I seriously doubt that if anyone else like you or me had left the Church of Scientology under circumstances similar to the ones that led Ron Miscavige to leave the church, that David Miscavige would give them $100,000.00 to buy a new house with in West Allis, Wisconsin. But he helped his father buy a new house at the same time it is reported the church is trying to “take him down. In spite of Ron Miscavige’s book “Ruthless” coming out about life in the Church of Scientology. To me that is the real treason to Mankind, and the reason the Church of Scientology AND many of its former members have he vast amount of enemies and lack of parishioner’s that they do. Some of those enemies in very high places. ๐
Hi Orwell, You posted me a lovely piece about light and I thank you.Your post was so strong my answer back and your original piece decided to dive- bomb Target 2!Here is what I had sent you.
It is so empowering when another spirit understands what I mean by sharing my light.I never ever let it shine like I can here.No matter what occurs down the road for all of us,Mike has provided a space for us all and I bless him each day for continuing on.He is a gift to us,as are you! Love your posts xo Ann.
I would have a comment for Mr. Miscavige, however it would not be polite to use profanity in this post. No way would I want his karma. I want to out live him (In my current body). I am curious to see what the post Miscavige church will look like.
When the attorney said that Ron was “Out to make money”, I thought…” Well heck, yeah!”. Duh!!! I truly hope Ron makes millions and millions of his book! He deserves to, if anybody does!!
A more trenchant interviewer would have asked: Ron Miscavige spent 30 years in the Sea Org. What retirement benefits did he come away with after all those years? How much was he paid?
HGC 10- thanks!
This ABC interviewer got about as deep as a mosquito landing on an un-bursting bubble.
OSD’s reference to “rank” refers to the oft-repeated statement from David Miscavige’s henchman (forget that bozo’s name) speaking to Leah Remini, when, at Tom Cruises wedding asks quite innocently, “Where’s Shelly? The henchman replied:
“You don’t have the rank to ask that question.” The riff led to her book, TroubleMaker.
Shelly remains entirely out of the public view to this day, and somebody needs to get that girl a phone, preferably red.
Today I looked at some recent responses Marty made in the comment section from his blog, “Tony will Rue the Day—” He sounds angry and aggressive. I don’t understand why he sees all the people who have supported him and Mosey (and still wish them well) as enemies. Why does he (through his wife) have to throw their lawyers under the bus by criticizing their work? He sounds defensive and paranoid. Why is everyone connected with him so hush-hush?
I know the main focus is (and should be) on exposing the abuse of scientology. However, Marty’s behavior may make some people question the efficacy of their own support when such a public critic of the cult alienates those who have supported him through his difficult journey out of Scientology.
Mike, I respect you and the way you have graciously presented yourself as you have been exposing Miscavige’s abuses. Can you explain basically how you see the situation. It looks like PTSD from here. I think it is easier to have compassion about seemingly erratic behavior when we have a basic understanding of the dynamic. Thanks
Sorry, I dont have any inside information that sheds light on this. All I can tell you is what I observe with the same information you have, though perhaps my assessment of it is different than others. I see someone who is no longer interested in playing the game. He has a game he is interested in which is with his family. THe best way to get out of the game without being destroyed is to no longer be any threat to scientology. He is clearly not aligned with any “anti-scientologists” nor is he aligned with any “anti-scientology lawyers.” He doesnt comment in the media. He presents no threat to scientology, especially when thedre are so many other situations. So, it is a good time to walk away entirely and devote his life to his wife and boy. THat’s my conclusion.
Be well, Mr. Rathbun,
Glad you got out.
Thanks for having gotten the word out.
If there was ever a man who was under-compensated for his sacrifices and efforts to expose scientology for what it really is, it would have to be you, and Mike here, too.
You know, at a certain point, there is nothing left to say…
Dear Leader being the idiot box speaker that he is,
It is not like there is any hope of getting through to him…
why engage in that merry-go-round, wah, just because the Earth still turns?
You deserve your life back, just like the rest of us.
Very best to you and yours,
Thanks for all you have done to help this church get what it deserves,
towards ending the abuse,
– exposing the fraud,
and, by so doing, making the world a saner place, after all.
I think each one of us can look forward to the day,
where there is just no reason left,
to even mention the name of this forsaken church.
God would give us the privilege to make that choice,
that enough has been said.
And we each deserve our lives, to serve first the ones we love,
as a basic human and civil right.
I’m glad all this didn’t happen without the player named Marty, in character,
playing his part, such as it was. Take care of the lady, tough guy.
And, thanks.
My comment is on the 20/20 interview with Ron Miscavige. I thought it sucked.Did the Church pay off 20/20?
There were no hard hitting questions. There were no revelations. There was no inside information.
Why wasn”t Ron asked about Shelley or Heber or Diana Hubbard ,Roanne or Lisa Marie.Why wasn’t Ron asked about the executives at Gold Base? Or lack there of.About the Hole?
Did Ron ever get any auditing or training? Does Dave receive auditing or training?What is Dave’s daily life like?Where did Dave get the $100k to give to Ron for his house?What other executives have been paid off?I guess I expected more from someone who Dave felt it necessary to pay a PI $10k a week to keep tabs on.I hope his book gives more insight into the evil that is Dave Miscavige.
He has always been the biggest brown-noser of all to Miscavige. Way back since he was a Missionaire posted under MIscavige who was the “Action Chief CMO International.”
First, thank you for your insightful information everyday. I guess I expected Ron Miscavige to expose more of the DM abuses, and the corruption behind the false post of “leader” of the church.
Rons certainly not of your intellect and caliber and appeared mostly concerned about his own suffering.
Mike, didn’t Norman get stinkln’ drunk at the Cruise wedding? And wasn’t he getting a little frisky with some of the guests there? He probably just wanted to have a good time…
My initial reaction was similar; disappointment. But then I got to thinking about it; ABC allowed the CoS to put the noose around it’s neck with Monique Yingling’s performance. The Church of Scientology = David Miscavige/Monique Yingling showed themselves to be the cowardly liars that they are, and Monique will do and say anything for money. They played right into the liar, shady lawyer stereotype. Personally, I think ABC set a trap and Dave and Monique walked right into it.
The fact remains: David Miscavige remains in hiding.
Hides his wife, tries to sweep Jenna under the carpet, too.
“PR” has always been his chief concern. It does not take much effort, connecting the dots here,
and one can see how the policy of disconnection came to be, and then how disconnection leads to how David Miscavige behaves today.
His own son gets on TV, and may we acknowledge the courage it takes to do that?
This “church” is so famous for attacking critics on ANY level.
These are brutal attacks, disconnection only one of many tactics…
And where is Dave? Does he want to stand up for his church?
How does he want to address the people that he is so interested in “helping”, when they get this story from Ron Miscavige, the father of the leader, his very own self?
He sends in a lawyer, to speak for him, in his stead.
Right again, Surfer Dude. The man is a coward. And facts speak for themselves.
And while I’m on it, I think it is obvious how any why Tom Cruise does not talk about his church or his relationship with its leader, as well. Tom gets what Tom needs and wants, and he does not want to talk to you, no matter who you are, unless of course your name is David Miscavige.
It has become entertainment. Everything is known. Nobody cares except if it is “interesting” like on this 20/20 show, which to me was snooze fest. Unless David killed somebody no one really cares anymore. Even then it would just be entertainment. I think the the general public perception of Miscavige, if the person knows, or cares about who he is, is that he’s an asshole. It’s like Joel Osteen. You can look at him and know he’s a lying “cult leader”, but negative publicity isn’t going to do anything about it. As long as the members keep buying his smile everything keeps rolling along.
So I guess, despite all the “entertainment” I believe Miscavige and the Church will just go along business as usual. Membership may gradually decline, but it could get to half what it is now and what would they do? They would put more pressure on existing members and whales to donate more and hunker down.
The more “public” that sees the truth, the fewer there are for recruitment. Some of us also after learning the truth, continue reading and learning and sharing. We join the fight against disconnection, we add our voices, we educate friends and our children, we share our books. Before I “happened” on Jefferson Hawkins book, Scientology was just that goofy TC cult but after that book, I read everything and began to care. I’m not alone. Every voice is important, every bit of televised info to the uninformed is important.
Ron writing his book is good though. It’s brave and he’s doing the right thing despite personal danger. That’s respectable and he comes across a genuine and likable, so that’s good. I’m just not into the “Scientology watching” as Ortega puts it. You’ve got this opposition terminal known as Scientology in one corner and the “Scientology watchers” in the other, drinking a cup of coffee and watching on the laptop. 20/20 creates content to generate advertising revenue and uses Ron as an “interesting” news item. It’s all kind of crazy. I am just waiting for some resolution to all this and I feel like some of the power players involved don’t want that for various reasons, so it may not ever happen. I guess it’s time to let go.
I love how in the backdrop of each cartoon panel FLB is growing more distantly, as if to subtilty hint the couple is leaving the church at that very moment. :p
He’s given one interview that i know of, with Ted Kopple on Nightline. He’s a little bitch who hides from anyone who wants to interview him. I wonder why…
I guess the moral of the story is that the world will only become a better place when good men do something.
Confronting and shining a light on evil operations like captain david miscavige’s so-called church is doing something.
While there may be cults that are more dangerous than this, it doesn’t negate the fact that many people have NOT been harmed due to the courage of those who speak out about the abuses of david miscavige and his $cientology operation.
My only wish was that 20/20 would have read the letter from Johnsons to Monique Yingling.
Monique Yingling:
“He has nothing to forgive his son for, his son has done nothing to him but care for him.”
“This book represents the malicious fabrications of a disaffected former member of the Church who has had no meaningful relationship with our client since our client left home at age sixteen to pursue his life in the Church.”
Hmmm…David Miscavige did a very poor job of coordinating his attorneys’ lies.
I’m proud in a sly way. Fault me if ya wanna… But I’m sure proud of the persons we thought we were,
going in.
It was a scary thing, and we all thought we were doing the bravest thing, the most noble thing,
because it was the only right choice to make. Ride goes right off a cliff, pretty much for starters, and keeps you in that freefall. We, on the other hand, did not worry about ceasing to exist.
Turns out that was a mistake.
Perception denied, through the non-use of other viewpoints, truth be known. God, you had to love the way Hubbard could talk. Truly, mesmerizing. Then, when I did get to finally listen to those tapes, I kept waiting for the big revelation, point of enlightenment to come out the lecture, but, no. I did notice. It never happened, again and again. I did silently gripe, for listening to it was like a fascinating story that wasn’t getting anywhere, back to work, kid.
But alas the man had no heart.
I don’t mean to argue the point, but his interests were all his own, always to make himself appear greater than he was, an impressive undertaking perhaps, but, I do put it at the other end of new-age messiah, as far as scales go. Snooker-head? That doesn’t cut it but, too bad again, I just refuse (to employ the language, regardless of sanctions that be), and let’s just go back to the beginning of this deal once more, can we? I gotta say
this was not in that contract. I was going in to claim my dignity, not sacrifice it. Did that contract make promises? Because it seems to me that it did. I honestly do not remember, but I figure contract facts mean squat. Like anything, you get what you put it, and I put in a lot, for an education if you will. Now, identify me.
The practice did give me perspectives in the end, too. To this day I identify myself as a spiritual being and that sort of thinking started there, holds, and they were a big help for a nearly destroyed boy, a self-manifesting young man. They got me through running away from my crazy mother. I was only lucky, thinker, extremely fortunate, to get out after just barely a few years in. But that was long ago. Look how little the place has changed, and how fun the days of latter years are filled with so much joy, every minute really, there is some particle of joy, pretty happy to be here, and a bonus to watch this, this The End, and experience this presence of so many genuine friends, This is mark marco, btw, but i’m using a different name, just to get ya.
Personally, I could never refuse you, my very good Dude.
BlackBeetSoup (+1)says
A. hey Watson: Your are the best and the sweetest and I better just pull the choke right there B4 this gets all repukefully mushy or surfer dude tries to squeeze between the squeeks again.You’re both just relentless, Ann.
Hi BlackBeet Soup(+1), Thank you kind Sir for pulling the choke first because I was going in the repukefully mushy direction toward your post from me and OSD is right off shore waiting to squeeze between the squeaks again! He is relentless,so am I and if I may say,you are more relentless and sweet and good as well.Better get my coffee and I will always read your posts! xo Ann B.
Yeah, Leah really is one bitchin’ gal She never holds back. See calls it as she see it. I wonder if the cult is making hundreds of Leah Remini voodoo dolls. The cult is going to see if sticking pins in the Leah dolls has any effect on her. Of course she’s way, waaaaaay to powerful for that mumbo jumbo. However, when she strolls into any org. with the wave of her hand, the Leah Voodoo Dolls eyes’ light up and they turn on their SO masters.
…so I was minding my own business when i thought i heard someone mentioning the name LEAH REMINI and that explains the mess, yes, I am drinking too much cream, what? LEAH REMINI’s name was actually mentioned. She appeared. Happens to be I love her for her mind, i know who you ask, just make the sound, the vibration ever so beautiful when your vocal chords speak the name, oh, who but to see dancing, oh yeah, Leah, LEAH REMINI. – – – love, at last. Did you catch that shot, great great great. Yes, love.
i just love spiritual people,
-that kind of think all started in my cult when I was a kid
did you know you don’t have a soul, you are one. That’s what I believe.
What makes my life have any merit whatsoever? Just one thing:
having the freedom to choose what I believe.
Go fish.
Thanks 4 Good People, absolute minimum,
otherwise i’d likely choke: out in the rough I don’t usually have a way to work that segway in, properly. No man is an island, and I got love and spirit, the best of both universes, (that’s physical and spiritual) and because those are the cards i was dealt,
i just love, especially people, (+Ann) most especially good people.
Wow, RB. Stunning post. He couldn’t look because, โIt became like watching someone abuse an animal or a child and not being able to do anything about it.โ And so we get quiet and do nothing and let the abuse continue. I can see how that happens with the attitude your character and many outside have. So we need to keep talking, keep writing, keep buying and reading the books, keep writing the books. Even if it is only death by a thousand cuts, and it takes a long time to die, it will happen. Keep up the good work Mike, Regraded Being and all who comment here and kudos to Marty and Mosey’s attorneys. They are a class act and did a lot of good for our cause while they were representing them.
I dunno, each man deserves his own life. I am retired, and grateful. He has made his statement, in my book.
And I appreciate what he has done, I don’t imagine that he is finished. How is that law suit with his wife, going? What a headache. Wait. I recall hearing the story that Marty Rathbun stars as Marty in MY SCIENTOLOGY STORY, coming out I forget. This is a feature film starring an actor as, wait for it,
David Miscavige.
How about that.
No, Mr MR is not exactly idle, I do presume.
I was quiet for 30-odd years, knowing something was wrong, but not knowing what to say about it or who to talk to….until one day, rambling around u-Tube… Meet Marty and Mike, fishing behind the house, just talkin trash, Marty entirely in the old lingo, Mike in plain English and the rest is history. Thanks guys.
Although it would be interesting to know what is happening in Marty and Mosey’s world, IMHO, they are entitled to whatever little bit of privacy they can beg, borrow or steal.
In a world where some people post their bathroom habits on Facebook, I have never taken a photo of a meal I am eating and shared it on Facebook. I have never once told the person I consider my bff my bowel habits either.
Scientology also ingrained in people that it was their duty to report on others’ actions and motivations.
Although I am not Marty or Mosey’s enemy and actually think highly of them, by the same token I have never even met them so would have no right to call either of them my friend.
As such, I do not feel I have a right to ask them why they made decisions they have chosen not to share with me. I would also never presume, if I was their friend, that I had the right to share what they told me.
If there comes a time when Marty is willing to state for himself what is going on, I will read what he has to say. Other than that, it’s honestly nomfb.
As a “never in” who does occasionally suffer from $cientology-fatigue, this is a salutary reminder not to give up fighting the good fight just because the mainstream media have finally woken up to the stench emerging from this trumpery “church”. Well put, RB!
Thank you, RB, for devoting this week’s strip to punching up the importance of tonite’s interview with Ron Sr and of his book which I have no doubt will contain plenty that hasn’t been said before about his son. I can’t wait to read it.
Hi RB, The last panel to me revealed your ability to show two sides of a coin at once,I knew you were magical.How you ended the piece today was so true.We must not stay silent- I know some days I get down about it all and then I remember those that went before me.I then realize I owe them my story,no matter what.xo Ann B.
Hi T.J., Hubby Walter actually reads OSDs and your posts! For a never in pretty good!I am so so lucky to be here with all the good posters everywhere.Lord knows last week I was totally crazy sitting for days in the courthouse waiting for my panel of jurors to be called for a criminal murder trial.At the last second the dude pled guilty.This is my third jd in 4 years state in 12 federal in 13 state again in 16, Heavens I was going as nuts as when I was locked in the morgue.In fact I was ready to crave Scientology Sucks into the chair in front of me!Scions,Docs & Judges- can’t Wait for OSDs party.Love you & yours Always,Have a great weekend too.Ann B.
Wow, what a sweet thing to say, thanks so much. I’m surprised though, since I never have anything so memorable to say, lol. It is you, OSD, and Ann B. whose posts are worthwhile reading. Good souls, great sense of humor… love you both. Tuesday, I’m expecting my delivery of Ron Miscavige’s book from Amazon to arrive, are you guys getting the book too?
I know Regraded Being has many fans but maybe consider a new format? Small novels worth of text were not meant for comic speech bubbles. I find myself skipping the comic most weeks because the format gives me a migraine. I know RB didn’t intend to have a weekly serial when he started out but now that it has become one, maybe consider changing the format to better suit the text heavy content? Maybe more strip windows to break up the text or use blocks for text rather than trying to squeeze into speech bubbles? Just a thought because the content deserves a suitable format.
After all the help his son extended Ron, Sr., putting him up for free at the Int Base Resort, ignoring the old man’s constant demand for attention, while COB was unbelievably busy trying to purify and standardize the only tech that will free mankind, even giving him his own band to lead, and this is the thanks he gets! Well, we are speaking out against this reverse elder abuse!
Is there a Go Fund Me account or another way we can send Davey a contribution so that he can take a vacation to de -stress from all of this? There ‘s a small island in the middle of San Francisco Bay that he might like to spend some time visiting for a long stretch. I hear it’s very relaxing. A guy who enjoyed raising birds lived there for a while as well as a real nice guy named Alphonse. (Last name rhymed with “phone “)
Thanks RB.
Your strip adds to the joy we are all are all experiencing about the upcoming release and 20/20.These are exiting times to be alive.
Your weekly work brings the reconnection of thousands of families and friends closer.
Spot on RB.
Scientology, where criminality meets boredom and desperation itself has tendency to go to sleep. Can’t wait for karma to do her thing with Miscavige and his ilk and maybe then everyone will wake up and see the elephant in the room.
Oh I hope COB gets thrown out to live on the street (somewhere nice and warm in winter, like Detroit) after jail time.
As a close friend of Ron’s for many years, I have had a ringside seat recently as the church (Davey) got increasingly frantic in the attempt to discredit Ron and portray COB as a wonderful fellow. Monique Yingling calls DM one of the kindest and most compassionate people she has met. Now that is truly provable bullshit of the highest order.
Hi Dave R, Nice to meet you.I second your post.The “charming” Monique was after my time thank god,but calling dm the kindest most compassionate person she has ever met is completely looney tunes! Always,Ann.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Whew! Now that’s some funny shit! “…one of the kindest and most compassionate people she has ever met.” Still laughing. Huh? Seriously? She was serious? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Who else does she know? Kim Jong Un? Vladimir Putin? I’ll bet she represented Jim Jones too.
Regraded Being is always worth reading. I’ve always enjoyed the style of the strip, the appealing characters and details such as the interesting backgrounds, like today’s real city scenes. I’m wondering, what is the church in the background, and is it in Florida or Los Angeles?
Thank you all, Kuato Lives, Jose Chung, and ed kette – it’s really nice knowing what I’m looking at, thanks for recognizing the ‘Epic Class XII Fort Harrison’ in Clearwater Florida. Pretty cool how Regarded Being incorporated it into the background, eh?
This is brilliant. And the background is Clearwater, Florida. That’s the Fort Harrison on the left and the Superpower building on the right in slides 2 and 3. In 2, they are passing under the walkway that goes between the two buildings.
aqua clara, very cool, thanks much! It looks like the church pretty much owns Clearwater Florida, doesn’t it? I love how Regarded Being worked the background into the comic strip. Thanks again for the reply! – T.J.
Flag Land base! They are driving south on Cleveland – in the first panel you can see the bridge between the FH (Fort Harrison) and the Super Duper Power building that goes over Cleveland.
They are driving south on Ft. Harrison Ave. (Blvd? whatever). That’s the bridge that crosses from the Ft. H to the new Flag Building in the 1st photo, and then the two bldgs then two shots of the Flag Building in the final frames.
Gracias! Much thanks for pointing out the location, civmar(pkatz) also Nobly, and Rick Mycroft. I really appreciate you all answering, my curiosity has been satisfied. I’m a Regraded Being fan, and I love reading you guys comments. – T.J.
Yep. looks like the Fort Harrison in Waterclear Florida…..Damn! My dyslexia is overwhelming me again. I wish Tom Cruise would tell me how he cured his iaxlesyd.
It looks like the Fort Harrison, going by memories of pictures. But I’ve never actually seen it, never been to Clearwater on my trips to Florida. I usually ended up in places like the Doral.
Thanks Franklin Adams! I’m thinking you probably wouldn’t really enjoy being back there… aren’t we always a bit nostalgic for places we’ve lived, but in reality we wouldn’t want to go back. *hugs* – T.J.
Hi Franklin Adams, Good to meet you.I saw Fort Harrison in a dream last night.Unfortunately I had to stay there and it soon turned into a nightmare!Glad to wake up.Always,Ann.
The Cross seen in the background installation was sold
numerous times to different public for the elite honor of having
it installed. So one public paid, the rest David Miscavige pocketed the money.
20/20 should a one hour show on that and another on the million dollar paint jobs
on the SP building which was done several times on the COBs orders.
“Just look away and keep quiet” is exactly what DM wants every clam to do. David Miscavage’s Depends are going to be very full around 10:59 tonight (USA Eastern Standard Time). Ever since the 2008 4chan ‘raids’ on the mOrgs, the floodgates of info on $cientology have really opened. I like that.
Good morning Regraded Being! You don’t even have to be a Sci-bot to understand today’s strip. Spot on and an excellent commentary on both tonight’s 20/20 show & Ron Sr.’s new book. Can’t wait. A great way to start not only Friday but the whole damn week-end.
“It became like watching someone abuse an animal or a child and not being able to do anything about it.”
Last night there was a kitten digging in the garbage right by the outskirts of town while it was snowing. Being me, I stopped the car to try to help the kitten. I cried when it ran into the desert.
I feel the same way when these bubble dwellers pretend everything is all sweetness and light. I was there. It isn’t.
THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD. DM’s management style means that many more books are coming. THANKS RON!!! Not Hubbard, you $cilons, Miscavige. Whoops, did I just thank someone named “Miscavige”? That feels REALLY weird. We live in interesting times…..
I call it ‘exciting times’ as it’s all imploding for the cult. Apparently the cult is down to between 10,000 and 20,000 members left. And, of course, that number is becoming very fluid day by day…
The pen created the massively expanding PR campaign, history’s best,
The Bridge,
Mankind’s greatest organizational volumes,
past-life recollections, and
All from the imagination of one man.
What is it all worth?
(liquid cash becoming fluid in a slotted spoon)
Great plug, RB! I’ve got 20/20 recording and can’t wait to read Ron’s book! I was surprised to see that Ron is remarkably fit and as handsome as he was 30 years ago when I knew him! Here’s to a roaring success, Ron!??โฃ
Yeah, I was pleased to see Ron, Sr.’s looking good too. And he still sounds exactly the same. I’m happy he’s out, and at least he’s got one son (Ronnie) and his granddaughter Jenna. His book arrives on my doorstep this Tuesday… I better plan to take Wednesday morning off!
You want a slap upside yo head, Tommy j? Well, you don’t get that with reading RB (with all due respect RB). Jess tell me where you at and I’ll deliver said ‘slap.’ Now yo ears may be ringing for quite awhile, but, it’ll eventually go away. And Tommy j? You’ll be a better man for it. Glad I can be of service to you!
“Honey” failed to learn the lesson that ACT-UP taught everyone in the Eighties during the initial phases of the AIDS scourge: Silence Equals Death. We need to keep talking and keep pressing home the facts about the cult: They are, in the words of Jefferson Airplane, “obscene lawless hideous dangerous dirty violent” (and I apologize to the Airplane’s surviving members for removing that phrase from context). OSA has failed to silence us. We need to keep doing what we’re doing.
Tonight’s the night. One full hour of bloodshed and mayhem, aimed directly at the Dyspeptic Midget. This is a dream come true. And if you haven’t pre-ordered Ruthless yet, go and do so. I would love to see that book at the top of the NYT Best Sellers list.
What a nice drive down Fort Harrison Ave. And what an apt description of what scientology watching can feel like sometimes. And a nice reminder to NOT go gentle into that good night.
I read the Regraded Being series because people have often asked me “How would you know the Church of Scientology is like that for certain?”. I would know. Because people in many different churches, missions and management groups told me many things about myself I could not verify. It took me 3 whole years to realize for the first time evern I was being lied to. Like anybody might be subjected to. Which is why I am glad that it happened. I learned something from it forever. And it happens exactly the way it is written in the Regraded Being. ๐
Excellent timing RB.
yes,listening or reading anything about Scientology
is like a steady diet of small animal abuse,child molesters,
and sensational sick torture stories.
Mike – do you have any comments to make about Marty and Monique Rathbun’s strange behavior?
We wish them the very best and hope they have peace and serenity.
Marty Rathbun delivered some very effective blows to the Church of Scientology for many years and we are very grateful for his work.
I even got another person out by having them start at the beginning of Marty’s blog and read the entire thing.
So even during his silence – Marty is helping expose the con of Scientology!
If you talk to Marty or Monique Rathbun – please offer our appreciation for the awesome work they did to Suppressing Scientology and best wishes for a long, loving and peaceful life!
Hi Wognited and Out,Thank you for your sensitive post.I wanted to add back in the Dark Ages when I was flying under, over and thru the radar,one of the very first names I came across were Marty & Monique’s names.I did remember Marty’s name from Sea Org,but had never met him.However that recall of him I thought no maybe @ a Flag Event in LA? He was amoung the participants but this was years ago.
Anyway,those two were the Sparks that flamed into a roaring fire when I found Mike’s Blog.I could finally tell all and then some.And all our stories fit no matter if we have been out 45 years or 45 seconds. What happened to us all fits together.
So to Marty & Monique, I will think of you both fondly and I appreciate you and thank you deeply for all you have done in this battle for the Truth.Always,Ann B.
RB as true as usual. And Ron Miscavige’s book one more nail in the coffin and a mighty one. Thank you Mike for publishing all these wonderful stories that capture the reality of life inside Scientology with such accuracy and finesse.
Great post RG, I agree I would like to shake Ron’s hand too and thank him for his courage and caring of others. If the COB ever had a chance for a “come to Jesus moment “this is it ! There will never be another.
I’m pretty certain there’s gonna be a whole lotta people who no longer will be just sitting by listening and watching other people do what they themselves should of done long ago!
As Leah said, we can’t allow ourselves and others to be bullied any longer!
Hey Dave, how is it a ecclesiastical leader such as your self proclaimed self says your too busy running a world wide church to be bothered for interviews and public exposure yet your own leagl advisors openly state they hired PI’s, paid them nicely with parishioners hard earned and then donated monies into the very accounts you rely on, to follow your own father and let said church legal advisors publicly announce you knew nothing about it!!
That’s like a Fire Chief stating he knew nothing about crew and equipment from his department he’s responsible for were in fact on scene and battled a fire that burned a local school or government building to the ground because they couldn’t figure out how to connect their hoses to any of the dozens of available fire hydrants!
Enjoy the scotch asshole, your gonna need plenty to numb out the huge wave of disappointing PR you’ve allowed to be generated about you by the shitstorm you coulda controlled with one square of toilet paper if you’d just admit to what you’ve done against humanity’
You are a bad bad man!
In the mean time, I’m enjoying life, with my friends, right here.
Where is Shelly, your wife and friend to me and many others concerned about her well being???
Yeah, Yingling was a total clusterfuck, but really, what could she do? Scientology is a clusterfuck.
BTW, I love that an organization purporting to be church sends, as it’s spokesman… a LAWYER! Bwaaaaa ha ha ha! And did you get a load of that vanity reel of people singing the praises of COB? I about puked up my popcorn and beer.
Yes, I wondered how many of those singing his praises had even actually met him, much less had spent any time with him, to know what he was really like?
That was a powerful post Jackson! It speaks loads when so many former members come out so strongly against the church – that’s why people are listening! Words from people who experienced it first hand. You were there, you know… glad you are speaking out. It’s time for no one to be afraid of the church anymore. Thanks, T.J.
thanks Jackson,
and T.J.
You guys certainly speak to me, thank you all.
Sure is good to be out, and to be letting the world know-
Scientology is nearly nothing like what it says it is…
it is certainly NOT a church…
For that matter,
and it has a very poor idea, perspective of what the rest of the world is, too.
It is a pretty good joke,
that they profess to be the source of Ultimate Knowledge,
and, as the only source of worthwhile knowledge on the workings of the mind?
That is just laughter, except for the abominations that actually goes on in there,
the further abominations that they do cause…
The Church of Scientology would be better described as some sort of horror-story,
some kind of human rat-trap, with a school-yard bully as the leader, acting with all the authority of a tyrannical dictator.
Of course DM is concerned about Shelly. Why, just a few years ago he sent her a sweater and gloves for the Holidays. If that doesn’t say ‘concerned,’ nothing does…
BINGO! What a perfect birthday gift for Capt. David Miscavige’s 56th birthday. Have a happy day tomorrow, Dave, opening your new white eleph—-er, media studio.
Mike, I’m not getting any new posts. It seems it’s stuck on the last RB.
Congrats Dave, you made it onto the Drudge Report:
I seriously doubt that if anyone else like you or me had left the Church of Scientology under circumstances similar to the ones that led Ron Miscavige to leave the church, that David Miscavige would give them $100,000.00 to buy a new house with in West Allis, Wisconsin. But he helped his father buy a new house at the same time it is reported the church is trying to “take him down. In spite of Ron Miscavige’s book “Ruthless” coming out about life in the Church of Scientology. To me that is the real treason to Mankind, and the reason the Church of Scientology AND many of its former members have he vast amount of enemies and lack of parishioner’s that they do. Some of those enemies in very high places. ๐
Hi Orwell, You posted me a lovely piece about light and I thank you.Your post was so strong my answer back and your original piece decided to dive- bomb Target 2!Here is what I had sent you.
It is so empowering when another spirit understands what I mean by sharing my light.I never ever let it shine like I can here.No matter what occurs down the road for all of us,Mike has provided a space for us all and I bless him each day for continuing on.He is a gift to us,as are you! Love your posts xo Ann.
I would have a comment for Mr. Miscavige, however it would not be polite to use profanity in this post. No way would I want his karma. I want to out live him (In my current body). I am curious to see what the post Miscavige church will look like.
When the attorney said that Ron was “Out to make money”, I thought…” Well heck, yeah!”. Duh!!! I truly hope Ron makes millions and millions of his book! He deserves to, if anybody does!!
A more trenchant interviewer would have asked: Ron Miscavige spent 30 years in the Sea Org. What retirement benefits did he come away with after all those years? How much was he paid?
HGC, do you really have the rank to ask those questions?
HGC 10- thanks!
This ABC interviewer got about as deep as a mosquito landing on an un-bursting bubble.
OSD’s reference to “rank” refers to the oft-repeated statement from David Miscavige’s henchman (forget that bozo’s name) speaking to Leah Remini, when, at Tom Cruises wedding asks quite innocently, “Where’s Shelly? The henchman replied:
“You don’t have the rank to ask that question.” The riff led to her book, TroubleMaker.
Shelly remains entirely out of the public view to this day, and somebody needs to get that girl a phone, preferably red.
That would be Tommy “The Weasel” Davis.
Exactly. I hope the media picks up your point.
Today I looked at some recent responses Marty made in the comment section from his blog, “Tony will Rue the Day—” He sounds angry and aggressive. I don’t understand why he sees all the people who have supported him and Mosey (and still wish them well) as enemies. Why does he (through his wife) have to throw their lawyers under the bus by criticizing their work? He sounds defensive and paranoid. Why is everyone connected with him so hush-hush?
I know the main focus is (and should be) on exposing the abuse of scientology. However, Marty’s behavior may make some people question the efficacy of their own support when such a public critic of the cult alienates those who have supported him through his difficult journey out of Scientology.
Mike, I respect you and the way you have graciously presented yourself as you have been exposing Miscavige’s abuses. Can you explain basically how you see the situation. It looks like PTSD from here. I think it is easier to have compassion about seemingly erratic behavior when we have a basic understanding of the dynamic. Thanks
Sorry, I dont have any inside information that sheds light on this. All I can tell you is what I observe with the same information you have, though perhaps my assessment of it is different than others. I see someone who is no longer interested in playing the game. He has a game he is interested in which is with his family. THe best way to get out of the game without being destroyed is to no longer be any threat to scientology. He is clearly not aligned with any “anti-scientologists” nor is he aligned with any “anti-scientology lawyers.” He doesnt comment in the media. He presents no threat to scientology, especially when thedre are so many other situations. So, it is a good time to walk away entirely and devote his life to his wife and boy. THat’s my conclusion.
Be well, Mr. Rathbun,
Glad you got out.
Thanks for having gotten the word out.
If there was ever a man who was under-compensated for his sacrifices and efforts to expose scientology for what it really is, it would have to be you, and Mike here, too.
You know, at a certain point, there is nothing left to say…
Dear Leader being the idiot box speaker that he is,
It is not like there is any hope of getting through to him…
why engage in that merry-go-round, wah, just because the Earth still turns?
You deserve your life back, just like the rest of us.
Very best to you and yours,
Thanks for all you have done to help this church get what it deserves,
towards ending the abuse,
– exposing the fraud,
and, by so doing, making the world a saner place, after all.
I think each one of us can look forward to the day,
where there is just no reason left,
to even mention the name of this forsaken church.
God would give us the privilege to make that choice,
that enough has been said.
And we each deserve our lives, to serve first the ones we love,
as a basic human and civil right.
I’m glad all this didn’t happen without the player named Marty, in character,
playing his part, such as it was. Take care of the lady, tough guy.
And, thanks.
Good assessment..
Omega (+1) yes, and add my word to Mr. Geezly,
– just because right is right.
Thank you for your insight!
I wish I had insight, Ann. I only have outsight. Maybe I’m not flat on OT3…
My comment is on the 20/20 interview with Ron Miscavige. I thought it sucked.Did the Church pay off 20/20?
There were no hard hitting questions. There were no revelations. There was no inside information.
Why wasn”t Ron asked about Shelley or Heber or Diana Hubbard ,Roanne or Lisa Marie.Why wasn’t Ron asked about the executives at Gold Base? Or lack there of.About the Hole?
Did Ron ever get any auditing or training? Does Dave receive auditing or training?What is Dave’s daily life like?Where did Dave get the $100k to give to Ron for his house?What other executives have been paid off?I guess I expected more from someone who Dave felt it necessary to pay a PI $10k a week to keep tabs on.I hope his book gives more insight into the evil that is Dave Miscavige.
One more thing… what’s up with Norman Starkey?Hard to believe that guy would cow tow to Dave and lie like that?Gross!!!!
He has always been the biggest brown-noser of all to Miscavige. Way back since he was a Missionaire posted under MIscavige who was the “Action Chief CMO International.”
First, thank you for your insightful information everyday. I guess I expected Ron Miscavige to expose more of the DM abuses, and the corruption behind the false post of “leader” of the church.
Rons certainly not of your intellect and caliber and appeared mostly concerned about his own suffering.
Mike, didn’t Norman get stinkln’ drunk at the Cruise wedding? And wasn’t he getting a little frisky with some of the guests there? He probably just wanted to have a good time…
My initial reaction was similar; disappointment. But then I got to thinking about it; ABC allowed the CoS to put the noose around it’s neck with Monique Yingling’s performance. The Church of Scientology = David Miscavige/Monique Yingling showed themselves to be the cowardly liars that they are, and Monique will do and say anything for money. They played right into the liar, shady lawyer stereotype. Personally, I think ABC set a trap and Dave and Monique walked right into it.
Thanks, Hennessy. I feel (a little) better.
and I think you’re right, about the act Yingling put up…
YOu should be asking these questions of ABC not of Ron. HOw do you know he was not asked about these things?
The fact remains: David Miscavige remains in hiding.
Hides his wife, tries to sweep Jenna under the carpet, too.
“PR” has always been his chief concern. It does not take much effort, connecting the dots here,
and one can see how the policy of disconnection came to be, and then how disconnection leads to how David Miscavige behaves today.
His own son gets on TV, and may we acknowledge the courage it takes to do that?
This “church” is so famous for attacking critics on ANY level.
These are brutal attacks, disconnection only one of many tactics…
And where is Dave? Does he want to stand up for his church?
How does he want to address the people that he is so interested in “helping”, when they get this story from Ron Miscavige, the father of the leader, his very own self?
He sends in a lawyer, to speak for him, in his stead.
Right again, Surfer Dude. The man is a coward. And facts speak for themselves.
And while I’m on it, I think it is obvious how any why Tom Cruise does not talk about his church or his relationship with its leader, as well. Tom gets what Tom needs and wants, and he does not want to talk to you, no matter who you are, unless of course your name is David Miscavige.
Corn on the COB has proven that he is a coward. He has zero confront. And he hides from everyone. Except when he’s wanking on a ribbon…
On a busy night, with 20/20 on one of nine large screens, only six (of the security personnel) were watching the Nightline expose.
Good to see that you made Monique ‘walk the plank’. That leaves you as the next in line.
Peter Schless: “Ron was an embarrassment to me.” Peter, you’re an embarrassment to yourself.
+1! Peter, just go away. You’re a mouth piece for the dwarf you serve.
It has become entertainment. Everything is known. Nobody cares except if it is “interesting” like on this 20/20 show, which to me was snooze fest. Unless David killed somebody no one really cares anymore. Even then it would just be entertainment. I think the the general public perception of Miscavige, if the person knows, or cares about who he is, is that he’s an asshole. It’s like Joel Osteen. You can look at him and know he’s a lying “cult leader”, but negative publicity isn’t going to do anything about it. As long as the members keep buying his smile everything keeps rolling along.
So I guess, despite all the “entertainment” I believe Miscavige and the Church will just go along business as usual. Membership may gradually decline, but it could get to half what it is now and what would they do? They would put more pressure on existing members and whales to donate more and hunker down.
The more “public” that sees the truth, the fewer there are for recruitment. Some of us also after learning the truth, continue reading and learning and sharing. We join the fight against disconnection, we add our voices, we educate friends and our children, we share our books. Before I “happened” on Jefferson Hawkins book, Scientology was just that goofy TC cult but after that book, I read everything and began to care. I’m not alone. Every voice is important, every bit of televised info to the uninformed is important.
Ron writing his book is good though. It’s brave and he’s doing the right thing despite personal danger. That’s respectable and he comes across a genuine and likable, so that’s good. I’m just not into the “Scientology watching” as Ortega puts it. You’ve got this opposition terminal known as Scientology in one corner and the “Scientology watchers” in the other, drinking a cup of coffee and watching on the laptop. 20/20 creates content to generate advertising revenue and uses Ron as an “interesting” news item. It’s all kind of crazy. I am just waiting for some resolution to all this and I feel like some of the power players involved don’t want that for various reasons, so it may not ever happen. I guess it’s time to let go.
I love how in the backdrop of each cartoon panel FLB is growing more distantly, as if to subtilty hint the couple is leaving the church at that very moment. :p
I noticed that. It was a nice touch.
I can tell it’s from Google Maps street view. Anybody want to guess how I know?
How much of a coward is the dwarf when he can’t even appear on ABC and sends his lawyer instead. Your a sniveling, little bitch who SCOHB.
Took the words right out of my mouth OSD.
He’s given one interview that i know of, with Ted Kopple on Nightline. He’s a little bitch who hides from anyone who wants to interview him. I wonder why…
I guess the moral of the story is that the world will only become a better place when good men do something.
Confronting and shining a light on evil operations like captain david miscavige’s so-called church is doing something.
While there may be cults that are more dangerous than this, it doesn’t negate the fact that many people have NOT been harmed due to the courage of those who speak out about the abuses of david miscavige and his $cientology operation.
20/20 was fair and balanced.
Very good show.
My only wish was that 20/20 would have read the letter from Johnsons to Monique Yingling.
Monique Yingling:
“He has nothing to forgive his son for, his son has done nothing to him but care for him.”
“This book represents the malicious fabrications of a disaffected former member of the Church who has had no meaningful relationship with our client since our client left home at age sixteen to pursue his life in the Church.”
Hmmm…David Miscavige did a very poor job of coordinating his attorneys’ lies.
Which is it Dave?
C’mon Valerie! That’s just way too much pressure in coordinating his attorney lies.
Watching 20/20. I’m so ashamed and embarrassed to say I use to be a Scientologist.
P.S. Monique Yingling looks BEET TO SHIT.
I’m proud in a sly way. Fault me if ya wanna… But I’m sure proud of the persons we thought we were,
going in.
It was a scary thing, and we all thought we were doing the bravest thing, the most noble thing,
because it was the only right choice to make. Ride goes right off a cliff, pretty much for starters, and keeps you in that freefall. We, on the other hand, did not worry about ceasing to exist.
Turns out that was a mistake.
Perception denied, through the non-use of other viewpoints, truth be known. God, you had to love the way Hubbard could talk. Truly, mesmerizing. Then, when I did get to finally listen to those tapes, I kept waiting for the big revelation, point of enlightenment to come out the lecture, but, no. I did notice. It never happened, again and again. I did silently gripe, for listening to it was like a fascinating story that wasn’t getting anywhere, back to work, kid.
But alas the man had no heart.
I don’t mean to argue the point, but his interests were all his own, always to make himself appear greater than he was, an impressive undertaking perhaps, but, I do put it at the other end of new-age messiah, as far as scales go. Snooker-head? That doesn’t cut it but, too bad again, I just refuse (to employ the language, regardless of sanctions that be), and let’s just go back to the beginning of this deal once more, can we? I gotta say
this was not in that contract. I was going in to claim my dignity, not sacrifice it. Did that contract make promises? Because it seems to me that it did. I honestly do not remember, but I figure contract facts mean squat. Like anything, you get what you put it, and I put in a lot, for an education if you will. Now, identify me.
The practice did give me perspectives in the end, too. To this day I identify myself as a spiritual being and that sort of thinking started there, holds, and they were a big help for a nearly destroyed boy, a self-manifesting young man. They got me through running away from my crazy mother. I was only lucky, thinker, extremely fortunate, to get out after just barely a few years in. But that was long ago. Look how little the place has changed, and how fun the days of latter years are filled with so much joy, every minute really, there is some particle of joy, pretty happy to be here, and a bonus to watch this, this The End, and experience this presence of so many genuine friends, This is mark marco, btw, but i’m using a different name, just to get ya.
BlackBeetSoup+1, OK the Blackbeet soup simmering away got me! A beautiful post btw,xo Ann B.
Where does the line start? And, is there wine, too?
“Perception denied, through the non-use of other veiwpoints, truth be known. God,…”
And, sorry, its bring your own.
I had a hunch I’d be DENIED. Story of my life…
Personally, I could never refuse you, my very good Dude.
A. hey Watson: Your are the best and the sweetest and I better just pull the choke right there B4 this gets all repukefully mushy or surfer dude tries to squeeze between the squeeks again.You’re both just relentless, Ann.
Hi BlackBeet Soup(+1), Thank you kind Sir for pulling the choke first because I was going in the repukefully mushy direction toward your post from me and OSD is right off shore waiting to squeeze between the squeaks again! He is relentless,so am I and if I may say,you are more relentless and sweet and good as well.Better get my coffee and I will always read your posts! xo Ann B.
my coffee would be nothin but dead ‘n dirty beans without everything you are but especially the company of your kindness
She sure does. And Yingling was all He was all COBSCOHB could come up with. I guess He is taking this seriously, providing a spokeslawyer.
Ron, Sr. looks good. I’m really glad he’s out. I hope he gets to meet his grandkids and great-grandkids.
And by the way:
Leah Remini Fuck Yeah.
Yeah, Leah really is one bitchin’ gal She never holds back. See calls it as she see it. I wonder if the cult is making hundreds of Leah Remini voodoo dolls. The cult is going to see if sticking pins in the Leah dolls has any effect on her. Of course she’s way, waaaaaay to powerful for that mumbo jumbo. However, when she strolls into any org. with the wave of her hand, the Leah Voodoo Dolls eyes’ light up and they turn on their SO masters.
…so I was minding my own business when i thought i heard someone mentioning the name LEAH REMINI and that explains the mess, yes, I am drinking too much cream, what? LEAH REMINI’s name was actually mentioned. She appeared. Happens to be I love her for her mind, i know who you ask, just make the sound, the vibration ever so beautiful when your vocal chords speak the name, oh, who but to see dancing, oh yeah, Leah, LEAH REMINI. – – – love, at last. Did you catch that shot, great great great. Yes, love.
You mean Monique had a beet with her. Was that to chew on if she got nervous?
Sorry OSD I misspelled. I meant BEATTT TO SHIATTT!!! And I don’t mean physically, I mean spiritually.
i just love spiritual people,
-that kind of think all started in my cult when I was a kid
did you know you don’t have a soul, you are one. That’s what I believe.
What makes my life have any merit whatsoever? Just one thing:
having the freedom to choose what I believe.
Go fish.
Thanks 4 Good People, absolute minimum,
otherwise i’d likely choke: out in the rough I don’t usually have a way to work that segway in, properly. No man is an island, and I got love and spirit, the best of both universes, (that’s physical and spiritual) and because those are the cards i was dealt,
i just love, especially people, (+Ann) most especially good people.
Oh, no worries, GP! I don’t go anywhere without my personal beet…
Wow, RB. Stunning post. He couldn’t look because, โIt became like watching someone abuse an animal or a child and not being able to do anything about it.โ And so we get quiet and do nothing and let the abuse continue. I can see how that happens with the attitude your character and many outside have. So we need to keep talking, keep writing, keep buying and reading the books, keep writing the books. Even if it is only death by a thousand cuts, and it takes a long time to die, it will happen. Keep up the good work Mike, Regraded Being and all who comment here and kudos to Marty and Mosey’s attorneys. They are a class act and did a lot of good for our cause while they were representing them.
Cindy, your words are so true. Keep up the good fight. It is important and I agree with all you have written. Much love, T.J.
Any interest in exsplainin what is going on with Marty? Answer Hunger…if you know what I mean.
I hate ” no communication, ” especially on the subject of Scientology and ex Scientologist’s who stop communicating.
I was hoping once we all got out – we would not do that anymore.
I dunno, each man deserves his own life. I am retired, and grateful. He has made his statement, in my book.
And I appreciate what he has done, I don’t imagine that he is finished. How is that law suit with his wife, going? What a headache. Wait. I recall hearing the story that Marty Rathbun stars as Marty in MY SCIENTOLOGY STORY, coming out I forget. This is a feature film starring an actor as, wait for it,
David Miscavige.
How about that.
No, Mr MR is not exactly idle, I do presume.
I was quiet for 30-odd years, knowing something was wrong, but not knowing what to say about it or who to talk to….until one day, rambling around u-Tube… Meet Marty and Mike, fishing behind the house, just talkin trash, Marty entirely in the old lingo, Mike in plain English and the rest is history. Thanks guys.
Although it would be interesting to know what is happening in Marty and Mosey’s world, IMHO, they are entitled to whatever little bit of privacy they can beg, borrow or steal.
In a world where some people post their bathroom habits on Facebook, I have never taken a photo of a meal I am eating and shared it on Facebook. I have never once told the person I consider my bff my bowel habits either.
Scientology also ingrained in people that it was their duty to report on others’ actions and motivations.
Although I am not Marty or Mosey’s enemy and actually think highly of them, by the same token I have never even met them so would have no right to call either of them my friend.
As such, I do not feel I have a right to ask them why they made decisions they have chosen not to share with me. I would also never presume, if I was their friend, that I had the right to share what they told me.
If there comes a time when Marty is willing to state for himself what is going on, I will read what he has to say. Other than that, it’s honestly nomfb.
As a “never in” who does occasionally suffer from $cientology-fatigue, this is a salutary reminder not to give up fighting the good fight just because the mainstream media have finally woken up to the stench emerging from this trumpery “church”. Well put, RB!
Thank you, RB, for devoting this week’s strip to punching up the importance of tonite’s interview with Ron Sr and of his book which I have no doubt will contain plenty that hasn’t been said before about his son. I can’t wait to read it.
me wants, me wants.
Such hunger. I’m gonna get me some, I am gonna get me…
Excellent comic strip, making valid points.
Hi RB, The last panel to me revealed your ability to show two sides of a coin at once,I knew you were magical.How you ended the piece today was so true.We must not stay silent- I know some days I get down about it all and then I remember those that went before me.I then realize I owe them my story,no matter what.xo Ann B.
Ann B. Thank you always, for caring enough to share your stories. Much love to you & yours, T.J.
Hi T.J., Hubby Walter actually reads OSDs and your posts! For a never in pretty good!I am so so lucky to be here with all the good posters everywhere.Lord knows last week I was totally crazy sitting for days in the courthouse waiting for my panel of jurors to be called for a criminal murder trial.At the last second the dude pled guilty.This is my third jd in 4 years state in 12 federal in 13 state again in 16, Heavens I was going as nuts as when I was locked in the morgue.In fact I was ready to crave Scientology Sucks into the chair in front of me!Scions,Docs & Judges- can’t Wait for OSDs party.Love you & yours Always,Have a great weekend too.Ann B.
T.J. Always has great posts. I’m a big fan!
Wow, what a sweet thing to say, thanks so much. I’m surprised though, since I never have anything so memorable to say, lol. It is you, OSD, and Ann B. whose posts are worthwhile reading. Good souls, great sense of humor… love you both. Tuesday, I’m expecting my delivery of Ron Miscavige’s book from Amazon to arrive, are you guys getting the book too?
Yep! The Kindle e-book version. And…your posts ARE worthwhile!
I know Regraded Being has many fans but maybe consider a new format? Small novels worth of text were not meant for comic speech bubbles. I find myself skipping the comic most weeks because the format gives me a migraine. I know RB didn’t intend to have a weekly serial when he started out but now that it has become one, maybe consider changing the format to better suit the text heavy content? Maybe more strip windows to break up the text or use blocks for text rather than trying to squeeze into speech bubbles? Just a thought because the content deserves a suitable format.
After all the help his son extended Ron, Sr., putting him up for free at the Int Base Resort, ignoring the old man’s constant demand for attention, while COB was unbelievably busy trying to purify and standardize the only tech that will free mankind, even giving him his own band to lead, and this is the thanks he gets! Well, we are speaking out against this reverse elder abuse!
Concerned Citizens in support of David Miscavige
Is there a Go Fund Me account or another way we can send Davey a contribution so that he can take a vacation to de -stress from all of this? There ‘s a small island in the middle of San Francisco Bay that he might like to spend some time visiting for a long stretch. I hear it’s very relaxing. A guy who enjoyed raising birds lived there for a while as well as a real nice guy named Alphonse. (Last name rhymed with “phone “)
Thanks RB.
Your strip adds to the joy we are all are all experiencing about the upcoming release and 20/20.These are exiting times to be alive.
Your weekly work brings the reconnection of thousands of families and friends closer.
Spot on RB.
Scientology, where criminality meets boredom and desperation itself has tendency to go to sleep. Can’t wait for karma to do her thing with Miscavige and his ilk and maybe then everyone will wake up and see the elephant in the room.
Oh I hope COB gets thrown out to live on the street (somewhere nice and warm in winter, like Detroit) after jail time.
I also like the new backgrounds…kinda yellow submarine looking…
As in, we all live in a…?
As a close friend of Ron’s for many years, I have had a ringside seat recently as the church (Davey) got increasingly frantic in the attempt to discredit Ron and portray COB as a wonderful fellow. Monique Yingling calls DM one of the kindest and most compassionate people she has met. Now that is truly provable bullshit of the highest order.
Hi Dave R, Nice to meet you.I second your post.The “charming” Monique was after my time thank god,but calling dm the kindest most compassionate person she has ever met is completely looney tunes! Always,Ann.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Whew! Now that’s some funny shit! “…one of the kindest and most compassionate people she has ever met.” Still laughing. Huh? Seriously? She was serious? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Who else does she know? Kim Jong Un? Vladimir Putin? I’ll bet she represented Jim Jones too.
I was lost in oblivion and Scientology rescued me.
And yet they still deny you were a Scientologist, Charlie.
Old Dude, it just makes me happy knowing you wouldn’t miss a point like that.
It’s what I do…
Regraded Being is always worth reading. I’ve always enjoyed the style of the strip, the appealing characters and details such as the interesting backgrounds, like today’s real city scenes. I’m wondering, what is the church in the background, and is it in Florida or Los Angeles?
That would be Flag – in Florida; “the friendliest place on earth.” ??
Scn911 Thank you, I was wondering where that was! Funny huh, Friendliest place on earth, lol.
it’s Clearwater Florida.
T.J. it is the Epic Class XII Fort Harrison at Clearwater, FL
Thank you all, Kuato Lives, Jose Chung, and ed kette – it’s really nice knowing what I’m looking at, thanks for recognizing the ‘Epic Class XII Fort Harrison’ in Clearwater Florida. Pretty cool how Regarded Being incorporated it into the background, eh?
This is brilliant. And the background is Clearwater, Florida. That’s the Fort Harrison on the left and the Superpower building on the right in slides 2 and 3. In 2, they are passing under the walkway that goes between the two buildings.
Happy viewing tonight, everyone.
aqua clara, very cool, thanks much! It looks like the church pretty much owns Clearwater Florida, doesn’t it? I love how Regarded Being worked the background into the comic strip. Thanks again for the reply! – T.J.
Flag Land base! They are driving south on Cleveland – in the first panel you can see the bridge between the FH (Fort Harrison) and the Super Duper Power building that goes over Cleveland.
Mimsey, thanks for letting me know. ๐ I appreciate the response, I was so curious where they were. lol, funny: ‘Super-Duper power building’.
The Fort Harrison and Flag Building in Clearwater.
That’s Flag, in Clearwater, heading north.
They are driving south on Ft. Harrison Ave. (Blvd? whatever). That’s the bridge that crosses from the Ft. H to the new Flag Building in the 1st photo, and then the two bldgs then two shots of the Flag Building in the final frames.
Gracias! Much thanks for pointing out the location, civmar(pkatz) also Nobly, and Rick Mycroft. I really appreciate you all answering, my curiosity has been satisfied. I’m a Regraded Being fan, and I love reading you guys comments. – T.J.
That looks like the Fort Harrison, which is in Clearwater, Florida.
Thank you Eagle eye! – T.J.
Yep. looks like the Fort Harrison in Waterclear Florida…..Damn! My dyslexia is overwhelming me again. I wish Tom Cruise would tell me how he cured his iaxlesyd.
It looks like the Fort Harrison, going by memories of pictures. But I’ve never actually seen it, never been to Clearwater on my trips to Florida. I usually ended up in places like the Doral.
Thanks much! I appreciate the reply ๐
Pretty sure its Flag, which is in Florida as you likely know. And seeing it kind of makes me miss home in a weird sort of way.
Thanks Franklin Adams! I’m thinking you probably wouldn’t really enjoy being back there… aren’t we always a bit nostalgic for places we’ve lived, but in reality we wouldn’t want to go back. *hugs* – T.J.
Hi Franklin Adams, Good to meet you.I saw Fort Harrison in a dream last night.Unfortunately I had to stay there and it soon turned into a nightmare!Glad to wake up.Always,Ann.
The Cross seen in the background installation was sold
numerous times to different public for the elite honor of having
it installed. So one public paid, the rest David Miscavige pocketed the money.
20/20 should a one hour show on that and another on the million dollar paint jobs
on the SP building which was done several times on the COBs orders.
“Just look away and keep quiet” is exactly what DM wants every clam to do. David Miscavage’s Depends are going to be very full around 10:59 tonight (USA Eastern Standard Time). Ever since the 2008 4chan ‘raids’ on the mOrgs, the floodgates of info on $cientology have really opened. I like that.
Good morning Regraded Being! You don’t even have to be a Sci-bot to understand today’s strip. Spot on and an excellent commentary on both tonight’s 20/20 show & Ron Sr.’s new book. Can’t wait. A great way to start not only Friday but the whole damn week-end.
The problem with flat screen television sets is that you can’t put a penguin on top of it.
And for once COB is now Under Pressure.
“Well, it’s just after eight o’clock, and time for the penguin on top of your television set to explode.”
So good. The background is pure middle finger, too. The Church is suffering Death by 1000 Cuts.
And all these cuts are bleeding profusely…
This one made me cry.
“It became like watching someone abuse an animal or a child and not being able to do anything about it.”
Last night there was a kitten digging in the garbage right by the outskirts of town while it was snowing. Being me, I stopped the car to try to help the kitten. I cried when it ran into the desert.
I feel the same way when these bubble dwellers pretend everything is all sweetness and light. I was there. It isn’t.
+ 1.
(Although I am a lot more sad about the kitten than the bubble dwellers who could work it out for themselves.)
Second week in a row RB wont show up on my iPad. Hmmmm.
You’ve been singled out for harassment by the cult….
My iPad has Regraded Being.
Well, crap. They got me.
I’ll try to spring you! I’ve got a couple of sticks of dynamite…
Nice one RB! Pretty much gets us all into (wait for it) ……………..present time!
“….present time.” Is that another name for Christmas?
THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD. DM’s management style means that many more books are coming. THANKS RON!!! Not Hubbard, you $cilons, Miscavige. Whoops, did I just thank someone named “Miscavige”? That feels REALLY weird. We live in interesting times…..
I call it ‘exciting times’ as it’s all imploding for the cult. Apparently the cult is down to between 10,000 and 20,000 members left. And, of course, that number is becoming very fluid day by day…
The pen created the massively expanding PR campaign, history’s best,
The Bridge,
Mankind’s greatest organizational volumes,
past-life recollections, and
All from the imagination of one man.
What is it all worth?
(liquid cash becoming fluid in a slotted spoon)
I thought for sure that the disconnection billboard was going to show up in the background. Maybe next time.
Yep, that would have been a nice touch…
Great plug, RB! I’ve got 20/20 recording and can’t wait to read Ron’s book! I was surprised to see that Ron is remarkably fit and as handsome as he was 30 years ago when I knew him! Here’s to a roaring success, Ron!??โฃ
Yeah, I was pleased to see Ron, Sr.’s looking good too. And he still sounds exactly the same. I’m happy he’s out, and at least he’s got one son (Ronnie) and his granddaughter Jenna. His book arrives on my doorstep this Tuesday… I better plan to take Wednesday morning off!
OBTW: Leah Remini Fuck Yeah.
Wow thanks for that slap upside my head this morning RB…and I mean that in the best of ways.
I like your comment Tommy. RB is spot on as usual , it is no time to become blase and bored with the whole thing even if we would like to.
You want a slap upside yo head, Tommy j? Well, you don’t get that with reading RB (with all due respect RB). Jess tell me where you at and I’ll deliver said ‘slap.’ Now yo ears may be ringing for quite awhile, but, it’ll eventually go away. And Tommy j? You’ll be a better man for it. Glad I can be of service to you!
“Honey” failed to learn the lesson that ACT-UP taught everyone in the Eighties during the initial phases of the AIDS scourge: Silence Equals Death. We need to keep talking and keep pressing home the facts about the cult: They are, in the words of Jefferson Airplane, “obscene lawless hideous dangerous dirty violent” (and I apologize to the Airplane’s surviving members for removing that phrase from context). OSA has failed to silence us. We need to keep doing what we’re doing.
Tonight’s the night. One full hour of bloodshed and mayhem, aimed directly at the Dyspeptic Midget. This is a dream come true. And if you haven’t pre-ordered Ruthless yet, go and do so. I would love to see that book at the top of the NYT Best Sellers list.
Even the Jefferson Airplane had more morals and ethics than the Church of Scientology. ๐
What a nice drive down Fort Harrison Ave. And what an apt description of what scientology watching can feel like sometimes. And a nice reminder to NOT go gentle into that good night.
I read the Regraded Being series because people have often asked me “How would you know the Church of Scientology is like that for certain?”. I would know. Because people in many different churches, missions and management groups told me many things about myself I could not verify. It took me 3 whole years to realize for the first time evern I was being lied to. Like anybody might be subjected to. Which is why I am glad that it happened. I learned something from it forever. And it happens exactly the way it is written in the Regraded Being. ๐
Excellent timing RB.
yes,listening or reading anything about Scientology
is like a steady diet of small animal abuse,child molesters,
and sensational sick torture stories.
Another fine one Regraded Being!
Mike – do you have any comments to make about Marty and Monique Rathbun’s strange behavior?
We wish them the very best and hope they have peace and serenity.
Marty Rathbun delivered some very effective blows to the Church of Scientology for many years and we are very grateful for his work.
I even got another person out by having them start at the beginning of Marty’s blog and read the entire thing.
So even during his silence – Marty is helping expose the con of Scientology!
If you talk to Marty or Monique Rathbun – please offer our appreciation for the awesome work they did to Suppressing Scientology and best wishes for a long, loving and peaceful life!
Hi Wognited and Out,Thank you for your sensitive post.I wanted to add back in the Dark Ages when I was flying under, over and thru the radar,one of the very first names I came across were Marty & Monique’s names.I did remember Marty’s name from Sea Org,but had never met him.However that recall of him I thought no maybe @ a Flag Event in LA? He was amoung the participants but this was years ago.
Anyway,those two were the Sparks that flamed into a roaring fire when I found Mike’s Blog.I could finally tell all and then some.And all our stories fit no matter if we have been out 45 years or 45 seconds. What happened to us all fits together.
So to Marty & Monique, I will think of you both fondly and I appreciate you and thank you deeply for all you have done in this battle for the Truth.Always,Ann B.
Got the book on order and the DVR set. And I would love to be a fly on the wall in COB-ville.
RB as true as usual. And Ron Miscavige’s book one more nail in the coffin and a mighty one. Thank you Mike for publishing all these wonderful stories that capture the reality of life inside Scientology with such accuracy and finesse.
Nice one. There’s so much material for Regraded Being to work on!
I guess next week we’ll see David Miscavige going ballistic about the book, LOL! ๐
From what I’ve heard, his head has already exploded. You can’t believe the mess it made….
Great post RG, I agree I would like to shake Ron’s hand too and thank him for his courage and caring of others. If the COB ever had a chance for a “come to Jesus moment “this is it ! There will never be another.
Buckle up everybody
For safety or just because you’re wildly excited?
Heya Mike,
I’m pretty certain there’s gonna be a whole lotta people who no longer will be just sitting by listening and watching other people do what they themselves should of done long ago!
As Leah said, we can’t allow ourselves and others to be bullied any longer!
Hey Dave, how is it a ecclesiastical leader such as your self proclaimed self says your too busy running a world wide church to be bothered for interviews and public exposure yet your own leagl advisors openly state they hired PI’s, paid them nicely with parishioners hard earned and then donated monies into the very accounts you rely on, to follow your own father and let said church legal advisors publicly announce you knew nothing about it!!
That’s like a Fire Chief stating he knew nothing about crew and equipment from his department he’s responsible for were in fact on scene and battled a fire that burned a local school or government building to the ground because they couldn’t figure out how to connect their hoses to any of the dozens of available fire hydrants!
Enjoy the scotch asshole, your gonna need plenty to numb out the huge wave of disappointing PR you’ve allowed to be generated about you by the shitstorm you coulda controlled with one square of toilet paper if you’d just admit to what you’ve done against humanity’
You are a bad bad man!
In the mean time, I’m enjoying life, with my friends, right here.
Where is Shelly, your wife and friend to me and many others concerned about her well being???
– Jackson
Yeah, Yingling was a total clusterfuck, but really, what could she do? Scientology is a clusterfuck.
BTW, I love that an organization purporting to be church sends, as it’s spokesman… a LAWYER! Bwaaaaa ha ha ha! And did you get a load of that vanity reel of people singing the praises of COB? I about puked up my popcorn and beer.
Yes, I wondered how many of those singing his praises had even actually met him, much less had spent any time with him, to know what he was really like?
That was a powerful post Jackson! It speaks loads when so many former members come out so strongly against the church – that’s why people are listening! Words from people who experienced it first hand. You were there, you know… glad you are speaking out. It’s time for no one to be afraid of the church anymore. Thanks, T.J.
thanks Jackson,
and T.J.
You guys certainly speak to me, thank you all.
Sure is good to be out, and to be letting the world know-
Scientology is nearly nothing like what it says it is…
it is certainly NOT a church…
For that matter,
and it has a very poor idea, perspective of what the rest of the world is, too.
It is a pretty good joke,
that they profess to be the source of Ultimate Knowledge,
and, as the only source of worthwhile knowledge on the workings of the mind?
That is just laughter, except for the abominations that actually goes on in there,
the further abominations that they do cause…
The Church of Scientology would be better described as some sort of horror-story,
some kind of human rat-trap, with a school-yard bully as the leader, acting with all the authority of a tyrannical dictator.
Of course DM is concerned about Shelly. Why, just a few years ago he sent her a sweater and gloves for the Holidays. If that doesn’t say ‘concerned,’ nothing does…
BINGO! What a perfect birthday gift for Capt. David Miscavige’s 56th birthday. Have a happy day tomorrow, Dave, opening your new white eleph—-er, media studio.