing scn any more becasue it was giving me no wins at the level of OT7. My son then came and told me, because I’d made a public statement that I was leaving scn (in a small auditing room with only an MAA present??) I had been ‘effectively’ declared/expelled, he could no longer be connected to me… or his mother… or his two sisters… But that because the church was sooo magnaminous I could still do steps A-E. He ridiculed my comment that I didn’t want to do A-E because I didn’t want anything more to do with scn. And of course, it was now all my fault that he could no longer have anything to do with me or… his mother or… his sisters… I hear to this day he blames his many, many failures in life (= earning virtually nothing on staff) on the fact that he has a suppressive family.
I have a theory that these kids are easy to convince to disconnect from their parents because they’re at an age where they feel the urge to “disconnect” ANYWAY and be on their own, as separate individuals with their own minds and viewpoints. My theory is that these kids are confusing Co$’s dictates with their own viewpoints and this makes it easy for them to be bold and brash when giving their parents these ultimatums. Ahh… but these kids are in their late teens and early to mid-twenties. Just wait until they hit their 30s, especially when they see that in their own orgs Scientology is not expanding. As a general rule, there’s nothing like hitting your 30s and 40s for realizing that your parents were not so dumb/evil/clueless after all.
I like your theory a lot. Does not account for the parents who disconnect from kids who have left Scn(like Claire Headley’s mom) but that seems to be a smaller statistic. And i never could account for those LDS moms who let their boys be turned out by the men in charge because they saw them as competition. Mike, please post about the progress of the StopScndisconnection billboard. The Jones are inspiring… was some kind of deadline for them. Thank you!
Good post Aquamarine. I hope you’re right that maybe in their 30’s or 40’s or beyond they come to their senses, leave the church and find their long gone parents and reunite.
I am sorry for your loss.
Eternity For Sale
50 percent off pre holiday sale
TAX DEDUCTIBLE, let Uncle Sam pay for your eternal freedom.
We take all credit cards !!!!
Hey Jose! Over here! I’ll take one!
OK Surfer Guy,
When Pet Rocks were in fashion I sold Earthquake in a Can.
From leftover supply I changed the label to ETERNITY in a can.
Leaving a dozen in will call.
Woo Hoo! So I’ll have a dozen eternities? Woo Hoo!
Was it Fowler, the guy who shot dead his partner because he was giving every dime to the cult that said, “No one is going to take my eternity away from me.” Whew! Now that’s some very effective brainwashing…
Rex Fowler.
Money equals Eternity is the implant
David Miscavige installed in Scientology.
I have some canned Status for every 6 cans of Eternity
you get one can of Status free.
Whoa! Seriously? Canned Status??? That’s about as high as you can get! I mean, Status from a can? Who would have thunk it…
“…and that’s not all, because if you act NOW, not only will your ETERNITY be shipped to you at no charge, BUT with your purchase of just 1 ETERNITY at our already incredibly reduced price plus free shipping you’ll ALSO get the amazing Amazing Ice Crusher – YES the amazing Amazing Ice Crusher, the ONLY ice crusher endorsed by Oprah, The View and Dr Phil, the Amazing Ice Crusher, for those lavish parties, those intimate family gatherings, for ALL your eternal ice crushing needs, which retails for $34.95 but which is actually yours FREE, that’s right, ABSOLUTELY FREE with your ETERNITY purchase plus free shipping but you must act now, don’t delay, supplies are limited, this offer won’t last, come on, pick up the phone, operators are here to take your call, just pick up the phone …”
This one got me wondering if I might have been declared an SP. I use my real name when I post here and when I was getting bombarded with calls from LA a few years ago I made negative comments about Hubbard. I have not received any calls from them in about three years.
If I had been declared wound they bother to notify me of this accomplishment?
Hi Doug – no. My sibling had a golden rod posted up at the org unbeknownst to him because he didn’t immediately route on to the next course. Was told by a friend. Ethics didn’t bother to call him in or anybody for that matter before posting this rod. Extreme actions and insanity is this church.
I hate to ask a dumb question but is a golden rod an SP declare?
My question was just answered.
It’s actually ‘Goldenrod.’
Goldenrods are an in demand item for many people who post here. Someone might be able to make a few bucks on E-Bay if they produced personalized fake Goldenrods. Along with a personalized one for oneself, they could also be made up and sent to people like Jack in the R.B. episode.
Accomplishment is right. Famously, the Declared persons never see the “Goldenrod”, named after the yellow paper it’s printed on. That is because most of the people who get Declared are proud of it, and would frame it for everyone to see. This is embarrassing to $cn. In 1982, the number of Declarees exceeded total membership since 1950. Of all the Class XII auditors ever made, 90% are Declared. Truly, “the game where everyone wins”! If I had my Goldenrod, I would post it on my Facebook page. Proud, I am.
You must have read my mind James, you must be an OT. That was my exact thought if I had been declared and could get a copy of it I would proudly display it.
I knew you would post what you posted, Doug. FEEL MY POWER!
I’m thinking about calling them and asking them if I have been declared an SP.
Go ahead! What are they going to do, Declare you?
My husband and I were notified we’d been declared in a letter addressed to both of us: a “couple declare” (which we think is cute). Hubby wrote to IJC asking for a big SP certificate with fancy lettering so we could frame it. No response. 🙂
That is soooooo messed up! You don’t even get the big SP cert? How cheap of them! But, I guess, with an SP Declare being a Status symbol now, they don’t want to hand them out. Bunch of cheap pricks….
I think they are in Hiding about it, largely because they are afraid of libel lawsuits and such. Also they know deep down it is an overt act to declare folks that way, so they are Hiding for that reason too. It is a withhold.
RG, I think this is one of your best (there are many!), because it illustrates the divide between scientologists and reality very well! “A picture is worth a thousand words!”
We had a “couple declare ” too” They are saving paper.
Nobody called us or wrote to us. My daughter had to tell us.
The whole thing was ridiculous. Still is.
Brilliant and oh so real.
The only eternity I’m aware of in scn is the endless study! So tedious, how many times to you have to listen to l ron say the same thing several different ways.
Being in Scientology for few years can seem like an eternity…
Quick! Play “Can We Ever Be Friends?” and that will solve everything!
…does anyone have a cassette player?
Hi Rick Mycroft, You have me recalling that tape which I had to express mail to every member of my family and get them to initial that they had listened to it.HA, I think every copy went right in the circular file.
Scientology still up at bat and still massive strike outs after all these years! Thank you for reminding me where is my pile of old cassette and VHS players,components have moved on thankfully but if I dig out my turntable I could listen to the Apollo Stars while playing Why Can’t We Be Friends? Oh lord what a cacaphony that would be! xo Ann.
I’ve only a 8 track…damn!
Jeffrey Augustine provides an excellent description of Scientology’s policy on disconnection from SP’s in an interview with Tony Ortega posted today at .
Scientologists experience constant mental and emotional turmoil in trying to have good relationships with non-scientologist friends and family and at the same time be considered ‘Scientologists in good standing’.
Thank you so much for what you do.
Hi RB, I archived Jeffrey’s post on cos disconnection,it is that good and informative.You always make my weekend,thank you from my heart.xo Ann.
Hi Regraded – spot on yet again. And for those of you that are ‘never-in’s’, this strip shows you exactly what happens regularly.
Yes. Reading Ortegas’a post, it immediately came to mind that the practice as it is done in and by the church today, insures that the CoS would go into the Condition of Non-existence, because practicing disconnection as they do, they are insuring they will never achieve a condition of Power. One of the first rules of Power is, “Don’t disconnect.” Violating that insures they will fall down the conditions and end up not existing. And it does go back to Hubbard’s days, like it or not. He was apparently so desperate to stay in control of things he began suppressing things himself, such as the auditing tech developed by John McMaster for handling SPs and PTSes. It was all downhill from there.
Hi Valov, I always had a sweet space of love for John McMaster.Hazy recall of reading about him late late one am,found the piece somewhere @ Asho but escapes me now where.Last year I posted I had received a comm from him in 74, but I wish I could remember more of that.Sigh,there were some good ones around like Yvonne in the early days.Always,Ann.
Thanks Ann. I never knew him but read about the tech he had developed that coud have taken the CoS in a different direction entirely.
Oh, to spend eternity with people like this. A roller coaster of cognitive dissonance. Stomach is lurching already.
Regraded Being is right on point, as always. Thanks R.B.! and Mike Rinder. Wishing everyone a Happy Friday and great weekend. – T.J.
Well, T.J., since 1982 when I excused myself from the cult, EVERYDAY has been a GREAT day! What a difference from being in.
I’m so happy to hear that, OSD. 🙂 It’s always nice seeing you here.
Happy Friday and, T.J., you have a great weekend too! Always good to see YOU here!
There is a great article over at the Bunker that details Disconnection so that “never ins” like myself really understand the craziness of scientology. This is just delicious icing on the cake.
One of the very best Regraded Being comic strips. It fits so well with today’s Underground Bunker blog, too.
Whoever is behind Regraded Being not only has a sharp wit, they are also compassionate. Just a few pen strokes beautifully summarises the sadness of disconnection.
RB – were you spying on me?
I HAD that comm Psycho with a Scientologist a few years ago. I swear you are following me. LOLOLOLOL
Nailed it again RB !!! Spit coffee on screen!
“Spit coffee on screen!” Now that’s some good indicators!
Talk about “fixed ideas!” RB nails it to the wall once more.
Scientologist’s ideas are set in stone. Maybe concrete. No, no, they’re set in steel.
Right on, RB.
I’ve stopped counting the number of times I’ve been morally condemned fro having a moral standard.
“Morally condemned for having a moral standard”. That’s a neat quip.
Tough for me to wrap my mind about that. “…morally condemned for having a moral standard.” Sounds like something a Scientologist would say.
RB nails it…again and again.
Hypnotised, debrained and (bank account) clear(ed). 😉
Boy, has Jack been drinking the Kool-aid or what?
I think he takes it through an intravenous tube 24/7…
Finding a vein takes too long. They just use a rectal catheter.
FOTFLMAO!!!!! Whew! Now that’s some funny shit! Still laughing….
Wow, “eternity” is going to pretty lonely with only one or two people in it. (the ones that have to turn off the lights in the last Scn org…)
Regarding Scientology, the lights are permanently off…
Derp! I forgot OSD.